Ефектні стильні шорти - бермуди «Joi» для хлопчика.
Стильна і зручна трикотажна модель гладко - чорного кольору з обробкою яскравими, неоновими смужками і шнурком. Шорти прямі, середньої довжини, зі зручною посадкою, еластичним широким поясом на гумці. Пояс посилений додатково вставленою, широкою гумкою і функціонуючим шнурком. Спереду дві вертикальні прорізні кишені на блискавці. Прикрашені акуратним прогумованим принтованим фірмовим логотипом «Joі». Трикотаж високої якості з основою з натуральної бавовни, дуже приємний на дотик. Завдяки відмінно підібраному складу, шорти будуть довго зберігати свою первісну форму і відмінний зовнішній вигляд.
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Мужские спортивные шорты цвета хаки | одежда для фитнеса с АлиЭкспресс
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In this video you'll learn how to validate API requests using the Joi validator library!
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Berserk Sport: як український виробник спортивного одягу підкорив ринок ЄС?
#JWT #jsonwebtoken #api #authentication #dotenv #@hapi/joi #joi
In this video we will see how to #validate the incoming #request #body using a #validation #schema by #joi (@hapi/joi) before #registering our user inside our #mongodb #database.
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Joi est une des librairies les plus utilisées pour tout ce qui est data validation (= vérifier les données reçues, venant par exemple d'un formulaire), découvrons-la aujourd'hui.
✅ Cours GRATUIT pour être plus confiant en développant du JS
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00:00 - Qu'est-ce que Joi ?
01:03 - Explication depuis la documentation
04:09 - Utilisation réelle avec propriétés dépendantes
10:31 - Conclusion
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#joi #validation #javascript
In this video, I'll show you how to create a conditional validation schema with Joi for NodeJS. Very useful for validating requests coming into your API! Conditional validation allows you to change the validation rules for one property, based on the value of another. Really cool!
Joi is a really great library for validating objects in JavaScript, I use it in every Node project - go check it out!
Joi Github:
Joi documentation:
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Conditional Validation with Joi and NodeJS | JavaScript Quick Tip
Here is a simple way to JOI-fully protect your API from bad data! (Or ensure some good data)
Command(s) used:
npm install joi (It comes with it's own type definitions)
Joi Docs:
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Music by Tesko / prod. THXMOS:
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The knowledge that I share here is mostly from my personal experiences. I wouldn't say I'm a 20 year professional, rather I am just a DevOps / Software Engineer with a lot of experience who enjoys teaching what I know in my spare time. I believe that sharing some of my basic knowledge on this platform can help others get started. There are many ways to program something and the videos you see here are my take on the NodeJS / Typescript / and sometimes Unity world. If this channel helps you learn, or helps you think differently then my job is done 😊.
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Тканина: трикотаж двонитка
Розмір: 50-52, 54-56, 58-60
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Виробництво: Україна 🇺🇦
Параметри моделей на фото
Вікторія (брюнетка) 105/74/106, зріст 170 см, на моделі представлений розмір 50/52
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Фут. О/г 118, о/б 118, длина 72 см, рукав 23 см
Кофт. О/г 132, о/б 132, рукав от горловины 74, длина 78,
Штаны о/т 80/ 124, о/б 124, длина 99 см
Фут. О/г 124,о/б 124, рукав 24, длина 74 см
Кофт. О/г 144,о/б 144, рукав от горловины 80, длина 84,
Штаны о/т 90/ 144, о/б 144, длина 100 см
Фут. О/г. 130, о/б 130, рукав 25, длина 75,
Кофт. О/г 156, о/б 156, рукав от горловины 80, длина 84,
Штаны о/т 100/ 154,о/б 154, длина 100 см Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Express API Validation with Joi | For Absolute Beginners
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Joi Validation
1) check number, string ,any
2) unknown(false) : not allow any other key :- false
3) show all error list
4) optional field
5) option valid
6) min or max
7) use when
8) object
9) array
10) regex
11) ref
12) email validation
13) xor
14) custom
Node JS Playlist in Hindi :-
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*Gunakan Earphone / Headphone for Recommendation
Hallo semuanya, selamat datang di Channel Ngoding Mastery, pada video Tutorial kali ini kita akan membuat RESTFUL API dengan Menggunakan Node Js, Express Js, MongoDB (Mongoose), Dotenv, Joi (Validation), CORS, nodemon, untuk membuat sebuah Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) pada Project Video Kali ini.
- chapter -
00:00 - Intro
00:15 - Overview Project yang akan dibuat
02:11 - Persiapan sebelum membuat API
06:23 - Hal Pertama yang dilakuka ketika membuat API
06:50 - inisialisasi npm
09:05 - install package express mongoose dotenv joi cors nodemon
12:08 - Membuat server / domain
15:50 - Membuat sebuah Router / Endpoint
19:03 - Testing Endpoint dengan Postman
20:22 - Mengkoneksikan Project dengan Database MongoDB
24:18 - Membuat sebuah Schema Database
29:46 - Membuat sebuah Controller untuk mengolah Schema yang dibuat
30:29 - Membuat Fungsi Tambah Data / Create Data
35:19 - Fix error pada Fungsi Tambah Data
36:51 - Cek data dengan MongoDB Compass
39:07 - Memberikan Validation pada Fungsi Tambah Data / Create Data
52:27 - Membuat Fungsi Get All Data
56:10 - Membuat Fungsi Get Data By Id
1:01:56 - Membuat Fungsi Ubah Data / Update Data
1:02:26 - Macam - Macam HTTP Status Response Code
1:09:34 - Membuat Fungsi Hapus Data / Delete Data
1:14:04 - Merubah Message Get All Data ketika Data tidak ada / Kosong
1:15:42 - Memberikan Validation pada Fungsi Ubah Data / Update Data
1:18:30 - Mengubah dan Menghilangkan _id dan __v
1:20:56 - Penutupan
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Дядя Жорик принимает участие в стантрайдинге на своем ИЖ Планета Спорт
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Tutorial Membuat RESTFUL API (Node Js, Express Js, MongoDB, Joi Validation,....)
Эти кроссовки рассчитаны на бегунов, стремящихся к высоким результатам на дистанции ультратрейла. Максимальное сцепление на горных трассах и высокий уровень комфорта при сохранении гарантированной прочности конструкции.
Разработанная в Швейцарии инновационная ткань верха Schoeller Dynamic устойчива к истиранию, обладает влагоотталкивающими свойствами, воздухопроницаема и обеспечивает исключительный комфорт.
По периметру верха пущен защитный бампер в оригинальном исполнении.
Расположение шипов середины стопы и пятки дают эффективную тягу на различных видах поверхности и под разным углом ее наклона. Дополнительная устойчивость обеспечена рисунком выступа внешнего периметра передней части подметки. Таким образом, решается вопрос устойчивого и эффективного с точки зрения энергозатратности движения на ультратрассам.
Средняя подошва Supertrac Ultra RC разработана с учетом специфических потребностей бега на трассах ультратрейла.
Scott Supertrac Ultra RC – кроссовки для тех, кому не страшны препятствия!
• All Terrain Traction – вездеходные качества подметки с разнонаправленными шипами;
• Schoeller Dynamic – воздухопроницаемая, водоотталкивающая ткань особой прочности;
• Защитное усиление в области носка;
• Самочищающиеся шипы подметки;
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• Versatile – протектор с разнонаправленными шипами, устойчивое сцепление с различными поверхностями.
Все кроссовки Scott в каталоге:
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Judul: "Membuat basic REST API dengan express js (NodeJS) dan MySQL"
00:00:00 - Pembukaan Express MySQL Course
00:00:32 - Project Setup, Install express dan nodemon
00:03:06 - Membuat dan menjalankan server express
00:05:33 - Testing API dengan Postman
00:07:23 - Memahami dasar pembuatan routing di express
00:12:51 - Memahami HTTP Methods yang ada di REST API
00:16:44 - Menentukan Response untuk REST API
00:20:39 - Membuat Struktur Project yang baik di express
00:32:20 - Memahami konsep Middleware
00:40:06 - Membuat Dummy CRUD - Create
00:45:06 - Membuat Dummy CRUD - Read
00:46:46 - Membuat Dummy CRUD - Update
00:53:03 - Membuat Dummy CRUD - Delete
00:56:51 - Setup MySQL, membuat database baru dan table users
01:01:44 - Membuat koneksi dari express ke MySQL Database
01:07:10 - Refactor konfigurasi MySQL Connection
01:15:57 - Setup Environment Variable di express
01:22:24 - Menyimpan data ke MySQL dengan express
01:29:04 - Mengupdate data ke MySQL dengan express
01:35:44 - Menghapus data dari MySQL database
01:39:29 - Memahami HTTP Status Code pada REST API
01:47:42 - Optimalisasi Postman Workspace dan Collection
01:51:38 - Membuat Static File di express
01:55:57 - Mengupload File di express
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Membuat basic REST API dengan express js (NodeJS) dan MySQL
Validating data with joi
MERN stands for MongoDB, , React and
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This is the full Apex Legends Holo-Day Bash Music Pack mastered and arranged into a single theme song. Timestamps for each individual music part are shown below.
For this one, I left out the lobby music because it didn't really fit with the awesome-sauce of the rest of the music pack. The Holo-Day Bash is live NOW on Apex Legends! Apex Legends is a battle royale game available on PC, Playstation 4, and XBOX One.
Main Menu/Trailer: 0:00
Choose Your Legend: 1:05
Jumpmaster: 1:29
Drop Music: 2:15
Choose Your Legend (repeat): 2:55
Music was mixed and mastered in Adobe Audition. Audio visualizer was created in Adobe After Effects. Background was created in Adobe Photoshop using official artwork. Enjoy, and please leave a like, comment, and subscribe if you'd like to see other characters! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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In this video, we take a look at the express-validator npm package. This package allows you to validate incoming request payloads and it allows you to check whether the payload conform to the format that you are expecting.
We cover how to create request body validation middlewares and how properly organize your project with express-validator.
00:00 express-validator project setup with Typescript
03:10 creating a express server with validation middleware
04:52 understanding express-validator chains
06:52 trying out request-validator
09:25 exists validator chain with falsy checks
12:07 moving request body validation to its own middleware
15:36 moving express validator schema checks to a separate file
18:50 moving the routes to another
21:17 customizing error messages in express-validator
22:45 conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Joi Data Validation #7 | MERN Stack Tutorial With Auth
In the last video of this series, we added MongoDB and connected our product routes via Mongoose. Let's now also ensure that only the right data makes it into the database and let's also improve our Http responses.
Learn in our comprehensive 30h+ course:
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Apex Legends Holo-Day Bash Event Music Arrangement (Extended HQ)
How Do I Check VW Beetle Transmission Fluid Level and/or Top Off The VW Beetle ATF?
Once the VW Beetle automatic transmission fluid service is finished, the transmission fluid level need to be confirmed and possibly topped off. Checking the transmission level is done with diagnostic software and through a level insert tube a few inches long mounted into the fill plug / port. Diagnostic software allows you to accurately and simultaneously check the transmission fluid temperature and corresponding VW Beetle ATF level. When the transmission fluid is between a certain temperature a small amount of fluid will flow from the level insert fill port area.
More Information:
SHOP VW Beetle Transmission Fluid
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Pada pertemuan ini kita akan belajar membuat REST API menggunakan Node Js, Express Js dan MongoDB.
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Mongoose Validation | Creating a REST API with Node.js
Audemars Piguet Royal Oak vs Patek Philippe Nautilus, a question that begins by talking about the wave of quartz watches that hit the west in the 1970s, but it's in the aftermath that things really get interesting. With established watch brands crumbling left, right and centre, unable to compete with the prices of their eastern counterparts, the mechanical watch industry was forced to pivot, to realign its business objectives into something that would keep it alive. What followed was a move so bold and so risky it should never have worked. What resulted was the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak and the Patek Philippe Nautilus.
Featured watches:
Audemars Piguet Royal Oak
Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711/1A-010
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Shop now for Patek Philippe watches
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Watchfinder is the number one place to buy, sell and exchange premium pre-owned timepieces. Discover more exceptional watches at Watchfinder, the pre-owned watch specialist, is now available in France, Germany, Switzerland, USA and Hong Kong. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Check and Fill VW Beetle Transmission Fluid aka Beetle ATF Level Aisin 6 Speed 09G
Pada video ini Anda akan belajar bagaimana membuat Full-Stack aplikasi menggunakan Node JS, Express, React JS, dan MongoDB.
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Pertama, Anda akan belajar bagaimana setup project backend serta menginstall dependensi yang diperlukan.
Setelah itu, Anda akan belajar bagaimana membuat RESTful API Create-Read-Update-Delete menggunakan , express, dan mongodb.
Kemudian, Anda akan belajar bagaimana setup frontend menggunakan ReactJS, routing, styling dengan bulma CSS, dan masih banyak lagi...
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Audemars Piguet Royal Oak vs Patek Philippe Nautilus | Watchfinder & Co.
Building a CRUD App using Node, Express, Mongodb and Mongoose.
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Learn how to validate the request body of incoming HTTP requests and return proper errors if the request body is incomplete or does not meet our expectations. We will use the joi library to validate our incoming requests. This is episode 1 of our series in which we are setting up an example project.
00:00 Why do we need to validate request body validation
01:20 creating a Node project with npm
02:50 creating a simple express server with one endpoint
06:22 testing our server with Postman
08:03 how to validate a request body
08:50 defining the format of the request body with yup
12:00 creating a request body validation middleware
15:53 defining expected API errors
17:32 creating an error handling middleware
20:56 plugging our DTO validation middleware into our router
21:43 testing our request validation with Postman
23:45 yup caveats: applying default values to the request body Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Express User Form Validation with Fastest-Validator Library Full Project For Beginners
#nodevalidation #expressvalidator #validationinnodejs
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In this video I am going to show you how to validate REST API using
get the source code without validation
get source code with validation
@hapi/joi documentation link :
npm install @hapi/joi
joi lets you describe your data using a simple, intuitive, and readable language. Like the rest of the hapi ecosystem it fits in, joi allows you to describe your data for both input and output validation, as part of a hapi HTTP server or standalone. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Request body validation in Node with yup | validating JSON schema
Part of a complete series, including the usage of and much more!
This videos shows you to implement input validation in Node/Express applications and how to use sessions to store data.
Learn from scratch with my " - The Complete Guide" course:
Also learn all about MongoDB:
Available built-in validators: #validators
Possible session storages:
Express Validator Github repo:
Express Session Github repo:
Complete source code:
You can follow me on Twitter (@maxedapps), Facebook () or visit our Website ().
See you in the videos! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Node.js Express User Form Validation with Fastest-Validator Library Full Project For Beginners
Check out Avi & Co’s unboxing video of the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar Moonphase, reference # !
The Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar Moonphase is the ultimate timepiece. The 40 mm 18k rose gold case is assembled with a scratch-resistant sapphire crystal with an alluring blue grande tapisserie dial. Powered by the self-winding 5134 calibre, this timepiece has a 40-hour power reserve and a water resistance of 65 feet.
Avi & Co.
Luxury Watch Retailer
Suite 200
New York, NY 10036
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WatchAddict Blog : Feice watch
You can always save 20% on Spinnaker Watches using code WA20 at Checkout!
You can also save 10% on Phoibos Watches using code "watchaddiction"
My Blog for written Articles:
5 Affordable Watches I Reccommend to all my viewers
Hamilton Khaki King
Seiko SKX007
Seiko Sarb033
Tissot Visodate
Seiko SRP777 Turtle
Link Amazon
so much for watching this watch review on WatchAddictionReviews - I hope you enjoyed it please SUBSCRIBE and Like/Share/Comment if you can it does help out a lot , May your watch Journey be a pleasant one!
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5 watches I recommend to my new subscribers who are just getting into watches and also reviewed on this channel due to the constant question of what is the best affordable watch I can get under $200
Seiko SKX007
Seiko SNZH55
Phoibos Automatic Dive Watch
Seiko SNZF17
Invicta 8926OB Pro Diver
( Notice : Some of these links are affiliate links which means when you click and buy something a small percentage is given to me to help the channel ) Check out the OCEANICA Barracuda Diver - LIVE on Kickstarter Now
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Contact tmosso@ for pricing and availability; Either I have it, or I can get it! Win an Omega Seamaster Railmaster:
Watches Live with Tim Mosso returns with a full range of luxury watches from the Rolex Day-Date 40 to the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar and beyond. Luxury watch buyers, watch collectors, and watch enthusiasts. Swiss watches, German watches, and one Japanese watch fill an action-packed evening of high horology.
High luxury watch brands including Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, and Germany’s A. Lange & Sohne ensure that the finest traditions of craft horology are featured. Patek Philippe’s first automatic wristwatch, the 1953-1960 reference 2526, is present and ready to shine. A. Lange & Sohne’s 1815 Chronograph – a flyback chronograph – and the magnificent Richard Lange Tourbillon Pour Le Merite are ready to astound. The Audemars Piguet Royal Oak in chronograph and perpetual calendar forms – both stainless steel – ensures that luxury sports watches receive their due.
Independent watchmaking is represented by HYT watches of Neuchatel and De Bethune watches of L’Auberson. HYT’s H2 Aviator features a spectacular fluid-mechanical time display that is powered by an HYT caliber H 201 that is provided by Audemars Piguet Renaud et Papi.
Omega watches and one Rolex watch assure fans that mainstream luxury won’t be left out of the discussion. Four Omega watches including three Omega Speedmaster Moonwatches round out the evening’s collection on “Watches Live!”
• A Lange & Sohne 1815 Chronograph
• A Lange & Sohne Richard Lange Tourbillon Pour Le Merite
• Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chronograph
• Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar
• Blancpain Fifty Fathoms Bathyscaphe Chronograph 5200-0130-B52A
• De Bethune DB25 Midnight Blue DB25XPARV2
• Grand Seiko Elegance SBGW231
• Glashutte Original Senator Observer 100-14-07-02-70
• HYT H2 Aviator 248-DL-01-GF-KG
• IWC Portugieser Automatic 5007-03
• IWC Portugieser Tourbillon 5463-05
• NOMOS Ahoi 555 / 5784
• Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Grey Side of The Moon
• Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Dark Side of The Moon
• Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Hodinkee 10th Anniversary
• Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Ultraman
• Patek Philippe 2526 Automatic
• Rolex Oyster Perpetual Day Date 40 228238
• Ulysse Nardin UN 160 Chronometer 1600-100
• Zenith El Primero Range Rover Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2018 Unboxing:Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar Moonphase 26574OR.OO.1220OR.02
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