Ролики Powerslide спроектовані і виготовлені німецькою компанією Powerslide з безпечних, якісних і міцних матеріалів. У них є все і навіть більше, що повинні мати ролики. Маневреність, легкість, фіксація і чемпіонська швидкість. Незалежно від покриття, будь то асфальт, бетон в парку або спеціалізований майданчик для роликів, ковзани покажуть кращі характеристики і принесуть масу задоволення і комфорту.
Powerslide Universe 2018 Hardboot - розсувні роликові ковзани нового покоління створені спеціально для дітей, які люблять і планують багато часу проводити на ковзанах.
Дитячі роликові ковзани Universe 2018 мають унікальну легку алюмінієву раму на 3 колеса в незалежності від розміру, і жорсткий зовнішній черевик з отворами для вентиляції.
Трьохколісні ролики краще управляються, вони більш маневрені і швидше за рахунок можливості встановлювати колеса більшого діаметру.
Міцний фск (fsk, freeskate) черевик з механізмом розсунення подарує кілька років комфортного та безпечного катання. Виготовлений з якісного композитного пластика, завдяки якому і досягається краща бічна підтримка і фіксація ноги.
Алюмінієва рама краще передає зусилля від ніг на колеса. Вона спроектована таким чином, щоб бути як можна нижче, з низьким центром тяжіння, що позитивно позначається на катанні. Виготовлена з легкого і міцного сплаву. Для більшої зручності рама збільшена в кожному розмірному ряду.
Особливої уваги заслуговує внутрішній черевик (лайнер). Він міцний і захищений від розривів і протирання у місцях, де це можливо. Має зручну внутрішню колодку і м'який наповнювач, який формується по нозі під впливом тепла і вологи. При виготовленні використані технологічні матеріали, які відводять вологу і пропускають повітря до ніг, а передня частина лайнера повністю еластична і зручно розтягується по мірі зростання дитячої ноги.
Розсувні ролики нового покоління від німецького концерну Powerslide. Створені спеціально для дітей, які обожнюють та планують багато часу проводити на ковзанах. Чотири варіанти кольорів та стильний і унікальний дизайн роликів обов’язково прийдуться до смаку як хлопчикам, так і дівчаткам. Дитячі ролики PS Phuzion Universe 2018 мають унікальну легку алюмінієву раму на 3 колеса в незалежності від розміру та жорсткий зовнішній черевик з отворами для вентиляції.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Дитячі ролики Rollerbade cube 2018 повний комплект з захистом та шоломом
Огляд дитячих роликів в комплекті з повним набором захисту (наколінники, налокітники та захист на руки) і шоломом Rollerblade cube та Rollerblade cube g 2018. Розсувні дитячі роликові ковзани по відносно доступній ціні. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FSK ролики Rollerblade Twister Edge - новинка сезону 2018 від кращого світового бренду, італійської компанії Роллерблейд. Це надзвичайно універсальні роликові ковзани, які призначені для фріскейт катання, слалому та для любителів звичайного фітнес катання, але в класних роликах з супер фіксацією та боковою підтримкою ноги. Від «твістерів» попередніх сезонів, ролики Rollerblade Twister Edge відрізняються кардинально, незміненою залишились висока якість, комфорт та надійність. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Imperial One 80 - модель від німецького виробника Powerslide належить до лінійки Urban Inline Skates. Ролики з цієї категорії мають широке використання в таких дисциплінах як, слалом та фріскейт і чудово підходять для звичайного фітнес катання. Мають крутий впізнаваний дизайн в чорному з білим кольорах, підкреслений отворами для вентиляції та боковими слайдерами. Родзинкою цих ковзанів являється новітній двох розмірний внутрішній черевик My Fit, який значно добавляє комфорту в катанні на роликах. Завдяки міцному зовнішньому черевику з композитних матеріалів, чудовій фіксації та комфортному лайнеру ця модель являється кращим вибором для ролерів з різноманітним рівнем катання. Powerslide Imperial One - це класні ролики, одівши які один раз, Ви не захочете їх знімати. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Shop Now:
Powerslide Universe Adjustable Kids Skates in Blue are durable enough for the street and cool enough for the rink. The hard shell design helps prolong the life of the skate so your child can get the most out of the 4 size expansion feature. The button and spring powered adjustment system make it easy to expand the skate shell and the neoprene toe box on the liner easily stretches to provide a snug fit no matter what size adjustment you are locked into. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ролики Seba FRX та Seba FRW 2018 - огляд від Rollerland.com.ua
Ролики Seba FRX 80 та Seba FRW 80 - це повністю універсальні роликові ковзани, які підійдуть майже всім. Відмінний вибір для різних стилів, таких як: початковий слалом, фріскейт та звичайне фітнес катання. Вони складаються з якісних компонентів, які забезпечують надійність та довговічність.
Seba FRX:
Seba FRW:
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Cертифікат надає Вам право обрати товар в еквіваленті 500 гривень в офлайн магазині за адресою: м. Київ, вул. Академіка Кримського, 4А. Ознайомитися з товаром можна на сайті При обранні товару на суму меншу, ніж номінал сертифікату, залишок не повертається; якщо сума більше номіналу сертифікату, передбачається додаткова оплата різниці. Сертифікат розповсюджується на товари зі знижками, але не діє разом з іншими сертифікатами, знижками, флаєрами чи будь-якими іншими акціями. Термін дії сертифікату - 1 місяць, до .
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✅ Колеса для роликов
✅ Подшипники для роликов
✏️ Роликовые коньки с большими колесами. Мы решили узнать различия 110мм и 125мм. Спасибо нашим друзьям за измерение скорости!
#битваколес #ролики #askroller Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Great for the next generation! Powerslide Phuzion Universe Blue inline skates are super cool for kids, thanks to the new look of 3 wheels, a supportive & lightweight hard shell design, a comfortable stretch liner & a secure height adjustable brake to ensure 100% safety. The rigid shell of Universe Triskates is size adjustable, so it can grow with the feet of your kids. Turns become much easier, as the middle wheel acts like a spinning coin. Universe kids skates will become your kid´s best friend!
3-wheel skates combine dynamic rolling, agility and skating pleasure like no other skate, they are lighter, faster and lower. The different look and feel of 3-wheel skates is breathing new excitement into inline skating, and now, for the first time, skaters from different disciplines like fitness-, speed- or even free-skating enjoy the many advantages of rolling on 3 big wheels.
Find out more about the Phuzion KIDS UNIVERSE Blue inline skates at:
Powerslide inline skates for kids are packed with unique features. We offer perfect hard & softboot skates for boys & girls to learn skating, guaranteeing a perfect & safe skating experience right from the start. Long lasting wheels, secure brakes & very lightweight constructions make our skates reliable & most of all fun for children. Size adjustable shells & stretchable liners will grow with the kid´s feet. Our fitness, urban & racing skates will become your kid´s best friends!
Powerslide Kids Universe Blue inline skates for children - 940612
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Обзор Powerslide SWELL - единственные ролики для фитнеса
✅ Колеса для роликов
✅ Подшипники для роликов
✏️ Powerslide SWELL - настоящие ролики для фитнеса. А еще - уже есть такие же, но с креплением рам Trinity, что даст больше контроля! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
► ⬇️ 100K, LETS GO ⬇️
►🇬🇧 ►🇵🇹
►🎧 ►⛸️
► ⬇️ 100K, LETS GO ⬇️
►🇬🇧 ►🇵🇹
►🎧 ►⛸️
► 100K - LET'S GO ➡️ 🇬🇧 🇵🇹
white -►
Black -►
► The lattest kid triskates from Powerslide Inline Skates are here.
as a kid, is the best time to start skating. So if you´re a parent and you´re looking for a pair of inline skates / Rollerblades for you son / daughter. check out the new Powerslide Phuzion Universe kids Triskates.
they come in 3 diferent sizes 29-32/33-36/37-40 and in 4 different colors, RED, BLUE, YELLOW and WHITE
find ut more about this skates in powerslide WebsIte:
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Powerslide Swell Trinity 110 Voltage Blue Fitness Inline Skate
100% оригинальная продукция!
Гарантия от производителя - 2 года!
категория: фитнесс;
модель: Swell 110 Trinity;
ботинок: Vi, Nylon + Fiberglass, система крепления рам Trinity;
внутренник: съемный My Fit Fat Boy Dual Size, возможность термоформовки;
рамы: PS Trinity 3x110mm gravity casted AL;
колеса: Undercover 110mm/86a, Made in USA;
подшипники: Wicked Abec 7.
вес ролики 42 размера: 1.5 кг.
тормоз: в комплекте Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Great for the next generation! Powerslide Phuzion Universe Yellow inline skates are super cool for kids, thanks to the new look of 3 wheels, a supportive & lightweight hard shell design, a comfortable stretch liner & a secure height adjustable brake to ensure 100% safety. The rigid shell of Universe Triskates is size adjustable, so it can grow with the feet of your kids. Turns become much easier, as the middle wheel acts like a spinning coin. Universe kids skates will become your kid´s best friend!
3-wheel skates combine dynamic rolling, agility and skating pleasure like no other skate, they are lighter, faster and lower. The different look and feel of 3-wheel skates is breathing new excitement into inline skating, and now, for the first time, skaters from different disciplines like fitness-, speed- or even free-skating enjoy the many advantages of rolling on 3 big wheels.
Find out more about the Phuzion KIDS UNIVERSE Yellow inline skates at:
Powerslide inline skates for kids are packed with unique features. We offer perfect hard & softboot skates for boys & girls to learn skating, guaranteeing a perfect & safe skating experience right from the start. Long lasting wheels, secure brakes & very lightweight constructions make our skates reliable & most of all fun for children. Size adjustable shells & stretchable liners will grow with the kid´s feet. Our fitness, urban & racing skates will become your kid´s best friends!
Powerslide Kids Universe Yellow inline skates for children - 940614
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2017 Powerslide Swell 3x110 Skate Voltage Blue Review
Available Now:
The Voltage Blue Powerslide Trinity Swell Skates has a cool and stylish look with the same great comfort and performance the Swell has become known for. A great choice for fitness or fun! Features unique Powerknit technology on the boots to be flexible and breathable, but with incredible response. Soft uppers are fused to a lightweight, anatomically shaped shell with integrated ankle padding and internal lining to provide a "sock-like" fit for superior comfort. The triskate setup allows the wheels to be mounted further recessed under the boots, on a short frames the center wheel directly under the foot. This provides unsurpassed maneuverability and control with stability and power when pushing off. Powerslide Height-Adjustable Brake System (HABS), allows adjustment to prolong life of brake pad and setting to preference. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Swell Ultra White 110 inline skate - Rolling Review
Powerslide Swell Ultra White 110 fitness inline skate - Rolling Review - 510016 - Powerslide SWELL ULTRA WHITE 110. Elegant efficiency. The Powerslide SWELL is a revolutionary inline skate specially designed for intense fitness training. The Powerslide Swell Ultra White 110 features a reworked shell with flex cuts in the ankle area and RECALL fit with memory foam to provide superior comfort and maximum support. The upper is made out of Powerknit material with a sleek fit that shapes around your foot seamlessly to fit like a glove. TRINITY mount with 3 fixation points will help you reach new levels of performance. This skate has a light and strong POWERSLIDE Elite 9.6” – 243mm aluminum casted frame, Powerslide SWELL 110mm/86A wheels and Wicked ABEC 7 bearings. A height adjustable brake system (HABS brake) is included inside the box.
Rolling reviews from Powerslide, gives you an insight into how our skates perform while skating. We take you behind the scenes to explain key technical features and how they will influence your skating performance. Rolling reviews are hosted by Powerslide’s Product Development team of Matthias Knoll, Jürgen Pfitzner, and Scott Arlidge (also watch out for some special guests). They aren’t movie stars, but they understand their products. It’s raw, it’s emotional, it’s informative, it’s Powerslide Rolling Reviews.
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Детские ролики Seba Fr Junior 2016. Обзор модели от ProRoliki.com.ua
Короткий видео-обзор детских роликов SEBA FR Junior 2016 года. Купить Seba FR Junior Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Phuzion Universe kids skates - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 940611, 940612, 940613, 940614 -
The Powerslide Phuzion Universe 3-wheel kids skates ROCKS the streets! The Powerslide Phuzion Universe Inline skate looks super cool thanks to its 3-wheels setup and its cool black & blue color combination. The skate is lighter than a regular 4-wheel skate which helps kids learn to skate faster. The center wheel of the skate acts like a pivot point and makes this Triskate easier for kids to handle. For more safety the Phuzion Universe skate is equipped with a height adjustable brake system. High quality materials like Powerslide Infinity PU wheels and Wicked ABEC 7 bearings, have not only reduced the weight of the skate but also improved handling making skating much more fun! This size adjustable skate is formed on a super rigid hard shell. The perfect skate to rock the streets!
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products.
Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at:
Powerslide - we love to skate!
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#119 - Estreando com um URBAN o Patins Lançamento da POWERSLIDE
Instagram: @ingridpatinadora
E não esqueça de se inscrever aqui no canal!
Vou deixar aqui a descrição da Marca, dos meus Patins e Proteções... ;D
Patins Roller Branco - Powerslide - Phuzion Universe White Kids Fitness Inline Skate
Patins Roller Vermelho - Powerslide - Phuzion Universe Red Kids Fitness Inline Skate
Patins Roller Preto e Verde - Powerslide - Khaan Junior Urban Inline Skate
Proteção do pulso - Ennui -Allround brace
Joelheira - Ennui - ST knee gaskets
Capacete - Ennui - BCN helmet – Purple
Sites para comprarem patins, proteções e muito mais...
Na RollingSports vocês conseguem encontrar tudo que precisa de boa qualidade, site e loja no Brasil.
Gente, tenho 8 anos de idade e moro na cidade de Cuiabá-MT, patino desde os 4 anos, sempre ando com a minha família, pai, mãe e irmã, e com amigos também. Sempre tenho companhia, alguém me auxiliando e me cuidando. Então, usem Sempre Proteções, não andem sozinho na rua, eles cuidam de mim, me guiam e me ensinam.
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Выбор роликов для ребенка | Как выбрать детские ролики | Основные ошибки при выборе роликов
Выбор роликов для детей от 3 до 12 лет.
Как выбрать детские правильные ролики.
Основные ошибки при выборе детских роликов.
Ссылка на тему с вопросами Вконтакте -
Ссылка на видео по связанные с обучением катанию:
- Обучение катанию на роликах ЧАСТЬ 1 | Уровни катания | Сколько нужно учиться чтобы кататься хорошо? -
- Обучение катанию на роликах ЧАСТЬ 2 | Самое эффективное обучение | Способы обучения -
- Обучение катанию на роликах ЧАСТЬ 3 | Физическая подготовка - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MEGA Nick Lomax Powerslide Imperial Megacruiser skates 🍊🍊🍊
While the rest of Barcelona fights about Catalan or Spanish leadership, Nick Lomax does not give an orange and uses his bright Megacruiser Triskates to commute around town freely & fast.
The Imperial Megacruiser 125 Triskate has a dazzling appearance thanks to the bright neon orange color & the big 125mm wheels. Skating on big wheels feels like adding a turbo to a cars engine. The Imperial Megacruiser skate is fast, but super agile. The new generation of Magacruiser skates has been beefed up with the all new MYFIT Recall Dual size liner, adding more comfort to your ride.
Feel free to check out our urban skates at:
For more information about the Powerslide imperial Megacruiser:
Mega - Nick Lomax on Powerslide Imperial Megacruiser 125 skates 🍊🍊🍊 Powerslide Inline skating
Skater: Nick Lomax
Skates: Powerslide Imperial Megacruiser Orange 908228
Filmer: Pasquale Compersito
Location: Barcelona
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Powerslide Swell 110 Voltage Blue Fitness Inline Skates
The Powerslide SWELL Trinity 100 Voltage Blue fitness inline skate. Unmatched performance & a fresh look, including Trinity mounting for a better power transfer with more stability. Gravity casted frames, a lightweight Powerknit upper, a reworked softboot shell & Recall fit memory foam provide superior comfort & support. High-end 110mm UC wheels, fast Wicked Abec 9 bearings & a height adjustable brake are included. The best 110mm Triskate ever.
Find out more about the 2017 SWELL Fitness skate line at:
The fitness skate reinvented.
Innovation, precision, performance.
The Powerslide SWELL is a revolutionary inline skate specially designed for intense fitness training.
To deliver a real fitness skating experience we knew we had to innovate in every level, so we started from scratch. From the inside out every compound has been meticulously redesigned to improve the comfort and maximize the performance. By including only the most essential elements, we created a sophisticated and minimalistic skate yet more efficient and advanced than any other skate available in the fitness segment, bringing some technologies accessible before only to an elite of professional speed skaters.
With the Powerslide SWELL collection it comes a whole new way to experience inline skating. It doesn’t only score with its extraordinary design, but also with perfect and comfortable fitting. The Swell skates are made for fast and intense skating and they will help you unleash your full potential, no matter if you skate for 5km or 42km, in perfectly paved tracks and rinks or in the city streets, you will experience skating as you never did before.
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Powerslide Swell Trinity 110 Voltage Blue Fitness Inline Skate
#powerslide #inlineskates #fitnessskates Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Powerslide Kaze Trinity Supercruiser 110 Skates enhance control and allow you to carve in, out and through the streets with a perfect mix of speed and mobility. Highly responsive Kaze Boots provide a firm fit that skilled skaters will enjoy, and are paired with Trinity mount frames to make skating with the Supercruiser faster and smoother than ever. This creates for an exhilarating skating experience of unsurpassed control and response. Not sure if you can handle it? You probably can't.
Trinity Frames ; Spinner 110mm 88A Wheels ; Wicked ABEC9 Bearings
No Brake - See Powerslide Urban Brake Large Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Результати конкурсу під відео ролики Seba FRX та Seba FRW 2018
Місяць назад ми знімали відео "Ролики Seba FRX та Seba FRW", де був конкурс сертифікат на 500грн від магазину Rollerland. Представляємо вам результати на відео.
#rollerland #роллерленд #конкурс Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Детские ролики Rollerblade Spitfire SL и SL G 2016. Обзор Proroliki.com.ua
Обзор детских роликов Rollerblade Spitfire SL 2016года. Купить детские ролики можно в нашем магазине Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powerslide Phuzion Kids UNIVERSE Red inline skates
Learning how to skate never has been so much fun, just great for the next generation! Powerslide Phuzion Universe Red inline skates are super cool for kids, thanks to the new look of 3 wheels, a supportive & lightweight hard shell design, a comfortable stretch liner & a secure height adjustable brake to ensure 100% safety. The rigid shell of Universe Triskates is size adjustable, so it can grow with the feet of your kids. Turns become much easier, as the middle wheel acts like a spinning coin. Universe kids skates will become your kid´s best friend!
Check out the Red Universe skates:
Find out more about the best inline skates for kids at:
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Powerslide inline skates for kids are packed with unique features. We offer perfect hard & softboot skates for boys & girls to learn skating, guaranteeing a perfect & safe skating experience right from the start. Long lasting wheels, secure brakes & very lightweight constructions make our skates reliable & most of all fun for children. Size adjustable shells & stretchable liners will grow with the kid´s feet. Our fitness, urban & racing skates will become your kid´s best friends!
Powerslide Phuzion Kids UNIVERSE Red inline skates - Next generation Triskating 940611
Skater: Little Niles
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The Powerslide Swell Triskates Skates 3x100 offer high performance 3-wheel skates for fitness and cross-training inline skaters. This wheel setup provides more control and faster acceleration then the 4x100 setups, while allowing a lower center of gravity for improved maneuverability. These skates are equipped with 100mm wheels, built-in liners for increased response, a close fitting, knit upper that fits like a sock, and a nylon/fiberglass base that all combine to produce performance, comfort and style. The 3-wheel frames are short, lightweight, and are highly maneuverability even though outfitted with large 100mm wheels.
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Powerslide Jet kids skates - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 940625 940626 - Cool kids skate the Powerslide JET! The Powerslide Jet is a size adjustable skate for all kids. The 3-wheel setup in combination with the bright neon pink color stands out. The Jet is made for both beginners and advanced skaters. It´s an all-round inline skate which can be used for freeskating, but also to play hockey or to cruise and hang out with friends. The hard shell is indestructible and provides great support. The frame of the Jet can be adjusted side to side helping kids to skate easier and with better technique. The Powerslide Hurricane wheels and Wicked ABEC 7 bearings guarantee skating fun and make children's hearts beat faster. The Jet is a high quality skate, not just a toy!
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products.
Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at:
Powerslide - we love to skate!
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Powerslide SWELL ULTRA WHITE 110. Elegant efficiency. Reworked shell with flex cuts in the ankle area and RECALL fit with memory foam to provide superior comfort and maximum support. The upper is made out of Powerknit material with a sleek fit that shapes around your foot seamlessly to fit like a glove. TRINITY mount with 3 fixation points to reach new levels of performance. Light and strong POWERSLIDE Elite 9.6” AL casted frame. PS SWELL 110mm 86A wheels and Wicked ABEC 7 bearings.
Find out more about the 2017 SWELL Fitness skate line at:
Powerslide Swell Ultra White 110 Fitness Inline Skate - 510016
The fitness skate reinvented.
Innovation, precision, performance.
The Powerslide SWELL is a revolutionary inline skate specially designed for intense fitness training.
To deliver a real fitness skating experience we knew we had to innovate in every level, so we started from scratch. From the inside out every compound has been meticulously redesigned to improve the comfort and maximize the performance. By including only the most essential elements, we created a sophisticated and minimalistic skate yet more efficient and advanced than any other skate available in the fitness segment, bringing some technologies accessible before only to an elite of professional speed skaters.
With the Powerslide SWELL collection it comes a whole new way to experience inline skating. It doesn’t only score with its extraordinary design, but also with perfect and comfortable fitting. The Swell skates are made for fast and intense skating and they will help you unleash your full potential, no matter if you skate for 5km or 42km, in perfectly paved tracks and rinks or in the city streets, you will experience skating as you never did before.
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Let's roll with Powerslide KIDS inline skates - WE LOVE TO SKATE!
Powerslide inline skates for kids are designed to put a smile on your children's face while they learn to skate with lots of fun!
Our high quality inline skates are packed with unique features. We offer perfect hard & softboot skates for boys & girls to learn skating, guaranteeing a perfect & safe skating experience right from the start. Long lasting wheels, secure brakes & very lightweight constructions make our skates reliable & most of all fun for children. Size adjustable shells & stretchable liners will grow with the kid's feet. Our fitness, urban & racing skates will become your kid's best friends!
Let's roll with Powerslide KIDS inline skates - WE LOVE TO SKATE!
Powerslide Phuzion, Swell, One & Playlife inline skates for children.
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Powerslide Swell Metallic Black 110 skates - Rolling Reviews
Powerslide Swell Metallic Black 110 skates - Rolling Reviews - 510030 - . The World’s favorite fitness skate, now better. The Powerslide SWELL METALLIC BLACK 110 is a revolutionary inline skate specially designed for intense fitness training. This skate features our anatomically shaped shell with flex cuts in the ankle area and RECALL fit with memory foam to provide superior comfort and maximum support. The new upper combines our stretchable and ventilated second-skin Powerknit upper with welded TPU reinforcements to increase responsiveness and stability. The highly abrasion resistant TPU material protects the toe and side panels against falls and wear and tear increasing the lifespan of the skates to endure even the most demanding trainings. TRINITY mount with 3 fixation points will help you reach new levels of performance. This skate features a super light and strong Powerslide Elite 9.6” – 243mm magnesium casted frame, Undercover by Matter 100mm/86A bullet profile wheels and Wicked ABEC 9 bearings. The new ratchet top buckle with micro adjustments allows for an easier and more secure cuff lock while reducing weight and giving a more sportive look to the skate. A Height Adjustable Brake System (HABS brake) is included in the box. Extra MYFIT skatesole and MYFIT Archsupport are included for fit customization and people with ‘problematic feet’.
Rolling reviews from Powerslide, gives you an insight into how our skates perform while skating. We take you behind the scenes to explain key technical features and how they will influence your skating performance. Rolling reviews are hosted by Powerslide’s Product Development team of Matthias Knoll, Jürgen Pfitzner, and Scott Arlidge (also watch out for some special guests). They aren’t movie stars, but they understand their products. It’s raw, it’s emotional, it’s informative, it’s Powerslide Rolling Reviews.
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Powerslide Next Arctic Grey 110 - Rolling Review 908332 -
The Powerslide Next Arctic Grey 110 skate offers all you expect from a modern skate: an awesome look, high quality parts and craftsmanship, great performance and superior comfort. The heat moldable MYFIT Recall Dual Fit liner with its memory fit padding provides this little bit of extra comfort that makes you feel great from the very first stride and wants to let you skate longer with more pleasure. The boot offers plenty of unique custom options. Adjusted the cuff height or cant the cuff, get more forward flex by cutting the wings of the shell, adjust the length of your cuff wing if needed or check out one of several lacing options to either get more flex and more support when skating. The setup is made for easy cruising as well as for thrilling action – a rigid and stiff Elite casted and CNC machined aluminum frame as well as fast and grippy Spinner 110mm / 88A wheels and high smooth running Wicked ABEC 9 bearings perfectly match to deliver pure skating pleasure. Next Arctic Grey 110 – What else do you need to enjoy skating?
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Powerslide Swell - BW 110 Triskates
Find out more about the 110mm Swell fitness inline skates at:
Skater: MVG
Video: Mark Heuss
Music: The Cardigans - My Favourite Game (Dan Grassler Edit)
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Powerslide Swell Metallic Black 110 skates - Speaking Specs
Powerslide Swell Metallic Black 110 skates - Powerslide Speaking Specs - 510030 - Powerslide SWELL METALLIC black 110. The World’s favorite fitness skate, now better. The Powerslide SWELL METALLIC BLACK 110 is a revolutionary inline skate specially designed for intense fitness training. This skate features our anatomically shaped shell with flex cuts in the ankle area and RECALL fit with memory foam to provide superior comfort and maximum support. The new upper combines our stretchable and ventilated second-skin Powerknit upper with welded TPU reinforcements to increase responsiveness and stability. The highly abrasion resistant TPU material protects the toe and side panels against falls and wear and tear increasing the lifespan of the skates to endure even the most demanding trainings. TRINITY mount with 3 fixation points will help you reach new levels of performance. This skate features a super light and strong Powerslide Elite 9.6” – 243mm magnesium casted frame, Undercover by Matter 100mm/86A bullet profile wheels and Wicked ABEC 9 bearings. The new ratchet top buckle with micro adjustments allows for an easier and more secure cuff lock while reducing weight and giving a more sportive look to the skate. A Height Adjustable Brake System (HABS brake) is included in the box. Extra MYFIT skatesole and MYFIT Archsupport are included for fit customization and people with ‘problematic feet’.
Speaking Specs - a new series of detailed information tutorials by Powerslide´s very own product development department with Matthias Knoll, Scott Arlidge & Jürgen Pfitzner. Tune in for endless tech infos on literally all new Powerslide products. Have a look at the Speaking Specs playlist at: Powerslide - we love to skate!
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London Fitness skating on Powerslide Swell Metallic Black 110
Fast fitness skating workout in the sunny streets of London city on 3x110mm Powerslide Swell Metallic Black skates. Be free with three!
Powerslide Swell Metallic Black 110 Fitness Inline skates in London - 510030 -
Skater: Sam Crofts. Video: Jack Lawrenson-Jones. Location: London, UK.
Powerslide SWELL METALLIC black 110. The World’s favorite fitness skate, now better. The Powerslide SWELL METALLIC BLACK 110 is a revolutionary inline skate specially designed for intense fitness training. This skate features our anatomically shaped shell with flex cuts in the ankle area and RECALL fit with memory foam to provide superior comfort and maximum support. The new upper combines our stretchable and ventilated second-skin Powerknit upper with welded TPU reinforcements to increase responsiveness and stability. The highly abrasion resistant TPU material protects the toe and side panels against falls and wear and tear increasing the lifespan of the skates to endure even the most demanding trainings. TRINITY mount with 3 fixation points will help you reach new levels of performance. This skate features a super light and strong Powerslide Elite 9.6” – 243mm magnesium casted frame, Undercover by Matter 100mm/86A bullet profile wheels and Wicked ABEC 9 bearings. The new ratchet top buckle with micro adjustments allows for an easier and more secure cuff lock while reducing weight and giving a more sportive look to the skate. A Height Adjustable Brake System (HABS brake) is included in the box. Extra MYFIT skatesole and MYFIT Arch support are included for fit customization and people with ‘problematic feet’.
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Lofoten islands on Powerslide Torrent rain wheels - Bladeventures
Lofoten islands on Powerslide Torrent rain wheels - Bladeventures - 905299, 905300 - Enjoy another Bladeventure trip skating video with Santiago Lopez skating through postcard perfect landscapes on his Powerslide Swell inline skates, this time in the breathtaking surroundings of the Lofoten islands in Norway. Fjords, northern lights, fisher boats and Triskates, what could you ask more for? Due to the Norwegian weather conditions, Santi decided to roll on our new rain wheels, the Powerslide Torrent wheels. No slipping on wet conditions means more time to enjoy the scenery.
The Torrent wheels are available in 110mm & 125mm with 84A:
Powerslides’ Torrent wheel is a new rain skating wheel. The Torrent wheel has been under development for countless kilometers with our world class racing team. A specific rain skating PU and a wheel preparation process that ensure maximum traction in wet skating conditions. The 125mm wheel features our DFT core for maximum rolling performance.
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London city on Powerslide Swell Black Road 125 fitness skates
Fitness skating in your big city! - Sam Crofts and his Powerslide Swell Black Road 125 fitness inline skates roll their way through London. The Powerslide Urban team skater teamed up with videographer Tom Sharman to bring you this visual masterpiece of a high speed skating video on 3x125mm Matter wheels, fast Wicked Bearings and the famous classy hybrid softboot look of the Swell Triskates.
London on Powerslide Swell Black Road 125 fitness skates - 510022
Powerslide SWELL BLACK ROAD 125. The fitness skate of the pros. The Powerslide SWELL is a revolutionary inline skate specially designed for intense fitness training. The Powerslide Black Road 125 features a reworked shell with flex cuts in the ankle area and RECALL fit with memory foam to provide superior comfort and maximum support. A new ventilated upper made out of Powerknit material with a sleek fit that shapes around your foot seamlessly fits like a glove. TRINITY mounting with 3 fixation points will take you to the next level. The light and strong POWERSLIDE Elite 12,5” – 318mm magnesium casted frame, Matter Image 125mm/86A wheels and Wicked ABEC 9 bearings make this a skate for pros. Extra insole and arch support included. A height adjustable brake system (HABS brake) is included inside the box.
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Powerslide Swell Fitness Inline Skates - 110mm mint Triskate. The fitness skate reinvented. Innovation, precision, performance. The Powerslide SWELL is a revolutionary inline skate specially designed for intense fitness training.
To deliver a real fitness experience we knew we had to innovate on every level, so we started from scratch. From inside out, every compound has been meticulously redesigned to improve the comfort and maximize the performance. By including only the most essential elements, we created a sophisticated and minimalistic skate yet more efficient and advanced than any other skate available in the fitness segment. We did this by bringing new technologies that had been accessible only to an elite of professional speed skaters.
With the Powerslide SWELL collection a whole new way to experience inline skating is created. It doesn’t only score with its extraordinary design, but also with perfect and comfortable fitting. Our skates are made for fast and intense skating and they will help you unleash your full potential, no matter if you skate for 5 km or 42 km, in perfectly paved tracks and rinks or in the city streets. You will experience skating as you never did before.
#powerslide #inlineskates #fitnessskates Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Роликові ковзани Powerslide 940612 Universe blue Hardboot 2018 29,0-32,0 (4040333466322)
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Роликові ковзани Powerslide 940612 Universe blue Hardboot 2018 29,0-32,0 (4040333466322). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17