Due Cigni Professional Chef Knife – універсальний ніж, призначений як для професійного, так і домашнього використання.
Клинок даної моделі виготовляється з азотистої нержавіючої сталі X50CrMoV15N, завдяки якій зберігає гостроту ріжучої кромки протягом тривалого періоду і не вимагає особливого догляду. Додавання азоту в сталь дозволяє ножу краще переносити контакт з водою. Прямі спуски від обуха дозволяють довести заточку до бритвеної гостроти і виконувати виконувати широкий спектр завдань.
Руків'я виконане зі стійкого до впливу навколишнього середовища нейлону, та має антиковзаючий ефект.
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► Купить поварской кухонный нож Global Model G1/G Series:
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► Купить поварской кухонный нож Arcos:
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► Купить поварской нож Yaxell ZEN:
► Купить эксклюзивный поварской кухонный нож Yaxell Super Gou Ypsilon Kiritsuke:
► Больше кухонных ножей:
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Купить кухонные ножи в Москве вам поможет интернет магазин ножей . У нас вы сможете приобрести самые различные ножи мира, от известных российских и зарубежных производителей. Все новые хорошие ножи уже в наличии! Смотрите ТОП 2020 поварских кухонных ножей вместе с центральным ножевым магазином - это интересно! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Лучший кухонный нож 🔪 Советы от ШЕФ-ПОВАРА 🔥 Как правильно точить ножи
Выбираем лучший кухонный нож. Советы от ШЕФ-ПОВАРА.
Ножи из видео:
Samura Damascus SD-0085
Нож Arcos 290800
Samura Bamboo SBA-0094
Нож Gefu Керамо 13830
Набор ножей BergHOFF Concavo 1308037
Ножеточка механическая Maku Kitchen Life 276284
Смотрите ещё больше видео:
0:00 Начало
0:10 Сколько ножей должно быть на кухне
1:00 Что такое "поварская тройка"?
2:48 Наборы ножей: так ли надо?
3:22 Длина ножа
5:14 Японские ножи
7:10 Материал
8:58 Уход за ножами
✔ Еще больше ножей в нашем интернет-магазине :
✔ Читать статью "Как выбрать кухонный нож":
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Рейтинг лучших кухонных ножей для дома. Японский нож для кухни, ножи для кухни, кухонные ножи, кухня
0:00 - Приветcтвие
0:16 - Как выбрать нож
1:02 - 5 место: MAYER & BOCH поварской, 20 см
2:04 - 4 место: Samura Harakiri, поварской 20,8 см
3:00 - 3 место: Nadoba Marta поварской, 20 см
4:08 - 2 место: Rondell «Cascara» поварской 20 см
5:03 - 1 место: TRAMONTINA Professional master для мяса 20 см
Сравните цены:
MAYER & BOCH поварской, 20 см:
Samura Harakiri, поварской 20,8 см:
Nadoba Marta поварской, 20 см:
Rondell «Cascara» поварской 20 см:
TRAMONTINA Professional master для мяса 20 см:
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Рейтинг лучших кухонных ножей для дома. Японский нож для кухни, ножи для кухни, кухонные ножи, кухня
При покупке домашнего ножа следует определиться с типом приобретаемого прибора, а также материалами изготовления лезвия и рукоятки. Выделяют несколько видов этих кухонных приборов:
Универсальный. Длина лезвия такого изделия — 12-15 см. Оптимальный размер позволяет использовать прибор для измельчения практически всех пищевых продуктов.
Овощной. Отличается маленьким лезвием — до 10 см длиной. Используется для резки и очистки фруктов и овощей.
Шеф-нож, называемый также французским или поварским. Отличается длинным (15-30 см) и широким (2-4 мм) лезвием. Такие изделия предназначены для нарезки рыбы, мяса, фруктов, овощей и зелени.
Перечисленные типы ножей образуют «поварскую тройку». С таким набором хозяйка легко выполнит большинство операций на кухне. Обычно этих ножей достаточно для ежедневного приготовления блюд. При желании можно разнообразить кухонный арсенал филейными, серрейторными ножами, моделями-топориками, а также аккуратными режущими изделиями для карвинга.
Материалы лезвий. От этого параметра зависят способность держать заточку, а также износостойкость и твердость ножа.
Самыми распространенными считаются ножи из стали разных видов. Приборы из качественной нержавеющей стали стойкие к появлению ржавчины, но нуждаются в регулярной заточке. Углеродистая сталь долго держит заточку и отличается хорошими режущими качествами даже при затупленном клинке. Но такой материал чаще подвержен коррозии. Кроме того, соприкасаясь с такой сталью некоторые продукты перенимают от нее неприятный железный привкус. Высокоуглеродистая сталь не ржавеет, отличается твердостью и остротой. Приборы из такого материала стоят дороже аналогов.
Керамические ножи не страшатся ржавчины и не придают пище посторонних привкусов. Но отличаются хрупкостью и предназначены в основном для резки мягких продуктов.
Материалы рукояток. Эта деталь ножа по важности не уступает лезвию. Удобная рукоять должна комфортно размещаться в ладони, отличаться долговечностью и прочностью. Ручки могут быть выполнены из таких материалов:
Металл. Цельнометаллические ножи прочные и износостойкие, не боятся механических повреждений или влаги. Минус таких изделий — большой вес.
Дерево. Не скользит в пальцах, не утяжеляет прибор, приятно на ощупь. Но такая деталь требует тщательного ухода. Дерево по мере использования ножа выбирает в себя жир и влагу, может потрескаться. Чтобы сохранить деревянную ручку в первозданном виде, ее нужно тщательно мыть и вытирать насухо.
Пластик. Рукоятки из этого материала производители часто оснащают резиновым покрытием. Это предотвращает скольжение и делает использование ножа удобным. В изделиях с пластиковой ручкой не всегда можно отследить, как глубоко лезвие сидит в ручке.
Если оно было закреплено с краю, режущая часть может быстро расшататься и отделиться от ручки.
При составлении рейтинга мы поставили во главу угла описанные выше характеристики домашнего ножа: материал лезвия и рукоятки, тип изделия и баланс цена — качество. В обзоре представлены модели поварских ножей, сделанных из разных видов стали. Поскольку эти приборы предназначены для бытового применения, мы опирались на отзывы покупателей о результатах эксплуатации каждого из номинантов.
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#кухня #нож #готовка
лучшие кухонные ножи Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ТОП—7. Лучшие кухонные ножи для дома 2020 года. Итоговый рейтинг!
Samura Harakiri
Яндекс Маркет
Плеер.ру (для Москвы и обл.)
Rozetka (Украина)
21vek (Беларусь)
Яндекс Маркет
Rozetka (Украина)
21vek (Беларусь)
TRAMONTINA Professional master
Яндекс Маркет
Rozetka (Украина)
21vek (Беларусь)
Tojiro Western knife
Яндекс Маркет
Rozetka (Украина)
Samura Damascus
Яндекс Маркет
Плеер.ру (для Москвы и обл.)
21vek (Беларусь)
Tefal Ice force
Яндекс Маркет
Плеер.ру (для Москвы и обл.)
Rozetka (Украина)
21vek (Беларусь)
BergHOFF Essentials
Яндекс Маркет
Rozetka (Украина)
21vek (Беларусь) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Нож Böker Core Professional Chef's Knife Small - европейский шеф
Качественный европейский нож из немецкого Золингена, по цене, которую иногда можно увидеть и на китайские ножи в "Ашане" - дешевым не назовёшь, но и дорогим тоже.
Нож предоставлен для обзора магазином ножей "Клинок"
Страничка ножа на сайте производителя:
Автор видеозаставки канала Сергей Синицкий
Автор музыкальной темы канала Денис Мелёхин
sc2golckonda@, vk -
Skype: golckonda. Дорогие друзья! года из-за технической ошибки удалил все описания видео на канале. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Chef Knife Under 50 in 2021 – Friendly Chef’s Knives For Your Kitchen!
Best Chef Knife Under 50
Chef knives, if you know what you’re looking for, can cost as little as 50 dollars or less. We now bring to you the top ten competing for the title of the best chef knife under 50.
Best Seller in 2021 ►►
Disclaimer: These choices may be out of date. You need to go to to see the most recent updates to the list.
Our complete review, including our selection for the year's #Best_Chef_Knife_Under_50 , is exclusively available on #knifesharpenerguy
These Best Chef Knife Under 50 Video Buying Guide Included Products Are:
1. Victorinox Fibrox Pro Chef Knife
2. imarku Chef Knife
3. Mercer Culinary Chef Knife
4. MOSFiATA Professional Chef's Knife
5. ALLWIN-HOUSEWARE W Damascus Chef Knife
6. Usuki Japanese Chef Knife
7. Owuyuxi Pro Chef Knife
8. Homgeek Kitchen Chef’s Knife
9. Cutluxe Chef Knife
10. Pur-Well Living Chef Knife
You do not need to be a professional to know what the best chef knife would be. A low price does not determine the quality of a product as well. However, for the best chef knife under 50 dollars that I have in my review list, you will find yourself a knife that is not only affordable but also makes you feel like a real chef at home.
A chef knife is the most useful tool in the kitchen. It can chop, mince, and dice whatever it is that you want to cook. Surely, plenty of expensive chef knives are available in the market.
Why pay more when you can have it for less? You will be surprised to know that the best chef knife under 50 dollars exists!
Most Recent Picks:
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***Some of our contents may contain affiliate links, from which we earn some commission, that supports us to run this channel.
#ChefKnifeUnder50 #Knives #knife #Chef_Knife_Under_50_in_2021 , Best Chef Knife Under 50 in 2021, Top Chef Knife Under 50 in 2021, Chef Knife Under 50 Reviews Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to choose a good chef's knife - Cook's, German chef's knife
I will explain why and how to choose a chef's knife.
A chef's knife has a specific good point that a western chef loves; by understanding why we love it, you will only know how to pick a chef's knife for yourself.
I will be explaining everything from the blade anatomy to balance point, Rockwell hardness and handle design, and more in this video.
The knives used in the videos are:
Victorinox Fibrox:
Wusthof Ikon Classic:
Zwilling Pro (Traditional version):
Tojiro DP3 Gyuto:
Mcusta Zanmai Nakiri:
(Mcusta changes their kitchen knife line a lot)
Shibata knives:
For more Chinese knives:
For more information about another steel-types, visit my website:
For more information about the steel-types and choosing your knife, you can visit my website:
If you have any questions about Japanese knives made in China or about some brands, feel free to ask it in the comment section below.
If you have seen my review videos about one of the knives and own one of them, feel free to add your experience in the comments too this will help other consumers make a decision.
Thank you all for your support and feedback.
Click on the link below if you want to search for other Chinese knives:
If you purchase from these links, I get a small commission that goes towards supporting the channel.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases
Thank you for your support :)
★ F O L L O W ChefPanko 😊
👍🏼 S U B S C R I B E:
🔪 G E A R:
📸 I N S TA G R A M:
🌎 W E B S I T E:
📬 B U S I N E S S:
🍱 C O O K I N G:
0:00 - Introduction
0:12 - What you should never buy
0:30 - Why you want a western chef's knife
1:08 - Chef knife anatomy
2:36 - chef knife handles
3:30 - Cutting Edge of a western Chef's knife vs. Japanese knife
4:20 - How I pick a western chef's knife / What to look for
5:10 - Chef knife lengths
6:17 - Gripping style and Balance point
7:47 - Is the western, german, french Chef knife something for you?
8:16 - Rockwell hardness guideline for a western Chef knife
8:31 - Summary Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
10" inch Chef Knives Damascus Steel Professional Chef Knife with Rosewood Handle
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Часто точу кухонные ножи. Ну реально часто). Knife SPA
Часто точу кухонные ножи. Ну реально часто). Knife SPA
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японский нож как точить нож японские ножи точилка ножей как заточить нож
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
1. Wusthof Classic 4582/20
2. Shun DM0706
3. Mac Knife MTH-80
4. Wusthof Classic 4596-7/20
5. Victorinox Fibrox 45520
6. J.A. Henckels 31161-201
7. Tojiro DP F-808
8. Global G48
9. Zwilling J.A. Henckels 31021-203
10. Zyliss Control E920159U
The important of having the right tools cannot be overemphasized for any Chef. And within these tools, this kind of Knives sits at the very top. Little wonder why most professional Chefs always make it a priority to sharpen their knives whenever they want to start cooking.
A Chef carries out a lot of tasks at the same time, so saying that they need the best chef knife that is available in the market is not a far cry. Consider all the slicing and chopping involved in their day-to-day activities. They will definitely need a single tool that can handle it all.
Our channel is a participant in the Amazon Services associates program, which is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites. However we put together our own toplist, based on our examination and research process, and do not accept any promotions from any brands.
Some footage what can be found in this video are not originally produced content from by our channel. Portions of products' stock footage were collected from different kind of sources e.g. manufacturers, other experts and various sources. If you have any kind of copyright issues do not hesitate to contact us.
#ChefKnife #BestChefKnives #BestChefKnife Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
High Quality Knife Test - Chefs Knives review. These great knives are made in Japan. Our chopping blocks are made in USA. Enhance your cooking by using these quality tools. In stock with fast shipping. More reviews @ Chef Depot .com
Copyright 1999 to 2020
High Quality Knife Test #Quality #Knife #Test Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Проверяем самые ЛУЧШИЕ КУХОННЫЕ НОЖИ для дома с АЛИЭКСПРЕСС | XINZUO ШЕФ НОЖ кухонный ОБЗОР / ОТЗЫВ. Кухонные ножи - это ножи которые наиболее часто используемые на планете. И это не странно, ведь на каждой кухне, есть как минимум один кухонный нож. В выборе китайского кухонного ножа на Алиэкспресс не должно быть компромиссов и исключений. Если Вы подыскиваете ЛУЧШИЕ КУХОННЫЕ НОЖИ для дома / для кухни, достаточно посмотреть наш видео обзор и отзыв на ШЕФ НОЖ XINZUO.
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Цена на кухонный нож на Алиэкспресс может быть очень разнообразной. Ведь все зависит от качества, изготовителя, размера и предназначения ножа. Хорошее качество стали - это важнейший критерий при выборе кухонного ножа, именно от этого завит, как часто вы будете его точить. Сталь ножа должна быть твердой, но в то же время гибкой. Найти КУХОННЫЕ НОЖИ для дома с идеальной сталью - тяжелая задача. Ручка должна быть удобной, это очень важно, чтобы процесс готовки был комфортным, а не мучительным. Существует много ножей с разными предназначениями, но самые часто используемые это: хлебный, сырный, филейный, разделочный, овощной, универсальный, а также топорик. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
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Кухонные ножи. Как их выбрать #6 Смотри это перед покупкой
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Меня зовут Дмитрий Вашарин. Я готовлю с 2005 и постоянно учусь новому в кулинарии, получая от этого большое удовольствие.
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Reviewing the Top Chef's Knife of 2020: Must Watch Before Buying!
Best Overall: Wusthof CLASSIC:
Best Mid-range: Victorinox Fibrox Pro:
Best 6-Inch: Mercer Culinary:
Best Design: Shun Classic:
Best Professional: Mac MIGHTY Knife:
Best Ceramic: Kyocera Advanced:
→ Disclaimer:
Portions of footage found in this video is not original content produced by Unbox Daily. Portions of stock footage of products was gathered from multiple sources including, manufactures, fellow creators and various other sources. If something belongs to you, and you want it to be removed, please do not hesitate to contact us at nickolashilberg[at] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Кухонные ножи для ножеманов!!! Серия Wüsthof Performer
Приобрести ножи Wüsthof Performer можно в нашем магазине:
В конце 2020 года немецкая компания Wüsthof выпустила на рынок новую серию кухонных ножей, которая получила название Performer. Само название имеет несколько переводов с английского языка и, наверное, самым походящим по контексту будет выражение «выступающий на сцене». Ножи серии Performer действительно предназначены не для тех, кто просто работает ножом на кухне, а для тех, кто ощущает каждое прикосновение к рукояти и клинку, каждый рез, каждое движение ножом, как элемент большого и яркого представления, пусть даже это представление видит только сам выступающий.
Серия Wüsthof Performer удовлетворит не только потребности профессиональных кулинаров, но и порадует ножевых эстететов, которые называют себя «ножеманами». Кухонные ножи, которыми можно работать на своей кухне каждый день, получили те особенности, которые раньше можно было увидеть только на складных ножах, что делало их скорее дорогими аксессуарами. Здесь те же самые моменты не только радуют глаз, но и делают нож идеальным режущим инструментом соприкосновение с которым, даёт его владельцу хорошее настроение и желание работать этими ножами ещё и ещё, чаще и больше. Шоу должно продолжаться ведь для него у Вас есть самые лучшие в мире исполнители – ножи Wüsthof Performer! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Combining hand-polished, durable wood handles and strong, high-carbon stainless steel blades, the Victorinox Hardwood Collection features everything you need for eye-catching front-of-house or efficient back-of-house service. With natural wood handles, each knife is a one-of-a-kind piece, and lasts up to 60% longer than regular kitchen knives.
Shop Victorinox Rosewood Knives:
Shop Knife Sharpeners:
Learn More about Different Types of Knives:
Featuring every knife you might need from a 2 1/2" paring knife to a 14" slicing knife, this collection is ideal for preparing your entire menu. Each handle is contoured to ensure an ergonomic fit, making it comfortable and easy to hold. The knives in the Hardwood Collection should be hand washed to preserve the natural beauty of the wood. Marrying longevity and grace for an incredible value, the Victorinox Hardwood Collection is a stunning example of quality craftsmanship for your kitchen! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Лучшие кухонные ножи ОБЗОР! Рейтинг кухонных ножей от шеф-повара
Приглашенные эксперты: шеф-повар Ирина Медведева (питмастер, победительница шоу «Адская кухня») и Александр Скридулис, бренд-шеф сети ресторанов MOJO и «Якитория».
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Предлагаем вашему вниманию промежуточный рейтинг 2019 года лучших поварских ножей средне-премиального сегмента по версии . Рейтинг поварских ножей составлен на основе выбора клиентов , мнений экспертов и профессионалов.
Кухонные ножи – главные и инструменты для приготовления блюд, среди которых шеф нож – настоящий «командир», основной инструмент и помощник повара, с его помощью выполняется более 70% всех операций с продуктами.
Хороший кухонный нож – это не только режущий инструмент для работы с продуктами, это нечто большее, это продолжение руки повара, органично соединенное и максимально функциональное в работе. Лучший кухонный нож прекрасно режет, долго не затупляется, легко и без лишних усилий выполняет самые различные работы и при этом не переутомляет руку. У него идеальный баланс, удобная рукоятка, прекрасная геометрия клинка.
Отменный поварской нож – это нож профессионала, в котором все качества и характеристики оптимальны для повара. В нашем ролике мы расскажем, как правильно выбрать кухонный нож, какие мировые тенденции в сфере ножей для кухни находятся сегодня в тренде, что лучше – нож Gyuto, Santoku или Kiritsuke.
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Let's find out why she chose become a part of Paudin.
About Paudin:
The Paudin company, established in 2017, is a high-growth, global, and innovative home-life brand. Our company was founded on the belief that the kitchen is a hero that accompanies us in a significant life event: whether it is a celebration of a family member birth day or a lively housewarming party, we maintain a clear commitment to making products that our customers trust for life’s most important moments. We offer a wide selection of high-quality cutlery lines to suit all purposes and budgets, all our knives feature outstanding edge retention, full corrosion resistance, and ergonomically designed handles.
Knives that Never Slip. The Moment
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Check out the Victorinox Fibrox Pro Chef's Knife here:
Did you know Victorinox makes much more than Swiss Army Knives? Their reputation extends far beyond multi-tools into their kitchen and utility knives.
The Victorinox Cutlery 8” Chef’s Knife is a beautiful addition to any kitchen knife block and is built to last for generations to come. It features a durable 8” ice tempered, high carbon steel blade for maximum sharpness and edge retention, and a grippy Fibrox handle that’s comfortable in hand and easy to keep clean. With an overall length of ” this knife is great for both large and precise cooking jobs.
The Victorinox Cutlery 8” Chef’s Knife is covered by an exceptional lifetime warranty and made in Switzerland.
Tell us what kitchen knives you use? Is there a Victorinox in your knife block? Click the link in the description to add this one to your kitchen setup.
Overall Length: "
Blade Length: 8"
Blade Material: High Carbon Steel
Blade Grind: Flat
Edge Type: Plain
Weight: oz.
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0:00 Intro
0:04 Knife Overview
0:50 Full Specifications Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Chef's Knives of 2021 | Chef Knife Review | Serbian Knife
Top 6 Chefs Knife
1. Victorinox Fibrox Pro -
2. J.A. Henckels International -
3. Wusthof Classic Cook’s Knife -
4. Shun DM0706 -
5. Global G-2 Chef Knife -
6. Mac Knife Professional French -
Looking for a gift for a working cook you know, or perhaps for someone who loves to spend time in their own kitchen? We consulted with a professional chef and self-proclaimed knife addict to deliver the most revered blades in homes as well as high-end restaurants. Here are the best, rated by durability, sharpness, and overall value, so you can cut through the nonsense and get cooking.
→ Disclaimer:
Portions of footage found in this video is not original content produced by Minute Tech. Portions of stock footage of products was gathered from multiple sources including, manufactures, fellow creators and various other sources. If something belongs to you, and you want it to be removed, please do not hesitate to contact us at nickolashilberg[at] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bushcraft style heavy blade for ‘wilderness skills, chopping, hacking, tracking & hunting’ – Blade Thickness: 5/32″
Best Chef Knife | 2021 Bushcraft Version | Outdoor Kitchen Knife | Outdoor Cooking
The build is what you expect from a Rugged, Adventure seeking, “Do it all”. This knife does not disappoint.
Chef style is thinner blade for ‘kitchen usage for slicing & dicing’ – Blade Thickness: 3/32″
High Carbon Blade
Special purpose steel for better wear resistance and toughness.
Hand Forged and Hardened
A special feature of the blade is its hardness of 58-60 HRC. It is forged and ground by hand and heat treated using traditional Master Something techniques.
Hardened Pakawood Handle
You do not want a knife handle to be made out of soft or fine woods as punishing use and repeated wet conditions will destroy most materials.
Versatile, Durable, and built to Resist ….
Each knife is hand-made to last and can stand up to whatever you throw at it. We have had customers do the unthinkable….. and yet the knife has still performed.
Check out our knife below
Our High-Quality knife that you will receive for a reasonable price of $89
Hand Forged and Hardened High Carbon Blade Steel – Razor Sharp
A special feature of the blade is its hardness of 58-60 HRC. It is forged and ground by hand and heat treated using traditional Master Smithing techniques.
60 Day money-back satisfaction guarantee.
We warranty each and every Almazan knife to be free of defects in material and workmanship for the life of the knife, and we will repair or replace it with a new Almazan knife.
Below are 2 video reviews of our knife from one of our many satisfied customers
Place your order at
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Best Chef Knife | 2021 Bushcraft Version | Outdoor Kitchen Knife | Outdoor Cooking
Follow along with Chef Chris as he shows you the top five knives to use in the kitchen and how to use them safely. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing SEIDO™ Knives, the world's sharpest chef knife set ever made. Used by home cooks & professional chefs worldwide. The SEIDO™ 8-piece culinary master chef knife set, are Japanese style high-grade kitchen tools, which promise to produce 100% consistent, clean quality cuts. Empower yourself with handmade, faire priced, award winning premium chef knives and start preparing better meals today. No kitchen, cook or chef should be without these knives. A quality knife set is an investment in yourself, your kitchen and your family. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Testimonial - Yara, USA., Seido™ 8-Piece Chef Knife Set
homgeek 8Pcs knife set includes an 8" chef's knife, 8" slicing knife, 8" bread knife, 5" utility knife, 3.5" paring knife, 8" sharpening steel, kitchen scissors, and rubberwood block, provides an inspiring collection of everything needed for slicing, dicing, chopping, and more. Whether you're an experienced chef or just starting out, this knife set is definitely the perfect choice for you.
Buy it here:
#knife #Kitchen #KnifeSet #Homgeek #StainlessSteel #HealthyFood
• Knife Set Contain
It includes Chef's Knife, Slicing Knife, Bread Knife, Utility Knife, Paring Knife, Sharpening Steel and Kitchen Scissor.
• Never Rust
Made from stainless steel that contains 15% Chromium (Chromium has strong corrosion resistance, it decides knife's durability), so our knife has excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance.
• Superior Sharp
The knife's sharpness, is related to materials and forging. Our knife blade is forged with hand-polished edges at 14-16 degrees per side with precise tempering. So, our knife is sharper that other knives.
• No Easy to Blunt
Whether the knife will be blunted, depending on the material's hardness. Our knife is made from German stainless steel whose hardness is above HRC57, so our knife isn't easy blunt.
• Comfortable Hold
Ergonomic handle is made of PAKKA wood which is comfort, sturdiness and durability, even if you holding knife for a long time. Please hand wash these knives and dry them immediately after each use.
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Homgeek Kitchen Knives 8 Piece Knife Set Professional Knife Set
Best chef knife featured in this Video:
0:11 Number 1. WÜSTHOF 4582/20 Classic 8 Inch Chef’s Knife
1:06 Number 2. J.A. Henckels 31161-201 CLASSIC Chef's Knife
2:01 Number 3. MAC MIGHTY Mac Professional Hollow Edge Chef's Knife
2:49 Number 4. ZWILLING Professional "S" Chef's Knife
3:41 Number 5. Misono UX10 Gyutou 8.2" (21cm) - Right
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What is chef knife?
In cooking, a chef's knife, otherwise called a cook's knife, is a cutting instrument utilized in food planning. The chef's knife was initially planned fundamentally to cut and disjoint enormous cuts of hamburger. Today it is the essential general-utility knife for most western cooks.
A chef's knife by and large has a cutting edge eight inches (20 centimeters) long and 1 1⁄2 inches (3.8 cm) in width, albeit singular models go from 6 to 14 inches (15 to 36 centimeters) long. There are two basic kinds of cutting edge shape in western chef's blades, French and German. German-style blades are all the more profoundly and consistently bended along the entire front line; the French style has an edge that is straighter until the end and afterward bends up to the tip.
A Japanese gyuto, gyūtō), actually signifying 'hamburger knife', is the Japanese rendition of a French (or Western) chef's knife.
The Santoku knife is fundamentally a Japanese style chef's knife. It's littler, lighter and more honed with an alternate sharp edge shape.
What is the best chef knife?
If you want to pick the top-rated chef knife, then please watch the full video. We strive to review as many products as we can, read realtime reviews and made our own ranking. In case we miss something, please feel free to comment below so that we can include them in future reviews. We welcome all your comments.
We try to make the best product selection on price per value. We analyze lots of reviews and expert's recommendations that will help you find a best-valued product.
Some of the footage within this video was developed for promotional/education purposes. Parts of stock footage of items were collected from manufacturers, fellow creators and various other sources. If you are the creator or own the footage which may have reservations, please notify me via email and I will accommodate you for sure.
This video contains affiliate links(meaning that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll obtain a small commission). This allows us to support the channel and allow us to make more videos such as this video. Thank you for your support.
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endless summer by Del.
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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#best_chef_knife, #chef_knife, #best_chef_knife_review Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Our Co-Founder and Bladesmith Eytan Zias highlights our flagship STEELPORT 8" Chef Knife, now available at
STEELPORT 8" Chef Knife top differentiating features Including:
~ Drop Forged Full Tang: Solid one-piece drop forged construction from blade tip to end cap for a well balanced and long lasting knife.
~ 65 HRC 52100 Carbon Steel: Proprietary heat treatment and Cryo process results in a fine grained wear-resistant blade delivering first-ever exceptional hardness without becoming brittle.
~ Temper Line: Differential heat treatment creates a softer spine for overall durability.
~ Contoured Bolster with Hand Polished Edges: Smooth transition from bolster to handle for comfort, and encourages proper pinch grip hold.
~ Oregon Big Leaf Maple Handle: Beautiful locally sourced natural hardwood, stabilized with resin to meet tough kitchen requirements and won’t shrink or swell. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video Vincent explains how to pick a knife that's best for you.
Damascus Steel knives for left and right handed users:
Recommendation for softer steel knives:
Recommendation for harder steel knives:
Korin is located in Tribeca NYC.
57 Warren Street,
New York, NYC 10007
Content in video:
0:00 Intro
0:27 Left or right handed
0:57 The size of knife
2:32 Are you confident in sharpening? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
[CC] English Closed Caption has been added. Make sure to turn it on if you have trouble understanding my pronunciations.
How to choose a chef knife?
In this video, I'm explaining why a certain chef chooses a certain chef knife. I will explain why it is important to know your primary gripping style and why a certain chef from different cuisines and countries prefers a back, middle, and front balanced knife.
Want to know more about choosing the correct chef knife and Rockwell Hardness? Click on the link below:
Want to see an overview with my personal score about the steel types, click on the link below:
Many of the knives shown in this video has not been reviewed yet.
Some of the knives are hand-forged Japanese knives from Yu Kurosaki and from Takayuki Shibata. Both of those knives are sold for $300+. A review of the Gyuto from Yu Kurosaki and knives from Takayuki Shibata will be uploaded to my YouTube channel.
Click on the link below if you want to search for other Chinese knives:
If you purchase from these links, I get a small commission that goes towards supporting the channel.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases
Thank you for your support :)
★ F O L L O W ChefPanko 😊
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How to choose a chef knife - Chef's knife vs Japanese and Chinese chef knife
The Best Chef Knife | Chef Knife Review | Almazan Knife | Chopping Cleaver Knife
This chef's knife is the most versatile knife in any kitchen.
No kitchen - home or professional - should be without a chef's knife. This kitchen multi-tasker, once mastered, is ideal for vegetables - easily turning out a beautiful julienne, dice, or brunoise. It is also an excellent choice for shaving chives and scallions and cleaning and portioning boneless proteins such as fish. The knife is very useful for giving presentations on different occasions because it was packed in a nice gift box and comes with a knife Edge Guard/Protector to protect your blade when you carry it. #Chefknife #Cleaverknife
This cleaver made of high-quality stainless is a good choice for slicing, cutting, chopping, or preparing meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, or even cheese. This is the only Knife you need.
Overall size: 12"
Blade size: 7.5"
Handle size: 4.5"
Blade Material: Carbon Steel
Handle Material: Wood
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The Best Chef Knife | Chef Knife Review | Almazan Knife | Chopping Cleaver Knife
With over 20 years experience with Japanese chef knives, Oakridge BBQ's Owner and Master Blender Michael Trump gives his recommendations for what he thinks you should pick for your first Japanese chef knife.
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So You Want to Buy Your First Japanese Chef Knife?
ITEM NO. M18000
One Piece - High Carbon Steel (X30Cr13 - Mirror Polish)
Santoprene and Poly Combo Handle
Pick one up here:
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First Look at the Mercer Culinary "Wide Chef" Knife
Japanese Kitchen Knives Best Shun Professional Chef Knife Set
Order Yours at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Japanese Kitchen Knives Best Shun Professional Chef Knife Set
[CC] English Closed Caption has been added. Make sure to turn it on if you have trouble understanding my pronunciations.
Zwilling Pro Chef's Knife Review - German Knife Review
Is the Zwilling Pro Chef's knife the ideal all-purpose knife?
That is something you will find out in this video.
🛒S H O P:
Zwilling Pro NA:
Zwilling EU:
N O T E S: In Europe, we have the Wusthof Classic with a half-bolster (Outside of Europe, you will probably only find the Wusthof Classic full bolster, I personally will not recommend a full-bolster, so the Wusthof ''Ikon'' Classic is my preferred choice over the Wusthof Classic Full-bolster).
I have been testing many Chinese and Japanese made knives. After knowing what the other can deliver in terms of quality and price, I find that the Zwilling chef's knife is an overpriced all-purpose knife.
The current recommended price is $150 or 100 euro in Europe.
We can get knives from China with the same durability and better sharpness for a lot less. For around $30, you have something comparable with the Zwilling chef's knife. And that includes shipping, and even when they add import taxes, you will still be cheaper than the $150 price point of the Zwilling 8 inch Chef's knife. At this point, I think that the Victorinox Chef's knife is at the correct price point for around $35 to $40.
You can find all the AliExpress knives that I have reviewed here:
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★ F O L L O W ChefPanko 😊
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Zwilling Pro Chef's Knife Review - German Traditional Chef's Knife
Hi guy's, this is a review on my new Katsu Santoku Knife. This was an amazon unboxing for me. Although this knife is just over $100, it is still a good affordable buy. Some knives run well over $500 that's why I got this one for me.
-7- Inch Professional 67-Layer Damascus Steel Blade
-A traditional Japanese convex grind (Hamaguri-ba) damascus blade that excels in sharpness, durability and ease of sharpening
-Handcrafted octagonal ebony wood handle with buffalo horn bolster is lightweight and ergonomically welds to the hand for seamless use
-Each KATSU kitchen santoku knife comes with a dark walnut wood magnetic saya style sheath, which is convenient when carrying out field activities
Instagram ----
Camera's Used -------- Black magic Pocket Cinema 4k
---------- Canon G7 Mark III Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy Your First Japanese Chef Knife - Santoku Knife by Katsu
A good kitchen knife can mean the difference between a joyful 10-minute prep time and a 30-minute prep time that’s a major chore — with a side of unwanted nicks and cuts. Now that we're all probably cooking much more than usual, saving time in the kitchen is becoming more valuable than ever. The truth is, the typical home cook just needs a high-quality, sharp chef’s knife and a few other options like a serrated knife and a smaller paring knife. we've listed 5 chef knives, based on, how well each knife slices, dices, chops, juliennes, chiffonades, and minces.
Product List:
0:00 Introduction
0:31 - 5. WÜSTHOF Chefs Knife
1:30 - 4. Mercer Culinary Chefs Knife
2:25 - 3. Shun Classic Chefs Knife
3:35 - 2. J.A. Henckels Chefs Knife
4:32 - 1. Victorinox Chefs Knife
More Top 10 Listed Product Links
F FANTECK Chefs Knife
TUO Chef Knife
XYJ Chefs Knife
Cooking Chefs Knife
NWESTUN Chefs Knife
A chef’s knife is the most versatile of all kitchen knives, so if you are going to invest in only one knife, this is the type you want. It’s the go-to tool for cutting meat, fish, herbs, produce, nuts…just about anything that needs cutting in the kitchen, a chef’s knife is the answer.
Some of the footage used in this video is not original content produced by "The Best Cooking Things". Portions of stock footage of products were gathered from multiple sources including, manufactures, fellow creators, and various other sources. If something belongs to you, and you want it to be removed, please do not hesitate to contact us at "thebestcookingthings@"
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Taking a first look at the Misen 8in Chef Knife - Made with Aus-10 Steel and a 15 degree grind on the edge. I can't find what they used to make the handle so I can't confirm.
15:09 for the actual cutting
Here are some entry-level knives - Under $100 that I recommend for those of you looking to get a new knife. As an Amazon Affiliate, I get a little kickback from any sales on amazon from my links.
Victorinox Fibrox -
Mercer Millennia -
Mercer Renaissance Scalloped - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TUO Cutlery Chef Knife Review Ring H Series - 9 5 inch - Japanese AUS10:
TUO Cutlery started in 2016, and you will start hearing more from them. Tuo cutlery is focusing on making high-quality knives at an affordable price to the domestic and professional kitchen.
The Official Tuo Cutlery Store Page on Amazon - Tuo Ring-H 9.5 inch is currently sold for $45 on Amazon:
Amazon NA:
Amazon EU:
Tuo Cutlery Ring-H Chef Knife -AliExpress store (not the official store but a reseller):
Tuo Cutlery Ring-H Series 9.5 inch Chef Knife Specification (being updated):
Weight: 260 grams
Handle: G10
Rivets: 1 rivet
Handle length: 12cm
Blade length:
Blade width:
Material: Japanese AUS10
Core Material: Japanese AUS10
HRC: 60/61 (more in line with 60).
Click on the link below if you want to search for other Chinese knives:
Note: Beware that shipping may take very long while ordering from AliExpress; read the description carefully and look at the reviews before deciding to buy from any of the sellers/ resellers on AliExpress.
If you want to know more about the steel types or what knife to buy, visit my website:
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★ F O L L O W ChefPanko 😊
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🍱 C O O K I N G:
Disclaimer: This knife has been sent over by Tuo Cutlery for a review
however, they are not paying me to make this video or to use the knife, and nobody gets the chance to preview any of this footage before it goes up on YouTube. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TUO Cutlery Chef Knife Review Ring H Series - 9 5 inch - Japanese AUS10
Best carbon-steel knife:
Best stainless-steel knife:
Full review and results chart:
Carbon-steel enthusiasts have long considered these knives sharper and more durable than stainless. But do they really perform better—and are they worth the upkeep?
We tested 8 carbon-steel knives to find the best one:
Bob Kramer 8" Carbon Steel Chef’s Knife by Zwilling J.A. Henckels
Tsukiji Masamoto Gyuto, 8 1/4"
Togiharu Virgin Carbon Steel Gyutou, 8.2"
Misono Swedish Carbon Steel Gyutou, 8.2"
Masamoto Sohonten Virgin Carbon Steel Gyutou, 8.2"
Messermeister Park Plaza Carbon 8 Inch Chef’s Knife
R. Murphy Chef’s Select 8 Inch Carbon Steel Chef’s Knife
Sabatier Mexeur et Cie 8" Chef
ABOUT US: Located in Boston’s Seaport District in the historic Innovation and Design Building, America's Test Kitchen features 15,000 square feet of kitchen space including multiple photography and video studios. It is the home of Cook’s Illustrated magazine and Cook’s Country magazine and is the workday destination for more than 60 test cooks, editors, and cookware specialists. Our mission is to test recipes over and over again until we understand how and why they work and until we arrive at the best version.
Each week, the cast of America's Test Kitchen brings the recipes, testings, and tastings from Cook's Illustrated magazine to life on our public television series. With more than 2 million viewers per episode, we are the most-watched cooking show on public television.
More than 1.3 million home cooks rely on Cook's Illustrated and Cook's Country magazines to provide trusted recipes that work, honest ratings of equipment and supermarket ingredients, and kitchen tips.
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Equipment Review: Best Carbon-Steel Chef's Knives & Our Testing Winner
This AF-297 Knife With Color Wood Handle is a Multi-Purpose knife designed to perform well at many different Hunting and tracking tasks. To set a new standard for kitchen knives: Impress guests with your stunning look, extra performance adds refinement and style to any modern kitchen! A small cut to resist. This Chef knife is a chef collection you’ll ever need. This knife is a multi-purpose knife designed to perform well in many different kitchen tasks. This knife is made of high quality. A good choice for slicing, cutting, chopping. The handle makes controlling the grip of this knife easy.
Overall Length: 13 Inches,
Blade Length: 7.5 Inches,
Handle Length: 5.5 Inches,
Blade Steel: Carbon Steel,
Handle Material: Wood
Order Now at
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Best Cleaver Chopping Knife | Best Chef's Knife | Cleaver Knife Uses [ Versatile Cleaver Knife ]
Top 5 Best Japanese Kitchen chefs knives my trusted e-store
Kato Saji Kurosaki
Anryu Patreon
Sharpening Kit
Top Picks Amazon Picks
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My Site
0:00 auctioning off my best knives
0:20 top 5 kitchen knives
0:49 yu kurosaki turquoise knife
1:25 yoshimi kato petty knife
1:50 yu kurosaki vg10 gyuto chef knife review
2:13 why i stopped buying vg10 knives
2:54 anryu gyuto chef knife review
2:57 why you should be an anryu knife - anryu retires
3:44 moritaka makes the best affordable Japanese knives
4:38 the most comfortable knives by Kato
5:25 yoshimi kato aogami super 210mm gyuto - best performing hand made knife under $300
5:59 takeshi saji kiritsuke - one of the best cutting knife i have used made by a master blade smith
7:08 akazawa AS blue super gyuto
7:32 yoshihiro aogami super gyuto is the best knife under $200
8:21 what is the best chef knife? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Custom handmade Chef knife made by Almazan Knives
This Knife Is a multi purpose knife design to perform well at many different
kitchen tasks. Suitable for Chef cutting fruits, fish, meat and for professional cooking enthusiasts. The Feature Is That Full Tang Carbon Steel Blade.
This is durable and well balanced. A great knife is an essential tool for every cook. Precision forged from a single piece of specially tempered Carbon steel, Each knife is engineered for outstanding strength and years of exceptional performance. This knife has high quality content to give excellent sharp skills. The wide Carbon steel blade is shaped for easy skinning and capping. Shape of Handle is so good and makes a comfortable grip. Size and Weight of Knife is Balanced so chefs can use it for chopping quickly.
Ergonomically designed-round-handle to ensure a secure and comfortable grip! Rare tapered bolster for extreme comfort, perfect balance! This Knife is a powerhouse tool of ruthless chopping efficiency.
This knife has high-quality content to give excellent sharp skills. The wide Carbon steel blade is shaped for easy skinning and capping.
A Pure Leather cover with the knife used to carry the knife. A strong and beautiful cover with a knife increases the beauty of Product.
Blade Has Been Given An Excellent Heat Treatment to Get It Hardened. Our Knives Are Very Sharp, So Open And Use Them Very Carefully.
Knife measurements-weights are approximate and may vary from knife to knife.
Comes with a Leather sheath which may vary from the picture due to production lots.
Our knife has 3 Steel Pins on the handle.
Overall Length: 13.5 Inches
Blade Length: 8 Inches
Blade Width: 3 Inches
Handle Length: 5.5 Inches
Blade Steel: Carbon Steel
Handle Material: Micarta
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Best Chef knife | Custom handmade Chef knife | Carbon Steel Blade
brand is our high-end knife series with a wide range of knife selections for professional chefs, home chefs, and knife collectors. You will fall in love with our knives, once you used them, your prep cooking will be different without them. Beautiful work of art, handmade average took 7 hours from start to finish.
High-quality materials, technique, and craftsmanship created not only artistic but functional. All are made in Taiwan. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I.O.Shen Master Grade Handcraft Laminated Specialty Chef's Knife Series
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