EVA коврик EVAtech в багажник авто Honda Passport 2019+ 3 покоління SUV USA чорний ромб з чорним кантом. Оригінальні автомобільні килимки EVAtech з матеріалу EVA, завдяки своїй структурі, добре затримують воду, бруд і пісок. Автокилимки виконані за індивідуальними кресленнями, тому відповідають розмірам салону автомобіля, що забезпечує максимальне прилягання і покриття салону. Кожен комплект килимків оснащений штатними кріпленнями і системою липучок, створюючи додаткову фіксацію і максимальне зчеплення. Килимки легкі, тому зручно очищаються і не вимагають просушування. Килимки EVAtech з відмінними характеристиками міцності: витримують перепади температур від + 50 ° C до -50 ° C, не вступають у взаємодію з різними хімічними реагентами і стійкі до механічного впливу.
Виробник: EVAtech
Сумісність з автомобілем: Honda Passport 2019+ 3 покоління SUV USA
Тип кріплень: Кліпса TL
Кількість кріплень: 0
Кількість килимків: 1
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Honda Pro Jason touring the Honda Passport with Jsport Accessories on it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Станьте спонсором канала, и вы получите доступ к эксклюзивным бонусам. Подробнее:
Компания Honda представила обновленную версию большого кроссовера Passport, выпущенного три года назад — осенью 2018 года. Модель слегка преобразилась, причем некоторые элементы были позаимствованы у пикапа Ridgeline, а также получила модификацию для бездорожья под названием TrailSport.
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2019 - 2022 Honda Pilot & Passport Seat Back Protectors Review and Installation (08P42-TG7-100C)
The installation instructions shown here for the Pilot will also work for the Honda Passport as well.
3M Velcro:
Pilot Seat Back Protectors for 2nd Row Bench Seat: 08P42-TG7-100C
Pilot Seat Back Protectors for 2nd Row Captains Chairs: 08P42-TG7-100D
Honda Cargo Tray:
Honda Cargo Bin Dividers:
Trunk Cargo Net:
Honda Pilot Tailgate Chrome Trim Molding:
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Hands-Free Power Tailgate in the 2019 Honda Passport makes loading up for your adventures that much easier. Learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Представляем комплект сумок для автомобиля Хонда Степвагон 5 поколения. Сумка под сиденье и в багажник. Собственное производство г.Тюмень.
Комплект АвтоСумок органайзеров для автомобиля HONDA Stepwgn предназначен для хранения вещей и автомобильных принадлежностей. Сумки помогут в поддержании порядка в вашем автомобиле.
Комплект состоит из трех удобных сумок, выполненных в чисто черном цвете. Две из них устанавливаются под второй ряд пассажирских сидений на существующие кронштейны, крепление на липучках. Третья большая сумка устанавливается в багажник, имеет две трансформируемые секции, количество секций регулируется с помощью липучек.
- Идеальные размеры, комплект рассчитан для использования в автомобилях Honda Stepwgn 5 поколения (2015-2017г.в.), 5 поколение рестайлинг (2017-2021г.в.).
- Материал прочный изноустойчивый Оксфорд.
- Органайзеры закрываются на молниях, используется только качественная надежная фурнитура
- Удобная ручка позволяет легко перемещать сумку для багажника, например для уборки или пикника.
- Легко мыть, достаточно протереть влажной салфеткой.
Комплект АвтоСумок органайзеров для автомобиля Хонда Степвагон станет отличным дополнением к замечательному автомобилю.
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Заказать коврики по индивидуальным размерам можно по адресу:
тел.8800-222-48-45(бесплатно по России), 8904-538-62-82 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Коврики 3D-LUX для Honda Stepwgn (2015-2021) Не гибрид
Видеообзор универсального коврика в багажник.
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Ева коврики в авто, популярны всегда. Я показал, как своими руками сделать ева коврик в авто, багажник. Из EVA листа делают коврики, 3д коврики, или же органайзеры, сумки.
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Модельные авто коврики Akuba на Honda Freed Spike. Эти автоковрики изготавливают под автомобили из Японии. Поставляет их компания из Владивостока Akuba. В этом видео представлен обзор и установка модельных ковриков Акуба на автомобиле Хонда Фрид Спайк (Honda Freed Spike). С помощью этих ковриков можно придать салону автомобиля премиальный вид и при этом они быдут практичны. Все подробности на видео......
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How To Use: Hands-Free Power Tailgate On A Honda SUV Or Minivan
How To Use: Hands-Free Power Tailgate On A Honda SUV Or Minivan:
If you’ve got both arms full, this handy feature lets you open and close your Honda's tailgate with ease.
Always remember to have your vehicle's remote close at hand, or it won't work. Then all you need to do is simply make a kicking motion under the center rear of the vehicle, and your tailgate will open. It's important to kick in the center, unless there is a hitch installed; which in that case you'll want to kick to the right of the hitch. Repeat the process to close the tailgate!
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Thank you for watching my video on the 2024 Honda Passport Trailsport rear seat back protectors/covers unboxing and install.
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Full transcript:
What's up everybody It's AJ with each . Today, we're gonna be checking out the etrailer Cargo Area Protector, on our 2021 Honda Passport. Now this is gonna be a good option for the back cargo area of your vehicle, to just protect it. You can see how much coverage it actually has. Even comes down here on the bumper. So if you have your doggy friends and they wanna hop up there, they won't be scratching up the bumper here.
It's got it nice and protected against their claws and that, when they're up in here. Now, I will say on our Passport today, this does have a third row and we haven't pulled it down. Just to show you how big this is. If we had the third row up, you could still attach it to that third row. You probably would just take the hook-and-loop off, of this one.
You probably wouldn't need all three sections of it. So what they brought back here, this would be over the bumper. Still get that coverage, but you don't need to use all the co, the cover. So just keep that in mind. It's also going to be good for if you're hauling cargo, that's maybe dirty or maybe sandy, you came from the beach or something.
You can sit on here and all the mess stays on the cover and doesn't get on the interior of your vehicle, because you don't really want to get the vacuum out and start cleaning that out. It's easier just to pull this out, shake it off like that, let the mess stay outside. And then you can even just spray this off with the hose and let it dry out out there too. Far easier than vacuuming the inside of your vehicle. Now, I've already kind of shown you this section.
So I'm going to go ahead and fold it up and set it aside. That's one of the nice things about this is, it's very easy to take apart and install. And when you go to fold it up, it can fit pretty much anywhere. So this is the big portion of our cover here. It's got the hook-and-loop like you saw down here and that's what connects it, each piece. So this one has two. Long ones and that helps it hold in place. And material down here also this is going to grab on, a little bit to the interior. So let me show ya, I'll try and move it around. It slides a little bit, but not too much. So it does have a little bit of grip there and texture just to help it from just sliding around, like if it was a tarp or something like that. Let's go ahead and remove this one too. This one has three hook-and-loops. And then we can fold this one up just like we did the smaller bumper one. So that goes on top of each other. The hook-and-loops' so good. It's actually attaching to the bottom here. So then we look at the seat itself. You see it goes around the headrest. And I'm gonna to hop inside the vehicle, just so I can show you better and point it out. Really easy to install. This band just goes around the headrest. Like that. So then it's going to stay up there all the time, we don't have to worry about it falling down. If it was hook-and-loop attached, or anything like that, it's not going anywhere, I can pull on it. It goes right back into place. So that's nice. Especially if you have, like I said, a dog back here, that's walking around or messing with it. It's not going to make it rip it right off or anything like that. We take it down. I'll come back around by you and fold this up too. You'll probably fold it up a little bit better than I did, but, just trying to show you how easy it is. And then with all three sections folded up, you can easily store it in one of your compartments. You got room, just set it down in there when you're not using it. And it's out of sight, out of mind. Well, I think that does it. Thanks for hanging out and I hope this helped.. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Let's go over Apple CarPlay in the tech-laden 2019 Passport with sales associate Gianna Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Avec une capacité de remorquage de 5 000 lb, le Honda Passport 2019 est prêt pour n’importe quelle aventure. Pour plus de détails, visitez Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The all-new Honda Passport is loaded with new technology and interior features! Check out some of the features on this 2019 Honda Passport Elite AWD model!
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2020 Honda passport how to take the the tailgate apart and the spoiler
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etrailer Car Seat Covers Review - 2021 Honda Passport
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Full transcript:
What's up everybody, it's Ajay with . Today, we're gonna be checking out the etrailer bucket seat cover on our 2021 Honda Passport. So this is gonna be a good addition to your Passport because it's gonna cover up the seats and just help protect them. Now you can see it doesn't have full coverage on your seat. There is some parts exposed, but overall it covers most of it where you'll be sitting. And I have one myself and I use it in my vehicle.
I really like it because, I go to the gym every day I run at the park. And then I'll bring that sweaty smell into my vehicle. My friends complain about the smell. So then I got one of these and I can take this out just easily, throw it in the wash and then dry it out and it's clean. All the nastiness stays here instead of getting into the seat in the vehicle that we're to clean out the interior.
It's really easy to put on there, let's go over that part you gotta hook and loop strap on the back. And the headrest, just goes over there. So now I've taken it off. I'm just gonna go put it back on, just stretch it over the headrest. And you run this around the back.
And attaches on the other side. So that's how easy it is to put it on there or take off. So you can imagine for not using it all the time. If you know, you're not going for a run or something, or that's what you're not using for, you can pull it up in itself and store it somewhere else and then keep it off the seat. I leave mine on all the time, cause it's actually pretty comfortable.
So it's got three layers built into it. So the top layers, just comfort. The second one's gonna be for absorption. We poured water on this before and put a piece of paper underneath and the water never got to the bottom. So if you spill coffee or something, you don't have to worry about going to your seat. And the bottom is gonna be nibs. So that's gonna help grip the seat. And you see, I'm pushing it back and forth or trying, and it's not going anywhere. So let me just hop in there and show you, 'cause that was one of the things I used to use the beach towel or some kind of towel and cover the seat and it would come out with me when I'd hop in and out of the vehicle. So I'll move around in here you can see, it's not falling down because it's connected on the headrest behind me. And then when I hop out, it doesn't follow me out. So I really liked that it stays in place like it's supposed to. I don't have to worry about getting aggravated with the falling down on my back all the time. Then I just don't use it. I really like it and I think it's pretty dang useful. So let me show you how it folds up in itself. When you're not using it. I'm gonna quickly do it, you can probably do it way neater than I do, but just to show you you kind of roll it up. And then put it in the top portion. Now it's nice and compact you can store it in the center console, but that's where you're gonna put it and keep it out of sight, out of mind, or just set in the back seat. Well, I think that does it. Thanks for hanging out and I hope this helped.. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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2020 Honda Passport | How to Connect to Apple CarPlay | Rairdon Automotive Group
Today we're going to show you how to connect to Apple CarPlay in the 2020 Honda Passport.
Spoiler alert: It's really easy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3D Коврики из экокожи на Hyundai Palisade. Коврики из экокожи в багажник
3D Коврики из экокожи - XMATS.
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▪ Passport’s new rugged exterior design better reflects true off-road capabilities
▪ More aggressive exterior design from the A-pillars forward and a new rear bumper with larger dual exhaust outlets give Passport a tough new look
▪ First-ever Passport TrailSport is even more emotional and adventurous, further advancing Honda’s new rugged design direction for light truck lineup
▪ As new halo for Honda light trucks, TrailSport further highlights the off-road capability, versatility and durability long engineered into Honda light trucks
What's New:
▪ More aggressive exterior design from the A-pillars forward
▪ Updated rear styling featuring a new bumper and larger exhaust finishers
▪ Updated EX-L interior includes contrast stitching on perforated leather seats
▪ TrailSport edition features unique exterior and interior styling and standard intelligent Variable Torque Management (i-VTM4) all-wheel drive system with true torque vectoring
▪ Standard Rear Seat Reminder and rear seatbelt reminder systems on all models
▪ Available HPD accessories package for sportier appearance
Key Features
▪ Standard 280-horsepower (SAE net at 6,000 rpm) V6 engine and 9-speed automatic transmission
▪ i-VTM4 all-wheel drive with true torque vectoring available on all grades (standard on TrailSport and Elite)
▪ Ground clearance up to 8.1 inches for tackling rugged terrain
▪ Standard 8-inch Display Audio system with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto integration
▪ Standard Honda Sensing system of advanced safety and driver-assistive technologies
▪ Standard Smart Entry and Push-button start
▪ Standard LED headlights
All-New TrailSport
The first in what will be a new series of Honda TrailSport vehicles, the 2022 Passport TrailSport is packed with exclusive styling and unique interior touches. The new Passport TrailSport features a unique grille treatment, and more aggressive front and rear bumpers with skid garnish designs prominently painted silver.
Even the design of the new TrailSport logo, inspired by nature’s beauty and the spirit of exploration, expresses the exhilaration of outdoor adventure. Orange TrailSport badges grace grille and tailgate, while the Passport and AWD badges are painted gloss black instead of the chrome used on the rest of the lineup.
New machined 18-inch wheels with Pewter painted highlights are also unique to TrailSport, and its front & rear track widths are increased 10 mm to improve stance and stability. The unique design of its 245/60R18 tires includes sidewall tread for a more rugged look.
As with the rest of the Passport lineup, TrailSport’s off-road capability exceeds expectations. Honda’s i-VTM4 torque-vectoring all-wheel drive and Intelligent Traction Management systems are standard. When the trail narrows and every inch of width counts, the outside mirrors can be folded with the touch of a button. TrailSport also includes a heated windshield wiper parking area to keep them from getting stuck in frigid conditions.
In the cabin, TrailSport stands out with orange contrast stitching on the steering wheel, door panels and seats, with the TrailSport logo embroidered on the front seat head rests and molded onto the standard all-season rubber floor mats. TrailSport’s gauge cluster features the same new gray lighting and white needles as the rest of the Passport lineup, but with a grade-specific black chrome gauge surround. At night, the interior features exclusive amber ambient lighting in the footwells, overhead console, door handle pocket, door tray and cupholders.
Over the next few model years, the off-road capability of the Passport TrailSport will increase further with possible future upgrades such as more aggressive tires and off-road tuned suspension.
Extensive Safety and Driver Assistive Technologies
Every 2022 Honda Passport comes standard with the Honda Sensing suite of safety and driver-assistive technologies. On Passport, Honda Sensing includes Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS) with Forward Collision Warning (FCW), Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS), Road Departure Mitigation (RDM) with Lane Departure Warning (LDW), and Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC).
New for all 2022 Passport grades is a Rear Seat Reminder and rear seatbelt reminder as standard equipment. The Rear Seat Reminder chimes when Passport is turned off, with a notification on the digital meter reminding drivers to check the rear seating area for children, pets, or other precious cargo when exiting the car. The rear seatbelt reminder uses a warning on the digital meter to let drivers know if rear seat passengers have not fastened their seatbelts. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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