Датчик температури - це цифровий датчик, що працює від блоку NXT. Скориставшись програмним блоком NXT і програмним забезпеченням NXT 2000080, можна налаштувати датчик на дві системи вимірювання температур: в градусах за Цельсієм і за Фаренгейтом (від -20 ° С до + 120 ° С / від -4 F до +248 F).
Детальні характеристики:
LEGO Education
Temperature Sensor
LEGO Education
для хлопчиків
для дівчаток
Кількість деталей
Габарити упаковки
230 х 30 х 140 мм
можна налаштувати датчик на дві системи вимірювання температур
Make a low cost LM35 precision centigrade temperature sensor for LEGO Mindstorms EV3. The output voltage from LM35 can be connected to the EV3 ADC, then read the raw value from Raw Sensor Value Block and convert it to celsius degree on EV3 software. Finally using the EV3 homebrew temperature sensor to make a simple EV3 fire alarm system demonstration.
LM35 specification:
Interface: Analog
Output: 0mV + °C
WARNING: Do not try to make this sensor unless you know exactly what you're doing! I will not be held responsible for any damages of your EV3 Intelligent Brick or any other parts! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Датчик температуры EV3. Робототехника для начинающих. Lego Mindstorms EV3. Lego robot
☆Датчик температуры EV3. Робототехника для начинающих lego mindstorms ev3. Lego robot и датчик температуры.
☆Что такое датчик температуры Lego EV3. Основные особенности и характеристики датчика температуры EV3. Sensor температуры EV3. Автономный блок и сенсор температуры EV3.
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☆ Как собирать Lego роботов. Как программировать Lego роботов. Как работать с набором Lego Mindstorms EV3 и как программировать Lego роботов в среде программирования LabWIEV.
⇒ Канал о робототехнике #LegoTeacher
⇒ Профессия Python-разработчик с 0 до PRO
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ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПРО БАТАРЕЙКИ! ЛЕГО будущего будет питаться от солнца и ветра: Обзор LEGO Education 9688
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Обучающие видео на основе набора LEGO Dacta Technic 1030:
1 Основы конструирования:
2 Ременная передача, шестеренки:
3 Угловая передача, рычаги:
4 Вращение, инерция, гироскоп:
5 Лебёдка, полиспаст:
6 Дифференциал:
7 Конвейер:
8 Кардан, рулевое управление:
Построим большое количество интересных механизмов, позволяющих преобразовывать различные виды энергии: механическую, электрическую, солнечную. В набор входят измеритель, солнечная панель, Е-мотор, светодиоды, лопасти для создания ветряной турбины. Набор ЛЕГО Education 9688 был выпущен в 2010 году, количество деталей – 12.
LEGO Education 9688 set review – Renewable Energy, year 2010.
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Обзор ЛЕГО набора 9641 Пневматика, год выпуска – 2008, количество деталей – 31.
Review LEGO Education Pneumatics Add-On Set 9641, year of release – 2008, parts number – 31.
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Lego Education Перворобот WeDo 9580 + ресурсный набор WeDo 9585
Скидка 40% на комплекты и возможность выиграть набор Lego Перворобот в магазине iCover тут:
Комплекты, на которые 40% скидка тут:
Lego Education Перворобот WeDo 9580 + ресурсный набор WeDo 9585
LEGO Education 9580 Строительный набор WeDo
Lego StoryTales (45005) - базовый набор "Моя первая история"
Lego Simple Machines Set (9689) - набор "Простые механизмы"
Lego Education WeDo Resource Set (9585) - ресурсный набор Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microdul supplies ultra-low-power temperature sensors. For example, the MS1088D has a typical current consumption of 80nA when measuring once per minute. Typical current in sleep mode between measurements is 20nA. Typical accuracy is ±0.3°C from 10-40°C with a resolution of °C. It has an operating range from -40°C to 120°C. Communication is via I2C or SPI. The temperature sensors are also available in small chip scale packages and QFN. The chip scale package can be soldered like a normal SMD component. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The EE212 humidity (RH) and temperature (T) sensor with interchangeable sensing module is optimized for demanding climate control applications in most various industries. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
оm651 датчик температуры в коллекторе
Датчик температуры выхлопных газов
Эффективная работа всех систем во многом зависит от качества комплектующих. Поломка датчика температуры отработавших газов может вызвать изменения в работе компонентов и негативно отразиться на состоянии вашего автомобиля.
Датчики температуры отработавших газов (EGTS) контролируют температуру выхлопных газов, чтобы компоненты для их очистки достигали оптимальных условий работы. Поэтому эти датчики являются важным компонентом систем снижения уровня вредных выбросов транспортных средств.
Кроме того, по температуре выхлопных газов можно судить, например, о качестве топливно-воздушной смеси. Если температура выхлопных газов растет, значит, есть проблема в процессе сгорания топливно-воздушной смеси, например детонация. Слишком бедная или богатая смесь приведёт к понижению показателей температуры выхлопных газов. Также высокая температура выхлопных газов может свидетельствовать о неисправности системы зажигания или системы управления двигателем. Наличие в автомобиле этого датчика снижает риск механического повреждения деталей двигателя.
Der effektive Betrieb aller Systeme hängt weitgehend von der Qualität der Komponenten ab. Wenn der Abgastemperatursensor defekt ist, können sich die Komponenten ändern und sich negativ auf den Zustand Ihres Fahrzeugs auswirken.
Abgastemperatursensoren (EGTS) überwachen die Abgastemperatur, um sicherzustellen, dass die Komponenten für ihre Reinigung optimale Betriebsbedingungen erreichen. Daher sind diese Sensoren ein wesentlicher Bestandteil von Systemen zur Verringerung der Emissionen von Fahrzeugen.
Darüber hinaus kann durch die Abgastemperatur beispielsweise die Qualität des Kraftstoff-Luft-Gemisches beurteilt werden. Wenn die Abgastemperatur steigt, dann gibt es ein Problem bei der Verbrennung des Kraftstoff-Luft-Gemisches, zum Beispiel Detonation. Eine zu schlechte oder reiche Mischung führt zu einer Senkung der Abgastemperatur. Auch hohe Abgastemperaturen können auf eine Fehlfunktion des Zündsystems oder der Motorsteuerung hinweisen. Das Vorhandensein dieses Sensors im Fahrzeug reduziert das Risiko einer mechanischen Beschädigung der Motorteile.
Exhaust gas temperature sensor
The effective operation of all systems largely depends on the quality of components. A breakdown of the exhaust gas temperature sensor can cause changes in the operation of components and negatively affect the condition of your car.
Exhaust gas Temperature Sensors (EGTS) monitor the exhaust gas temperature so that the components for their cleaning achieve optimal working conditions. Therefore, these sensors are an important component of vehicle emissions reduction systems.
In addition, the exhaust gas temperature can be used to judge, for example, the quality of the fuel-air mixture. If the exhaust gas temperature increases, it means that there is a problem in the combustion of the fuel-air mixture, for example, detonation. Too poor or rich a mixture will lead to a decrease in exhaust gas temperature. Also, the high temperature of the exhaust gases may indicate a malfunction of the ignition system or engine control system. The presence of this sensor in the car reduces the risk of mechanical damage to engine parts.. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LEGO Education WeDo 9580 - Строительный набор (обзор на русском)
Видеообзор уникального образовательного конструктора WEDO. Вы знали, что Lego можно подключить к компьютеру? Данный набор используется в лучших образовательных учреждениях Европы и США для ускорения темпов развития детей от 3 лет. Специально написанные образовательные методики от команды лучших международных педагогов вкупе с большим ассортиментом обучающих конструкторов, позволяют заинтересовать ребенка учебой, а после и показывать удивительные результаты в успеваемости.
Теперь купить такой набор можно домой, главной его особенностью является возможность из 1 комплекта кубиков создать 12 персонажей (Drumming Monkey, Roaring Lion и др.), которых можно подключать к компьютеру через специальное приложение и оживить их!
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Contact email: andy@.
Any questions, please feel free to contact me.
The MS20 is a high precision and high sensitivity of soil moisture & temperature sensors. By measuring the dielectric constant of the soil, it shows stable real moisture content directly. The MS20 can measure the volume of soil moisture. The FDR soil moisture measurement method
is in line with present international standards. Apply to the soil moisture monitoring, scientific experiment, water-saving irrigation, greenhouse vegetables, flowers, grass, fast measure, plant cultivation, greenhouse control, precision agriculture and the other measurement of water,
weather or particulate matter content. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What is a Temperature Sensor? - Feejoy Technology
▶︎ More focus on providing smart sensor solutions for temperature measurement videos◀︎
There are several common types of temperature sensors: RTD, thermocouple, thermistor, etc. The thermistor is also divided into PTC and NTC. So what is a temperature sensor? It refers to a sensor that can sense temperature and convert it into a usable output signal. So which of these temperature sensors is better? If you regard "accuracy" as a key indicator. RTD is better than thermocouple, and the accuracy is about ten times higher. From a "sensitivity" point of view, both RTDs and thermocouples can quickly respond to temperature changes. But for the same cost, the thermocouple is faster. If it is necessary to measure the temperature of an electronic PCB or IC, the SMD type will be the best us and get the best solution.
FEEJOY high-temperature pressure transducer is also called high temp pressure sensor that can sense temperature and convert it into a usable output signal. The temperature transducer is the core part of the temperature measuring instrument, and there are many varieties. According to the measurement method, it can be divided into two types: contact type and non-contact type. According to the characteristics of sensor materials and electronic components, it can be divided into thermal resistance and thermocouple high temperature pressure sensors.
Feejoy Company website:
Temperature Sensor:
#Feejoy #temperaturesensor #temperaturetransmitter #temperaturemeasurement #temperature #sensor #transmitter
‣‣How to protect family infrared thermometer
‣‣Application of Radar level transmitter 、 Radar level gauge
‣‣Radar level meter 、 Measuring principle of radar level gauge
‣‣Magnetic level gauge、 Measuring principle of the magnetic level gauge
‣‣Ultrasonic Level Sensor、 Measuring principle of the ultrasonic level sensor
‣‣Application of Ultrasonic Level Sensor, Magnetic Level Gauge, Rader Level Transmitter
‣‣Advantages of Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter
‣‣The working principle and advantages of Vortex Flow Meter
‣‣The working principle and advantages of Magnetostrictive Level
‣‣Radar level transmitter:How to use Radar level sensor to reduce millions of property losses
‣‣Application range and measurement method of RF Admittance Level Transmitter
‣‣Pressure transmitter-What happens if you choose an inappropriate pressure sensor?
‣‣Wide application and installation method of Capacitance Level Switch
‣‣How does the Submersible Pressure Transmitter monitor the liquid level?
‣‣Application of temperature transmitter in food and other fields
‣‣Submersible Pressure Transmitter: How to prevent the factory from explosions?
‣‣Standard Pressure Transmitter to escort chemical production
‣‣Differential pressure transmitter with various functions
‣‣Why use Pneumatic Air Hammer?
‣‣What is a Pneumatic Vibrator? How does a Pneumatic Vibrator work?
‣‣Electromagnetic Flow Meter measurement principle and function
‣‣Working principle and wide application of Side Mounted Level Switch
‣‣What is a Multi Point Level Switch?
‣‣What is a Temperature Sensor?
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Ambient air temperature sensor 2007 Volkswagen Jetta #shorts
Remotely monitor the temperature environment of your crops. Whether you use greenhouses, high tunnels, low tunnels, or polytunnels the Themote is for you. Add the waterproof Thermote to your property and remotely monitor growing temps via custom alerts sent to your phone. Download the Zynect Sensors app to share the data with your team, view historical data, and set alerts. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How it works - KY-028 NTC Digital Temperature Sensor Module - C.B.Electronics Lebanon!
In this video i have used DS18B20 temperature sensor with arduino IoT cloud to monitor the temperature remotely.
What is DS18b20 temperature sensor?
The DS18B20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature measurements and has an alarm function with non-volatile, user-programmable high and low trigger points.
This means that the sensor has a programmable upper and lower limit. The DS18B20 communicates via a 1-wire bus, which requires only one data line for communication with a central microprocessor. In addition, the DS18B20 can draw power directly from the data line ("parasite power"). This eliminates the need for an external power source. Each DS18B20 has a unique 64-bit serial code. This allows multiple sensors to operate on the same 1-Wire bus and be evaluated by only one microprocessor.
Applications that can benefit from this feature include HVAC environmental controls, temperature monitoring systems in buildings, plants or machinery, and process monitoring and control systems. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ч.1/3 Arduino ANDROID Bluetooth термометр temperature sensors DHT11 thermometer
1. Демонстрация: Это первая, из трёх частей видео урока, Bluetooth термометр и Android телефон.
2. Во второй части мы самостоятельно напишем программу для Android телефона, с помощью "App
Inventor 2".
"Thermometer Bluetooth Arduino"
3. В третьей части, мы установим библиотеку "DHT" для Arduino, и протестируем на практике работу датчика "DHT11".
Программа для контроля за температурой, и влажностью.
К Arduino подключаем датчик температуры (temperature sensors "DHT11"), и "Bluetooth модуль HC-05".
Скачиваем и устанавливаем библиотеку "DHT", загружаем тестовый sketch в Arduino.
С Android телефона с помощью программы "Thermometer Bluetooth Arduino", по Bluetooth
подключаемся к Arduino.
Arduino через "Bluetooth модуль HC-05" начинает отправлять в Android телефон данные,
уровень температуры и влажности, которые будут отображаться на экране Android телефона.
Для удобства работы с датчиком "DHT11" нужно установить библиотеку "DHT" для Arduino.
Ссылки на библиотеку "DHT", и исходник программы из "App Inventor 2", в описание к видео уроку.
библиотека для Arduino.
Ссылка, на исходник программы "Thermometer Bluetooth Arduino", для "App Inventor 2"
ч.1/3 Arduino ANDROID Bluetooth термометр temperature sensors DHT11 thermometer
ч.2/3 App Inventor 2 BluetoothServer BluetoothClient temperature sensors ANDROID Arduino
ч.3/3 Arduino ANDROID Bluetooth термометр temperature sensors DHT11 thermometer
Вспомогательные видео обзоры.
Arduino и Bluetooth модуль HC-05 Wireless Bluetooth RF Transceiver Module RS232 TTL
Самый дешевый Arduino Uno $ Minimal Atmega 328 without Arduino Board
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Chevy Camaro Transmission Harness update for Temp sensor. P0711
How connect LEGO Boost motor, sensor with LEGO Education WeDo 2 smart hub. How connect LEGO Education WeDo 2 motor, sensor with LEGO Boost move hub. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Онлайн-подія «Програмування – це цікаво та весело!» проходила на базі Білозерської школи № 1 ім. О.Я. Печерського для учнів 3-6 класів шкіл Білозерської громади. Конструктор LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 вартістю 9,400 гривень був придбаний в рамках ініціативи Meet and Сode, що проводиться громадською організацією "Білозерський центр регіонального розвитку" спільно з Управлінням освіти, культури, молоді та спорту Білозерської селищної ради.
Ініціатива Meet and Code фінансується SAP та Федеральним міністерством внутрішніх справ Німечиини.
В Україні Meet and Code впроваджується Ресурсним центром ГУРТ у співпраці з організаціями TechSoup Europe та Haus des Stiftens gGmbH. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to reset a air ambient temperature sensor. First you have to disconnect the battery postive terminal with a 10mm socket for 3min then reconnect battery and your done. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to reset a air ambient temperature sensor on a 2013 altima.
In this video we show how temperature sensors are set to function and control other devices with a microprocessor.
Blocks Code:
Adeept: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Super simple and takes 30 seconds.
The Nest temperature sensor:
*The link above is an affiliate link so we earn a very small commission if you decide to purchase it through Amazon. Thank you! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this step-by-step installation guide you can see how easy it is to install a new Dinex temperature sensor on the truck.
Find more technical support on our homepage here - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introduction to the PyroMini infrared temperature sensor from Calex Electronics, showing the main temperature screens and the graph view.
- Miniature sensing head and configurable electronics module
- Touch screen interface
- Data logging to MicroSD Card
- Alarm relay outputs
- 4-20 mA or RS485 Modbus output
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This video explains how to use an analog temperature sensor with an Arduino. We explain step by step how to get the voltage value and then convert it to temperature.
And then we try to display the temperature to an LCD.
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Industrial non-contact infrared thermometer fixed installation infrared temperature sensor manufacturer DOBENY.
Our company(DOBENY) can meet the different housing, mounting and signal output(i.e. 0-5V, 0-10V, 4-20mA, E,K,RS-485or RS-232)needs of different design requirements.
Email: dobeny@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Industrial Non-contact Infrared Temperature Sensor/Systems/ Infrared Thermocouple manufacturer
These wireless temp sensors made in Finland are so easy to use. Download the app, locate the sensor, claim it and bingo you are set to go.
We have these on Xmas Special at $50 plus freight. We also have waterproof and water resistant exterior models in stock.
If you are a Victron User then these will connect to your cerbo - but we have to advise a software config to download… no problem, its instantly on the VRM with up to 6 month trending. The one on special will give Temperature and Humidity with trending display on your smartphone. Over 100 in stock with link in the bio. #howgoodsthat #traveltheworld #withoutconsumingtheearth #ruuvi #victronenergy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wireless Bluetooth Temp Sensor - Special Price for Xmas from Safiery
I will show you how to add an external temperature sensor to your DiyBMS V4 sensor board. No changing of code if you use the same value thermister.
Link to Stuarts Github page if you would like to build one of these battery management systems.
Solder station I used:
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IMPORTANT - This video is intended exclusively for licensed mechanical contractors.
The equipment referenced in this video may differ from the equipment being installed or serviced on-site. Please refer to the documentation supplied with the equipment before following any instructions contained in this video.
If there is no documentation available on site, please download the appropriate product manuals from our website at:
Viessmann does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any action taken as a result of viewing this video. Information obtained through this video cannot be relied upon as a substitute for receiving proper training or assistance from other trained personnel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How-To: install a temperature sensor on the EVIB Vitocell Tanks
DLCG-DS130 Force, Pressure, Temperature Sensor Training equipment, training project includes:
1. The proximity sensors and reeds switch features
2. Inductive sensor response curve
3. The classification and application of optical fiber sensor
4. The application of ultrasonic sensors
5. Rotating unit and counting unit
6. Use velocity measurement of penetration sensor
7. The distance and displacement sensor applications
8. Analog quantity inductance sensor applications
9. Analog quantity ultrasonic sensor applications
10. Passive and active sensor
11. Shaft drive applications and characteristics
12. Gear motor and displacement sensor control
13. Use the position and velocity of rotary encoder to detect
14. Use analog quantity photoelectric sensor color to separate
15. Force, pressure sensor, temperature sensor's characteristics Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DLCG-DS130 Force, Pressure, Temperature Sensor Training equipment video
Today I’ll show you five different temperature sensors that you can easily use with an Arduino.
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We have measured temperature in previous Arduino projects, usually using the trusty DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. For non-critical applications, it certainly works and has the added advantage of also reading humidity.
But there are many other temperature sensors you can use with an Arduino, all of them fairly inexpensive. Many of these sensors offer improved performance over the DHT22 (and its cousin the DHT11).
Today we'll start with the DHT22 and use an Adafruit library to get it working quickly. Then we’ll move on to some other temperature sensors:
The AM2320, a similar device to the DHT22 that uses the I2C bus to communicate.
The TMP36 and LM35 precision temperature sensors. These devices output a calibrated linear analog voltage to represent temperature.
And a real high-precision sensor, the MCP9808 module from Adafruit.
Here is what you can expect to see today:
00:00 - Introduction
02:18 - DHT22
08:37 - AM2320
13:27- TMP36 & LM35
21:09 - MCP9808
There is an article on the website with the schematics and the code I used, although most of the examples are included with the Adafruit libraries.
You’ll also find a vibrant community to chat about these sensors and pretty well anything robotic or electronic on the DroneBot Workshop Forums. Why don’t you join us? While you're there you can make suggestions for any other video or articles you’d like to see.
I hope you enjoy the video! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Anything that has a PN junction you can turn into a temperature sensor. Some diodes or devices have junctions with different forward voltage drops like zener diodes.
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I would like to demonstrate for you how to test engine sensors like the throttle position sensor and the engine coolant temperature sensor. We will perform the measurements on a Chevrolet Lacetti vehicle and observe the waveform of good sensors as well as some examples of faulty sensors.
In an engine system there will be several physical parameters that the Engine Control Unit will need to know such as: Intake manifold pressure, throttle position, engine temperature, intake air temperature, air conditioning pressure and others. However, the engine control unit does not understand these parameters directly. The physical values need to be changed to something the Engine Control Unit can understand, in the form of voltage, frequency, or current. Sensors are designed to do just that, change a physical value in to an electrical value in some form. As technicians we diagnose sensors to see how accurately they convert physical parameters to electrical parameters.
How accurately is the actual throttle position converted to an electrical value?
How accurately is the voltage across the temperature sensor vary with the temperature of the engine?
Alexey Pakhomov is the author of a number of training courses on the diagnostics of modern car engines. The most popular courses are the theory of internal combustion engines, the diagnosis of car engines, the diagnosis of diesel engines, turbocharging systems, analysis of waveforms from complex failures. In the playlist you will find more videos about vehicle diagnostics using modern oscilloscopes.
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How to check throttle potentiometer and coolant temperature sensor The Pakhomov school
contact for course at Ashfaq Auto and electronics institute Faisalabad
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How to check engine coolant temperature sensor || automotivetrainer || urdu/hindhi
We produce a wide range of 4-20 mA temperature sensors available with temperature ranges and housing options as per the application needs. We are flexible to your requirements and ready to produce fully customized sensors for any quantity.
Check out our range of temperature sensors:
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Monitor the internal temperature of your RV fridge or freezer with the Lippert™ temperature sensor. When you pair the sensor with the OneControl® app, you can monitor temps using your smartphone anywhere inside your RV. Receive notifications of temperature fluctuations that are outside of the norm, like when the fridge door was left open by mistake. Or simply use as a replacement for an old or broken RV refrigerator temperature monitor.
Installation is super simple! Just attach the waterproof sensor to the inside walls of your refrigerator or freezer. Then, activate through the OneControl app and happy monitoring! Multiple sensors can be paired to the OneControl app and multiple users can access this remote temperature sensor for RVs.
Lippert Temperature Sensor:
From innovative products to trailblazing social initiatives, Lippert is leading the way. We manufacture and supply highly engineered, high-quality components to the RV industry, marine industry, automotive industry and beyond.
Shop all Lippert products at
For great RV repair and upgrade videos, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!
For help and advice from fellow RVers, follow our Lippert Scouts Community Group: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If you are like me, you have rooms in your home that have varying temperatures. If you have a Nest Thermostat, you can add temperature sensors and have the temperature in your home be based on one of those sensors rather than the actual thermostat.
In this video, I unbox the Google Nest Temperature Sensor (there isn't much to it) and then go through the setup steps to link it to your thermostat.
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In my home, my office is the warmest room in the house during the summer. This Temperature Sensor solves that problem!
Marketing Info from Amazon:
- Works with compatible Nest thermostats: the sensor tells the thermostat what the temperature is in the room where it’s placed and the thermostat uses that reading to control when the system turns on or off to keep that room the temperature you like
- Put different temperature sensors in different rooms, like the baby’s room or living room
- Control your Nest sensor in the Nest app; set a schedule and choose which room to prioritize when Compatible with the Nest Learning Thermostat and the Nest Thermostat E
- The Nest Temperature Sensor is easy to set up; just hang it on the wall or place it on a shelf
- The Nest sensor runs on batteries so it works in most homes; batteries can last up to 2 years
- Add up to 6 sensors for each compatible Nest thermostat in your home
#GoogleNest #TemperatureSensor #NestSensor
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Google Nest Temperature Sensor | Unboxing and Setup in the App
Replacing the outside air temperature sensor on a Saab 9-5
Prelude No. 6 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ()
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DIY Saab 9-5 2.0T Outside Air Temperature Sensor Replacement
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