Грати з BIG дуже весело як дітям, так і дорослим. Іграшки виготовляються з використанням, як методу видування, так і методу виливання під тиском.
Товари BIG мають високий рівень безпеки та якості. BIG — це іграшка, яка буде передаватися з покоління в покоління. Видатна якість, міцність, довговічність, досконала безпека й екологічно чисте виробництво.
Іграшки, відповідають віковим категоріям. Компанія стежить за тим, щоб іграшки BIG відповідали етапам фізіологічного розвитку дітей.
Майже всі діти люблять активний відпочинок і прогулянки на вулиці. Зробіть вашу прогулянку веселою разом із машинкою Порше 911 червоного кольору з чорними стильними елементами від німецької компанії BIG.
Виготовлена вона з надміцного високоякісного пластику, який витримує навантаження до 50 кілограмів. М'яке ергономічне сидіння сприяє правильному положенню суглобів дитячого стегна. Сидіння легко чистити вологою губкою. Зручне кермо доповнене емблемою "Porsche" і механічним сигналом, поруч із кермом розташовані реалістичні спідометр і тахометр. Завдяки спеціальним протекторам на колесах, які гарантують надійне зчеплення з дорогою, ваша прогулянка буде безпечною. Катання на машинці BIG сприяє фізичному розвитку та координації рухів дитини.
Надміцний високоякісний пластик
Витримує до 50 кг
Низький центр ваги, що гарантує стійкість
М'яке ергономічне сидіння
Сидіння легко чистити вологою губкою
Зручне кермо з обмеженим поворотом
На кермі оригінальна емблема "Porsche"
Механічний звуковий сигнал
Реалістичний спідометр і тахометр
Широкі колеса з протекторами, забезпечує надійне зчеплення з дорогою
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PORSCHE 911 TURBO S – Обзор машины мечты из другой реальности: можно ли ездить на Порше каждый день?
Видео-долгострой из далекого 2020... Подходит ли самый быстрый 911 для повседнева?
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عشان تعمل عربيه سريعه، هتحتاج شوية تفاصيل زي اللي هتشوفوها جوه الفيديو ده. 😈
دي جوله سريعه مع العظيمه Porsche 992 Turbo S عشان تعرفوا انتم داخلين على ايه.
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Собираем Порше 911 своими руками из набора Лего Техник 42096. Porsche 911 RSR | Наши тесты
Собираем Lego Technic 42096 и делимся историей марки Porsche. Почему для реализации в Лего выбрали именно 911 RSR?
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Porsche 911 Carrera 4s - Большой тест-драйв (видеоверсия) / Big Test Drive (videoversion)
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После теста Porsche Cayenne, оставившим исключительно приятные впечатления у Сергея Стиллавина и Рустама Вахидова, решили взять ещё один аппарат в пресс-парке немецкого производителя. Выбор пал на 911 Carrera 4s. Какие эмоции на сей раз у ведущих «Большого тест-драйва». Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bobby Car | Porsche Premium von BIG | Autos für Kleinkinder #2
Im zweiten Video aus der Reihe der Bobby Cars, stelle ich euch heute den Premium Porsche von Bobby Car aus dem Hause BIG vor. Welche Vorteile er im Vergleich zum klassischem Bobby Car bietet, seht ihr im Video.
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Спиди и Маша Капуки собирают Порше 911. Видео про машинки.
Что же сегодня будет в новом видео про машинки? Спиди гонщик, Маша Капуки Кануки и Бас обожают собирать машины! Что же они собирают в этом видео с машинками? А собирают Спиди и Бас новый Порше 911. Но без помощи Маши Капуки Кануки они вряд ли справятся! Вот это дааа! Яркий-желтый спортивный красавчик, а как много деталей! Но Бас и Спиди обязательно найдут место для каждой детали. У этой машины двигатель сзади, а багажник - спереди. Что еще интересного обнаружили Спиди и Бас? Смотри видео!
Все новинки канала Капуки Кануки тут
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Porsche 911 GT3 RS против VW Beetle (450 л.с.)?! ГОНКА
#carwow #porsche #volkswagen
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Хотите посмотреть совершенно безумный заезд авто с ДВС против электромобиля?!
Мэт заполучил классный Porsche 911 GT3 RS и он собирается погоняться с классическим VW Beetle… у которого вынули двигатель и заменили батареями и электромотором от Tesla Model S!
Что до характеристик, наверное, вам больше интересен "жук", не так ли? Оригинальную модель выпустили в 1972 году, и благодаря батареям и мотору от Model S, теперь она выдаёт 450 л.с. и 675 Нм момента! А ещё она довольно лёгкая, снаряжённая масса около 1050 кг.
У Porsche определённо преимущество в мощности по сравнению с VW: его 4-литровая атмосферная оппозитная шестёрка выдаёт 520 л.с. и 470 Нм момента! Однако, это авто куда тяжелее, его снаряжённая масса 1430 кг.
Удастся ли электромобилю одержать верх? Или Porsche не оставит Beetle шансов? Есть лишь один способ выяснить... ПОГНАЛИ!
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Der Traum vieler Oldtimersammler und eine Legende: der Porsche 911. Seine Restauration ist zeitaufwendig, benötigt Geduld und eine feine, spezifische Handwerkskunst. Manfred Hering gründete 2003 einen Manufakturbetrieb, der sich auf die Wiederbelebung von Porsches spezialisiert hat. Es handelt sich nicht um einen profit- und effizienzorientierten Betrieb, sondern um 85 Mitarbeiter, die eine Herzenskunst verrichten. Ihr Ziel: mit präziser, sauberer Arbeit einen Original-Porsche zu restaurieren.
#prosche #porsche911 #dokumentation
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Need help buying your next car? Click the following link and my team and I will help you choose your ideal car at a fair price - from Mat Watson!
Oh yes! When it comes to iconic supercars, it doesn’t get much better than this! Mat’s in the McLaren 765LT and this week he’s lining up against Yianni in a Porsche 911 Turbo S.
The McLaren 765LT is powered by a twin-turbo V8 engine that delivers an impressive 765hp & 800Nm of torque. This RWD supercar weighs in at 1,339kg and prices start from a staggering £280,000!
The Porsche 911 Turbo S, on the other hand, is almost half the price, coming in at £155,970. It may be cheaper, but it still packs a punch, producing 650hp & 800Nm from its twin-turbo flat-six engine. However, it is heavier than the McLaren, tipping the scales at 1,640kg.
We know the Porsche 911 Turbo S is devastatingly quick over the standing quarter-mile - but how will it fare against the more powerful McLaren? LET’S RACE!
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Avec Porsche, concrétisez vos rêves et trouvez le modèle qui vous correspond. Rendez-vous dans vos Porsche Zenter Lëtzebuerg & Roost ou sur lors de l’Autofestival 👉 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
PORSCHE 911 CARRERA RS 2.7 | Commercial | PLAYMOBIL Deutschland
Wer hat nicht schon als Kind davon geträumt, einen echten Porsche zu besitzen? Mit dem Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7 kommt jetzt ein echter Nostalgiesportwagen ins PLAYMOBIL-Sortiment. Der erste Straßensportwagen mit Front- und Heckspoiler eignet sich perfekt für einen sportlichen Road-Trip über kurvenreiche Landstraßen.
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El 911 Carrera GTS es una afinada máquina de correr, conducir, disfrutar y usar a diario como sólo una marca como Porsche puede hacer. A un nivel de precios al alcance de muy pocos bolsillos, este coche da muchas satisfacciones a quien se lo pueda permitir. Pero más allá de esto, Porsche tiene un ambicioso plan justamente para mantener el patrimonio generado con este producto y toda la impresionante flota de coches clásicos que sigue circulando por el mundo. Entérate de todos los por qué, y qué pinta el futuro del motor de combustión en este Porsche, en este vídeo, el primero de la serie "regreso al futuro"
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1100PS Porsche 992 Turbo S | Heftigster Porsche den ich jemals gefahren bin! | GERCollector
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2004 Porsche 911 Carrera (997) Tiptronic | Zużycie paliwa w mieście i na trasie.
2004 Porsche 911 Carrera (997) Tiptronic
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(zgłoszenia raczej Szczecin i okolice)
Zużycie paliwa Porsche 911 to często temat tabu. W tym odcinku sprawdzam ile pali 911 997 z bazowym silnikiem i automatyczną skrzynią biegów Tiptronic.
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#Porsche #911 #Carrera
3.6 B6 | 325 KM | 370 Nm | 280 km/h | 5.5 s - 100 km/h Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Playmobil Porsche 911 Carrera S is the must have set for all car enthusiasts! This super cool sports car is kitted out with a variety of exciting features including a light up dashboard, working headlights and rear lights (3 x AAA batteries required - not included) and the roof can even be removed for open-air driving. You are sure to be the envy of all your pals in this cool ride, the body kit of the car can be interchanged with different bumpers in the workshop and a spoiler can be attached for that sensational sporty appearance! The set comes complete with 1 Playmobil driver, 1 Playmobil workshop assistant and lots of accessories.
Find our new sets directly on our Online shop:
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Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7.| Anuncio | PLAYMOBIL en Español
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¿Quién no ha soñado de pequeño con tener un auténtico Porsche? Con el Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7, un verdadero coche deportivo nostálgico se une ahora a la gama de productos PLAYMOBIL. El primer coche deportivo de carretera con alerones delanteros y traseros es perfecto para un viaje deportivo por las carreteras rurales con curvas.
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The 8th generation of the brand new Porsche 911 (992) is here! In specific the Carrera 4s. This grey (Crayon/Chalk) spec is a very good fit ft. the specific loaded options. Enjoy the full INSIDE series!
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Essai Porsche 911 carrera 4S (992) – est-ce la version de la 911 à acheter ?
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Sommaire de la vidéo :
00:00 - Introduction
01:47 - Présentation de MECAVIN
07:22 - Présentation & Historique du modèle
07:54 - Face avant
09:37 - Coffre
10:03 - Partie latérale
12:15 - Partie arrière
13:36 - Dimensions & Poids
14:21 - Motorisation
15:48 - Prix
17:11 - Places arrière
17:48 - Contreportes avant & Sièges
19:05 - Volant & Instrumentation
21:04 - Console centrale & Info-divertissement
22:52 - Essai routier : Rapports MECAVIN offerts
23:18 - Essai routier : Suspensions & PASM
24:27 - Essai routier : Châssis sport PASM
24:53 - Essai routier : PDCC
26:39 - Essai routier : PTM
27:53 - Essai routier : PTV
29:10 - Essai routier : Roues arrière directrices
30:29 - Essai routier : Insonorisation
31:42 - Essai routier : Modes de conduite
33:18 - Essai routier : Sensations & Agrément de conduite
34:19 - Essai routier : GT Classic Cars
34:55 - Essai routier : Performances
37:04 - Essai routier : Consommation
37:42 - Essai routier : Freinage
38:32 - Essai routier : Bilan
39:47 - Conclusion
41:06 - La bonne version de la 992 ? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Porsche 911 (992) Carrera GTS - AutoWeek Review - English subtitles
Natuurlijk is de komst van de Porsche 911 Carrera GTS zo onvermijdelijk als een greatest hits album van een succesvolle popartiest. Een beetje van de Carrera S, een beetje van de Turbo en voilà: de GTS is geboren. Maar lekker dat het klinkt.
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Essai Porsche 911 Turbo – Que vaut la 992 Turbo 1er prix ?
De eeuwige Porsche 911 is zo’n succes dat het soms voelt als een sleur. Is de merkwaardige Lexus LC een reëel alternatief voor de nieuwe basis-Carrera?
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Porsche 930 Turbo | The Big Thing with Magnus Walker - Ep. 03
In this episode of “The Big Thing,” Magnus Walker gets behind the wheel of his personal 930 Turbo—which also happens to be the first one ever sold in America—and takes it through Downtown Los Angeles at night. Magnus Walker in his element, with the car that first turned him on to cars many years ago. But there's more to the 930 Turbo being a Big Thing than just Magnus' personal relationship to the car. Tune in to find out why it makes the cut as "The Big Thing."
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Is the 2021 Porsche 911 the BEST sports car ever built?
The 911 has been around since 1963 and Porsche has continued the evolution for 2021. On the outside you will find a unique front fascia, massive brake calipers in red, optional wheels a sport exhaust. On the inside there is the classic layout of instrumentation, red leather interior and new infotainment system. Under the engine cover is a twin-turbo flat-6 that pumps out 443HP & is mated to an 8-speed PDK gearbox. Is the 2021 Porsche 911 Carrera S the BEST sports car ever built?
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New Porsche 911 Cabriolet // First time driving a 911
Andrea gets to drive a Porsche 911 cabriolet for the first time. Why do these cars have such mystique? What makes this brand and the 911 specifically so popular. The latest Porsche 911 Carrera, with the code name 992 and it is the best looking 911 so far. With the wheelbase remaining the same, Porsche made the track wider, the wheels staggered but also bigger in the back by one inch. The front wheels are 20-inches by wide but the back wheels are 21-inches with a width of . The track has been increased by on the front and in the back. This gives the all-new Porsche 911 wide, flat stance that is accentuated by the wide front and rear air openings. It looks killer. Inside the new Porsche Carrera is a centre screen, a toggle PDK shifter and class panel in the centre similar to the Panamera and cayenne. This is one area that looks a bit cheap and not in keeping with the car. The rest of the car is classic Porsche materials and build quality. The engine has a bi-turbo 6-cylinder with 443hp and . of torque with the power going to a new 8-speed PDK. A 7-speed manual will come later in the year. There is a new Wet mode for driving in the rain that changes the ABS, traction control, throttle and PDK settings to give much better control in wet conditions, plus more torque is set to the front wheel if the car has all-wheel-drive.
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Essai Porsche 911 Targa 4 (992) – Que vaut la 911 Targa 1er prix ?
Si vous êtes intéressés par la Porsche 911 Targa 4 que j’essaye dans la vidéo ou par un des nombreux modèles disponibles chez GT CLASSIC CARS, contactez Mickael de ma part sur son téléphone au : 06 61 06 94 84
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Sommaire :
00:00 - Introduction
01:36 - Historique du modèle
03:45 - Face avant
05:05 - Partie latérale
07:10 - Partie arrière
09:04 - Coffre
09:21 - Dimensions & Poids
09:50 - Motorisation
10:49 - Prix
12:39 - Contreportes avant & Sièges
14:14 - Volant & Instrumentation
15:29 - Console centrale & Info-divertissement
17:00 - Essai routier : PASM & Suspensions
18:39 - Essai routier : Porsche Stability Management
19:20 - Essai routier : Porsche Traction Management
20:39 - Essai routier : Porsche Torque Vectoring +
21:34 - Essai routier : Roues arrière directrices
21:59 - Essai routier : Boîte PDK
22:55 - Essai routier : Performances
24:58 - Essai routier : Freinage & Accélération
25:36 - Essai routier : Bilan
27:05 - Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🤩Porsche 911 by #techart #porsche911 #porsche by speedialists #shorts
Porsche month continues with Matt driving the new 992 generation Porsche 911 Turbo S to find out if it's still the daddy of everyday supercars, or if the numbers game is getting a bit out of hand!
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Porsche 911 GTS manual road review | Is this Porsche's ideal 992? | 4k
The Porsche 911 GTS sits almost smack bang in the middle of the range. It's half way between a Carrera and a Turbo and is even blessed with some of the performance specs of the 911 GT3. People have long spoken about the GTS being the real middle sweet spot of the 911 range. But is that true? in this case it's rear-wheel-drive and manual, surely the ideal Porsche sportscar for every world? Sean Ward found out.
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Two-time Talladega winner and NASCAR driver Parker Kligerman and reporter Kim Coon bring the new Porsche 911 Turbo S to the track. Kligerman, who has raced in all three NASCAR series, is a former Penske development driver and current racing analyst who covers NASCAR, IMSA and other racing series.
New Car Review:
0:00 Hagerty’s RATED - 2021 Porsche 911 Turbo S
0:41 Kim Coon's 2021 Porsche 911 Turbo S review
2:15 Parker Kligerman's 2021 Porsche 911 Turbo S review
4:02 2021 Porsche 911 Turbo S gets RATED
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Here's Why If I Bought Another Porsche 911, I'd Buy a 997 Turbo Over a GT3
Last year I made a video talking about the fact I may never want another 911. Today, we're looking at the flipside of the coin and seeing if I was to buy one which I would have. A great contender would be a 997.1 Turbo so with that as a backdrop, join me for a bit of a drive through the English countryside and a chat about one of Porsche's biggest hits.
#Porsche #911Turbo #997
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Porsche and Pixar collaborate on a one-of-one car: the Sally Special
Introducing the 911 Sally Special – the heartwarming result of a 10-month collaboration between Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur and Pixar. Inspired by the beloved character from Cars, Sally Carrera, the Sally Special is a true one-of-a-kind vehicle with exclusive Sally Blue Metallic paint, 996 Turbo design wheels, badges, seat trims and much more. Sally will be auctioned by RM Sotheby’s on 20 August 2022, with all proceeds donated to The UN Refugee Agency and Girls Inc. to help children to learn and grow.
911 Carrera GTS models: Fuel consumption combined: 11.4 -10.4 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 259 - 236 g/km (WLTP); fuel consumption combined: 10.6 - 9.7 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 242 - 221 g/km (NEDC) I I Status: 08/2022
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Porsche 911 Turbo S Convertible test PL Pertyn Ględzi
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The Porsche 911 Turbo was the first gas car to use variable geometry turbos!
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How Porsche perfected turbochargers: the Porsche 911 Turbo did it first! Variable geometry turbos were first used on diesel engines, starting in 1997. But it took nearly a decade to get them fitted to a gasoline engine. In 2006, the 997 Porsche Turbo was the first gasoline production car fitted with variable turbine geometry turbos!
In this video we'll talk about the problem with turbochargers, the various solutions out there, how variable geometry turbos fit into this, why VTG turbos are rare, and details of Porsche's new 911 Turbo S boxer engine. It's producing 640 HP and 590 lb-ft, thanks to two variable geometry turbos. Enjoy the video for all the details!l
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Quicker Than A Bugatti VEYRON! NEW Porsche 992 Turbo S Is TOO FAST!?
New Porsche 992 Turbo S covers ground in the real world faster than a Bugatti Veyron!
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Exklusiverer Porsche geht fast nicht 💲 #echtOCC #shorts
Let's look at the details of a Porsche 992 911 Targa 4S with over 60K of options. This car is currently for sale at Porsche of Fairfield CT.
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Lisa Taylor swapped horses for Porsches and built her own secret collection, including a 1973 911 Carrera RS and a Ruby Star GT3RS. This is her story.
Thanks to Michelin for sponsoring this video.
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It’s time for an awesome RWD DRAG RACE!
We’ve got Mat in a Corvette C8 Stingray, and he’s facing off against a Porsche 911 Carrera and an Audi R8 RWD!
Now all these cars have pretty varied outputs, but we assure you it’s going to be closer than you think! Starting with the Corvette, it’s powered by a naturally-aspirated V8 that puts down 482hp & 613Nm. It also weighs in at 1,655kg.
As for the Porsche, its 3-litre flat-six twin-turbo engine can ‘only’ put down 385hp and 450Nm. However, it’s easily the lightest car here, weighing in at just 1,509kg!
Then finally we have the Audi. It’s powered by a gorgeous naturally-aspirated V10, that’s good for 570hp and 550Nm. It also weighs in at 1,609kg.
So what do you think - will the Audi walk it? Or will the 911’s lightweight prove the difference? There’s only one way to find out - LET’S RACE!
Mat’s Choice:
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New Porsche 911 2019 review - could this be the greatest sports car ever?
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The code number may have changed by just one digit, from 991 to 992, but make no mistake: the eighth-generation Porsche 911 you see here is an almost completely new car.
It has an all-new, aluminium-intensive body, a new interior and a new, eight-speed PDK automatic gearbox. And while the twin-turbo flat-six shares its basic dimensions with the unit found in the outgoing 991, it has been thoroughly overhauled, resulting in power jumping 30bhp to 444bhp.
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New Porsche 911 Carrera S 2019 Review Interior Exterior
New Porsche 911 Carrera S 2019 Review Interior Exterior.
The new 2020 Porsche 911 Carrera S and 4S - more powerful, more dynamic, unmistakably a 911
911 Carrera S models with 443 horsepower
The turbocharged flat-six engine of the 911 Carrera S and 911 Carrera 4S now produces 443 horsepower. This corresponds to an increase of 23 horsepower compared with the previous model. Equipped with the 8-speed PDK dual clutch transmission as standard, the rear-wheel-drive 911 Carrera S Coupe needs just 3.5 seconds to reach 60 miles per hour from standstill, and the 911 Carrera 4S Coupe with all-wheel drive takes only 3.4 seconds. This makes both cars 0.4 seconds faster than the previous model in each case. This advantage is increased by a further 0.2 seconds with the optional Sport Chrono Package, to 3.3 seconds for the Carrera S and 3.2 seconds for the Carrera 4S. The top track speeds are now 191 miles per hour (911 Carrera S) and 190 miles per hour for the all-wheel-drive version. A manual transmission will be offered at a later date.
Clear design language, unmistakable identity
The exterior design has been revamped and underlines the leap in performance of the new Porsche 911. Significantly wider wheel housings arch over large 20-inch front wheels and 21-inch rear wheels. At the front, the body width has increased by 45 millimeters ( inches), making room for a wider front track. Correspondingly, the rear body width on both 911 Carrera S and 911 Carrera 4S has increased to 1,852 mm ( in), the width of the previous 911 Carrera 4 and 911 GTS models. Flush integration of the electric door handles that extend outward when needed emphasizes the tapered and smooth side contour. Between the new LED headlights, the front luggage compartment lid with pronounced contours evokes the design of the first 911 generations. The rear is dominated by the significantly wider, variable-position rear spoiler and the seamless, elegant light bar which is now a feature on both two- and four-wheel drive variants. With the exception of the front and rear fasciae, the entire outer skin is now made of aluminum.
The completely new interior is characterized by the clear and straight lines of the dashboard with recessed instruments. Porsche 911 models from the 1970s provided the inspiration here. Left and right of the centrally positioned tachometer, which is characteristic for Porsche, two thin, frameless, free-form displays provide the driver with information. The PCM can be operated quickly and intuitively thanks to the new architecture. Located underneath the screen, a compact switch panel with five buttons provides direct access to key vehicle functions.
*The availability of Porsche Connect services is dependent on the availability of wireless network coverage which may not be available in all areas, and may be subject to eventual technology sun-set or deactivation, thus nullifying services. The vehicle equipment necessary to use Porsche Connect is only available factory-installed, and cannot be retrofitted. Likewise, the vehicle equipment may not work with future mobile networks yet to be deployed. Some functions may require separate subscriptions, or data charges may apply.
New assistance systems increase safety and comfort
As a world first, Porsche has developed the Wet Mode, which is included as standard equipment on the new Porsche 911. This function detects water on the road, preconditions the stability control and anti-lock brake systems accordingly, and warns the driver. A camera-based warning and brake assist system, also fitted as standard, detects the risk of collision with other vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. It initiates emergency braking when necessary. Night Vision Assist with a thermal imaging camera is optionally available for the 911 for the first time. The Adaptive Cruise Control option includes automatic distance control, stop-and-go functionality, and an innovative Emergency Assist function.
The 2020 911 Carrera S has a base MSRP of $113,200, while the 2020 911 Carrera 4S will be offered starting at $120,600, each not including the $1,350 delivery, processing and handling fee. The models can be ordered now and are expected to reach U.S. dealers in summer 2019.
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We review the 2021 Porsche 911 Turbo S one of the fastest street cars on the planet. There are many exotics, EVs, and sports cars; the 911 blends supercar speed, practicality, technology and, aerodynamics. As tested, at around $225,000, we take a deep dive into the car's technical engineering. Will buyers choose this garage gem over nameplates like Ferrari and Lamborghini or Even Tesla Model S Plaid.
#porsche #911 #turbo
00:00 Intro
00:47 Interior and Exterior Impressions
3:27 Burmester Audio Tests
4:00 Mechanical Impressions
4:30 Body and Aerodynamics
7:49 Suspension, Struts
12:12 Suspension, Engine and PDK
17:08 Driving Impressions Street
22:41 Driving Impressions Track
26:20 Final Thoughts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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