Agon AG254FG — крутий монітор від компанії AOC з діагоналлю 24.5" дюйма для геймінгу. Виріб має IPS-матрицю та роздільну здатність FHD (1920x1080). Час відгуку — 1 мс. У динамічних іграх такий параметр особливо важливий, оскільки він відповідає за відсутність шлейфів під час руху персонажа.
Пристосуйте свій дисплей до гри одним натисканням кнопки. Перемикайте налаштування між вбудованими налаштуваннями для ігор FPS, гонок або RTS або налаштуйте власні ідеальні умови та збережіть їх. Клавіатура налаштувань AOC дозволяє швидко та легко перемикати профілі або налаштовувати функції.
Завдяки Shadow Control ви зможете освітлити або затемнити темні частини гри, при цьому на загальну картинку це не повпливає.
Безрамковий екран дозволяє при наявності декількох ідентичних виробів створити мультимоніторну конфігурацію. Така можливість дозволить глибше поринути у події динамічної гри або захопливого фільму. Також таку конфігурацію часто використовують для роботи з редагуванням фото чи відео.
З інтерфейсів наявні HDMi, DisplayPort та USB Type-C. Саме за допомогою них можна з'єднувати між собою монітори, підключати їх до джерела відеосигналу та дивитися контент із зовнішніх накопичувачів. Переглядати фільми стане набагато цікавіше завдяки вбудованим колонкам.
Дизайн виробу сучасний, стильний та справді геймерський. Виконаний у чорному кольорі з декорованими червоними вставками. Для зручності користування висоту та кут нахилу монітора можна легко змінювати. Завдяки наявному кріпленню VESA його можна підвішувати на стіну, що зможе значно зекономити простір в кімнаті.
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Сегодня у нас на обзоре геймерский монитор с топовыми характеристиками для настоящих профи – #AG254FG
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Αυτή η οθόνη μετράει τα... "αντανακλαστικά" σου! (AOC AGON Pro AG254FG review) | The GearHeadz
Υπάρχουν gaming οθόνες και gaming οθόνες. Η AGON Pro AG254FG της AOC δεν είναι μία ακόμα gaming οθόνη, αλλά ένα επαγγελματικό εργαλείο που έχει όλα εκείνα να χαρακτηριστικά για να σε κάνει καλύτερο gamer στα competitive FPS.
#agonproag254fg #360Hz #reflexanalyzer
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AOC AGON PRO AG254FG | Monitor Gaming FHD | Review
#AOC #AGONPRO #AGONbyAOC Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Experience unbeatable power with the AGON PRO Series’ AG254FG, harnessing your skills to the maximum potential with this monitor's incredible power, including a phenomenal refresh rate of 360Hz and 1ms response time. Only for the most serious gaming enthusiasts.
Display HDR400
Screen Shield
Details & Specifications:
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[Slow motion] 240 Hz vs 360 Hz - AOC AGON Pro AG254FG
Untouched files will become available here:
Display: AOC AGON Pro AG254FG
Recorded with Sony RX100 Va @ 1000 fps, 1/1000 shutter speed & ISO 1000
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AOC AG254FG AGON - 360Hz na matrycy IPS! Monitor do FPS-ów i esportu.
- AOC AG254FG -
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AOC AG254FG AGON - eportowy monitor na IPS z odświeżaniem 360Hz. Co prawda rozmiarami nie robi wrażenia, ale specyfikacją już tak. Zapraszam na test tego esportowca a dodatkowo pokaże Wam NVidia Latency Analyzer w praktyce - technologię, która ma zmniejszyć opóźnienie gamingowej myszki i nie tylko.
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00:00-Intro Video
00:11-Product Presentation
00:39-Techincal Information
01:16-AU Optronics AHVA
04:20-OSD Menu
05:00-Max Resolution & Max Refresh Rate
05:57-Picture quality before calibration
06:11-After Calibration Measurements. Best Settings
07:00-Contrast Ratio & Brightness
07:19-Color Temperature Measurements
07:25- Gamut Coverage
07:33-Panel Uniformity & ANSI Test
07:45-Screen Flickering/PWM
07:52-Input Lag
08:00-Response Time
08:23-Viewing Angles video
08:32-Reflections under strong light?
08:44-Backlight Leakage
09:11-Power Consumption
12:59-Outro Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
AGON BY AOC | AGON PRO AG254FG Ultrafast gaming monitor
The AG254FG is our Red Dot design awarded model for everyone who seeks flawless immersion. It comes with High Dynamic Range 400 (HDR), G-Sync Ultimate, 360Hz refresh rate and customizable front and back RGB Light FX. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
AOC Agon Pro AG254FG im Test - Ein FullHD 360 Hz Gaming-Monitor für E Sportler
► Agon Pro: ¹
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AOC hat mit dem Agon Pro AG254FG den ersten eigenen 360 Hz Monitor auf den Markt gebracht. Der soll sich mit aktueller Technik, G-Sync und Besonderheiten wie Nvidias Reflex Analyzer speziell an E-Sport-Freunde richten, die der absolut geringsten Latenz im Game hinterher jagen. Was der Monitor so drauf hat, das erfahrt ihr wie immer hier!
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Мониторы Full HD 2023 | ТОП 5 Лучших Мониторов 1920x1080
AOC AGON Pro AG254FG review by Cody Campbell with High Ground Gaming (HGG).
This video is NOT sponsored. HGG purchased this product in order to give a fair review. If you purchase this product through this Amazon link ➡️ [] or the link on our website, we will receive a small commission. You can find the written review here ➡️ [link2].
In this video, Cody unboxes the AGON Pro AG254FG. Here's what you'll find in this detailed gaming monitor review:
Cody begins by opening up the AGON Pro and takes a closer look at everything included. After that, he gives his initial impressions on aesthetics and comfort.
Then, on to part II. Cody spent two full weeks with the AGON Pro AG254FG. He shares his experience in this part of the video. He tested it for build, picture and color quality as well as gaming performance.
Next up, Cody gets into the details, shares likes and dislikes, and then drops his final overall score for the AGON Pro AG254FG.
0:00 - Intro: HGG
0:26 - AGON Pro AG254FG Gaming Monitor Info/Specs
1:56 - AOC AGON Pro AG254FG [Unboxing Section]
4:30 - AGON Pro AG254FG First Impressions
5:06 - AOC AGON Pro AG254FG [Review Section]
5:16 - AGON Pro AG254FG Build Quality
7:28 - AGON Pro AG254FG Color and Picture
8:20 - AGON Pro AG254FG Gaming Performance
12:11 - AOC AGON Pro AG254FG Gaming Monitor Final Thoughts [Verdict]
13:38 - AGON Pro AG254FG Final Score
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U redakciju nam je iz AOCA stigao AOC Agon Pro AG254FG gaming monitor s 1 ms odziva, osvježavanjem od 360Hz te s podrškom za G-sync. Dok ga detaljno testiramo za recenziju pogledajte sadržaj kutije i iz objektiva i skalpela Ivice (@Tzereeen).
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Review Rápida del monitor gaming AOC AGON PRO AG254FG
Gooooooooood after morning and welcome to another Turbo Tortoise Tech review!
In the quest for lower and lower input delays, 360hz is now a thing. The improvements over the years to refresh rates has seen us clamber up from 60hz to more than double that being the norm these days with most gamers opting in for the 144hz treatment but what if you need to go even faster? 240hz has been around for a while so naturally, another interval will pop up but does that mean it's equally effective? Find out with the main mad lad WookiE!
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#aoc #agonpro #360hz
0:00 Spicy Intro
1:23 In the Hood
2:32 Package and Physical traits
6:07 Ports and Outputs
7:16 Included Kit and Extras
9:05 Panel and Performance
12:27 Conclusions
14:23 Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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A review of the AOC AG254FG (AGON PRO Series). A 24.5" 360Hz Full HD gaming monitor with G-SYNC provided via a module, Nvidia Reflex Latency Analyser and ULMB. Refer to the written piece for further analysis and information on supporting our work.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made using the "Amazon link" above.
Introduction= 0:00
Features & Aesthetics= 1:51
Contrast= 6:35
Colour Reproduction= 10:10
HDR (High Dynamic Range)= 14:11
Responsiveness (General)= 20:35
Responsiveness (VRR)= 26:58
Conclusion= 32:38 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Um MONITOR de 360HZ faz diferença? AOC AGON Pro AG254FG
Um MONITOR de 360HZ faz diferença? Vamos ficar a saber isso ao testar a máquina da AOC, o AGON Pro AG254FG!
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ASUS ROG PG259QN - игровой монитор с частотой обновления 360 Гц! Это самый быстрый монитор, который отлично подойдет для киберспортсменов и хардкорных игроков. Но нужен ли он обычному пользователю?
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Buy the AOC AG254FG from Amazon:
AOC AG254FG specs:
-Are 144Hz+ monitors worth it? Watch my video:
More info on Reflex from Nvidia/other publications:
-Nvidia compatible products:
-How to use Reflex:
-How to reduce lag/latency via TFTCentral:
-Why latency matters ft n0thing:
-Reflex review from Gamers Nexus:
-Latency settings for CSGO by TimeIsButaWindow:
Alternatives to consider:
Acer XV252QF: Best 360Hz+ monitor
My review:
Buy the Acer XV252QF from Amazon:
-Alienware AW2721D: My favourite 1440p 240Hz IPS
My review:
Buy the Alienware AW2721D from Amazon:
-Samsung Odyssey G7: Best 1440p 240Hz VA
My review:
Buy the Samsung Odyssey G7 from Amazon:
-Asus VG279QM: Best 240Hz 1080p
My review:
Buy the Asus VG279QM from Amazon:
-AOC 24G2ZU: Best budget 240Hz 1080p
My review:
Buy the AOC 24G2ZU from Amazon:
-Acer XF270HUA: My old favourite 1440p 144Hz monitor (now discontinued):
My review:
Buy the Acer XF270HUA from Amazon:
-BenQ EX2780Q: Low-input lag 1440p 144Hz IPS
My review:
Buy the BenQ EX2780Q from Amazon:
-Acer Nitro VG270UP: Best budget 1440p 144Hz
My review:
Buy the Acer Nitro VG270UP from Amazon:
If you need HDR, consider the VG271UP, instead:
-Buy the Datacolor SpyderX Elite calibrator on Amazon:
Video timestamps:
-Price & specs: 00:00
-Gaming performance: 00:50
-Nvidia Reflex: 03:51
-G-Sync & HDR: 06:13
-Image quality: 07:01
-Backlight & brightness: 08:21
-OSD: 10:44
-Stand & design: 13:45
-Verdict: 15:12
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-Chris Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
El Monitor Gamer MÁS RÁPIDO! AOC AGon AG254FG Review!
😍 ¡SUSCRÍBETE al canal para ver más vídeos! 😍:
¿Sabías que se puede superar la barrera de los 240 Hz en pantalla y ser el más rápido de tus partidas? Es lo que vamos a ver con este monitor AOC Agon, una auténtica bestia de la rapidez, ¿el mejor monitor gaming para jugar en esports?
COMPRA aquí los monitores mencionados en el vídeo:
⏩ El monitor AOC AGON del vídeo:
👉 Alternativa ASUS 360HZ
💲Dell Alienware 240Hz
👌 Huawei Mateview 27
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THE AG254FG - 100% fun and thrill.
Connect with your teammates and get ready to game. Together, let's make history. Tag your buddies for a match of a lifetime. SECURE ALL WINS, GUYS. *fist bump
⚡ Light FX
⚡ Screen Shield
⚡ AGON Projector
⚡ 360Hz Refresh Rate
⚡ 1ms Response Time
⚡ G-SYNC® Certified Tear-free Gaming
⚡ IPS Wide Viewing Angle
⚡ VESA Certified DisplayHDR 400
#AOCMonitors #AGONPRO Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Всем привет с heyoshi, и в этом ролике я вам расскажу про новинку от компании aoc, а именно новый монитор с частотой обновления 240гц - МОНИТОР AOC 25G3ZM/BK. Досмотри ролик до конца ведь данная информация может сыграть ключевую роль при выборе монитора! Приятного просмотра!
❤️Канал Yukio -
🌈Также вы можете посмотреть и другие мои ролики:
ОБЗОР НА ИГРОВОЙ МОНИТОР AOC 25G3ZM/BK // МОНИТОР 240ГЦ ЗА 20000Р // БЮДЖЕТНЫЙ ИГРОВОЙ МОНИТОР Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEW 360hz Gaming Monitor for Competitive Players - AOC AGON PRO AG254FG
NEW 360hz Gaming Monitor for Competitive Players - AOC AGON PRO AG254FG
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AOC AGON PRO Monitor Agon Gaming AG254FG 24" Full HD, 360 Hz
Aquí os dejo los enlaces de Afiliado de Amazon a AOC AGON PRO Monitor Agon Gaming AG254FG - 24" Full HD, 360 Hz, 1ms, IPS, G-Sync Nvidia Reflex, HDR 400, Ajuste de Altura, (1920x1080, 400 CD/m², HDMI 2.0/DP 1.4/USB 3.2), Negro
En este Video os enseño todas y cada una de las opciones que dispone el monitor y que podemos controlar desde este Quick Switch que sin duda es un accesorio indispensable para no tener que estar tocando el botón de detrás de la pantalla. La verdad es que un gran acierto el haber podido incorporar este Control Switch a los accesorios que vienen con la pantalla sin tener que adquirirlo posteriormente a la compra del monitor.
El AG254FG es nuestro modelo galardonado con el premio de diseño Red Dot y es perfecto para quienes buscan una inmersión total. Viene con High Dynamic Range 400 (HDR), G-Sync, tasa de refresco de 360 Hz y RGB Light FX frontal y posterior personalizables.
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An overview of the AOC AG254FG's viewing angle performance. Refer to the written piece for further analysis and information on supporting our work.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made using the "Amazon link" above.
Lagom Text: 0:00
Mixed Desktop: 0:29
Game Scene (BFV): 0:56
Dark Desktop: 1:20 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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** AOC GM510B mouse gifted by manufacturer for Nvidia Reflex Latency Analyser testing **
Intro and Controls= 0:00
Dial Point Crosshair= 1:38
Lighting Features= 2:01
Game Modes= 7:00
Frame Counter= 10:20
HDR (High Dynamic Range)= 12:32
Auto Brightness= 13:44
Reflex Latency Analyzer= 15:15
ULMB= 20:41 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Большинство из нас никак не настраивают свой монитор после его покупки. Просто подключают к компьютеру первым попавшимся под руку кабелем и начинают им пользоваться. Но в большинстве случае лучшие настройки для вашего монитора - это не те, что установлены по умолчанию, а те, которые вы настроите самостоятельно под свои задачи и под те условия, в которых монитор будет использоваться.
Поэтому обязательно досмотрите это видео до конца - сегодня мы расскажем, как выжать из вашего монитора максимум.
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Analizamos el AOC AGON AG254FG, un monitor FullHD con una tasa de refresco de infarto para que exprimas tu equipo para competitivo
#AG254FG #GameIt
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Подробный обзор на игровой монитор AOC 24G2SU/BK 165Ghz
Всем привет, в этом видео хочу рассказать вам о мониторе для киберспорта AOC 24G2SU/BK . Поговорим подробно о его характеристиках, минусах и плюсах.
приятного просмотра.
прилагаю тайм-коды для удобства.
Бюджетный игровой монитор, обзор и сравнение
1. 00:00 - Вступление
2. 00:32 - Распаковка
3. 00:54 - Внешний Вид
4. 01:09 - Характеристики
5. 01:38 - Вывод по характеристикам
6. 01:56 - Разъемы
7. 02:37 - Подставка и сборка
8. 03:03 - Меню и минусы
9. 04:20 - Впечатления от монитора
10. 05:21 - Итоги видео
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#Монитор #AOC #165Ghz Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
if you'd like me to do a review of this monitor leave a comment and i'll see what i can do!! ^^ this is the unboxing i made for my pink pc set-up!
this has copyrighted audio so if you'd like to support me as a creator, i have a patreon and ko-fi!
tiktok: @celestefleurs
this is the AOC AG273FXR Pink Weapon monitor from malaysia, though it’s not available to ship to other countries right now. you can find it on shopee, or at this link!
#shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
AOC AGON AG254FG 25 Inch Tournament Gaming Monitor ✅ Overview
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Want to take your gameplay to the next level? In this video, I will show you the NEW AOC Agon pro-AG274QG gaming monitor, the Agon AGM600 gaming mouse & AMM700 LED mouse matt, and the AGK700 gaming keyboard. And last but not least, the AGON CH401 wireless over-ear headphones.
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Are you looking for a good gaming monitor to use at your home or office? In this video, we'll review the AOC AGON PRO AG324UX gaming monitor.
If you're wondering whether or not the AOC AGON PRO AG324UX is worth it, I share my thoughts in this video. We'll take a look at the features of the monitor, as well as how it performs in the games we tested it with. I hope you find this video helpful in making a decision about whether or not the AOC AGON PRO AG324UX is the right gaming monitor for you!
Today is the full Review of the AOC AGON AG324UX Gaming Monitor
We have Game play & we take a look at what comes in the box as well
I would like to thank AOC once again for providing me this Gaming Monitor to Review
Please watch: "JIUSHARK JF100RS Crystal ARGB Cpu Cooler Review-Worth it ?"
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AOC AGON PRO AG324UX Has the best RGB #shorts #gamingmonitor #gaming
🔥 Топовый монитор от АОС с разрешением в 2К - так ли он крут?
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The world's number one gaming monitor and IT accessories brand AGON by AOC today launches an entirely new product category for the most demanding and competitive gamers and esports players: AGON PRO. The first model launched in the AGON PRO category brings cutting-edge technologies to the gamers that require legendary specs. The 24.5" (62.2 cm) AGON PRO AG254FG employs a fast IPS panel with Full HD resolution and a 360 Hz refresh rate for unbeatable gaming performance, combined with a 1 ms GtG response time and NVIDIA G-Sync with NVIDIA Reflex Latency Analyzer to minimise system latency. "The esports scene is a very tough environment, and the esports athletes and enthusiasts require the best gear they can possibly get. Through co-operating with legendary teams such as G2 Esports, we know what professionals want and with their needs in mind we brought AGON PRO to life," says Stefan Sommer, Head of Global Marketing at AOC. The 24.5" AGON PRO AG254FG sports a powerful design for the best gamers out there and was bestowed the "Red Dot design award". The 3-side frameless frontal design is deliberately minimal to reduce distractions and a shadow shield increases visibility when the stage lights shine bright during tournaments. On the backside, the monitor features strong lines and striking accents of the AGON Light FX RGB lighting, which provides 14 lighting modes and of RGB light combinations that can be customised with the special AOC software, G-Menu. The AGON LED logo projection on the front also increases the flair for gamers to show their unique gaming style. The fast IPS panel of the AG254FG comes with exceptional features: it offers a 360 Hz refresh rate, and the 1 ms GtG response time ensures the visuals are displayed without artefacts such as ghosting. The Full HD resolution on this 24.5" monitor results in the crisp, sharp visuals esports gamers love, and enables the users' GPU to show its full potential in terms of speed and framerate. By employing an IPS panel, this esports-grade monitor supports 110% sRGB coverage2 for truly vivid and natural colour reproduction, and offers wide viewing angles of 178°/178°. Thanks to the VESA DisplayHDR 400 certification, the display can also decode and correctly represent HDR data for a lifelike dynamic range. Furthermore, the AG254FG has a native NVIDIA G-Sync processor, with a variable refresh rate range of 1-360 Hz, eliminating stutter and tearing by matching the refresh rate of the monitor with the GPU's framerate. Also if motion blur is a problem, NVIDIA Ultra Low Motion Blur technology uses backlight strobing to reduce motion blur to give you super smooth moving visuals. As a first in AGON by AOC monitors, the AGON PRO AG254FG comes with the NVIDIA Reflex technology to reduce system latency to unbelievably low levels. By integrating the NVIDIA Reflex technology, game developers can eliminate the GPU render queue and reduce CPU backpressure in GPU intensive scenes. Additionally, the built-in NVIDIA Reflex Latency Analyzer can measure the exact time between a click from the mouse and changing pixels on the screen, which was previously only possible with high-speed cameras and special equipment. Optimal posture is crucial for the comfort and performance during gameplay. The AG254FG facilitates this with an ergonomic, height, swivel, pivot and tilt adjustable stand. The 4-port USB hub enables gamers to connect their mouse and keyboard directly to the monitor, while the 5 W stereo speakers with DTS sound offer punchy sound for daily use when headsets are not required. To adjust the monitor to their preferences, users can either use the included wired remote, the QuickSwitch, to flick between various settings, or use the AOC G-Menu software on their PCs. Additional gaming features include the Dialpoint (crosshair overlay) to help players improve their aim, Frame Counter to show frames per second information on any of the four corners, the AOC Shadow Control feature to lighten dark areas without affecting the rest of the screen and vice versa, the AOC Game Color setting to change saturation levels, and 6 gaming modes for different game genres (3 of them user customisable). The first AGON PRO model, the 24.5" AGON PRO AG254FG will be available from September 2021 at an RRP of £.
#TheTechLegend #AGON #AOC Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
AOC AGON PRO AG254FG 24.5" Monitor Launched With 360 Hz And NVIDIA Reflex -All Spec, Features & More
Agon PRO AG254FG 360 Hz gaming monitor with NVIDIA Reflex technology
AOC has unveiled the AGON PRO AG254FG Gaming Monitor, which includes some remarkable features such as a 360 Hz refresh rate and NVIDIA Reflex compatibility. This gaming monitor has a 24.5" screen and a high-speed IPS panel, making it suitable for high-action games such as first-person shooters and racing simulations. It's also part of AOC's AGON Pro series, and it'll be available for €820 starting in September 2021.
The AGON PRO AG254FG Gaming monitor has a number of amazing features that eSports gamers will appreciate, including a 360 Hz refresh rate. With an NVIDIA Reflex Latency Analyzer, this rapid refresh rate is matched with a 1 ms GtG response time. This IPS panel has a 110 percent sRGB color gamut coverage, allowing for absolutely natural and vivid color reproduction while maintaining a broad viewing angle.
Because this gaming monitor has a native NVIDIA G-Sync processor, it takes advantage of NVIDIA's Ultra-low motion blur technology, which uses backlight strobing to eliminate motion blur and give you super-smooth game images. This gaming monitor also features NVIDIA's Reflex technology, which reduces system latency and measures the exact time between a mouse click and changing pixels on the screen, which is very important for eSports players.
Its integrated stand allows you to adjust the monitor's height, swivel, pivot, and tilt, ensuring that it is ergonomic for your gaming experience.
From September 2021, the AGON PRO AG254FG Gaming monitor will be available.
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Agon PRO AG254FG 360 Hz Gaming Monitor with NVIDIA Reflex Technology
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There are a LOT of competitive monitors available around the $900 price point, but is 1440p 240hz the spec you should care about, or should you look for something different?
Buy an AOC AG274QG Monitor:
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0:00 This monitor has competition...
0:33 Included accessories
2:15 Unique stand
4:30 First look and Ports
6:33 Sponsor - Jackery
7:00 Checking out the settings
8:09 Our monitor has issues
8:45 Checking out the 240hz mode
9:38 Playing CS:GO
10:35 HDR impressions
11:07 Playing Tomb Raider
11:57 Local Dimming test and comparison to the competition
13:51 Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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