How do you like them apples? Well, yeast sure does.
Yeast is everywhere. In our gardens, our forests, and our kitchens. It's just waiting there, ready to kick into action at the first sign of sugar and nutrients. That's why wine and cider can be fermented using the yeast on the skins of the fruit alone, and the guiding principle behind spontaneous ferments like Belgian lambic.
Jonah Greenbaum-Shinder has been working on isolating wild yeasts for Escarpment and its clients and will share the methods and approach we use for hunting and capturing good wild yeasts.
The goal of this webinar is to demonstrate our methods for capturing wild yeasts. This will help brewers understand the basic principles of growing and isolating wild yeasts. Not all yeasts are equal, and some won't make tasty beers. We will cover the extra steps taken at Escarpment Labs to test and classify wild yeasts and ensure that brewers have success with wild-origin yeasts. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A brief tutorial on how to juice and process wild grapes, a very easy to harvest edible with a relatively high yield for little effort. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Кевин смешивает пищевой краситель, воду, дрожжи, мыло с жидкостью перекиси водорода и получается...
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Beeswax wraps are a reusable and sustainable alternative to plastic wrap! Use them to wrap produce, cover leftovers and more! 🐝
Shop our beeswax wraps here 👉🏼
Q - What are these?
A- They are beeswax wraps, a reusable and eco-friendly alternative to plastic wrap!
Q - Are they reusable?
A - Yes, beeswax wraps are absolutely reusable! They can be used over and over, for a year or longer! Hand wash in cold water with soap between uses.
Q - Will these make your hands sticky?
A - It may leave your hands feeling slightly tacky but the feeling will fade or can be washed away with warm water or soap.
Q - Why do you scrunch the wrap before you use it?
A - The heat of your hands slightly warms them to make them more tacky and adhesive.
Q - What are they made of?
A - Beeswax wraps are made with 100% cotton saturated with a beeswax mixture (beeswax, jojoba oil and damar tree rosin).
Q - Can I eat these?
A - No! They're not meant for eating.
Q - Can you use them in the microwave or oven?
A - No, beeswax wraps should be kept away from heat. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Химия в стакане
℗ Amphibians Records Entertainment
Released on: 2022-12-03
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How to fold your square beeswax wrap into the perfect snack pack to replace single-use plastic baggies.
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How to Fold a Beeswax Wrap | SNACK POCKET TUTORIAL
Learn how to fold your Goldilocks reusable beeswax wrap into a snack pack to replace plastic bags.
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Tomasz Kopyra () degustuje piwo VIC Secret Single Hop IPA z browaru Doctor Brew.
Materiał powstał we współpracy z Doctor Brew. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Золотий Пармен: органічна сертифікація, проблеми та ринок землі /Євген Мисник /Куркуль
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Чому Євген Мисник вважає, що в Україні органічна продукція скоро може зовсім зникнути і до чого тут ринок землі – дивіться у нашому відео.
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#EcoFriendly #BeeswaxWraps #EcoBravo
7 Amazing Benefits Of Beeswax wraps (Our Eco-Friendly Products)
In today's video, we are going to show you 7 amazing benefits of beeswax wraps!
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📚How to Enjoy Clean Living -
📚How to live a minimalist life -
📚100 Natural Cleaning Tips -
📚Homemade Beauty: Natural Beauty to Make at Home -
More zero waste and sustainability videos from our channel:
♻️ Top five zero-waste everyday products -
♻️ We Take Packaging Seriously -
♻️ 5 Important Reasons To Lead An Eco-Friendly Life -
Use promocode: ECOBRAVO10YT for 10% off your next purchase.
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Beeswax-coated cloths are versatile, cost-effective replacements for cling wrap. Cover sandwiches, bowls of leftovers or individual fruits with these pliable wraps. Because they are breathable, beeswax wraps are not suitable to cover highly perishable items, such as raw meat. #shorts #sunstainability #beeswax
A Healthier Michigan is dedicated to helping you create healthier lives, businesses and communities throughout Michigan.
Our mission is to help everyone in Michigan get healthier from the inside out. This means everything from giving you resources to help you make better decisions about diet and exercise, as well as information on creating and sustaining nurturing communities and successful businesses — everything you need to help create a healthier Michigan.
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Sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit mutual insurance company, and an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. A Healthier Michigan is your online destination for resources and information that help you live your best life here in Michigan.
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Beeswax wraps are a great alternative to using single use plastic wrap and it’s an easy process you can do at home.
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Beeswax wraps are a reusable and sustainable alternative to plastic wrap! Use them to wrap produce, cover leftovers and more! 🐝
Shop our beeswax wraps here 👉🏼
Q - What are these?
A- They are beeswax wraps, a reusable and eco-friendly alternative to plastic wrap!
Q - Are they reusable?
A - Yes, beeswax wraps are absolutely reusable! They can be used over and over, for a year or longer! Hand wash in cold water with soap between uses.
Q - Will these make your hands sticky?
A - It may leave your hands feeling slightly tacky but the feeling will fade or can be washed away with warm water or soap.
Q - Why do you scrunch the wrap before you use it?
A - The heat of your hands slightly warms them to make them more tacky and adhesive.
Q - What are they made of?
A - Beeswax wraps are made with 100% cotton saturated with a beeswax mixture (beeswax, jojoba oil and damar tree rosin).
Q - Can I eat these?
A - No! They're not meant for eating.
Q - Can you use them in the microwave or oven?
A - No, beeswax wraps should be kept away from heat. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Beeswax wraps are a reusable and sustainable alternative to plastic wrap! Use them to wrap produce, cover leftovers and more! 🐝
Shop our beeswax wraps here 👉🏼
Follow us on TikTok (850K+) 👉🏼 @goldilocksgoods Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ditch the disposable and made the change to reusable beeswax wraps. Less messy to make than you might think, we've found the easiest way to wax coat your cotton for long lasting food freshness.
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Instead of suffering with dry winter skin, make this spiced lotion bar!
- ½ cup coconut oil
- ½ cup shea butter
- ½ cup beeswax
- Wooden chopstick/popsicle stick
- Lotion bar mold(s)
1. Fill a saucepan with 2–3 inches of water, and place a glass jar in the center of the pot. Bring the water to a boil.
2. Add all of the lotion bar ingredients into the jar, and stir with the wooden stick. Pour the mixture evenly into each mold, and set aside to cool.
3. Once the bars have hardened, remove from the mold and massage into dry skin.
For more lotion bars, visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Between our 5 sizes of beeswax wrap, you are sure to find one that is just right for you! Make your kitchen plastic free with our eco-friendly, all natural & zero waste alternative to plastic wrap 💛🐝
Shop Goldilocks Goods Beeswax Wraps here 👉🏼
Follow us on TikTok (450K+) 👉🏼 @goldilocksgoods
Follow us on Instagram (85K+) 👉🏼
The average person uses over 2000 sq. ft. of plastic wrap every year. Join the more than 50,000 people who have made the switch from plastic to Goldilocks Wraps 💛 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Liquids. They’re so… liquidy.
But our friends at ChefSteps have a quick and easy way to trap them, in beautiful delicious little spheres.
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How to Package Liquids | WIRED Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bat cupcake video:
My second channel for unboxings, product reviews and travel vlogs:
Below is the recipe I ended up using and it turned out okay. Below that is the link to the original recipe.
1 1/2 cups oreo crumbs
4 tbsp butter, melted
8 oz cream cheese (room temperature)
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 3/4 cups Cool Whip topping
Ganache topping:
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
3 oz semi sweet chocolate chips
1 tbsp heavy whipping cream
2 oz white chocolate chips
Orange candy melts for spider bodies and legs and some black frosting for eyes.
Combine cookie crumbs and melted butter together and press into the bottom of a 9" spring form or tart pan with removable bottom.
Set aside.
Beat cream cheese until smooth and then beat in the white sugar.
Beat in cocoa and vanilla extract.
Beat in 2 cups of Cool Whip on low and then fold in an additional 3/4 cup cool whip.
Spread over the crumb layer.
Set aside.
Heat 1/4 cup whipping cream until very hot and pour over chocolate chips in a small bowl. Allow to sit for 2-3 minutes and then stir until smooth and glossy. Spread over the filling layer.
Place white chocolate and 1 tbsp cream in a small bowl and heat in microwave until cream is hot. Stir until smooth.
Place white chocolate ganache in a piping bag with small round tip or zip lock bag with small corner cut out and pipe a spiral shape starting from the center.
Drag a toothpick through the spiral to make spiderweb.
I made 8 of them, make more if you want smaller slices.
Make spiders as explained in video and place on tart just before serving.
This is the original recipe:
My name is Tammy and I live in Northeastern Ontario Canada. I am a married, full-time working mom of one teenaged son.
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My favourite channel here on YouTube is CookingAndCrafting. Beth lives in Hawaii and makes great meals, desserts and crafts. We met here on YouTube by commenting on each others videos and have since met each other several times in "real life". She is a lovely person and a great friend. Please check her out :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
У Києві щодня викидають мільйон паперових стаканчиків. З'ясувалося, що такий посуд приховує серйозну небезпеку довкіллю!
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7 Amazing BENEFITS Of Beeswax Wraps | Eco-Friendly Life #short
#beeswaxwraps #benefits #ecofriendlylife #ecobravo
Beeswax wraps are a reusable alternative to plastic wrap. Change your habits for good by changing to reusable bee wraps for wrapping your food instead of single-use plastic!
If you enjoyed the video “7 Amazing BENEFITS Of Beeswax Wraps | Eco-Friendly Life ”, make sure to click the like button to let us know.
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♻️If you’re looking for an eco-friendly cleaning service in London check out FastKlean:
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if you don't have time to read.
♻️ Get 50% off with Audible membership for 3 months with this link -
♻️ or 30-day free trial with Audible -
📚Also, check these Eco-friendly Books:
📚How to Enjoy Clean Living -
📚How to live a minimalist life -
📚100 Natural Cleaning Tips -
📚Homemade Beauty: Natural Beauty to Make at Home -
7 Amazing BENEFITS Of Beeswax Wraps | Eco-Friendly Life
More zero waste and sustainability videos from our channel:
♻️ Ways To Curb Land Pollution -
♻️How You Can Save The World? -
♻️Eco-Friendly Ways To Improve Air Quality -
Use promo code: ECOBRAVO10YT for 10% off your next purchase.
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250 gr. Fruit pure
1,5 gr. Whip
200 gr. Sugar
100 gr. Icing Sugar
- Combine fruit pure with whip and sugar and whip until get a meringue texture
- Pour into the mixture the icing sugar and keep whipping for 5 minutes more
- Put the train in the dehydrator Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Для эксперимента нам понадобится:
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Всем привет! Вы на канале Bar Solution и с Вами Дмитрий Симончук👋🏻
Сегодня мы готовим кактейль Лонг-Айленд 🌿🧊
Для него нам понадобятся:
Ром светлый - 80 мл;
Текила - 80 мл;
Джин - 80 мл;
Водка - 80 мл;
Апельсиновый ликёр - 80 мл;
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И один лайм 🍋
Смешиваем 240 мл кока-колы и молоко. В отдельный мерный стакан вливаем весь алкоголь, лимонный сок и сахарный сироп. Хорошо перемешиваем содержимое в обоих мерных стаканах, а затем смешиваем их содержимое между собой. И оставляем на 30 минут... ⏰
Далее нам понадобится новый мерный стакан, в который необходимо установить воронку и кофе-фильтр. Фильтруем смесь и не забываем, что первый капли получаются мутные 🤮, поэтому их следует отфильтровать два раза.😉
Теперь охлаждаем коктейль до максимально минимальной температуры ❄️ Берём стакан для коктейля, охлаждаем его льдом (чем больше, тем лучше) переливаем коктейль и украшаем его долькой лайма 🍋
Если Ваши домашние против алкоголя, то переживать не стоит, ведь визуально Лонг-Айленд похож на мохито или лимонад😅🌿
Миксуйте с удовольствием, не забудьте поставить❤️на видео, пока!👋🏻 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My second channel for unboxings, product reviews and travel vlogs:
Marshmallow coating to keep them from sticking together:
3/4 cup icing sugar
1/2 cup cornstarch
Whisk together and store in a sealed container. This makes enough for several batches of marshmallows.
Prepare gelatin:
4 1/2 tsp (14g) unflavoured gelatin powder (two envelopes if using Knox brand)
1/2 cup (125ml) water
Whisk the gelatin into the water in a small bowl and allow to sit for five minutes. The gelatin will have absorbed a lot of the water.
Heat the bowl in the microwave for 35 seconds on high, the gelatin will have dissolved into the water.
Pour the gelatin into the bowl of a stand mixer and add 1/4 cup of white corn syrup. Start the mixer mixing on low (with whisk attachment)
Prepare syrup:
While your gelatin is mixing slowly, pour the following in a medium saucepan:
3/4 cup (157g) sugar
1/4 cup (125ml) white corn syrup
1/4 cup (62ml) water
Stir over medium/high heat until it boils and then stop stirring. Cook until mixture reaches 240F (116C).
Remove from heat and pour slowly into the mixing bowl, increasing the speed to medium high.
Beat on medium high for 5 minutes.
Increase speed and beat for 5 more minutes adding 2 tsp (10ml) vanilla extract during the last minute.
Working as quickly as you can, this stuff sets fast....
Transfer mixture into a pastry bag and fill the cones, trying to make an ice cream con like swirl on the top. Sprinkle with candy decorations or sprinkles if desired. Allow to set for 5-6 hours. Store covered in at room temperature.
The cones will be SUPER stick to begin with but will lose most of their stickiness in a few hours.
My name is Tammy and I live in Northeastern Ontario Canada. I am a married, full-time working mom of one teenaged son.
Contact me here:
My favourite channel here on YouTube is CookingAndCrafting. Beth lives in Hawaii and makes great meals, desserts and crafts. We met here on YouTube by commenting on each others videos and have since met each other several times in "real life". She is a lovely person and a great friend. Please check her out :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Better Your Bake baking basics video #1
Difficulty Level: Easy
The proper technique can save you a lot of time in the kitchen. Watch this video to learn the secret behind separating egg yolks from egg whites. We also share how to improve your whisking skills for perfect aeration.
For more on Better Your Bake, baking tips and recipes, visit:
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Набір для експериментів | Дослідження ДНК | Відеоогляд
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Як виділити ДНК рослин? Що таке генетична експертиза? Відповіді на ці та багато інших питань можна знайти в наборі для експериментів "Дослідження ДНК". Це відмінна розвага з навчальними елементами для дітей старше 8 років.
У наборі: штатив дерев'яний, стакан одноразовий, рідина для миття посуду, пробірка, папір фільтрувальний, пакет, лійка, сіль, паличка дерев'яна, піпетка, ложка, рукавички, окуляри захисні, інструкція. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gorilla Glue Questions Answered: Dry Top Layer of Gorilla Glue in Bottle
Gorilla Support Team Member Corrye, helps to answer a common question about how to break through a dry top layer of Gorilla Glue. Watch as Corrye shows you just how simple it is to get to your fresh glue. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to make LIQUID SPHERES | Easy Molecular Gastronomy
My Skillshare:
Learning the reverse spherification process is the fundamental step in advancing your culinary skills towards the molecular gastronomy.
In reality making liquid spheres is quite easy, as long as you follow precise measurements.
In this video, I show 3 examples of the reverse spherification. I make spheres with 2 relatively thick substances and 1 thinner substance.
Watch the video until the end to learn how to make Kefir spheres, you can use the same method to make Sour Cream or Yogurt spheres. *Please note, that these liquids already have quite a bit of calcium inside, so you might need less Calcium Lactate for them (at least 2% in total).
I also show how to make tomato spheres, from the tomato juice. You can use the same method to make fruit spheres or fruit caviar / pearls (just use the squeeze bottle for that).
And finally, I show how to make wine spheres, using the frozen reverse spherification method. You can use this culinary technique to make cool cocktail pods from any alcohol, or any thin liquid actually.
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Creating valuable content, developing new challenging recipes and stepping up my culinary game, this is what drives me every step of the way! And I’m glad I can do it, all because of you and your support! THANK YOU!
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- Zwilling Pan set:
- KitchenAid food processor:
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Ingredients for the liquid spheres:
- 6 g Calcium Lactate (3% of the "spherified" liquid volume)
- 200 g Any Liquid that you wish to enclose into spheres (e.g. Kefir / Tomato juice / Wine)
- 5 g Sodium Alginate (0.5% of the Water volume)
- 1 L Water
*you can buy a Reverse Specification pack HERE:
Important TIPS to remember:
1) Make sure that you do not mix up Calcium Lactate with Sodium Alginate. Use Sodium Alginate for Water and Calcium Lactate for the "spherified" liquid, and not the other way around.
*that happened to me before... not the best idea...
2) Do take time to rest the "spherified" liquid and avoid the air bubbles (if any left) when making spheres.
Do also rest the mixed alcohol, before freezing it. Otherwise, air bubbles would be trapped inside the frozen spheres / pods.
3) Use precise measurements.
4) Use Calcium Lactate and not Calcium Chloride. Both will work for the technical and visual part, but Calcium Chloride spheres will not taste great in comparison to Calcium Lactate spheres.
| How to make LIQUID SPHERES | Easy Molecular Gastronomy |
#reversespherification #moleculargastronomy #elbulli #cocktailpods #tomatospheres #fruitspheres #yogurtspheres @KitchenAid Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Привет, друзья! Представляю Вашему вниманию яркий и короткий обзор про зубные пасты. Короткая выжимка о том, что нужно знать о зубных пастах, и при каких особенностях лучше подходят те или иные пасты. Надеюсь Вам понравится! Жду комментариев! Полезного и приятного просмотра! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dr. Delfin Barquero unboxes ACTIVA BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE from Pulpdent.
PULPDENT® Corporation is a family-owned dental research and manufacturing company that is leading the way in bioactive dental materials. For over 70 years PULPDENT® has been dedicated to education, prevention and proactive dental care so that people can live healthier and more productive lives. To stay updated on bioactivity visit . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор самой популярной и продаваемой в мире модели - Waterpik WP-100 E2 Ultra. Как пользоваться ирригатором Waterpik, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Іррігатор - пристрій для виконання гігієнічної процедури в домашніх умовах. Європейці та американці вже давно користуються таким пристроєм, а для українців - це новинка. Дивіться, як його обрати та скільки він коштує.
Сніданок з 1+1 у мережі Facebook Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
After hearing your requests, we started producing a series of videos showcasing our favorite ways to use your favorite Pompadour products. What better way to kick off these styling tutorials than with Natural Beeswax Paste?
Which product tutorial would you like to see next???
Pompadour Brands is a men & women's grooming company that believes your hair deserves to look its absolute best - and your daily hair routine should be easy and effortless. With an engineered approach to hair care, we carefully craft each product in small batches using premium ingredients to promote healthy hair without damaging or drying.
We also understands that your hair plays an important role in your overall personality and style and it should look sharp regardless of the occasion - whether out with your friends, at the office, or on a date, your hair should impress. For whatever life throws at you, be confident with healthy looking hair that feels as good as it looks.
Our Mission: To Promote Confidence Through Great Looking Hair.
Shot in studio at the Loading Dock 1053 in Raleigh, NC. Videography and editing by Robert Liberatore (@robert_lib)
Mister Pompadour Natural Beeswax Paste -
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mix the water + albumina powder with a whisk until dissolved.
Put in the Kitchen Aid and whip.
Add the sugar little by little. Then add the dextrose and keep whipping for 5 minutes more or until get meringue texture.
Dry the meringues into the oven at 90 ºC until completely dried. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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