Ігровий набір Mountainking My Carry Bag – найкращий вибір для кожної дівчинки. Нагодуйте малюка смачним сніданком з особистої тарілочки, пограйте в кубики, а потім можете заспівати колискову і покласти в спеціальну переноску. Компактний розмір дозволить взяти іграшку з собою до дитячого садка або на прогулянку в парк. Гра з лялечкою сприятиме розвитку комунікативних навичок та турботи про ближніх. Докладніше: https://antoshka.ua/ua/kukla-lunabebe-s-6-zvuk-jefekt-akses.html
Unboxing and review of July's Carry Me mini sling bag. Check out our review and unboxing of their Carry On Pro and Checked Plus in our channel
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Front carrying a 4 year old in an Easy Feel Extend Plus Carrier - demo with Lili at Wear My Baby
EasyFeelExtendPlus carrier i stock now:
The Easy Feel Extend Plus Carrier is the ultimate big kid carrier, from 2 years to 8 years+
Why it’s special
A brilliant carrier for bigger kids, especially for children with additional needs
Maximum weight 29kg (64lbs)
Extra wide, thickly padded waistband and shoulder straps to cushion your child’s weight
Easily adjusts in height and width to give ergonomic support from 2 years until 8 years +
Body panel made from soft, breathable ikat cotton
Perfect for trips where buggy or wheelchairs are inconvenient
Recommended for average to plus sizes parents
Got a question? Ask us below! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEW travel luggage haul ✈️ | JULY suitcase unboxing review | best travel bags 2023 | Miss Louie
new luggage for new adventures ✈️ what brand do you want me to try for you next?
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〰️ I N F O 〰️
〰️ MY SIZE 〰️
height: 5’2”
weight: 100 lbs
bottoms: 23, 00 bottoms
tops: 32C, XS tops
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Music by Ryan Little - 70s TV -
Music by Chief Takinawa - Moonlight Guardian -
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Modoker Carry on Garment Duffel Bag for Men and Women - Full Packing Review
🧳 Purchase the Modoker Carry on Garment Duffel Bag here on Amazon
Hey there, fellow travelers! ✈️ Today, I'm giving you the lowdown on the Modoker Carry On Garment Duffel Bag.
When it comes to travel, I'm all about convenience and practicality. And this bag delivers just that. In this video, I'll unbag it (pun intended) to show you exactly what it's made of and how much it can hold.
First things first, this bag is the perfect blend of a garment bag and a duffel. It's like having the best of both worlds. You can neatly pack your suit, computer, shoes, and when you're ready to head out, just zip it up, and voila! You've got yourself a sleek duffel bag that's ready to hit the road.
Now, let's talk space. I was pleasantly surprised by how much this bag can hold. It's like Mary Poppins' magic bag, but for your clothes! Whether it's for a weekend getaway or a short business trip, you'll be amazed at how organized and efficient your packing can be. Plus, it even comes with a nice and spacious toiletry bag as well!
But, of course, check out the video, and you'll see exactly what I managed to fit in this Modoker Carry On Garment Duffel Bag!
So, if you're in the market for a versatile and spacious travel companion, the Modoker Carry On Garment Duffel Bag might just be the answer to your packing needs 🧳
🧳 Purchase the Modoker Carry on Garment Duffel Bag here on Amazon
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We're Andrew and Megan, and we left on a one way ticket for the first time in 2017. Since then we've been remote working from home or some far away place. Along the way we've tried and tested A LOT of products. Some our own and some that we've had to use in short term rentals. Many of them have been great while others... not so much. Whether these products are for you or your short term rental we hope to save you some money and time by ensuring you select the best products for your needs! We’re grateful you’re here and look forward to connecting more!
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Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide we may receive a small commission. For example, as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. There is no additional charge to you. Thank you for supporting the channel so we can continue to provide you with free content!
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#cruisepacking #cruise #disney #disneypacking #flyingwithkids
#carryon #packwithme #cruisingwithkids #whatsinmybag #carryononly #flying
This is a brief video of what I carry in my carry on bag when flying with kids as a Doctor Mom!
Like, Comment and Subscribe- More content to come.
Striped Tote Bag- =asc_df_B07L8248PR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312096117072&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6479673059773316313&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008055&hvtargid=pla-636635215124&psc=1 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to back carry | Love & Carry AIR X baby carrier
The multifunctional AIR X baby carrier by Love & Carry® can be used to carry babies from 4 months up to 3 years old (20 kg). This instructional video shows how to carry a baby on your back.
• Keeps an ergonomic shape of baby's hips, so called M-position
• Supports the natural curves of the baby's spine
• One size fits most parents (with waist size up to 140 cm)
• Wide padded waist belt with lumbar support
• "X" and "H" shoulder straps options
• Adjustable length of the shoulder straps for tall and petite adults
• Two-position built-in headrest and sleeping hood
• Large detachable zippered pouch on a waist belt
• Multiple positions: front (facing in), back and hip
For more information please click here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Наверное каждый путешественник или человек, часто летающий в командировки, хоть раз сталкивался с тем, что его подвел дорожный чемодан. Трещины, сломанные колеса и безнадежно испорченная поездка. Сегодня вы узнаете как всего этого избежать.
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Хорошая дорожная сумка — половина удачного путешествия.
Особенно, в том случае, когда это — Load Up Carry On.
Сумка специально сделана простой, удобной и надежной. Главный объем сумки выполнен полужестким, может быть увеличен (раздвинут) и закрывается на молнию. В откидной крышке расположены специальное отделение для ноутбука и карман для разных мелочей. Прямо на крышке расположена небольшая велкро-панель, предназначенная для бирки с Вашим именем (и, конечно, дополненная стильным логотипом ).
Отдельно организован доступ к карману с важными документами (их одновременно легко доставать и практически невозможно просто выронить).
высота — 55.8 см (22"),
длина — см (14"),
глубина — см (9")
Объём: 45.5 литра (2772 кубических дюйма)
Объём в увеличенном состоянии: 55.5 литра (3388 кубических дюймов)
- Формованная крышка усилена гипалоновыми уголками и снабжена велкро-панелью для бирки с именем
- Отделение для ноутбука и карман для мелочей (на молнии) внутри клапана
- Центральный сетчатый объем с рамой из сотового наполнителя, съемным разделителем и двусторонним доступом в клапан и основной объем
- Донная часть выполнена из прочного и ударостойкого ячеистого поликарбоната
- Раздвижная молния главного объема позволяет увеличить его на 10 литров
- Встроенная утяжная стропа в главном объеме
- Вытяжные ручки для переноски
- Слот для визитной карточки или ID-карты
- Надежные колесики (могут быть сняты и заменены при необходимости)
- Водостойкий полиэстер 1680D (крышка) и нейлон 1050D
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Залишайте замовлення за посиланням:
Порадуйте дитину одним з найбажаніших і необхідних ігрових реквізитів - коляскою для ляльок 9333.
Сучасний дизайн призведе дівчинку в захват, а можливість, крім пупса, перевозити його одяг і аксесуари, максимально подвоять радість. Для цього в колясці передбачений місткий кошик і сумочка, яку можна закріпити на зручній широкій ручці. Іграшка виготовлена з безпечних матеріалів, які відрізняються високою якістю. Невелика вага транспортного засобу дозволить дитині легко з ним управлятися і долати невеликі перешкоди.
Широкі пластикові колеса легко справляються з нерівностями дороги, і не "розбудять" маленького пупса. Якщо на вулиці сонячна погода, капюшон можна опустити. Зручна ручка коляски, регулюється по висоті.
- зручний механізм складання - "книжкою";
- легкі, міцні пластикові колеса;
- 2 передніх амортизаційних блоків;
- велика, знімна містка люлька;
- складний капюшон з оглядовим віконцем;
- ручка коляски регулюється по висоті;
- знімний матрацик;
- глибина люльки регулюється в зручних положеннях;
- знімний кошик для покупок;
- містка сумка.
Розмір коляски в зібраному вигляді:
- висота коляски з ручкою: 70 см;
- висота коляски без ручки: 78 см;
- ширина - 45 см;
- довжина - 64 см.
Розмір люльки:
- ширина - 22 см;
- довжина - 47 см;
- глибина люльки - 11 см;
Колесо: пластик-піна, d = 15 см.
Залишайте замовлення за посиланням:
Більше іграшкових колясок:
Величезний вибір іграшок:
#купитьигрушки #дитячііграшки #купитиіграшки
#іграшковаколяска #коляскадляляльки #коляскадлякуклы #игрушечнаяколяска #магазинигрушек #крамницяіграшок Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to place a backpack with magic fix to a trolley
In this video we show you step by step how to place a backpack with magic fix to a trolley:
- First release the backpack straps.
- Place the backpack on the trolley using the rear band
- Adjust the straps again
- Open the magic fix strap by taking the velcro off
- Insert the strap in trolley's slot
- Fix the velcro
You are ready to go!
Find backpacks at our online shop:
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Viral Pink Luggage Set from Amazon | Is it worth it? #amazonfinds
I got the viral pink luggage set on Amazon, and there are a couple of things I would’ve liked to know before I ordered it.
If you are someone who packs a lot, when you travel, this probably is not the best luggage set for you. I wound up getting some thing else with more space! Also, the charger port in the carry on luggage set is just a pouch where you can put a portable charger.
#amazonfinds #amazonmusthaves #pinkluggage Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tommy reviews the July Checked Plus and Carry On Pro with laptop bag and removable rechargeable battery.
At $425 AUD each - is it worth it?
If you like the video please like and subscribe.
Where to buy July Luggage:
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Get your FREE editable packing lists here!
Welcome to It's the Kelly's, where Laure. explores the best travel gear out there! Today, Lauren is visiting the July Luggage store in Sydney, Australia, to check out their amazing range of luggage.
At the July Luggage store, you'll find every July bag you could ever want, from the stylish and functional carry all backpack to the spacious carry all weekender and the even larger carry all weekender plus. If you're looking for something more compact, check out the July carry on light, perfect for short trips or as a supplement to larger luggage.
If you're planning a longer trip, the July checked luggage is an excellent choice. These bags come in a variety of sizes, from the small and convenient trunk luggage to the larger and more capacious suitcases. With their durable construction and thoughtful design, July bags are the best luggage for travelling.
The July Luggage store is the best place to find these amazing bags. Whether you're looking for a reliable and stylish travel companion, or just need a new bag for your daily commute, the July store has something for everyone. So come on down and check out the latest and greatest in travel gear - it's the Kelly's July Luggage, and it's ready for your next adventure
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↓↓↓↓ Liens / Avis / information ↓↓↓↓
Level8 website :
Amazon :
Amazon DE :
Amazon ES :
Amazon IT :
Amazon UK :
Pour le moment, rien à redire sur le set de trois valises Level8.
Elle semble solide et sont à la fois classe et sobre.
On trouvera dans ce Level8 Grace Luggage set un pack de trois valises :
- Un bagage cabine (20")
- Un bagage 24"
- Un bagage 28"
Les roulettes sont solides et silencieuses et roule bien.
Le manche télescopique semble également solide à l'utilisation.
Le système de fermeture est à la norme TSA et de ce fait compatible avec les douanes du monde en cas de contrôle.
Le changement de code des valaise Level8 se fait facilement et rapidement (comme on peut le voir en dernière partie de la vidéo.
Personnellement, j'utilise la valise de 24" a chaque voyage.
C'est une bonne taille et permet pas mal de rangement.
Madame préfère celle en 28"...
Le bagage à main est pratique pour les weekend, il permet sans problème de prendre le necessaire pour quelques jours..
En bref, le pack 3 valise Level8 Grace est un très bon set.
De bonne qualité, de belles finitions... j'en suis satisfait.
Merci @LEVEL8-Luggage de m'avoir envoyé ce Luggage Set afin d'en faire une vidéo.
Disponible ici par exemple :
Level8 website :
Amazon :
Amazon DE :
Amazon ES :
Amazon IT :
Amazon UK :
Caractéristiques :
Marque : LEVEL8
Modèle : Level8 Grace luggage set
Type : Bagages / Valise.
Couleur : Bleu Navy
ABS+PC materials provides sturdy protection
Quiet rubber-covered wheels bring effortless control
Built-in TSA lock combined with smooth zipper
Roomy Interior for better packing
Babage 20'' : 36-42L
8.9 lbs()
21.8''L*9.4''W* (**)
Babage 24'' : 68L
26.8''L*10.6''W* (**)
Babage 28'' : 104L
30.7''L*11.8''W* (78cmL*30cmW*52cmH)
Avec Coque Rigide, un bagage à main extensible 20'', un bagage en soute 24'' et un en soute 28'', bagage en soute sans modèle extensible, adapté pour un long voyage ou un voyage en famille
▶ Les coques LÉGÈRES MAIS DURABLES sont fabriquées en matériaux PC + ABS, conçues avec une surface texturée en micro-diamant à 3 couches, la rendent solide et anti-rayures
▶ QUATRE ROUES DOUBLES À 360 DEGRÉS et poignée télescopique ergonomique en aluminium robuste pour une mobilité sans effort
▶ LA VERROU À COMBINAISON ENCASTRÉ TSA assure la sécurité pendant les voyages internationaux.
▶ L'INTÉRIEUR SPACIEUX comprend des sangles croisées et des séparateurs pour faciliter le rangement. Plusieurs poches pour garder vos affaires bien organisées.
Plan de la vidéo :
00:00 Intro
00:10 Unboxing Level8 Grace luggage set
02:52 Focus sur le bagage à main 20" Level8 Grace
05:49 Focus sur le bagage 24" Level8 Grace
07:02 Changer le code valise Level8 Grace Luggage Set
08:17 Vue d'ensemble du pack 3 valises Level8 Grace
#tofanger #level8 #luggage #valise #voyage #luggageset #Tech #Collaboration #Unboxing
▶ ▶ ▶ Laisse un commentaire
▶ ▶ Oublie pas le pouce^^
▶ Abonne toi 🙂🙂
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A bientôt
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I show you the Standard Luggage Carry On Backpack, a Large 35-45 liter expandable travel backpack, with convertible backpack straps, a shoulder strap, and padded laptop sleeve.
One Bag Travels provides travel advice and gear review for carry on travelers. If you're a one bag traveler looking to carry less stuff, please subscribe to our channel!
💼 - Shop For The Standard Luggage Carry On Backpack:
💼 - Visit One Bag Travels For More Great Carry On Travel Advice:
💼 - Full Review of Standard Luggage Carry On Backpack:
💼 - Some Of My Favorite Travel Gear:
Eagle Creek Packing Cubes -
Eagle Creek Toiletry Kit -
Chums Surfshort Wallet –
Leatherman Style PS (TSA Friendly) -
Owl Silicone Travel Tubes -
Gorillapod Travel Tripod -
Nite-Ize Microlock Carabiner -
Vapur Packable Water Bottle -
Skip Ahead:
(0:37) - Size and Dimensions
(1:25) - Material Fabric and Zippers
(2:10) - Accessories, carry straps and laptop sleeve
(2:47) - External pockets and organization
(3:29) - Water bottle pocket
(4:07) - Rain cover
(4:22) - Backpack straps, padding, hip belt, shoulder strap
(6:20) - Packing style and interior orgination
(7:00) - Laptop compartment
(8:11) - Packing cubes (sold separately)
(9:56) - Packable daypack (sold separately)
(10:41) - Summary
Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed the Standard Luggage Carry On Backpack Review. If you have questions or comments about the backpack, please let me know in the comments below.
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Julibee's Cozymesh Travel Pet Carrier Sling Bag | Ideal for cat and puppy within 11 lbs (5 kg)
Our Cozymesh Travel Pet Carrier Bag is ideal for new pet parents and pet-travel lovers, whether it's daily commutes, trips to the veterinarian, or adventures, especially suitable for small dogs and cats. Featured full-mesh design, ensuring a safe and delightful travel experience for both you and your beloved pet.
🐾Side ventilation window and breathable Mesh: Allow your pet to breathe fresh air and enjoy a clear view while inside the carrier. Your pet will stay cozy and relaxed throughout the trip.
💤 Sturdy and removable cushion: Our carrier comes with a cushion, providing extra comfort for your pet and good support. Plus, it's easy to remove.
🛡️ Built-in Safety Buckle: Securely attach your pet's leash or collar to the carrier using the built-in safety buckle, adding an extra layer of safety during outings.
🎒 Lightweight & Compact: With its lightweight design, its easy to carry and perfect for on-the-go trip
Its suitable for cats and puppy within 11 lbs (5 kg).
#dogs #cats #cattravel #dogtravel #dogsupplies #dogcarrier #pettravel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tech + Travel = 😎 July Smart Carry On Pro Suitcase Review 🧳
#july #travel #luggage #tech
In todays video I will be sharing with you my experience on the Smart Carryon Pro Suitcase from a company called July based in Melbourne, Australia.
I know this video is a bit different but I still hope you appreciate everything I have to say :)
Since the borders between states and also some International travel is possible I figured why not start talking about a sick new suit case to make that process a whole lot easier.
I took this suitcase away for a long Easter weekend and it was such a blessing! I could fit so much inside I didn't even have to take second bag! So GOOD!
Carry On Pro -
Mine was in Forrest Green (love btw!)
Designed in Melbourne, Australia
— 46L in volume
— Ejectable battery with USB and FastCharge USB-C
— SnapSleeve™ in toughened Poly with leather finishes and Fidlock technology
— Crush-proof German polycarbonate shell
— 20-height multi-stop telescopic handle
— Integrated TSA lock
— Hidden laundry bag
— July Twin-Strap compression system
— SilentMove™ wheels
— Lifetime warranty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Micro Lazy Luggage is the must-have among trendy, practical travel-gadgets! You can leave the buggy at home from now on, because this smart travel companion converts from trolley to child´s ride-on vehicle in a second! Kids enjoy the opportunity to sit and ride, you have one hand free and your luggage is also neatly stowed – all is well, nice and relaxed! If the kids are not with you, simply use the trolley as a shopping companion or for your hand luggage while traveling.
Details Micro Lazy Luggage
Age Range: +18 months or Adults
Weight: kg
Max. Load Trolley: 20 kg
Max. Load Trolley & Kid: 50 kg
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What's the longest you've lived out of a suitcase? In today's Style Snack, join me as I share everything I packed for a 6-week stay away from home. This is so helpful in refining my packing skills, and maybe yours too!
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The Heimplanet Monolith Weekender is a 40L carry-on compliant pack that works well for one bag travel. We’ve been impressed with the quality materials and comfortable harness system—it’s just a shame there’s no water bottle pocket! View Our Full Review:
0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Material & Aesthetic
3:09 - External Components
6:57 - Inside the Pack
9:12 - Durability & Testing
9:56 - Pros & Cons
10:20 - The Verdict
In this review, we are taking a look at the Monolith Weekender 40L from German tent and backpack specialists, Heimplanet. At 40 liters—and just under carry-on size limitations—this pack looks ideal for one bag travel, which is exactly how we’ve put it to work. In just over a month of testing, this pack has seen use around the southeast of England and on a ten-day trip to Portugal.
We’ve reviewed the Heimplanet Transit Line Travel Pack, and it scored highly, so we were thrilled to get our hands on this one.
At the time of this review, we’ve been testing the Heimplanet Monolith Weekender for one month. During that time it’s seen use on a ten-day trip to Portugal, as well as frequent trips to the coffee house.
The Heimplanet Monolith Weekender 40L is a great addition to the one bag travel market, and another solid product from Heimplanet. Apart from some minor gripes—like the tight laptop compartment and no water bottle pocket—this is a well thought out pack that scores well in practicality, durability, and craftsmanship. If you’re looking for a large, carry-on compliant backpack to throw a load of gear into, the Monolith Weekender is worth a serious look.
Mission Workshop Radian Review:
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In this video, Nathan Coverdale of Pack Hacker reviews the Heimplanet Monolith Weekender 40L, a large carry-on compliant travel backpack.
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July Luggage Review & Unboxing - Luxury Checked Bag Worth the Travel Hype?
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Packing July light vs July carryon luggage #shorts #carryononly #packingtips
Combining the functionality of a suitcase with the fun and practicality of a ride-on trolley.
With solid grips for handles, an extendible handle and footrests, this Ride-On Trolley will make the perfect travel companion for your little ones. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
July Luggage
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Portable Folding Lightweight Wheeled Luggage Trolley. Description & eBay UK link below.
I bought this Rolson trolley to help me take about 8kg or 18lbs of toys in 2 cardboard boxes up-to 4’ wide from Manchester to London by car, train, tube and then foot. I bought two large blue Ikea bags to protect the parcels from the elements and if I crashed the trolley. I also used an additional two bungee cords to safely secure everything to the trolley. In total I walked about 3 miles on a mixture of nice flat walkways at Manchester Piccadilly car park and concourse to uneven footpaths and then a short badly maintained driveway. I was really pleased with the trolley and it made my life much easier than if I’d have had to carry by hand.
ebay UK link Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
July Smart Luggage Unboxing + Review | 24-Hour Travel Test
Is July the best carry on luggage? We put it to the test as we travelled to the other side of the world with the July Carry On Pro and Checked Plus, and determine whether this is the best smart travel luggage on the market.
Smart luggage is all the hype these days and we can see why. Built-in powerbanks, detachable laptop sleeves, clever interior compartments. Suitcases are chock-full of features these days and July luggage don't fall short.
Here's our full review of the best carry on suitcase and checked luggage from July that'll show you what the smart suitcase craze is all about.
★Check out the July Suitcase Range★
#CarryOnLuggage #TravelLuggage #SmartLuggage
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Foldable Shopping Trolley Bag with Wheels | Reusable Shopping Bag
Lightweight Fordable Shopping Trolley Wheels Folding Bag Travel Luggage
Durable and light weight,easy Storage.
Uses: grocery shopping, handling, travel, pull goods
The wheels can be folded when not in use, and the tote bag and shopping cart can be switched at will.
Pulling dual-use, light objects can be carried across the shoulders, heavy objects pulled away, no effort!
Portable tug hanging bag, is a tote bag, is also a shopping cart, switch freely, making your shopping easier.
Colour: Green, blue, red
Material: Metal + Oxford Cloth
Size (unfolded): approx. 55(L) x 28(W) x 18(T)cm
Size (folded): approx. 18(L) x 28(W) x 4(T)cm
Type: Shopping Trolley
Model: Fordable Shopping Trolley
Features: Fordable, Lightweight
Occasion: Shopping / Travel
Style: Messenger/Shoulder Bag
For Order:
Ebay link:
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Best Buying Options:
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⮕ Western Rise Airloft Shirt Jacket:
⮕ Black Ember TKS:
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Video Outline:
0:00 Introduction
0:52 Carry On Light External Features
2:00 Carry On Light Main Compartment
3:05 Carry On Regular External Features
4:25 Personalisation & Portable Battery
5:21 Carry On Regular Main Compartment
7:15 Carry On Pro Snap Sleeve
8:32 Carry On Pro External Features
9:11 Carry On Pro Main Compartment
10:49 Closing Remarks
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Samsonite L.I.F.T Carry On Wheeled Garment Bag SKU:#8047533
Unboxing my new trolley bags! So excited to be working with trolley bags, i have used them for years and they are amazing!
If you are looking to get your hands on some trolley bags-
You can get a 10% discount with the code BATCHLADY10
For lots more top tips you can follow me on:
@The batch lady
@ the batch lady
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Unboxing Lightweight Folding Shopping Trolley 3 Wheel Push Cart with Bag | Mhon Montenegro
I would like to call this my everyday fannypack, but i don't wear it on my waist, i keep it in my backpack car, range bag, hiking bag, its great to have when i can't keep my pockets full of things i want. i bought it used and i have carried it around on my waist numerous times. i did for about a week when i went camping it was on me the whole time. It is simply an organized carrier, like a maxpedition edc organizer except i can put it on my waist easier. I put it in my school bag and i know i will be prepared. They still make this model it is just a little different. it has a thinner nylon webbing and there are these wing like side flaps that come off the side they seem more comfortable, but they are basically still the same design. Again this product is awesome if you are willing to carry it around. It is easy to throw this on in the morning and have more than what you could comfortably fit in your pockets.
here is the Vide TLS
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Ali Hussainy of Local Knowledge Fishing Show gives us a look at the new Crossroad Luggage series by YETI. Ali breaks down of the type of travel luggage he uses when on the road with Local Knowledge and how this new series by Yeti really works well for his needs.
For more information on YETI Luggage go to:
Ali Hussainy @bdoali
Produced/filmed/edited by:
Ryan Baechel @rbaechel
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#offshorefishing #travelfishing #sandiegofishing #floridafishing #luggage #yeti Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to use a mesh back | Love & Carry ONE+ Cool newborn carrier
Fully adjustable ergonomic baby carrier from birth with a hidden mesh back - Love & Carry® ONE+ Cool. No more wrapping and tying knots! Fully equipped with fasteners, Love & Carry® ONE+ has all the necessary features for safe and comfortable babywearing.
• For babies 0-24 months, weighing 3,5 to 15 kgs
• Fully adjustable width and height of the back panel
• Hidden breathable mesh back
• Keeps an ergonomic shape of baby's hips, so-called M-position
• Supports the natural curves of the baby's spine
• Lower and upper buckle positions for perfect spine support at all ages
• One size fits most parents (with waist size up to 120 cm)
• "X" and "H" shoulder straps options
• Multiple positions: front (facing in), back and hip
For more information please click here:
This video will show you how to use a mesh back.
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The perfect diaper bag for the park or other quick trips. I got the leopard Mickey print so I could rock it on our Disneyland trip in October!
here is a link to the bag, freshly picked was nice enough to give me a discount code: fpxtayloredlifestyle
It will take 20% off site-wide for NEW customers excluding the PLAY collection.
Would you rock this bag?!
#diaperbagreview #diaperbagreview #momreview #momfavorites #freshlypicked #fannypack Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Provided to YouTube by Translation Enterprises d/b/a/ United Masters
Carry My Luggage · Mr Frost
Remy & Za Abuser
℗ Mr Frost
Released on: 2020-12-15
Music Publisher: Charlie Bailey
Composer Lyricist: Charlie Bailey
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How to pack and what to bring is the subject matter of this Erik Hastings video. What do you look for when picking out a piece of luggage to purchase is also part of the demonstration. Erik is using a new piece of Maxlite luggage from Travel Pro.
Please share this video with your friends, subscribe to my HastingsTravel YouTube Channel and check out my site Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Online Shopping - Tommee Tippee Baby Sleeping Bag for Newborns, The Original Grobag Swaddle Bag
Tommee Tippee Baby Sleeping Bag for Newborns, The Original Grobag Swaddle Bag, Hip-Healthy Design, Soft Cotton-Rich Fabric, 0-3m, 1.0 TOG, Sky Grey Marl
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Trying to FIX: Aerolite Luggage Suitcase with Broken Wheel
Hi, in this 'trying to fix' video I attempt to repair my pull along luggage that has a broken wheel. It broke recently while on holiday which renders it useless as it cannot be pulled along. After editing the video I realised that the Rivet Tool that I said wouldn't work, would actually work if you had big enough rivets but I don't own one.
Remember that this is just for entertainment and I am not an expert in these repairs. The processes in the video may not be the best way, the correct way or the safest way to fix these things.
I do love fault finding and trying to fix broken things so I hope that comes across in this 'Trying to FIX' series.
Many thanks, Vince. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Стильний універсальний рюкзак, який ідеально підійде як школяреві (завдяки не надто громіздким розмірам, щільно прилягаючим ручкам та кишеням під термос чи пляшку з водою), так і студентові та офісному працівнику, адже всередині є:
- відділення для ноутбука (до 15,6 дюймів), захищене стінкою з піноматеріала;
- потаємна бічна кишеня для смартфона, портмоне або документів;
- прихована кишеня на блискавці під клапаном для швидкого доступу до речей;
- надійні пластикові рамки і бігунки відомого японського виробника YKK;
- нагрудний ремінь на фастексах для надійної фіксації та для рівномірного розподілення навантаження на плечі;
- лямки рюкзака зроблені з використанням вентиляційної сітки Air-Mesh, поверх яких прострочена ремінна стрічка для підвищення їх міцності;
- спинка зроблена з використанням піноматеріалу.
Посилання на товар: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buying link:
MIXBOX Takealot store:
Material: durable soft breathable mesh, nylon and plastic
One size is suitable for babies aged from 3 to 30 months to use
Maxinum load bearing: 15kg Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Love & Carry ONE: La Mochila Portabebés Ergonómica de recién nacido transpirable #porteoergonomico
Descubre la Love & Carry ONE, la mochila portabebés que redefine el confort y la ergonomía. Diseñada para adaptarse a las necesidades de padres y bebés, esta mochila es la opción ideal para el verano gracias a su panel transpirable.
Características Principales:
Diseño Ergonómico: Asegura una posición "M" natural para el desarrollo saludable de las caderas del bebé.
Panel Transpirable: Ideal para los días calurosos, este panel se puede subir y bajar con cremallera para una ventilación óptima.
Versatilidad en Posiciones de Porteo: Ofrece diversas posiciones para llevar a tu bebé de forma segura y cómoda.
Refuerzo Lumbar: Proporciona un soporte adicional en la zona lumbar para el porteador, distribuyendo el peso de manera uniforme.
Si buscas una mochila portabebés de verano, la Love & Carry ONE es tu mejor elección. Su diseño transpirable y ergonómico garantiza el bienestar de tu bebé mientras te ofrece la comodidad que necesitas. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Май-слинг Love & Carry. Базовая инструкция (позиция "спереди")
Май-слинг Love & Carry® - простой и удобный слинг, предназначенный для ношения детей практически с рождения. Подробнее:
В этом видеоролике показана базовая намотка май-слинга (позиция спереди) и полезные советы. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сумка-месенджер з колекції SHUTTLE стане незамінним помічником в ритмі міського життя:
- геометричні форми сумки та світловідбивні елементи додадуть виразності вашому образу;
- застібка у вигляді двох фастексів і прихованої блискавки для додаткової надійності;
- задня стінка виготовлена з вентилюючої сітки і піноматеріалу;
всередині є велике відділення для планшета або ноутбука до15,6 дюймів та дві додаткові кишені з сітки. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ergobag compared to a trolley bag #shorts
Visit now for school bags #shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Лялька Mountainking My Carry Bag (6337387). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17