Американское масло Pennzoil Ultra Platinum 5W-30. Подходит американским, японским и корейским автомобилям.
Масло заявлено как: API SN Plus; ILSAC GF-5; Chrysler MS-6395; Ford WSS-M2C929-A; WSS-M2C946-A; Honda/Acura HTO-06.
Лабораторный анализ и комментарии на Ойл Клубе: %D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%B5/
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Масло моторное синтетическое PENNZOIL PLATINUM Full Synthetic 5W-30 Motor Oil (946 мл)
Опт и Розница
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Знаю многих людей которые готовы поспорить , что Американские масла лучше тех ,которые продаются в странах СНГ.
На примере Mobil 1 5w30 из США и Mobil1 5w-30 для нашего рынка, мы и увидим разницу. Не все так однозначно.
Для наглядности в тесте примут участие моторное масло Mag 1 FMX 5w30 , Pennzoil platinum 5w 30. (эти масла были так же привезены из США. )
Ссылка на предприятие где производиться продукция MAG1
Подпишитесь, оцените лайком. Спасибо друзья за поддержку.
Так же посмотрите еще один ролик посвященный Мобилу
Видео обзор и сравнение Pennzoil
#GralRacing #Mobil1 #Pennzoil #Mag1 #5w30 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Пробег быстро копится хот и езжу редко. Купил одно из дешёвых масел Pennzoil. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best motor oil for your car!
Pennzoil platinum full synthetic 10w30 vs Royal purple Hps 10w30 motor oil.
Engine oil tournament of all the best brand oils
in a comparison. Amsoil signature series vs Mobil1 annual protection or Mobil1 extended performance. Valvoline advanced full synthetic and Liqui moly oil. Pennzoil ultra platinum synthetic oil 5w30 are in a different oil tournament video.
#mechanic Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
5W30 вместо Pennzoil купил Mobil. качество открытой последней канистры смутило.
Я не утверждаю что Pennzoil плохой, просто последняя на витрине емкость была открыта без повреждения крышки и вся в масле. По этой причине я и не купил. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CCS при.. -30гр. = 3405 мПа*с. ((предел 6600..
CCS при.. -35гр. = 5788 мПа*с. ((доп. анализ..
температура застывания.. -50гр. = НЕ застыло..
.. сделано из газа.. )) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Бренд Pennzoil (США) принадлежит Shell. Все свои новые GTL-технологии Shell обкатывет сначала на Pennzoil. Маловязкие масла Shell — это прежде всего американские бренды Pennzoil и Quaker State.
По выпуску GTL масел работает завод Pearl в Катаре.
Масло ILSAC GF-5, ACEA A5, API SN — очень неплохое, практически "кУльтовое", главная особенность — на GTL-базе с эстерами и мощным антиизносным пакетом присадок. Штатовское топ-масло. Цена, естественно, то же "топ". Хотя, правильней, переводя с языка оригинала, будет написать так: "Полностью синтетическое моторное масло ультра-класса".Итак, Pennzoil Ultra — это чистый GTL, полностью синтетическое масло.
Сейчас Pennzoil Ultra (Hyper Cleansing Technology) уже заменяется на Pennzoil Ultra Platinum — новое масло по новой технологии PurePlus. По техническим данным (TDS) и американским тестам можно сделать ряд предварительных выводов: Ultra Platinum имеет допуск Dexos1 — это значит, что урезали ZDDP, т.е. уменьшена зольность, сера и фосфор (за счёт урезания пакета присадок и смены базы). Судя по существенно возросшему NOACK, база теперь не чистый GTL, а смесь GTL и гидрокрекинга.
Выбирая, что купить — предыдущий Pennzoil Ultra или новый Pennzoil Ultra Platinum (пока, в переходный период смены поколений масла — в продаже есть оба масла), мой выбор пал всё же на Pennzoil Ultra Platinum — захотелось для своего авто настоящего синтетического GTL-масла с максимальной защитой с бОльшим количеством присадок (в Pennzoil Ultra количество антиизносных и моющих присадок больше, чем в Ultra Platinum). Всеобщий курс на топливную экономичность в новом Pennzoil Ultra Platinum реализуется уже через меньшую кинематическую вязкость и внедрением изрядного количества гидрокрекинга в базу для улучшения смазывающих способностей.
Судя по рекламе и technical data sheet (TDS), после Pennzoil Ultra поршня двигателя на 25% чище, чем после других ведущих синтетических масел (например, Mobil 1):
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(Honest Review) Pennzoil Platinum High Mileage Full Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil
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Вы меня уболтали на Пензоил, так какое посоветуете взять? Менять уже на следующей неделе. Всем спасибо за совет. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Показываем как выглядит заводская коробка импортного моторного масла Pennzoil Ultra Platinum SAE 0W-40. Канистра 1 литр
✅ В коробке 6 канистр по 1 литру (1 Кварта)
Вязкость: 0W-40
Производитель: Pennzoil
Применение: Авто
Марка машины: JEEP, RAM, DODGE
Модель машины: RAM 2500, RAM 3500, GRAND CHEROKEE SRT-8
✅ Полностью синтетическое моторное масло 0W-40, изготовленное из природного газа, а не сырого, с использованием запатентованной технологии Pennzoil для преобразования газа в жидкость PurePlus.
Почувствуйте разницу в производительности следующего уровня на трассе или вне ее с Pennzoil Ultra Platinum, моторным маслом, разработанным для обеспечения полной защиты двигателя.
Pennzoil 0W-40 — это углеродно-нейтральное моторное масло, полученное за счет проверенных экологических кредитов на выбросы углерода, которые компенсируют выбросы CO2 в течение жизненного цикла.
Помогает защитить двигатели от потери мощности и обеспечивает лучшую экономию топлива — проезжайте в среднем дополнительно 550 миль в год (по сравнению с грязным двигателем).
Pennzoil Ultra Platinum 0W-40 — единственное моторное масло, которое можно заливать на заводе во все двигатели Chrysler SRT8 HEMI и SRT Viper (Chrysler, HEMI, SRT и SRT8 являются зарегистрированными товарными знаками Chrysler Group LLC).
Обеспечивает непревзойденную защиту от образования отложений, помогая поддерживать чистоту двигателей высокопроизводительных и роскошных автомобилей как можно ближе к заводской чистоте (на основе теста Sequence VH Sludge Test с использованием SAE 5W-20).
✅ Одна 1-квартовая бутылка Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Раньше не замечал этого. Или канистры просто заказывают грубо говоря в одном месте или все делается на одном заводе. Quaker and Pennzoil Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Expectation VS Reality...oil change edition #shorts #pennzoil
Mixing Lucas Oil Stabilizer High Mileage with Pennzoil 5W-30. How to use Lucas oil stabilizer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Замена масла на парковке в США / как заменить масло в сша за 40$ #pennzoil #5w30
Замена авто масла в #США на парковке, это не законно, но если некто не успел вызвать копов или администрацию то норм. Честно говоря процедура очень простая и занимает всего 5-10 минут, нужна емкость для старого масла, воронка, ключ в моем случае на 16мм ну и новое масло и фильтр, мне все обошлось в 40 долларов. Если посетить любой сервис то ценник начинается от 80-90$ за минералку и синтетику 100-110$. #pennzoil
-куда девать отработку в сша Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
WARNING Mechanics DO NOT USE this engine oil? Mobil1, Pennzoil, Castrol
To ALL mechanics WARNING! Stop using this engine oil because it is not the correct specification recommended by the car not use these motor oils for your car it can result in damage or destroy your engine. Mobil1 extended performance full synthetic 5w30 and pennzoil platinum plus supertech engine oil are some of the oils we check for this problem. Should I use OEM or Aftermarket we show before and after. testing Amsoil signature series, valvoline advanced full synthetic, costco oil, redline oil, Schaeffer's motor oil, liqui moly top tec, motul specific, we compare then review oil. what is the best engine oil. Mag 1 , penrite, penngrade, pennzoil ultra platinum, mobil1 annual protection. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pennzoil Platinum Engine oil VS Royal purple HPS Full synthetic
DO NOT USE this Motor oil before you find out what is the Best engine oil? Starting the engine oil tournament with Pennzoil platinum vs Royal purple Hps Motor oil 10w30. Watch previous tournaments of Pennzoil ultra platinum and Mobil1 extended performance or Mobil1 annual protection. The best engine oil is? Not Pennzoil ultra platinum or Liqui moly top tec. So let's find out if the best motor oil is made in GERMANY.
All mechanics must watch and car diy.
Should I use OEM engine oil & DO NOT USE this motor oil. Today on Nates interactive auto we cover two very important issues engine oil that could damage your engine. Amsoil OEM or Aftermarket what is best? The best engine oil is well check out our oil tournament lets find out. We show What engine oil provides the best protection for the metal inside of your engine. Amsoil 5w30 signature series vs Mobil1 annual protection full synthetic engine oil. Nissan original equipment engine oil made by the manufacturer? Toyota OEM motor oil tested and review. Chevy or Chevrolet oem oil next up motorcraft not to forget ford and gm plus oils oem from Hyundai again dodge. 10w30 engine oil tested to. 20w50 motor oil cold pour test for cold temperatures also the best oil for extreme weather hot temperatures. Redline, castrol magnatec, castrol extended performance, castrol gtx, amsoil oe, mobil1 extended performance, rotella shell, mobil super, mobil1 vs supertech. Liqui moly top tec engine oil vs motul specific motor oil. Schaeffer's oil also along with royal purple. Amazon basics full synthetic oil. stp oil plus lucas oil idemitsu engine oil. best oil in USA. best oil made in Germany. best engine oil made in Japan. before and after with high mileage engine oil. STOP using Full synthetic motor oil before your engine starts leaking oil. Not to mention the waste of money but more after sharing information from a chemical engineer you can decide for yourself is full synthetic worth it or Conventional oil? Today on Nates interactive auto we explain but also share oil testing from a oil tournament make sure you watch those videos 5w30 mobil1 annual protection vs Amsoil signature series 5w30. Also testing 10w30 engine oil. best engine oil is well you decide. 0w16 or 0w20 ,5w20 review and test wear protection. Castrol edge, castrol magnatec, castrol extended performance, mobil1 extended performance, valvoline advanced full synthetic engine oil or even valvoline max life plus plenty of high mileage oil and conventional oil like mobil super. Rotella shell, motorcraft, OEM oil such as Toyota oil.
#oiltournament #16oiltournament Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Noack Volatility Testing - Mobil 1 EP, Penzoil Ultra Platinum, Schaeffer Supreme 9000 - All 5w30
Best engine oil with for car!?
As we test all of the best brand oils, we also review and give comparison with oils that may not be highly recognized. Today on Nates interactive auto we have Mobil1 vs Mag1 engine oil.
In our oil tournament we use Valvoline advanced full synthetic oil, Amsoil signature series, Mobil1 extended performance, mobil1 annual protection, Pennzoil ultra platinum. Many different oil brands and viscositys. 5w30, 10w30, 0w16. Fram oil, K&N ultra premium full synthetic oil, Liqui moly top tec or European motor oil.
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Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic Motor Oil 5W-30, 1 Quart - Pack of 6
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Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic Motor Oil 5W-30, 1 Quart - Pack of 6 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pennzoil PLATINUM VS Ford MOTORCRAFT 0W-20 Full Synthetic Cold Flow Oil Test
Did you know Up to 80% of the wear on a motor or component such as a differential, transmission can occur during the cold start?
A cold start is considered the first time you start your vehicle the next day after sitting overnight, whether the outside temperature is cold & the oil doesn't flow or move, or super hot outside & the oil additives no longer allow the oil film to stick and adhere to The vital metal components - like bearings and different metal parts.
AMSOIL is different because it's 100% synthetic & keeps a much higher film strength longer on the metal components keeping metal parts separated with less friction, less heat, & less wear.
A oil manufacturer can call a full synthetic full synthetic when it's only 25% synthetic.
AMSOIL is 100% Synthetic & flows better in cold conditions because of the high quality cold flow additives in the motor oil, ATF, & differential lubricants.
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Did you know a oil manufacturer can call a lubricant a Full Synthetic when it's only 25% synthetic? AMSOIL is different because it is 100% Synthetic and has a higher film strength keeping the metal parts separated. AMSOIL allows less friction, less heat, less wear on the component.
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AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil protects against harmful deposits on turbochargers 4X better than Mobil1® Extended Performance in industry-standard testing*. Read This Article -
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Synthetic Oil Protection Coffee - Ebens Favorite: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Полностью синтетическое моторное масло 5W-20, изготовленное из природного газа, а не сырого, с использованием запатентованной технологии Pennzoil для преобразования газа в жидкость PurePlus.
Никакое другое ведущее моторное масло не обеспечивает лучшую защиту двигателя от износа (на основе теста Sequence IVA на износ с использованием SAE 5W-30).
Помогает защитить двигатели от потери мощности и обеспечивает лучшую экономию топлива — проезжайте в среднем дополнительно 550 миль в год (по сравнению с грязным двигателем).
Сохраняет поршни значительно чище, чем это требуется в соответствии с самыми строгими отраслевыми стандартами (на основании результатов испытаний на образование отложений на поршнях ILSAC GF-6 и Sequence IIIH с использованием SAE 5W-30).
Обеспечивает непревзойденную защиту от образования отложений, помогая поддерживать чистоту двигателей высокопроизводительных и роскошных автомобилей как можно ближе к заводской чистоте (на основе теста Sequence VH Sludge Test с использованием SAE 5W-20).
Разработан для обеспечения более быстрого потока масла при низких температурах и защиты в условиях экстремальной жары. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pennzoil Platinum VS AMSOIL XL 0W-20 COLD Flow Oil Test
Today we are doing another test with Pennzoil Platinum versus AMSOIL XL 0W-20.
This cold flow test is at negative 50 degrees Celsius which is the same as negative 58 degrees Fahrenheit. You can check out OEM American Motor Oil cold flow tests here -
Thanks for voting in the community section on the channel! We will be getting into ATF transmission fluid cold flow tests next.
Professional YouLubher: Eben Rockmaker Regency Direct Jobber AMSOIL Specialist (Dealer#: 5331179)
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AMSOIL is 100% Synthetic & has higher film strength & holds up 4× better in turbocharger deposit testing than Mobil 1 EP which protects and separates metal parts, keeping them from wearing and Lasting Exponentially longer. Watch This Video:
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Professional YouLubher: Eben Rockmaker Regency Direct Jobber AMSOIL Specialist (Dealer#: 5331179)
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The Power of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil protects against harmful deposits on turbochargers 4X better than Mobil1® Extended Performance and better than Royal Purple® in industry-standard testing*. Read This Article -
Better MPG Proven. Read This Article -
AMSOIL Performance Test Results. Read This Article -
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Hennessey Cars & Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Synthetic Motor Oil
Hennessey Performance is the industry leader in sports car performance. They're famous for breaking barriers like the world speed record for the fastest production car, the Venom GT. That's why Hennessy Performance uses our best synthetic motor oil, Pennzoil ULtra Platinum™ with PurePlus™ Technology. It's a full synthetic motor oil made from natural gas. And just like Hennessy Performance, it pushes the boundaries of innovation and technology. It's motor oil reimagined.
Plus, it's designed with a proprietary additive package that provides complete protection, including cleaner pistons*, better fuel economy**, horsepower protection, unsurpassed wear protection*** and excellent performance in extreme temperatures. It's the next revolution in motor oil.
See the magic at
Join the conversation: #MotorOilReimagined
*Based on ILSAC GF--5 and Sequence IIIG piston deposit test using SAE 5W--30.
**Fuel economy measurements made using CAFE cycle under FTP75. Avg of 550 extra miles based on mixed city/highway miles and US avg of 13,476 miles driven per year with 4.1% better MPG vs dirty engine. Source , 2011. Follow OEM recommended oil drain intervals.
***Based on Sequence IVA wear test using SAE 5W-30. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deal $71.34 Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Full Synthetic 0W-20 Motor Oil (5-Quart, Case of 3)
Where do you buy your oils? This is a video answer to the 100's of comments I've seen which said I wasn't buying oil in the right places.
Pennzoil Platinum Full Synetheic motor oil is a unique oil. It's source material is technically a group 3 oil, but the way it's made makes it better than most. It's almost as good as the best group 4 oil* and easily better than expensive group 4 oils which "racers swear by" when they're pouring that oil in a normal car! Group 4 oils used to be the only oils which were allowed to be called synthetics. Sometimes that's still true today in countries other than America.
Pennzoil Platinum is more group 4 like because it's been built from the bottom up from a very pure, compound wise source of just hydrogens and carbons. They use natural gas as it's simply CH4. 4 hydrogens to a carbon. The complex hydrocarbons out of crude oil can be quite varied and unruly.
The long story greatest group 4 claim they're the only real synthetics and now this "group 3" oil challenges that concepts and beats them.
*based on Project Farm testing
Walmart did not sponsor me to do this Walmart Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic motor oil review. I wasn't too nice so maybe it was obvious?
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Best Synthetic Oils in 2023 | Top 5 Synthetic Oil reviews
Thinking to buy a synthetic oils? This video will inform you exactly which are the best synthetic oils on the market today.
Check Our Best Pick For You:
Are you tired of your engine sputtering and struggling to perform at its best? Well, it's time to give your ride the love and care it deserves by switching to the best synthetic oils on the market!
5. Castrol Synthetic Blend Motor Oil
4. Shell Rotella 5W-40 Diesel Engine Oil
3. Valvoline High Mileage
2. Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Full Synthetic 5W-20 Motor Oil
1. Castrol GTX Full Synthetic 5W-20 Motor Oil
In this video, we're diving deep into the world of automotive maintenance and revealing the secrets behind the unparalleled performance and longevity that the best synthetic oils can provide. Whether you're a seasoned gearhead or just someone who wants to get the most out of their vehicle, you won't want to miss this!
What makes a synthetic oil the best? We'll break down the key factors that set them apart from conventional oils. From superior lubrication properties to their ability to withstand extreme temperatures, we'll explore how these oils work wonders for your engine.
Worried about the DIY aspect? Fret not! We'll also provide a step-by-step guide on how to change your oil like a pro. Our expert tips and tricks will have you confidently performing oil changes in no time, saving you money and ensuring your engine runs smoother than ever.
Want to see real-world results? We'll share some mind-blowing before-and-after performance tests that demonstrate how the best synthetic oils can transform your vehicle's power, fuel efficiency, and overall reliability.
Speaking of savings, we'll discuss the long-term financial benefits of using the best synthetic oils. Not only do they reduce engine wear and tear, but they also extend the lifespan of your vehicle, ultimately saving you big bucks on repairs.
So, if you're ready to revitalize your ride and experience the ultimate in engine performance, hit that play button now and join us on this exciting journey into the world of the best synthetic oils. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell to stay updated with all the latest automotive insights! Your car will thank you, and so will your wallet.
Some of Our Other Videos on the Automotiver Point Channel:
✸ Best Oil Additives
✸ Best 5W30 Engine Oils
✸ Best 5w30 Synthetic Oil
✸ Best All Terrain Tires
✸ Best Oil Stop Leak Additives
✸ Best Torque Wrenches
✸ Best Catalytic Converter Cleaner
✸ Best Oil Extractors
✸ Best Oil Filter
✸ Best Fuel Injector Cleaner
✸ Best High Mileage Oils
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This channel called Automotiver Point is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, which means as an amazon associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Are They All The Same Motor Oil? Let's Settle This! Four Levels of Pennzoil Motor Oil Compared
Let's find out if Pennzoil's motor oil (Pennzoil Synthetic Blend, Pennzoil Full Synthetic, Pennzoil Platinum and Pennzoil Ultra Platinum) are basically the oil. All four oils tested sent to an independent oil lab for oil analysis. I tested oils for evaporative loss, lubricity or film strength, cold oil flow both new oil and after exposure to heat. Additionally, in a final test, Pennzoil Ultra Platinum is exposed to 10% gasoline and another sample is exposed to antifreeze to see the impact it has on lubricity or oil performance. I always buy all of the products tested to ensure unbiased test results. So, thank you for supporting the channel.
Oil analysis reports are available at:
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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Pennzoil Ultra Platinum:
Pennzoil Platinum:
Pennzoil Full Synthetic:
Pennzoil Synthetic Blend:
Videography Equipment:
Sony DSC-RX10 III Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera:
Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
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This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Royal purple oil got my car acting up 🕺🏾🕺🏾(running great) @345ENTLO
Main Features:
Make sure this fits
by entering your model number.. Full synthetic 5W-30 engine oil made from natural gas, not crude, using Pennzoil's patented gas-to-liquid PurePlus Technology. No other leading motor oil provides better wear protection for your engine (Based on Sequence IVA wear test using SAE 5W-30). Helps protect engines from loss of power and provides better fuel economy—drive on average an extra 550 miles per year (versus a dirty engine). Keeps pistons dramatically cleaner than required by the toughest industry standards (Based on ILSAC GF-6 and Sequence IIIH piston deposit test using SAE 5W-30). Delivers unsurpassed sludge protection to help keep high-performance and luxury car engines as close as possible to factory clean (Based on Sequence VH Sludge Test using SAE 5W-20). Formulated to provide faster low-temperature oil flow and protection in extreme heat. Single 5-quart bottle with ergonomic design for easy handling and pouring. Pennzoil is the first motor oil made from natural gas, not crude—PurePlus Technology converts pure natural gas into high-quality, full-synthetic base oil that's crystal clear and contains fewer impurities than other traditional and synthetic motor oils. Suitable for all car, SUV, light van, truck gasoline and turbocharged engines; under all driving conditions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Full Synthetic 5W-30 Motor Oil (5-Quart, Single Pack) review
Pennzoil Ultra Platinum is chemically different from Pennzoil Platinum. So what makes it so special? Going beyond the elemental analysis, Certified Lubrication Specialist Lake Speed Jr reveals what sets Pennzoil Ultra Platinum apart from Pennzoil Platinum and other conventional oils.
If you missed the first video in this series, here's the link:
To learn more about oil analysis, here's a quick video:
To put the power of oil analysis to work for you, visit
Pennzoil Ultra Platinum is available at
Who is the @themotoroilgeek ? I'm a Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Certified Lubrication Specialist and Oil Monitoring Analyst (I've maintained both of those for over a decade). I also worked for Joe Gibbs Racing for 12 years as their lubricant specialist. During that time, we worked with Wix Filters (one of our sponsors) to test and develop filters for our race engines. We also worked with Lubrizol and Chevron-Phillips Chemical to test and develop oils for our race cars. Following that, I was the head of R&D for Driven Racing Oil. During that time, I formulated and tested over 50 products. We also worked with Cummins, Comp Cams, Oak Ridge National Labs and General Motors on various R&D products. Those efforts are recorded in peer reviewed white papers published by SAE International and ACS Sustainable Chemistry journals.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases That just means that I may earn a small commission, at no cost to you, if you choose to purchase that product from . It is a way to help support the work of The Motor Oil Geek.
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ATF+4 Pennzoil Platinum - оригинальное масло в коробку Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler с допуском MS-9602
ATF+4 в РФ -
ATF+4 в РБ -
Вы искали оригинальное масло в коробку Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler?
Хорошие новости для всех нас! Оригинальное масло в коробку Pennzoil Platinum ATF+4 с допуском Chrysler MS-9602 стало еще доступнее!
ATF+4 масло в коробку Jeep,
ATF+4 масло в коробку Dodge,
ATF+4 масло в коробку Chrysler
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ATF+4 Pennzoil Platinum - оригинальное масло в коробку Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler с допуском MS-9602
En este vídeo realizo una review en profundidad de aceite lubricante de motor Pennzoil Ultra Platinum 5w-30
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Aceite Motor [PENNZOIL] Ultra Platinum 5w30 👍 - Review
how to change your oil in your car every 5000 miles. if you dont do your oil changes in your car you will have to remove your oil pan and clean and install your oil pan cause it will create sludge and block the oil pick up tube and can starve the engine from oil and make it bow up. if you dont venom from spiderman will end up in your car and will take it over lol. make sure to check your oil often and top off when needed, no oil mean that your piston will leave the chat. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
oil changes every 5k miles or 20k miles? #mechanic #repair #v8 #satisfying #spiderman
There are three different formulas of 0W-40 Mobil 1, and one of them is a brand NEW formula. How do they compare to Pennzoil Ultra Platinum 0W-40?
Let's take a look at what changed in the Mobil 1 0W-40 European Car Formula and review the used oil analysis results of Pennzoil Ultra Platinum compared to Driven Racing Oil's GP-1. We also take a look at the pros and cons of used oil analysis and magnetic drain plugs. This video is packed with great data and some helpful tips.
Here are the viscosity shear testing results of the new formula Mobil 1 0W-40:
To get started with used oil analysis, check out:
To shop for Pennzoil Ultra Platinum -
To shop for Wix filters -
To shop for a magnetic drain plug -
To shop for Mobil 1 Supercar 0W-40 -
To shop for Driven oil -
To learn about viscosity grades, check out this video:
Who is the @themotoroilgeek ? I'm a Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Certified Lubrication Specialist and Oil Monitoring Analyst (I've maintained both of those for over a decade). I also worked for Joe Gibbs Racing for 12 years as their lubricant specialist. During that time, we worked with Wix Filters (one of our sponsors) to test and develop filters for our race engines. We also worked with Lubrizol and Chevron-Phillips Chemical to test and develop oils for our race cars. Following that, I was the head of R&D for Driven Racing Oil. During that time, I formulated and tested over 50 products. We also worked with Cummins, Comp Cams, Oak Ridge National Labs and General Motors on various R&D products. Those efforts are recorded in peer reviewed white papers published by SAE International and ACS Sustainable Chemistry journals. I also own and operate SPEEDiagnostix, which provides used oil analysis.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases That just means that I may earn a small commission, at no cost to you, if you choose to purchase that product from . It is a way to help support the work of The Motor Oil Geek.
#oilchange #motoroil #oilfilter #engine #syntheticoil #oilanalysis #porsche Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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