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Концентрований засіб для дезінфекції "Galax" das disinfection
Чи знаєте ви, який вплив срібло має на ваш організм?
Вирушаючи у великі бої полководці Олександра Македонського пили із срібного посуду. Срібна ложечка була обов'язковим подарунком новонародженому. Та й недаремно. Тому що срібло відоме як природний, атибактеріальний та антимікробний агент.
Антибактеріальний спектр дії срібла розповсюджується на 650 видів бактерій, тоді як антибактеріальний спектр будь-якого антибіотика лише на 5-10 видів бактерій.
Концентрований засіб для дезінфекції "Galax" das disinfection з іонами срібла - це потужний природний дезінфектор з сильним спектром антибактеріальної та противірусної дії. Має накопичувальний ефект! При регулярному використанні засобу можна значно зменшити частоту проведення дезінфекції, а також відмовитись від інших дорогих спецзасобів. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Антибактеріальний гель для прання "Galax" das disinfection
Універсальний, антибактеріальний засіб для прання з іонами срібла. Ефективно знищує бактерії, забезпечуючи довготривалий захист тканин. Засіб активний проти всіх типів патогенних мікроорганізмів, вірусів, грибків та ін.
— Іони срібла – потужний природній дезінфектор, з сильним спектром антибактеріальної та противовірусної дії.
— Універсальний.
— Збереження та захист кольору.
— Дбає про структуру тканини.
— Антибактеріальна дія від 40 градусів.
— Не викликає токсичних та алергічних реакцій.
— Вбиває більш ніж 650 видів вірусів та бактерій.
— Має пролонговану дію. Призначений для профілактичної дезінфекції.
— Безпечний для тварин та людей.
— Має дезінфікуючу та очищувальну дію. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Springe zu / Jump to
Richtig Hände waschen 0:10 Wash hands right
Basiswissen Inhaltstoffe 1:46 Basic knowledge ingredients
WHO Rezepte WHO 2:48 WHO recipes
Richtig Hände desinfizieren 3:13 Disinfect hands right
In diesem Video erklären wir, wie man sich die Hände richtig reinigt und desinfiziert, die Inhaltsstoffe und woher man sie beziehen kann und zeigen die offiziellen Rezepturen der WHO zum selber herstellen.
In this video, we explain how to clean and disinfect your hands properly, the ingredients and where to source them, and show the official formulas of the WHO for DIY.
Kontaktieren sie uns / Contact us
Original Videos der WHO auf YouTube mit englischen Erklärungen
WHO original videos on Youtube with english explanations
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Deb 1L InstantFOAM Hand Sanitiser Dispenser Installation
Learn how to install the Deb 1L InstantFOAM Hand Sanitiser Dispenser. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Чистота – запорука здоров’я, піклування про себе та своїх близьких та рідних. Саме тому, з любов’ю до Вас, 2K Family GmbH – виробник з німецьким корінням, спільно з німецькими технологами лабораторії 2К Labor – розробили сильну зброю, яка буде стояти на охороні Вашого здоров’я, ніби металевий щит, охороняючи Вас від будь-яких небажаних зовнішніх впливів бактерій та вірусів. Компанія 2K Family GmbH відповідально ставиться до ситуації у світі та переналаштовує свої виробничі потужності на боротьбу проти короновірусної інфекції!
Лінійка дезінфікуючих засобів бренду “Galax” das Disinfection – ефективний захист для Вас та тих, кого Ви любите! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
D20R the antiviral, antibacterial water based disinfectant for multi-surfaces
Disinfectant 20R is a ready-to use broad-spectrum disinfectant solution for hard surfaces in industrial and institutional areas in order to control the hazard of cross contamination by virus or bacteria. The product should be part of an ongoing cleaning/disinfecting regiment.
Disinfectant 20R has been formulated to disinfect hard surfaces such as floors, walls, metal surfaces, stainless steel surfaces, glazed porcelain, glazed ceramic tile, plastic surfaces, bathrooms, shower stalls,office furniture and cabinets.
Disinfectant 20R is Water-Based.
Watch the introduction video and approach your PPG representative for more information. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deb 1L InstantFOAM Hand Sanitiser Dispenser Replace Cartridge
Learn how to replace the cartridge in the Deb 1L InstantFOAM Hand Sanitiser Dispenser. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Всем привет, дорогие друзья и подписчики !
Сегодняшнее видео, по просьбе подписчиков, я посвящаю очень важной теме: Дезинфекции и стерилизации маникюрного инструмента и фрез. Я покажу 4 этапа обработки, соблюдение которых сохранит здоровье, как мастеру, так и клиенту! Мы проверим в действии работу ультразвуковой ванночки и сухожарового шкафа, которые я заказывала с Алиэкспресс по очень выгодной цене. Свои вопросы задавайте в комментариях
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ДИЗАЙН НОГТЕЙ Пираты Карибского моря РИСУЕМ Джонни Деппа гель лаком ПОШАГОВО / STEP BY STEP -
ДИЗАЙН НОГТЕЙ Пираты Карибского моря РИСУЕМ гельлаком ПОШАГОВО STEP BY STEP -
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ЛАЙФХАК: 5 способов нарезки фольги "Битое стекло» -
ВЯЗАНЫЙ 3D дизайн ногтей «СВИТЕР» гель лаком - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We've combined two of our best-selling products to allow you to clean and sanitize just about anything! You get a bottle of Purifize Hand and Surface Cleaner with a 4-Pack of Streak Free Cloths.
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Galax das Disinfection – містить більш ніж 70% спирту. Ви можете бути безпечні, бактерії не виживуть. При цьому склад збалансований компонентами, що доглядають за Вашими ручками. Екстракт чайного дерева, евкаліпта та гліцерин дбайливо зволожують та оберігають Вашу шкіру та руки від пересихання. Ефективно дезінфікує, сприяє загоєнню незначних порізів рук. Вбиває бактерії і грибки, захищає від вірусів. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser with Table Stand PL-151055ST (Gel)
💙 Touch free: Infrared sensor to provide a smart and sanitary experience in
💙 Material: Anti-bacterial housing to avoid bacterial retention and ensure longer performance
💙 Liquid tray: This extra part to catch any liquid residual to keep the floor clean
💙 Table stand: Mobile stand makes protection available anywhere
💙 Personalized ads: Customize your personalized message on the back plate as value-adding ads
💙 Power supply: Optional to use batteries or AC/DC adaptor
Learn more about SVAVO:
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Domestos 24H Plus 5 Litri, detergent dezinfectant virucid suprafete, detartrant
Detergentul dezinfectant Domestos 24H PLUS curata, dezinfecteaza, inalbeste si improspateaza. Este un detergent dezinfectant virucid lichid conceput pentru igienizarea regulata a suprafetelor lavabile.
Poate fi utilizat sub forma concentrata (pentru toaleta, canale de scurgere), sau diluat (pentru pardoseli, faianta, obiecte sanitare si alte suprafete lavabile).
Se foloseste, in special, pentru curatarea suprafetelor din baie si bucatarie. Domestos 24H PLUS are o vascozitate ridicata si, dupa ce este trasa apa, continua sa adere la suprafata din toaleta si sa distruga microbii.
Ofera peste 24 H de ore protectie impotriva microbilor, daca este utilizat zilnic.
Modalitate de ambalare : bidon 5 litri .
Produsul dezinfectant Domestos este AVIZAT BIOCID cu nr. 3484BIO/02/ , eliberat de catre Ministerului Sanatatii, Comisia Nationala pentru produse Biocide. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Quick Defense™ Peroxide RTU Disinfectant is a fast-acting, odorless disinfectant that is ideal for quick, on-the-spot cleaning! It sanitizes, deodorizes, cleans, and protects against mold and mildew. Quick Defense™ Peroxide RTU Disinfectant is non-hazardous and bleach-free.
View the product here:
Quick Defense™ Peroxide RTU Disinfectant is your facility’s new disinfectant of choice when looking for a fast-acting solution. With a three-minute contact time, Quick Defense Peroxide RTU Disinfectant is ready to eliminate harmful bacteria and microorganisms that plague hard, nonporous surfaces. When in need of a sanitizer in non-food contact applications, Quick Defense Peroxide RTU Disinfectant has a one-minute contact time. Not only can you quickly sanitize or disinfectant your high touch surfaces, you can also deodorize malodors and inhibit mold growth, with this multi-purpose product.
Formulated with safety in mind, allow State’s Quick Defense Peroxide RTU Disinfectant to be your single step solution. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, this convenient spray is considered non-hazardous, making it safer for your employees to handle than typical chlorine bleaches.
Quick Defense Peroxide RTU Disinfectant is intended for hospital, institutional, commercial and industrial use such as medical centers, nursing homes, bars, schools and colleges, correctional facilities and more. This hospital-grade disinfectant can be used on hard, nonporous surfaces, including:
Kitchen appliances and counters (non-food contact)
Bathroom fixtures
Cabinets and countertops
Chairs and desks
Coils and drip pans
Floors and walls
Quick Defense Peroxide RTU Disinfectant is a chlorine bleach-free formula approved by the EPA to be effective against: Bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcusaureus. Viruses: Herpes Simplex Type 2, HIV-1, Influenza A/Hong Kong, Norovirus Animal Viruses: Feline Calicivirus Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Продолжаем рассказывать вам о новых решениях, облегчающих гистологический процесс в лаборатории и повышающих качество парафиновых блоков. Сегодня речь пойдёт об аппарате автоматической заливки ткани в парафин Tissue-Tek Autotec 120 и кассетной системе Paraform.
Все вы уже наверняка слышали о заливочных формах. Кассетная система Paraform - это ещё более совершенное решение, новое слово в гистологическом процессе. Paraform имеет множество вставок, обеспечивающих сохранение ориентации образцов с момента укладки на вырезке, как в парафиновом блоке, так на микропрепарате. Система подходит для различных типов тканей, не боится заливочных сред, удобна при работе с автоматической заливкой материала. Paraform позволяет получать более качественные гистологические срезы и, как следствие, повышает уровень диагностики.
Автоматизированная система для заливки AutoTEC a120 и ParaForm позволяют оптимизировать ориентацию образцов ткани и исключает их потерю. Второе поколение автоматизированных систем для заливки образцов гарантирует непрерывную работу и максимальное удобство пользователя.
Аппарат для автоматизированной заливки материала на сайте “БиоВитрум”:
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Базовый армирующий слой клей Procontact, сетка Bautex FasadPro на Дом за 100 Дней на Open Village
8-903-743-27-96 8-903-724-77-28
Дом за 100 Дней на выставке загородного строительства Open Village. Приклеен пенополистирол ППС16Ф Неопор 120мм Мосстрой-31, приклеен пенополистирол Кнауф-Фасад 120мм. Приклейку произвели на клей Baumit Nivofix, дюбель фасадный Бийский Дюбель ДС-2 220/100мм, распорная зона 100 мм в газобетоне Ytong D500 250мм.
Бригада компании BauHause, Баухаус занимается устройством базового армирующего слоя, в клей Baumit Procontact они втапливают Фасадную Стеклотканевую Сетку Bautex Krepix FasadPro, также втапливаются уголки с сеткой, капельники, элементы примыкания с сеткой Bellaplast, предоставленные компанией ЛИГА. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mobile Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser PL-151049SF-B
✨ Touch free: Infrared sensor to provide a smart and sanitary experience in
✨ Material: Anti-bacterial housing to avoid bacterial retention and ensure longer performance
✨ Spray volume: Adjustable liquid volume dosage to cater to different needs
✨ Spray angle: Large spray range to make sure full disinfectant coverage of your hands
✨ Liquid tray: This extra part to catch any liquid residual to keep the floor clean
✨ Floor stand: Mobile stand makes protection available anywhere
✨ Personalized ads: Customize your personalized message on the back plate as value-adding ads
✨ Power supply: Optional to use batteries or AC/DC adaptor
Learn more about SVAVO:
Click for product detail:
Contact us: rw@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Our EPA Registered solution Anolyte or Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) is a disinfectant with high bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal effectiveness (approximately 50 times stronger than that of household BLEACH).
Compared to other common disinfection chemicals, HOCL is not corrosive, irritating or harmful. Anolyte is a powerful 100% safe and biodegradable biocide, which has all the advantages of the most powerful chemical products and none of the disadvantages. Proven effective against % of most bacteria & viruses. Let us demo for you our spray protocol that is effective, cost-efficient, quick, safe and actually reduces training time, & labor hours for you and your staff. Learn more about this EPA-Registered product and why Bleach cannot hold a candle to Anolyte. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to make Gel Sanitizer
1) Prepare Carbomer and Glycerin of Phase A-1 and mix and disperse them in Water completely
2) Weigh each of the ingredients of Phase B in a main beaker
3) Mix Phase A and Phase B in a main beaker
4) Weigh the ingredients of Phase C and put each of them into the main beaker and mix them well
5) Weigh and put TEA (of Phase D) into the main beaker and mix them well. You could see thickened viscosity
6) Filter it
Biospectrum Homepage :
Biospectrum online shop : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser with Table Stand PL-151049ST (Spray)
👉 Touch free: Infrared sensor to provide a smart and sanitary experience in
👉 Material: Anti-bacterial housing to avoid bacterial retention and ensure longer performance
👉 Spray volume: Adjustable liquid volume dosage to cater to different needs
👉 Spray angle: Large spray range to make sure full disinfectant coverage of your hands
👉 Liquid tray: This extra part to catch any liquid residual to keep the floor clean
👉 Table stand: Mobile stand makes protection available anywhere
👉 Power supply: Optional to use batteries or AC/DC adaptor
Learn more about SVAVO:
Click for product detail:
Contact us: rw@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser with Floor Stand PL-151055SF-B (Gel)
👉 Touch free: Infrared sensor to provide a smart and sanitary experience in
👉 Material: Anti-bacterial housing to avoid bacterial retention and ensure longer performance
👉 Liquid tray: This extra part to catch any liquid residual to keep the floor clean
👉 Floor stand: Mobile stand makes protection available anywhere
👉 Personalized ads: Customize your personalized message on the back plate as value-adding ads
👉 Power supply: Optional to use batteries or AC/DC adaptor
Learn more about SVAVO:
Click for product detail:
Contact us: rw@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The IND-RL-UVC-13W is a powerful sanitation solution for industrial sites and commercial facilities. Equipped with a UVC fluorescent lamp, this system offers output, within the 200nm - 280nm UV-C range. The lights have an expected lifespan of 8,000+ hours and emits a flood beam pattern. Protected by a polypropylene casing, this UV system is powered by a rechargeable NiMH battery and offers 180 degrees of coverage. This device is recommended for disinfecting surfaces, equipment, tools and hard-to-reach locations.
With a recommended 20-25 minute exposure time for viruses, multiple devices can be purchased to cover larger areas quicker. The UV light can disinfect over 99% of bacteria, viruses, mold and spores. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Подробное описание доступно по ссылке:
Контактная информация :
тел: +7 (495) 646-26-26
mail: info@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Raze CoV 100 UV-C Disinfection System for COVID-19 sterilization, 99.99% eradication in 5 minutes.
Make In India initiative for address the Covid -19 sterilization . Raze CoV 100 manufactured by IBIS MEDICAL to disinfect the hotel rooms, hospitals, train, metro, offices, ambulance and where ever chemical free disinfection is required. It can kills % pathogen in less than 5 minutes it includes MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, etc. It uses 254nm UV-C light to deactivate DNA and RNA of bacteria and viruses.
The machine consists of :-
Motion sensor
Height adjustment
Control using android app
Dosimeter card
Swift process Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Excellent for easy dispensing and storing of detergent and sponge on kitchen unit near the sink. Made of resistant transparent plastic. Fill up to about 1 cm below the rim. Dishwasher safe; do not wash the pump in dishwasher; if needed, flush it with hot water. 3-year warranty. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
• Dual purpose work Light & UV-C disinfectant light with quartz lens
• Keeps you work place or home safe from viruses and germs
• Kills 99.9% of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa
• Renders pathogens harmless in as little as 2 seconds
• Ideal for a variety of applications, such as disinfecting tools, equipment, cars, phones, IPads, keyboards, laptops, toys, toothbrushes, remote controls, door knobs, toilet covers, crockery, cutlery, and much more.
• Features SP's Movement Deactivation System which turns the unit off automatically when movement is detected to avoid harm from prolonged exposure
• Features a Fixed Mode: Press and hold UV button for 2 second for fixed mode - This allows you to keep the UVC light on permanently in order to disinfect large surfaces manually by moving the light around
• Safety time-delay lighting design which automatically turn off in 15 mins to prevent prolonged exposure
• Environmentally friendly
• High power SMD LED work light
• Multifunctional work lamp ideal for applications where power is limited
• Flood Light: 500 Lumens
• 6 hour run time
• Compact “pocket” size
• Includes 210° rotatable magnetic bracket with strong built-in magnets
• IP68 – Resistant to water and dust infiltration
• Oil/Corrosion/Impact resistant housing
• Battery charge indicator
• Powerful Li-ion battery - / 4400mAh
• Rechargeable Direction-free USB-C port system makes charging easy
• UV wave length: 270~280nm
• USB-C lead - Easily charge off any USB Port
• UV-C Test Strip
• Safety Glasses
Escherichia Coli, Coronaviruses, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Rotavirus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, ECHO virus, Vibrio cholerae, Tobacco mosaic virus, Bacillus tetani, Ecovirus type I, Pseudomonas, hepatitis B virus, Clostridium botulinum, Aspergillus niger, Salmonella, Soft spore, Dysentery Bacilli, Aspergillus, Enterofebrile bacteria, Penicillium, Bacillus Anthracis, Dung fungi, Salmonella typhimurium, Penicillium mildew, Leptospira, Mucor, Shigella, Other Penicillium species, Legionella pneumophila, Blue-green algae, Staphylococcus, Paramecium, Micrococcus, Chlorella, Streptococcus, Green algae, Adenovirus, Nematode eggs, Influenza virus, aspergillus niger, Phagocytic cell virus, Leukoplakia, Poliovirus, Viral hemorrhage, Acarid, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Available at
Direct Link:
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The DLyte systems can be easily integrated into any manufacturing line, requiring highly complex grinding and polishing processes. Our modular solutions can be fully integrated in your production line where full automation of the workflow and large batches and heavy pieces can be treated efficiently. Compared to the other existing dry-electropolishing machines, DLyte can polish hundreds of parts simultaneously. The parts are attached to 4 holders, each with a maximum volume Ø 450 mm, and 650 mm height.
delivers the full range of electrical parameters, from low to high frequency, parameter concatenation and asymmetric voltage. In addition, it allows the user to search the ideal parameters for its pieces in the library of processes in the Polishing Manager APP.
More information: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best of the best in chemical-free, orbital dry scrub machines and eliminates 95% of chemical stripping procedures. Heavy-duty, high quality components prepare floors to be refinished in half the time compared to the conventional stripping process. Cleans edges and corners in every room -- no stripper run-off and no ruined floors under doors. Includes Mercury 6-Quart Backpack attachment for quick and easy clean-up and 1 HP motor with 1725 RPM orbital speed! Cleaning pad size is 12" x 18".
Dynamic Features
• Heavy-duty, high quality components prepare floors to be refinished in half the time compared to conventional stripping process
• Chemical-free stripping used for refinishing wood floors and scrubbing
• Cleans edges and corners in every room -- no stripper run-off and no ruined floors under doors
Built-in Safety
• Precision balanced weight distribution for safe, even and aggressive cleaning with low vibration
• Large non-marking wheels for clean transport to protect completed areas
• Safety enhanced interlock switch on the handle leaves both hands conveniently in control
Fastest, Easiest, Most Reliable Operation
• Heavy duty components provide durable and dependable scrubbing
• No side torque and operates in any direction
• Ergonomic carrying handle offers operator comfort and safety during transport
• Convenient handle with dual switch levers for operation with either hand
• Totally enclosed motor for less maintenance
• Mercury 6-Quart Backpack attachment for quick and easy clean-up
• Only takes minutes opposed to hours it takes for an operator to become acquainted with a conventional rotary machine
Part Number:
Cleaning Pad Size:
12 in. x 18 in.
1 HP
120 V / 60 Hz
Orbital Speed:
1725 RPM
Power Cable:
(1) 50-Foot, 14/3-Gauge Safety Power Cord
Sound Level:
70 dB
120 lbs.
Specifications are subject to change
without notice
Best of The Best!
In chemical-free, orbital dry scrub machines
Easy Transport!
Large, non-marking wheels and ergonomic carrying handles
Green Product!
Chemical-free process eliminates 95% of chemical stripping procedures Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cover is, as befits the CleanTech offer, a multitasking product. Useful as a quick and easy-to-use, long-lasting hydrophobic coating, as an aid for paint drying or as a quick detailer applied on dry or wet paint. It makes the varnish slippery, vitreous and enhances its color. It has great covering properties, which allows for instant refreshment (partially hides micro-scratches) and protects the varnish.
Strongly hydrophobic
Thanks to high hydrophobicity, keeping the vehicle clean becomes very easy. The product can be used on paintwork, rims, windows, plastic elements. You can also apply it to ceramic coatings. Product durability up to 9 months, depending on the method of use.
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Clorox 69260 Dispatch Disinfectant Towels with Bleach, 12 Packs
Clorox 69260 Dispatch Disinfectant Towels with Bleach, 12 Packs
Check out the Clorox Dispatch Disinfectant Towels with Bleach here:
Germs don't stand a chance against the Clorox Dispatch Disinfectant Towels with Bleach. Ideal for use on hard, non-porous surfaces. Works to neutralize a variety of microorganisms in under a minute. Sodium-hypochlorite formula as recommended by the CDC. Is packed with both detergents and bleach for maximum clean. Resealable soft packs so they can be used multiple times over.
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Clorox 69150 Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant Towels, 150 Towels
Check out the Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant Towels here:
Be the cleanest you can be with the Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant Towels. These wipes work to clean and disinfect surfaces completely with a few wipes. Pre-moistened so they are ready to go out-of-the-box. Kills 99.9% of germs it comes into contact with such as C. Difficile. Anti-corrosive agents make it perfect to use with medical equipment. A light fragrance to give those around a sense of clean. Designed for healthcare environments.
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hand sanitizer 84 disinfect gel fertilizer disinfectant liquid bleach filling machine
Tecnovap have an exclusive range of steam cleaners, that are ideal for complete cleaning of bakery production facilities.
Our range of steam cleaners are ideal for fast hygienic cleaning of bakery production equipments, rack, the benchtops, and many more. With superheated dry steam at up to 190°C, Tecnovap steamers hygienically clean all surfaces in short times, with little water and no chemicals. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GreenTeck Global MultiPurpose Sanitiser and Cleaner
Your new go-to cleaner💧
The GreenTeck Multipurpose Sanitiser and Cleaner is your disinfectant, degreaser, cleaner, deodoriser and hand sanitiser all in one ⭐️
Accredited to kill % of bacteria, viruses, odours and pathogens whilst having ZERO harmful effects to our bodies or the environment. Know that you are keeping your environment safe and hygienic without using hazardous chemicals 👍
Get your starter kit (containing our Flairosol and 5 litre Bag-In-Box) for just £ with FREE SHIPPING with code FIRSTORDER50 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Domestos Pro Formula TASKI Sani 4 in 1 Plus Spray, este un detergent dezinfectant lichid cu efect detartrant si dezodorizant pentru grupuri sanitare.
Este un detergent, detartrant, dezinfectant si dezodorizant combinat pentru grupuri sanitare pentru toate suprafetele dure rezistente la acizi din grupurile sanitare.
Distruge % dintre virusurile anvelopate (inclusiv coronavirusurile) in doar 60 de secunde.
Distruge % dintre bacterii in 5 minute.
Detergent excelent: actioneaza intr-un spectru larg de duritate a apei.
Curata, detartreaza, dezinfecteaza si dezodorizeaza intr-un singur pas.
Reduce numarul de produse utilizate la curatarea grupurilor sanitare.
Igiena si curatare excelenta, reduce riscul contaminarii incrucisate.
Lasa o aroma placuta, proaspata.
Caracteristici dezinfectant detartrant Domestos Taski Sani 4in1:
4 în 1: Detergent, dezinfectant, detartrant, dezodorizant
Eficient impotriva unui spectru larg de micro-organisme, inclusiv E coli, Salmonella si virusul gripal
Tehnologie patentata unica de dezodorizare activa (.)
Formula acida
Spray gata de utilizare
Instructiuni de utilizare:
Pulverizati solutia direct pe suprafata sau pe o laveta umeda si stergeti
Lasati sa actioneze
Utilizati un pad cu burete pentru a indeparta petele dificile
Clatiti sau inlocuiti cu regularitate laveta
Ambalare: spray gata de utilizare 750 ml Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SC Johnson Professional Fantastik Multi-Surface Disinfectant Degreaser kills 99.
9% of bacteria, and cuts through tough grease and grime on most surfaces. Clean, disinfect, degrease and deodorize your kitchen and restroom hard, non-porous surfaces.
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Decontamination Technologies and Procedures Household Bleach Solution 2005 USEPA
A training video from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the use of Sodium Hypochlorite, or common household bleach, as an effective sporicidal disinfectant against Bacillus anthracis, or anthrax. Research has shown that when modified, a bleach solution is effective in achieving up to a six- to seven-log reduction in anthrax spores when applied to hard, non-porous surfaces that stay wetted with the solution for up to 60 minutes. Historically, chlorine-based decontamination systems have been effectively employed against chemical and biological agents. The use of hypochlorite solutions (aqueous and non-aqueous) or solid/slurry hypochlorites has been wide spread for military applications. Hypochlorite is a standard decontaminant in military applications, excluding shipboard use. This general purpose decontaminant has been used on personnel, equipment, clothing, building surfaces, and soil. It is relatively easy to obtain and inexpensive. While an effective decontaminant, it is corrosive, can form toxic by-products, and has irritant properties that are undesirable. The military typically uses HTH (high test hypochlorite) and STB (super topical bleach), along with household bleach solutions, for agent spills and personnel decontamination. In addition, EPA evaluated data on one hydrogen peroxide and four hydrogen peroxide/peracetic acid mixtures. Based on efficacy at contact times ranging from 10 to 30 minutes, EPA issued a crisis exemption for the use of these products on building surfaces. Because of the wide experience in its application and its commercial availability, this technology was further evaluated in this report. For much more, read the March 2005 EPA report, Compiliation of Available Data on Building Decontamination Alternatives at . This video is one of 129 created by the wonderful Environmental Response Television (ERTV) which provides video support to U.S. EPA's Environmental Response Team (ERT). ERTV responds to request for the ERT to provide broadcast-quality documentary video programs on alternative hazardous waste treatment technologies, unique hazardous waste sites, site investigations, and other ERT activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DISPENSER AUTOMATICO DI SAPONE E GEL IGIENIZZANTE: sicuro e igienico grazie al sensore di movimento a infrarossi, il dispenser di sapone rilascia automaticamente la lozione per le mani non appena il sensore rileva le mani. Perfetto in ambienti come il bagno, cucina, caffetteria, hotel, ristoranti.
FLUSSO DI EROGAZIONE REGOLABILE: La capacità di serbatoio è di 370ml con controllo di erogazione variabile, infatti è possibile regolare il volume del sapone con l'interruttore +/-.
DOPPIO UTILIZZO: Beper ha pensato alle esigenze di tutti ideando un dispenser multifunzionale grazie al motore più resistente e performante. É adatto non solo all'erogazione di lozioni per le mani e sapone liquido, ma anche per gel igienizzante a base alcolica.
STABILE ED IMPERMEABILE È stato progettato con il corpo impermeabile in ABS e guarnizioni in gomma per impedire all'acqua di entrare nel vano batteria. Alimentato da 4 batterie AAA (non incluse) e tasto ON/Off per limitare il consumo delle batterie quando il prodotto non è in uso per molto tempo.
MENO CONSUMI: Realizzato con un sensore ad alta precisione ed un beccuccio con la protezione anti-goccia per non far sgocciolare il sapone, contribuisce a limitare gli sprechi di sapone e gel igienizzante.
---------------------------------------- ENGLISH---------------------------------------------
AUTOMATIC SOAP AND SANITIZING GEL DISPENSER: Safe and hygienic thanks to the infrared motion sensor, the soap dispenser automatically releases the hand lotion as soon as the sensor detects your hands. Perfect in environments such as bathrooms, kitchens, cafes, hotels, restaurants.
ADJUSTABLE DISPENSING FLOW: The tank capacity is 370ml with variable dispensing control, in fact it is possible to adjust the volume of the soap with the +/- switch.
DOUBLE USE: Beper has thought of everyone's needs by designing a multifunctional dispenser thanks to the more resistant and performing motor. It is suitable not only for dispensing hand lotions and liquid soap, but also for alcohol-based sanitizing gel.
STABLE AND WATERPROOF It has been designed with ABS waterproof body and rubber seals to prevent water from entering the battery compartment. Powered by 4 AAA batteries (not included) and ON / Off button to limit battery consumption when the product is not in use for a long time.
LESS CONSUMPTION: Made with a high-precision sensor and a spout with anti-drop protection to prevent the soap from dripping, it helps to limit the waste of soap and sanitizing gel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Perfect Balance - No compromise between efficacy and low toxicity.
With a 1-minute broad-spectrum contact time, OPTIM 1 is one of the fastest and most effective cleaner & intermediate level disinfectants. It is listed as a category IV, the EPA’s lowest toxicity category.
OPTIM 1 provides the confidence that you are compliant and mindful of patients, staff, equipment and the environment without compromise; the perfect balance. OPTIM 1 - One-step Surface Cleaner and Disinfectant. One Minute (TB) Contact Time. Available in USA and Europe. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Clean and Sanitize a dental practice with Tecnovap Evo Sanitizer
Evo Sanitizer è un generatore di vapore professionale, fondamentale per le operazioni di pulizia/sanificazione nell’ambito sanitario come strutture ospedaliere, case di cura, studi medici, dentistici, veterinari ecc... Questo generatore è dotato di caldaia in acciaio inox in grado di erogare vapore a 165° C con 6 bar di pressione e serbatoio interno per la ricarica continua dell’acqua. Nella pulizia quotidiana, la qualità del vapore secco permette di poter sanificare qualsiasi tipo di superficie non compromettendola. Possibilità di iniezione di acqua surriscaldata a 120° C unitamente al vapore. Con lo speciale accessorio in dotazione, è possibile nebulizzare il disinfettante, per una rapida disinfezione di tutte le superfici. La struttura ergonomica e compatta garantisce il pieno utilizzo in spazi ridotti. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pulsed xenon UV units for air and surfaces disinfection. SIE Melitta, Russia.
Mobile pulsed xenon UV antibacterial system for ultrafast air and surfaces disinfection. Scientific and Industrial Enterprise "Melitta", Ltd, Moscow, Russia. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OPTIM 1: One-Step Cleaner & Intermediate Disinfectant. One-Minute TB Contact Time. (EU)
The Perfect Balance - No compromise between efficacy and low toxicity.
With a 1-minute broad-spectrum contact time, OPTIM 1 is one of the fastest and most effective cleaner & intermediate level disinfectants. OPTIM 1 provides the confidence that you are compliant and mindful of patients, staff, equipment and the environment without compromise; the perfect balance. OPTIM 1 - One-step Surface Cleaner and Disinfectant. One Minute (TB) Contact Time. now available in EU. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nuestra unidad de Desinfeccion Ultravioleta para zapatos TITAN permite desinfectar todo tipo de bacterias y/o virus. Es compacto y no causa daños en la piel. Nuestro Sistema de desinfeccion ultravioleta cuenta con una amplia gama de referencias desarrolladas tecnicamente para su implementación en Aviones, Aulas, hoteles, Baños, Servicios de Transporte, quiforanos, hospitales, Oficinas entre otros. Para deshacerse de los gérmenes, virus y/o bacterias en las suelas de sus zapatos, todo lo que tiene que hacer es pisar el tapete de desinfección, esperar a que se ilumine, pararse sobre ella durante 5 segundos y luego caminar directamente a una habitación cercana. Incluye una superficie en acero inoxidable de alto brillo microperforado el cual permite el paso total de la radiación ultravioleta a las superficies de los zapatos, es de alta resistencia a trafico continuo, requiere un minimo mantenimiento de limpieza Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing EZ Bleach™ - EPA registered broad spectrum bactericidal & sporicidal bleach alternative disinfectant in an effervescent tablet form that delivers safe and effective surface disinfection. Each rapidly dissolving % sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione tablet is the equivalent of 29% available chlorine. Using the power of hypochlorous acid, EZ Bleach™ is effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms including C. difficile spores, Hepatitis B, and the EPA’s List N of antimicrobial products for use against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19*.
Note: 1 tub of approximately 900 (5g) tablets will produce 180 gallons of liquid bleach.
Buy Here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
El Código de Salud exige a los restaurantes que prueben regularmente las concentraciones de desinfectantes. Vea cómo puede usar nuestras tiras de prueba Hydrion para medir adecuadamente la concentración y garantizar el cumplimiento de la FDA.
Kits de prueba de desinfectantes
Estamos comprometidos a ofrecer los kits más fáciles y completos para permitirle medir los niveles efectivos de desinfectante y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria.
Siga a Micro Essential Lab:
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Micro Essential Laboratory, Inc., establecida en 1934, es el fabricante líder de kits de prueba de desinfectantes. Los códigos de salud estatales, locales y de la FDA requieren que los kits de prueba de desinfectantes estén disponibles y son esenciales para probar la concentración de desinfectantes. Este requisito se extiende a cualquier lugar donde se preparen o vendan alimentos comercialmente. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ideal for use in mold and mildew remediation sites, professional restoration sites, sewage backflow sites, water and flood damage sites, trauma, crime scene and fire clean up. One-step disinfectant cleaner and deodorizer kills 99.9% of germs with the power of AHP® (Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide). Cleans, kills, and prevents mold and mildew. Application: Bathrooms; Disinfectant/Cleaner; Floors; Restrooms; Walls; Applicable Material: Hard, Nonporous Surfaces; Chemical Compound: Hydrogen Peroxide; Dirt Types: Mildew; Mold.
Diversey, Restorox One Step Disinfectant Cleaner and Deodorizer, 32 oz Bottle, 12 Bottles per Carton
- The wholesale supply company buyers trust for more than just cleaning.
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Polti Sani System: for quick and frequent steam disinfection
Polti Sani System is a patented Steam Disinfection Device (SDD) compliant with the AFNOR NF T72-110 standard - medical setting and has demonstrated virucidal, bactericidal, sporicidal, fungicidal, levurocidal and mouldicidal effects. This patented system, developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Pavia, is specially designed for the steam disinfection of environments at risk of biological contamination.
The Polti Sani System models generate superheated dry saturated steam up to 180°C capable of breaking down the microbial load from surfaces and fabrics: the steam is almost completely free of liquid particles and escapes more widely in the form of a cloud, completely enveloping the surfaces to be disinfected, which will dry quickly. Disinfection therefore takes place without contact.
The products in the Polti Sani System range use tap water: they are the ideal tool for sanitising several times a day, even in the presence of people.
Discover the range:
#polti #homelovers #NaturalHomeFeeling #oursteamprotectsyouatwork Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CleanItSupply Complete Sanitizing Kit
This bundle offers you some of the best name brands in the business for one money saving price:
KCC12977 - Kleenex Foaming Non-Alcohol Hand Sanitizer, 6 - 1000mL Refills
This hand sanitizer comes from Kleenex, one of the most trusted brand names on the market. Alcohol, fragrance and dye-free, Kleenex Foaming Hand Sanitizer is effective without the risk of alcohol exposure. It kills 99.9% of the most common germs on hands that can cause illness. Kleenex Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer is the perfect choice for school classrooms to keep kids and teachers safe and healthy. This refill is for use with KCC92144 Hand Sanitizer Dispenser (sold with this kit - description below).
KCC92144 - Kleenex 1000 mL Hand Soap/Sanitizer Dispenser, White
The Kleenex Skin Care Cassette Dispenser can be used with Kleenex hand soap or santizer refills (hand sanitizer refill included in this kit). This 1000 mL dispenser is ideal for use in restrooms or break room sinks. The high capacity design allows for less refilling and maintenance time. Easy to load refills simply click into place and you're ready to go.
RAC02775CT - Lysol Disinfectant Foam Cleaner, 12 - 24-oz. Aerosol Cans
This disinfectant cleaner from Lysol comes in a thick, foam formula that clings to surfaces, providing a thorough cleaning. Lysol cleans, shines, disinfects, deodorizes and cuts through grease. Effectively kills MRSA, staph, salmonells, pseudomonas and HIV-1 on hard, nonporous surfaces and prevents the growth of mold and mildew.
RCP1928756 - Rubbermaid Hygen Disposable Microfiber Cloth Starter Kit, 160 Cloths w/Charging Tub
These convenient disposable cleaning cloths help stop the chain of infection with 99.9% microbe removal. Designed with built-in scrubbing strips, Rubbermaid Microfiber Cloths provide streak-free cleaning of mirrors, glass and stainless steel and are proven to remove C. diff spores. Ideal for dusting as well as wet cleaning, they effectively remove dirt without smearing.
CleanItSupply Sanitizing Kit, Sold as a Complete Kit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Anti-Bacterial Instant Hand Sanitiser | DB Cosmetics
Make every day clean and beautiful 💕 👏
Introducing our NEW Anti-bacterial Instant Hand Sanitiser 💦👌 with soothing Aloe Vera to keep hands soft 😍 and 70% Ethanol Alcohol to kill % of germs ✔️
Available to pre-order now in 500ml at $ a bottle ⭐ and 60ml for $ a bottle 👍
#dbcosmetics #handsanitiser
Pre-order to ship from 15th May. Minimum 6 purchased per pack. Limit of 2 packs per person.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Betco's AF79 Concentrate is an acid-free cleaner, disinfectant, fungicidal and virucidal. AF79 Concentrate kills Pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus (formerly called swine flu).
For more information, visit our website at . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Серветки DataFlash for technique tub-100pcs Disinfectant (DF1712)
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Серветки DataFlash for technique tub-100pcs Disinfectant (DF1712). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17