Об'єктив Tokina AT-X PRO DXII 11-16mm f / 2.8 (Sony) (ATXAF116DXIIS) - ширококутний об'єктив з діапазоном фокусних відстаней 11-16 мм, що на APS-C матриці еквівалентно 17.6-25.6 мм для повноформатних камер. На всьому діапазоні фокусних відстаней доступний постійний світлосила F2.8, що дозволяє вести зйомку навіть в умовах з обмеженою освітленістю. У той же час об'єктив володіє розумним вагою і розміром. Даний об'єктив є вдосконаленою версією широко відомої і визнаної моделі об'єктива
Tokina AT-X 116 F2.8 PRO DX.
Новий тихий мотор. В об'єктиві використовується безшумний DC-мотор, який дозволяє виробляти автоматичне фокусування швидше і тихіше в порівнянні з моделями попередніх поколінь. Нове багатошарове просвітлення. Нове багатошарове просвітлення допомагає успішніше боротися з відблисками і двоїння. Асферичні і супернизькодисперсі лінзи. Асферичні і супернизькодисперсні лінзи, використані в конструкції дозволяють домогтися відмінної контрастності і різкості по всій області кадру, а також пригнічувати хроматичні аберацією.
Вологозахист. Рухливі механізми мають додатковий захист, що істотно підвищує вологозахисні властивості об'єктива. Кріплення до байонету камери оснащений спеціальною прогумованою прокладкою, що забезпечує більш щільне з'єднання, що також не дозволяє проникати волозі через з'єднання.
Ширик - необходимый инструмент или всего лишь развлечение?
Это обзор объектива Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 и сегодня я расскажу свою точку зрения по этому вопросу.
Tokina 11-16 - широкоугольный объектив для Canon (в моем случае canon ef), который я использую на системе Micro 4/3 c камерой Panasonic. Tokina 2.8 - 'это глубина резкости, которую не даст GoPro )
Обзор объектива включает в себя:
- примеры видео, снятые на Tokina 11 16 2.8
- условия, для которых лучше всего подходит широкоугольный объектив
- недостатки (они же особенности), которые имеет широкоугольный объектив
- нужен ли вам ширик?
- можно ли обойтись стандартным широкоугольным объективом 24мм ЭФР?
На всякий случай, определимся с понятиями, что такое "широкоугольный объектив", "сверхширокоугольный объектив" (сверхширик) и т.д. Все, что меньше 35мм ЭФР (эффективное фокусное расстояние) - уже широкоугольный объектив.
- 35мм ЭФР - умеренный ширик;
- 24мм ЭФР - ширик (обычный широкий угол, wide angle lens));
- 14-16мм ЭФР - СВЕРХширик (сверхширокоугольный объектив, ultra wide angle lens (их как правило называют "шириками" в телефонах))
- 10мм ЭФР - тоже сверхширик, как правило это уже с сильной дисторсией, как на GoPro.
Но в рамках данного обзора я буду называть Tokina 11-16 просто "ширик".
На самом деле, если вы ищете широкоугольный объектив для Canon или ширик для Сони, то Tokina 11 16 2.8 будет отличным выбором. Также как и на микру для Panasonic gh5 или Olympus. Спидбустер Viltrox в помощь)
В случае с Сони - цена на Sony 10-18 будут гораздо выше (и к тому же темнее), чем связка с Tokina 2.8 и переходником Sigma MC-11. Правда про Автофокус можно забыть, но бесконечность на ширике начинается уже с 2х метров! Другое дело, что снимать селфи без АФ уже не комильфо, смотрите обзор объектива - я покажу такой сценарий использования на Panasonic g80 (g85) со спидбустером Viltrox ef-m2 - фокус только руками, либо авто, но выставлять перед нажатием REC и не менять дистанцию фокусировки.
Короче, мне есть много чего рассказать про Tokina 11-16 2.8 и про ширики tokina lens в частности, всего в видео не уложишь, но все таки. ЧТО НЕ ВОШЛО в обзор объектива:
1) Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 можно использовать С ПОЛНЫМ КАДРОМ - на 16мм будет слабая виньетка, и диафрагма 2.8, очень не плохо) И даже 14мм, но с сильной виньеткой.
2) Кольцо фокуса tokina cinema удобно для ручного фокуса, хоть и focus by wire. Все потому что оно большое и широкое. НО! Из-за этого его можно спутать с кольцом зума), а главное, механизм переключения все-таки не супер удобен, когда надо быстро переключить может подклинивать и снижает пылевлагозащиту. Бленда с бархоткой, приятная.
3) Фотография на широкоугольный объектив это реальная возможность создать "сказку" в привычных сюжетах, но нужно правильно расставлять акценты и выбирать расстояние до модели.
Если вы ищете широкоугольный объектив для съемки, но все еще сомневаетесь в необходимости его покупки - это видео для вас).
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Обзор Tokina AT-X 116 PRO SD 11-16mm F2.8 (IF) DX II
Честное мнение о использовании Токина 11-16 на протяжении долгих лет. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Что можно было улучшить в идеальном объективе? Tokina 11-16
Цены, отзывы, характеристики:
— Tokina AT-X PRO DX 11-16mm f/2.8 (Nikon)
— Tokina AT-X PRO DX 11-16mm f/2.8 (Canon)
— Tokina AT-X PRO DX 11-16mm f/2.8 (Sony)
— Tokina AT-X PRO DXII 11-16mm f/2.8 (Nikоn)
— Tokina AT-X PRO DXII 11-16mm f/2.8 (Canоn)
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В этом ролике я покажу как выполнил обещание, которое дал подписчику. Если наберем 500 лайков, то я разобью объектив Tokina at-x pro 11-16mm f/2.8. Мы купили еще экшн камеру, так что будет интересно, ведь сделаем краш тест экшн камер.
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Review Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II em Portugues
SSF Videoaula 051 - Review Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II em Portugues
Vídeo Review Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II em Português, falando pontos positivos e negativos da lente, assim como, algumas considerações mostrando exemplos de imagens feitas pela Tokina 11-16mm 2.8. Assistam! Curtam! Compartilhem!
Link para comprar Tokina 11-16mm na Amazon com desconto:
Porque uma lente Tokina?
Existem muitas marcas genéricas, e acredito que sempre a melhor escolha seria a marca original da sua câmera, porem, como dinheiro não “da em arvore”, não é sempre que podemos arcar com o custo de uma lente de marcas mais “tradicionais”, como Nikon ou Canon.
Fazendo algumas pesquisas e lendo diversos reviews, descobri que muitas vezes algumas marcas “paralelas” acabam se especializando em nichos diferentes, muitas vezes fabricando lentes iguais, quando não melhores, que as marcas consagradas.
Esse é justamente o caso da Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II. Se formos procurarmos por uma lente em um range equivalente, da Canon ou Nikon, pagaremos o dobro do valor, e em alguns aspectos, teremos uma lente inferior
Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II
A Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX-II é uma atualização da popular e premiada lente AT-X 116 PRO DX, 11-16 F/2.8.
A principal novidade desta lente está em sua montagem nas câmeras Nikon: a AT-X 116 PRO DX-II possui um sistema de foco interno que permite o foco automático mesmo em câmeras sem motor de foco acoplado.
Também houveram ajustes nos revestimentos para que a performance fosse ligeiramente melhorada.
O AT-X PRO significa que ela possui uma abertura constante de f/2.8, tanto em 11mm como em 16mm.
Dois elementos de Dispersão Super-Baixa e dois elementos asféricos possibilitam que o usuário consiga excelentes contraste e nitidez, além de ter um melhor controle da aberração cromática.
O mecanismo de foco exclusivo permite ao fotógrafo alternar entre AF e MF apenas ao tocar o anel de foco, para frente para AF e para trás para MF.
Além do aprimoramento no revestimento óptico, não houveram alterações nos modelos para câmeras Canon. A AT-X 116 PRO DX-II para Canon utiliza o mesmo motor e sistema AF que os modelos anteriores.
Pontos positivos da Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II
- Uma lente clara: Por ser 2.8, é uma ótima escolha para quem trabalha com eventos e ambientes escuros.
- Bokeh: Por ser 2.8, proporciona um excelente bokeh.
- Motor de foco: Ela possui o motor de foco, bom para quem não o possui no corpo da câmera, já que assim garantiremos o foco automático.
- Foco: Foco rápido e preciso.
- Valor: A metade do valor de uma lente equivalente da Canon ou Nikon.
- Anel de foco: Ela possui o anel de foco manual, garantindo trabalharmos não só com o foco automático, mas também o foco manual.
- Flare: Muito pouco flare, se comparada a outros modelos de grande angulares. Mesmo com a luz perpendicular a ela, quase não gera nenhum flare!
- Aceita filtros: Otima para quem trabalha com polarizadores ou filtros ND.
- Para sol: Ja acompanha o para sol.
- Modelos: Agrada a todos os gostos. Existe a Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II para Canon e a Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II para Nikon.
Pontos negativos da Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II
- Distorção: Não é uma lente indicada para retratos, pois gera muita distorção, principalmente nas bordas.
Descrição da Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X Pro DX II:
Distância focal 11-16mm
Abertura máxima f/2.8
Abertura mínima f/22
Construção E/G 13 elementos em 11 grupos
Revestimentos Multi camadas
Ângulo de visão 104-84º
Distância focal mínima
Proporção Macro 1:11.6
Sistema de foco Interno
Modo de zoom Rotativo
Lâminas de abertura 9
Largura da lente 84mm
Comprimento da lente
Peso 550g
Protetor de lente BH-77B
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Распаковка Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX II AF 11-16 mm f/2.8 (Nikon)
Распаковка Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX II AF 11-16 mm f/2.8 (Nikon)
Подробнее: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hoje eu mostro a primeira Tokina do vlog do zack, a zoom ultra grande angular para o APS-C AT-X PRO 11-16mm f/2.8 DX II:
Exclusiva com abertura f/2.8 constante nestas distâncias focais, ela é um excelente cartão de visitas para mais uma fabricante third party além de Sigma, Tamron e outras asiáticas. Mas será que funciona? Vejamos!
Abraços e bom vídeo,
vlog do zack
snapchat: vlogdozack Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
There are two versions of the Tokina 11-16 f2.8, but are there actually any differences?
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Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X Pro DX II Hands-on Review
We're trying to review the lens with the longest name in the world. In this video, we take a look at a Tokina lens that could be a cheap alternative to those Canon and Nikon ultra-wide zooms.
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Buy the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 II for Canon Here;
Buy the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 II for Nikon Here;
by Darren Miles Naples, FL Photographer
Are you a Real Estate Photographer? Or do you just need to somehow fit it all in? Either way the Tokina 11-16mm ATX-Pro f/2.8 (Street $599) is an excellent option!
The reputation of this lens precedes it, it was extremely difficult to find shortly after its release. And for good reason. At the time of its release, there were limited choices for APS-C sensor cameras for wide angle photography. (I'm a Canon shooter, so the focus of this review assumes that you too are a Canon user - more specifically, a user of a Canon cropped frame body - the Rebel Series, the XXD - 40D, 50D, etc series and the 7D) - when Tokina released this lens, there were primarily two true competitors - Canon's EF-S 10-22mm and the Sigma 10-20. What differentiated the Tokina was it's f/2.8 Aperture - which in addition to being a wide angle, it was also useful in low light situations.
On to the review;
BUILD QUALITY: Top notch! Built like a tank, the focus and zoom rings are well damped and smooth as butter. Tokina utilizes a one of a kind focus clutch mechanism which allows you to push and pull the entire focus ring to enable/disable the autofocus. Tokina smartly includes a lens hood - Canon take notice, this lens is built better, costs less and includes a hood. A very, very solid effort, the build quality is consistent across the Tokina line.
FOCUS SPEED AND ACCURACY: Tokina utilizes a micro motor, which means focus speed is sufficient - not fast, but certainly not slow - its definitely NOT ultrasonic. However, if you're a real estate photographer, speed of focus is one of the items that will concern you the least. Focus accuracy - though not lightening fast - is dead on. However, at this wide of an angle, most of the shots are taken from infinity focus anyway.
OPTICAL QUALITY: Excellent, with one major caveat. You'll find the Tokina very sharp in the center of the frame, typical of most wide angle lenses, as you get further from the center of the image, quality tends to suffer. This phenomena is also true of the Tokina, it is however, sharper than the Canon 10-22 and the Sigma 10-20 on the edges. The caveat for the Tokina is in the area of Chromatic Aberration, its very noticeable in high contrast situations. E.g. - in real estate, where the windows meet the outside - a high contrast situation - you're going to see a 2 or 3 pixel wide purple line where inside meets outside. Fortunately, with the latest versions of both Lightroom and Aperture, this is relatively easy to fix. But it is a defect that you'll need to know about when you go to purchase this lens, be prepared to work the CA's in post. However, apart from the CA issue, the Tokina is a SHARP, SHARP lens, optically superior to its competitors - based on this writers experience. On top of the optical quality, the Tokina has the distinct advantage of an f/2.8 aperture - making it ideal in low light event situations. Think a wedding shot getting the entire crowd into a photo. Most real estate shooters will be shooting during the day, utilizing a tri-pod and probably will be up around f/8 or f/9. Making the f/2.8 of the Tokina a little less relevant.
CONCLUSION: If you're shooting real estate there are now several choices in this focal length today that compete with the Tokina. For example the new Sigma 8-16mm, which has received generally excellent reviews across the board. The aforementioned Canon EF-S 10-22 and Sigma 10-20. The Tokina is built better than all of them, and based on personal experience as good as the Canon is, the Tokina is that much better. I actually sold my Canon 10-22 to purchase the Tokina. My colleague uses the Sigma 10-20 and he gets great results from that lens. Though, his is sharper on the left side of the frame than the right...
In a nutshell;
FOCUS SPEED AND ACCURACY: 8/10 - slow, but VERY accurate
OPTICAL QUALITY: 9/10 - fantastic, with the exception of high CA's
VALUE: 9/10
OVERAL 45/50 - Highly Recommend!!
FINAL WORD: If you're a real estate photographer who uses an APS-C sensor camera who wants the sharpest possible results, then this is your lens. It can also be used on the full frame 5D and 5D Mark ii cameras at 15 and 16mm with only the slightest bit of vignetting - the results are equally impressive. Its little wonder why this lens was such a hit for Tokina! Its an excellent lens. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
View the great features of Tokina's popular and award winning compact ultra wide-angle zoom lens, AT-X 116 PRO DX, 11-16 f/2.8 . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BEST Ultra Wide In 2022? Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 Review
Is this the best ultra wide you can get? let's find out.
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3:25 - Final thoughts
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Обзор Tokina 128 AT X Pro SD 12-28 F4 Никон кроп Лучший ширик?
Телега: ЯндексДзен: Обзор #Tokina 128 AT-X Pro SD 12-28 F4 (IF) DX Aspherical #Nikon Никон Лучший широкоугольный объектив на кроп?
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Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT X 116 Pro DX II (Português BR)
Revisão e Teste de Nitidez Lente Ultra Grande Angular Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 AT-X PRO
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Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X116 Pro DX Digital Zoom Lens For Sony Review and Sample Images
Here is a review and sample images of the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X116 Pro DX Digital Zoom Lens on the a-mount for Sony Alpha digital cameras.
Link to purchase the Tokina AT-X Pro DX 11-16mm F/2.8 Asph. For Sony
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Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX AF 11-16 mm f/2.8 имеет широкоугольную линзу со светосилой f/2.8 для лучшего качества снимков в условиях низкой освещенности. Объектив сконструирован для цифровых зеркальных камер с матрицей формата APS-C типа CMOS и CCD ..............
Подробный обзор объектива Tokina 11-16mm: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX-II is an update to the widely popular and award winning AT-X 116 PRO DX, 11-16mm F/2.8 lens. The main update to this lens is in the Nikon mount, the AT-X 116 PRO DX-II has an internal silent focusing motor to allow the lens to AF on Nikon bodies that do not have an AF drive gear and motor. There have also been some adjustments made to the coating for slightly improved optical performance. This compact ultra wide-angle zoom has a bright constant F/2.8 aperture make viewing and auto focus possible in lower light situations but still maintaining a reasonable size and weight. Two Super-Low Dispersion glass elements and two aspheric glass elements allow the proprietary optical design to achieve excellent contrast and sharpness as well as controlling chromatic aberration. Tokina’s exclusive One-touch Focus Clutch Mechanism allows the photographer to switch between AF and MF simply by snapping the focus ring forward for AF and back toward the lens mount for manual focusing. The lens is also designed to stand up to the rigors of daily use by photographers in a wide variety of shooting conditions and environments. Other than the optical coating change there are no changes to the Canon mount. The AT-X 116 PRO DX-II for Canon uses the same AF motor and AF drive system as the previous model. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 DX II - Fit for astrophotography?
Is the Tokina 11-16mm MkII as good as the price for astrophotographers? Find out in this short test! :)
DIY focus fix video by Christian Schmeer:
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Ultra grandangolare di Tokina che premette di essere una lente interessante e versatile.
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Распаковка Tokina AT-X PRO FX AF 16-28 mm f/2.8 (Canon)
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Tokina 11-16mm F/2.8 AT-X DX II getestet mit der Nikon D7500
Das Weitwinkel von Tokina und die Nikon D7500 sind eine tolle Kombination für die Astrofotografie. Lg Michael Ziegann
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Tokina 11-16mm vs 16-28mm - f2.8 wide angle zoom comparison
Includes 16mm comparison, sharpness tests and 100% crops.
Today ThatNikonGuy (Matt Granger) tests out both of these great wide angle zoom lenses, on a D5100 DX camera. Photos and video samples are included.
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Hoje no vlog do zack eu falo da zoom grande angular para o APS-C, Tokina AT-X PRO 11-20mm f/2.8 DX:
Praticamente a "terceira geração" da 11-16mm DX que conhecemos no começo do ano, a 11-20mm mais longa tenta eliminar de uma vez por todas o flaring, que aparecia em excesso nos modelos anteriores.
Será que a Tokina conseguiu?
Vamos descobrir.
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Old vs New Tokina 11-16 2.8 EF: PRO DX vs ATX-i | Shot on RED Komodo | 2007 vs 2019 version
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Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 DX EF:
TOKINA ATX-i 11-16mm F2.8 Canon EF:
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El objetivo Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X 116 PRO DX-II es una nueva version de que para mi es mejor zoom ultraangular del mercado para sensores tipo APS-C de Nikon o Canon , su construcion solida asi como su nitidez son dos de sus pirncipales caracteristicas
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Autofocus Speedtest Tokina AT-X 116 Pro DX 11-16mm F2.8
Autofocus Speedtest Tokina AT-X 116 Pro DX 11-16mm F2.8
Kamera: Sony Alpha 65
Captured with HTC One Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 DX II Review // Très bon ultra grand-angle à faible coût !
Voilà ma première review de matériel, n'hésitez pas à me dire ce qui manque et à me poser des questions !
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One of the best value ultra-wide angle lenses for crop?
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Find the current Tokina price on Amazon:
Tokina 11-16 for Canon:
Tokina 11-16 for Nikon:
I’m going to get my first look at the Tokina 11-16mm DX II wide angle lens. I’ll do a quick overview of the lens and then at the end I’ll show you some test shots with photos and video so be sure to stick around for that.
This was shipped from B&H Photo and I got free expedited shipping on this so it arrived pretty quick. The DX indicates that this lens is for use on crop sensor cameras. The model I have here is for Canon APS-C cameras and later I’ll mount this on my EOS M using a Fotodiox EF to EOS-M adapter. I can tell that the Tokina has some good weight to it. The body feels good in my hand and actually feels better than my Canon 28-135mm kit lens. The zoom ring has a nice tactile rubber ring on it. This Tokina comes with a lens hood which most lenses don’t.
One thing that is different about the Tokina is the switch for auto and manual focus. The Tokina uses a plunger type action to switch between the modes on the focus ring. When it’s switched to manual focus, the ring turns very smoothly. I’ve been wanting to add a wide angle lens to my collection and the Tokina 11-16mm has always been at the top of my list. The combination of price and the constant f2.8 aperture were the top selling points for me.
****Equipment I Use For My Videos****
Canon EOS M6:
Canon EF-M 22mm f/2 Lens:
Tokina 11-16mm Wide Angle Lens:
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Comica CVM-WM300A Wireless Microphones:
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Tokina 11-16mm vs 11-16mm II | Canon EF Mount | Wide Angle on a Budget
Tokina 11-16mm (updated):
Tokina 11-16mm v2:
Tokina 11-20mm:
Purchase the Canon 80D:
Purchase the Canon 70D:
Is the Tokina 11-16mm version II better than the first version for video?
Tokina 11-16mm vs 11-20mm:
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The opinions expressed in this video were not influenced by or paid for by any outside individual or company. I only use and test products I buy myself with my own money unless otherwise noted. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 ATX-Pro DX | Revisión en profundidad
En este video os hago una review de la cámara compacta Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 ATX-Pro DX. Pruebas tanto de calidades, velocidades de enfoque, aberraciones, ...
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Tokina wide angle lens, AT-X 116 PRO DX Ⅱvideo reviews.
Nikon body and a similar appearance and high quality, and hard.
This lens has a fixed compact and bright F2.8 aperture performance.
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밝은 광각의 눈의 광각렌즈 토키나 11-16을 만나다 :
깜찍이 초광각 렌즈 토키나 116과 니콘 10-24의 맞짱 뜨기 :
토키나의 광각 렌즈, 신형AT-X 116 PRO DX Ⅱ : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tokina AT-X Pro 11mm - 16mm F2.8 DX II Lens Review
To skip the comparison jump to 9:42 for the Tokina images.
Can this much less expensive wide angle lens keep up with Nikon's 16-35 f/4 lens? I'll show you images from both and let you see if the difference is worth $700. The Tokina is a perfect budget wide angle for an mirrorless or crop sensor camera.
Nikon 16mm-35mm F4 Lens -
Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 for M50 -
Video set up-
Canon M50 -
Rode VideoMicro -
Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 for M50 -
Canon M mount EF-EFs Lens adapter-
Canon EF-M 22mm stm lens -
VILTROX EF-EOS M2 Electronic Auto Focus Focal Reducer Speed Booster Lens Mount Adapter for Canon EF Mount Lens to Canon EOS-M (EF-M Mount) Mirrorless Camera M50 -
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The BEST VLOGGING LENS for Micro Four Thirds? (Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 + Metabones Speed Booster XL)
For the past 2 month's I've been shooting with the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 and Metabones Speed Booster XL adapter. This setup has become my go-to for wide-angle shooting, so after a couple months of use I figured it was time for a review video.
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8:
Metabones Speed Booster XL Adapter:
Viltrox EF-M2:
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Tokina 11-16mm f2 8 AT X Pro DX II Unboxing & Review
Review and Unboxing of the Tokina 11 16mm f2 8 AT X Pro DX II
Best wide angle lens for DX
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Here's an updated version of my Tokina 11-16mm lens review, with full frame samples and tests from my Canon 6D, and my standardized sharpness test.
Find it here (Amazon affiliate link):
Lens reviews coming up: Sigma 35mm f/1.4 HSM, Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 OS HSM, Canon 24-105mm f/4 IS USM 'L'...and many more.
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All photos and samples taken by me on my trusty Canon 60D and 6D.
Be sure to follow my Photostream on Flickr, to see sample pictures of lenses I've reviewed and to see previews of upcoming lenses, too! @N07/
Music: 'Opportunity Walks' by Kevin Macleod () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X 116 Pro DX Autofocus Lens for DSLR Review
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Ratings: 10/10
Tokina Website:
The new Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX is an ultra-wide angle lens with a fast f/2.8 aperture for better photography in low-light situations. Many photojournalists consider having an f/2.8 aperture a must for any lens in their camera on the award-winning optical design of the AT-X 124 PRO DX (12-24mm f/4) lens, the new AT-X 116 PRO DX has a slightly shorter zoom range to maintain optical quality at wide apertures.
Key Features :
For Canon APS-C Format DSLRs
f/2.8 Aperture throughout Zoom Range
Ultra Wide Angle Zoom
One-Touch Focus Clutch Mechanism
9-Blade Aperture Diaphragm
Item Includes :
1 x Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X 116 Pro DX Autofocus Lens for Canon
1 x Front & Rear Caps
1 x MH777 Lens Hood
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APS-C Wide Angle Lens / Tokina 11-16mm AT-X Pro DXII
Okay, so in this video I cover the bare basics of the Tokina 11-16mm AT-X Pro DXII Wide angle that is offered for the Canon, Sony, and Nikon crop sensor cameras. Enjoy!
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My hands on review with the Ultra wide angle lens from Tokina. There are two versions the Mk I and II optically they use the same formula. The lens is relatively affordable for those looking for an ultra wide optic and the faster constant F2.8 aperture makes it a viable option for low light hand held photography.
For crop sensors the lens give an equivalent full frame field of view of: - 24mm. crop sensors: -
Details from the maker:
Focal Length 11 - 16mm
Maximum Aperture f/2.8
Minimum Aperture f/22
Construction E/G 13 Elements in 11 Groups
Coatings Multi-layer
Angle of View 104 - 84°
Minimum Focus Distance 1.0 ft (0.3 m)
Macro Ratio 1:11.6
Focusing Mode Internal Focusing
Zoom Mode Rotary Zoon
Aperture Blades 9
Filter Size 77mm
Lens Length 3.5 in ()
Weight 1.2 lbs (560g)
Accessories Flower design Bayonet lens hood (BH77A)
Lens Hood BH-77A
Mounts Canon APS-C, Nikon APS-C, Sony Alpha APS-C Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX 11-16mm f/2.8 super wide angle lens
Brief video tour of Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8, the best wide angle lens up to date. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X Pro II - Silent Unboxing
Silent unboxing of a recent purchase - Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X Pro Version II,
Hope you like it!
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Tokina atx-i 11-16mm F2.8 CF | Neuauflage eines Geheimtipps im Test [Deutsch]
Das Tokina atx-i 11-16mm f/2.8 CF [ ]* ist ein Ultra-Weitwinkel-Objektiv für DSLR-Kameras von Canon und Nikon, für APS-C-Kamera entwickelt und tritt die Nachfolge des beliebten Tokina AT-X 11-16mm F2.8 Pro DX II an. Wie schlägt es sich im Test?
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Tokina ATX-i 11-16mm F2.8 Lens Review | The Best Budget Ultrawide Lens For Canon 2020
#camera #lens #tokina
In this video, we are going to review the best budget ultra wide angle lens, the Tokina atx-i 11-16mm F2.8 APSC lens for Canon EF mount cameras, and we will show you all the surprises we have found about this lens during our tests. If you are looking for an ultra wide for your photography or videography kit, the Tokina atx-i 11-60mm F2.8 lens is a must have. At $450, you will be surprise how much this lens can do, a lot more than $450.
We hope this video can help you decide whether or not you should get this lens. Thank you so much for watching, and we will see you in the next one.
Product Link:
Tokina ATX-i 11-16mm F2.8 Canon EF Lens:
Tokina AT-X 11-16mm F2.8 Canon EF Lens (Previous Version, Canada):
Tokina ATX-i 11-16mm F2.8 Canon EF Lens (UK):
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Why the $300 Tokina 11-16mm AT-X might be the best super wide for video
The Tokina is a fantastic sharp wide angle lens. It could very well be the best wide angle lens on the market in terms of adaptability, quality, and price.
Shoutout to the skaters I met at the skate park! Jonathan Banuelos, Kala, Destiny, and Madison
The old AT-X line of Tokina wide zooms (11-16 and 11-20) both have been discontinued but are still available for purchase new - while supplies last or you could always get your hands on a used lens. Tokina has upgraded these lenses with their "ATX-I" versions. If I get my hands on these newer lenses, I will make another comparison video in the future.
Affiliate Links:
OLDER ATX lenses
Tokina ATX 11-16mm F2.8 DX II -
Tokina ATX 11-20mm F2.8 DX -
NEW ATX-I lenses:
TOKINA ATX-i 11-16mm F2.8
TOKINA ATX-i 11-20mm F2.8 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing the Newest Tokina 11-16mm f/2 8 Pro DX II lens
Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX-II is an update to the widely popular and award winning AT-X 116 PRO DX, 11-16 F/2.8 lens.
The main update to this lens is in the Nikon mount, the AT-X 116 PRO DX-II has an internal silent focusing motor to allow the lens to AF on Nikon bodies that do not have an AF drive gear and motor.
There have also been some adjustments made to the coating for slightly improved optical performance.
This compact ultra wide-angle zoom has a bright constant F/2.8 aperture make viewing and auto focus possible in lower light situations but still maintaining a reasonable size and weight.
Two Super-Low Dispersion glass elements and two aspheric glass allow the proprietary optical design to achieve excellent contrast and sharpness as well as controlling chromatic aberration.
Tokina’s exclusive One-touch Focus Clutch Mechanism allows the photographer to switch between AF and MF simply by snapping the focus ring forward for AF and back toward the lens mount for manual focusing. The lens is also designed to stand up to the rigors of daily use by photographers in a wide variety of shooting conditions and environments.
Other than the optical coating change there are no changes to the Canon mount. The AT-X 116 PRO DX-II for Canon uses the same AF motor and AF drive system as the the previous model. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Об'єктив Tokina AT-X PRO DXII 11-16mm f/2.8 (Sony) (ATXAF116DXIIS)
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