TS-431P – це високопродуктивний мережевий накопичувач з великою ємністю зберігання для дому, малого офісу і робочих груп. Оснащений операційною системою QTS для мережевих накопичувачів QNAP, пристрій ідеально підійде для резервного копіювання даних, синхронізації файлів, безпечного віддаленого доступу, організації медіабібліотеки, а також надійного особистого хмари.
Персональне хмара Потокове відтворення мультимедіа через DLNA, AirPlay і Plex; Централізоване зберігання файлів, загальний доступ і резервне копіювання; Збирайте великі колекції фотографій, музики і відео, насолоджуйтеся самі і діліться з друзями. Переглядайте фільми у високому дозволі або сімейні відео на ТБ, використовуючи в якості джерела потоків різні мережеві плеєри. Працюйте зі своїми файлами, керуйте ними, дивіться, слухайте і читайте їх за допомогою планшетів і телефонів. Якщо побажаєте, ви можете розширити прикладні можливості TS-431P, вибравши потрібні з більш ніж 80 додатків, доступних для установки на вимогу в App Center.
Детальні характеристики:
Annapurna Labs AL-212
Тактова частота процесора
1700 МГц
Тип встановленої оперативної пам'яті
Системна пам'ять
1024 Мб
512 Мб
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Вбудований принт-сервер
Кількість підтримуваних принтерів
Вбудований веб-сервер
Вбудований сервер MySQL
Кількість слотів для HDD
Підтримувані типи HDD
3.5” SATA
Підтримувані типи HDD
2.5” SATA
Максимальний обсяг пам'яті внутрішніх HDD
40000 Гб
Кількість встановлених HDD
не встановлені
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані веб браузери
Internet Explorer
Підтримувані веб браузери
Підтримувані веб браузери
Підтримувані веб браузери
Google Chrome
2 х RJ-45
3 x USB 3.0
Контролер RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
збільшення ємності дискового простору RAID-масиву
функція відновлення RAID-масиву
сканування на збійні блоки
зміна рівня RAID
підтримка Bitmap
підтримка S.M.A.R.T.
можливість монтування образів ISO
Мережевий інтерфейс iSCSI
до 8 віртуальних дисків
Кілька LUN на ціль
Управління пристроєм
Управління пристроєм
повідомлення по e-mail
Управління пристроєм
повідомлення по SMS
Управління пристроєм
моніторинг UPS
Управління завантаженнями
Управління завантаженнями
Управління обліковими записами
управління обліковими записами користувачів
Управління обліковими записами
управління обліковими записами груп
Управління обліковими записами
управління квотами користувачів/груп
Управління резервним копіюванням
розклад резервного копіювання з ПК на NAS
Управління резервним копіюванням
резервне копіювання USB пристроїв
Управління резервним копіюванням
резервування в реальному часі
Управління резервним копіюванням
резервне копіювання на хмарні системи зберігання даних
Did you enjoy the video? Find it helpful? Want to hear more? Of course you want 're only human! Why not subscribe to save you searching next time
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ZONA IT este cea mai longeviva emisiune de tehnologie din Romania si se difuzeaza sambata la AM pe TVR1 si TVRHD. Dan Cadar si echipa sa va tin la curent cu IT-ul :))).
ZONA IT se difuzeaza Sambata la AM pe TVR1 si TVRHD. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Что такое NAS и почему он тебе нужен на примере QNAP TS-231K. DLNA стриминг, свой Google Drive и т.д
★ QNAP TS-231K в Украине:
★ QNAP TS-231K в РФ:
- экономь до 30% на покупках в Интернет!
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Развернуть NAS в офисе мы (я) хотели очень давно, но судьба вечно уводила нас как-то в сторону от NAS (да, это каламбур). В этом ролике я расскажу вам о тест-драйве QNAP TS-231K, который доказал, что сетевое хранилище - это очень удобная и для работы и для досуга вещь, которая пригодится как дома, так и в офисе.
О чем речь:
0:00 - Кул стори, бро!
1:28 - Что за устройство перед вами
2:17 - Внешние/аппаратные “фишки”
5:53 - Умное ли это устройство?
6:38 - ПО NAS
7:51 - Лайфхаки от Димона
9:42 - Сервера
11:16 - ПО для ПК
12:47 - Бекап/перенос данных
13:55 - Безопасность
14:35 - RAID
16:02 - Мобильное ПО
23:18 - DLNA стриминг
25:48 - Дополнительное ПО/сервисы NAS
29:36 - FCPX на сетевом винчестере
31:43 - Удаленный доступ
33:50 - Что по деньгам
35:37 - Итоги подведем…
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QNAP TS-431P un Servidor de almacenamiento con funcionalidades de nube privada y copias de seguridad. Este NAS trabajará perfectamente en una oficina o PYME con estas características. Gestión de documentos, información en cualquier parte del mundo y seguridad de datos gracias a la posibilidad de crear un RAID5
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История Персонального Компьютера
- Канал про Историю технологий и Изобретений Домашний сервер Turbo NAS Qnap-TS 451. Резервное копирование, персональное облако, DLNA, PLEX и многое другое.
плейлист с Qnap TS-451
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QNAP TS-431P3-2G - Einrichtung und erste Schritte | NAS Server | 4K
Nach meinem unboxing Video folgt nun der Festplatteneinbau und Einrichtung des NAS Servers bis hin zur Dateifreigabe.
QNAP NAS Hardware: Annapurna Labs AL-314 Quad-Core 1,7GHz Prozessor mit 2GB RAM (1 RAM Steckplatz, erweiterbar bis 8GB)
00:00 Einbau der Festplatten
4:26 Anschließen des Servers
6:16 Konfiguration FritzBox
7:15 Grundeinrichtung Qnap
14:15 QTS Desktop
22:50 Einrichtung Speicherpool und Volume
31:40 Freigabe unter Windows einbinden
34:50 Abschluss
#qnap #nas #server
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Recensione del nuovissimo nas QNAP TS-431P3 dalle prestazioni record
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NAS Системы. Сохранность данных. Сравнение. Как не потратить деньги и время зря...
NAS Системы. Сравнение. Как не потратить деньги и время зря.
Рассмотри различные решения для NAS систем:
- Сетевой диск
- Raspberry PI
- Роутер NAS
- Готовые системы: Synology и QNAP
Сравним системы по их цене, производительности и возможностям.
Вы сможете сами посмотреть какая система Вам подойдет лучше, что бы сэкономить свое время и не купить очередное ненужное устройство :)
Попробовать готовые системы бесплатно можно по ссылкам:
Буду очень благодарен за поддержку в виде чашечки ☕️:
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How I Backup and Protect my Files using a QNAP NAS Server
QNAP TS-451A 4-Bay Network Attached Storage - NAS Enclosure Buy Now:
Computer Backup is very important and this video shows how I backup my files to my computer using a NAS Server.
4 x 2.5"/3.5" SATA III Drive Bays
1.6 GHz Intel Celeron N3060 Dual-Core
2 x Gigabit Ethernet Ports
1 x USB 3.0 Micro-B, 3 x USB 3.0 Ports
HDMI and Audio Ports
RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 5 + Hot Spare, JBOD
Up to 213.4 MB/s Throughput
AES 256-Bit Volume Encryption
QTS 4.2 Operating System
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Qnap TS-431P incelemesi "Hem NAS hem Torrent kutusu"
Bu videoda Qnap TS-431P'yi inceliyoruz.
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Türkiye'de teknoloji forumu denince 1999'dan beri ilk akla gelen portal 'un YouTube sayfasında teknolojiyle ilgili her şeyi bulabilirsiniz. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP NAS Guide Part 1 - Setup, RAID, Volumes IP and Shared Folders
NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
Buying your first Network Attached Storage (NAS) device can be a remarkably daunting task! Even for the most technologically knowledgable, a NAS is a very different kind of device than most of the hardware in your environment. At its heart, it is just a computer (like most things are when you break them down to the basics) that is built for a specific task. However, there are numerous elements of a NAS (such as it always being ON, the constant remote accessibility and focus on storage primarily) that set it apart from most other devices, and this si where a lot of people get a bit intimidated by it. There is always the option of using cloud services, such as DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive and more, but these are often paid monthly subscription services, involve your data being shared across other services and (most worrying of all) leaves your precious data in a position to be used for analytics without your knowledge OR open to hacking because of the sheer size of the target. Add to this the fact that in most cases, a severed connection to the internet means a severed connection to your data, and the appeal of moving away from 3rd party cloud and on to a NAS is pretty clear. The industry of NAS has been in constant growth for over 30 years, with big players like HP, Dell and IBM steadily losing the home and SMB market to the likes of Synology, QNAP and more. The brand diversity in the field of NAS servers has continued to grow right up until 2021, with the benefit that the way you can interact with your data, what NAS devices can do and the price point of this technology being exceedingly affordable (with fully featured solutions WITH storage media arriving as low as £200). So, today I want to talk about what NAS is, what a NAS can do, and which NAS Brand you should consider buying in 2021.
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage? Perhaps you are a Mac user and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. SPAN can be reached here SPAN - . However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Персональное облако, сервер, виртуальная машина, хостинг... | NAS QNAP TS-253D
• Розыгрыш iPhone 12 и Apple Watch тут:
Если у вас много файлов, есть целая куча причин сделать для них своё собственное хранилище. Для этого подойдёт, например, Qnap TS-253D. Несмотря на скромные размеры, это совсем не детское устройство, а полноценное сетевое файловое хранилище. Кроме того, на его базе можно создать мультимедийный центр, сервер IP-видеонаблюдения, виртуальную машину, хостинг и ещё кучу всего, как для дома, так и для офиса.
• Цены на сетевые хранилища (NAS) QNAP тут:
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Домашний NAS сервер Qnap TS-451.Запись данных на NAS сервер
История Персонального Компьютера
- Канал про Историю технологий и Изобретений Домашний сервер Turbo NAS Qnap-TS 451.
плейлист с Qnap TS-451
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Did you enjoy the video? Find it helpful? Want to hear more? Of course you want 're only human! Why not subscribe to save you searching next time
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
Find us on
Follow us on our SPAN Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amazon Link:
QNAP TS-431P NAS - 4 Bay
Alpine AL-212 CPU Dual-Core,
4x SATA 3.5" Bays,
RAID 0/1/5/5+Spare/6/10/JBOD
Max 25 IP Kameras (2x Lizenz mit dabei)
3x USB3.0, 2x LAN,
Maße: 180x235x177mm
Gewicht 3kg Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Folgender Artikel soll euch dabei helfen ein neues QNAP-NAS einzurichten bzw. für die erste Verwendung vorzubereiten. Schritt für Schritt möchte ich euch hier zeigen, was ihr einstellen müsst, um den Netzwerkspeicher nutzen zu können.
Gerade für unerfahrene Neulinge im Bereich der NAS-Systeme soll nachfolgende 123-Anleitung eine grundlegende Hilfe bieten. Man muss also keineswegs Angst vor den vielen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten haben!
Erstmal baut ihr natürlich euere HDDs (Festplatten) ein! Meist geht das schraubenlos und stellt auch für Laien kein Problem dar. Dann schließt ihr das NAS an LAN und die Steckdose an. Abschließend schaltet ihr das Gerät ein und dann geht es wie unten beschrieben weiter.
Es gibt 3 Varianten
Um ein QNAP NAS für die Erste Verwendung einzurichten oder einzustellen gibt es grundsätzlich nachfolgende 3 Varianten.
Möglichkeit 1, Lokale Installation
Bei den NAS-Modellen mit HDMI-Ausgang kann man einen MONITOR bzw. TV anschließen sowie via USB noch MAUS und TASTATUR. Darüber kann dann direkt die Einrichtung des NAS gemacht werden. Auch die beiliegende Fernbedienung kann verwendet werden um die Erst-Einrichtung bzw. das Setup durchzuführen.
Möglichkeit 2, Cloud-Installation
Euer neues QNAP-NAS könnt ihr aber ebenso gut auch über den Start-QR-Code an der Seite des Gerätes bzw. die "" Seite einrichten. Vorrausgesetzt das Gerät ist mit dem Internet verbunden. In diesem Fall ist es möglich über den QR-Start-Code bzw. über den sogenannten "Cloud-Schlüssel" (Cloud-Key) die Einrichtung bzw. die Installation der Firmware durchzuführen. Den Schlüssel findet man meist an der Seite des Gerätes.
Möglichkeit 3
Bei der 3ten Variante richten wir das NAS manuel auf die übliche – althergebrachte oder konservative Art ein. Mit einem Hilfstool suchen wir das NAS im Netzwerk und gehen direkt über die http-Oberfläche auf das Gerät um so alle Einstellungen vorzunehmen. Eine Internetverbindung ist dafür nicht notwendig. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The QNAP TS-431P, 231P and 131P Budget Friendly NAS Walkthrough and Talkthrough
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Montage et installation d'un NAS QNAP ! [Tuto Complet]
Qu'est-ce qu'un NAS ? Il s'agit d'un serveur de stockage en réseau, également appelé stockage en réseau NAS, boitier de stockage en réseau ou plus simplement NAS (de l'anglais Network Attached Storage). C'est un serveur de fichiers autonome relié à un réseau dont la principale fonction est le stockage de données en un volume centralisé.
La plupart des NAS (QNAP, Synology, Asustor, Drobo, WD MyCloud, etc.) se ressemblent tous au niveau de leur configuration et paramétrage, dans cette vidéo je montre tous mes exemples avec le modèle de NAS suivant :
- Modèle : QNAP TS-231P
- Disque dur : 2x 2TB Western Digital Blue (Total 4TB), en RAID 1 (Total 2TB)
Lien QNAP TS-231P sur Amazon :
Lien 2TB Western Digital Blue sur Amazon :
Mon autre vidéo sur le WD MyCloud EX4100 :
Je sais que la vidéo est longue, soit 41min, mais je crois qu'il est important de tout montrer ce que le NAS QNAP peut faire, et surtout comment bien le configurer !
Les sujets discutés en vidéo :
- Monter le NAS QNAP avec les disques durs
- La configuration initiale d'un NAS
- L'installation du NAS en réseau
- La création d'un RAID 1 pour la sécurité des données
- Création d'un dossier partagez à travers le réseau
- Connecter sur Windows votre NAS (en Lecteur Réseau)
- Création des utilisateurs sur le NAS et modifier les accès
- Les fonctionnalités du NAS
- Les applications de synchronisation de Backup du PC vers le NAS
- La connexion du NAS vers le Cloud (un accès depuis l'externe en tout temps)
- Les applications disponibles sur le NAS pour son système d'exploitation (tout comme PLEX)
- Sauvegarder votre configuration système du NAS à la toute fin
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QNAP TS 431 NAS İnceleme videomuzda ağa bağlı depolama cihazının kapasitesine, teknik özelliklerine, işletim sistemine ve uygulamalarına yakından bakıyoruz:
00:10 - NAS nedir? Ne işe yarar? Sabit disklerden ya da harici disklerden farkı nedir?
NAS cihazları depolama ve veri yönetimi araçlarıyla donanmış küçük bilgisayarlardır.
00:55 - QNAP TS 431'in kapasitesi nedir?
01:30 - NAS'a ihtiyaç duyulan durumlar neler? Bir NAS'a kaç kişi bağlanabilir?
02:30 - KOBİ'ler ve internet kafeler en iyi örnekler. Ufak şirketler, ev ofisler ve veri ile çalışan herkes.
02:50 - NAS ve Cloud yani bulut bağlantısı.
03:05 - Yerel ağ seçenekleri ve güvenlik önlemleri. Şifreleme ve güvenli erişim.
04:25 - Harici diskleri şifreleme özelliği.
04:45 - Ev ve iş medya merkezi kullanımı.
05:35 - Düşük güç tüketimi ve uzun vadeli toplam sahip olma maliyeti.
06:20 - 4 Disk yuvasının yararları.
07:01 - QNAP TS 431 modeline yakından bakıyoruz.
07:40 - Küçük NAS'tan büyük NAS'a geçilir mi?
08:15 - NASWare 3.0 diskler: Burada Western Digital Red NAS diskleri kullandık. TS 231 + incelememizde disklerle ve NASWare ile ilgili el bilgi edinebilirsiniz.
09:00 - SSD takılabilir mi?
NAS kullanımında Enterprise ve veya dayanıklı SSD modellerini tavsiye ediyoruz.
09:10 - Sıralama önemli.
09:50 - Tek ya da üç disk kullanılabilir mi?
Disk sayısına göre RAID seçenekleri değişecektir.
10:35 - RAID desteği ve modların sunduğu özellikler.
12:00 - Ek disklerden aktarım imkanı.
12:41 - Portlara, tuşlara ve bilgi ışıklarına bakıyoruz.
13:18 - Arka kısımdaki portlara ve soğutmaya bakıyoruz.
15:05 - Diğer detaylar ve teknik özellikler. İşlemci, RAM.
15:50 - Alt kısım, boyutlar ve ağırlık.
16:36 - Adaptör ve güç tüketimi.
16:50 - Cihazımızı ağımıza bağladık ve tarayıcıdan arayüze eriştik.
17:20 - Diskleri sıfırlamak da mümkün.
18:10 - Ana arabirimdeyiz. Oturum açıyoruz.
18:42 - QTS 4.2 karşımızda.
19:30 - Container Station TS 231+ gibi üst modellerde yer alıyor.
20:20 - Cloud yani bulut hizmetlere ve bağlanmamızı sağlayan uygulamalara bakıyoruz.
24:11 - BitTorrent Sync.
Kafa Ayarı #13 – Torrent Yasal mı? Usenet’ten Sneakernet’e İndirme Platformları
24:42 - Harici hizmetlere bağlantı uygulamaları, örneğin CrashPlan.
25:25 - Backup Versioning ile yedek sürümlendirme.
26:05 - Hybrid Backup Sync.
26:30 - İş uygulamaları kategorisi. Signage Station'ı kullanmak için
27:07 - Front Accounting, ön muhasebe.
28:05 - CMS.
30:33 - Chat yazılımı.
30:55 - Geliştirici araçları, Java, Pyhton ve daha fazlası.
31:35 - Download Station ile dosya indirme ve diğer indirme araçları.
32:05 - Music Station, Photo Station, Video Station ve Media Streaming uygulamaları.
33:38 - Surveillance Station ile IP güvenlik kamerası bağlantısı ve yönetimi.
34:38 - USB kameralar için uygulama ve UVC teknolojisi.
35:47 - Diğer uygulamalar.
37:23 - Image to PDF uygulaması ve şifreli PDF dosyaları.
39:22 - Çevrimiçi kurs sistemi.
39:10 - IoT, ek cihazlar ve hizmetler ile ev otomasyonunda da kullanmak mümkün.
40:00 - Harici uygulamalar kurmak da mümkün. Gereksinimler varsa bunları da kurmamız gerekiyor.
41:30 - Arayüz ve işletim sisteminin kendi yedekleme seçenekleri ve diğer bilgiler.
43:35 - Sonuç değerlendirme.
Önerilen "ViewSonic XG2700-4K İncelemesi"
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Viewers learn from this video to access your home NAS from office or out of town. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Latest QNAP NAS Drive Reviews here -
QNAP's Network Attached Storage(NAS) are systems that consist of one or more hard drives that are constantly connected to the internet. The QNAP becomes your backup "hub", or storage unit that stores all your important files and media such as photos, videos and music. Imagine it being your external hard drive, but rather taking it everywhere, it is placed at home and accessible for you and your family to use at anytime and anywhere.
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. SPAN can be reached here SPAN - . However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Servidor de 4 bahías para backup ¡y mucho mas! - QNAP TS-431k
🡆🡆 Comprar
TS-431K, un servidor NAS que ofrece un espacio de almacenamiento de 4 bahías para discos duros en los que podrá almacenar de forma segura archivos y datos importantes, a la vez que permite compartir fácilmente los archivos dentro de su empresa. Con el QNAP TS-431K podrá crear un entorno ideal de backup, con posibilidad de realizar copia de seguridad local, fuera de las instalaciones y en la nube, así como una tecnología de instantáneas que facilitará la copia de seguridad y recuperación.
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Обзорно по настройкам #QNAP NAS OS. Или как быстро настроить файловый сервер
Обзорно о моем стареньком NAS QNAP. Который верно служит мне, храня все мои фото и видео работы, обеспечивая меня музыкой и сериалами. И не только.
В дальнейшем я расскажу более подробно о некоторых тонкостях настроек QNAP.
#russia, #blog, #vlog
#ПрокачайQNAP –
#ЗаЧашкойКофе –
#russia, #blog, #vlog
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NAS сетевые хранилища!? Мой личный опыт. Полезные FiшКi
История Персонального Компьютера
- Канал про Историю технологий и Изобретений Мой личный опыт использования NAS сетевого хранилища, как класса девайсов.
Qnap TS-451
Qnap TAS-268
Thecus W4000
Thecus N2810
Thecus N2310
Seagate Central
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Disco Externo Nas Qnap TS-431P-US Sata 6gbs 4b Lan
QNAP TS-431P - Servidor NAS - 4 compartimentos
SATA 6Gb/s
RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, JBOD, 5 Hot Spare, intercambio en caliente 6, 10 repuesto rápido
Gigabit Ethernet
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Im Netzwerk auf das QNAP Turbo NAS zugreifen Tutorial Deutsch | iDomiX
Im eigenen Netzwerk mit dem Windows Explorer und macOS Finder auf das QNAP Turbo NAS zugreifen. Benutzer erstellen, Ordnerfreigabe, Berechtigungen erteilen und Netzlaufwerke verbinden.
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QNAP TS-451A (4-Bay) bei Amazon:
TS-451A mit 2GB RAM:
TS-451A mit 4GB RAM:
4 GB Kingston RAM:
8 GB Kingston RAM:
QNAP TS-251A (2-Bay) bei Amazon:
TS-251A mit 2GB RAM:
TS-251A mit 4GB RAM:
4 GB Kingston RAM:
8 GB Kingston RAM:
Festplatten bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 1 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 2 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 3 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 4 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 5 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 6 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 8 TB NAS bei Amazon:
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In diesem kurzen Video schaue ich mir das QNAP NAS zusammen mit euch an. Viel Spaß
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Review del NAS QNAP TS-251+ . Analizamos las posibilidades que nos ofrecen los sistemas de almacenamiento NAS con el potente QNAP TS-251+, una excelente opción para uso profesional y personal por solo 366 € y que ofrece unas amplias funcionalidades. Más información y enlaces aquí:
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The QNAP TS-253A vesus The QNAP TS-253 PRO -New NAS vs Old NAS, but which is better?
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Unboxing QNAP TS-431p - NAS 4 Bahías y procesador de doble nucleo
QNAP TS-431P un Servidor de almacenamiento con funcionalidades de nube privada y copias de seguridad. Este NAS trabajará perfectamente en una oficina o PYME con estas características. Gestión de documentos, información en cualquier parte del mundo y seguridad de datos gracias a la posibilidad de crear un RAID5
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Erster Eindruck vom Turbo NAS TS-451A von QNAP und die Grundeinrichtung. Festplatten einbauen, Netzwerk anschließen und QTS über den QFinder Pro installieren.
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QNAP TS-451A (4-Bay) bei Amazon:
TS-451A mit 2GB RAM:
TS-451A mit 4GB RAM:
4 GB Kingston RAM:
8 GB Kingston RAM:
QNAP TS-251A (2-Bay) bei Amazon:
TS-251A mit 2GB RAM:
TS-251A mit 4GB RAM:
4 GB Kingston RAM:
8 GB Kingston RAM:
Festplatten bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 1 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 2 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 3 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 4 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 5 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 6 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 8 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Wichtige Links:
QNAP Ports:
QNAPClub RAID-Rechner:
Kompatibilität zu QNAP NAS:
QNAP Downloads:
QNAP Produkte:
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Das TS-451A wurde freundlicherweise von QNAP zur Verfügung gestellt. Andere in diesem Beitrag und Video gezeigten Produkte wurden käuflich erworben. Die Unterstützung von QNAP hat weder die Meinung, Messungen oder Tests beeinflusst. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP NAS Setup Guide for Beginners | Mac, PC, Photographers & Video Editors Edition
In this video we hold your hands through setting up your brand new QNAP NAS. Taking you from the basics on how to connect the device up, how to setup device, setup a shared folder to store all your data to, best settings for hard drives and security, as well as a quick look at network performance and wifi setup.
0:34 Ethernet Setup
1:36 Hard Drive Install
3:51 Connecting to NAS
5:55 QTS First Time Setup
8:37 Moving From Another QNAP
9:25 QTS Overview
11:20 Setting Up Storage
15:23 Speed Test
16:40 Disk Health Checks
18:57 Control Panel and Security
30:50 Networking Tips
32:29 Wifi
33:29 Apps
Best Value 8 Bay NAS:
Budget 4 Bay QNAP NAS:
Seagate IronWolf HDD:
D-Link WIFI Adapter:
G Suite's Business Plan offers Unlimited Storage:
Quick Setup Guide:
QNAP 872N Review:
10GBe Upgrade:
TVS-472XT Review:
Synology vs QNAP:
Seagate Ironwolf vs Ironwolf Pro:
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Aujourd'hui, je vous propose un pas-à-pas pour installer un #NAS #QNAP.
Vidéo sponsorisée
00:00 : Introduction
01:06 : Déballage d'un NAS QNAP TS-251D
01:37 : Ouverture du NAS et installation du disque dur
03:10 : Branchement du NAS (Secteur et Réseau)
05:12 : Découverte de l’outil Qfinder Pro et installation du NAS
06:34 : Configuration du NAS et explications QTS
29:54 : Accès aux partages depuis Windows et macOS
36:20 : Conclusion
------------------ ● INFORMATIONS ● -------------------
▶︎ Le NAS de la vidéo
▶︎ Le disque dur de la vidéo
▶︎ Page de compatibilité des disques durs
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Presentación de QNAP TS-X31K - Servidores NAS TS-131K, TS-231K y TS-431K
Comprar en Qloudea:
Presentación de QNAP TS-X31K - Servidores NAS TS-131K, TS-231K y TS-431K.
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El QNAP TS-431 ha sido sustituido por el QNAP TS-431P Más información en:
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QNAP TS-251D vs TS-251+ NAS Drive Series Comparison
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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En este video te comparto mi experiencia en la busqueda de un NAS de uso doméstico. Desde los requerimientos mínimos, la elección de los discos duros, el unboxing, la instalación y su rendimiento.
Si estas pensando en comprarte un NAS para casa y tienes algunas dudas, este video puede ayudarte.
Videos recomendados:
NASCompares (guía instalación en inglés):
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Información en español: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The QNAP TS-431X 10GbE SFP+ NAS 4-Bay Unboxing and Walkthrough
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Review of the New QNAP TS-h886 ZFS 6-Bay NAS Drive - Worth your Data?
Summer 2020 has been a remarkably busy period for network-attached storage. We have seen numerous high-profile releases appear on our radar and be released quite quickly, in efforts to bring the latest generation of hardware are to businesses that are beginning to re-open since the peak periods of COVID. However not all the solutions that we have seen in the last couple of months arrived out of the blue and today's NAS is potentially one of my favourite solutions of the year. Originally revealed at the start of 2020, it now arrives with the 2019 previewed ZFS file system, QuTS Hero, inside. Today I want to talk about the brand new TS-h886 QNAP NAS, what makes it especially different from everything we've seen before and what cool features have they included inside. This is not a NAS for the faint-hearted, home user or non-tech buyer - the TS-h886 is a high-end enterprise-grade desktop solution that is designed to change the way many users think about their backups and what exactly is an acceptable norm. At just over £1,800, this is not a light investment and unless you think you're going to take advantage of the large array of hardware advantages inside, this may not be one for you. So, let's get our hands dirty and get to grips with the brand new ZFZ TS-h886 NAS and see if it deserves your data?
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. SPAN can be reached here SPAN - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Upddated regularly it gives you an far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The QNAP TS-453D is a 4-bay NAS that is designed to take advantage of faster speeds from connections and extend those benefits to the devices connected to it. QNAP has made several changes recently to push the networking speeds form 1GbE to connections through NAS, switches, and AICs. The TS-453D is yet another device that will help users past the networking bottleneck to faster connectivity speeds!
Full Review -
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Synology DS920+ vs QNAP TS-453D NAS Comparison
*** UPDATE - The Synology DS920+ NAS Drive Reveal is LIVE -
Learn More about each New NAS for 2020below:
Synology DS920+ NAS -
Synology DS720+ NAS -
Synology DS220+ NAS -
Synology DS420+ NAS -
With the newest 2020/2021 generation of NAS drives being uncovered from Synology and QNAP of late, those looking to buy a new NAS Drive can be broken down into two types. Those who looked at the new Synology diskstation and QNAP NAS and said “yes please”, and the ones who looked and thought, “nah, you are ok”. Today, we want to look at the users who are looking at the potential bargains and price cuts that older NAS such as the DS918+ and TS-453Be released back in 2017/2018 and decided to opt for something new! There is no avoiding the fact that the Synology DSM and QNAP QTS software platform evolved and changes much, much faster than the hardware and even NAS drives that are 1-2 years old will still support some of the latest and most powerful innovations available in the latest firmware updates. So, today I want to focus on two especially popular NAS drives coming soon in 2020 and help you guys decide between them.
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. SPAN can be reached here SPAN - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Upddated regularly it gives you an far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
☁️ A QNAP TS-412 NAS System: Overview, Configuration, and Your Own Cloud Storage ☁️
⭐ Watch this video for a brief overview of a NAS storage system, QNAP TS-412. I’ll cover the main functions provided by this model and explore its basic configuration. This NAS server (QNAP TS-412) is the version with four drive bays. There are over 50 similar models in the QNAP product range, and it takes a while to decide which one you really need to buy. This small-sized low-end NAS server is a good choice for a small office or home-based storage system.
👉 How to Recover NAS/SAN Data, and Configure a Network-Attached Storage System -
👉 Data Recovery Software From Corrupted RAID 0, 5, 6 Arrays -
📚 Content:
00:00 – Intro
00:53 - QNAP TS-412 specifications
02:35 - System setup (first start)
06:59 - Managing the server from PC and phone
08:15 - Your private cloud: configuration and use
10:25 - Sync between devices
12:15 - Extra options and extended functionality
16:11 - Conclusion
💽 How to Recover Data from SAN D-Link DSN-1100 (inoperable RAID 5) 💽 -
🥇 How to Recover Data from NAS or SAN storage, and Configure a Network-Attached Storage in 2021 🌐 –
🖼 Best Free Cloud Services for Your Pictures: Alternatives to Google Photos 🔝 -
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Полный обзор меню, настроек... Nas хранилища QNAP TS 251+ часть-2
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Hi there, thank you for watching our video.
In this video, we’re going to show you how easy it is to set up a QNAP NAS. From hardware installation to setting up myQNAPcloud to being able to remotely access your NAS, this video is the first step towards a smarter way of accessing your files and data.
Note: 2:03 RAID capacity upgrade is based on QTS OS. QuTS hero edition does not support individual disk drive RAID capacity upgrades.
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Facing the increasing demand for data storage, sharing and multimedia processing, more and more users are looking for a NAS system with good performance and an affordable price tag. The Intel® quad-core TS-451+ provides an uncompromising high-performance scalable storage solution for professional users. Powered by the intelligent QTS 4.2 operating system, the TS-451+ performs as an easy-to-use yet powerful NAS for data backup, file synchronization and sharing, remote access and multimedia applications, and is ideal for users to create a secure private cloud to access their data easily.
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