OLYMPUS TG-5 є п'ять найсильніших переваг. Це ультрасветосильный об'єктив, чотирирівнева система макрозйомки, лінійка аксесуарів і система датчиків в поєднанні з вбудованим Wi-Fi, який дозволяє відслідковувати поточне місцезнаходження і передавати фотографії на смартфон.
І п'яте гідність – вже стала легендарною міцність. Цифровий фотоапарат OLYMPUS TG-5 витримує удари з висоти до 2,1 м, навантаження – до 100 кг, морози до -10°C, пил, гідростатичний тиск на глибині до 15 м без спеціальних підводних боксів. А з підводним боксом PT-058 (купується окремо) вести підводну фото - і відеозйомку можна на глибині до 45 метрів!
Ультрасветосильный об'єктив 25-100mm* з діафрагмою 1:2.0 і широким діапазоном збільшення зображення – це означає, що TG-5 робить яскраві малошумні знімки навіть в умовах слабкої освітленості і необхідні коротка витримка і низьке значення ISO: наприклад, при зйомці на глибині 15 метрів під водою вам не знадобиться ні підводний бокс, ні додаткове освітлення. Дайвери виграють не тільки від вбудованого манометра, але і від підводного HDR, зони автофокусування і зручного настроюваного диска режимів, яким можна користуватися навіть в рукавичках.
Olympus TG5 review done in a couple of hours, 4K footage included and most importantly Olympus TG5 macro capabilities. The camera is not flawless sensor and zoom have some issues but in general this Olympus TG5 tough waterproof camera has some outstanding features that are not available in Nicon W300 that is a comparable tough camera. A couple of affiliated links before with all the goods you would need for your new Olympus TG5.
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Подробнее –
Компактный фотоаппарат Olympus TG-5 разработан специально для использования в экстремальных условиях. Светосильная оптика и мощный процессор TruePic VIII позволяют получать чёткое изображение даже в подводных гротах, сумерках или в лесных чащах. Высокопроизводительные комплектующие Olympus TG-5 также позволяют записывать видео в формате Full HD со скоростью до 120 к/с.
Olympus TG-5 сохраняет работоспособность при морозе до минус 10 градусов по Цельсию, а двойное защитное стекло предотвращает запотевание объектива при резких перепадах температуры. Невероятно, но данная модель выдерживает погружение на глубину до 15 метров без специального бокса. Больше подробностей о фотоаппарате Olympus TG-5 выяснил специально для подписчиков официального Youtube-канала «М.Видео» фотограф, член Союза журналистов России, издатель российского THG Станислав Васильев.
● Купить Olympus TG-5, прочесть отзывы покупателей, инструкцию пользователя и подробные характеристики можно на сайте «М.Видео»; или посмотреть все цифровые компактные фотоаппараты Olympus по ссылке =cifrovye-kompaktnye-fotoapparaty-943/brand=olympus?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=foto_desc_cat_cifr-kompakt-fotoap
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Olympus TG-Tracker Review and 4K Video Test - vs GoPro Hero 4 and 5
Olympus TG-Tracker Review and 4K Footage Test vs GoPro Hero 5
Olympus TG-Tracker (Green):
Olympus TG-Tracker (Black):
GoPro Hero 5 Black:
Micro SD card for Olympus TG-Tracker:
Olympus TG-Tracker Spare Batteries:
Olympus TG-Tracker Case:
Today I am looking at the rather unique, Olympus TG-Tracker 4K Action Camera. The Olympus TG-Tracker has some rather unique and unusual features, so let’s take a closer look. Olympus, with the TG-tracker, has chosen to go with a tubular design for it’s camera body, as opposed to the traditional design of something like a GoPro. At first glance, it looks very rugged and tough, with its chunky plastic endcaps and visible screw heads on both faces. In fact, they even have the word “Tough” inscribed into the painted metal part of the left face. And talking about painted, the Olympus TG-Tracker is available in two colors: Green and Black. The unit I am testing today is obviously green. The Olympus TG-Tracker is completely waterproof upto a depth of 30 meters for upto one hour and doesn’t need a waterproof housing to make it waterproof. However, you will need to swap out the standard lens protector with the provided underwater lens protector, before using it in water. There are also two underwater video modes, Underwater Wide and Underwater Flipped Wide, which accommodate for the field of view of the underwater lens Olympus TG-Tracker is very simple to use. Flipping the on-button, on the left hand face, powers on the camera and turns on the 1.5” viewfinder on the right hand side. The flip open viewfinder is your primary interface for this camera and can be flipped open to compose the shot and then closed when the tracker is mounted and ready to go. There’s an easy-access record button on the top with a few buttons to navigate through the camera’s menus and options. And talking about menus and options; The menus are actually pretty easy to toggle through and its packed with quite a few useful features, and having that viewfinder really does help. The tg-tracker also has stereo microphones on the front, and I’ll show you how they perform, in a minute. The micro sd card slot, micro usb charge port, micro hdmi video port and the battery live behind this waterproof compartment on the back of the camera. Now the battery is removable, so you can definitely buy spares. And talking about micro sd cards; If you want to record in 4K, which you’ll probably want to do, make sure to get a fast enough card to handle the data rate. I’ll leave links to some cards that’ll work with this Olympus TG-Tracker, in the description below. In terms of mounting options, the Olympus Tg-Tracker can be mounted to anything with a ¼-20 standard tripod thread. You can also mount the Olympus TG-Tracker to any standard gopro mount using the provided handle. The handle separates into a handle and gopro mount adapter, which is really useful. Now if you don’t want to take the handle apart, you can always use the handle as a camera grip for handheld shots and even selfies. Now one rather unusual feature you might not find on most action cams, is the built-in video light. And this is really useful for shooting at night or in low light conditions. It’ll turn on automatically, once you hit record, if you enable it in the settings menu or you can manually power it on and use it as a flashlight. Another reasonably useful feature is the built-in gps, compass and altimeter. This is useful, if you’d like to log the location and information of your shots. And it’s also super useful if you’re trekking in the woods and need some sense of direction. And don’t ask me how I know this. You can use the OI Track companion app to track the GPS location of your should you buy the Olympus TG-Tracker and how does it compare to the GoPro line of cameras. The Olympus TG-Tracker is a solidly built camera, that’s easy to use and produces very impressive footage. And when it comes to GoPros, let’s start with the GoPro Hero 4 Black. As compared to the Hero 4 black, the TG tracker wins, thanks to it’s better image stabilization, viewfinder and waterproof characteristics. However, when compared to the new Hero 5, the tracker is more evenly matched. So what do I recommend? If you’re not bothered by the clunky app on the tracker and want to save yourself some money, go with the Olympus TG-Tracker. However, if you want a much better smartphone control app and can afford the extra cost, go with the new Hero 5 Black. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Camera Olympus TG-5 + Underwater case PT-058, test underwater video 4K.
Cámara Olympus TG-5 + Caja estanca PT-058, test de grabación de vídeo submarino en formato 4K.
Las imágenes han sido grabadas entre 15 y 25 metros de profundidad.
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We check out the sturdy new Olympus TG-5 and it's new features.
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TG Tracker video:
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The Olympus TG-6 is our pick for Best All-Around Underwater Compact Camera for 2019. Watch our complete video review and click through to the article below for everything the underwater photographer needs to know about this amazing camera.
TG-6 Underwater Camera Review:
TG-6 Best Underwater Camera Settings
TG-6: The Easiest Underwater Camera
TG-6 Underwater Packages:
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2018 Update: I am still loving this Camera. I put links to the additional gear I purchased to use for the Olympus TG-5 Waterproof camera.
This is my first unboxing video and probably my last LOL depending on your reaction. For this video I'm taking a quick break from metal detecting to unbox the NEW OLYMPUS TG-5 Waterproof Digital Camera. I needed a new waterproof camera and this is the one I picked. I'll go over some its features and compare it to my Olympus TG-4 which I really enjoyed. I'll touch on some of its new features but if you want more info on the new TG-5 check out this website
Additional Gear:
Olympus TG-5 Waterproof Camera:
Olympus Tough Sports Holder:
SanDisk 64GB Extreme Pro Memory Card:
Fugetek FT-568 Selfie Stick: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Je vous donne mon avis sur le TG-5 ... version flou ! Ecoutez le tel un podcast si le sujet vous intéresse ... vraiment désolé, j'étais dépité au montage ...
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Olympus TG-5. Компактная супер камера для дайвинга
Сегодня нас уже невозможно удивить тем, что любой смартфон, который легко помещается в кармане, может снимать фото и видео, сравнимое по качеству с тем, которое предоставляют нам классические фотоаппараты. Это означает, что производителям фото техники каждый раз приходится стараться изо всех сил, снабжая свои творения все новыми функциями и добиваясь от них невообразимых характеристик. И, судя по фотоаппарату TG-5, у компании Olympus неплохо получается отбивать атаки новоявленных конкурентов.
И, судя по фотоаппарату TG-5, компании Olympus это удается.
Этот компактный фотоаппарат создан для использования в самых экстремальных ситуациях – он выдерживает падение с высоты 2 метров, статическую нагрузку до 100 килограмм и он выдерживает погружение в воду на глубину до 15 метров без дополнительного бокса. Этому фотоаппарату не страшны даже минусовые температуры – он сохранит свою работоспособность до -10 градусов! Так же, двойное стекло этого фотоаппарата избавит вас от вечной проблемы с запотеванием оптики при перепадах температуры.
Его светосильная оптика позволяет получать великолепное качество фото и видео даже в пещерах, в сумерках, в лесу. Он записывает Full HD видео со скоростью 120 кадров в секунду и это позволяет запечатлевать самые мельчайшие подробности понравившихся событий.
Но настоящая магия начинается под водой. А когда вы начинаете снимать в режиме макро, то хочется себя просто ущипнуть – настолько невероятными получаются фотоснимки!
У этого фотоаппарата 4х уровневая система макросъемки – Микроскоп, Управление микроскопом, Focus Bracketing и Focus Stacking, а так же максимальное 7 кратное увеличение изображений. При этом в режиме Микроскоп минимальная дистанция фокусировки составляет всего 1 см!!! 1 см.
Интересный способ продемонстрировать возможности камеры были продемонстрирован на последней подводной выставке в Москве – брался обыкновенный лист бумаги с текстом и фотоаппарат просто клали на него объективом c присоединенным кольцевым рассеивателем. В итоге получался настолько четкий снимок, что можно было рассмотреть неровности бумаги и дефекты печати лазерного принтера! И это просто невероятно!
Фотоаппарат умеет снимать в RAW, вы можете снимать видео в 4К. Так же на борту есть GPS и система отслеживания, способная добавлять на запись высоту, температуру, среднюю скорость и местоположение. Так что камера идеально подойдет и на роль экшн-камеры.
На борту есть Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, а на свой смартфон вы можете установить специальное приложение и получить все преимущества беспроводной синхронизации и передачи данных.
Если приобрести специальный водонепроницаемый бокс, то вы спокойно сможете погружаться на глубину до 45 метров.
Если честно, прямых конкурентов у этой камеры на данный момент очень и очень немного. Paralenz или GoPro в основном предназначены для съемки видео, а подобные компактные фотокамеры других производителей не могут похвастаться чувствительностью матрицы в сочетании с защищенностью корпуса.
Поэтому, если вы ищете компактную фотокамеру с безграничными возможностями съемки под водой, то TG-5 от Olympus станет идеальным выбором! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olympus TG-5 Review + Footage - GoPro vs underwater camera
A full review of the Olympus TG-5 plus sample footage and discover whats better GoPro vs Underwater camera.
In this video, Matthew Storer reviews the Olympus TG 5 camera including underwater footage. Underwater camera review in Dahab Egypt snorkelling whilst using the Olympus tg5 underwater. How does this Olympus underwater camera compare to the GoPro Hero 7 - GoPro Vs Olympus.
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A quick look at the new Olympus TG-6 including a walkaround of the outside, what's new inside and examples of images captured. See our full TG-6 Preview, gallery samples, and lab samples at .
View more Olympus videos from Dave Pardue:
How the TG-5 Sees Summer
Birding on a Budget with the E-M5 III + 12-200
Shooting with Olympus Underwater Housings
Thanks for watching!
-DP / IR Team
[Correction: In the video at timestamp 6:10 we mention that the TG-5 was the first TG to support RAW capture, but it was in effect the first to support RAW burst capture, as the TG-4 supported basic RAW capture.] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olympus TG 5 Underwater Housing Macro LED Ring Light.
Specially used for shooting macro ecological theme, enhancement and compensation can not reach the point of the torch and strobe lights, a simple gadget you can shoot a masterpiece. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Most Rugged Camera from Olympus | Tough TG5 Waterproof Camera Review!
Olympus Tough TG5 Rugged Compact Camera Review India | Olympus Tough TG5 Torture Test | Olympus Tough TG5 Waterproof Test | Olympus Tough TG5 Camera and 4K Video Samples | Most Rugged Waterproof Compact Camera India 2018
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A road trip is the perfect test for a waterproof compact, so Chris Niccolls took two of the most promising ones on his family vacation to Thunder Bay. See whether the Nikon W300 or Olympus TG-5 is the better buy for your own vacations!
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Special thanks to Erin Thomson, Kai Niccolls and Noa Niccolls!
Shot by Erin Thomson, Kai Niccolls and Noa Niccolls, Edited by Jordan Drake
Shot on the Panasonic GH5 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olympus TOUGH TG-6 - обзор и тест экстремальной камеры
Olympus Tough TG-6 – компактный фотоаппарат защищённого исполнения. Выдерживает падение с высоты более двух метров, нагрузку до 100 кг, может работать при морозах до –10°C и под водой на глубинах до 15 метров.
Важнейшие характеристики Olympus TG-6:
- матрица 12 Мп,
- оптический зум 4х (25-100 экв.мм),
- стабилизация изображения на сдвиге матрицы,
- процессор TruePic VIII (как во флагманских камерах Olympus),
- встроенная вспышка,
- видеосъемка в форматах 4K и Full HD,
- высокоскоростное видео до 1080@120p,
- брекетинг по фокусировке и Focus Stacking,
- режим микроскопа (не просто "обычное" макро, а съёмка с очень большим увеличением),
- отслеживание координат с помощью GPS и другие продвинутые функции.
Рекомендуется просмотр видео в разрешении 1080p, в этом случае увеличенные до 100% кропы будут отображаться в попиксельном масштабе 1:1.
Содержание обзора:
00:10 Введение
01:23 Дизайн, органы управления
07:40 Дисплей, интерфейс, управление параметрами
13:41 Режимы съёмки, SCN, HDR, панорама, ART-фильтры
19:21 Микроскоп, Focus BKT и Stacking
22:48 Видеосъёмка
25:22 Запись в журнал, режим просмотра
28:48 Качество снимков, разрешение, ISO
33:06 Примеры снимков и выводы
35:53 Послесловие
Текстовая версия этого обзора, несколько более подробная, где можно скачать полноразмерные примеры снимков:
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A 12 megapixel camera from 2017 that can do it all. Do I recommend it? Yes I do, but with some caveats. Watch and learn why this camera will stay in my bag for 2021 and why you might want to consider picking one up off the used market. For more sample images, follow me on Instagram @onemonthtwocameras. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Waterproof Camera - Olympus Tough TG-5 Setup and First Use
If you have been looking for a rugged compact camera that you can go swimming with then you undoubtedly will have come across the Olympus Tough TG-5 that is priced towards the top of the range these cameras between £320 and £400, against an average price of about £200 for the range for waterproof cameras. So in this comprehensive series of videos we put the Olympus Tough TG-camera through it's paces to see if it actually delivers all that it promises. In this our 2nd video in this series we set-up and use a TG-5 Camera for the first time.
Buy the TG-5 At Amazon best price:
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Ensure to subscribe to our youtube channel for new videos in our TG-5 series as we test every important aspect of the camera.
Waterproof Camera - Olympus Tough TG-5 Setup and First Use
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Review Olympus Tough TG-5 (en español). Mucho más que una simple "action cam". Descúbrela con . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The toughest waterproof camera! The Olympus TG-5 is here and we unbox it. (Find yours here: #CommissionsEarned)
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- New 12MP Hi-Speed Image Sensor for improved low light performance and noise reduction
- Bright F2.0 high-speed Lens. Video Recording format: MOV(MPEG-4AVC/)
- Dual Quad-Core TruePic VIII Image Processor
- Field sensor system with GPS, Manometer, Compass, and temperature sensors
- Waterproof to 50 feet, F, Dustproof, Crushproof to 220 lbf, Shockproof from 7 feet, Freezeproof to 14 degrees, Anti-Fog lens
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#Olympus #WaterproofCamera #UnderwaterPhotography #ToughSeries #TG-5
UNBOXING: Olympus Tough TG 5 Digital Camera Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link to the Olympus TG-5 -
Pros: Tough, waterproof build. Wide aperture lens. Quick focus. Excellent macro capability. 20fps burst shooting. Raw support. 4K video capture. GPS and Wi-Fi.
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Song: Spring by Ikson Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olympus Tough TG-5 - неубиваемая камера для фото и видео
Обзор защищенной камеры Olympus Tough TG-5, способной пережить любые передряги - от работы в мороз или под водой, до съемок на авиашу :)
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OLYMPUS Tough TG 6 Waterproof Camera, Red Electronics
I go over the different continuous high speed options available in the TG5. The TG5 is an amazing camera and the continuous options are very good for a camera at this price point. In this video I cover:
- Pro Capture
- Sequential Hi (10/20 fps)
- Sequential Low (5 fps)
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Olympus Stylus Tough TG-5 vs Nikon COOLPIX W300
Music by JJD & Marin Hoxha - Lift
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What is in the box: The New Olympus TG 5 Waterproof Camera.
Mini review and what all the bits in the box are and do. Overview of the camera controls.
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Straight out of the camera. Removed the sound because of terrible wind noise. More to come.
Good For You by THBD
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Specs: 4K Ultra HD, 30 fps. Location: Cheboksary, RU.
Important remark. As you can see in this Olympus TG-5 test video, sometimes the autofocus is working not quickly. The good work of autofocus depends on the speed and smoothness of your movement, and the presence of some dirty glass between the camera and the object as at the end of this video test in the mall elevator. You should move very slowly and smoothly and better to have a static position without any motion to get better result. First of all, this is a camera. If you want to shoot video clips in motion with fast autofocus, it's better to use a classic camcoder. You can see Olympus TG-5 test photos in this album on Flickr: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olympus TG-4 Most Asked Questions Tutorial: Stylus Tough Waterproof Digital Camera | FAQ Video
Olympus TG-4 Most Asked Questions: We've searched all over to see what everyone is asking about this awesome waterproof camera and we've answered them all in one video. (Find yours here: #CommissionsEarned)
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Olympus Stylus Tough TG-4 digital camera (V104160BU000). Olympus TG-4 is tough, waterproof, shock-proof, freeze-proof, dust-proof and more. Find out more about this weather-proof camera in this FAQ video.
- 16 Megapixel BSI CMOS Sensor with RAW Capture.
- High-Speed F2.0 Wide-Angle Lens.
- Full HD 1080p Video.
- Wi-Fi for Remote Shooting & Wireless Sharing.
- Enhanced GPS & .
- Waterproof to Depths of 50ft/15m.
- Crushproof to 220lbf/100kgf.
- Shockproof to 7ft/.
- Freezeproof to 14°F/-10°C.
- Dustproof.
- Pixels: 16 Megapixel.
- Sensor: 1/2.3" CMOS.
- File Formats: Still Images: JPEG, RAW.
- Movies: AVI, , MJPEG, MOV.
- Audio: Linear PCM.
- Aspect Ratio: 1:1, 3:2, 4:3, 16:9.
- Image Stabilization: Sensor-Shift.
- Lens: EFL: (35 mm equivalent: 25-100mm).
- Aperture: f/2.0 (W) - 4.9 (T) to f/8.
- Zoom Optical: 4x.
- Super Resolution Zoom: 2x.
- Digital: 4x.
- Focus Range: Normal: 3.9" ( cm) – Infinity.
- Super-Macro: " (1 cm) – Infinity.
- Dimensions (WxHxD): 4.4 x 2.6 x 1.2" / 11.2 x 6.6 x 3.0 cm.
-Weight: 8.7 oz / 247 g.
1. Can I Do Selfies? [1:04]
2. Memory Cards [1:50]
3. Panoramic Shots [3:02]
4. Bright Environment [3:46]
5. Photo While Recording [4:32]
6. Tripod Use [05:03]
7. USB Charge [05:54]
8. Does the TG-4 Float? [7:53]
9. Date Stamp [8:52]
10. Battery Door Lock [09:29]
11. Where Is It Manufactured? [10:13]
12. Video Light? [10:39]
13. Indoor Photos [11:24]
14. Self Timer [12:19]
15. Voltage [13:02]
16. Scene Modes [13:24]
17. Dials & Controls [14:19]
18. Image GeoTag [27:17]
19. Raw Shooting [28:12]
20. Auto Focus In Video [28:47]
21. Macro Mode [29:26]
22. Star Trails [30:32]
23. Fisheye Lens Underwater Removal [31:18]
24. Time Lapse [32:39]
25. Frame Rate [33:49]
26. Underwater Housing [34:41]
27. TG-3 LED Light Comparison [35:12]
28. Will It Save My Settings? [35:41]
29. Filter Attachment [36:35]
30. External Microphone [37:03]
31. White Balance Adjustment [38:05]
32. Art Filters [38:39]
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Happy shooting! - Izzy & Adam
#OlympusTG4 #OlympusTough
Olympus TG-4 Most Asked Questions Tutorial: Stylus Tough Waterproof Digital Camera | FAQ Video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olympus TG-Tracker Rugged Waterproof 4K Action Camera Review
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Olympus TG-Tracker with LCD (Green)
4K 30P Video capture
Dimensions 35.0 x 56.5 x , x x Degree Extreme Angle f2.0 High-Speed Lens
Waterproof to 100 feet / 30 meters without housing
Built in Wi-Fi
5 Built-In sensors capture movement: GPS, eCompass, Accelerometer, Thermometer, and Barometer
Built Tough to Shoot Anywhere
At first glance, the Tough TG-Tracker looks rugged, compact, and lightweight, easy to carry and easy to shoot. But there’s far more here than meets the eye. Boasting an incredible tough spec, TG-Tracker is waterproof to depths of 100 ft (30 m), no protective housing required. It's crushproof to 220 lbf (100 kgf), shockproof from 7 ft (2.1 m), freezeproof to 14°F (-10°C), and dustproof. No matter how challenging the environment, TG-Tracker is built to capture every exciting moment.
F2.0 High-Speed Lens
For high performance in challenging environments, you need a lens that keeps up. TG-Tracker’s ultra-bright F2.0 high-speed lens captures fast action with unrivaled crispness and clarity. Count on this lens for amazing results with minimal noise in any environment, even in low light or underwater.
Electronic Image Stabilization
Adventures are rarely about sitting still. Either you’re moving, your camera is moving, or both. That’s why TG-Tracker is equipped with Electronic 5-Axis Image Stabilization. It compensates for all types of movement to minimize vibration and jarring. Your videos will look sharp even when you can’t keep the camera still.
1.5" Tilt-Out LCD Monitor
For the most exciting moments, you don’t often get the chance for do-overs. TG-Tracker’s built-in monitor makes it easy to quickly use your camera and change its settings. No matter the shooting angle, the bright 1.5” LCD monitor tilts out from the camera body so that you can compose every shot perfectly.
Front LED Headlight
Be prepared to make the most of every video opportunity with TG-Tracker’s LED headlight. This powerful tool on the front of the camera outputs up to 60 lumens. Use it for convenient shooting when light is scarce or after dark. It even doubles as a quick-use flashlight for times when you don’t have one handy.
Action Track Sensors
Five built-in Action Track Sensors automatically record data to supplement your videos. You’ll find a GPS for latitude and longitude, an for direction, an accelerometer for g-force, a temperature sensor for air or water temperature, and a barometric pressure sensor for altitude or water depth.
Built-In Wi-Fi Connectivity
You’ve captured awesome videos and stills. Why not start sharing them immediately? With TG-Tracker’s built-in Wi-Fi, the quick QR code setup, and Olympus’ free Image Share app, easily sync your smart device to TG-Tracker for wireless uploading and sharing. Plus, use the Wi-Fi connectivity for remote shooting.
Data Log Mode
Data Log Mode enables the Action Sensors without video, recording movement and environmental data for extended periods while using a fraction of your battery power. View real-time data on the LCD monitor, or use the free Olympus Image Track app to view your videos and log data simultaneously on your smart device.
Three-Prong Mount Adapter
TG-Tracker comes equipped with a three-prong mount adapter that’s compatible with widely-available action cam mounting accessories. In addition, the included Steady Grip allows for comfortable shooting from any angle. The optional weatherproof CSCH-125 case easily attaches to your belt or strap.
Product description
Presenting an action cam that’s tough enough to keep up with your adventures. The pocket-sized TG-Tracker records Ultra HD 4K video using advanced Olympus optics. Take it places you wouldn’t dare take most cameras. Mountaintops. Winter slopes. Whitewater rafting or into the waves. Drop it, freeze it, submerge it, and it will just keep shooting – even 100 ft (30 m) underwater, no protective housing required. Handy extras like the LED headlight and the tilt-out monitor help you nail difficult shots. Use the built-in Action Sensors, GPS, and Wi-Fi to record and share every awesome moment. The TG-Tracker. It loves adventure as much as you do. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Этот загадочного вида аппарат манит одним только незаурядным внешним видом. А уж если вчитаться в перечисление функций, которыми камера просто набита… Попробуем вкратце перечислить основные характеристики: водонепроницаемость, противоударность, морозостойкость, угол обзора 204°, 4K-видеосъемка, встроенный фонарь, цветной откидной дисплей, GPS, электронный компас, акселерометр, термометр, манометр… И это еще неполный список особенностей, на которые можно и нужно обратить внимание. А еще лучше — подробно их изучить. Этим мы и займемся в обзоре экшн-камеры Olympus TG-Tracker.
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Summer is here, which means it's time for Chris and Jordan's roundup of new waterproof cameras for 2019: the Olympus Tough TG-6, the Ricoh WG-6, and the Panasonic TS7. Find out which one is right for your next vacation.
Want more information about waterproof cameras? Watch Chris and Jordan's 2018 Waterproof Camera Roundup, which includes several models still on the market:
Or, read our recently updated Waterproof Camera Buying guide:
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We were lucky enough to of been given the brand new Tough Compact camera the Olympus TG-5 for a stunning day of coasteering down at Durdle Door in Dorset.
Armed with Tough Trackers and the TG-5 we headed off climbing and jumping into the sea.
For more information
Olympus TG-5 -
Olympus TG Tracker - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Olympus TOUGH TG-5 is a powerful and tough compact camera that you can take virtually anywhere. Learn more in our overview video.
is the world's biggest digital camera review website. Welcome to our YouTube channel! Subscribe for new feature videos, reviews, interviews and more.
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Testing out the Olympus Tough TG-6 during a couple of snorkeling sessions in Calabria (Southern Italy).
Video shot and edited by Gianluca Trupiano (pixemotions).
Music licensed via Motion Array.
An improved version of this video with new footage can be seen here:
See my other videos at:
Gear used:
Main camera: Olympus TG-6 (without extra accessories)
B camera: Olympus TG-2 (except for opening title shot: Samsung S9+)
Bova Marina & Capo Bruzzano (Calabria - Italy)
The Olympus Tough TG-6 is a great little camera for snorkeling and other outdoor activites. For scuba diving extra accessories are needed (underwater housing, strobes, etc.).
The camera offers some improvements over the TG-5 (higher resolution lcd, improved macro modes, white balance modes) but not enough to justify the jump if you already own the previous model. It is an interesting upgrade for owners of earlier models (TG-1,2,3) especially for those interested in 4K video capabilities.
Biggest issues (common to nearly all similar cameras):
- small sensor (noisy images if not in very bright lighting conditions)
- no fully manual controls
TG-6 'must-have' accessory: Olympus CSCH-127 Silicone Jacket, to protect the camera from inevitable scratches. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Desempacando la camara fotografica de accion
Olympus Tough TG-5
Water Resistant
RAW Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Bonnie in the sea - Underwater Art video filmed with Olympus TG 5
So with a little extra time at the moment and the temporary pause in shoots I’ve been revisiting some of my past photoshoots and creating new edits or works from footage taken. Here a video created from the footage taken with my shoot with Shellharbour based underwater model and dive instructor Bonnie Harris @mermodelbonnie @shellharbourmermaid
The dress was sourced in the Baclaran markets Manila in a recent trip in the Philippines while Bonnie brought the tail made by Merbella Studios
Let me know what you think.
Filmed using an Olympus TG5 Tough in slowmotion video mode. Edited and graded in Black Magics Davinci Resolve with licensed music via Artlist.
Music: “O come o come emmanuel” – Salt of the Sound
Can also check out some of my works via my
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The AdoramaTV team takes the new Olympus Stylus Tough TG-5 camera on the adventure of a lifetime. Tune in to see everything this tough camera has to offer.
Related Products at Adorama:
Olympus Stylus Tough TG-5 Digital Camera, Black -
Olympus Stylus Tough TG-5 Digital Camera, Red
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The Olympus Tough TG-5 is a go-anywhere camera with a fast lens, speedy response, and 4K video, but it's more expensive than previous iterations.
Read the entire review of the Olympus Tough TG-5 right here!
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2017 New Release Olympus TG 5 Waterproof Camera with 3 Inch LCD best seller
2017 New Release Olympus TG 5 Waterproof Camera with 3 Inch LCD best seller
F2.0 High-Speed Lens
The TG-5 has a blazing-fast F2.0 lens made to capture action and adventure. Shoot bright, detail-rich video and blur-free stills even with fast-moving subjects. It's perfect for shooting at dusk, dawn, around a campfire, or even capturing a coral reef in stunning clarity.
Details here :
Low Light? No Problem
Take the TG-5 into the world’s most challenging shooting conditions and come back with jaw-dropping shots. Thanks to its specialized image sensor and advanced dual quad core TruePic VIII Processor, you’ll get photos with little noise and increased dynamic range. Even in low light, your shots will be bright and clear.
Insane Shooting Speeds
Freeze fast-moving action with ease. Take RAW shots up to a blazing 20 fps. Nail difficult photos requiring split-second timing with the TG-5’s Pro Capture Mode. It buffers a running series of high-resolution images, then captures an exact moment plus the previous 5 frames with a single button press. Never miss a critical shot again.
Ultra HD 4K Video
Capture your adventures in vivid Ultra HD. The TG-5 shoots video in 4K so you can watch your rafting trip, reef dive, and desert hike in spectacular lifelike resolution. The TG-5 also features Full HD 120 fps high-speed video for slow-motion playback. 4K Time Lapse Video lets you create short videos of long periods of time.
Action Track Sensors
Tell more exciting stories! Record movement and environmental data with built-in Action Track Sensors. You’ll find a GPS for latitude and longitude, a compass for direction, a temperature sensor, and a manometer for altitude and water depth. You’ll always know where you are and have a record where you’ve been.
Data Log Mode
Data Log Mode records tracking data for extended time periods. Use the free Olympus Image Track app to simultaneously view still images and videos with your data on a smart device for an immersive viewing experience. Plus, you can export photos and video with data overlays to relive your adventures.
Wi-Fi Connectivity
Immediately share the awesome photos and video you’ve shot. The TG-5’s built-in Wi-Fi instantly transfers video and images to your smart device using the free Olympus Image Share app. Plus, compose images, control the camera’s settings, and shoot remotely all from your smart device.
Powerful Macro Modes
Shoot flowers, insects, and other wildlife in stunning detail. Microscope Mode lets you get as close as 1 cm to your subject, and Microscope Control Mode offers precise magnification in steps up to . Focus Bracketing and Stacking Modes produce shots with exquisite sharpness and maximum depth of field.
Deep Water, Starry Nights
Go exploring under the waves with Underwater Shooting Modes, including Snapshot, Wide, and Macro. Underwater HDR Mode combines multiple images to create photos with enhanced light and shadow. After the sun sets, nighttime Live Composite Mode lets you easily shoot amazing cityscapes and star trails.
Glove-Friendly Operation
The TG-5 has been thoughtfully designed so you can operate the camera while wearing heavy gloves. The camera's ergonomic design features an Accessory Lock to secure optional lenses and other accessories, and Custom Modes let you instantly access favorite settings via the main Mode Dial.
Lens Options & Accessories
The waterproof FCON-T01 Fisheye Converter Lens captures ultra-wide shots, and the waterproof TCON-T01 Teleconverter Lens extends the TG-5’s zoom to almost 7x. Get ideal macro lighting with the LG-1 Light Guide or the waterproof FD-1 Flash Diffuser. Use the PT-058 Underwater Housing to take the TG-5 down to 147 feet (45 meters)
Buy Details here :
Olympus TG-5 Waterproof Camera with 3-Inch LCD, Black : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Olympus TG-5 Waterproof - Is One Of The Best Time Lapse Cameras Of 2021! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Water proof (50 feet /15 meter), dust proof, shock proof (7 feet / 2.1 meter), crush proof (100 kgf), freeze proof (14 degree Fahrenheit / -10 degree Celsius), anti-fog
High resolution F2.0 lens, maximum 8x zoom, true pic VIII, back illuminated CMOS image sensor
Variable macro system comprised of 4 macro shooting modes, magnified shooting up to 1 centimeter from the end of the lens
buying here
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The Olympus Tough TG-5 is a rugged camera that is waterproof to 15m/50ft, shockproof from , crushproof to 100kgf/220lbf and dust proof. Dual pane glass also prevents the lens from fogging up. It features a 12MP BSI CMOS sensor, 25-100mm F2-4.9 lens and the company's TruePic VIII processor. It has a built-in GPS, manometer, thermometer and compass. A tracking mode associates this data with photos and videos, which can be displayed on a map in Olympus' OI Track app. Other features include a 3" LCD (with 460k dots), up to 20 fps burst shooting, Wi-Fi and 4K video capture. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Цифровий фотоапарат Olympus TG-5 Red (Waterproof - 15m; GPS; 4K; Wi-Fi) (V104190RE000). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17