Чудомобіль Little Tikes Cozy Coupe- Автомобільчик від 1 до 2 років (612060E5) - ця прекрасна машинка-каталка забезпечує нескінченну творчу і активну гру. Протягом декількох поколінь діти гуляють з однією з оригінальних іграшок-каталок Cozy Coupe®. Тепер цей класичний автомобільчик має абсолютно новий дизайн, він завжди посміхається і безумовно сподобається вашим малюкам.
Основні переваги:
знімна підлога і ручка для управління машинкою для батьків
сидіння з високою спинкою
багажник для найнеобхіднішого
передні колеса крутяться на 360 °
машинка оснащена реальним гудком
міцні та довговічні шини
спеціальні функції - ключ запалювання, відкриття і закриття паливного бака
Little Tikes Cozy Coupe має оригінальну конструкцію, комфортне сидіння для малюка і зручну ручку для мами, щоб катати малюка. Якщо зняти передбачену панель з підлоги, з'явитися отвір для ніг щоб дозволити дитині їздити самостійно. 4 стійких маневрених поворотних на 360 градусів колеса. Автомобіль виготовлений з ударостійкого пластику, який стійкий до температурних перепадів до -18 градусів.
Американська компанія Little Tikes заснована в 1970 році в штаті Огайо. Фірма випускає широкий асортимент конструкторів, моделей машинок, товарів для активного відпочинку, дитячих меблів. Представлена в каталозі виробника і лінійка іграшок для малюків Little Tikes, призначена для дітей у віці від 6 місяців і старше.
Американський бренд традиційно спеціалізується на створенні незвичайних розвиваючих іграшок: вони оснащені будь-яким механізмом, який змушує виріб рухатися, обертатися, грати мелодію. Приклад такої іграшки «Літл Тайкс» - каталка «Тигреня». Дитина не просто штовхає перед собою каталку: тигреня при цьому випускає різнокольорові вогники, які можна ловити. На спинці тигреня загоряється смужка того ж кольору, що і спійманий вогник, і звучить музичний сигнал. Ще один приклад - набір для ванної, виконаний у вигляді восьминога, який тримає баскетбольний кошик. Він кріпиться присосками до бортику ванній, а дитина кидає в кільце м'ячики, які входять в комплект.
Крім незвичайної конструкції, іграшки американської фірми володіють наступними перевагами:
вони міцні і безпечні;
стимулюють розвиток уяви;
виділяються продуманим і привабливим дизайном;
відрізняються доступною ціною.
Крім виробів для самих маленьких, споживачі можуть купити в Україні моделі іграшок Little Tikes для дітей старшого віку. Це чудові набори іграшкової кухонних меблів. За допомогою світлових і звукових ефектів тут імітується шипіння сковорідки на конфорці, шум води в крані, світіння вогню в духовці. Навіть дорослі домогосподарки при вигляді такої кухоньки будуть у захваті!
Елементи живлення: батар. / 4 од. / LR14 / зміну. / В комплекті
#marvelousmarcus Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Видео обзор о милой машинке LITTLE TIKES COZY COUPE) Пиобрести эту машинку или другую этой фирмы можно в следующем магазине(у них есть бесплатная доставка)):
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more about Little Tikes:
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Hit the road in style with the Deluxe 2-in-1 Cozy Roadster! Zipping around the neighborhood will be tons of fun for your little one in this friendly-faced roadster. Two cup holders, an adjustable handle, quiet ride tires and an adjustable canopy make this a wonderful neighborhood ride!
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more about Little Tikes:
Want to buy Little Tikes? Find a retailer here:
Follow our step-by-step instructions for assembling your Little Tikes Cozy Coupe (with New Eyes!)
The Little Tikes Cozy Coupe, with New Eyes, is Available Now:
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cozy Coupe - New Eyes | Little Tikes | Assembly Instructions Video
Learn more about Little Tikes:
Want to buy Little Tikes? Find a retailer here:
For generations, over 30 years, children have been taking adventure and imagination on the road with one of the original ride on toys - the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe!
Now this classic kid-powered car has a whole new look!
Available in original red and yellow, and the pink and blue Princess Cozy - there's a Cozy Coupe for every child!
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Your First Car is Getting a New Look! | Little Tikes
In mid-2020, I decided to buy the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe. It’s a simple and classic kids car, perfect for my then one-year-old, who had recently reached the recommended age of one to five. My mission was to entertain the kids on a budget — without me having to do the entertaining — and force some pretend and imaginative play on them.
If you’re patient, you can also get some pretty good deals and discounts on this plastic. If you’re looking to save a bit more, you’re sure to have lots of luck finding a used Cozy Coupe on sites like Kijiji. It’s no surprise that there are tons of used Coupes being sold; it’s been a best-selling car for years, outselling many engine-powered cars around the world.
I could write a scathing review of the Cozy Coupe (and other cars we own), but since I’m not the main driver, I figured it would make more sense to go straight to the source and get what’s probably the most honest review possible — since kids are pretty straight up.
For the full review, check out
#toycars #ownerreview #CozyCoupe
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Cozy Coupe® Shopping Cart | Assembly Instructions | Little Tikes
Машинка самохідна Cozy Truck Little Tikes 620744 - Ідеальний подарунок на будь-який випадок для маленького водія. Ідеально підходить для малюків та дошкільнят!
Передня частина автомобіля має щасливе усміхнене обличчя. Автомобіль має високу спинку, двері можна відкривати з одного боку, завдяки чому зайти в автомобіль буде легше. Відсік для зберігання ззаду з відкидною дверима багажника дозволить носити з собою улюблені іграшки! Як справжній пікап.
Крім того, змонтована підлога дозволить вам перевозити дітей молодшого віку, а ручка в задній частині автомобіля полегшить керування транспортним засобом! Панель управління містить кермо з гудком, що видає характерний звук. Ідеально підходить як для внутрішнього, так і для зовнішнього використання! Автомобіль, створений за зразком серії Cosy Coupe, що характеризується міцністю та високоякісними матеріалами. Він прослужить вашій дитині довгий час!
Розмір машинки: 90д х 46ш х 62в, см.
Розмір упаковки: 91д х 46ш х 46в, см.
Вага упаковки: 11,8 кг.
Матеріал: пластик.
Вік: від 1,5 до 5 років.
Максимальна вага дитини 23 кг.
Висота від підлоги до сидіння - 17 см.
Виробник: Little Tikes (США)
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Машинка самохідна Cozy Truck Little Tikes (арт. 620744)
☎️Viber/Telegram: +380686547483
🔹Посилання на це відео:
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🔸М'які та інтерактивні іграшки:
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2020 Little Tikes Cozy Coupe | Toy Car Review | Driving.ca
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Video Instructions showing how to assemble the Cozy Coupe
Step 2
4 of 12 videos
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3y kid take care of 1y kid with Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Car
Who broke the doll in Alyssa's room?? Will the boys make their getaway?? Watch this cute video that evolved when we bought one of our cutest Cozy Coupe Cars--the Camo Off-Road version!
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Camoflauge Kids and the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Off-Roader Camo Car
Shop our video:
Step2 Skyward Summit giant climbing toy
Kids' camo gear play set
Boy's camo shorts
Fleece camo blanket
Boys' Puffer Vest In Camo Print Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe Assembly (US only) - Step 2 | Little Tikes
Learn more about Little Tikes:
Want to buy Little Tikes? Find a retailer here:
Follow our step by step instructions for assembling your Little Tikes Cozy Truck (with New Eyes!)
The Little Tikes Cozy Truck (with New Eyes) is Available Now:
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Camoflauge Kids and the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Off-Roader Camo Car
The Cozy Coupe® 3 in 1 Mobile Entertainer gets baby active with 3 modes of play: Activity Centre, Bouncer, Walker. It’s the perfect first car that gets baby movin’! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cozy Truck - New Eyes | Little Tikes | Assembly Instructions Video
Learn more about Little Tikes:
Want to buy Little Tikes? Find a retailer here:
Video Instructions showing how to assemble the Cozy Coupe
Step 3
5 of 12 videos
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Little Tikes | Cozy Coupe® | 3-in-1 Mobile Entertainer
For generations - 30 years - children have been taking adventure and imagination on the road with one of the original ride on toys - the Cozy Coupe.
Now this classic kid-powered car has a whole new look!
Available in original red and yellow, and the new pink and blue Princess Cozy - there's a Cozy Coupe for every child!
Please Note - Trailer is sold separately. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Легендарная каталка Cosy Coupe от Little Tikes - предел мечтаний для начинающих водителей. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe Assembly (US only) - Step 3 | Little Tikes
Learn more about Little Tikes:
Want to buy Little Tikes? Find a retailer here:
Video Instructions showing how to assemble the Cozy Coupe
Step 8
11 of 12 videos
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more about Little Tikes:
Want to buy Little Tikes? Find a retailer here:
Video Instructions showing how to assemble the Cozy Coupe
Step 7
10 of 12 videos
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe Assembly (US only) - Step 8 | Little Tikes
Learn more about Little Tikes:
Want to buy Little Tikes? Find a retailer here:
For 30 years, this kid-powered ride on has been a family favorite! Kids love being behind the wheel while adults love the durability. Now Cozy Coupe® is better than ever! New features include removable floor and handle on back for parent-controlled push rides. Door opens to make it easy for kids to hop inside with a inside locking feature. Designed with a high seat back and cup holders in the rear. Includes an ignition switch and an open-and-close gas cap.
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more about Little Tikes:
Want to buy Little Tikes? Find a retailer here:
Want to learn more about the new Little Tikes Cozy Truck? This rugged ride is made in America and is the perfect pick-up for your hardworking kids!
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
30th Anniversary Cozy Coupe Assembly (US only) - Step 7 | Little Tikes
Cozy Coupe® de Little Tikes es de los juguetes favoritos para los niños ¡Conócelo! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Taking an old, dirty Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Police cruiser and transforming it into a fun ice cream truck. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This cozy coupe was getting ready to be thrown out 😱 until we rescued it and brought it back to life our way! We added some electric motors wired it up to a pair of joystick controllers and let the kids at it!!! I think they enjoyed it very much! #shorts #cozycoupe #customtoy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Easy to assemble - the Cozy Truck includes large flatbed with a drop-down tailgate, rugged "off-road" wheels, an opening gas cap, and a steering wheel with a working horn!
With it's distinctive truck styling it has a realistic front grill, opening and closing driver's door, fun graphics, and dash, tail and headlight decals.
The little tikes Cozy Truck is suitable for kids from 18 months - 5 years old! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Halo para Mama Hebat,
Berikut pembahasan fitur ride on toys dari brand Little Tikes dan Grow N Up. Biasanya anak cepat bosan dengan mainannya, sehingga Mam perlu sering membeli banyak mainan. Tapi sekarang Mam gak perlu repot membeli lagi, solusinya sewa mainan aja di Mamasewa. Banyak banget varian ride on toys nya, bisa dipilih sesuai selera si kecil.
Yuk disimak videonya dan jangan lupa subscribe channel ini ya.
Sewa produknya disini ya Mam
Cozy Coupe Little Tikes :
Grow N Up My Mister Coupe Ride On – Blue :
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Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Car Makeover | Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Flower Shop
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The Little Tikes Classic Cozy Coupe is the perfect ride for your child!
Check out our updated design with opening doors, spinning wheels, clicking ignition key, and a real working horn!
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more about Little Tikes:
Want to buy Little Tikes? Find a retailer here:
Little Tikes Bumper Cars comes with 2 race cars for double the action.
Key Features
Bump and smash into your opponent and launch their driver into the air!
Easy to steer remote
Includes 2 fully functioning bumper cars, 2 figures, 2 Remote Controls
Learn more about Little Tikes Remote Control RC Bumper Cars:
Age: 3+ years
At Little Tikes we make products that encourage active and imaginative play for kids. Products that get small bodies moving, spark curiosity, create wonder and let kids dream big.
Little Tikes has anything you need from kids' playhouses to kids' playground sets to help you get your kids active!
Kids ride-ons and wagons like the Cozy Coupe or a Perfect Fit Trike will get your kids on the move!
Nurture the little ones' desire to imagine and play socially with Little Tikes preschool toys!
Children's furniture from Little Tikes is tough enough to handle kids at play, but it’s also made to strict standards of safety. From picnic tables to race car beds, we’ve got it covered.
Little Tikes baby and infant toys are fun and safe at the same time, helping young minds grow and explore!
Share your Little Tikes videos and photos using #ImaginationsInMotion!
Let's Be Friends!
Visit Us at - Come hang out with us at the home 🏡 of Little Tikes! Learn more about the newest Little Tikes play toys, furniture, deals, and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEW Little Tikes Cozy Train Scoot from MGA! Based on the YouTube series Let's Go Cozy Coupe, toddlers and preschoolers can push or scoot around on this cute kid-powered train. Set up the tracks or ride the train off the tracks - indoors and outdoors! See how it works in this video review! For full review and shopping info►
Product Info: All aboard the Little Tikes Cozy Train Scoot! This two-in-one kid-powered train is a great way for toddlers and preschoolers to get active. They'll love riding around on the track and ringing the bell.
#littletikes #cozycoupe #toytrain
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Disclosure: Toys reviewed by TTPM are selected by the TTPM editorial team from submissions from manufacturers who provide the samples for review consideration. The views and opinions presented represent those of TTPM and the reviewers. We do not accept any compensation for our reviews, and we do not review all products submitted. To submit a product for review consideration, contact us at product-reviews@. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Little Tikes Toy Car For 1 Year Old 😮🚙💨 #kids #toys
A tutorial on how to makeover your little tikes cozy coupe car into an awesome Batmobile! All you need is 1 can of yellow and 2 cans of black spray paint, painters tape, a sharpie & a razor blade! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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