Постільний набір Верес Little Prince 3 ед. (153.2.28)
Компанія Верес є виробником текстильної продукції для новонароджених, яка виготовлена з натуральних бавовняних тканин. Вибираючи вітчизняного виробника, ви отримаєте не тільки відмінну якість підтверджене сертифікатами за прийнятну, дійсно доступну ціну, але ще і найкращий вияв турботи!
Постільні комплекти rомпаніі Верес мають оригінальний дизайн. Завдяки ніжному поєднанню різних тканин, а також своєрідною вишивці - комплект зможе задовольнити вас і позбавити вашого малюка.
Комплект Верес складаються виключно з нетоксичних і сертифікованих наповнювачів. Перевагами є антибактеріальні властивості, гігроскопічність, повітропроникність, теплоізоляція, здатність відновлювати форму, м'якість і легкість.
Властивості: не викликає алергії. М'яке і приємне на дотик. Добре зігріває і зберігає тепло. Володіє гігроскопічними і повітропроникними властивостями. Відрізняється підвищеною міцністю. Чи не линяє. Відповідає високим європейським вимогам щодо екологічних стандартів.
Дитяча постільна білизна «Верес» - це практичний і вигідний варіант для Вашої дитини. Барвиста білизна з натуральної бавовни володіє дихаючими властивостями, безпечно для дитячої чутливої шкіри, оскільки не викликає алергії. Великий вибір колірних варіацій з цікавими малюнками без праці впишеться в інтер'єр дитячої кімнати. У комплект входить все необхідне. До того ж, всі елементи кожного комплекту гармонійно підібрані за колірною гамою. Захисний бампер закриває всю дитяче ліжечко по периметру і захищає малюка від ударів під час сну.
Постільний комплект рекомендується прати при температурі 30-40 градусів. Не рекомендується застосовувати хімічні засоби. Постільні приналежності з натуральних тканин можуть давати після прання невелику усадку (2-6%).
Компанія Верес виробляє великий асортимент дитячого ліжка і наматрасников. Тканини українських, турецьких і бельгійських виробників, дитячі принти, різні кольори, комплектація з балдахіном і без. Все для зручного використання і комфорту Вашого малюка!
French oral comprehension : I red the Petit Prince for you and I explain the vocabulary and the grammar./ Francais compréhension orale.
Sur ma chaîne, vous trouverez des leçons de français pour tous les niveaux : débutant, intermédiaire et avancé (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1). Vous pourrez apprendre le français avec plusieurs techniques : grammaire, vocabulaire, compréhension orale, compréhension écrite, expression orale, expression écrite, dictées, dialogues, lectures, prononciation, expressions françaises, vocabulaire standard, vocabulaire familier, informel et formel et même préparation aux examens DELF et DALF. Vous aurez toutes les meilleures techniques pour progresser en français et améliorer son niveau de français facilement et avec plaisir avec moi, Elsa, votre professeure de français en ligne.
On my channel, you will find French lessons for all levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1). You will be able to learn French with several techniques: grammar, vocabulary, oral comprehension, written expression, dictation, dialogues, vocabulary, reading, pronunciation, French expressions, French slang and casual French, informal and formal French vocabulary and even preparation for the DELF and DALF exams. You will have all the best techniques to progress in French and improve your level of French easily and with pleasure with me, Elsa, your online French teacher. These are great free French lessons for you to learn.
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"Le Petit Prince" de Antoine de Saint Exupéry, lu par Bernard Giraudeau (01.06.15)
"Le Petit Prince" de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, un des plus beaux livres du monde, lu par Bernard Giraudeau ().
«On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur, l’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.»
Avec "Le Petit Prince" en format livre audio, cette fabuleuse histoire intemporelle prend enfin vie.
Ce petit garçon aux cheveux blonds n'oublie jamais une question, une fois qu'il l'a posée. Un jour, il quitte son astéroïde et sa mystérieuse rose pour visiter d'autres planètes. À travers ce voyage sonore, vous vivez pleinement ses aventures. Au fil des rencontres, il atterrit sur Terre et croise un renard. Il prend conscience que l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. Alors qu'il décide de rejoindre sa rose, il fait la connaissance d'un aviateur, le narrateur, en plein désert...
Ce conte poétique et philosophique est l'œuvre la plus connue d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
La voix chaleureuse de Bernard Giraudeau donne vie avec excellence au mythique Petit Prince. Elle est mise en valeur par de douces musiques d'ambiance entre les chapitres. Quel que soit votre âge, évadez-vous et partez sans plus tarder en quête du véritable bonheur.
"Le premier soir, je me suis donc endormi sur le sable à mille milles de toute terre habitée. J'étais bien plus isolé qu'un naufragé sur un radeau au milieu de l'océan. Alors, vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petite voix m'a réveillé. Elle disait : "S'il vous plaît... dessine-moi un mouton !" J'ai bien regardé. Et j'ai vu ce petit bonhomme tout à fait extraordinaire qui me considérait gravement..."
Le Petit Prince:
L'immense acteur Bernard Giraudeau:
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☆) ☆ Der kleine Prinz ☆ Le Petit Prince ☆ The little Prince ☆
☆) ☆ Der kleine Prinz ☆ ^^ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ^^ ☆
☆) ☆ It is only with the Heart that one can see Rightly ))) ☆
Es ist ganz einfach: Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut.
Das eigentlich Wichtige ist für die Augen unsichtbar.
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The little prince book review, summary & reflection
Today I share with you guys the things I learned while reading The Little Prince by: Antoine De Saint Exupery. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
【Le Petit Prince】EP02 🇫🇷 French Audiobook Chapitre 5-8|The Little Prince|小王子有聲書
Le Petit Prince French Audiobook 2 : Chapitre 5-8
Écrit par Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Paru en 1943
Présenté par Soirée avec Baba
Illustrations par Alice
Musique de fond : Still par Ross Bugden
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🎈【Le Petit Prince】Audiobook playlist 👉🏻
🎈Le Petit Prince French Audiobook 1 : Chapitre 1-4 👉🏻
🎈Le Petit Prince French Audiobook 3 : Chapitre 9-12 👉🏻
🎈Le Petit Prince French Audiobook 4 : Chapitre 13-16 👉🏻
🎈Le Petit Prince French Audiobook 5 : Chapitre 17-21 👉🏻
🎈Le Petit Prince French Audiobook 6 : Chapitre 22-27 👉🏻
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Baba est né et a grandi en Rhône-Alpes, une région dans le Sud-Est de la France. Soirée avec Baba est une chaîne dédiée à lire des poèmes et histoires populaires de France et partager des informations, des faits historiques et amusants en français pour tout le monde qui veut apprendre et s'entraîner à la langue française.
Baba was born and raised in Rhône-Alpes, a region in southeast France. Soirée avec Baba (Evening with Baba) is a channel dedicated to reading famous French poems/stories and sharing news/history/fun facts in French for everyone who aspires to learn and practice French.
Baba在法國東南部的Rhône-Alpes出生長大,Soirée avec Baba (與Baba共度夜晚) 是個朗讀著名法國詩集、故事,用法文分享新聞、歷史、趣事的頻道,希望幫助所有有志學習法文的人。
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The Little Prince - Le Petit Prince - הנסיך הקטן- הקראה בעברית
The Little Prince chapters 2 and 3
Read by John Nagoski from the USA Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Le Petit prince | chap.3 - The Little Prince (French) (Full Text + Audio)
👉 Practise your French with the Little Prince (le Petit Prince): full text in French + audio, featuring the original illustrations by author Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
👉 Full parallel texts in 9 languages + french audio + illustrations available on my website:
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🎬 In this VIDEO
- Chapter 3 of the Little Prince (French)
- Full original French text
- Audio in slow French
- Original illustrations by Antoine de Saint Exupéry
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- Antoine de Saint Exupéry
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20) The Little Prince - 2015 HD (English original speaker) - International Street Workout ISW
☆) ☆ Der kleine Prinz ☆ Le Petit Prince ☆ The little Prince ☆
☆) ☆ Der kleine Prinz ☆ ^^ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ^^ ☆
☆) ☆ It is only with the Heart that one can see Rightly ))) ☆
Es ist ganz einfach: Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut.
Das eigentlich Wichtige ist für die Augen unsichtbar.
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L'Aviateur apprend que le Petit Prince vient d'une autre planète... et les grandes personnes aiment plus entendre parler des chiffres que des choses essentielles. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Le Petit Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (livre audio illustré - audiobook ♪)
Le Petit Prince est une œuvre de langue française, la plus connue d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Publié en 1943 à New York simultanément à sa traduction anglaise, c'est une œuvre poétique et philosophique sous l'apparence d'un conte pour enfants.
En savoir plus :
À propos de l'auteur :
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry est né en 1900 et disparu en vol le 31 juillet 1944 au large de Marseille, mort pour la France, est un écrivain, poète, aviateur et reporter français.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ PLAN █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
0:00 : introduction et dédicace à l’ami de Saint Exupéry
0:44 : chapitre 1 un livre sur la Forêt Vierge qui s’appelait « Histoires Vécues »
3:22 : chapitre 2 « dessine-moi un mouton ! »
7:36 : chapitre 3 le Petit Prince aperçoit pour la première fois l’avion
10:00 : chapitre 4 l’astéroïde B 612
13:19 : chapitre 5 le drame des baobabs
17:54 : chapitre 6 la douceur des couchers de soleil
19:14 : chapitre 7 la rose
24:02 : chapitre 8 on en apprend plus sur la rose
28:34 : chapitre 9 le départ du Petit Prince
31:36 : chapitre 10 le roi
38:57 : chapitre 11 le vaniteux
40:57 : chapitre 12 l’alcoolique
42:03 : chapitre 13 le businessman
47:16 : chapitre 14 l’allumeur de réverbère
51:18 : chapitre 15 le géographe
56:39 : chapitre 16 la Terre
58:19 : chapitre 17 le serpent
1:02:05 : chapitre 18 une fleur à trois pétales
1:03:02 : chapitre 19 l’écho
1:04:24 : chapitre 20 jardin fleuri de roses
1:06:12 : chapitre 21 le renard
1:14:28 : chapitre 22 l’aiguilleur
1:16:06 : chapitre 23 le marchand
1:16:53 : chapitre 24 dernière provision d’eau
1:21:40 : chapitre 25 le puits
1:27:15 : chapitre 26 dernier voyage du Petit Prince
1:37:43 : chapitre 27 Regardez le ciel.
Anecdotes :
★ Un astéroïde : 46610 Bésixdouze a été nommé d'après la planète d'origine du petit prince. À noter que B612 est l'écriture en hexadécimal de 46610.
★ L'avion de Saint-Exupéry disparaît au-dessus de la Méditerranée en juillet 1944. Le mois suivant, Werth apprend la disparition de son ami après une émission de radio. Sans avoir encore entendu parler du Petit Prince. Werth ne vit le texte que cinq mois après le décès de son ami, lorsque l'éditeur français de Saint-Exupéry, Gallimard , lui envoya un numéro spécial.
★ Toutes les illustrations à l'aquarelle simples mais élégantes du roman, qui font partie intégrante de l'histoire, ont été peintes par Saint-Exupéry. Jeune homme adulte, il avait étudié l'architecture mais ne pouvait néanmoins pas être considéré comme un artiste - c'est à cela qu'il fait allusion avec humour dans l'introduction du livre.
Merci de votre écoute !
Cette vidéo nous aura nécessité une cinquantaine d'heures comprenant l'enregistrement des voix, l'ingénierie sonore et le montage (le son est bien sûr malheureusement toujours perfectible, c'est notre première expérience et nous n'étions pas dans un studio d'enregistrement insonorisé).
À bientôt ;-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This scrapbook and printable paper are available in my Etsy shop:
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The Little Prince meets a Rose that is born on his tiny planet one day. At first mesmerized with her, he quickly grows tired of her vanity and her demands of him, and he decides to leave. On his journey of trying to find out what more there is to life, he has to learn that maybe what he was looking for he had all along: his Rose.
This chamber opera is a re-telling of the classic children's tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Translation and libretto are by Nina Crecia. With an added Greek Chorus that ties the story into our time, it deals with the desire of wanting more than what we have and the realization of what truly matters in our lives.
Nina Crecia (b. 1989) is a vocalist, composer, and music educator. Born and raised in Germany, she came to the U.S. as an au pair and began her studies in theater arts and music. Graduating from the Applied Music Program at Santa Monica College in Vocal Performance, Nina transferred to California State University Fullerton, where she received her Bachelor of Music in Composition, summa cum laude. She is currently finishing her Master of Music degree in Composition and preparing to be a teaching candidate in choral music in the fall of 2021. This is her graduate project and recital.
A special thanks to Dr. Walicki, her composition teacher, who guided her through the writing process and was a mentor to her throughout her studies at CalState Fullerton.
Due to Covid-19 and the pandemic, this premiere was fully produced virtually. None of the musicians or performers were ever in the same room: instrumentalists recorded to click tracks and singers recorded in front of green screens. Watch the "Behind-the-Screens" on this channel for a closer look. For more information on the composer, visit her website at .
Poster Credits: Jessica Cremer Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Find our Indiegogo campaign on:
We are going to print and bind a limited letterpress edition of "The Little Prince" buy Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The books can be ordered through Indiegogo.
Only 1 month left to support us and buy a truly special gift for your loved one or for yourself!
Video: Mana Kaasik
Music: Erki Pärnoja "Late August" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Discover the first-ever Little Prince Tactile Art Book, published by blind artist Claude Garrandes, with the support of the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Youth Foundation.
This collector's book with drawings in relief and texts in English, French and Braille (in both languages) is on sale on the official Little Prince online boutique (limited edition of 1,000 copies worldwide only):
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The Little Prince FULL AUDIOBOOK with text & pictures [translated by Katherine Woods]
The Little Prince full audiobook with text & pictures [translated by Katherine Woods]
My reading, hope you like it!
#audiobook #audiobooks #TheLittlePrince Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Little Prince (in Nepali): by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Part 6 & 7
The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince) is a novella by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It was first published in English and French in the United States in April 1943. The story follows a young prince who visits various planets in space, including Earth, and addresses themes of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss. Despite its style as a children's book, The Little Prince makes observations about life, adults and human nature.
The Little Prince became Saint-Exupéry's most successful work, selling an estimated 140 million copies worldwide, which makes it one of the best-selling and most translated books ever published. It has been translated into over 301 languages and dialects. #thelittleprinceinnepali #nepalilokkatha, #nepaliaudiobook #katha Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The little prince - summary, symbols, themes, characters and opinion
After reading this beautiful story, the little prince by Antoine, I took my notes, symbols, themes, characters, summary and my own opinion about it. Here, you have what I took from it; I hope this material can be helpful for you if you have to do a homework assignment about it, you can take notes from my notes.
if you liked the video and you want to support my channel, please give me a like or subscribe to my channel. I'll appreciate it a bunch.
God bless you all!!
El Principito Audiolibro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Little Prince, a beloved all time classic, is written and illustrated by French aristocrat, writer, and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
In this video, I will be making the Little Prince using super lightweight air dry clay.
Composer: Frédéric Chopin
Title: Nocturne op.9 No.2
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Le Petit Prince - Chapitre 2 (Russe) - Collaboration de talents internationaux - Lecture Vidéo
(english description bellow)
Durant le confinement dû à la pandémie actuelle, la Fondation Antoine de Saint-Exupéry pour la Jeunesse et l'Association Arrimage, vous proposent de vous évader avec le Petit Prince!
Nous avons invité tous nos amis, notamment les mal et non-voyants, à nous rejoindre dans cette initiative et à partager avec nous, leurs extraits du conte le plus traduit au monde!
Voici la vidéo issue de la collaboration de talents internationaux: le célèbre comédien russe Anatoly Bely, du Théâtre Académique d'Art de Moscou Tchekhov (MKhAT), l’artiste russe de dessin sur sable, Marina Sosnina, accompagnée au piano par la pianiste virtuose japonaise Etsuko Hirose
Merci à eux!
To occupy this 'stay at home time' due to the current pandemic, the Association Arrimage NPO and the Fondation Antoine de Saint-Exupéry pour la Jeunesse have set up an action around the Little Prince of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
We invite all our friends, especially the ill sighted and the blind, to join us in this initiative and to share with us, their extracts from the most translated tale in the world!
Here is the video wer received form a collaboration of international talents: the famous Russian actor Anatoly Bely, from the Moscow Art Academic Theater Chekhov (MKhAT Школа-студия М АТ.), The Russian sand- drawing artist: Marina Sosnina, and the japanese piano virtuoso Etsuko Hirose
Many thanks to them and to Igor Shamraev for this video! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I read slowly Le Petit Prince chapter 7. French and English subtitles are included. On this channel you will learn French with stories from a French native. You will improve your pronunciation, grammar, and culture while entertaining yourself.
Learn French online with Cyril from France at
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Knowledge comes from all directions and it can happen that I forget where I heard or read a piece of information. If I forgot to mention a source, I sincerely apologies. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Montblanc Meisterstück Le Petit Prince Aviator Collection | Available at Appelboom
An icon of writing culture, the Montblanc Meisterstück is a gifting favorite among Montblanc products, a precious treasure passed down from one generation to another. As it is handed to the next generation so are the stories, ideas, and memories that the writing instrument carries with it making it a powerful symbol of love, education and the lasting bonds that unite generations. To celebrate the power of imagination and the importance of transmitting ideas and values to the ones we love, Montblanc released a special edition Meisterstück inspired by the much-loved literary character of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Le Petit Prince. One of the world’s most translated books with editions in more than 250 languages and dialects, the allegorical story about the chance encounter between a pilot and a little prince from a distant planet explores the universal themes of imagination, open-mindedness and the value of human relationships. With design elements based on Saint-Exupéry’s sensitive hand-drawn illustrations, the Meisterstück Le Petit Prince captures the book’s simple message that transmitting one’s dreams and values to others is what makes one’s life meaningful.
A drawing of the desert and airplane covers both the dark brown leather cap, which is linked to the aviator aethestic and barrel of the Meisterstück Le Petit Prince Solitaire Doué edition. Contrasting with the dark brown, the fittings are crafted from platinum-coated metal. Before traveling back to his asteroid, the little prince tells the pilot he will be able to hear his laugh any time simply by looking at the stars and remembering. As a reminder of the laughter in the stars, a golden star adorns the clip of this edition. At the summit of the edition, the Montblanc emblem is encircled by the fox’s words about human bonds, taken from St Exupéry’s novel: “Toutes les grandes personnes ont d'abord été des enfants.” (“All grown up people where first children.”)
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About Montblanc
Montblanc is since 1908 a leader in the world of luxury. It is a symbol of quality, reliability and status. Many already havewritten with a Montblanc. All Montblanc products manufactured in Germany are of such quality that they may bear the familiar logo . Besides writing instruments, Montblanc also makes leather goods. Montblanc offers its products in a 2-year warranty. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Composition du Petit Prince pour la classe de danse de Mme Peyramaure, et donné au théâtre du Gymnase à Paris
1) Aviateur ; 2) 1:15 Petit Prince ; 3) 3:31 mouton ; 4) 4:32 rose ; 5) 6:40 migration d'oiseaux sauvages ; 6) 8:25 roi ; 7) 10:06 buveur ; 8) 10:53 compteur d'étoiles ; 9) 11:59 allumeur de réverbères ; 10) 14:10 géographe ;
11) 16:23 retour sur terre ; 16:44 Nouvelle Zélande ; 17:52 Chine ; 18:19 Russie ; 18:58 Afrique ; 19:44 Amérique latine ; 20:46 états-unis ;
12) 22:11 renard ; 13) 23:30 jardin de roses ; 14) 26:27 serpent ; 15) 27:56 rire du Petit Prince Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
4) The Little Prince - 2015 HD (English original speaker) - International Street Workout ISW
☆) ☆ Der kleine Prinz ☆ Le Petit Prince ☆ The little Prince ☆
☆) ☆ Der kleine Prinz ☆ ^^ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ^^ ☆
☆) ☆ It is only with the Heart that one can see Rightly ))) ☆
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"The words are the source of misunderstandings..."
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The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
A beautiful classic as requested by a good friend.
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Music used:
Open Your Eyes- Tomohito Mishiuru
Memoir of Solitude -Borrtex
Apotheosis - Austin Wintory
Coda (K-PAX) - Edward Sheamur
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Today we have a reading of Chapter 2 of the English translation of Le Petit Prince.
This chapter is also available in the original French, along with German, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Galician.
Check out my books on Amazon! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I read slowly Le Petit Prince chapter 5. French and English subtitles are included. On this channel you will learn French with stories from a French native. You will improve your pronunciation, grammar, and culture while entertaining yourself.
Learn French online with Cyril from France at
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Stephen Krashen:
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Knowledge comes from all directions and it can happen that I forget where I heard or read a piece of information. If I forgot to mention a source, I sincerely apologies. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Le Petit Prince is probably one of the best-known French books ever written. Let's go through the first page and see what French we can learn from it.
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The 3 Minute French courses are perfect for the complete beginner. They will get you speaking a language from scratch, assuming you know absolutely nothing. You will be amazed at how quickly you’re able to put sentences together. And you will memorise new words and phrases easily without even trying. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Little Prince : Book Unboxing | the little prince | Libro review | The books unboxer
🔶About Book - The Little Prince is a novella by French aristocrat, writer, and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It was first published in English and French in the US by Reynal & Hitchcock in April 19434
▫️Buy link 🔗👉 The Little Prince
Ratings- Goodreads 4.5/5
Flipkart - 3/5
Originally published: 6 April 1943
Original title: Le Petit Prince
Language: French
Characters: The Little Prince, The Turkish Astronomer, The Vain Man, The Fox, and more
ISBN-13: 9780156012195
Pages: 96
Sales rank: 764
Product dimensions: (w) x (h) x (d)
🔶The moral lesson of The Little Prince is that love is all-important and allows us to truly see to the heart and beauty of all things. The Little Prince leaves his rose because her behavior becomes too difficult for him to
🔶 Themes of The Little Prince
Children versus Grownups. The major theme in the novel is the contrast between grownups and children. ...
Empirical Knowledge. The Little Prince abandons his own planet in search for the truth and it is through exploration that he learns valuable lessons. ...
Relationships. ...
The Folly of Human Nature. ...
The Baobab Tree. ...
Water. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Version Audiobook de:
Le Petit Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The Little Prince
Par Jean-Louis Trintignant, sortie le 4 octobre 1994.
All credits to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and his family.
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The Little Prince watches the sunset 44 times a day.
Audio du livre "Le Petit Prince" d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, chapitre de 1 à 14.
El Principito, capítulos 1 a 14.
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Partie 2 prochainement.
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Raconte moi une histoire ... A daily reading series: Part 1 of the English version
It’s only with the heart that one truly sees; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Who doesn’t know the most famous quote from Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery? We thought that this might be the perfect parable for the times we live in, a fable about an odd, different world. We also think that to be read aloud to at the end of the day, like our parents used to do, is the right prescription to alleviate a little anxiety, and ease into the night…
There are two ways to do this:
Listen at 8:00 p.m. on our Facebook for the French version, and right after for the English version. Each reading will be between 10 and 15 minutes long, and we will complete the book over 9 days, from Monday May 18th to Tuesday May 26.
Not on Facebook? Not a problem! Just register using the red button above and we will send you a YouTube link each day so you can listen at your convenience.
More About Le Petit Prince:
A novella written by French aristocrat, writer, and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry featuring the author's own illustrations. It was first published in English and French in the US by Reynal & Hitchcock in April 1943, and posthumously in France following the liberation since Saint-Exupéry's works had been banned by the Vichy Régime. It has been translated into hundreds of languages and has sold some 200 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling books in publishing history.
More about Antoine de Saint Exupéry:
Many critics drew parallels between the characters and events of The Little Prince and the life of its author, who wrote the book while living in New York City, having fled the turmoil of World War II in France. Like the narrator, Saint-Exupéry was a pilot who experienced a plane crash in a desert (Libya). His wife, Consuelo, is also said to have had erratic behavior similar to that of the prince’s rose—a parallel further emphasized by Consuelo’s later autobiography, The Tale of the Rose (written in 1945 and published 2000). Thus, the narrator and little prince have been viewed as expressions of different aspects of Saint-Exupéry himself. Saint-Exupéry disappeared mysteriously during a night flight over the Mediterranean in July 1944.
Our thanks goes to our readers for their invaluable contributions:
Philippe Schaller is our French reader, and also the Manager of our Chez Kids program.
Quinn McKissock is the reader for our English version and a former English teacher for middle-high school students in Lyon, France. Quinn is an avid translator and is fluent in English, French, Arabic, and American Sign Language! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Montblanc x Le Petit Prince Unboxing! | Philippines | The Little Prince
Unboxing this gift I got for my husband ❤️ You can't go wrong with a Montblanc Pen
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The manuscript of "The Little Prince" traveled from the US to France for the first time last week (it depends when you post it) as part of a Parisian exhibition about its legendary author Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Anne Monier Vanryb, curator at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, outlines what is on show and what it all means for Saint-Exupery.
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I read slowly Le Petit Prince chapter 1. French and English subtitles are included. On this channel you will learn French with stories from a French native. You will improve your pronunciation, grammar, and culture while entertaining yourself.
Learn French online with Cyril from France at
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Check these inspirational content creators:
Stephen Krashen:
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Knowledge comes from all directions and it can happen that I forget where I heard or read a piece of information. If I forgot to mention a source, I sincerely apologies. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
French oral comprehension - I read the PETIT PRINCE (LITTLE PRINCE)-French lesson, leçon de français
French oral comprehension - I am reading the PETIT PRINCE (LITTLE PRINCE) chapitre 1 / French lesson, leçon de français
Sur ma chaîne, vous trouverez des leçons de français pour tous les niveaux : débutant, intermédiaire et avancé (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1). Vous pourrez apprendre le français avec plusieurs techniques : grammaire, vocabulaire, compréhension orale, compréhension écrite, expression orale, expression écrite, dictées, dialogues, lectures, prononciation, expressions françaises, vocabulaire standard, vocabulaire familier, informel et formel et même préparation aux examens DELF et DALF. Vous aurez toutes les meilleures techniques pour progresser en français et améliorer son niveau de français facilement et avec plaisir avec moi, Elsa, votre professeure de français en ligne.
On my channel, you will find French lessons for all levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1). You will be able to learn French with several techniques: grammar, vocabulary, oral comprehension, written expression, dictation, dialogues, vocabulary, reading, pronunciation, French expressions, French slang and casual French, informal and formal French vocabulary and even preparation for the DELF and DALF exams. You will have all the best techniques to progress in French and improve your level of French easily and with pleasure with me, Elsa, your online French teacher. These are great free French lessons for you to learn.
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Saviez-vous que l’un des livres les plus lus au monde, "Le petit Prince", d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a été écrit en 1943, aux États-Unis ? Il quitte pour la première fois le pays pour la France. Notre équipe a suivi son parcours.
📺 L. De la Mornais, B. Barnier, B. Laigle, M. Barrois
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Regardez la vidéo pour entrer dans le monde du récit "Le Petit Prince" d' Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Répondez aux questions suivantes:
1. Qui est le Petit Prince?
2. Que demande-t-il de dessiner?
3. Quels sont les autres personnages du récit?
4. Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe avec la rose?
5. Que découvre l'astronome?
Consultez aussi:
Le Petit Prince - Web
Saint-Exupéry Audio / Vidéo
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French Theme Park (Le Parc du Little Prince) in Ungersheim 🇫🇷 I Spring Break - Ep. 3
After a wonderful week with our friends, they had to go back to the US. The girls still had another week for spring break so we headed out to Le Parc du Little Prince for a fun day!
This park began as an idea to bring alive the world of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Little Prince. An agreement was made between his great-nephew and the estate director in 2013, and the theme park opened in 2014.
“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
Le Parc du Little Prince definitely proves this quote as it as full of fun for the heart! All 3 of us really enjoyed our time here!
The park is filled with quotes from the book, adventure rides, animals to visit, playgrounds to enjoy and lots more. We arrived about 12:30 PM, and we stayed until 4:30 PM. It took us about 40 minutes to drive each way from Basel, and we definitely recommend it for families!
Le Parc du Little Prince:
Thank you for wandering along with us!
About Us:
We're the Wisniewski Family, and welcome to Wandering Wisniewskis! My name is Jessica, and I’m the mom behind this vlog. Our family consists of myself, our two daughters (Emma & Olivia), my amazing husband (Gregg), and our dog (Yeti).
We are an expat family living in Switzerland! We believe that travel is so important for a family. We want our girls to see the world and learn everything they can through experiencing different places.
We hope you enjoy our journey, and thank you so much for wandering along with us!
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Дитячий постільний набір Верес Little Prince 3 ед. (153.2.28)
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