Об"єктив Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM (2271C005) Цей світлосильний телефотооб’єктив серії L із бездоганним дизайном і сучасною оптикою ідеально підходить для творчої портретної фотографії.
Знімайте портрети з чудовою деталізацією та створіть історію для історії Цей світлосильний портретний об’єктив для сенсорів із високою роздільною здатністю гарантує чудову чіткість, різкість, контрастність, деталізацію та насиченість кольорів. Покриття Air Sphere допомагає зменшити ореоли та відблиски, а велика діафрагма f/1,4 забезпечує малу глибину різкості.
Точне фокусування на всіх рівнях освітлення завдяки великому та світлосильному об’єктиву Світлосильний об’єктив із діафрагмою f/1,4 та підтримкою коротших витримок забезпечує точне фокусування навіть за слабкого освітлення. Велика максимальна діафрагма й мала глибина різкості забезпечують приємне боке й надають додаткової глибини портретам.
Плавна й точна чотириступенева стабілізація зображення Складні умови освітлення можуть зіграти на руку фотографу. Чотириступеневий стабілізатор зображення компенсує тремтіння камери та надає додаткові переваги за складних умов фото- та відеозйомки, тобто саме тоді, коли це найпотрібніше.
Приголомшлива точність фокусування завдяки чутливому, високошвидкісному й точному автофокусу Завдяки новітнім технологіям АФ об’єктив реагує швидко й точно, забезпечуючи майже беззвучне фокусування. Повна сумісність автофокуса з усіма системами EOS робить ці об’єктиви ідеальними для фотографів і кінематографістів.
Міцна конструкція, виняткова стійкість до складних погодних умов, повна сумісність Надійна конструкція з амортизуючою передньою частиною оправи забезпечує чудові результати за будь-яких умов. Фторне покриття передніх і задніх лінз допомагає захистити об’єктив від пилу та вологи, а точне маркування відстані дає змогу використовувати розрахунки E-TTL під час зйомки зі спалахом.
Продуктивне рішення для творчості Чудова камера заслуговує на чудовий об’єктив. Виберіть об’єктив серії L, і результат буде неперевершеним. Повна сумісність АФ із сенсорами, що підтримують технологію Dual Pixel CMOS AF, гарантує бездоганну якість фото- та відеозйомки.
Подивіться крізь об’єктив очима авторів історій Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM — це надзвичайно універсальний об’єктив, що ідеально підходить для різноманітних видів зйомки. Автори історій Canon завжди беруть його із собою й використовують для зйомки бездоганно різких портретів, динамічних подій буденного життя тощо.
Обзор портретного объектива Canon EF 85mm f 1.4 L USM и его сравнение с другим портретником Canon EF 85mm f 1.2 L USM II.
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM:
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM:
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Полный обзор:
Объектив Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM был анонсирован в конце лета 2017 года. Это совершенно новый инструмент, в котором нет ничего общего с легендарным Canon EF 85mm f/ II USM, кроме фокусного расстояния, ультразвукового кольцевого привода фокусировки и маркировки «L», означающей принадлежность к оптике профессионального класса. Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM по-настоящему уникален в своем классе: на сегодняшний день в арсенале других зеркальных и беззеркальных полнокадровых систем попросту нет «портретника» с максимальным относительным отверстием 1:1,4, который был бы оснащен встроенной системой оптической стабилизации изображения. Это существенно увеличивает полезность объектива при практической фотосъемке, особенно репортажной.
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Тест объектива Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM | «Бинар»
Основные особенности объектива EF 85mm f/ IS USM:
- Усовершенствованная оптическая конструкция обеспечивает великолепное качество изображения;
- Широкая диафрагма и высокая светосила для отличной фокусировки при любом освещении;
- Плавная и точная система стабилизации изображения с компенсацией 4 ступеней экспозиции;
- Эффективная, быстрая и точная автофокусировка для гибкого реагирования на ситуацию;
- Долговечная конструкция и великолепная защита от атмосферных воздействий.
Сергей Филинин взял в аренду объектив Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM в «Бинаре» и делится впечатлениями от его использования. Также отвечает на вопрос подходит ли этот объектив для стрит-фото и показывает результат.
Купить EF 85mm f/ IS USM:
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Kai W по-русски: Canon 85mm f/1.2L, f/1.4L и f/1.8 - Король Боке!
Обзор обьектива canon 85мм с диафрагмой 1.4 и встроенным стабилизатором, единственный в мире светосильный фикс объектив со стабилизатором от Canon модель 85mm f1.4 L IS USM
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Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 IS USM 'L' lens review with samples (Full-frame & APS-C)
Here we go with Canon's latest 85mm lens - this time featuring image stabilization. Can its image quality keep up with the latest competitors, though?
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Лучшие портретные объективы 85mm
Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Canon EF:
Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Sony E:
Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Nikon F:
Sigma AF 85mm F/1.4 DG DN Art L-mount:
Canon EF 85mm f/ II USM:
Canon RF 85mm f/ USM:
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM:
Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM:
Samyang 85mm f/1.4 AS IF Canon EF:
Samyang 85mm f/1.4 AS IF Minolta A:
Гелиос 40-2Н 85mm f/1.5 Nikon:
Гелиос 40-2С 85mm f/1.5 Canon:
Гелиос 40-2 85mm f/1.5 M42:
Юпитер-9 2/85 М42:
Fujinon XF 56mm f/1.2 R:
Nikon 85mm f/ AF-S Nikkor:
Sigma 85 мм F1.4 DG HSM:
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Меня зовут Марк Рыбак, я профессиональный фотограф и преподаватель фотографии. Провожу платные консультации по выбору техники и обсуждению фотографий. Так же у меня можно заказать фотосъемку. И я организую фототуры в Израиль и на Байкал. Футболку или толстовку можно заказать тут:
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Canon 85 1.4L IS Lens Review | Better than Canon 85 1.2L?
This is a Review of the Canon 85 IS Lens. The question i'm sure you're wondering is this lens a better choice then the Canon 85 ?
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Canon EF 85mm F/1.4 USM vs. Canon EF 85mm F/1.8 USM | Is it worth the extra $1000?? + Photo Examples
Today we're putting the two Canon 85mm's to the test to see if you really need to spend the extra $1000 on the L series lens. This video gives you a look at sample images side by side of the 1.8 and the 1.4. Which one do you like better, and can you really tell a difference? Let me know in the comments below!
Canon 85mm F/1.4:
Canon 85mm F/1.8:
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CANON EF 85MM F/1.4L IS USM : First Look with Allyson Berger
Join Allyson Berger and the AdoramaTV team as they put the Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM lens to the test with some portraits for Allyson's portfolio in Washington Square Park, in New York City.
Related Products at Adorama:
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM Lens
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The Canon EF 85mm F/1.4L IS USM Lens In-Depth Review
Hello guys. So here is my latest lens review video. And today it will be all about the Canon EF 85mm F/1.4 'L' IS USM Lens. I will be grading this lens on 5 different Design, Image Quality, Size + Weight, Focus Motor and Price. I will also compare this lens to some competitor lenses on the market. So You can you work if this camera is worth a spot in your camera bag.
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Обзор Canon EF 85mm f1.8 USM - портретник на все случаи
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85мм f1.8 - незаменимый товарищ каждого, уважающего себя свадебного бомбилы. Данный компактный объективчик с диафрагмой f1.8 позволяет на полном кадре легко и непринуждённо творить шедевры, которые будут точно не как с телефона. В общем, всем рекомендую в качества универсального портретника для всего подряд.
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A God Tier Portrait Lens | Canon 85mm F1.4 IS USM Review by Georges Cameras
It's fast, sharp and delivers amazing bokeh. The Canon 85mm IS USM is one of Canons best portrait lenses and lives up to the legacy of the 85mm 1.2.
Purchase the Canon 85mm today:
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Should you buy this 5 year old lens in 2022? | Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM Review
The Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM is an 8 year old lens, so should you buy it in 2022? In this video I will be discussing the strengths and weaknesses of this lens, including everything from its awesome f/1.4 aperture to it's built in image stabilization. I also compare the lens to the newer RF 85mm f/ USM, and describe why you might want to pick one over the other. As always, thank you for watching and supporting my channel!
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00:00 - Introduction
00:22 - Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM vs. the Canon RF 85mm f/ USM
08:11 - The EF 85mm f/ IS USM has some flaws!
10:23 - Should you shoot video with the EF 85mm f/ IS USM?
11:18 - Should you buy the Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM in 2022?
11:35 - My favorite images taken on the EF 85mm f/ IS USM!
11:51 - Closing Remarks Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon EF 85mm 1.4 IS | Should You Trade in Your 1.2??
Who doesn’t want the latest gear but will it make a big enough difference in your life? Check out Vanessa’s hands-on use of the 85mm 1.4 IS compared to her 85mm 1.2.
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Битва телевиков Canon 85mm f1.8 vs 85mm 1.4L vs 135mm f2L vs 70-200mm f2.8L II
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Сравню портретные свойства следующих объективов:
➡️ Canon EF 85mm f1.8
➡️ Canon EF 85mm
➡️ Canon EF 135mm f2L
➡️ Canon EF 70-200mm II
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Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS | Autofocus Performance | 4K
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM | First Look | Photographer Dustin Abbott finds out if the autofocus performance has improved from the Canon 85mm f/ II lens. Find out about focus speed, focus accuracy, outer point focus, tracking, and more here... | More images here: |
Purchase the Canon 85mm f/ IS: B&H Photo: Amazon: | Amazon Canada: | Amazon UK: | Ebay:
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Keywords: Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM, Canon 85mm f/1.4, Canon 85mm f/1.4 Review, Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS, Canon EF 85mm f/ IS Review, Canon, EF, 85mm, 85, f/1.4, 1.4, 1/4L, IS, USM, Dustin Abbott, review, photography, sample images, video test, Canon 85mm f/1.4 video test, Sharpness, Autofocus, AF, CA, Comparison, Sony, Canon 5D Mark IV, Tracking, a6500, A7R III, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon EF 85mm f1.4L IS USM: Still the Best 85mm or Outdated in a Mirrorless World?
In this video, I'm taking an in-depth look at the Canon EF 85mm IS USM lens. I'm very personally invested in this review because I am currently searching and trying some different options of 85mm lenses to find out which one is going to be the best fit for me. So, I'm taking a look at how this lens performs, its image quality and whether this EF mount DSLR lens is still a good option in a world that has moved on to mirrorless cameras and mounts.
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00:00 Intro
00:36 Build Quality & Ergonomics
03:23 Photography
08:38 Video
14:30 For Whom is it Right?
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Canon EOS - Effect of Image Stabilization in the Canon EF 85mm f 1 4L IS USM
Please also look at the playlists:
Watch how the Image Stabilization in the Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM lens helps when shooting handheld stills at slower shutter speeds and the effect when shooting video.
Learn more about the Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM lens:
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM Lens Specs: • Canon’s First 85mm L-series Lens with IS Capability. • Large, Bright f/1.4 Aperture. • Image Stabilization at up to 4* Stops of Shake Correction. • GMo Aspherical Lens with Air Sphere Coating Technology. • Dust- and Water-resistant Professional-grade Design. • Circular Aperture (9 blades) for Beautiful Bokeh. • 33.5 in./85cm Minimum Focusing Distance. • High-speed AF Using Ring USM Technology and Rear Group Focusing. * Based on CIPA (Camera & Imaging Products Association) standards. Testing performed using the EOS-1D X Mark II SLR camera. The number of steps may vary based on the camera model used. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Peter McKinnon Made Me Do It - Canon 85mm f1.4L USM IS Unboxing
Peter McKinnon recommended this lens. So I bought one.
Watch Peter's review here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM | First Look | Photographer Dustin Abbott takes a first look at the new Canon EF 85mm f/ IS and shares some images from the lens. More images here: |
Purchase the Canon 85mm f/ IS: B&H Photo: Amazon: | Amazon Canada: | Amazon UK: | Ebay:
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Lights: Rotolight AEOS @B&H Photo | Genaray Contender @B&H Photo: | and Aputure AL-MW:
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Keywords: Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM, Canon 85mm f/1.4, Canon 85mm f/1.4 Review, Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS, Canon EF 85mm f/ IS Review, Canon, EF, 85mm, 85, f/1.4, 1.4, 1/4L, IS, USM, Dustin Abbott, review, photography, sample images, video test, Canon 85mm f/1.4 video test, Sharpness, Autofocus, AF, CA, Comparison, Sony, Canon 5D Mark IV, Tracking, a6500, A7R III, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM | Image Quality Breakdown | 4K
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM | First Look | Photographer Dustin Abbott digs into the image quality from the new Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM lens, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses. Includes direct comparisons to the other stabilized 85mm alternative - the Tamron SP 85mm f/1.8 VC. Bryan's Image Quality Tool: | More images here: |
Purchase the Canon 85mm f/ IS: B&H Photo: Amazon: | Amazon Canada: | Amazon UK: | Ebay:
Purchase the Tamron 85mm f/1.8 VC: B&H:
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My filming setup: Sony a7R III: B&H Photo: or Amazon: | or | Sony a9 @ B&H Photo: or Amazon:
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 RXD @B&H Photo: or Amazon
Lights: Rotolight AEOS @B&H Photo | Genaray Contender @B&H Photo: | and Aputure AL-MW:
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Keywords: Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM, Canon 85mm f/1.4, Canon 85mm f/1.4 Review, Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS, Canon EF 85mm f/ IS Review, Canon, EF, 85mm, 85, f/1.4, 1.4, 1/4L, IS, USM, Dustin Abbott, review, photography, sample images, video test, Canon 85mm f/1.4 video test, Sharpness, Autofocus, AF, CA, Comparison, Sony, Canon 5D Mark IV, Tracking, a6500, A7R III, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon 85mm f/1.4L IS vs Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4 | 4K
Canon 85mm f/ IS vs Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4 | Photographer Dustin Abbott looks at how the new Canon 85mm f/ IS stacks up against the superlative lens in the class. Think you know what happens? More images here:
Purchase the Canon 85mm f/ IS: B&H Photo: Amazon: | Amazon Canada: | Amazon UK: | Ebay:
Purchase the Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4: B&H: | Amazon:
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My filming setup: Sony a7R III: B&H Photo: or Amazon: | or | Sony a9 @ B&H Photo: or Amazon:
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 RXD @B&H Photo: or Amazon
Lights: Rotolight AEOS @B&H Photo | Genaray Contender @B&H Photo: | and Aputure AL-MW:
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Keywords: Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM, Canon 85mm f/1.4, Canon 85mm f/1.4 Review, Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS, Canon EF 85mm f/ IS Review, Canon, EF, 85mm, 85, f/1.4, 1.4, 1/4L, IS, USM, Dustin Abbott, review, photography, sample images, video test, Canon 85mm f/1.4 video test, Sharpness, Autofocus, AF, CA, Comparison, Sony, Canon 5D Mark IV, Tracking, a6500, A7R III, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEVER Have Shaky B-ROLL AGAIN!! // Canon EF 85mm F1.4L IS USM Lens Review
NEVER Have Shaky B-ROLL AGAIN!! // Canon EF 85mm IS USM Lens Review
The Canon 85mm F1.4 L IS would have to be one of the most fun lenses to use, especially because of that image stabilization. If we compare the Canon 85mm f1.4 vs f1.8, the main thing it's lacking is Image stabilization especially when you are shooting video with it. Even though the Canon 85mm F/1.4 sits right in the middle, it really overtakes even the Canon 85mm f/1.2 in terms of overall uses.
Because I mainly shoot video this is the reason why I wanted to test out the Canon 85mm f1.4 lens specifically, because I love the 85mm F1.4 look, but it's impossible to get stable shots without a gimbal.
I hope you enjoy this Canon 85mm review and if you wanna find out more about Canon Professional Services then check out the link below to find out more.
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Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM Lens Review with Sample Images and Videos
To learn more about this lens, check out our blog review!
Two and a half years after buying this lens and using at at countless Minnesota weddings, I put together this review to help others know which Canon 85mm to buy! The Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM is my favorite portrait lens to date. It has fast AF, image stabilization, and is built like a tank. The images it produces are sharp throughout the frame, with wonderful color and contrast. In this video I show some sample portraits and give examples of bokeh and sharpness. I also share a couple videos taken with the lens and then breakdown images I have created with the lens. If you are a wedding or portrait photographer using a Canon DSLR, you definitely need to consider this lens!
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My review of the Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM Lens... which I use on the Canon EOS R mirrorless digital camera!
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS
Canon EOS R
Atomos Ninja V
Canon 5D Mark IV
Canon 35mm f/ II
Canon 24-70 f/ II
Canon 16-35 f/4L IS
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Sigma 85mm F1.4 Art vs Canon 85mm F1.4L IS - Сравнение лучших портретников под полный кадр
Сравнить цены Canon 85mm IS vs Sigma 85mm F1.4 Art:
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В этом видео выбираем лучший портретный обьектив с фокусным расстоянием 85mm и диафрагмой f/1.4. Нашими подопытными стали топопая 85-ка Canon EF 85mm IS USM и более достуная версия Sigma 85mm F1.4 Art DG HSM. Кто из них окажется лучше в целом и по соотношению цена/качество - смотрите в этом ролике
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In 1980, Canon launched one the most iconic lenses ever made the 85mm f1.2 L. This lens has undergone various upgrades in its optical design over the years. The most recent version of this lens, released in 2019, RF 85mm f1.2 L, is considered one of the sharpest and highest resolving lenses ever made. I am totally amazed at the amount of detail it can capture, even when used wide open at f1.2. Furthermore, this lens is a "bokeh monster," producing the most pleasant and smooth bokeh you'll ever see in a lens that isn't a proper telephoto and with eye AF you'll never miss at shot at f1.2. If you're considering buying this lens don't hesitate this lens is legendary.
🧲 _*LINKS*_
Canon EOS R5 -
Canon EOS R -
⭐Canon RF 85mm f1.2 L -
Canon RF 15-35mm f2.8 L IS USM -
NiSi True Color VND -
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Canon EF 85mm F1.2 L II. Обзор и сравнение с Sony 85mm F1.8
Canon 85 1.2 это действительно интересный и в какой то степени уникальный объектив. О его портретных свойствах ходят легенды среди владельцев камер Canon. Мне довелось не просто потестить данное стекло, а провести с ним какое то время, сделав приличное количество кадров на камеры Canon EOS R5 и Sony A7III через переходник Sigma MC-11. В данном обзоре я расскажу обо всём опыте работы с этим стеклом и основной упор будет не на показ обработанных картинок, а именно на просмотр исходного материала.
Огромная благодарность моему подписчику Александру за предоставленную технику Canon на тесты и обзор.
#CanonR5 #Canon85mmF1.2 #Canon85mm
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Canon EF 85mm f1.4L IS USM vs EF 85mm f1.8 USM Lens Comparison: Worth the Extra Money or Go Budget?
In this video, I'm doing a side by side comparison of two 85mm lens options: the Canon EF 85mm IS USM lens and the Canon EF 85mm f1.8 USM. I'm very personally invested in this comparison because I am currently searching and trying some different options of 85mm lenses to find out which one is going to be the best fit for me. So, I'm taking a look at how these lenses perform, the image quality and which lens might be a good choice for you if you are looking for an 85mm lens option. Save your money or go with the more expensive lens?
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00:00 Intro
00:48 Build Quality & Ergonomics
03:02 Photography
08:50 Video
14:29 For Whom is it Right?
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Canon EF 85mm f/ IS | Final Review | Photographer Dustin Abbott delivers his final verdict on the Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM. Is it worth your hard-earned money? Find out here! Written review: | More images here:
Purchase the Canon 85mm f/ IS: B&H Photo: Amazon: | Amazon Canada: | Amazon UK: | Ebay:
Purchase the Sigma 85mm f/1.4 ART: B&H Photo: | Amazon: | Amazon Canada: | Amazon UK:
Purchase the Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4: B&H: | Amazon:
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My filming setup: Sony a7R III: B&H Photo: or Amazon: | or | Sony a9 @ B&H Photo: or Amazon:
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Lights: Rotolight AEOS @B&H Photo | Genaray Contender @B&H Photo: | and Aputure AL-MW:
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Keywords: Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM, Canon 85mm f/1.4, Canon 85mm f/1.4 Review, Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS, Canon EF 85mm f/ IS Review, Canon, EF, 85mm, 85, f/1.4, 1.4, 1/4L, IS, USM, Dustin Abbott, review, photography, sample images, video test, Canon 85mm f/1.4 video test, Sharpness, Autofocus, AF, CA, Comparison, Sony, Canon 5D Mark IV, Tracking, a6500, A7R III, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is my review of the Canon 85mm f1.4 L IS. It's a beauty piece of glass. Check the time stamps below:
0:00 - Intro
0:11 - Specs
0:52 - Build Quality
2:22 - first thoughts
3:38 - Image samples
4:48 - Autofocus
5:01 - Focus Breathing
5:46 - Image stabilization video test
6:28 - Sharpness test
8:06 - Chromatic aberration test
9:09 - Bokeh
10:12 - Talking about image quality
11:45 - Final thoughts
If you're thinking of picking up this lens check the link below:
The full quality edited images can be found here:
Thanks to @CamillaRoseBridal @KeiraDonais & @promiseridgestables for letting me use the images in this review.
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Some of the links used in the description will direct you to Amazon, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS | Image Quality Followup | 4K
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM | First Look | Photographer Dustin Abbott looks at the image quality from the new 85L IS a second time to break down the results and why we are seeing them. Some of your questions answered! | More images here: |
Purchase the Canon 85mm f/ IS: B&H Photo: Amazon: | Amazon Canada: | Amazon UK: | Ebay:
Purchase the Tamron 85mm f/1.8 VC: B&H:
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My filming setup: Sony a7R III: B&H Photo: or Amazon: | or | Sony a9 @ B&H Photo: or Amazon:
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 RXD @B&H Photo: or Amazon
Lights: Rotolight AEOS @B&H Photo | Genaray Contender @B&H Photo: | and Aputure AL-MW:
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Keywords: Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM, Canon 85mm f/1.4, Canon 85mm f/1.4 Review, Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS, Canon EF 85mm f/ IS Review, Canon, EF, 85mm, 85, f/1.4, 1.4, 1/4L, IS, USM, Dustin Abbott, review, photography, sample images, video test, Canon 85mm f/1.4 video test, Sharpness, Autofocus, AF, CA, Comparison, Sony, Canon 5D Mark IV, Tracking, a6500, A7R III, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
【Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM + 5D Mark IV】Video AF Servo / 4K 24fps
Hi guys. So here is my latest Lens shootout video. And today it will be all about the Canon EF 85mm F/ IS vs The Sigma 85mm F/1.4 Art. We will be working out in this video what lens is best value for money. I will be testing these lenses on many different criteria. Hopefully you can use this review find out if what lens is worth a spot in your camera bag.
0:00 Intro
0:49 Lens Design
1:37 Image Sharpness
3:10 Distortion & Vignetting
4:03 Lens Flaring
4:39 Chromatic Aberration
5:22 Overall Size
6:02 Overall Weight
6:48 Focus Motor
7:49 Image Stabilisation
8:28 Overall Price
I hope this video helps and don't forget to subscribe for more awesome videos just like this :)
🎥 The Canon EF 85mm F/ IS USM Lens In-Depth Review
🎥 The Sigma 85mm F/1.4 DG HSM Art Lens In-Depth Review
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With 4 Canon 85mm lenses on the market, it can be hard to decide which one to choose. In this video review see and hear why I chose to buy the Canon 85MM IS USM over the 85mm 1.2 and 85mm 1.8
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Link to BUY the 85mm f/ IS USM
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Canon EOS - Introducing the Canon EF 85mm f14L IS USM Lens
Please also look at the playlists:
Introducing the new Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM lens. This is a classic portrait-length telephoto lens which combines great image quality, focusing speed, Image Stabilization, and excellent low-light performance. Learn more about the Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM lens:
Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM Lens Specs: • Canon’s First 85mm L-series Lens with IS Capability. • Large, Bright f/1.4 Aperture. • Image Stabilization at up to 4* Stops of Shake Correction. • GMo Aspherical Lens with Air Sphere Coating Technology. • Dust- and Water-resistant Professional-grade Design. • Circular Aperture (9 blades) for Beautiful Bokeh. • 33.5 in./85cm Minimum Focusing Distance. • High-speed AF Using Ring USM Technology and Rear Group Focusing.
* Based on CIPA (Camera & Imaging Products Association) standards. Testing performed using the EOS-1D X Mark II SLR camera. The number of steps may vary based on the camera model used. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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SUPER CONFRONTO: Canon 85mm f/1.8 USM vs. Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM vs. Canon 85mm f/1.2 L USM II!!
Chi di voi mi segue da più tempo, saprà che io utilizzo per lavorare (o meglio utilizzavo fino a poco tempo fa, dato che ho preso l’equivalente Sony, ma ne parleremo a breve in un altro video) il Canon 85mm f/1.8 e, grazie a RCE Foto, ho deciso di metterlo alla prova con i suoi due fratelli maggiori: il Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM e il mitico mostro del bokeh Canon 85mm f/1.2 L Mark II.
Chi la spunterà ?
Comprali su Amazon:
- Canon 85mm f/1.8 USM:
- Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM:
- Canon 85mm f/1.2 L USM II:
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Canon 85mm f/1.4L IS USM - Perfect Portrait Lens with Image Stabilization
An 85mm prime lens was one of the only things missing from my camera bag for years, and now that I added the Canon 85mm f/1.4 lens, I have it with me all the time! In this video I'll tell you all about why this is such a great addition to your lens lineup! -Eric
Check this lens out on AMAZON
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DISCLAIMER: If you would like to help us support the channel and allow us to continue making videos like this, shop through the affiliate links above. This means that if you buy through one of the product links, we may receive a small commission. Thank you for your support!! - Bill & Eric Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon 85mm f/1.4L IS Lens Review | The Bokeh Monster
A quick review of my experience with the new Canon 85mm f/.
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Canon EOS 85mm F/1.4 IS USM Example videos and timelapses
A compilation of shots taken with the Canon EOS 85mm F/1.4 IS USM (AUS - & USA - ) mounted on the Canon EOS 1DX mkII (AUS - & USA - ) - I shot a wide range of images with this combo during a 3-week road trip in the USA. Read my thoughts after 3weeks with the lense here:
- Big thanks to CameraPro () in Brisbane for letting me test the lens on the road.
Other Gear used during the photography trip:
Camera: AUS - & USA -
My bag for this trip:
Vlogging Lens:
Vlogging Camera:
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The gear links above are affiliate links. If you buy through them you get the regular price and I receive a small percentage from that – this helps to support and continue my passion documenting wildlife and conservation and producing content for the channels. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Explore the 85mm lens: the go-to choice for breathtaking portraits. Unmatched depth of field and flattering compositions.
Camera used in the video: Canon 5D IV
Lens: Canon 85mm 1.4 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The New Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM is a Sexy Beast!
In this video I introduce my new Canon EF 85mm f/ IS USM lens which I just got to replace my Canon EF 85mm f/ USM. I discuss all of the improvements and why I decided to replace my old 85 with this new 85.
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This is Canon's first 85mm lens with Image Stabilization. It's weather sealed, so it's water and dust proof. And it focuses a helluva lot faster than the old 1.2.
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BPW Newsletter Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ULTIMATE 85mm Shootout! - Canon RF 85 F1.2L vs Canon 85 1.4L IS vs Canon 85 1.2L vs Sigma 85 1.4 ART
The great 85mm Lens shootout! Last year we did this video with the Canon 85 IS, the Sigma 85 Art and the Canon 85 . This time we add in the newest lens from canon the 85mm RF . This is supposed to be the best 85mm lens optically coming from canon but how much better is it? In this video, ill go though some side by sides with all of the lenses and see how the new kid stacks up.
Download the RAW files:
Original 85mm Comparison:
35mm Comparison:
50mm Comparison:
Try out any of the lenses
Canon RF 85mm F1.2:
Canon EF 85 IS:
Canon EF 85 :
Sigma EF 85mm F1.4 ART:
Music licensed from Musicbed. Get a 30-day free trial for the best music for your videos:
Outro music from ArtList IO - - Get 2 months FREE!
IG: @lensprotogo
FB: @lensprotogo
My IG @gregfarnum Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Off Camera Flash Studio Photography - Canon 5D Mark IV + EF 85mm f/1.4L IS II (OCF) + Godox AD600
Hey everyone, this is my first YouTube video. Here’s a behind the scenes of my studio shoot with Laci (IG: @laylayofit) in Phoenix Arizona. I used the Canon 5D Mark IV + EF 85mm f/ II IS with Godox AD600/Flashpoint Xplor 600 TTL.
Camera Body - Canon 5D Mark IV
Lens- Canon 85mm f/ II IS
Strobe- Godox AD600/Flashpoint Xplor 600 TTL
Modifiers- Glow 51” Easy Lock Deep Umbrella (key) & 25” Easy Lock Beauty Dish (fill)
Vflatworld- white side
Tether Tools- USB-A through Adobe Lightroom
#canon5dmarkiv #canonusa #EF85mm #tethertools #tethering #byogphoto #alexogletonphotography #vflatworld
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【Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM + 5D Mark IV】Video AF Servo / 側拍
We go hands on with the Canon 85mm 1.4 L lens. This lens is an absolute dream to shoot with whether it's photos or videos. Available to order here:
Key Features of the Canon 85mm f/1.4:
- A maximum aperture of f/1.4
- 9 Aperture blades
- Image Stabilisation
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Canon EOS 250D + EF 85mm f/1.8 USM - Forest Portrait Photography
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