ПО для сервера Microsoft Windows Rights Mgmt Services CAL 2019 SNGL OLP NL UsrCAL (T98-02901)
Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services CAL 2019 - ліцензія клієнтського доступу, що дає користувачеві право на доступ до технології AD RMS і Azure RMS. Microsoft Rights Management Services - це технологія захисту інформації, яка допомагає блокувати її несанкціоноване використання. Через додатки підтримки прав власники контенту зможуть визначити, хто може відкривати, змінювати, друкувати, пересилати або здійснювати інші дії з їх контентом.
Призначені для користувача ліцензії CAL. Купувати призначені для користувача ліцензії CAL має сенс, якщо співробітникам компанії необхідний доступ до корпоративної мережі з декількох різних пристроїв або якщо невідомо, з яких саме пристроїв вони будуть здійснювати доступ. CAL також вигідні в тих випадках, коли в організації більше пристроїв, ніж користувачів.
Ліцензії CAL «на пристрій». Ліцензуючи доступ по числу пристроїв, купуються ліцензії для кожного пристрою, який звертається до сервера. При цьому не важливо, скільки користувачів працює з пристроєм. Ліцензії CAL «на пристрій» дозволяють знизити витрати і спростити адміністрування в компаніях, де кілька співробітників можуть використовувати один пристрій, наприклад при роботі в кілька змін.
Microsoft Rights Management пропонує локальну версію (AD RMS) і хмарну версію (Azure RMS). RMS допомагає захищати інформацію за допомогою використання політик безпеки, які встановлюють такі основні елементи: Надійні об'єкти. Права і умови використання. Шифрування. Ви також можете скористатися перевагами гіпермасштабіруемого хмари за допомогою нових гібридних сценаріїв, наданих технологією Stretch Database.
Ця нова технологія дозволяє динамічно переносити транзакційні дані в Microsoft Azure безпечним способом, так що дані завжди будуть доступні для запитів, незалежно від обсягу. Крім того, SQL Server 2019 надає повноцінну платформу бази даних для гібридного хмари, що дозволяє легко створювати, розгортати рішення і керувати ними локально і в хмарі.
Детальні характеристики:
Windows Rights Mgmt Services CAL 2019 SNGL OLP NL
Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services CAL 2019
В этом видео мы научимся устанавливать и настраивать терминальный сервер на Windows Server 2019.
#12. Добавление пользователей и компьютеров в домен Windows Server 2019:
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Помимо обычной винды, которая стоит почти на всех домашних компьютерах, есть версия с названием Windows Server, которая используется для серверов. О ней и поговорим.
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05 Active Directory Rights Management Services (RMS)
You can use the Information Rights Management trial service to create and consume AD RMS-protected content using a Windows Live ID. In this video Ill show you how to use the trial service to protect a Microsoft Excel document, and then open the protected document and verify that it is protected.
For more information about AD RMS visit the website: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Windows Server CALs explained, User vs Device CALs #shorts
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Configure Active Directory Rights Management Service AD RMS in Windows Server 2022
1. Prepare
- DC1 : Domain Controller | DC2 : Exchange Server
- DC23 : Domain Member install AD RMS server | DC24 : Domain Memberinstall Certificate Server
- WIN101, WIN102 : Clients | Turn off Firewall local at all
2. Step by step : Configure Active Directory Rights Management Service AD RMS on DC23
- DC1 : Create a new user named rmsservices service account
- DC24 : Install Certificate service and create a template named SSL for Web Server
- DC23 : Install and Configure Active Directory Rights Management Service AD RMS
+ Start - mmc - File - Add/Remove Snap-in... - Certificates - Add- Computer account - Right-click Personal - All Tasks - Request New Certificate... maybe need restart server
- Select SSL - Click "More information is required to enroll ..." - Subject tab - Subject name : Type : Common name, Value : DC23 - Add
- Alternative name : Type : DNS, Value : - Add - Enroll
+ Server Manager - Manage - Add Roles and Features - Next to "Server Roles" : Select "Active Directory Rights Management Services" - Add Features - Next to Install
+ Click Notifications - Perform additional configuration - Configuration Database : Choose "Use Windows Internal Database on this server" - Service Account : Yi\rmsservices
- Cluster Key Password : Enter password - Cluster Address : Choose "Use SSL-encrypted connection https://", Fully-Qualified Domain Name :
- Server Certificate : Choose "Choose an existing certificate for SSL encryption recommended" - Next to Install - Restart server
+ Server Manager - Tools - Internet Information Services IIS Manager - DC23 - Sites - Default Web Site - Bindings... - https - Edit... - SSL certificate : Choose DC23
+ Default Web Site - _wmcs, certification, licensing - Authentication - Anonymous Authentication : Enable
+ Default Web Site - _wmcs - Right-click certification - Switch to content view - Right-click - Edit Permission... - Security tab - Edit...
- Add... - DC2, exchange servers, rmsservices
+ Right-click - Switch to Features View - Authentication - Right-click "Anonymous Authencation" : Disable
+ Create and share a folder named Policy with network shared \\DC23\Policy
+ Server Manager - Tools - Active Directory Rights Management Services - Local - Enable : Users, Applications, Super Users
+ Rights Policy Tempaltes :
+ Create distributed rights policy template :
+ 1. Add Template Identifica... - Add - Name : Prevent Print, Description : Prevent Print - Add
+ 2. Add User Rights - Users ans rights - Add... HiepIT@, VietIT@ - Rights : Tick all eliminate Full Control and Print
+ 4. Specify Extended Policy - Select "Enable users to view protected content using a browser add-on" ---- Finish
+ Change distributed rights policy templates file location - Select "Enable export" - Specify templates file location UNC : \\DC23\Policy
- DC2 : Create mail group and set AD RMSconfigure
+ Start - Exchange Management shell, Type :
+ New-DistributionGroup -Name "RMSSuper" -OrganizationalUnit "" -SAMAccountName "RMSSuper" -Type "Distribution" # Create a mail group named RMSSuper
+ Add-DistributionGroupMember RMSsuper -Member # Add account Federat... to RMSSuper
- DC23 : Active Directory Rights Management Services - Local - Security Policies - Super Users - Change super user group - Super user group : RMSSuper@
- DC2 : Restart and set IRM
+ Start - Exchange Management shell, Type :
+ Get-IRMConfiguration # Show IRMConfiguration
+ Set-IRMConfiguration -InternalLicensingEnabled $true # Set InternalLicensingEnabled to True
+ Test-IRMConfiguration -Sender HiepIT@ # Test send email
- WIN101, WIN102 : Set Internet Explorer
+ Start - Internet Explorer - Tools - Internet options - Security tab - Trusted sites - Sites - Add this website to the zone : - Add
+ Security level for this zone : All - down to Low
- WIN101 : Sign in Email using HiepIT account, test send normanl and using AD RMS to VietIT
- WIN102 : Sign in Email using VietIT account, check email recived using AD RMS can not Print === OK
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Active Directory RMS Windows Live ID Trial Service Demo
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Configure Active Directory Rights Management Services ( AD RMS ) in Windows Server 2012 R2
1. Prepare
- DC11 : Domain Controller () , IP | DC12 : Exchange Server , IP
- DC13 : Domain Member (install AD RMS server) , IP | DC14 : Domain Member(install Certificate Server) , IP
- WIN101, WIN102 : Clients | DC254 : Routing server. Turn off Firewall local at all
2. Step by step : Configure Active Directory Rights Management Service (AD RMS) on DC13
- DC11 : Create a new user named rmsservices (service account)
- DC14 : Install Certificate service and create a template named SSL for Web Server
- DC13 : Install and Configure Active Directory Rights Management Service (AD RMS)
+ Start - mmc - File - Add/Remove Snap-in... - Certificates - Add- Computer account - Right-click Personal - All Tasks - Request New Certificate... (maybe need restart server)
- Select SSL - Click "More information is required to enroll ..." - Subject tab - Subject name : Type : Common name, Value : DC13 - Add
- Alternative name : Type : DNS, Value : - Add - Enroll
+ Server Manager - Manage - Add Roles and Features - Next to "Server Roles" : Select "Active Directory Rights Management Services" - Add Features - Next to Install
+ Click Notifications - Perform additional configuration - Configuration Database : Choose "Use Windows Internal Database on this server" - Service Account : Yi\rmsservices
- Cluster Key Password : Enter password - Cluster Address : Choose "Use SSL-encrypted connection (https://)", Fully-Qualified Domain Name :
- Server Certificate : Choose "Choose an existing certificate for SSL encryption (recommended)" - Next to Install - Restart server
+ Server Manager - Tools - Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager - DC13 - Sites - Default Web Site - Bindings... - https - Edit... - SSL certificate : Choose DC13
+ Default Web Site - _wmcs, certification, licensing - Authentication - Anonymous Authentication : Enable
+ Default Web Site - _wmcs - Right-click certification - Switch to content view - Right-click - Edit Permission... - Security tab - Edit...
- Add... - DC12, exchange servers, rmsservices
+ Right-click - Switch to Features View - Authentication - Right-click "Anonymous Authencation" : Disable - Restart server
+ Create and share a folder named Policy with network shared \\DC13\Policy
+ Server Manager - Tools - Active Directory Rights Management Services - (Local) - Enable : Users, Applications, Super Users
+ Rights Policy Tempaltes :
+ Create distributed rights policy template :
+ 1. Add Template Identifica... - Add - Name : Prevent Print, Description : Prevent Print - Add
+ 2. Add User Rights - Users ans rights - Add... HiepIT@, VietIT@ - Rights : Tick all ( eliminate Full Control and Print)
+ 4. Specify Extended Policy - Select "Enable users to view protected content using a browser add-on" ---- Finish
+ Change distributed rights policy templates file location - Select "Enable export" - Specify templates file location (UNC) : \\DC13\Policy
- DC12 : Create mail group and set AD RMSconfigure
+ Start - Exchange Management shell, Type :
+ New-DistributionGroup -Name "RMSSuper" -OrganizationalUnit "" -SAMAccountName "RMSSuper" -Type "Distribution" # Create a mail group named RMSSuper
+ Add-DistributionGroupMember RMSsuper -Member # Add account Federat... to RMSSuper
- DC13 : Active Directory Rights Management Services - (Local) - Security Policies - Super Users - Change super user group - Super user group : RMSSuper@
- DC12 : Restart and set IRM
+ Start - Exchange Management shell, Type :
+ Get-IRMConfiguration # Show IRMConfiguration
+ Set-IRMConfiguration -InternalLicensingEnabled $true # Set InternalLicensingEnabled to True
+ Test-IRMConfiguration -Sender HiepIT@ # Test send email
- WIN101, WIN102 : Set Internet Explorer
+ Start - Internet Explorer - Tools - Internet options - Security tab - Trusted sites - Sites - Add this website to the zone : - Add
+ Security level for this zone : All - down to Low
- WIN101 : Sign in Email using HiepIT account, test send normal and using AD RMS to VietIT
- WIN102 : Sign in Email using VietIT account, check email recived using AD RMS can not Print === OK
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Configure Active Directory Rights Management Service (AD RMS) in Windows Server 2022
How To Install and Configure RDS CALs License On a Windows Server 2019 2022 2016 2012 Full Step by Step
In this video I will guide you specifically what is RDS CAL? role and function of RDS CAL how to Install and Configure RDS CAL in detail step by step
Please review it carefully once and review it two to three times and follow each step I believe you will successfully Install and Configure RDA CAL on server 2019 and other server versions like 2012 2016 2022 as well. If you are having trouble installing Rds Cals Configure, please contact me with the information below:
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You can refer to our website if you want to know more solutions or tips and tricks and more way and how to activate office or windows such as:
How To Install and Setup RDS CAL Licence On a Windows Server
Understanding Windows Server Client Access Licenses (CALs)
Install, Configure and Activate RD Licensing
How To Install Remote Desktop Services & How To Install RDS User CAL
Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services RDS on Windows Server 2019
CAL của Windows Server
Windows Server: User CAL, Device CAL and RDS CAL
How to Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on Windows Server 2012 R2
How to Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on Windows Server 2016
How to Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on Windows Server 2019
How to Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on Windows Server 2022
Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2019 configuration
Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2019 Install
Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services RDS on Windows Server 2019
Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services RDS on Windows Server 2016
Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services RDS on Windows Server 2022
Installation of Remote Desktop Services In Server 2019
Installation of Remote Desktop Services In Server 2016
Installation of Remote Desktop Services In Server 2012R2
Installation of Remote Desktop Services In Server 2022
how to install remote desktop services in windows server 2019
how to install remote desktop services in windows server 2012
how to install remote desktop services in windows server 2012R2
how to install remote desktop services in windows server 2016
how to install remote desktop services in windows server 2022
how to install remote desktop services in windows server 2024
music source:
Track: Egzod, Maestro Chives & Alaina Cross - No Rival [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Configure Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) in Windows Server 2012 R2
In this video, we will enable remote desktop services using group policy.
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Video Editor : Adobe Premiere Pro ()
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Tutorial on Rights Management Services in a Windows Server
In this video we show you how to activate windows server 2019. If you have tried to activate windows server 2019 and get the error "cannot Activate windows on this device" this video shows you how to use CMD prompt to active Windows Server 2019 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Install and Configure RDS CAL License On Windows Server 2019 2022 2016 2012 Full Step by Step
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This video will look at the 3 different CALs that are available in Windows Server 2012. These are user, device and RDS. This video looks at how many you need in order to make sure your network is compliant and what these CALs allow you to do and not do.
What is a CAL?
A CAL is a Client Access License which is required for a user or computer to use features on a Windows Server, like file shares or printing. Services like unauthenticated internet access do not require a CAL. If you however use a 3rd party system to authenticate users before they connect to the web server you would need to purchase a CAL.
Types of CALs
There are 3 basic CALs available for Windows Server 2012. There are other features CALs that are available for products like SQL Server, but these are not covered in this video. The CALs covered in this video are user, device and Remote Desktop.
User: Required for a user to access a Windows Server.
Device: Required for a device to access a Windows Server.
Remote Desktop: Required for each user or device that uses Remote Desktop Services. Does not include remote desktop connection for administrator performing administration work on the server. Each server supports 2 remote desktop connection for administration only.
User CAL
A user CAL is associated with a user. Once the user has a CAL, it is associated with the user, and that user is free to access any Windows Server on the network using any device. If you have more users than devices on your network you should purchase user CALs.
Device CALs
Device CALs are associated with a devices like a computer or device like a tablet. Once a device CAL is associated with that device, any number of users can login to that device and access Windows Server. The users that use this device do not require a user CAL. Device CALs are a good choice when you have more users on your network than devices.
Remote Desktop CALs
This CAL is also referred to as an additive CAL as once you add the CAL to Windows Server it activates additional functionality. Unlike the other CALs, remote desktop CALs need to be activated before they can be used. User and Device CALs rely on the administrator to check that they have enough CALs on the network to cover the number of users and devices they have. Functionality on the Windows Server is not gained or lost if the Administrator does not have the correct number of user and device CALs.
Remote Desktop CALs come in 3 different types. These are user, device and external connector.
User: Like a standard User CAL, a remote desktop user CAL allows the one user to connect to the remote desktop server using any device.
Device: A device CAL allows any device to connect up and use Remote Desktop Service. Any user is free to login to this device and use it.
External Connector: This allows multiple users from a 3rd party to connect to a single Remote Desktop Server.
New CALs support older OSs
The CAL that you purchase can be used with any operating system before it. For example, if you are running Windows Server 2008 on your network and need additional CALs, you should purchase Windows Server 2012 CALs as these will work with Windows Server 2008 and will work when you upgrade your Servers to Windows Server 2012. Microsoft also allows CALs to be updated to newer operating systems as required.
See or for our always free training videos. This is only one video from the many free courses available on YouTube.
"Client Access Licenses and Management Licenses"
"Newegg TV: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 CALs Interview" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#16. Установка и настройка cлужб сертификации в Windows Server 2019.
Creation of AD RMS Encryption Protection Template & access Denied Assistant GPO (English Audio).
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Как установить и настроить Exchange Server 2019. Active Directory Domain Services
If you are an IT admin of an enterprise/Organization, or owner of an IT Organization, This video will help you to choose right microsoft licensing for your organization.
If you are an entrepreneur, Than you need to know that Licensing is critical thing for your business. So choose a right Licenses for your startups.
Topics are covered:
1. Windows Server 2012 Licensing
2. Types of Licensing
3. Server Licensing
4. Cal Licensing
5. Types of Cal
6. User Cal
7. Device Cal
8. RDS cal and its type
9. How to upgrade Cals Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 : Enable Remote Desktop Services via Group Policy
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️🏆 Thực hiện nội dung: IT SYSTEM TEAM
▶️ Nội dung chính của video bao gồm:
00:00 Tạo và share thư mục RMSdata
00:46 Tạo thông tin OU, user
02:05 Cài đặt thuộc tính user RMSadmin
02:34 Cài đặt email của các user
03:39 Tạo group
04:30 Cài đặt email thêm user cho group
06:34 Cài đặt Server Role: Active Directory Right Mananagerment Services
07:11 Cấu hình AD RMS
09:28 Cài đặt vi trí lưu template
10:30 Khởi tạo Distributed Rights Policy Template
11:35 Tạo và cấu hình Site to Zone Assignment List
13:32 Cấu hình local intranet cho từng user
16:33 Kiểm tra việc quản lý truy cập với file .docx Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Remote Desktop Services Licensing Group Policy (GPO)
Use Case: Allowing your RDS server to grab a license so its not in evaluation mode Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Creation of AD RMS Encryption Protection Template & access Denied Assistant GPO (English Audio)
This video shows how to install AD RMS in Windows Server 2008. For more information visit %%. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
39. Installing and Configuring NFS Server role in Windows Server 2019
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Windows Server 70-742: Identity with Windows Server 2016 Complete Video Course covers the five objective domains for the Windows Server 70-742 exam. You learn concepts and see live demonstrations on how to complete administrative tasks associated with Windows Server 2016. Whether you’re new to Windows Server 2016 Identity Services or preparing to take the Microsoft Windows Server 70-742 exam, this course is designed for you.
In this course, you learn how to install, configure, and manage the different services associated with identities in Windows Server 2016, including Active Directory, Group Policies, Certificate Services, and Rights Management Services. You also explore the different post-installation tasks, including configuration of domains and forests; management of users, computers, groups, and organizational units; and configuration of group policies.
Throughout each lesson, trainer and author Brian Alderman works on virtual machines in a lab environment, as you probably will in preparation for the exam. Follow along to get hands-on experience with these tools. The more time you spend actually working with Active Directory in Windows Server 2016, the better your chances will be of passing the exam.
Skill Level
• Familiarity with core networking technologies
• Some IT experience, including exposure to Windows Server, Windows clients, and virtualization
Learn How To
• Install and configure Active Directory Domain Services in simple and complex environments
• Create and manage users, groups, computers, and organizational units in Active Directory Users and Computers (AD UC)
• Manage and maintain Active Directory
• Create and configure group policies
• Manage and apply group policies
• Implement, configure, and manage Active Directory Certificate Services, Federation Services, and Information Rights Management Services
Who Should Take This Course
• Windows Server administrators preparing to take exam 70-742
• IT professionals interested in installing, configuring, and managing identity services in Windows Server 2016 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Windows server 2012 Licensing (Server Licensing & CALs) : Windows Server 2012 Tutorials
✔️В этом видео установим и настроим SMTP-сервер на базе Windows Server 2019.Отправим тестовое письмо, посмотрим как диагностировать корректную работу сервиса.
✔️Команда, которую использовали для отправки почты через PowerShell:
Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer -To ithelp21@ -From Server@ -Subject "Warning!" -Body "Privet"
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iTnews Academy: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 - Hyper-V
Welcome to MVTS,
This video is on fullforms used in windows server 2019
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Hướng dẫn cấu hình AD Rights Management Service (RMS)
Lets get started with Windows Server 2019 RDS (Remote Desktop Services) implementation.
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6426B Module 7 LAB Execise 4 Reconfiguring Active Directory Rights Management Services ADRMS Cluster Settings
just deleting registry key will gives you unlimited trial period of RDS. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Remote Desktop Services Licensing Group Policy (GPO)
Many companies use a Windows server – but often they do not know which access licenses they need for that. Which is the right one? Do I need user CALs, device CALs, RDS CALs? In this video we explain the types of licenses to you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Right Management Server (AD RMS) Session 1 - Concepts of RMS
How it's working, what we need to implement
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ماهى احتياجات عمل السيرفر Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как установить и настроить сервер WSUS на ОС Windows Server 2019 (how to install and setup WSUS on Windows Server 2019):
- выбор базы данных для хранения данных WSUS: внутренняя или внешняя (selection database for store WSUS-data: internal or external)
- выбор типов обновлений (selection types for updates)
- выбор языковых пакетов для обновлений (selection languages for updates)
- выбор программных продуктов для обновлений (selection programs for updates)
- создание групп обновлений (creation groups for updates)
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видео по администрированию вместе с описанием смотри на канале Telegram:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I'll show you how to use AD RMS on a Windows Mobile device. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#Windowsserver2019 Commonly used full forms in Windows server 2019
In this video, we will go through the steps necessary to activate all domain machines using volume activation services.
3:40 - Additionally we will look at how to fix the issue below when trying to deploy an Office 2019 KMS key.
"Invalid product key or license mismatch. Please confirm this product key is entered correctly and is valid for this application or Windows edition."
"Computer" on the title page is by Andrei Yushchenko from the Noun Project.
0:00 Intro
0:20 Install KMS
1:10 Adding Keys into KMS
3:40 Fixing Office 2019 KMS Key Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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