Програмне забезпечення Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac 2019 – комплексний антивірус для платформи Mac блокує і видаляє дратівливу рекламу, гарантує нульовий вплив на швидкість, забезпечує захист нон-стоп з Bitdefender Autopilot, захищає покупки в Інтернеті. Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac захищає Mac від шкідливих програм і забезпечує 24/7 хмарний захист. Завдяки новій функції Safe Files, папки, що мають надзвичайно важливе значення, будуть постійно контролюватися, щоб не відбулося їх зміни неавторизованими додатками.
Bitdefender Antivirus for MAC забезпечує абсолютний захист від нових і невідомих загроз, при цьому не сповільнюючи роботу Mac. Він підключається до передових хмарних технологій BitDefender і миттєво виявляє і блокує загрози, незалежно від того, в якій точці світу вони народжуються.
Захищає резервні копії Time Machine Protection забезпечує підвищену безпеку і запобігає доступ витонченим шкідливим програмам для шифрування або руйнування резервних копій.
Блокує і видаляє роздавальну рекламу Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac виявляє і усуває рекламні, шкідливі програми, небажані панелі інструментів та інші доповнення браузерів, встановлені з або без згоди.
Забезпечує захист нон-стоп з Bitdefender Autopilot Одного разу включений, Autopilot поєднує в собі ряд інноваційних фірмових технологій для автоматичного виявлення і видалення будь-якої загрози, без негативного впливу на швидкості і продуктивності MAC.
Захищає покупки в Інтернеті Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac має особливу анти-фішинг систему, яка сканує веб-сторінки і попереджає при зіткненні з шахрайськими спробами.
Ультрашвидке сканування Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac пропонує швидке сканування і залізний захист від шкідливих програм, не сповільнюючи систему.
Захищає проти Mac і PC шкідливих програм Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac виявляє і видаляє не тільки Mac шкідливі програми, а й шкідливий контент, призначений для Windows.
Надає 24/7 Хмарний захист Підключений до неймовірно потужної хмарної технології, що працює для виявлення і усунення загроз, рішення забезпечує миттєвий захист по всьому світу.
This video helps you download, install & set up Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac if you are using macOS Ventura version 13.0 and later. It also gives you a tour of all must-know features.
Learn more at
► The first thing you'll need to do is open your web browser and visit and sign in with your Bitdefender Central account. Before proceeding with the installation make sure you have a valid subscription in your Central account.
► Select ‘My Devices’ on the sidebar, then click on ‘Install protection’ on your device. Choose ‘Security’. Select ‘This device’, to protect your current Mac. The installation kit will be saved on your Mac.
► Next open your Downloads folder. Double-click the Bitdefender package file to run it. ‘Allow’ if prompted. Click on ‘Continue’ to begin the installation. Click ‘Agree’ after you read and agree to the terms of the software license agreement. Choose ‘Install’. Enter an administrator name and password, then click on ‘Install Software’. Click on ‘OK’. At this point you should see a message about downloading Antivirus for Mac. Let it run.
► After a short wait you will be informed that a Bitdefender system extension has been blocked. This is not an error. Click the ‘Open System Settings button’. The ‘Privacy & Security’ window will pop up. Scroll down to ‘Security’ and press the ‘Allow’ button. Input the name and password of a Mac administrator, then click ‘Unlock’.
► While still in the ‘Privacy & Security’ window scroll up and click on ‘Full Disk Access’. Let's grant access to Bitdefender by enabling these 2 items: Bitdefender & Antivirus for Mac.
► Press ‘Quit & Reopen’, then restart your Mac to complete the setup.
► Congratulations, you have successfully installed Bitdefender on your Mac! If your subscription covers multiple devices make sure to check out our other videos to learn how to install Bitdefender on Windows, smartphones & tablets running Android or iOS.
00:00 Intro
00:17 Download from Bitdefender Central
01:09 Install Bitdefender on macOS Ventura
03:06 Setup & Tour
06:46 Outro
Choose what the experts use. Award-winning cybersecurity you can trust and rely on.
#bitdefender #cybersecurity #install #mac #bitdefendercentral Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Нужно ли ставить антивирус на Mac? Ты будешь в шоке
Нужен ли антивирус для компьютера Apple? Это первый вопрос когда покупаешь компьютер.
Сразу скажу - Нет.
Система Mac OS настолько безопасна, что можешь не переживать о вирусах. Не трать свои деньги на антивирусы, и не засоряй память компьютера. Они еще и снижают производительность твоего компьютера.
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How to install Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac on Monterey & older macOS versions
This is a quick tutorial about how to install and set-up Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac. The whole setup process should take you less than 5 minutes.
► Open your web browser, go to and sign in with your Bitdefender Central account. Before proceeding with the installation make sure you have a valid subscription in your Central account.
► Select ‘My Devices’ on the sidebar, then click on the + button: Install Bitdefender products on your devices. Choose ‘Security’. Select ‘This device’, to protect your current Mac. ‘Allow’ if prompted. The installation kit will be saved on your Mac.
► If you want you can exit your browser at this point. Next open your Downloads folder and double-click the Bitdefender package file to run it. ‘Allow’ if prompted. Click on ‘Continue’ to begin the installation. Click ‘Agree’ after you read and agree to the terms of the software license agreement. Choose ‘Install’. Enter an administrator name and password. Then click on ‘Install Software’. At this point you should see a message about downloading Antivirus for Mac. Let it run.
► If you are installing Bitdefender on High Sierra or a newer macOS version you will be notified that a system extension signed by Bitdefender has been blocked. This is not an error. Click the ‘OK’ button. Next click the ‘Security & Privacy’ link from the setup screen. Click the lock icon at the bottom of the new window that appears. And then enter an administrator name and password to unlock it. Click the ‘Allow’ button.
► Then, if you have Mojave or a more recent macOS version, access the ‘Privacy’ tab, select ‘Full Disk Access’ in the left column and grant access to Bitdefender by checking these 2 boxes: ‘Bitdefender SPSE’ and ‘Antivirus for Mac’. Press ‘Quit & Reopen’, then restart your Mac to complete the setup. You have successfully installed Bitdefender on your Mac.
Choose what the experts use. Award-winning cybersecurity you can trust and rely on. #bitdefender #cybersecurity #install #bitdefendercentral Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
În acest video, vă vom arăta cum să instalați si să configurați Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac. Întregul proces nu ar trebui să dureze mai mult de câteva minute.
► Primul pas este deschiderea Browser-ului web. Accesați și conectați-vă la contul personal Bitdefender Central. Dacă nu aveți cont activ, puteți crea unul în acest moment.
► Selectați ‘Dispozitivele mele’ în partea din stânga sus, apoi faceți click pe ‘Instalare protecție’. Click pe căsuța ‘Protejează acest dispozitiv’, alegeți ‘Eu’ în ecranul următor și selectați opțiunea ‘Permite’ în cazul în care este necesar. Kit-ul de instalare va fi salvat pe Mac-ul dumneavoastră.
► Deschideți fișierul ‘Descărcări’. Faceți dublu-click pe fișierul Bitdefender descărcat și rulați-l. În acest moment puteți închide Browser-ul, pentru a vedea doar interfața de instalare Bitdefender. Click pe ‘Continuă’ pentru a începe instalarea. Alegeți ‘Continuă’ în ecranul următor. Citiți termenii de abonament, iar dacă îi acceptați, faceți click pe butonul ‘Sunt de acord’. Selectați ‘Continuă’. Click pe ‘Instalează’. În acest moment va fi necesar să introduceți un cont și o parolă de administrator, apoi faceți click pe ‘Instalează software-ul’. În acest moment ar trebui să vedeți un mesaj cu privire la descărcarea Antivirus for Mac. Așteptați până este finalizată.
► Click pe butonul ‘Permite’, pentru a primi notificări din partea Bitdefender. Notificările pot include alerte, sunete sau etichete. Permiteți notificări din partea Bitdefender Antivirus for MAC și Bitdefender VPN.
► Dacă instalați Bitdefender pe un sistem macOS High Sierra sau o versiune mai nouă, veți fi notificați că o extensie ‘Bitdefender SRL’ a fost blocată. În fereastra în care este afișat mesajul, faceți click pe ‘Deschide Preferințe Securitate’. Închideți fereastra de instalare și veți vedea ecranul ‘Securitate și Intimitate’. Click pe lacătul din colțul din stânga jos și introduceți un cont și o parolă de administrator. Click pe butonul ‘Permite’, apoi accesați tab-ul ‘Intimitate’ și selectați ‘Acces complet la disc’ în partea din stânga. Vom acorda acces programului Bitdefender bifand căsuțele din dreptul lui: BDLDaemon, BDCoreissues, bdagentd și Antivirus for Mac. Selectați ‘Termină acum’, apoi închideți fereastra ‘Securitate și Intimitate’.
► Bitdefender are acum acces pentru a vă scana și proteja Mac-ul. Instalarea este finalizată cu succes.
00:00 Introducere
00:18 Accesati site-ul Bitdefender Central
00:46 Selectati ‘Instalare protectie’ din meniu
01:12 Salvati si rulati kit-ul de instalare
01:45 Incepeti instalarea produsului Bitdefender
04:18 Descopera functiile produsului
08:55 Incheiere
Alege ce folosesc experții. Securitate cibernetică premiată în care poți avea încredere și pe care te poți baza.
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Давайте сравним самые вострабованные антивирусы для Mac и посмотрим какой из них лучший в 2020 году. Пользуетесь ли вы сами подобным ПО или считаете, что Apple и так достаточно защитила macOS?
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Продвинутый антивирус Bitdefender со множеством дополнительных полезных утилит
В наших видеоуроках мы много рассказывали о безопасности, но ни разу не касались темы антивирусов. Во многом потому что бесплатных хороших не бывает, а платные в принципе все неплохие, кроме одного, но эту темы мы поднимать не будем.
Но сегодня Вова Ломов решил все-таки рассказать об одном антивирусе, потому что во-первых он не просто хороший, но еще и заключает в себе функции ряда сторонних приложений, таких как BoxCryptor, Eraser, LastPass и даже функции VPN сервера; и во-вторых лицензию на него можно приобрести по программе TeploDigital, а значит для НКО это станет недорогим хорошим решением по обеспечению безопасности.
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The misconception that only Windows OS computers need antivirus protection is just that - a misconception. In a world where every connected device is a potential target, even Mac users need to rethink their security.
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Всем привет. Я случайно столкнулся с вирусами на MacOS и заметил это только потому, что у меня заранее стоял антивирус. Поэтому считаю, что антивирус нужен на MacOS и не только, но и на Windows и на Linux. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Total Security- найкращій у світі антивірус БЕЗКОШТОВНО для Українців
Тема которая давно будоражит умы многих маководов - нужно ли устанавливать антивирус на Mac OS.
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BEST ANTIVIRUS for Mac | Do you even need macOS antivirus?
🧨 Protect your macOS device with BEST ANTIVIRUS deals 🧨
✅ Try Norton now ➡️
✅ Try TotalAV now ➡️
If you’re searching for the best antivirus for mac, then you’re in the right place! The best antivirus mac 2022 picks will keep your Mac protected in a day and age where cyber-attacks are more frequent than ever. But it's important to choose one with all the capabilities you ACTUALLY need.
In this video, I will share all the most affordable options on the antivirus for macOS market.
🧨 Norton 360 – best premium macOS antivirus protection ➡️
Now, let’s kick off this mac antivirus review with a hall of fame – Norton 360! You may already recognize this one because it’s a renowned antivirus that’s been around for decades. Even though it may be better known for PC, Norton for MacOS is powerful as well, guys. It’s able to detect sophisticated malware on your mac because it uses an extensive malware database. Also, Norton360 is proactive about mac malware removal by using machine learning tools to quarantine suspected virus threats.
✔ AI-powered protection against malware, spyware & ransomware
✔ Norton Secure VPN
✔ PC file backup
✔ 9/10 protection rate against malware in our testing
🧨 Intego – truly Mac-centered antivirus software ➡️
Now, Intego antivirus for mac is another favorite of mine. It’s also got a longstanding presence in the antivirus world and it's not hard to see why. The security features include a Virus Barrier that scans and protects your files in real-time against malware. When using Intego I didn’t have to worry about lingering viruses. The Virus Barrier also lets me scan my iOS device when I connect my Mac via Bluetooth; a little workaround for the lack of an iOS application.
✔ Real-time protection - Virus Barrier
✔ “Washing Machine” optimization feature
✔ Built-in custom firewall
✔ 6/10 protection rate against malware in our testing
🧨 Bitdefender – all-in-one Mac antivirus product ➡️
The next mac antivirus 2022 contender is Bitdefender for MacOS! If you’re a CyberNews regular, you know I am a fan of this one already. However, testing it out specifically for Mac really reminded me of its mac virus removal powers.
✔ Real-time protection
✔ Advanced threat defense
✔ Web attack prevention
✔ Anti-spam & Anti-phishing
✔ SafePay
✔ 10/10 protection rate against malware in our testing
Do I need antivirus on a Mac?
Generally speaking, yes, you do need an antivirus on a Mac. It prevents the infiltration of ransomware, malware, spyware, and any unwanted program. Here are the reasons why you should consider getting an antivirus in the first place:
✔ It will protect your device from malware attacks since the growth of malicious software for Mac surpassed Windows several years ago.
✔ Antivirus software prevents phishing and scams. A robust Mac antivirus program usually has built-in web protection tools or a dedicated browser extension to block malicious sites.
✔ Virus removal tools ensure privacy protection. Advanced security suites offer multiple layers of protection, like VPN services, and dark web monitoring.
Do Macs have built-in antivirus?
Yes. All Macs have built-in antivirus functionality in their File Quarantine. It's called Xprotect, and it was included on all systems, starting with macOS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. It didn't go anywhere, and now it's counting almost a decade of being the first barrier to your system's protection.
00:00 Intro
0:33 Is Norton good for Mac users?
2:14 Intego - a Mac-focused antivirus, but does it work?
3:59 Mac Bitdefender review, all you have to know
5:46 MacKeeper, surprisingly good, or very lackluster?
6:58 Surfshark Antivirus for Mac - a surprisingly good option
8:18 Conclusion
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Для всех, кто качает софт под macOS из интернета. Проверка на вирусы
Для всех, кто качает софт под macOS из интернета. Проверка на вирусы
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In this tutorial, we will show how to uninstall Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac in just a few steps. Open Finder → Applications → Bitdefender folder → Bitdefender Uninstaller. Learn more at
Choose what the experts use. Award-winning cybersecurity you can trust and rely on!
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Владислав Волконский отвечает на вопрос: Нужно ли устанавливать антивирус на MAC OS ?
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Антивирус Bitdefender Free Как скачать, настроить, пользоваться?
Подробно о том, как скачать, установить и пользоваться антивирусом Bitdefender. Подпишитесь на канал, нажимайте: Включите колокольчик, чтобы узнать о новом видео.
Добавим в исключения, рассмотрим удаление вирусов.
1️⃣ Скачать антивирус Bitdefender:
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Спасибо за просмотры, лайки, подписку, колокольчики и комментарии!
ТАЙМКОДЫ, жми на время:
00:00 Вступление
01:37 Где скачать и как установить?
03:07 Как создать аккаунт Bitdefender?
04:10 Основные настройки и использование
07:24 Как добавить в исключения Битдефендер?
09:27 Как удалить вирусы?
11:54 Как удалить Bitdefender?
Внимание! Автор видео, Евгений Юртаев, не несёт ответственности за то, что вы, или третьи лица, делаете со своим компьютером ли ноутбуком.
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Best Antivirus for Mac | Do You Even Need macOS Antivirus?
Do you need macOS antivirus? Protect your Mac like a pro! Discover the best antivirus for macOS and find out if you really need it. Stay safe from online threats!
👉 Get Bitdefender ➜
👉 Get Intego ➜
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Do you need macOS antivirus? Protect your Mac like a pro! Discover the best antivirus for macOS and find out if you really need it. Stay safe from online threats!
Hi, everyone, and welcome back to the channel. Today, we’ll be looking at one of the bigger urban legends in the computer security world - antivirus for Mac. As much as people say that you won’t get ‘infected’ with an Apple computer, the truth is that criminals have long since begun attacking Macs, and are always looking for new ways to get into your computer. You’re in luck, though, because there are plenty of options on the market to keep your Apple device safe. I’ve given all of these a try and will be laying out for you piece by piece how each one is stacked up. But before we get started, you should know that I’m not being sponsored by any of these services in any way - my tests included paying for them the same way you would. But I still managed to get a link for you that can save you up to 67% on Bitdefender’s first year, so be sure to check that out in the description below. All right, let’s jump in. So, folks, let's dive right into this Mac antivirus review, starting with a real heavyweight, Norton 360. I'm sure many of you have heard of it, as it's been a trusted antivirus for decades. With a huge variety of internet security tools and anti-malware defense mechanisms, Norton’s one of the best on the market with excellent features that include web protection, parental controls, a VPN, a smart firewall, and an AI-driven system to detect and remove malware. You also have the option to give it a go without any risk, thanks to a generous 60-day money-back guarantee. Though it’s mainly known for its prowess on PCs, Norton holds its own on macOS too. One of Norton's strengths is its ability to leverage comprehensive protection proactively by detecting even the most sophisticated malware on your Mac. It employs machine learning tools to identify and quarantine potential virus threats. Plus, Norton's data breach settings are pretty impressive. You'll be notified if your data’s been leaked, thanks to their advanced dark web monitoring feature. It's a great way to keep your sensitive information secure. And you know what’s the best part? The whole scanning process took just five minutes. Now, that's some solid protection right there! That said, one downside to Norton is that you won't find Norton's top-tier Mac antivirus for free, though they do have a seven-day free trial. Their plans start at just under $20 per year and can go up to around $100. So, you can unlock additional cool features, such as dark-web monitoring, parental controls, webcam protection, and more, as you go up the price ladder. But, considering the breadth of features Norton offers, I find these prices pretty reasonable. So, overall, with a vast range of excellent features, Norton 360 is undoubtedly one of the best premium antivirus options overall for Mac users. Now, when it comes to pricing, you have a couple of options. If you opt for a one-month subscription, it's just under $15 at the moment. However, I highly recommend going for the annual subscription, which is around $60. It offers better value for your money in the long run. So, to sum it up, Surfshark Antivirus is an affordable and versatile antivirus solution. Though it lacks additional features like parental controls and system clean-up tools, with its comprehensive protection and the added bonus of a top-tier VPN, it's a solid choice for anyone looking to safeguard their Mac. To bottle it all up, Norton will top my list of best overall antivirus on the market. BitDefender, being a feature-rich antivirus, is a close second. Intego is a good option if you want customizable malware-protection for your Mac. Then, MacKeeper is excellent for malware-protection and optimization of your MacBook Air or MacBook Pro. And finally, Surfshark, clubbed with its VPN, is a great option for beginners. Alright, we’ll call it a wrap there, folks. I do hope this has given you some insight into both the security risks for Apple devices and the protection plans available for them. If you found this helpful, the best way to say thank you is by liking this video and subscribing to the channel. If you decide to give these programs a try, don’t forget to use that discount link in the description to get 67% off your first year. Feel free to reach out in the comments section if you want to share your own experiences with these softwares. That’s all for now, and I’ll see you in the next video. Thanks for watching!
Hope you enjoyed my Best Antivirus for Mac | Do You Even Need macOS Antivirus? Video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here are the 7 best truly free antiviruses for mac to prevent any security breach. Because malicious websites and vulnerable Wi-Fi networks can also jeopardize your safety. From Malwarebytes to Avast antivirus, we have piled up the seven best truly free antiviruses that you can try on your Mac.
Free Antivirus for Mac List:
7. Malwarebytes
6. Comodo
5. Bitdefender Virus Scanner
4. AVG Antivirus
3. Sophos Home
2. Avira
1. Avast
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Anti-Virus for MacBook (MacOS)
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Как Установить Антивирус в 2022? Какой антивирус лучше для Windows 10, 11?
Вы узнаете, какой антивирус лучше на данный момент, как установить бесплатный антивирус, а также сравним сторонние антивирусы и защитник Windows в 2022 году.
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00:00 Какой антивирус лучше? Как узнать?
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01:50 Защитник Windows лучше или хуже других?
02:57 О безопасности данных на диске
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05:25 Как установить бесплатный антивирус Avira?
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Обзор антивирус Bitdefender Free Edition | Скачать и установить
Обзор антивирус Bitdefender. Скачать и установить антивирус Bitdefender
Скачать антивирус битдефендер и установить антивирус Bitdefender. Антивирус Bitdefender обзор , как я его скачал и установил. Битдефендер антивирус обзор на windows 10.
Bitdefender антивирус конечно хороший, но трудно его полностью удалить. Но можно его и оставить. Bitdefender антивирус для компьютера абсолютно бесплатно с официального сайта. Bitdefender для компьютера есть и платный. Но этот антивирус Bitdefender бесплатно.
скачать антивирус Bitdefender
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The misconception that only Windows OS computers need antivirus protection is just that - a misconception.
In a world where every connected device is a potential target, even Mac users need to rethink their security.
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Choose what the experts use. Award-winning cybersecurity you can trust and rely on.
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Comment désinstaller Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac
Bienvenue dans cette vidéo d'information Bitdefender ! Aujourd'hui, nous allons voir comment il est possible de désinstaller Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac. Quelle que soit la version de macOS et votre niveau d'expertise technique, la désinstallation Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac est une chose facile à faire : exécutez Bitdefender Uninstaller qui se trouve dans le dossier /Applications/Bitdefender/
Pour en savoir plus rendez-vous sur
► Ouvrez tout d'abord le dossier Applications de votre Mac. Pour ce faire, cliquez sur l'icône Finder dans le Dock, puis sur Applications dans la barre latérale de la fenêtre Finder.
► Si l'icône du Finder qui ressemble à un visage bleu souriant ne se trouve pas dans le Dock, cliquez sur une zone vide de votre bureau. Ensuite, cliquez sur Aller dans la barre de menu et sélectionnez Applications.
► Dans la fenêtre Applications, ouvrez le dossier Bitdefender et double-cliquez sur l'icône Bitdefender Uninstaller.
► Une fenêtre s'ouvre alors. Cochez la case Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac. Pour désinstaller également Bitdefender VPN, cochez les deux cases.
► Cliquez ensuite sur le bouton Désinstaller pour lancer le processus de désinstallation.
► Saisissez le mot de passe administrateur de votre Mac lorsqu'il vous est demandé et validez par OK.
► Attendez que le processus se termine, puis cliquez sur Fermer.
00:00 Intro
00:30 Ouvrez le dossier Applications
00:58 Ouvrez le dossier Bitdefender
01:51 Outro
Choisissez une solution de sécurité primée sur laquelle vous pouvez compter. Faites le choix des experts !
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08 Тест январь 2023 - Bitdefender Internet Security
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Is Bitdefender still good in 2023? | Bitdefender review
🧨 Bitdefender has still good prices in 2023 🧨
✅ *SAVE 63%* with our BITDEFENDER deal ➡️
Since 2001, Bitdefender has established itself as one of the best antivirus options on the market. But with new threats appearing on the internet every day - does Bitdefender still hold up? I think it’s time for an updated Bitdefender review, 2023 edition.
🔑 Is Bitdefender easy to use?
The installation isn’t the quickest, but it’s not complicated either. Overall, the app is easy to navigate, and all of the main sections are neatly categorized. While the Bitdefender for mac app is great, I can’t really recommend Bitdefender for iOS users. The iPhone version can scan for vulnerabilities, but besides that, it ONLY has a data breach checker, browsing protection and a limited VPN.
🔎 Malware tests
I planted 10 malicious files on my PC and ran a full scan, with real-time protection turned off. My Bitdefender 2023 scan caught 9 out of 10 threats. It took around 17 minutes, but it wasn’t super heavy on my computer resources, so I’m happy about that.
🔦 Bitdefender security features
Besides the basic system scan options, I found quite a few more useful functions. There’s the fancy-named Advanced Threat Defense and a vulnerability scan. The security bundle also includes a Ransomware mitigation tool, which I used to create backups of my most important files.
✏️ Additional Bitdefender features
I found a VPN and a password manager, so it’s a good option if you want to check off all 3 boxes at once. The password manager is fine and dandy, there’s nothing bad and nothing really unique about it - it does the job well. However, I’m not a huge fan of the Bitdefender VPN. If you get it with the cheaper antivirus plan, there’s a 200MB data limit, which can run out in one browsing session. To be able to fully experience this tool, you’re gonna have to invest in the premium version.
Final thoughts ➡️
As an antivirus, Bitdefender is a strong contender. It’s easy to use, provides great protection against all kinds of malware, and adds tons of value with useful features. I would like to see a more full-fledged iOS version and at least a little bit of a higher data limit on their VPN, but that’s things I can forgive. If you’re planning to get this provider - you have my stamp of approval.
00:00 Intro
0:32 Is Bitdefender easy to use?
1:14 Bitdefender malware testing
2:28 Main Bitdefender features
3:24 Additional features for everyday use
5:29 Does Bitdefender free version still exist?
5:57 Which Bitdefender plan provides the most value?
6:28 The final verdict - is Bitdefender worth it?
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We are affiliated but not sponsored by any service provider. This means we may receive a small commission when you click on the provided links, but keep our reviews to be legit.
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I Compared Top Antivirus To Find The Best Antivirus For Mac 2023
🧨 Protect your macOS device with BEST ANTIVIRUS deals 🧨
✅ Try TotalAV now ➡️
✅ Try Norton now ➡️
Today I’ll offer up tried and tested antivirus for Mac solutions that not only have advanced protection but they all also scored remarkably well in testing.
Hear me out, whilst not as popular as some other providers on the market, TotalAV has made my best antivirus list mainly for their glowing independent testing institute scores. To give a little perspective, anything above 98% for malware detection is good, but TotalAV got 100%.
✔ Cheap
✔ Multiple device plans
✔ 10/10 malware detection
✔ Real-time protection
X No firewall
Again, Norton has a solid reputation, full marks in each category from AV test labs, and even meets the industry average when it comes to 4-week-old malware detection.
✔ AI-powered protection against malware, spyware & ransomware
✔ Norton Secure VPN
✔ PC file backup
✔ 10/10 protection rate against malware in our testing
✔ Firewall
X No free plan
Not only did Bitdefender have consistent CPU usage during my Mac malware removal, but it also detected all of the planted threats too. That didn’t surprise me too much though, with full marks from independent testing institutes, and even being titled “product of the year” more times than any other provider.
✔ Low system resources
✔ Feature-rich
✔ Highly awarded
X No firewall
0:00 Intro
0:28 TotalAV: cheap & multiple device option
1:29 TotalAV vs malware
2:43 Value for the money
3:13 Norton: advanced security option & quick scans
5:18 Bitdefender: Highly awarded/low resources
7:03 Worth the cost?
7:30 Additional recommendations
9:57 Should you invest?
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We are affiliated but not sponsored by any service provider. This means we may receive a small commission when you click on the provided links, but keep our reviews to be legit.
Footage provided by Envato Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What is the best antivirus for Mac in 2020?
Download CleanMyMac X free edition here:
See our review for best antivirus solutions for Mac
1. CleanMyMac X
2. Bitdefender
3. Intego antivirus
4. Norton AntiVirus Plus
5. Trend Micro
6. Sophos Home
7. AVG
Our rating of popular macOS antiviruses:
00:00 - Intro
00:35 - What’s the difference between virus and malware?
01:07 - CleanMyMac X
02:17 - Bitdefender
02:55 - Intego antivirus
04:00 - Norton AntiVirus Plus
04:59 - Trend Micro
05:48 - Sophos Home
06:36 - AVG
07:26 - Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Почему не стоит использовать бесплатный антивирус в 2021 году? Какие тайны скрывают Антивирус Касперского, Avast, McAfee, ProtonVPN и другие сервисы, которые вроде как должны обеспечивать безопасность и конфиденциальность пользователей? Действительно ли на просторах интернета популярен антивирус, который заражает компьютер пользователя... вирусами? Приятного просмотра, финальный ответ на вопрос "Стоит ли удалять антивирусы и бесплатный VPN" остаётся за вами.
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Тест июль 2022 - Bitdefender Antivirus Free для Windows
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Bitdefender Antivirus Free:
Видео от года.
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Как удалить антивирус Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition полностью с компьютера
Как удалить антивирус Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition полностью с компьютера с помощью программы для удаления программ Revo Uninstaller без оставщихся файлов и следов от антивируса. Жмите на слово ЕЩЁ ↓↓
Лучший бесплатный антивирус Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition:
Программа для удаления программ Revo Uninstaller:
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Видео обзор, как удалить антивирус Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition смотрите здесь:
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Unboxing Bitdefender Antivirus 2018
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Dans cette vidéo, nous allons voir comment installer et configurer la solution de sécurité Bitdefender sur Mac. L'ensemble du processus devrait prendre moins de 5 minutes.
► Lancez votre navigateur internet et allez sur et connectez-vous à votre compte Bitdefender Central. Si vous n'avez pas déjà de compte Bitdefender, vous pouvez créer le vôtre.
► Avant de procéder à l'installation il est indispensable de vous assurer qu'un abonnement valide est actif dans votre compte Bitdefender Central. Si vous avez besoin d’aide, consultez ce tutoriel ‘Comment active votre abonnement Bitdefender’.
► Randez-vous dans la section ‘Mes appareils’, puis cliquez sur le bouton + pour ‘Installer des produits Bitdefender sur vos appareils’. Si votre abonnement offre une protection pour plusieurs appareils, vous pouvez utiliser le bouton pour installer Bitdefender sur d’autres appareils: PC, Mac, Android et iOS.
► Dans la nouvelle fenêtre, choisir ‘Sécurité’ si vous êtes actuellement sur l'appareil que vous voulez protéger. Choisissez l'option ‘Cet appareil’. Sinon, cliquez ‘Autres appareils’ pour envoyer un lien d'installation par mail ou message direct.
► Cliquez sur ‘Autorisé’ si nécessaire. Le kit d'installation va être sauvgardé sur votre Mac.
► Fermez le navigateur Internet pour voir uniquement la fenêtre d'installation de Bitdefender à l'écran.
► Ouvrez ensuite le dossier ‘Téléchargements’, exécutez le fichier d'installation de Bitdefender et double-cliquez ‘Autoriser’. Cliquez sur le bouton ‘Continuer’ pour démarrer l'installation. Cliquez sur ‘Accepter’ après avoir lu les ‘Conditions d'utilisation de l'abonnement’. Cliquez sur ‘Installer’. Entrez le mot de passe administrateur de votre Mac, ensuite cliquez sur ‘Installer le logiciel’.
► À ce moment vous verrez apparaître une fenêtre à propos du téléchargement d'antivirus for Mac. Laissez le téléchargement se dérouler.
► Si vous installez Bitdefender sur High Sierra ou sur une version plus récente de macOS,vous recevrez une alerte de blocage d'une extension système Bitdefender. Ce n'est pas une erreur. Cliquez sur ‘OK’ depuis la fenêtre de dialogue, puis cliquez sur 'Sécurité et confidentialité' depuis l'écran de configuration. Vous verrez apparaître la fenêtre ‘Sécurité et confidentialité’. Cliquez sur l'icône du cadenas pour le déverrouiller. Ensuite entrez votre mot de passe administrateur. Cliquez sur le bouton ‘Autoriser’, puis cliquez sur l'onglet ‘Confidentialité’. Cliquez sur ‘Accès complet au disque’ dans la colonne de gauche. Autorisons l'accès à Bitdefender en cochant les cases: et Antivirus for Mac. Cliquez sur ‘Quitter et rouvrir’.
► Redémarrez votre Mac pour terminer l'installation.
► Et voilà votre Mac est maintenant protégé. L'installation est terminée.
00:00 Introduction
00:17 Lancez votre navigateur internet
00:30 Allez sur Bitdefender Central
01:13 Installer des produits Bitdefender
04:40 Présentation du produit
08:53 Outro
Choisissez une solution de sécurité primée sur laquelle vous pouvez compter. Faites le choix des experts!
#bitdefender #cybersécurité #installer #abonnement Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
● Курс “Профессия Специалист по кибербезопасности” от Skillbox —
● В этом ролике: Выбираем лучший антивирус тестируя его на огромном паке с вирусами. Так же поговорим о том, нужно ли использовать антивирус в 2021 году. Сложно однозначно ответить на этот вопрос, поэтому я решил провести масштабное тестирование самых популярных антивирусов (Windows Defender, Avast и Kaspersky), на огромном паке тестовых вирусов. В моём распоряжении оказалось около 1500 штук тестовых вирусов, на которые антивирусы отреагировали ну прям очень своеобразно...
А еще Игорь Овер @overbafer1 прислал мне подарок на ДР и я наконец-то распаковал его, юху! Передавайте ему от меня привет!
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● В ролике "Огромный пак вирусов vs. Антивирусы | Минус система? | Лучший антивирус | UnderMind" - я рассказываю вам о том, нужен ли антивирус. Конечно сложно однозначно ответить на этот вопрос, ведь вирусы (да и в принципе любое вредоносное ПО, такое как Трояны, майнеры, бэкдоры, стиллеры и кейлоггеры), окружают нас буквально всюду. Порой сразу сложно понять, есть ли вирус в JPG картинке или его нет. Произошел ли спуффинг расширений файла, или это действительно тот файл, каким кажется. В общем, этот ролик поможет вам стать более внимательными при работе за компьютером, потому-что если вы не знаете как удалить вирус с компьютера, вам лучше заранее избегать встречи с такой неприятной штуковиной. К слову, удалить вирус с компьютера иногда тоже достаточно сложно. Особенно, если этот вирус (ну, или троян) прописался глубоко в системе. В самом плохом случае потребуется переустановка Windows с флешки и решение других неприятностей, таких как восстановление утраченных данных и т.д.Поэтому, старайтесь не открывать незнакомые файлы. Качайте игры и программы только с надежных источников. Игры со стима, а программы только с официальных сайтов. Никаких торрентов! Так же не открывайте файлы от незнакомых людей, даже если с виду это обычная JPG картинка или текстовый документ.
● Всё тестирование в ролике проводится дипломированным специалистом в области Информационной Безопасности. Тестирование производится в специальной безопасной изолированной системе (песочнице). Данный ролик носит образовательный характер с точки зрения информационной безопасности, и призван повысить Вашу бдительность при обеспечении защиты информации.
● Данный ролик - художественный вымысел автора, монтаж, фотошоп и постанова. Всё рассказанное в ролике - является авторской выдумкой. Всё происходящее в видео - выполнено используя монтаж, и к реальной жизни не имеет никакого отношения.
● Дополнительные хештеги: #антивирус #вирусология #кали #линукс #ubuntu #wifi #компьютер #pc #undermind #under #mind #андер #андермайнд Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to uninstall Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac when the standard uninstaller doesn't work
This method of uninstalling Antivirus for Mac is a workaround for the situations when the Bitdefender Uninstaller fails or doesn’t exist.
If you have a backup disk we advise you to make a fresh copy before proceeding. You can find out more by accessing the article included into the description of this video:
How to create a backup using the Time Machine:
► To start uninstalling Antivirus for Mac restart your device and press ‘Command R’ during the restart until you see the Apple logo. By doing this your Mac will boot from the recovery partition. Choose your desired language if you're prompted to do so then click on the arrow at the bottom to continue.
► The first screen you will see will be the ‘Utilities window’. Select ‘Disk Utility’ and click ‘Continue’. Now select your startup disk.
► If it's not already mounted click the ‘Mount’ option and type your password if necessary. If it's mounted, you will see the ‘Unmount’ option in which case you can move to the next step.
► Quit ‘Disk Utility’, then click on the ‘Utilities’ option from the menu bar and select ‘Terminal’. Here we will type a set of commands. We will type the command first. Then press ‘Space’ and then we will type the argument which in this case will be the full path of the items we wish to work with.
► Remember to double check the command and argument and press ‘Enter’ only after you wrote the full path. For starters we will use the LS command to make sure the startup disk is mounted. Type the line displayed on the screen and hit ‘Enter’. Keep in mind that there is a space between LS and the first slash. If you see the startup disk you may proceed to the next step.
► To avoid any mistakes use the autocomplete feature on your Mac. In this case you can type LS /Vol and then press ‘Tab’ key and the computer will fill in the rest of the argument. Now check if you have the SelfPprotect KEXT in the Extensions folder. Type the line displayed on the screen: LS /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Library/Extensions/. As you can see, there's a backslash and a space between Macintosh and HD. This is because the startup disk name has two words.
► After locating the SelfProtect kext extension use the rm -rf command to delete it. Add the command displayed on the screen: rm –rf /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Library/Extensions/. Again, there is a space between the command rm -rf and the first slash. If you accidentally mistype it would be better to delete the entire string and write it from the beginning instead of correcting it.
► After that, check if the process has been completed successfully by typing again the LS command used to look at the extension. To speed things up you can use the up and down keys on your keyboard to navigate to previous commands.
► Check if you have the Bitdefender folder and remove it by typing the three commands that will be displayed on the screen. Don't forget to press ‘Enter’ after each line, only after you make sure the command is complete and correct.
► The Bitdefender folder has been removed. Restart in normal mode by clicking on the Apple logo in the menu bar and selecting ‘Restart’.
00:00 Intro
00:27 Restart your Mac by following these steps
00:50 Select ‘Disk Utility’ from the first screen
01:12 Go to ‘Terminal’ and type these commands
02:27 Use the delete command
02:59 Check if you have Bitdefender folder
03:43 Restart in normal mode
Choose what the experts use. Award-winning cybersecurity you can trust and rely on.
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Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools - Support log for macOS
Learn how to generate Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools Support log on macOS.
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Bitdefender 2018 Total Security Full Review by TPSC.
P.S: Use the coupon code "TPSCBitdefender" to get 50% off. Link:
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In this video, I’m going to review the best antivirus programs for Mac.
Get CleanMyMac X for free & scan your Mac for all types of malware:
The top best antivirus apps in 2022:
CleanMyMac X
Trend Micro
Check out the list of top trusted antivirus apps for Mac:
00:00 - Intro
00:10 - What’s the difference between malware and virus
00:48 - CleanMyMac X
01:33 - Intego
02:33 - Bitdefender
03:33 - Kaspersky
04:21 - Trend Micro
04:59 - Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Лучший Бесплатный Антивирус 2022 ✅ Какой самый быстрый и легкий Антивирус для ПК в 2022 году✅
Лучший бесплатный антивирус в 2022 году для Windows 10, 11, 8.1 и Windows 7. Где скачать бесплатный антивирус и как настроить? В этом видео я расскажу про лучший на мой взгляд антивирус из бесплатных. Речь идет про антивирус Касперского и именно про бесплатную его версию.(да такая есть!)
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Bitdefender review | My search for the best antivirus 2023
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Bitdefender is undoubtedly a leading antivirus software at the moment – and a fan-favorite as well. But for this Bitdefender review, I want to look past the glowing independent testing scores or the devoted fan base. I’ll share some insights about Bitdefender's features, capabilities, and overall effectiveness.
🔑 Bitdefender plans
The cheapest plans, Antivirus Plus and Bitdefender Internet Security are Windows-exclusive. With the Internet security plan, the only things you’ll miss out on are the anti-theft feature and the One-click optimizer. The Bitdefender Total Security plan will cover both of these features, and it will also work on all device types.
🔎 Malware tests
If you’re not new to this channel, you know that each time I review the best antivirus options, I do my own testing. So, once again, I planted 10 malicious files onto my PC and ran a full scan. The scan wasn’t heavy on my CPU, though I’d still recommend leaving your PC alone while the Bitdefender vs viruses battle is ongoing. This time, the Bitdefender 2023 scan caught 9 out of 10 threats.
🔦 Anti-ransomware tools
As it’s fit for a proper antivirus, Bitdefender also has Ransomware remediation tools. I was able to create backups of the files I deem the most important. I did a separate ransomware test some time ago, and it got the perfect protection score, 10 out of 10 ransomware files were caught.
✏️ Bitdefender features
Within the apps, there’s a lot more going on than just malware scans - there’s advanced threat protection, a rescue environment scan for tricky malware, a privacy firewall as well as web Protection & anti-spam tools. There’s also Parental controls and a handy system optimization feature. I cover all of these in detail in the video.
Bitdefender isn’t just a candidate for the best antivirus 2023, it also has a VPN and a password manager. The password manager is a solid and pretty simple tool. The VPN has a nice amount of servers and a good country coverage, but it only has one tunneling protocol and a data limit of 200MB per day.
Final thoughts ➡️
Bitdefender has robust security and it’s also simple to use. Sure, I’d like them to improve their iOS version, or get a higher data limit on their VPN. But overall, Bitdefender is deservingly one of the best antivirus 2023 options.
00:00 Intro
0:22 Plans and pricing
1:48 Malware protection testing
3:00 Advanced threat protection
3:09 Rescue environment scan - for tricky malware
3:18 Vulnerability scan
3:33 Ransomware remediation
4:08 Privacy firewall
4:19 Web Protection & Anti-spam
4:37 Parental controls
5:00 System optimization
5:23 VPN & Password manager
6:07 Additional features
7:01 Different apps & ease of use
8:24 Is Bitdefender worth it?
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🧨 Best antivirus for MAC | Get yours NOW 🧨
✅ Avira — we have a DEAL ➡️
✅ Norton — we have a DEAL ➡️
In this video about our top choices for Mac antivirus you will find our opinions on the best options when we talk about Mac protection with antivirus software. We have tried and tested several virus protection programs for your Apple computer, so - you don't need to do it by yourself. In our video we cover these important categories: Premium antiviruses, lightweight antiviruses, free antiviruses, pricing, features and many more things that are important when choosing the right virus protection for you Mac. If you are curious about which market leaders we'll cover, you can expect thorough analysis on top-dogs like: Norton 360, Avira, MacAfee, TotalAV and Intego.
→ Best premium antivirus protection
→ Machine-learning to detect new threats
→ Fully-featured antivirus software
→ Extensive database
🏆 NORTON deal ➡️
→ Great protection against most cyberthreats
→ Protection against phishing scams
→ VPN included
🚀 AVIRA deal ➡️
Is a free version enough?
You might be wondering if a free version is enough to safeguard your mac? Well, for the best possible experience and strongest protection, it’s best to cough up the few dollars a month for a solid paid subscription. Not only do they offer a fantastic suite of additional features to fill out your cybersecurity arsenal, they often provide better customer support in case something serious happens. Regardless, any protection is better than no protection, and as cyber attacks become more sophisticated by the day, so should your countermeasures!
0:00 intro
0:31 Are Macs better protected than PCs?
1:35 Best lightweight antivirus? #5 TotalAV
2:27 Best online threat protection? #4 McAfee
3:19 Best Mac exclusive antivirus? #3 Intego
4:17 Best premium antivirus protection? #2 Norton 360
5:23 Best overall Mac antivirus? #1 Avira
6:33 Is a free antivirus enough?
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“We are affiliated but not sponsored by any service provider. This means we may receive a small commission when you click on the provided links, but keep our reviews to be legit.”
*Prices are subject to change due to location and frequent discounts
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Bitdefender Total Security Review & TUTORIAL [EASY GUIDE]
🧨 Protecting your device was never easier with such a DEAL 🧨
✅ Get Bitdefender now 62% OFF ➡️
Bitdefender is constantly topping up charts in the antivirus world, but all of those awards don’t say much about how to USE Bitdefender, do they?
Today, I’m gonna do a Bitdefender tutorial, 2022 style - from how to install it to how to get the most out of your plan.
🔎 Quick overview 🔎
According to the latest AV-Test, Bitdefender 2022 version blocked 100% of threats. Of course, I did my own testing too, as I do for any antivirus. Out of the 10 malicious files I planted onto my device, Bitdefender found and removed 9 of them. So yes, it works, that’s a pretty good result compared to Windows Defender, which, detected zero threats in my most recent testing.
💻 Installation process & app overview 💻
The first step of this Bitdefender Total Security tutorial 2022 was to install the app itself. It took around 10 minutes, though in previous downloads it took me only 4 so it could be more of an internet issue this time. That aside, despite the abundance of features, the Windows and Mac versions are fairly simple to use. The apps look about the same, the main difference is that I found a bit more features on the Windows version.
🔦 Navigating through the features 🔦
In the dashboard, I can add or remove stuff for quick access. That shield in the corner shows your device's health.
You can perform the scans right from the dashboard, so super easy to manage. What I tend to do is have the real-time protection always running. It catches viruses, Trojans, worms, ransomware, yada yada – all the more advanced threats of the internet.
In the protection section, from here, I can turn on things like Antispam or the Firewall.
In the privacy tab you can see their own VPN, which comes with the Bitdefender Total Security 2022 plan. In all honesty, the VPN is lackluster, compared to standalone apps at least.
Also in the privacy tab, I can toggle with Anti-tracker settings. I can LAO set up video and audio protection from this tab, that’s something even the Mac version doesn’t yet have. It doesn’t have parental controls either, among a few other things.
✏️ The mobile apps ✏️
To be fair, the discrepancies between Android and iOS are pretty significant. I honestly think that the iOS version isn’t the best option on the market, it’s basically just a data checker with a very limited VPN. This kinda falls down to the built-in protection Apple already offers.
But, after my Bitdefender antivirus review for Android, I was quite impressed. There’s a proper Dashboard and a Malware scanner, I also found Web Protection - all things a proper antivirus should offer. I was even pleasantly surprised to find the Anti-theft and Share-protection features here.
Final thoughts ➡️
I truly think or at least hope, that after this Bitdefender Total Security 2022 review & tutorial, you’ll have no problems using the app. Which plan you pick is completely up to you, so hopefully, this Bitdefender review made your choice a bit easier too.
00:00 Intro
0:22 Is Bitdefender any good?
0:45 Bitdefender testing results
1:42 Installing Bitdefender Total Security
2:00 First look at the apps
2:38 Dashboard & running scans
3:07 Inspection of the protection section
3:24 Privacy settings
4:22 Bitdefender for iOS kind of sucks
4:35 Bitdefender for Android is pretty great
5:26 What other Bitdefender Antivirus plans are there?
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We are affiliated but not sponsored by any service provider. This means we may receive a small commission when you click on the provided links, but keep our reviews to be legit.
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Привет! Вирус-майнер — это вредоносная программа, использующая ресурсы зараженного компьютера для добычи (майнинга) криптовалюты.
Программы для майнинга можно общо разделить на легальные и нелегальные. В первом случае они свободно и открыто распространяются, пользователь вправе установить их самостоятельно, если он заинтересован в криптовалютных операциях. В других случаях майнер создается именно как вредоносная программа, работающая в скрытом режиме без ведома пользователя.
Жертвой несанкционированного майнинга может стать и обычный домашний пользователь, и сотрудник организации. В каком-то смысле корпоративные пользователи даже более интересны злоумышленнику, потому что в масштабах целой компании трудно заметить некоторые симптомы вроде повышенного потребления электричества. Майнер нагружает вычислительные ресурсы устройства, может приводить к перегреву компонентов и их преждевременному выходу из строя.
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Looking for the best antivirus for Mac? Here're the top antivirus software for macOS in 2022 👇 (official links)
🏆 #1 Norton 360 Deluxe (70% off):
👉 #2 Bitdefender Total Security (50% off):
👉 #3 McAfee Total Protection (50% off):
👉 #4 Malwarebytes Premium (40% off):
👉 #5 BullGuard Internet Security (50% off):
00:00 Intro
02:45 BullGuard Internet Security
04:31 Malwarebytes Premium
06:26 McAfee Total Protection
08:46 Bitdefender Total Security
10:29 Norton 360 Deluxe
12:05 Summary
In this video, we have covered the five best antivirus products available for Mac users. These are Norton 360 Deluxe, Bitdefender Total Security, McAfee Total Protection, Malwarebytes Premium, and BullGuard Internet Security.
We have ranked these products based on five key aspects. These are features, malware protection, impact on system performance, pricing, and ease of use.
Did you spend the last couple of years believing that Mac computers didn’t need protection from malware? Well, nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, many people think that Mac computers and other Apple products are completely immune to virus and malware attacks. The truth is that Mac computers, like other electronic devices in the world, can be successfully hacked.
According to a recent report by Malwarebytes, Mac malware threats climbed 400% last year, a lot more than Microsoft Windows. It was also reported earlier this year that more than 30,000 Apple computers were mysteriously infected with a high-stealth malware.
If you own a MacBook, it’s high time you stepped out of the illusion of being immune and start protecting your computer with the best antivirus for Mac.
We urge you to choose a premium antivirus option. While the market is not in shortage of free options, most developers tend to exaggerate the capabilities of their free offerings. Besides, many free programs are unreliable.
Whichever product you're interested in, don't forget to purchase it through the official links we have shared above. We have negotiated exclusive discounts with all the top antivirus brands, so you will save a lot of money if you buy through our links.
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Apple Mac отличаются от остальных компьютеров отличной операционной системой, на которую практически невозможно найти вирусы. В этом видео я расскажу вам почему на Apple Mac нет вирусов.
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