Програмне забезпечення Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2019 пропонує повноцінний захист платорми Windows від усіх сучасних загроз. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus забезпечує кілька рівнів захисту від вимагачів. Він використовує технології поведінкового аналізу для виявлення загроз і захищає найважливіші документи від шифрування. З Bitdefender Antivirus Plus ви можете перестати турбуватися про втрату даних, часу і грошей.
Безперервні Оновлення Bitdefender Antivirus Plus покликаний захистити від найсучасніших кібер-загроз на планеті. Безперервні оновлення та вдосконалення поставляються з кожним новим випуском та оновленням Bitdefender. Вони прискорюють впровадження нових функцій, а також спрощують отримання оновлень і установку продуктів Bitdefender.
Безперервний Захист Система безперервного захисту* призначена для економії часу, зусиль і зниження ризику зараження шляхом автоматичного продовження підписки. Це безпроблемний спосіб усунути будь-які можливі порушення безпеки між періодами підписки. *Безперервний захист - служба продовження підписки, яку ви можете відключити.
Унікальний Bitdefender Central аккаунт дозволить встановлювати і адмініструвати продукти безпеки на всіх ваших пристроях.
Захист Антивірусні рішення BitDefender показують високий рівень виявлення шкідливих програм протягом останніх 5 років. У чому секрет? Bitdefender Antivirus Plus використовує передовий штучний інтелект і безліч інших революційних технологій, а також глобальну мережу з більш ніж 500 мільйонів комп'ютерів, щоб виявляти і миттєво блокувати навіть самі нові загрози в будь-якій точці світу.
Продуктивність Bitdefender - неймовірно потужний і надшвидкий захист одночасно. Її революційні технології забезпечують миттєву реакцію на шкідливі коди, а також чисту продуктивність без будь-яких уповільнень для Вашої системи.
Конфіденційність Bitdefender знає, що потрібно захищати те, що дійсно важливо у Вашому житті. Ви хочете вберегти свою сім'ю і зберегти конфіденційну інформацію в стороні від сторонніх очей. Ось чому Bitdefender Antivirus Plus включає в себе інструменти і функції, які не дають хакерам, викрадачам даних і всім видам шкідливих програм вторгатися в ваше особисте життя.
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В наших видеоуроках мы много рассказывали о безопасности, но ни разу не касались темы антивирусов. Во многом потому что бесплатных хороших не бывает, а платные в принципе все неплохие, кроме одного, но эту темы мы поднимать не будем.
Но сегодня Вова Ломов решил все-таки рассказать об одном антивирусе, потому что во-первых он не просто хороший, но еще и заключает в себе функции ряда сторонних приложений, таких как BoxCryptor, Eraser, LastPass и даже функции VPN сервера; и во-вторых лицензию на него можно приобрести по программе TeploDigital, а значит для НКО это станет недорогим хорошим решением по обеспечению безопасности.
О программе TeploDigital:
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00:00 Вступление
01:37 Где скачать и как установить?
03:07 Как создать аккаунт Bitdefender?
04:10 Основные настройки и использование
07:24 Как добавить в исключения Битдефендер?
09:27 Как удалить вирусы?
11:54 Как удалить Bitdefender?
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Bitdefender 2018 Total Security Full Review by TPSC.
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Тест июль 2022 - Bitdefender Antivirus Free для Windows
Комментарии можно оставлять на сайте
Bitdefender Antivirus Free:
Видео от года.
Информация о авторе: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
08 Тест январь 2023 - Bitdefender Internet Security
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Bitdefender Internet Security:
Видео от года.
Информация о авторе: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Что делать если антивирус блокирует запуск приложений?
Ни смотря на всеобщее развитие безопасности операционных систем, люди продолжают использовать антивирусное программное обеспечение: покупать лицензии ежегодно, выбирают среди множества разных, хотя казалось бы времена когда интернет был чем-то неведомым давно прошли. А в целом стоит ли использовать антивирусы в 2023 году? В этом видео разобрал 5 причин ЗА и 5 ПРОТИВ.
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Нужен ли антивирус на Windows 10? (Ответ безопасника)
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Добрый день, друзья. Сегодня в этом видео я отвечу на вопрос, который мне очень часто задают и который уже порядком поднадоел. А звучит он следующим образом – «Нужен ли антивирус на windows 10?»
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Полезные ссылки:
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В этом видео:
0:00 Вступление
01:19 Bitdefender Antivirus Plus
03:30 ESET NOD 32 Internet Security
05:11 Avast
07:31 Security Space
09:06 Kaspersky Total Security
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Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2023-2024 Review and Tutorial
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2023 Review and Tutorial
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Bitdefender Free Antivirus 2022 (new version) tested against malware and ransomware. Is this the best free antivirus for Windows?
Video sponsor: Crowdsec.
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In this video tutorial, I'll be showing you how to download and install Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition.
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Welcome to Aspiration! My name is David Reilly, and I create technology programming for the masses.
There are loads of great YouTube channels for the tech-savvy users amongst us, but far few for everyone else. So, therefore I am here. The mindset of this channel is to educate. I produce step-by-step how-to tutorials, helpfully tech reviews, informative top 5 lists, and insightful commentary about the industry. You should be left with no doubt about my intention for this channel. I am here to help you.
New Videos are Uploaded on Thursdays and Sundays at 6 P.M. UK Time. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender crack | Bitdefender total security | bitdefender review
✅ Working ✅
If you can’t download / install the archive, you need to:
1. Disable / remove antivirus (files are completely clean)
2. If you can’t download, try to copy the link and download using another browser!
3. Disable Windows Smart Screen, as well as update the Visual C++ package
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Как Установить Антивирус в 2022? Какой антивирус лучше для Windows 10, 11?
Вы узнаете, какой антивирус лучше на данный момент, как установить бесплатный антивирус, а также сравним сторонние антивирусы и защитник Windows в 2022 году.
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Скачать Avira -
00:00 Какой антивирус лучше? Как узнать?
Хорошее видео о безопасности -
01:50 Защитник Windows лучше или хуже других?
02:57 О безопасности данных на диске
03:35 Какой антивирус выбрать в 2022?
04:00 Список бесплатных антивирусов
05:25 Как установить бесплатный антивирус Avira?
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How to Install BitDefender Total Security on Windows 10
In this tutorial you will learn how to install BitDefender Total Security Trial Version on Windows 10.
BitDefender Total Security Download Link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Total Security 2019 Review | Tested vs Malware
Bitdefender 2019 versions are out for Antivirus Plus and Internet Security. Here is a test of the total security suite against malware links and files. If you plan on purchasing Bitdefender, use this link to get a 50% discount and help support the channel:
Use the code: "TPSCBitdefender"
Includes test of ransomware remediation, advanced threat defense and other behavioral/zero-day components.
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Daca vrei sa stii mai multe despre Windows Defender, sau daca vrei sa cauti un alt antivirus pentru protectia calculatorului tau, urmareste episdul de astazi in care Madalin ofera si cateva alternative prin care sa aperi calculatorul tau de virusi.
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0:00 - Introducere si cum iei virusi de pe net
3:15 - Windows Defender
6:46 - Trei alternative de antivirus
7:01 - BitDefender
9:04 - Malwarebytes
10:47 - Kaspersky
12:25 - Norton Antivirus?
14:09 - De ce antivirus sa te feresti?
15:42 - Final Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Install Your Bitdefender Security Solution on Windows
In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of installing Bitdefender Security on your Windows computer. The first half of the video covers everything you need to know about downloading and installing Bitdefender from your Bitdefender Central user account, ensuring your device is protected from digital threats.
The second half of the video takes you on a quick tour of the Bitdefender interface, where we'll help you discover key features that make this security solution a top choice for safeguarding your PC. Whether you're a Bitdefender newbie or looking to make the most of your existing subscription, this tutorial is your ultimate guide to securing your Windows device and harnessing the power of Bitdefender's advanced features.
⏱ 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐬:
00:00 - Intro
00:13 - System Requirements
00:30 - Downloading Bitdefender Security
01:13 - Installation process
02:37 - Interface tour
𝘊𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘶𝘴𝘦. 𝘈𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥-𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘺𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘯!
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2 Антивируса на одном компьютере стоит ли устанавливать ?
2 Антивируса на одном компьютере стоит ли устанавливать ? Зачем ставить 2 антивирусника на ПК ? Сегодня я получил вот такой комментарий от подписчика Vova K : "Здравствуйте, такой вопрос, у меня на пк стоят два анти вира АВАСТ и 360 тотал они друг другу не мешают? и если еще установить CCLEANER и Касперски не будет ли лишнем столько чистильщиков? я в возросте и мне бы по подробней."
Вопрос очень интересный, на который есть ответ - не нужно устанавливать два антивируса на свой ноутбук или компьютер. Почему ? Во первых, 2 антивируса будут конфликтовать между собой, т.е. мешать друг другу и тормозить работу вашего компьютера, так как каждый из них будет следить за вашими действиями и проверять комп, а также две антивирусные программы будут ссылаться почти в одни и те же места на вашем ПК. Если у вас слабенький компьютер, то вы просто усугубите его работу по скорости и по производительности, а защиту вы получите ровно как одного антивируса. Мои рекомендации - купить один антивирус либо Касперского или Доктора Веба и установить себе на персональный компьютер. Вывод : 2 антивируса на одном компьютере не стоит использовать, лучше всего 1 и лицензионный.
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How to Install Bitdefender 2020 in Windows | Activation Code | Activation Key Card | Email Delivery
A Step by step Procedure of How to Install Bitdefender Antivirus 2020 in Windows 10. From activation key card or From Email Delivery with activation code. & How to install bitdefender on another device also shown. when you have multiple devices license.
When you purchase Antivrius software without CD from Amazon or Flipkart. we have to redeem that activation code & Download the software to our windows/ mac/ android. I am showing how to redeem and install BIt Defender antivirus Total security 3 User 3 Year License activation and installation. Same procedure for all bitdender software installations.
You can Puchase Bitdefender Total security from Here:
1 User 3 Year License(Card):
3 User 3 Year Licence (Email) :
For all other Versions:
0:00 Bitdefender Total security Activation key card
0:25 Creation of Bitdefender Account
1:10 How redeem bitdefender activation code
1:48 How to Download bitdefender
2:10 Installing Bitdefender Antivirus in Windows
2:47 Bitdefender extensions for Browser installation
3:11 How install bitdefender on another device
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Keywords : Bitdefender, Install bitdefender, How to install Bitdefender software, how to install bitdefender total security , how to install bitdefender antivirus software, activate bitdefender in another device, install bitdefender free edition, install bitdefender in mac , install bitdefender on another device.
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Music-1: Take Me Down To The Fashion Show - NoMBe (Source: YouTube Ad free Audio Library )
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Bitdefender Total Security Review & TUTORIAL [EASY GUIDE]
🧨 Protecting your device was never easier with such a DEAL 🧨
✅ Get Bitdefender now 62% OFF ➡️
Bitdefender is constantly topping up charts in the antivirus world, but all of those awards don’t say much about how to USE Bitdefender, do they?
Today, I’m gonna do a Bitdefender tutorial, 2022 style - from how to install it to how to get the most out of your plan.
🔎 Quick overview 🔎
According to the latest AV-Test, Bitdefender 2022 version blocked 100% of threats. Of course, I did my own testing too, as I do for any antivirus. Out of the 10 malicious files I planted onto my device, Bitdefender found and removed 9 of them. So yes, it works, that’s a pretty good result compared to Windows Defender, which, detected zero threats in my most recent testing.
💻 Installation process & app overview 💻
The first step of this Bitdefender Total Security tutorial 2022 was to install the app itself. It took around 10 minutes, though in previous downloads it took me only 4 so it could be more of an internet issue this time. That aside, despite the abundance of features, the Windows and Mac versions are fairly simple to use. The apps look about the same, the main difference is that I found a bit more features on the Windows version.
🔦 Navigating through the features 🔦
In the dashboard, I can add or remove stuff for quick access. That shield in the corner shows your device's health.
You can perform the scans right from the dashboard, so super easy to manage. What I tend to do is have the real-time protection always running. It catches viruses, Trojans, worms, ransomware, yada yada – all the more advanced threats of the internet.
In the protection section, from here, I can turn on things like Antispam or the Firewall.
In the privacy tab you can see their own VPN, which comes with the Bitdefender Total Security 2022 plan. In all honesty, the VPN is lackluster, compared to standalone apps at least.
Also in the privacy tab, I can toggle with Anti-tracker settings. I can LAO set up video and audio protection from this tab, that’s something even the Mac version doesn’t yet have. It doesn’t have parental controls either, among a few other things.
✏️ The mobile apps ✏️
To be fair, the discrepancies between Android and iOS are pretty significant. I honestly think that the iOS version isn’t the best option on the market, it’s basically just a data checker with a very limited VPN. This kinda falls down to the built-in protection Apple already offers.
But, after my Bitdefender antivirus review for Android, I was quite impressed. There’s a proper Dashboard and a Malware scanner, I also found Web Protection - all things a proper antivirus should offer. I was even pleasantly surprised to find the Anti-theft and Share-protection features here.
Final thoughts ➡️
I truly think or at least hope, that after this Bitdefender Total Security 2022 review & tutorial, you’ll have no problems using the app. Which plan you pick is completely up to you, so hopefully, this Bitdefender review made your choice a bit easier too.
00:00 Intro
0:22 Is Bitdefender any good?
0:45 Bitdefender testing results
1:42 Installing Bitdefender Total Security
2:00 First look at the apps
2:38 Dashboard & running scans
3:07 Inspection of the protection section
3:24 Privacy settings
4:22 Bitdefender for iOS kind of sucks
4:35 Bitdefender for Android is pretty great
5:26 What other Bitdefender Antivirus plans are there?
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Unboxing Bitdefender Antivirus 2018
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Hey Guys, it is YSBeezito here and today I'm going to show you how to get Bitdefender 2018 Total Security FOR FREE! This is an extended trial license for 90 days for up to 5 devices.
So sit back Relax and Have a GREAT day!
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Intro Screen Music Credit
Title: JJD - Adventure [NCS Release]
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Bitdefender Antivirus Plus How to Activate
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus offers immediate e-threat response without compromising system performance, while Shielding online privacy and personal information.
In order to activate Bitdefender AntiVirus Plus please follow the steps below:
Copy License key provided in E-Mail, If you are not able to find license key please contact us
Sign in to your Bitdefender account or create a new one Bitdefender Central link provided in pinned comments.
Go to My Devices, then click + Install Bitdefender products on your devices.
Choose Security, then click This device to install Bitdefender on your PC.
Wait for the download to complete, then run the installer.
Select the language and click Install to begin the installation process.
Wait for the installation to complete and click Finish to access the Bitdefender interface.
Bitdefender is now installed on your Windows PC. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video will show you how to temporary disable or enable Bitdefender, or learn how to temporarily stop Bitdefender.
- See more:
How to Temporarily Disable 360 TOTAL SECURITY:
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How To Make Ubuntu Full Screen In VirtualBox:
How to Use Putty to SSH on Windows 10/8/7:
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Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2017 combines top-scoring antivirus protection with so many bonus features it would almost qualify as a security suite.
Read more about the Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2017 right here!
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Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows: the Best Free Antivirus for You
Join us as we explore Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows! The free edition runs on all versions of Windows, from Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 to the latest Windows 11.
🔗 Download Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows:
💻 Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows can be installed on up to three Windows devices (laptops or PCs).
🏆 Bitdefender Antivirus Free incorporates the Award-Wining Technologies present in our paid security solutions. *Advanced Threat Defense* is Bitdefender’s innovative take on detecting ransomware and zero-days attacks in real-time using advanced heuristic techniques.
🔎 The software continuously scans the programs and processes currently active on your computer for any unusual activity. When it spots something suspicious, it gives it a danger score and blocks the application from running if a process’ overall score reaches a certain threshold.
🔒 The *Antivirus Module* offers complete protection against all types of malwares including Trojans, Rootkits, Ransomware, Spyware, Viruses and Worms.
🌐 The *Online Threat Prevention* feature provides Web Protection to keep you safe while browsing the Internet, and *Advanced Threat Defense* monitors suspicious activity such as copying files to important Windows operating system folders, executing or injecting codes into other processes, multiplying them, changing the Windows registry, or installing drivers.
✅ All this is completely free, no hidden costs, no trial required. And don’t worry about validity, Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows never expires.
00:00 Intro
00:45 How to Download and Install
01:10 Award-Wining Technologies Used
01:52 Protection Modules
02:08 Antivirus Module
03:14 Online Threat Prevention
03:48 Advanced Threat Defense
04:49 Outro
_Choose what the experts use. Award-winning cybersecurity you can trust and rely on!_
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Am promis un review cu Bitdefender Box 2, este aici și este mai cool decât credeam!
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How to temporary disable or enable Bitdefender 2021 (Update 100% work)
How to temporarily stop Bitdefender 2021 or how to disable Bitdefender total security 2021 how to temporarily disable Bitdefender. How to disable Bitdefender 2021 New version. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this short video I will show you how to find Quarantine files on Bitdefender Internet Security 2021.
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Bitdefender Free Anti-virus (2018)!! Installation Explained In Hindi!!!
Namashkar dosto kaise ho app aj iss video mein hum baat karne wale hai bidefender k free antivirus k bare video mein hum dekhengey ki kaise hum bitdefender antivirus ko install kar sakte hai aur 100% legal tarike sey use kar sakte hai toh aiyee suru karte hai.....
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В этом ежегодно обновляющемся рейтинге — лучшие бесплатные антивирусы 2023 года согласно сводному анализу результатов тестов независимых антивирусных лабораторий: , , Virus Bulletin и AVLab, которые признаются объективными большинством участников рынка антивирусов.
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How to Download and Install Bitdefender Total Security on Windows 10
In this video, I explain how to Download and Install Bitdefender for Windows 10. Bitdefender is one of the most well-known antivirus programs, if not the best currently. It works against viruses, eliminates malware and also counters hacker attacks.. It has many features and the ability to protect your computer.. I will explain the download plans and also the installation process only. Of course, I will download the free version, which works for 30 days only, and you can buy, of course, through the same method, just choose the paid version. And follow the steps
Bitdefender download link here:
How to download and install Bitdefender for Windows 10
How to Download Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition
How to Install Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition for Windows 10
How to Download and Install Bitdefender Total Security Free
How to Download and Install Bitdefender Security in Windows 10
How Protect Your Pc Using Bitdefender
How to Download and Install Bitdefender Antivirus Free
Best Antivirus Software in 2021
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Bitdefender Antivirus Review 2024: Features, Pricing & More
Bitdefender Antivirus Review. Unveil the power of Bitdefender! In this review, explore its advanced protection and privacy features to secure your digital world.
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Bitdefender Antivirus Review. Unveil the power of Bitdefender! In this review, explore its advanced protection and privacy features to secure your digital world.
Hey everyone, and welcome back! Today, I’ll be sharing my personal experience with Bitdefender, one of the top names in the antivirus industry. I'll walk you through their features, pros, cons, and plans, so you can make an informed choice based on real-world testing. I personally use Bitdefender’s antivirus, and I have found it to be an effective solution for online security and protection. If at any point, you decide to check out Bitdefender, click on the link in the description below for up to 67% off your purchase, which you won’t find by going directly to their website. Alright, so here are some of the features that put Bitdefender ahead of their competitors. First up is the virus scanner, which thoroughly scans devices for any malware that might be present. And it doesn't take up a lot of space, so you don’t have to worry about performance. Bitdefender’s virus scanner is always up-to-date on the latest threats, even new viruses that haven't been seen or dealt with before. There are also four different types of scans to choose from: a quick scan, a system scan for a detailed analysis of your whole computer, a custom scan for specific locations, and a vulnerability scan to keep your privacy and software up to date. Next, let's talk about Bitdefender's customizable firewall. To check this feature’s reliability, I tested it with simulated network attacks, and its ability to block most of them really impressed me. But it’s important to note that it may require some initial configuration for specific applications needing internet access, which can be time-consuming for some users. Now, let’s talk about performance. If you're looking to optimize your computer's performance and free up valuable disk space, Bitdefender offers something called OneClick Optimizer. This tool removes unnecessary files, like temporary files and broken registry items, to boost your computer's speed, and I found it to be pretty effective. Moving on, when it comes to identity theft protection, Bitdefender offers a specific feature, which is unfortunately only available to users in the United States. But, if you are in the US, it's an essential tool for safeguarding your personal info. Bitdefender keeps monitoring data breaches and scans social media to spot any fake accounts pretending to be you, giving you extra peace of mind about your identity. Another useful feature of Bitdefender is the SafePay tool, which is a secure web browser made specifically for online shopping and banking. It creates a separate and safe environment that remains unaffected by malware on your regular browser. But the added protection for my sensitive information makes it worth it. So, these are just some of the incredible features that Bitdefender offers. As for pricing and plans, there are different packages to suit various needs and budgets. First up is the Bitdefender Antivirus Plus, which is an excellent choice for Windows users. It costs $ for the first year, and covers up to three devices. And if you're a multi-platform user like me, Bitdefender Total Security is the way to go. For only $ in the first year, you can protect up to five devices, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. And for Windows users who are looking for advanced security features, there’s the Bitdefender Internet Security. At $ for the first year, it protects up to three devices and defends your online activities. But if you have a big family with a lot of devices, the Bitdefender Family Pack was designed just for you. For $, you get comprehensive security for up to 15 devices, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. In a nutshell, Bitdefender truly impressed me with their advanced protection and privacy features, making them a top choice for keeping devices safe. For ultimate security, I recommend the Bitdefender Premium Security plan. It covers everything from real-time threat detection to multi-layer ransomware protection, secure browsing, VPN, and more. Alright, that’s it for today. If you found this video helpful, like and subscribe for more. Feel free to leave any questions or your experiences with Bitdefender in the comments section. And remember to click on the link in the description below to receive a discount of up to 67% off your purchase. Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you in the next one.
Hope you enjoyed my Bitdefender Antivirus Review 2024: Features, Pricing & More Video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Teste de antivirus: BitDefender Antivirus Free - 90,00%
In this video i will show how to reset forgotten Bitdefender product password. It is applicable in all Bitdefender products.
To reset the password for your Bitdefender product, follow these steps:
1. Access the following link() to download the reset password tool on your computer
2. Reboot your system and enter in Safe Mode. To do that please follow the steps in this article.
3. Double click the tool in safe mode. A command prompt window will open. Wait until the “Finished” message appears.
4. Press any key to complete the process.
5. As soon as you restart the system, you can set a new password for your Bitdefender product. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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