Друзья, по многочисленным просьбам, я решил записать видео-инструкцию по установке, активации, а также где можно купить лицензию Microsoft Office для дома и учебы 2019. Данная версия предназначена для студентов и семей, которым нужны классические приложения Office, включая Word, Excel и PowerPoint для Windows 10. Пакет приложений предназначен для компьютеров с операционной системой Windows 10 или MacOS X.
Важно! Сейчас не нужно отвечать на вопрос какой операционной системой вы пользуетесь, всё это выбирается до оплаты.
Купить можно тут:
Также есть интернет-магазин программного обеспечения в Казахстане
Тайм коды:
0:41 Чем отличаются версии MS Office
3:44 Удаление старого ПО
4:12 Покупка лицензионного ключа
7:11 Активация ключа в учётной записи Microsoft
7:21 Скачивание дистрибутива и установка ПО
8:36 Активация MS Office под своим аккаунтом
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Как изменить язык интерфейса в Microsoft Office 2019
Если вам нужно изменить язык интерфейса в MS Office, то нет необходимости переустанавливать его с нуля. В офисных приложениях Word, Excel, PowerPoint уже имеется возможность установить дополнительный языковый пакет и переключиться на него.
🤝 Отблагодарить автора и стать спонсором канала:
📚 В нашей подборке больше видеоуроков по работе с Microsoft Word:
📚 А здесь - подборка по Microsoft Excel:
#MSWord #MSExcel #КакИзменитьЯзык #StudyProf Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Як безкоштовно інсталювати та активувати Office 2021
Причины активировать Office?
Программный пакет Microsoft Office – многозадачный инструмент. Чаще всего используются такие компоненты, как текстовый (Word) и табличный (Excel) редакторы. Полноценный функционал шире и предоставляет больше возможностей (создание сайтов, презентаций, работа с почтой и другие). Полноценное приобретение пакета является лучшим решением.
Поскольку покупка дорогая, некоторые пользователи отдаёт предпочтение пиратским версиям. Недостатков у них немного:
необходимость повторной активации с определённой периодичностью;
отсутствие поддержки со стороны разработчика;
потенциально урезанный функционал (встречается редко);
нарушение закона.
Впрочем, пользователей это не останавливает и некоторые прибегают к пиратским версиям. Рассмотрим активацию пакета, как лицензионную, так и пиратскую.
Офис можно активировать онлайн.
Удаляем весь офис с компьютера, особенно офис 365.
Скачиваем и устанавливаем офис –
Ключ – 4NB6D-M6RYV-7VY4F-82V27-YY6DY
Открываем Word, далее файл – учетная запись – изменить ключ – вводим ключ – активировать – ДА = офис активирован.
Проверяем активацию. Закрываем ворд. Снова открываем, идем в файл – учетная запись – справа смотрите состояние активации.
Если возникнут проблемы, спрашивайте в комментариях.
Навигация по записям
Код для OFFICE 2016 -
Код для OFFICE 2019 -
#Активация #Office #любой #версии Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Стоит ли устанавливать новый офис 2021? Что нового в этой версии? Где скачать word и весь microsoft office 2021, как его установить и активировать? Рассмотрим все эти вопросы.
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Другие интересные видео:
Что лучше, Windows 11 или Windows 10 -
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Поддержать канал донатом можно через телеграмм-бота
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Как Установить Офис 2021? Что нового в Office 2021?
Productvideo MICROSOFT OFFICE HOME & STUDENT 2019 NL - Software - te verkrijgen bij
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MICROSOFT OFFICE HOME & STUDENT 2019 NL - Software - Productvideo Vandenborre.be
Office 2019 - последняя версия самой популярной и удобной программы для работы с документами, включающая Word, Excel, PowerPoint и др. Рассмотрим, как купить и установить Офис 2019, где скачать и как это лучше сделать. Сайт на котором можно приобрести 100% оригинальный офис:
Office 2019 -
Купон на скидку 10% - ПКБЕЗПРОБЛЕМ10
Windows 10 Pro -
Другие ссылки:
Официальная страница Офис 2019 -
Как войти в безопасный режим в виндоус 10 -
Новые горячие клавиши Windows 10 -
Подписывайтесь на канал ПК без проблем
Подпишись на группу ВК -
Твиттер -
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Рассказываю как легально и БЕСПЛАТНО получить программы из Microsoft Office, такие как Word, Excel, PowerPoint и другие.
Что супер-круто, эти программы будут работать для любой операционной системы. Не важно что у вас, Windows, Linux или Mac. Они будут работать для любой из этих операционных систем.
А все потому что Microsoft предоставляет бесплатный доступ к веб версии программ из Microsoft Office и их не нужно устанавливать к вам на компьютер. Для их работы вам всего лишь нужен любой современный браузер.
Преимущества веб-версии Microsoft Office
1. Бесплатно и легально
2. Работает для любой операционной системы: Windows, MacOs, Linux.
3. Не занимает место на вашем компьютере
0:00 Начало
0:35 Сравниваем веб-версию и версию для компьютера
1:53 Ключевые возможности
5:40 Редактируем документ с компьютера
6:14 Установка на компьютер
8:47 Заключение
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Как БЕСПЛАТНО получить от Microsoft программы Word, Excel, PowerPoint (и другие из пакета Office)
Установка MS Office 2019 из командной строки.
Языки: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vidéo produit MICROSOFT OFFICE HOME & STUDENT 2019 FR - Software - disponible sur
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MICROSOFT OFFICE HOME & STUDENT 2019 FR - Software - Vidéo produit Vandenborre.be
Всем привет в этом видео я расскажу как активировать Microsoft Office любой версии за 5 минут
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Активация microsoft OFFICE 2021 простым способом, через командную строку.
В данном уроке я расскажу как полностью и без остатков удалить MS Office. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I show you how to check what version of Microsoft Office that you're using on your computer. I go over how to do this in Microsoft Word, but it can be applied to Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, or Publisher. I hope it helps, have a nice day.
Here is a full list of tutorial videos available on my channel:
Windows 10:
Perform Basic Mouse Operations
Create Folders
Explore the Windows 10 Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu
Select Multiple Files and Folders
Download a File From a Website
Use File Explorer to Access OneDrive and Upload Student Data Files
Capture an Image of the Entire Screen
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Modify Screen Brightness and Resolution
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Adjust the Sound
Plan the Organization of Files and Folders
Run an App
Word 2016:
Create a New Document and Insert Text
Insert and Format Graphics
Insert and Modify Text Boxes
Create a Table
Format a Table
Present a Word Document Online
Create a Research Paper in MLA Format
Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
Create Citations and a Bibliography
Save a Document
Correct Errors as You Type
How to Format a Document in APA Format
Convert Word Document to a PDF File
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
APA Format from Default Formatting
Table of Contents Tutorial
Format Paragraphs
Create a Custom Word Template
Preview and Print a Document
Change Document and Paragraph Layout
Use AutoComplete and AutoCorrect
Correct and Reorganize Text
Header and Footer Tutorial
Page Numbers Tutorial
Captions in Word
Review Document Headings in the Navigation Pane
Reorganize Document Text Using the Navigation Pane
Collapse and Expand Body Text in a Document
Use Continuous Section Breaks for Page Layout
Insert Page Numbers Starting from a Specific Page
Format Text
Undo and redo Commands or Actions
Modify a Style
Excel 2016:
Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
Enter Data in a Worksheet
How do you Export Access to Excel and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX Functions and Formulas
Move Data and Rotate Text
Graph Data with a Pie Chart
Format a Pie Chart
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Change Fonts, Font Style, and Font Color
The NOW Function
Export Excel Spreadsheet to Access Table
The VLookup Function
The MIN or MINIMUM Function
Histogram Charts
Use the Sum Button to Sum a Range of Cells
Enter Formulas Using the Keyboard
Format Cells with Merge & Center, Cell Styles, and Themes
Chart Data to Create a Column Chart & Insert Sparklines
Select Cells and Ranges
Use CountIF and IF Functions and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Date &Time Functions and Freeze Panes
Use Goal Seek to Perform What-if Analysis
Add Fill Colors and a Background Image
Insert Functions from the Formula Library
Use the PMT Function to Calculate a Loan Payment
Describe the Excel Worksheet
Enter Formulas Using Point Mode
Access 2016:
Identify Good Database Design
Create a Table and Define Fields in a Blank Desktop Database
The Primary Key
Import Excel Spreadsheet into Access
Create a Table in Design View
Modify the Structure of a Table
Create a Subform
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Add Existing Fields to a Form
Create a Query, Form, and Report
How To Use the Property Sheet
Open and Save an Existing Database
Create Table Relationships
Learn Basic Database Concepts and Terms
Create and Use a Form to Add and Delete Records
Learn the Guidelines for Designing Databases and Setting Field Properties
Find, Modify, and Delete Records in a Table
Create a Form Using the Form Wizard
PowerPoint 2016:
Create a New Presentation
Edit a Presentation in Normal View
Add Pictures to a Presentation
Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Customize Slide Backgrounds and Themes
Animate a Slide Show
Apply a Theme Used in Another Presentation
Search for and Download an Online Theme
Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Certification
Print and View a Presentation
Lighten Background Images in Microsoft Office
Edit an Existing Presentation
Insert Online Pictures
Create a Title Slide and Slides With Lists
Select and Change a Document Theme and Variant
Insert and Format Pictures
Insert Shapes
Insert a Video
Outlook 2016
Basic Tutorial
Office 2016:
Identify the Components of the Microsoft Office Ribbon
Computer Fundamentals:
Computer Case Types - Dell Inspiron AMD 3656
Printer Ports and Types
The Boot Up Process
How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered
Undo Your Mistakes on Windows 10 or Apple Mac
Routers vs. Modems
What is the Cloud? Storage as a Service
Types of Internet Services on Google Android or Apple iPhone
Browsing the Web
Why Use the Cloud?
Microsoft OneDrive - Creating Uploading Downloading and Syncing
Explain the Importance of File Management
Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems
Microsoft Publisher 2016 Full Playlist Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Office 2019 - How to Check Your Version of Office - Microsoft Office 365
A comparison of what you get with an Office 365 subscription, versus a one-off purchase of Office 2019.
Buy genuine Microsoft Office at Amazon:
Office 365 Personal -
Office 365 Home -
Office 2019 Home & Student -
Compare Office prices in your currency on the Microsoft website (change country by clicking the globe icon, bottom left on the website):
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Camera - Canon EOS 700D (Rebel T5i)
Microphone - Rode Videomic Pro
Laptop - HP Spectre x360
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Music: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Скачать microsoft office 2019 можно из официального магазина Microsoft Store, который есть в Windows 10. В начале у вас будет пробная версия, но через месяц компания Microsoft выпустит microsoft office 2019 professional с огромным функционалом.
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◆Andorid and Windows полезные советы – на моем канале собрано огромное количество видео, в которых рассказывается как настроить свое android устройство или личный компьютер с операционной системой Windows. В видео я будут подробно рассказывать про секреты и уникальные фишки данных операционных систем, что позволит зрителям значительно ускорить работу своих устройств.
Следите за каналом! Спасибо! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microsoft Office 2019! Как получить лицензионный Office 2019 бесплатно!
Подпишись! Взаимку гарантирую!
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✅ Онлайн-курс по заработку на дизайне презентаций
1. Открываем сайт
2. Качаем там нужную вам версию и активатор
3. Устанавливаем Microsoft поверх вашей версии
4. Активируем активатором по инструкции
Как купить?
1. Заходим на сайт
2. В каталоге выбираем нужную версию и покупаем
3. Вводите промокод KIM5 для 5% скидки. Я с этого не имею ни копейки. Чисто для вас.
4. При вопросах пишите в их техподдержку, они норм отвечают
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Привет, меня зовут Ким Воронин! На этом канале я учу делать красивые и понятные презентации в PowerPoint, а также зарабатывать на дизайне.
Из моих видео-уроков вы узнаете, как делать инфографику, диаграммы, анимацию и креативные слайды для создания продающих презентаций!
Буду рад вашим комментариям и вопросам. Если видео оказалось полезным — ставь лайк!
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Do you know how to download, install and activate office 2019? Official Microsoft office 2019 pro plus. 💥To get 100% Trusted and Genuine Microsoft Windows & Office just visit-
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Here I'll show the best ways to download, install & activate office 2019 pro plus which is totally genuine & for lifetime validity.
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Note: You can apply these methods on your Windows 11, 10, 8 & 7 versions. Also these methods are applicable to any laptop model like HP, Dell, Acer, Asus, Lenevo etc.
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Download, Install & Activate Office 2019 Pro Plus 💥 100% Genuine || Lifetime
One simple download on one computer allows you access to the four classic applications from Microsoft. Back up download is supported in case you have a tech emergency or last minute pc crash.
Adds convenience to your schoolwork, giving you more time to enjoy yourself. Upgraded features focus on efficiency and intuitive layout.
Easily allows you to share your content, making it easier to handwork in or share with classmates you're collaborating with.
One time purchase, which saves you money. No monthly subscription fee means you have less to keep track of.
Work with your classmates, without being face to face. Work at your own pace, or simultaneously.
Share notes and brainstorm by sharing through OneNote, and make coordination for team projects easy and efficient.
Wow your class with a PowerPoint presentation that includes updated templates, themes, transitions, and animations.
Being a student is a tough time for many people, so Microsoft wants to make it easier for you. With Office 2019 Home Student, you’ll be able to access all of the classic applications that will help you succeed in school and achieve your goals. The upgraded features are designed to help you get through your school assignments faster, easier, and end up with a more polished end product.
With one simple download, you’ll have access to the four classic applications, including Excel, PowerPoint, Word and OneNote. These applications are easy to use, and also add convenience to your schoolwork as well. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Смотрим на интерфейс будущей версии Office. Ориентировочно названиен будет Office 2022. Возможность "взглянуть в будущее" появилась благодаря участию в программе Office Insider.
Текстовое сравнение по адресу: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Первый взгляд на Office 2022 в сравнении с Office 2019.
In this video, you’ll learn about the new features available in Office 2019. Visit for our Microsoft Office tutorials.
We hope you enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Find out what's new in Office 2021 and how it compares to Microsoft 365. If you want to get the desktop apps for Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, you'll have to choose one of these options.
With Office 2021, you pay a one-time fee and that gives you a perpetual license to Office on one PC, so you never have to pay Microsoft again. The price ranges from $150 for Home and Student, which comes with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Microsoft Teams. Home and Business costs $250 and comes with everything in the previous plan plus Outlook and you can use it for commercial purposes. With these options, you get no additional updates. What you buy is what you get. If you don't like subscriptions and you don't care about all the latest features, this is probably the best choice for you.
With Microsoft 365, on the other hand, this is a subscription offer. You'll have to keep paying to use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Over the first two years, you'll end up paying less: $70 for an individual plan & $100/year for the family plan, which is good for up to 6 people. Also, you get everything in Office 2021 and more, including:
- Up to 6TB of storage space on OneDrive, so you can backup videos and photos
- 30 devices with the family plan
- 60 minutes Skype calling to make international calls
- Around the clock phone and online support
- Grammarly type offering with Microsoft Editor
- Presenter Coach in PowerPoint
- Access
- Publisher
You also get ongoing updates and new features with this option.
👋 Additional resources
- What is Microsoft 365 - Explained:
- Get Microsoft 365:
- Overview of what's new in Office 2021:
- Buy Office 2021 Home and Student:
- Buy Office 2021 Home and Business: #office-ContentAreaHeadingTemplate-eri5pno
⌚ Timestamps
0:00 Introduction
0:27 Major differences
0:57 Office 2021 versions
1:32 Downsides of Office 2021
2:12 Microsoft 365
3:47 Feature updates
4:04 What's new in Office 2021
7:06 What should you choose?
7:49 Wrap up
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Office 2021 vs Microsoft 365: what's the difference & what's new?
Office 2019 features classic versions of Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, and Word. The Windows version also comes with Visio 2019, Project 2019, Access 2019, and Publisher 2019. Though Office 2019 apps don’t receive feature updates, they receive regular stability and security updates. Office 2018 suits volume-licensed customers are looking for the latest Office applications for hybrid or on-premises deployment.
The Word desktop app on Office 2019 features accessibility improvements, improved inking functionality, text-to-speech tool, learning tools, and a black theme. The new Excel comes with PowerQuery enhancements, PowerPivot enhancements, the ability to publish Excel to PowerBI, new Excel functions and connectors and 2D maps. These features help you perform better data analysis.
More Powerful Excel Features
Excel 2019 boasts of more powerful features, including 2D maps, new formulas, and new charts. You can also publish from this app to Microsoft's business analytics service, Power BI. Excel 2019 features enhancements for the PowerQuery and PowerPivot services.
Powerful Excel Features
Interactive Charts on Access 2019
You can add a chart to your report or form on Access 2019 to visualize and analyze data. The supported charts include combo, pie, bar, line, and column charts. The steps for creating a chart on Access 2019 include:
Click the Create tab and then choose either Report Design or Form Design to create/open a report or form
Choose Insert Chart from the Select Design drop-down menu
Drop the chart on your form or report once you choose a chart type
Advanced PowerPoint Presentation Features
PowerPoint 2019 reflects Microsoft's goal to make PowerPoint a useful presentation tool. Advanced features on PowerPoint 2019 include Morph and Zoom, for a dynamic presentation. These features are only available in Office 356 ProPlus instead of Office 2016.
You can find what you’re looking for on PowerPoint 2019 using Zoom. The “Zoom” tool can take you from a slide to the other, in your preferred order. Use it to revisit or skip slides without any interruptions on your presentation flow.
Advanced PowerPoint
Simplified Email Management
Email management has become easier on Outlook 2019, which has features such as Focused Inbox. Other new Outlook features include @mentions, travel package cards, and updated contact cards. You can use them to prioritize your mail and sort out your contact lists.
“Translate” on PowerPoint, OneNote, Excel and Word 2019
Translate helps break the language barrier when working with a document written in a different language. The feature is available on both Windows and MacOS devices with Office 2019 installed. You’ll need a Translator for Outlook add-in to use the tool on Outlook 2019.
Support for LaTex Equation
Word 2019 allows for linear format equations using LaTex and Unicode math. Math Autocorrect on Word 2019 lets you insert various equation symbols in a non-math region. Combining math autocorrect codes and keywords can also help you create math equations.
Improved Inking Capabilities
Office users with Microsoft Surface devices can make use of the new inking features on Office 2019. They include tilt effects for adjusting the thickness of the ink and pressure sensitivity. Others include a roaming pencil case to hold your digital pen and highlighters.
Your digital pen can act as a slide-show clicker on PowerPoint 2019. You can also control it wirelessly 30 feet away from the computer. Your digital pen (Wacom Bamboo Ink or Surface Pen 4) should support Bluetooth for this functionality.
PowerPoint 2019 for Android makes it easier to convert drawings into shapes. You can choose from the various tools included in the Draw tab. The app lets you draw with your finger or a mouse and have the ink converted into a resembling shape.
OneNote for Windows 10 replaces OneNote 2016 to give users the OneNote experience on Windows PCs with Office 2019 and Office 365. Microsoft didn’t make any changes to OneNote for Mac users. They can still download it for free from the Apple App Store. Microsoft unveiled the consumer versions of cheap Office 2019 on 2nd October 2018. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом видео расскажу как активировать Microsoft Office с помощью программы KMSAuto Net.
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Hi Guys,
In this video I will show you how to Activate Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus License for free.
Note:- This Video is only for Education Purpose only.
Activation Script:
Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus Software Download Link:
Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus Download and Installation procedure:
Topic Covered:-
1. Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus License Activation without key (100% works)
Video Link:-
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Страница на дзене с прямыми ссылками, для скачивания Office 2013, Office 2016, Office 2019 –
Ссылка на программу Windows ISO Downloader –
Композиция "Pilots Of Stone" принадлежит исполнителю Audionautix. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution ().
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Всем привет! В этом видео я расскажу Вам про бесплатный офис для windows, linux и macOs. Также обсудим, почему Office 365 от Microsoft не лучший выбор для домашнего использования. Приятного просмотра!
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Бесплатный офис для Windows!? Где скачать? Без пиратства!
Tem muitas versões do Microsoft Office para comprar, mas qual delas é a correta para seu uso, se pretende comprar para sua residência provavelmente compensará o Microsoft Personal 365 ou Microsoft 365 personal. E para sua empresa possivelmente compensará comprar o Microsoft Office Home And Business, no caso o Office 2019. Enfim quer entender as diferenças das licenças da Microsoft 365 e vitalício assista esse vídeo até o final
Minhas indicações do Microsoft Office:
Gostaram do vídeo Qual Microsoft Office comprar? Entenderam as diferenças entre Microsoft 365 Personal e Microsoft Office home and Student? Não esqueça de deixar o seu like, comentário e se inscrever no meu canal.
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00:00 Introdução Especialista indica
01:05 Microsoft 365 Personal
02:37 Microsoft 365 Family
04:05 Microsoft Office Home and Student (Vitalícia)
05:12 Microsoft Office Home and Business (Vitalícia)
06:05 Microsoft 365 Business Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microsoft office qual comprar? Microsoft 365 Personal / Microsoft Office Home and Business
"Office 2021" - So heißt die neue Office-Version aus dem Hause Microsoft. In diesem Video schauen wir uns an, welche neuen Funktionen und Features Office 2021 bietet. Viel Spaß!
00:00 - Office 2021
01:29 - Verbeserung der Performance
01:53 - Dokumente gemeinsam bearbeiten:
02:52 - Wissen, wer am Dokument beteiligt ist
03:15 - Anpassung der Kommentarfunktionen:
03:43 - Visueller Facelift
04:15 - Verbesserte Aufnahme-Funktionen:
05:12 - Gezeichnete Elemente Abspielen:
05:51 - Textelemente für Bildschirmleser anordnen:
06:19 - Links zu einer Folie setzen:
06:48 - Texte einfacher lesen mit Zeilenfokus:
07:15 - Viel Neues im Archiv:
08:01 - Erweiterte Suchfunktionen:
08:34 - Aktualisierung der Registerkarte "Zeichnen":
09:05 - Unterstützung ODF 1.3:
09:49 - Gezeichnete Linienstile:
10:13 - Farben als Hex-Code definieren
Quelle: Microsoft ()
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"Wir lieben Office" beschäftigt sich mit Themen rund um Microsoft Office. Wir erstellen professionelle Vorlagen für die Microsoft Office Programme Word und PowerPoint. Aus unserem Arbeitsalltag heraus erstellen wir Video-Tutorials über Word und PowerPoint - geben darin Tipps zur effektiven Nutzung von MS Office und verraten Tricks und Abkürzungen für die tägliche Arbeit.
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Microsoft Office 2021 - Was ist neu? Alle neuen Funktionen und Features für Word und PowerPoint
Скачать программу для установки Office 2019, Office 2013-2016 C2R Install :
Версия программы обязательно должна быть , так как все предыдущие версии не поддерживают Office 2019.
#активатор #активация #активировать #office2019 #activation #license #лицензия #c2r Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this I have shown how to hide prompt for shown whenever we open word or excel " this copy of windows is not activated" fix
Note: this does not activate Microsoft office but hides the notification shown "this copy of microsoft office is not activated" permanently as whenever opened it is shown everytime Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fix Product Activation Failed - This Copy Of Microsoft Office Is Not Activated
In this video, we cover off some of the reasons why you might be better off going for a subscription to Microsoft 365 instead of buying Home & Student.
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Monika: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
10 reasons why Microsoft 365 INSTEAD of Home & Student 2019
This is the longest tutorial on Microsoft Office 2019! In this mega, 10-hour Microsoft Office class we give you a solid understanding in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft Word.
Are you new to Microsoft Office? Do you need the basics for your job or for school? Then this is the video for you. We've even included downloadable accompanying files so that you can make the most of this course in MS Excel, MS Word, and MS Access, and MS Outlook and be ready for the next step in your studies or career. This tutorial is also ideal for employee training in a corporate environment or it can be referenced as part of teaching a course.
✅ Download and complete the exercises or accompanying files:
➡️ Microsoft Word:
➡️ Microsoft Excel:
➡️ Microsoft Access:
➡️ Microsoft Outlook does not use any.
Here are key markers: If someone wants to develop the detailed markers, I can post them here and give you credit.
0:00:04 Microsoft Word
2:42:41 Microsoft Excel
5:09:04 Microsoft Access
8:06:42 Microsoft Outlook
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Office 2019 Tutorial Complete: Word, Excel, Access, Outlook for Professionals and Students 10 hours
Установка и активация Microsoft Office 2019 [Простая инструкция]
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В этом видео я расскажу, как устанавливать и активировать Майкрософт Офис 2019 на Вашем компьютере или ноутбуке с помощью ключа.
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00:00- 0:05 Вступление
0:05-0:10 Удаление ранее установленных версий
0:10-1:02 Скачивание Майкрософт Офис 2019
1:02-3:04 Активация Microsoft Office 2019 по телефону
3:04-3:20 Завершение Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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How to Change Language in Microsoft Office 2019 / 2016
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Song: Ikson - Sunflower (VLOG MUSIC - No Copyright)
Music provided by VLOG MUSIC - No Copyright.
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Tutorial Aktifasi Permanen Microsoft Office Home & Student 2019 Original Di Semua Laptop Baru 2021
Microsoft just released Office 2021 which is available for both macOS and Windows. It’s made for those who do not want to enroll in the subscription model of Microsoft 365. For Excel users this is a huge jump from Excel 2016 or Excel 2019. At least 9 new functions were introduced which will change the way you use Excel. This includes XLOOKUP, FILTER, UNIQUE, and SEQUENCE.
In this video I'll quickly explain these new functions and also which additional features you can look forward to in PowerPoint, Word and Outlook.
(Note: What's NOT included in Excel for Office 2021 are the new Lambda and Lambda helper functions).
🌍 My Online Excel Courses ►
00:00 What's New in Office 2021
01:20 The UNIQUE Function
02:15 The FILTER Function
03:37 The SORT Function
04:58 The SORTBY Function
05:36 The XLOOKUP Function
07:33 The XMATCH Function
08:50 The SEQUENCE Function
10:09 The RANDARRAY Function
11:07 The LET Function
12:05 New Features in Excel 2021
13:38 What's New in PowerPoint 2021
14:17 What's New in Word 2021
14:31 What's New in Outlook 2021
14:44 Wrap Up
14:58 My Recommendation
Link to Blog post:
🎬 LINKS to related videos:
Office 2021 official info:
Excel Functions in 2021:
How to Use XLOOKUP:
The New FILTER function:
The LET function:
Dynamic Calendar with SEQUENCE:
Outlook Search:
How to make a video in PowerPoint:
🎒 Get the Official XelPlus MERCH:
🎓 Not sure which of my Excel courses fits best for you? Take the quiz:
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Should You Upgrade to Office 2021? Excel Users MUST Watch...
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English class: Office vocabulary
Feel more confident taking about offices and the objects you can find in them:
The computer
The desk
The office chai
The keyboard
The mouse
The folders
The pen
The pencil
The ruler
The paper clip
The briefcase
The copy machine
The blackboard
The desk lamp
The note pad
The calendar
The agenda
The projector
The boss
English vocabulary: the office
We will also learn the months of the year in English.
Definite article: the / Lesson 87
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► Será que vale a pena comprar o Microsoft Office? Estamos agora com o Office 2019, et emos a versão mais comum, e o Office 365, que é uma assinatura. Confira minha opinião!
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👉 Melhor Alternativa GRATUITA ao MS Office:
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Todos nós crescemos com a Microsoft dominando a informática. Dessa forma, ela estava presente em quase todos os computadores que usávamos, tanto no trabalho quanto em casa. Mas será que vale a pena comprar o MS Office?
Há pacotes diferentes do Office 2019.
Alguns possuem só o Word, Excel e PowerPoint. Enquanto outros incluem também o Outlook, o Microsoft Project e outros.
O Microsoft Office 365 nos permite ter atualizações constantes dos softwares. Enquanto os pacotes comuns, que compramos e instalamos no pc, não.
A questão é que boa parte de nós sequer usa 10% desses programas. Conclusão? Gastamos dinheiro à toa, para fazer coisas básicas, e que podem ser feitas em programas gratuitos e de qualidade.
No vídeo eu explico as diferenças de alguns pacotes. Também falo do preço do MS Office 2019 em suas versões diferentes. E ainda dou minha opinião na visão de um pequeno empreendedor, pois muitos de nós usa nas empresas.
Esse não é um vídeo detalhado sobre as diferenças dos pacotes office. E também não comparo o Office 2016 e o Office 2019.
Estou apenas dando uma visão geral de alguém que utiliza muito esse tipo de programa, e que recebe muitas perguntas sobre o tema.
Afinal, muitos até utilizam o pacote office. Mas utiliza o office crackeado, ou seja, pirata. E nesse ponto, temos vários problemas, que eu falo um pouco no vídeo.
Ainda dou uma sugestão interessante, que é o LibreOffice. Mas darei mais alternativas ao Microsoft Office no próximo vídeo.
Vale dizer que também existe a versão grátis do Microsoft Office, criado pela própria Microsoft. É mais fraco, claro, mas já ajuda em muitos projetos.
Caso você goste desse tipo de vídeo e queira saber mais da minha opinião sobre outros temas, fique à vontade para deixar nos comentários.
Um abraço!
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MICROSOFT OFFICE 2019: Vale a Pena Comprar? | Minha Opinião
How to Completely Uninstall Microsoft Office - Uninstall and Reinstall Errors Fixed! by: INFOLLEON
Welcome to my very first vlog! I am hoping for your support. Please show some love by liking this video and please consider subscribing as well as hitting the bell notification to get updated on my new videos.
I am dedicating this channel to all beginners and non-tech-savvy people.
In this video, I will teach you How to Completely Uninstall Microsoft Office and How to Fix Microsoft Office Uninstall and Reinstall Errors. We usually use the uninstall process on the control panel. However, there are times that it doesn't completely remove the files of a program which can cause errors when you try to reinstall the same program or a different version. This usually happens in Microsoft Office.
We will be using the Microsoft Office Removal Tool to Uninstall Microsoft Office from your Computer the Right Way. I will show you the step-by-step guide, from downloading to installation and uninstalling Microsoft Office.
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office in Windows 11
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office in Windows 10
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office in Windows 8
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office in Windows 7
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2010
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2013
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2019
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 365
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office and Reinstall
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Apps
How to Uninstall Built-in Microsoft Office in Windows 10
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Completely
How to Uninstall Corrupted Microsoft Office
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Desktop Apps
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Standard 2010
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Standard 2013
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Standard 2016
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Standard2019
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Groove 2007
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Groove 2010
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Suite
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Home and Student 2016
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Home and Student 2019
How to Uninstall Existing Microsoft Office
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office from PC
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office from Laptop
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office from Windows 11
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office from Windows 10
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office from Windows 8
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office from Windows 7
I Can't Uninstall Microsoft Office 2010
I Can't Uninstall Microsoft Office 2013
I Can't Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016
I Can't Uninstall Microsoft Office 2019
I Can't Uninstall Microsoft Office 365
How to Uninstall Unlicensed Microsoft Office
How to Uninstall Previous Version of Microsoft Office
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Without Control Panel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Completely Uninstall Microsoft Office - Uninstall and Reinstall Errors Fixed!
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