Жіноча бритва Gillette Simply Venus 3 гарантує ретельне гоління з мінімальним подразненням (порівнюючи з Simply Venus 2). Головка бритви з поворотним механізмом легко добирається до важкодоступних ділянок, а зволожувальна смужка з екстрактом алое вера забезпечує легке ковзання.
Ретельне гоління з мінімальним подразненням (порівнюючи з Simply Venus 2)
Жіноча бритва з головкою з поворотним механізмом легко добирається до важкодоступних ділянок
Зволожувальна смужка з екстрактом алое вера для легкого ковзання бритви
Леза Simply Venus підходять тільки до станків Simply Venus
Привет друзья! На канале ЧЕМ ПОБРИТЬСЯ новое видео!
Сегодня тестирую женские станки для бритья от компании Gillette Simply Venus и Rapira Berry для депиляции. Обе бритвы одноразовые и позиционируются как женские для бритья ног и зоны бикини. В ходе тестирования я заменил Rapira на одноразовую бритву Metal от BIC, в последствии очень пожалел об этом. Почему заменил и почему пожалел смотрите в этом видео. Победитель в этот раз однозначный...
В своих обзорах оцениваю такие показатели, как: цена бритвы, качество, удобство, безопасность, чистота бритья, наличие и отсутствие смазывающего слоя, натяжителя кожи, легкость промывки от волос, чистота бритья, как справляется бритва с разной длиной волос.
В конце каждого видео даю свою оценку и заношу показатели в файл Google таблицы с рейтингом бритв:
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Бритва GILLETTE Venus ComfortGlide Breeze и кассеты 2 штуки Видеоотзыв (обзор) Марии
Бритва GILLETTE Venus ComfortGlide Breeze и кассеты 2 штуки в каталоге :
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette Venus brings its newest product Simply Venus 3 in 1 which has the following features
Easy Glide Moisture Grip
Free Handle & free extra blades
Fresh Blades for better Hygiene Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Подробный обзор женских лезвий Gillette Venus на 3 и 5 лезвий.
Подробный сравнительный обзор на женские бритвенные системы Gillette Venus на 3 и 5 лезвий, обычные и с гелевыми подушечками. Основные характеристики, упаковка, различия, преимущества.
На обзоре лезвия Gillette: Venus, Venus Breeze, Venus Embrace, Venus &OLAY, Venus Swirl.
Ссылка на товар
на 3 лезвия 👉
на 5 лезвий
Venus Embace 👉
Venus Swirl 👉
Venus Olay 👉
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Всем привет! Сегодня я расскажу Вам про свой опыт бритья. А точнее сравню станки без сменных картриджей таких марок как Bic и Gillette. Надеюсь видео будет полезным.
Если видео вам понравилось, не забывайте ставить палец вверх и подписывайтесь на канал! Спасибо за просмотр! :)
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Бритвы с видео:
Станок для бритья женский одноразовый Simply Venus Gillette 4шт - продается в стационарных магазинах
Набор бритв без сменных картриджей BIC Soleil Bella Colours 3 шт - брала тут (Украина)
Набор бритв без сменных картриджей BIC Miss Soleil colour collection 4 шт -
Бритва без сменных картриджей BIC Soleil Bella - обожаю и всем рекомендую, брала тут (Украина)
Плейлист по удалению волос -
Топ 3 вида депиляции дома -
Бритье и депиляторный крем -
Эпилятор / Советы новичкам -
Удаление волос воском (обзор четырех видов) -
Шугаринг -
Риванол -
Фотоэпилятор -
Рецепты скрабов для тела в домашних условиях -
ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ НА НОВЫЕ ВИДЕО: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
تقدم جيليت فينوس أحدث منتجاتها
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قبضة رطبة وسهلة الانزلاق
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شفرات جديدة لنظافة أفضل Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Наконец-то купила новый станок Venus satin Care деликатно бритье
check out this coolest and compact gillete razor
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How I Get Smooth Skin | Gillette Venus | Partnership | #shorts
Бритвы для женщин Venus Smooth - это первая бритва, созданная специально для женщин. Три повторяющих изгибы тела лезвия, окруженные разглаживающей полоской обеспечивают быстрое и гладкое бритье. Голубая полоска-индикатор бледнеет, когда приходит время менять лезвия.Любая сменная кассета Venus подходит к любой бритвенной ручке Venus (кроме Simply Venus и Venus для зоны бикини).- 1 КАССЕТА - 1 МЕСЯЦ ГЛАДКОСТИ при бритье дважды в неделю. Когда будет необходимо, просто замените лезвие на новое- БЫСТРО И ПРОСТО: благодаря 3 встроенным лезвиям эта бритва обеспечивает быстрое и гладкое бритье.- ЭКОЛОГИЧНАЯ РУЧКА: на 50% состоит из вторичного переработанного пластика- МЯГКОЕ БРИТЬЕ: цветочные масла ухаживают за кожей, защитные подушечки вокруг лезвий дарят дополнительный комфорт.
Купить ее можно здесь:
Мои другие каналы:
Игровой канал:
Канал об отелях: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
When it’s time for a quick shave, use Gillette Venus Comfortglide razor with 2 gel pads for double the smoothness*.
*based on Comfortglide 2 gel bars + lubrastrip bar Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hair Removal with Simply Venus | Razors For Women | Venus Gillette India
Hair Removal with Simply Venus | Razors For Women | Venus Gillette India
Everything seems difficult unless you try it. Even Hair Removal! Follow the 3 simple steps mentioned in the video and just like Ananya, you too can indulge in Venus smooth skin by performing hair removal at home or while you are away on a vacation.
All your prayers about finding a painless and hassle-free way to remove unwanted hair from your body are answered. Now try the most effective razors for women designed to deliver smooth skin. The range of womens razors from Venus Gillette India are the answer to all your prayers.
►Shop for Gillette Simply Venus:
The New Simply Venus has a flexible head and lubrication strip which glides over every curve and removes unwanted hair without the pain. Just apply soap on your skin, glide a Venus and moisturize and you're good to glow! #GlideGlowGoRepeat.
►Check out these common shaving myths busted:
This video from Venus Gillette India shows how Ananya Panday gets glowing skin with new Simply Venus in just 3 steps.
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Бритвы Gillette Venus ComfortGlide для женщин, 1 бритва Venus, 4 сменных кассеты для лезвий, гелевые пластинки с ароматом белого чая Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How I get smooth Legs / Gillette Venus Razor #shorts #trending #viralvideo #ytshorts #viral #reels
Venus Swirl обзор и распаковка новинок от Gillette
Ссылки на официальную продукцию, где купить:
-Venus Swirl станок технологией FlexiBall
-Сменные кассеты Venus Swirl, 2 шт
-Сменные кассеты Venus Swirl, 4 шт
-Гель для бритья Satin Care Vanila Dream
-Гель для бритья Satin Care Violet Swirl Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this Video
simply Venus razor unboxing
Thank you
Sangsstyle Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор Venus от главного редактора Cosmopolitan Beauty
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When it’s time for a quick shave, use Gillette Venus Comfortglide razor with 2 gel pads for double the smoothness*.
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The NEW Gillette Venus for Facial Hair & Skin Care starter kit is specifically designed for dermaplaning at home. It comes with a cleansing primer, hydrating serum, and extra blades to help you shave your face at home in 3 easy steps. ▶ Learn more:
The razor kit allows you to safely remove dead skin cells and fine hair, resulting in a smoother, brighter complexion and glowing skin. Cleanse to prep, smooth, and exfoliate, then hydrate your skin with Venus’ complete dermaplaning and skincare line. Follow this easy 3-step routine to reveal the perfect post-dermaplaning glow on your skin:
Smooth and Exfoliate
▶ Expert Facial Shaving Tips for Women:
▶ Subscribe to join the Gillette Venus Fam on YouTube: 🔔 Make sure to enable ALL push notifications!
▶ Check out our wide range of products:
Connect with Gillette Venus:
Facebook: Venus/
Twitter: Venus
Instagram: Venus/?hl=en
#Dermaplaning #FaceShaving #GilletteVenus #MySkinMyWay #GlowYourOwnWay Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dermaplaning in 3 Easy Steps | NEW Gillette Venus Facial Razor Starter Kit
ShowerSafe razor blade refills are individually sealed to stay clean and dry, even when stored in the shower.
Built-in Shave Gel Bars with white tea scent eliminate the need for additional shave gel or soap
3-blade razor cartridge and shave gel bars flex for incredible closeness around every curve
All Venus blades fit all Venus razor handles.
Try Venus Spa razor refill cartridges for women, 4-count Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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3 Steps to Painless Hair Removal at Home | Simply Venus | Venus Gillette India | Malayalam
വീട്ടിൽ മുടി നീക്കംചെയ്യൽ: വേദനയില്ലാത്ത മുടി നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള 3 ഘട്ടങ്ങൾ | Venus Gillette India | Malayalam
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Hello Summer! Put all the woollens inside and bring out the colourful summer clothes. Let's go out and kiss the sun. But hey, what about your hair removal? No, you don't need to rush to the salon or go through painful waxing. Not even the bad smell of hair removal creams should make you feel uncomfortable. Hair removal at home is now as simple as a breeze with the Venus Breeze, razor for girls.
Just five minutes in the shower with this painless hair removal razor, and your legs hair removal, underarms hair removal and hair removal from other parts of the body are all done. Once you have experienced it, we bet you'll want one more glide.
More from the Brand: Find out about the the science of hair removal or to get more hair removal tips and shaving tips for women, subscribe to our YouTube Channel-
This product is also ideal for those who want to get rid of the hair in their bikini area. It can be a great option for women with a lot of body hair who are looking for a painless way to get rid of it. Venus Breeze just glides over wet skin and you can remove the hair in a single stroke without any cuts or scratches.
#SimplyVenus #RazorforGirls #HairRemovalAtHome #GilletteVenusRazors #AnanyaPanday #Malayalam
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3 Steps to Painless Hair Removal at Home | Simply Venus | Venus Gillette India | Malayalam
Se hai già sentito il profumo di tè bianco del nostro rasoio, saprai ciò che diciamo. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette Venus Spa Breeze | Con il tuo rasoio preferito, sarai sempre pronta in 5
Worrying about hair removal at home? Rest easy with Venus Snap!
Nourishing Avocado Oils in the soap gel bars of this cutie will make sure you have the best hair removal at home. This pocket-sized cutie is the perfect razor for girls with soap gel bars that give you a smooth glide, with the scent of freesia flowers. The flexible pivoting head glides smoothly along your curves, and the easy rubber grip handle is great for regular use in the shower. Venus Snap is the best hair removal method without pain and without the use of strong chemicals.
This razor is also ideal for those who want to get rid of hair in their bikini area, underarm shaving or body shaving. It is a great option for women who are looking for a painless way of unwanted hair removal. Venus Snap just glides over wet skin and you can remove the hair in a single stroke without any nicks and cuts.
Find the hair removal tips you are looking for, and let us help bust those hair removal myths for you. Just explore the videos on our channel and you’ll find all you need to know about women’s razors!
#VenusSnapRazor #Razor #HairRemoval #UnwantedHairRemoval #PainlessHairRemoval #ShavingRazorForWomen #BodyHairRemoval #Shaving #HowToShave #GilletteVenusIndia
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Venus Snap For Smooth Skin | Best Hair Removal Method | Venus Gillette India
Gillette Venus Extra Smooth Swirl Razors for Women , 1 Razor , 4 Razor Blade Refills , Flexiball Handle a Close , Shave
About this item
Gillette Venus Flexiball pivots to contour to your body for a flawless shave
5 diamond‐like coated blades, perfectly balanced, glide over your skin
The water-activated Ribbon of moisture around the blade helps protect from nicks & cuts
MicroFine comb guides hair to the blades that capture virtually every hair
Venus ergonomic handles are shaped to allow the razor to be held in multiple positions, and the soft-grip gel provides great control in wet and slippery conditions
Product details
Product Dimensions : x x inches; Ounces
Item model number : 10047400665870
UPC : 047400665873
Manufacturer : Procter & Gamble - HABA Hub
Country of Origin : USA
Best Sellers Rank: #3,689 in Beauty & Personal Care (See Top 100 in Beauty & Personal Care)
#16 in Women's Cartridge Razors Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gillette Venus Extra Smooth Swirl Razors for Women , 1 Razor , 4 Razor Blade Refills , Flexiball
Gilette Venus Razor
Check out my entire unboxing playlist
The term safety razor was first used in 1880 and described a basic razor with a handle attached to a head where a removable blade may be placed. The edge was then protected by a comb patterned on the head to protect the skin. In the more modern-day produced safety razors, the comb is now more commonly replaced by a safety bar. There are two types of safety razors, the single edged and the double-edged. The single-edged razor is essentially a 4-centimetre (1.6 in) long segment of a straight razor. The double-edged safety razor is a razor with a slant bar that can be used on both sides, with two open edges. The blade on the double-edged safety razor is slightly curved to allow for a smoother and cleaner shave.
In 1901, the American inventor King Camp Gillette, with the assistance of William Nickerson, submitted a patent of a new variation of safety razor with disposable blades which was patented in 1904. One reason was that shaving with a safety razor should be safer and more convenient than shaving with a classic straight razor with a sharp blade. The thick grip of these safety razors can be reused. Gillette realized that a profit could be made by selling an inexpensive razor with disposable blades. This has been called the razor and blades business model, and has become a very common practice for a wide variety of products.
Many other brands of safety razors have come and gone. Much of the competition was based on designing blades that would fit only one style of razor until the blade shape was standardized by the inclusion of a multi-faceted central channel to the blade which would accommodate the various designs of blade securing systems; e.g. three pins, a slender metal bar, etc. Even today, these various securing forms still persist in their variety in DE razors, all accepting the same universal blade design.
Exploiting the same razor and blades business model as pioneered in the early 20th century, cartridge razors were developed in the 1960s and are now the most common form of shaving in developed countries. Although designed to have a more ergonomic shape at both the handle and head (including commonly a pivoted head which keeps the blades angled to the skin at a pre determined angle through the shaving motion) the concept is very similar to that of the double edge razor. However, here the entire head assembly (known as a cartridge) is removed and disposed of, not just the blade. Also, it is common for these cartridge heads to have multiple razor blades set into them, commonly between two and five blades.
(Source: Wikipedia)
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Gillette Venus deluxe smooth sensitive women's razor rose gold unboxing and instructions
Full disclosure: not everyone shaves their pits. And that’s okay! If you’re looking for tips on how to get smooth underarms—without the razor burn—learn how with this helpful guide.
Click here to learn more about Gillette Venus razors and Gillette Venus and Satin Care shave gel for your underarms:
See more shave tips here:
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How to Shave Your Underarms | #ShavingTips from Gillette Venus
3 Steps to Smooth Skin with Simply Venus | Hair Removal at Home | Venus Gillette India
Summers are here and the time to flaunt your colourful summer clothes is now! Don't let hair removal troubles keep you from rocking those gorgeous summer clothes. You can count on Venus Breeze to take care of your hair removal at home needs, just perfectly. Yes, you no longer need a waxing appointment at your salon, better to avoid public places. Neither do you have to make do with an unsatisfactory finishing experience with hair removal creams.
With Venus Breeze - razor for girls, just five minutes in the shower and you are done! This painless hair removal option will take care of your legs hair removal, underarms hair removal and unwanted hair removal from other parts of the body as well. Once you have experienced it, we bet you'll want one more glide.
This product is also ideal for those who want to get rid of the hair in their bikini area. It can be a great option for women with a lot of body hair who are looking for a painless way to get rid of it. Venus Breeze just glides over wet skin and you can remove the hair in a single stroke without any cuts or scratches.
#SimplyVenusRazor #HairRemoval #SmoothSkin #Shaving #VenusRazorForWomen #AnanyaPanday #GilletteVenus
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3 Steps to Smooth Skin with Simply Venus | Hair Removal at Home | Venus Gillette India
Have you ever wondered Whats the ph level of your Shaving Cream?
In this video we will do pH test of Gillette Venus Satin Care Dry Skin Shea Butter Shave Gel.
This Shaving Gel locks moisture into skin types in need of extra nourishment, seals moisture in, protecting and soothing dry skin.
Navigate on my channel @ssiusplau to see you favorites brands testing 🥰
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@GilletteVenusOfficial Satin Care Shaving Gel pH Test! #shorts #venus #shaving
Hi guys ☺️
welcome back to shorts , today i am going to share with you Gillette Venus razor blades review and how to use it .
This is a refill pack of blades.
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Gillette Venus Hair Removal Razor for Women with Aloe Vera, 1 Pc
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