Ліхтар Olight I5T EOS - новий представник популярної лінійки EOS, що включає в себе компактні повсякденні ліхтарі. I5T - "старша" версія I3T і відрізняється більш ємним форматом батареї AA. Вибір формату АА дозволив зробити ліхтар дуже компактним і зручним при зберіганні в кишені брюк. Оптична система представлена поєднанням світлодіода з TIR-лінзою, що забезпечує широкий промінь світла яскравістю 300 люмен. Управління ліхтарем просте і здійснюється за допомогою торцевої кнопки, яка здатна активувати один з двох режимів роботи: на 300 і на 15 люмен. Новинка успадкувала високі стандарти ударо- і вологостійкості, завдяки яким ліхтар переживе падіння з висоти до 1.5 метрів і перебування під водою до 2-х метрів. Вирішивши купити ліхтар Olight I5T EOS - користувач отримає якісний освітлювальний прилад, який завжди буде під рукою.
Ліхтар на кожен день однозначно має бути компактним. Olight має гігантский досвід у цій галузі та розробила справді зручний ліхтар - I5T EOS, про який і піде мова у цьому відео.
#olight #i5t Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор OLIGHT i5T EOS CU. Фонарик с медным корпусом
Фонарь предоставлен для обзора официальным дилером фонарей Olight в России.
Промокод на скидку “SERJ32”
Источник света — светодиод Philips LUXEON.
Срок службы светодиода — 50000 часов (около 5 лет).
Мощность светового потока: 300 люмен.
Дальность светового потока: 60 метров.
Интенсивность светового потока: 910 Candela.
Линза - акриловая TIR оптика.
Количество режимов — 2: 300, 15 люмен.
Питание: 1 х alkaline АА или 1 x Lithium АА 3,0 В. или 1 х NI-MH АА 1,2 В. (1 шт. alkaline АА в комплекте).
Метрическая анодированная резьба, обеспечивает долгий срок службы.
Прочный эргономичный корпус выполнен из медного сплава, который подвержен окислению на воздухе.
Удобная накатка корпуса в виде спирали позволяет держать фонарь даже в мокрых руках.
Съемная двухсторонняя клипса для крепления на кармане или кепке для использования как налобный фонарь.
Ударозащита по стандарту FL1 Standart (падения с высоты до 1,5 метров).
Повышенная герметичность корпуса по стандарту IPX-8 ( погружение под воду не более 2х метров на 30 мин) - при условии наличие уплотнительных колец на корпусе фонаря, смазанные силиконовой смазкой.
Сертифицирован по европейским стандартам CE и RoHS Certification.
Габариты: 17,8 мм. x 95 мм
Вес: 60 г. (без батареей)
Комплектация: Фонарь Olight i3T EOS Cu Copper, 1 алкалиновая батарейки ААА, клипса, упаковка.
Время работы (1 x AA alkaline):
High 300~150~30 люмен - 3 минуты ~ 25 минут ~ 122 минуты (60 метров)
Low 15 люмен — 20 часов (12 метров) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT "i5T eos" en laiton et "Open2" en bleu ... des séries limitées, très limitées !!!
Première vente flash de l'année, Olight démarre sobrement et avec goût en proposant une "i5T eos" en laiton très sympa et le stylolampe "Open2" en bleu, à des tarifs très intéressants à partir du 28/01 à 20h00 jusqu'au 29/01 à minuit ...
🔹 Le site OLIGHT 👉
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Olight decide to donate all i5T sales to support fighting against coronavirus . All sales are used for medical supply donations.
i5T with exclusive blue knurling is special edition for Charity sale only.
i5T will be on sale during Jan. 31st- Feb. 2nd with 25% off; Bundle i5T and Warrior X Pro will be 40% off, Jan. 31st Only.
January 31st 2020 Flash sale details:
Flash Sale Date: January 31st. Whole Day EST.
Warrior X Pro Black, 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Warrior X Pro Desert Dan/OD Green, 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: Warrior X Pro Black + i5T, 40% off (MAP: $159.9; Sales price:$), limit 2 per person
Bundle: Warrior X Pro Desert Dan/OD Green + i5T, 40% off (MAP: $169.9; Sales price:$), limit 2 per person
Free gifts:
--Spend over $109 get a i1R 2 (MAP: $) for free.
--Spend over $259 get a Baton Pro Black (MAP:$ ) for free.
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings only.
Please remember to use my affiliate link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Kompaktowa i poręczna latarka Olight I5T EOS
Latarka Olight I5T EOS jest dostępna również w limitowanych wersjach kolorystycznych.
Dane techniczne
Źródło światła: dioda LED
Zasilanie: 1x bateria AA
Obudowa: aluminium
Maksymalny zasięg: 60 m
Wymiary: 95 mm x 18 mm
Waga: 60 g (z baterią i klipsem)
Producent: Olight, PRC
#militariapl #olight #latarka
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Olight i5T Brass & OPen 2 Blue Reviews (Limited Edition)
Link to the Olight Valentines Sale (Brass i5T & Blue OPen2)
Flash sale date: January 25 2021 8:00PM EST - To January 26 2021, 11:59PM EST
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0:00 Start
0:38 Sale Details
1:38 i5T Brass
6:21 Blue OPen2
12:20 Finishing up
#FlashlightReview #Olight #i5TBrass #Open2Blue Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T EOS Review - The AA Battery Powerhouse Flashlight You Need?
Links to buy your own Olight are listed here. Just expand this section.
- CANADIANS: Please use this link whenever you want to shop at Olight Canada online store:
They have the i5T in 4 colours: Black - $ & Tan, OD Green, PURPLE for $ each.
SAVE 10% when you check out with coupon code: CCE10 (I believe this applies only to regularly priced items.)
- USA:
$ for Green & Purple, $ for black
Black "WU HAN" Blue Special Edition (mine)- $ SOLD OUT
- GERMANY Amazon - € and up
- UNITED KINGDOM Amazon - @ £ and up
- INTERNATIONAL via - $ and up
Prepared Guy did an out of the box time test 24.5 hours - claim max 20 hrs, so Olight clearly is a bit humble and does not like to over-brag about the capability of their flashlights:
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Please watch: "My real REAL EDC 2022"
Olight i5T EOS EDC Pocket Flashlight - the i5T is a great flashlight for EDC as it fits so well into your pocket
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Credit for two tracks used:
Rock Angel by Joakim Karud Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library
Easier to Fade (feat. Madi Larson) by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Olight i5T EOS Single AA Powered EDC Flashlight provides a Nice Lighting option for when you need something Smaller than your Normal 18650 Carry. Sporting Two Simple Modes, Momentary Operation, and Strong Build Quality make it a Worthy consideration when shopping in this Category. During the video I compare it against the Fenix E12, and the Lumintop Tool AA. Does it come out a Winner? Maybe :)
▶ The Olight i5T EOS at Amazon:
▶ The Fenix E12 at Amazon:
▶ The Lumintop Tool AA at Amazon:
▶ The ACEBEAM Pokelit at Amazon:
▶ Todd's Shop:
Features I like about the i5T:
Momentary Operation.
Always Starts on Low.
Three Hundred Lumen High Mode for Three Minutes, before Throttling Down.
Attractive Design.
Fifteen Lumen Low Mode for Twenty Hours. The Mode Used Frequently.
Substantial Build Quality.
Oversized Belt/Hat Clip with a Distinct Blue Anodized Treatment.
IPX8 Waterproof.
No RFI to Worry about while Tuning a Radio.
Pairs well with the CC Skywave, CC Pocket, and other AA Powered Radios.
Wonderful Beam Pattern Provided by the TIR Optics, and OSRAM P9 LED.
Features that could be Added or Improved on:
A tail switch shroud so it can tail stand, and to protect it from being turned on accidentally.
A Moonlight Mode of One Half Lumen to Extend Run Times.
The Ability to Run off a 14500.
Overall, this gets a "Maybe" recommendation from me. There are many options out there for less money, that perform just as well, or better. Consider the Fenix for a Premium EDC, or the Lumintop for a Budget Carry. Now ACEBEAM has entered the scene with its new Pokelit that includes a 14500, and a Nichia 219F High CRI LED. The main reason to pick up the Olight is the Overall Build Quality, and Wonderful Beam Pattern.
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Olight i5T EDC Flashlight 550 LUMENS😲
💥Pocket Check T-Shirt:
Olight's I Recommend:
90 Lumen Keychain Light:
💥Olight i3E EOS:
💥Batteries Required:
🔦Need 1000 Lumens with a GREEN Laser?
Try the Olight Arkfeld:
🔦Olight Baton 3 Pro (1500 Lumens and it's rechargeable):
Save 10% with my Discount Code: TFD4
Olight Baton 3:
Olight i3T EOS:
Olight i5T Plus EOS:
Olight Obulb MC:
Olight Otacle:
Olight Open mini:
(Coupon code is not available on sale items, nor the X9R)
Let me know in the comments what your favorite flashlight is.
What features are the most important?
I earn a small commission when you shop through my Amazon affiliate links. I greatly appreciate you supporting my channel! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today we check out the i5T EOS from Olight and I let you know why it's replaced every other as my new, NEW favorite EDC light!
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- 5 Minute Knives is just one man's opinion on knives, flashlights, watches, and all things everyday carry. In no way do the opinions expressed in our videos reflect those of our affiliates, sponsors, or supporters.
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#olight #sale #jiujitsu2000
In this video Olight is having a flash sale with the release of the new Olantern. Enjoy!
My Coupon code: jiujitsu2000
My affiliate link:
My Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Flash sale date: 8:00pm October 22nd -11:59pm October 23rd EDT, lasting 28 hours;
VIP customers(above Silver) will have the early access to our Flash Sale from October 20th EDT.
Main promoting products are as below:
Basalt Grey, Wine Red or Moss Green, 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: Olantern Basalt Grey, Wine Red or Moss Green+ i3T EOS (ODG), 40% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$);
X Pro Red, Green or Blue(Limited Edition), 30% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle: Warrior X Pro Red, Green or Blue(Limited Edition)+ i5T EOS(ODG), 40% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$)
Olantern(Basalt Grey)+ Warrior X Pro(Blue), 40% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Olantern(Wine Red)+ Warrior X Pro(Red), 40% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Olantern(Moss Green)+ Warrior X Pro(Green), 40% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$);
2CU(Limited Edition), 25% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Ti (Limited Edition), 25% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
PACK, 40% off
Mega Pack A: Olantern(Moss Green) + Warrior X Pro(Red)+ i5T Ti + O Pen 2 CU+i3T ODG, (MAP: $; Sales price:$);
Mega Pack B: Olantern(Wine Red) + Olantern(Basalt Grey) + Warrior X Pro (Blue) +i5T Ti + O Pen 2 CU, (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Over $99 get a FREE I3E (MAP: $)
Over $199 get a FREE M1T Plus DT (MAP: $)
Over $359 get a FREE Warrior X (MAP: $)
Note: Free tier gift can't be stacked.
Free O-Refill set for customers who bought Open 2 before October 19, 2020, at 9 AM EDT. Shipping is free only for the first order.
Free O-Refill set for customers who ever bought Open 2. Free shipping for orders over $49.
O-Refill is available until 2022
(II)The Features of main new lights for your reference:
1. The white light LED module and flaming LED module are replaceable for fun and versatile illumination.
2. Motion-sensitive battery indicator, fading on and off to help locate lantern in the darkness
3. Maximum 360 lumens output
4. Magnetic charging
5. Three colors available, basalt grey, moss green, and wine red
Warrior X Pro
1. Incredible 2,100-lumen output and 500-meter throw
2. With a sturdy heavy-duty build, enough to endure a harsh 3-meter drop test
3. Using a powerful customized 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery
4. Magnetic charging
5. Three Limited Edition colors for your choice, including Red, Green, and Blue.
Open 2 Cu
1. Unlimited access to Free O-Refill
2. Pen and Light 2-in-1
3. Upgraded L-type smooth bolt action
4. Limited Edition in Copper
5. Built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
Jiujitsu2000 UNFILTERED:
Donations for Jiujitsu2000:
Want to contact me? jiujitsu2000@
I wear an XL t-shirt
Need a solid flashlight? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Flash sale date: 8:00 PM April 15th - 11:59 PM April 16th EDT,
VIP customers(Silver and above) will have early access to our Flash Sale from 8:00 PM April 12th.
A FREE i3E keychain light will be automatically added to the cart for every newly registered customer.
Build your Bundle: Buying any two or more of new released products will get 30% OFF
Olight Purchasing Link:
10% OFF Coupon code: jiujitsu2000
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
i5T EOS Stardust, $ (MSRP: $)
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a review of the Olight i5T EOS every day carry (EDC) flashlight and the Olight O Pen 2.
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Any opinions expressed in this video are mine and mine alone and are not related to my employer or any other organization or individual. I have not been paid to make this video or to endorse a product. If I am ever paid for an endorsement or provided other compensation, I will state it clearly in the video. Any advice or demonstration I provide is just advice. The viewer should take responsibility for their own actions, follow any manufacturers warnings and directions and act safely and responsibly when travelling in the backcountry. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LED Flashlight Full Review, The Olight i5T, it's small but surprisingly powerful!
This is the full review of the Olight i5T LED Flashlight.
For more information, to buy Olight products or to
(This is an affiliate link, so it costs you nothing to buy from this link, but a small portion of the sales goes to support the It's Tipp Topp Fishing channel)
Please remember to like share and comment, thank you so much for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
รีวิวไฟฉาย Olight i5T eos 300 lumens ใช้ถ่านAA / NEW review
Prepared Guy tests out the New Olight i5T eos.
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Olight I5T EOS myślałem, że jest lepsza ale w trakcie użytkowania ... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Discount code: 10steve
Note: Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY during the sales and most products after the sales.
This is a review and night test of the Olight I5T which was kindly sent by Olight for review, this is available in the black Friday sale event on the 25th. Please use the link below to visit their site and have a look through the amazing offers available in the up coming sale. The link will show that you have come from our video so that Olight know who is directing traffic their way and we get a little commission which helps keep the channel running. The discount code above will not work for the sale items but will get you a discount on other items. There is also the option to bag a free i1R2 by logging into their site so check that out as well.
As you will see in the review this is a fantastic little light powered from a single AA battery. This is an ideal light to keep handy for emergency situations or if you just don't like the rechargeable lights. The Olight i5T has a max output of 300 lumens and this particular limited edition Camo version looks fantastic and performs it as well.
Please see below for details of the offers that are on during the Black Friday event
1. 30% off:
Perun 2 BK/ Orange (multi-functional headlight), save almost ₤30!
Marauder 2 BK/ Blue (powerful rescue and search light), save almost ₤99!
M2R PRO(portable tactical flashlight), save almost ₤33!
limited Warrior mini(Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and eternity) ,save almost ₤36!
S1R II orange(special EDC flashlight), save almost ₤21!
Baldr IR( upgraded gun light), save almost ₤48!
2. 40% off:
Perun 2 BK/ Orange+ I3T DT, save almost ₤44!
Perun 2 BK/ Orange+i5t in CAM, save almost ₤50!
Marauder 2 BK+ S2R II purple, save almost ₤162!
Marauder 2 BK+ Javelot Pro 2, save almost ₤224!
Marauder 2 Blue+ Perun 2 , save almost ₤180!
M2R PRO+ I5 UV , save almost ₤57!
Free Tiers:
1. Over ₤99 get a FREE i3T ODG green/red (MAP: ₤)
2. Over ₤189 get a FREE O Pen 2 Gunmetal Grey + FREE Refill(MAP: ₤)
3. Over ₤299 get a FREE Olantern Red/ Green(MAP: ₤)
4. Over ₤399 get a FREE warrior X PRO BK (MAP: ₤)
5. Over ₤459 get a FREE Seeker 2 pro Mint green(MAP: ₤)
6. Over ₤599 get a FREE Javelot turbo(MAP: ₤)
7. Over ₤999 get a FREE Marauder 2 BK(MAP: ₤) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight I3T EOS Мощный и компактный светодиодный фонарик
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Prepared Guy gives his personal opinion over which has more functionality, the olight i3t or the i5t.
i5t (standard version):
i3t (Standard version):
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The Olight I5T versus I5R - what are the differences and similarities of these EDC pocket lights.
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In this video I'll compare these two wonderful lights. Enjoy!!
OFan Day details:
8:00 PM September 23rd - 11:59 PM September 27th EDT,
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Olight i3t with 10440 vs. Warrior Mini 2 High Mode
In this short, the Olight i3t with a 10440 Lithium Rechargeable Cell is compared to the 500 lumen high mode of the Warrior Mini 2. Can the tiny light possibly complete? The 10440 battery used in the i3t is from PK Cell.
PK Cell 10440s: =sr_1_2?crid=1PHWA608R9191&keywords=pkcell+10440&qid=1704570404&s=hi&sprefix=pkcell+10440%252Ctools%252C126&sr=1-2&_encoding=UTF8&tag=pardonmyengli-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=00467f2d115c268e6fb469ab1f698336&camp=1789&creative=9325
If you would like to support the channel and/or you would like a discount on Olight products, use the 10% Coupon Code: PME10
Link to Olight store: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight flash sale!! Get the Open2 for $44.96 in limited edition blue
Purchase link
2 Blue(Limited Edition), $(MSRP:$)
i5T EOS Brass(Limited Edition), $(MSRP:$)
set, 35% OFF
1) Open 2 Blue + i5T EOS Brass, $(MSRP:$)
2) PL-MINI 2 Black + i5T PU, $ (MSRP:$)
3) PL-MINI 2 OD Green + i3T Ti, $ (MSRP:$)
4) PL-MINI 2 OD Green + Open 2 Blue, $ (MSRP:$)
5) i5T OD Green + i5T PU, $ (MSRP:$)
6) Warrior X Pro Black + i5T PU, $ (MSRP:$)
7) M1T Plus DT + i5T PU, $ (MSRP:$)
1) Over $129 get a FREE i3T Black (MSRP: $)
2) Over $199 get a FREE M1T Plus DT (MSRP: $)
3) Over $299 get a FREE Seeker 2 (MSRP: $)
B. Here are the features of the products for your reference.
i5T Brass
1. Using a single AA battery with max 300-lumen output
2. A dual-direction pocket clip makes it perfect for hands-free use
3. Double helix body knurling provides excellent ventilation and solid grip
4. Simple tail switch operation
5. Limited edition in Brass, perfect gift for your loved ones
Open 2 Blue
1. Up to a 10-hour runtime and can be fully charged in less than an hour.
2. Pen and Light 2-in-1.
3. Upgraded L-type smooth bolt action.
4. Built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery.
5. Limited Edition in Blue.
Warrior X pro
1. Incredible 2,100-lumen output and 500-meter throw.
2. With a sturdy heavy-duty build, enough to endure a harsh 3-meter drop test.
3. Using a powerful customized 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery.
4. Magnetic charging.
M1T Plus
1. Max 800-lumen output with 122-meter throw.
2. Compact and lightweight, making it perfect for everyday carry.
3. A click of the tactical tail switch provides foolproof activation under even the most stressful conditions.
4. Included dual direction pocket clip for a better hands-free experience.
5. The best Valentine's Day gift for your loved ones.
by two CR123A batteries
1. Only oz with a max 600-lumen output and a 100-meter throw.
2. The world's first compact rechargeable weapon light with an adjustable rail
attach lever allows for installation and detachment in a second.
4. Compatible with most pistols including subcompacts
5. Ultra-compact and lightweight
6. Magnetic charging
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Learn more -
The I5T Plus is our brand new dual AA battery flashlight with a simple tail switch operation! It features 550 lumens using these standard alkaline cells which is truly impressive.
Get yours in a customized configuration starting this Thursday at 8:00 PM EDT.! Click the link above to learn more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I'll compare the Lumintop EDC AA with the Olight i5t EOS. These are both excellent lights!
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Need a solid flashlight? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T EOS Black Aluminium Version เล็กพกง่ายได้แสงดี
Shalom Everyone! ❤️
Today we're unboxing the Olight i3T and taking a look at how it compares to the Olight i5T & i5R, as well as the i3T-Plus and the s1R Baton 2.
If you want to watch the Victorinox Climber Unboxing, here's the link to that video:
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I hope you enjoyed the video!
Thanks for watching ❤️ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь Olight I5R EOS - долгожданное продолжение развития модели I5T. Главным отличием является возможность подзарядки, для чего необходимо вынять аккумулятор с фонаря и подключить к нему шнур стандарта USB type C.
Это стало возможным благодаря тому, что аккумулятор типоразмера AA оснащен интегрированным портом зарядки. Кроме возможности подзарядки, яркость фонаря также возросла, дополнительно были стабилизированы режимы работы в сторону большей автономности работы.
Оптическая система представлена уже классическим сочетанием светодиода с TIR-линзой, что обеспечивает широкий луч света яркостью 350 люмен.
Управление фонарем простое и осуществляется при помощи торцевой кнопки, которая способна активировать один из двух режимов работы: на 350 и на 15 люмен.
Новинка унаследовала высокие стандарты ударо- и влагостойкости, благодаря которым фонарь переживет падение с высоты до 1.5 метров и пребывание под водой до 2-х метров. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight i5T Cu Review (AA, 300 Lumens, Raw Copper, Great EDC)
Pickup the Olight i5T from Amazon at
Read this review on my Blog
See my review of the Olight i3T
Have any questions? Leave them in the comments below!
0:00 Start
0:43 Versions
1:08 Packaging & Accessories
1:47 Construction
4:10 Size & Weight
5:03 Retention
5:29 LED & Beam
5:57 Night Shots
7:11 Heat & Runtimes
9:56 User Interface
10:18 Pro's
10:27 Con's
10:37 Conclusion
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#FlashlightReview #Olighti5t #CopperFlashlight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Видео обзор компактного тактического фонаря Olight i3T EOS.
Технические характеристики:
- Источник света — светодиод Philips LUXEON.
- Мощность светового потока: 180 люм.
- Дальность светового потока: 60 м.
- Линза: акриловая TIR оптика.
- Количество режимов — 2: 180, 5 люмен.
- Питание: 1 х alkaline ААА или 1 x Lithium ААА 3,0 В. или 1 х NI-MH ААА 1,2 В.
- Корпус: T6061 анодированный алюминий, анодирование Type III.
- Накатка корпуса в виде спирали позволяет держать фонарь даже в мокрых руках.
- Съемная двухсторонняя клипса.
- Ударопрочность: падение с высоты до 1,5 метров.
- Водонепроницаемость: IPX-8.
- Габариты: 15 мм. x 89 мм.
- Вес: 41 г. (без батареей). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь - Olight Фонарь светодиодный тактический Olight i3T EOS
🤝сотрудничество - punkezzzzz@
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Якщо Ви шукаєте невеличкий ліхтар на кожен день - рекомендуємо звернути увагу на #Olight I3T EOS. В кишені він не займе багато місця, проте в конкретній ситуації здатен виручити.
#olight #flashlight #i3t Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как выбрать отличный EDC фонарь? Обзор моих фонарей для повседневного ношения.
Изначально хотел записать видео про свою скромную коллекцию фонариков на каждый день, но в результате получилась мини инструкция - гад по выбору фонаря для EDC.
Телеграм канал Margul Gear
Расскажу на что стоит обратить внимание, как подобрать фонарь под свои нужды, чтобы он радовал вас долгие годы.
Пишите свои мысли на тему идеального фонаря для каждодневного использования.
В данном ролике речь идем именно про #edc #фонарь , поисковые, дальнобойные, туристические, налобные - будут в отдельном видео.
В ролике показаны:
Olight M2R Pro Warrior
March K3
Acebeam TK18
Olight S1 Mini Baton
Яркий луч TACTIC G15
Fenix UC02
Nitecore NU05
Яркий луч X1 Limited Edition
Яркий луч X2 Limited Edition
Skilhunt H04
шишка и гриб трутовик ;) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLight i5T EOS CU vs M2R Pro Warrior vs Warrior X Pro & i3UV EOS Review
► Check Out This Olight:
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Olight Quality
If you are not familiar with Olight, they are a tactical flashlight manufacturer that builds high-end flashlights at a good price. They have great charging platforms and have mounts to put lights on guns with pressure switches.
Olight is not a cheap knockoff brand. These lights are backed by a 5-year warranty and promise. They take care of their customers and have flash sales often. They will advertise the flash sale well in advance so you know what is coming and at what price. Our experience with Olight has been fantastic overall and we believe yours will be also. If for any reason it is not, we want to know about it!
Olight i5T EOS CU
The Olight i5T EOS CU is an everyday carry sized light that is powerful for its size. It is powered by single AA battery and delivers a max output of 300 lumens with a max throw of 60 meters. This light is operated by a tail switch only. The user can operate momentary on and quick mode shifting (15/300 lumens) with a press or hold of that button. The dual direction pocket clip makes it convenient to carry the flashlight in a pocket or attach to a hat brim or backpack strap for a hands-free experience. With a lanyard hole, the clip can accept a diameter lanyard cord.
The Olight 15T hits me as the perfect bug-out bad light. Straight out of the box, the light is vacuum-packed and ready to be packed away for some time or used right away. The fact that it uses an AA battery for power can be a plus or negative pending how you use the light. In emergency situations, it is easier to find an AA battery than find a power outlet to charge the light.
This is an excellent close-range light. Perfect for following a trail or scoping out a building. When you get out much past 100 feet, the light is fairly faded compared to the others in the video.
This light is not overly heavy, but it is not the lightest flashlight we have ever used. It could be mounted to the bill of a baseball cap, although we feel you would know it is there.
Warrior X Pro
The Warrior X Pro is the upgraded version of Olight’s revolutionary Warrior X. The Pro version uses a 5000mAh 21700 lithium battery rather than the 18650 found in the Warrior X. The Warrior X Pro produces 2,250 lumens for up to 600 meters of throw. When the Warrior X Pro is low on battery, the flashlight will start to vibrate. The closer the vibrations become, the less battery you have remaining. To aid in charging, the Warrior X pro charges at 2A current for 100% faster charging than Warrior X.
The Warrior X Pro is a heavy-duty built light with an IPX8-rated aluminum-alloy body and fully tested and guaranteed to endure a harsh 3-meter drop test.
The Warrior X Pro features a redesigned raised tail switch that allows for easy changes between high and low beams. This is a tactical light that is ready to do the work needed if asked.
Our recommendation for this light is to use it beyond 30 feet as the light is so concentrated that it will fade out items at a distance under 30 feet. This light will throw to 600 meters and it works best when used at longer ranges, in our opinion.
M2R Pro Warrior
M2R Pro Warrior is the newest version of OLIGHT two-button straight tactical flashlight. This light was upgraded with a single 5000mAh 21700 rechargeable lithium battery and TIR lens for incredibly uniform light. The M2R Pro Warrior has a maximum output of 1800 lumens and a throw distance of 300 meters. The Included MCC will USB at 2A current.
The M2R Pro Warrior was built as a tactical light with an aggressive strike bezel. The light has six different modes; seven if you include the strobe function. The light has a tail switch and a forward switch to operate the modes. The light is simple to learn even with all the modes and functions. The smooth switches and well thought out functions set this light apart from all the others who are trying to match this quality.
The M2R Pro Warrior works very well from 5 feet all the way out to 500 feet and beyond. The TIR lens gives you a very consistent circle of light that is something none of my other much more expensive lights can produce. This would be my preferred all-around light if I had to choose one.
The i3UV is an extremely compact ultraviolet flashlight. The small flashlight is powered by a single AAA battery. The ultra-compact UV blacklight emits 395-nanometer wavelength and should not be shined in anyone’s eyes. The i3UV can be carried along to detect invisible stains, find scorpions, confirm minerals, and check money. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Який ліхтар обрати на кожен день? У цьому відео ми розкажемо про невеличкий Olight I5R EOS з можливістю підзарядки. Незначна вартість, зручний форм-фактор та варіативність має привернути увагу любителів EDC інструментів.
#olight #edc #ібіс Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Лови знижку 10% з промокодом 719600412. Промокод діє з по та не сумується з дисконтною карткою.
Увага! Промокод діє лише при онлайн-замовленні!
Не всім до вподоби налобні ліхтарики по ряду причин. І далеко не кожен готовий носити повноцінний ручний ліхтар через його габарити і вагу. При цьому майже щоденно, особливо в осінньо-зимовий період, ми стикаємося з необхідністю підсвітити замкову щілину, якісь дрібні деталі, або просто собі під ноги в неосвітленому дворі, на автостоянці або під'їзді. І саме для таких ситуацій добре підходять брелочно-наключні мікроліхтарі, які при своїх супер скромних габаритах вазі непомітні та в стані закрити всі індивідуальні питання темряви в умовах міста. Сьогодні на огляді один з дуже вдалих ліхтарів такого класу Olight IXV. Дивимось на світло! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight's Brand New i5T Plus /// Product Introduction and Discussion
For more discussion on the i5T Plus color temperature options, check out this video!
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Link to Olight Sale
Have a Multitool or EDC Question? Leave a comment and I may make a video on it!
Amazon Shop:
Email: @ (no links plz, wont click them)
MMaxlvledc is a channel dedicated to exploring the #tools we carry every day. I will be discussing bags, #flashlights, #knives, #multitools, #pens, #wallets, key organizers, pry tools, functional clothing, #watches, electronics, and much more. Because I also love to modify these items, there will be videos on tools such as #screwdrivers, #pliers, #scissor, #wrenches, and #power-tools .
I try to read every comment so pls feel free to ask any questions below! Thanks for stopping in!
I will use affiliate links whenever possible. Using these links allows me to continue to make content for this channel. Thanks so much for your help!
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Olight Perun Mini Headlamp& i5T EOS EDC Light Limited Editions - Unboxing, Review & Flash Sale Info
Olight Sale Link:
i5T Video:
Sale Info:
1. Flash sale date: 8pm June 21st -12am June 23rd EDT, lasting 28 hours
All listings below are limited 2 per person, except i5T Gunmetal Grey
Free Gift: Keychain Multi-tool, need to click the Facebook or Email share
button to complete the sharing, and it will be automatically added to your
cart .
2. Perun Mini Black 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Perun Mini Orange(Limited edition) 30% off,(MAP: $; Sales
Only 1 dollar more to get a Perun mini+headband bundle
3. i5T Gunmetal Grey(Limited Edition) 25% off,(MAP:$, Sale Price:$)
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Link to Olight Sale
Have a Multitool or EDC Question? Leave a comment and I may make a video on it!
Amazon Shop:
Email: @ (no links plz, wont click them)
MMaxlvledc is a channel dedicated to exploring the #tools we carry every day. I will be discussing bags, #flashlights, #knives, #multitools, #pens, #wallets, key organizers, pry tools, functional clothing, #watches, electronics, and much more. Because I also love to modify these items, there will be videos on tools such as #screwdrivers, #pliers, #scissor, #wrenches, and #power-tools .
I try to read every comment so pls feel free to ask any questions below! Thanks for stopping in!
I will use affiliate links whenever possible. Using these links allows me to continue to make content for this channel. Thanks so much for your help!
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Ліхтар, який буде завжди під рукою: Olight I1R 2 EOS | Ліхтарі | Ібіс
Як показує практика, в самий потрібний момент у нас далеко не завжди під рукою є потрібний інструмент. Причин цьому багато: хтось забуває, хтось свідомо не бере, а комусь не вистачає місця в кишені чи брюках для якогось корисного інструмента, типу ножа, мультитула чи ліхтаря. Сьогодні ми розкажемо про ліхтар, який за будь-яких обставин буде поруч з вами та виручить в потрібний момент.
#olight #i1r2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
PRIME DAY! Thrunite Saber (the AA/14500 you wanted) vs Olight i5T - Preparedmind101
Link To the Olight Store:
10% OFF Coupon Code: APArms
Save 10% Off All Items Not Discounted (Except X9R)
Song Used: Nice To You - Vibe Tracks
Business Inquiries: APArmsBusiness@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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