Аромат Versace Eros Flame огортає своїх власників блискучими іскрами справжньої й безмежної любові, від якої перехоплює дух. Черговий оригінальний фланкер уже знайомого всім творіння італійських майстрів Eros успішно презентували на знаменитій парфумерній виставці TFWA, і він умить дістав багатотисячну армію шанувальників у всьому світі. На відміну від цитрусового оригіналу, до цієї версії було вирішено додати спекотних пряних ноток і відтінків шляхетної дорогої деревини рідкісних порід. Аромат побудований на бездоганних контрастах між чорним і білим, кригою і полум'ям, світлим полуднем і непроглядною темрявою.
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Новый аромат Versace Eros Flame. Eros Flame – новый богатый, насыщенный пряно-древесный аромат для мужчин, созданный в 2018 году. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Versace Eros & Versace Eros Flame - экспресс обзор ароматов
Versace Eros & Versace Eros Flame - экспресс обзор ароматов
Версаче Эрос, Версаче Эрос Флейм
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Versace Eros - обзор аромата. Действительно ли он такой эротичный?
#Versace #Аромат #Мужскойпарфюм
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Подарок мужу, парню или любимому мужчине - Versace Eros Flame / Версаче Эрос Флейм
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Чем отличается Versace Eros Flame от Versace Eros?!
На какой возраст и время года он подходит?!
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Versace Eros edp vs Versace Eros flame | fragrance test
Versace Eros edp:
Versace Eros flame:
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Today we are back in Madrid the capital of Spain with a big Versace battle !
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All women are over fourteen years old and all of the women have agreed to appear in the video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fake vs Real Versace Eros Flame EDP Perfume 100 ml
Fake vs Real Versace Eros Flame EDP Perfume
How to spot fake Versace Eros Flame perfume
The smell is very similar, due to the sweet pigment, it is very easy to counterfeit this smell, but the fake Versace Eros Flame perfume does not persist for more than 10 minutes.
The original Versace Eros Flame perfume costs 100 euros, the fake has a price between 20-50 euros.
The fake box is bigger than the original box ... see in the video. Carefully inspect the company logo on the front of the box, it must be clean without extra material, wipes ...
Both boxes have the engraved serial number, but it must be identical to the serial number on the bottom of the bottle, if this safety element is not present, then you will be faced with a fake Versace perfume.
The fire warning week, in the original, is framed in a diamond, compared to the fake one which is presented in a cube.
The original Versace Eros Flame perfume bottle presents the text Eau De Parfum, compared to the fake one that does not have this aspect. Also carefully inspect the text of the Versace Eros, it must be perfect, without erasures, without extra material or misalignments, the Versace Brend will never make such a huge mistake.
The original cover weighs more than the fake one ... watch the video.
The original transparent label on the bottom of the bottle must be straight, the text must not have interrupted erasures, everything must be perfect. The serial number on the bottom of the bottle must be identical to the serial number engraved on the box, if this aspect does not exist, then you are faced with a fake perfume. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fragrance Review of Versace Eros Flame
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Porównanie zapachów Versace EROS FLAME oraz EROS Eau de Parfum - który warto kupić?
Porównanie EROSÓW! Zapraszam do oglądania :)
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Porównanie cen EROSÓW :
# VERSACE EROS Eau de Toilette
# VERSACE EROS Eau de Parfum
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Parfüm / Versace Eros Flame #parfüm #férfiparfümök #versace
Hi people, how is it going? Today I am putting up comparison between Eros and Eros Flame (which is the newer flanker with very attractive notes break down and packaging). I reviewed it 7 months ago and Eros was an easy winner due to the price point difference. now the prices are getting little easier on Flame, so let's see if it can beat the mighty Eros (God Of Love) which has been a Legend and crowd favorite since it's release in 2012. Eros is EDT concentration while Eros Flame is EDP. Both are available in multiple bottle sizes such as 30, 50, 100 and 200 ml. prices will vary from market to market. make sure you buy from legit shops/sellers, there are lot of fakes on both fragrances in the market.
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Versace EROS vs EROS FLAME | BESTE für Komplimente? | Review
Welcher der beiden ist der bessere Duft zum Ausgehen?
Versace Eros und Versace Eros Flame im Test.
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Heute stellen wir dir das Versace Eros Flame EdP vor! Ob sich das Parfum lohnt erfährst du in diesem Video! Kennst du den dieses Parfum? Lass es uns in den Kommentaren Wissen!
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ASMR unboxing PERFUME ODDLY satisfying RELAXING whispering no music VERSACE EROS FLAME
HELLOW MY FRIENDS HOPE YOU ENJOY AND RELAXING WITH THIS ASMR VIDEO, DON'T FORGET TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH WITH ME AND WATCH TILL THE END. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
¡Hola! Te traigo la comparativa de Versace Eros EDP vs. Eros Flame. La realidad ambas opciones me encantan pero las utilizo en ocasiones distintas. Descúbrelo en el video.
No olvides suscribirte al canal y dejar un like o comentario.
Versace Eros EDP
Versace Eros Flame
Eros Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hallo alle zusammen heute packen wir zusammen Versace Eros Flame aus.
mehr dazu im Video natürlich ^^
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für Kooperationen einfach Email schreiben vill finden wir ja was :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Топ 10 мужских ароматов на весь год. montblanc explorer versace eros encre noire versace eros flame
Топ 10 мужских ароматов на весь год.
Encre Noire Sport
La Yuqawam Pour Homme
ès Terre d'Hermes
Mori HM edp
Molecules Escentric 04
Eros Flame
Homme Eau de Parfum
yura zagari Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Legendarni Versace Eros je dobio svog vatrenog naslednika - EROS FLAME! Da li je ovo najbolji Versace parfem i sta ga razlikuje od prethodnika? Odgovor lezi u ovom videu.
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Versace Eros Flame FAKE vs Authentic - Lets talk fragrance
Beware of fakes. One fake from just last year release.
Hit me up for authentic features to look out for when buying a fragrance.
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An ode to passion - #VersaceErosFlame is a celebration of a sensuous rapture.
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Link pembelian : Beli Versace Eros Flame For Men Edp 100ml
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#shorts #short Todo lo que debes de saber de este perfume! ¿Cuándo usar? ¿A qué huele?
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Today I review Versace Eros Flame.
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Versace Eros Flame, is a flanker to the original masculine Eros from 2012. While the pillar is an aromatic-fougère, the new scent goes into a totally different direction with citrusy, spicy, woody, and ambery accords, described as "cold and hot, sweet and spicy, light and shadow."
The concept is based on an interpretation of passionate love, marketed as a fragrance for a "strong, passionate, self-confident man who is deeply in touch with his emotions."
Olivier Pescheux developed the composition as one of contrasts; the head notes are made to be vivacious and fresh with italian citruses, black pepper and rosemary. Pepperwood, geranium and rose facets are in the heart, before a warm base of woods, blended with tonka and vanilla.
Find it on Fragrantica: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Eros Flame by Versace is a Woody Spicy fragrance for men. Eros Flame was launched in 2018. The nose behind this fragrance is Olivier Pescheux. Top notes are Mandarin Orange, Black Pepper, Chinotto, Lemon and Rosemary; middle notes are Pepper, Geranium and Rose; base notes are Vanilla, Tonka Bean, Texas Cedar, Sandalwood, Patchouli and Oakmoss.
Versace Eros Flame, is a flanker to the original masculine Eros from 2012. While the pillar is an aromatic-fougère, the new scent goes into a totally different direction with citrusy, spicy, woody, and ambery accords, described as "cold and hot, sweet and spicy, light and shadow."
The concept is based on an interpretation of passionate love, marketed as a fragrance for a "strong, passionate, self-confident man who is deeply in touch with his emotions."
Olivier Pescheux developed the composition as one of contrasts; the head notes are made to be vivacious and fresh with italian citruses, black pepper and rosemary. Pepperwood, geranium and rose facets are in the heart, before a warm base of woods, blended with tonka and vanilla.
The advertising campaign is a modern interpretation of Canova's iconic "Eros and Psyche" sculpture, where a man embraces a woman played by Gigi Hadid and Salomon Diaz. The campaign is shot by Steven Meisel.
Versace Eros Flame is available as a 30, 50, 100 and 200 ml Eau de Parfum, a 100 ml After Shave Lotion, a 100 ml After Shave Balm, a 75 ml Deodorant Stick, a 100 ml Deodorant and a 250 ml Shower Gel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Versace Eros FLAME. #fragrance #cologne #allwhite #versace #versaceeros #ferrari #fyp #winter #snow
Here's my take on Eros Flame, a flanker of the best-selling Eros (2012) by the house of Versace. How does it smell? How similar is it with its well-loved predecessor? Let's find out!
Feel free to ask for my opinions and suggestions. Let's find a good smelling, prescription-worthy fragrance for you.
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VERSACE EROS VS EROS FLAME. Esta es mi opinión y reseña sobre este perfume basado en mi experiencia y en el uso. Espero te guste!!!
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Eros Flame
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Eros Flame de Versace es una fragancia de la familia olfativa Amaderada Especiada para Hombres. Eros Flame se lanzó en 2018. La Nariz detrás de esta fragrancia es Olivier Pescheux. Las Notas de Salida son mandarina, pimienta negra, Chinotto, limón (lima ácida) y romero; las Notas de Corazón son pimienta, geranio y rosa; las Notas de Fondo son vainilla, haba tonka, cedro de Texas, sándalo, pachulí y musgo de roble.
@Versace #eros #versace
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This is my personal opinion about the differences between the original Versace Eros and the new fragrance for men Versace Eros Flame.
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Versace Eros Flame EDP #รีวิวน้ำหอม EP. 28 #PopTheScent
VERSACE น้ำหอม Eros Flame Eau De Parfum
เพิ่มเสน่ห์ความหอมนุ่มละมุนในทุก ๆ โอกาส ด้วยน้ำหอมจากแบรนด์ VERSACE ที่คัดสรรส่วนผสมอย่างดีจากธรรมชาติ ผสมผสานกันจนได้กลิ่นหอมสดชื่นชวนลุ่มหลง เต็มไปด้วยเสน่ห์ความหอมที่ยากจะลืมเลือน
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Versace Eros Flame for Men 3.4 oz Eau de Parfum Spray
Sẵn 5ml
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Versace Eros Flame Highlight! Ladies Choice ft. Ashley (2020)
New quick series featuring the compliment test Winners! I will sprinkle these in from time to time. Thank you to our amazing guest Ashley Matthews! Be sure to check out the FULL video from which this was taken from: "Girls choose from Versace EROS Trifecta! Which is the king? Men’s fragrance compliment battle!"
This is NOT a review, it is a compliment test. Finding out which fragrances women prefer to smell on guys one video at a time.
Eros Flame by Versace is a Woody Spicy fragrance for men. Launched in 2018 & the nose behind this fragrance is Olivier Pescheux. Top notes are Mandarin Orange, Black Pepper, Chinotto, Rosemary and Lemon; middle notes are Pepper, Geranium and Rose; base notes are Vanilla, Tonka Bean, Texas Cedar, Sandalwood, Patchouli and Oakmoss.
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VERSACE EROS FLAME REVIEW 2021 | Fragrance Scentral
Hey guys! Today I'm doing a fragrance review of Versace Eros Flame! In this video, I will discuss the fragrance notes, the performance, longevity and projection, as well as my overall thoughts and opinions of this fragrance! I hope you find this review helpful, stay safe! 🤗💞
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➤INSTAGRAM: @jeannemarie.x 💞
Welcome to Fragrance Scentral! 🤗❤️I’m passionate about teaching you about perfumes and helping you level up your fragrance game!
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➤Fragrances Mentioned:
Versace Eros Flame: +w2pggJZB_kwsh_0z80WtIg or +F069I2RadoFgdMCFGrIo5w
➤Gear I Use:
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T5i
Light Batteries:
➤For business enquiries & sponsorships email: thefragrancescentral@
#VersaceErosFlame #FragranceReview #BelleVie Belle Vie #FragranceScentral #Versace #VersaceFragrance #ErosFlame #ErosFlameReview VERSACE EROS FLAME REVIEW 2021 | Fragrance Scentral.
Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, and I may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. You do not pay any extra for using my links. All opinions are my own, and I only promote products and items I use or love. Thank you for supporting my channel! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Versace Eros Flame VS Geparlys Rich Red Icon #shorts
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