Ці рукавички Realtree® MAX-5 виготовлені з одношарової композитної тканини, виготовленої за технологією ламінування DEXFUZE™, що забезпечує чудову маневреність та контроль захоплення у вологих умовах. Вам буде сухо, тепло та комфортно працювати у цих рукавичках. Крім того, у них можна користуватися пристроями із сенсорним екраном.
Виріб розрахований на весну, осінь та зиму. Дуже теплі та затишні рукавички. Зовнішній шар складається з 87% поліестеру та 13% еластану. Кінчики пальців на 100% складаються з поліестеру. До складу виробу входить також захисна мембрана Porelle. Внутрішній шар представлений 65% поліестеру, 33% поліаміду та 2% еластану.
Підходять для різноманітних видів активності. Як на природі за містом, так і для прогулянок у межах міста. Рукавички доступні у трьох розмірах, щоб ви могли вибрати оптимальний. Забарвлення моделі – камуфляж. Приємні до тіла дозволяють шкірі дихати. Міцні, зносостійкі, розраховані на тривалий термін носіння.
Фірма Dexshell відома як виробник водонепроникного одягу, який представлений шкарпетками, гетрами, шапками, рукавичками, іншими виробами. Наявний асортимент включає товари для дорослих і дітей. Крім того, під даною маркою випускається спеціалізований одяг для осіб певних професій. Вона забезпечує захист навіть від вогню.
Особливості моделі:
верхній шар: 87% поліестеру та 13% еластану;
кінчики пальців із поліестеру;
є захисна мембрана, що водовідштовхує;
внутрішній шар представлений 65% поліестеру, 33% поліаміду та 2% еластану;
тепла модель, із захистом від вологи та морозу.
Рукавички DexShell рекомендується прати вручну у прохолодній воді (не більше 40 ° C). Сушити їх найкраще у вивернутому вигляді, у добре провітрюваному місці подалі від джерел тепла.
Обзор и отчёт по факту хардюза водонепроницаемых сенсорных перчаток Dexshell
Общее впечатление:
прекрасно справляются со своим предназначением.
Что огорчило:
как для городских и "чистого" красивого туризма в кедах выглядят слишком утилитарно.
Как для рабочих - слишком хрупкие. К функционалу вопросов нет. Всё прекрасно.
Водонепроницаемые перчатки Dexshell ThermFit Gloves
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4149 4993 8181 8648
Сергей Кравец (Приват Банк)
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НЕ промокают, НЕ продуваются, ДЫШАТ! Супер Перчатки Dexshell Ultra Weather Winter Gloves
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После длительного использования, могу сделать вывод о качестве мембранной одежды DexShell
Она вполне качественная и устойчивая, но хотелось бы расширения ассортимента, а не только перчатки, носки и шапки.
Ссылки на то, что показал:
Защитные перчатки
Зимние утепленные
Охотничьи перчатки
Утепленные непромокаемые носки
Из интересного огнеупорные, непромокаемые перчатки
Что полезно знать?
Видео на этом канале посвящены, в основном, бушкрафту (bushcraft) и жизни в дикой природе. Бушкрафт это системный набор техник, умений, ремесел, а также философия подобной жизни.
Это не обязательно выживание и экстрим, хотя такой раздел тут тоже есть. Эти знания могут быть полезны, отдыхающим на природе, туристам, охотникам, рыболовам, всем кто волей или неволей попал в дикие места. То есть бушкрафт это не сама деятельность типа туризма, а лишь умения для нее.
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Водонепроницаемые носки Dexshell.
Весьма удивлён. Могу резюмировать, что это как допинг, но в виде снаряжения. Штука весьма рабочая и весьма заслуживающая отдельного видео.
Официальный дилер Dexshell:
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4149 4993 8181 8648
Сергей Кравец (Приват Банк)
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#токл #dexshell #обзор #edc #survival #лес #туризм #природа #survival #klsurvival #prepper
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Почему у меня их ВОСЕМЬ! Водо- ветронепроницаемая шапка DexShell
Ветро/влагозащитная шапка на сайте официального дилера Dexshell:
Назначение: спорт, туризм, город
Мембрана: Porelle
Сезон: осень/мокрая зима/весна/да сколько можно этой слякоти?!
Субъективное мнение: да, штука стоит денег. Да, не предмет первой необходимости.
Но определённо добавляет +5 к комфорту и +3 к здоровью.
Для любителя где-нить пошвендяться, попоходить, погулять под ночным моросящим дождиком или мотнуться на недельный [Basic Survival Course] в Карпатах Dexshell станет ценным приобретением.
И ещё раз: это не предмет первой необходимости. Это не важнее хорошей обуви или спальника. Но как для бродяги, который в походах регулярно - прям западет в душу.
В штатной ситуации чувствуешь себя комфортненько. В нештатной - как минимум минус одна проблема с сушкой головы.
Первое впечатление 5
Предназначение 5
Удобство и дизайн 4
Качество 5
————— ДОНАТЫ ——————
А это реквизиты для донатов:
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Сергей Кравец (Приват Банк)
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Непромокаемые носки Dexshell. Для чего они? | Экиплэнд объясняет
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#Flagman #Мнение_эксперта #Gloves
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Доброго времени суток, дорогие подписчики! Удобные рыболовные перчатки из неопрена, идеальные для спиннинговой ловли. Ветро- и влагонепроницаемые, прекрасно сохраняют тепло рук в холодную и сырую погоду. Наладонная часть перчаток покрыта эластичным, антискользящим материалом. Вдобавок, за счет мелкой перфорации на этом покрытии, ладони практически не потеют — как говорится, «ладони дышат». Манжета на липучке позволяет плотно подогнать перчатки под обхват кисти. В модельном ряду Flagman Neoprene Gloves имеется два варианта перчаток на выбор — с тремя обрезанными пальцами и с пятью. Не забывайте ставить 👍 и оформлять подписку на Flagman TV и Flagman Shop! Приятного просмотра!
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Вы когда нибудь задавались вопросом, почему казалось бы одинаковые на вид варежки, так сильно отличаются в цене?Выбрать Gore-tex или обычную мембрану? Утеплитель Primaloft или обычный наполнитель? В этом видео мы постарались максимально подробно рассказать об этих отличиях, а так же как выбрать варежки и перчатки для сноуборда и горных лыж бренда Dakine.
Перчатки Dakine
Варежки Dakine
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✅ 1. Kaygo Waterproof Work Gloves Insulated - KG140W
✅ 2. Wells Lamont Waterproof Work Gloves with Latex Double Coating
✅ 3. Ergodyne ProFlex 817WP Waterproof Work Gloves
✅ 4. Slip-On HydraHyde Leather Work Gloves
✅ 5. Youngstown Glove 12-3365-60-S FR Ground Glove
✅ 6. KINGSBOM -40F° Waterproof & Windproof Thermal Gloves
✅ 8. Ergodyne ProFlex 818WP
✅ 9. Youngstown Glove 03-3450-80-L Waterproof Winter Plus Performance Glove
✅ 10. Men's HydraHyde Winter Work Gloves, Waterproof Insert
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To keep your hand dry, safe and warm you need a high quality waterproof glove whether you're working outdoors in the winter or summer. A good waterproof glove provide you excellent grip on any surface, is made of durable waterproof material and protect your fingers and thumb from any injury.
We understand its hard to find the perfect waterproof glove as there are number of brand and models and all claim their gloves to be waterproof. To help you separate the good from bad we have selected the top waterproof gloves available in the market.
Follow the link mentioned below each product to know the exact price and reviews on Amazon.
Do let us know in comments below which one you think is the best.
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We are an outdoor accessories specialist with over 35 years of experience who pride ourselves on our technical understanding of fabrics and materials and how they work best in clothing accessories.
From mountaineers to walkers, runners, cyclists, anglers and country sports enthusiasts or those looking for stylish everyday outdoor accessories that perform, the Extremities® range has a product for everyone and every day.
The Evolution Glove is a breathable waterproof glove which has been thoughtfully designed featuring a breathable stretch waterproof bonded membrane to keep you warm and dry in very wet conditions. There is a silicone grip palm for additional grip and dexterity whilst a touch screen forefinger and thumb ensures that you can keep in touch with minimum hassle. The Evolution gloves have a warm breathable merino wool lining for a soft warm close to the skin layer.
Extremities Everyday Adventures.
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To buy these aquatic swim gloves from amazon, click the following links;
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💦GREAT WATER RESISTANCE: webbed gloves for water resistance training, great resistance gloves for an upper body workout in the pool, help tone and strengthen muscles
💦EASY GETTING ON & OFF: these swimming gloves are easy to get on and off, with adjustable wrist strap to keep it from falling off in water
💦SIZES: the small aquatic gloves for women with small hands; medium for women with average-sized hands; large for men
💦WELL BUILT & COMFORTABLE: the neoprene gloves are comfortable and made very well with good stitching, no fading. just enjoying your aquatic fitness class, swim laps, surfing and body boarding, diving better with these webbed hands
💦APPLICATION: the swimming gloves are suitable for aquatic fitness class, surfing and body boarding; With our gloves, you can enjoy your diving and prevent your hands from getting hurt when diving, they also can keep your hands warm
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Hand fins - water gloves for swimming. #usefulthings #aliexpress
Silicone flippers for hands.
Buy silicone flippers for hands at a favorable price on AliExpress: / /
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Sealskinz cycle gloves are British manufactured products with high quality materials who protect yourself from all weather conditions. Almost all Sealskinz cycling gloves are 100% waterproof besides they are also windproof and keep your hands warm. On the other hand, they are also breathable to make sure they give you the best fit and feel on the bike.
And above all it’s waterproof!
Available on Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pola Glove - Our softest and most dexterous waterproof insulated glove
Pola gloves protect your hands from the cold and wet when you’re hiking and hillwalking. Lightweight, insulated, and grippy, we especially appreciate them when we're using trekking poles out in cold and wet conditions.
Pola’s 80 gsm synthetic insulation gives an excellent balance of warmth to bulk and keeps your hands protected against the cold, with a long cuff that sits inside or outside your jacket sleeve to help your wrists stay warm too. The breathable waterproof insert keeps out the rain for longer and the bemberg lining both adds insulation and wicks moisture away from your skin to retain warmth when your gloves are wet – handy for the uphill slogs when you work up a bit of a sweat!
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kubi Icelandic Wool Gloves | Unboxing
It would be hard to find a better-knitted wool glove than these. Made from Icelandic wool they are thick but stretchy and have short cuffs so do not interfere with wrist seals.
The wool of Icelandic sheep contains two different types of hair that serve as a natural barrier from wet and cold weather. The outer layer is composed of coarse, long hair known in Icelandic as tog. The tough and fleecy tog is a water-resistant layer. Underneath the tog, there is a layer of short hair, known in Icelandic as þel. The softer þel layer keeps the sheep snug and warm even in the worst of weather conditions. If any moisture escapes through the water-resistant tog layer, the þel is able to keep the animal warm even when wet.
The Icelandic wool called lopi combines both the water-resistant tog fibres and the warm, snug þel fibres all in one yarn. The strong outer fibres hold the softer, warmer fibres together, and the result is an ideal fibre to make the warmest gloves that will wick moister and keep your hands snug even when damp.
00:00 - Hello
00:33 - Unboxing
00:43 - Closer look
02:29 - K-Bye
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Kubi Gloves | Unboxing
The KUBI Latex Standard Gloves, these are a pair of standard latex gloves used with the KUBI dry glove ring system, they are a black natural rubber glove with beaded cuff for tear reduction and easy donning, they feature a 100% flock cotton lined interior lining for comfort.
00:00 - Hello
00:40 - Unboxing
00:51 - Closer look
02:33 - K-Bye
Here at Simply Scuba, we're all about giving you the best advice, information and news about the awesome world of scuba diving. Subscribe to our channel and keep up to date with the latest news, product drops and the best scuba advice on the internet!
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Sealskinz is a British brand with high quality waterproof products. They use premium materials who protect yourself from all weather conditions. Almost all Sealskinz cycling gloves and socks are 100% waterproof. With these top shelf products you can enjoy every outdoors activity without worrying about the weather.
Sealskinz believe there is no “bad” weather only bad clothing.
Available on Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get yours at :
The AquaSphere Webbed Neoprene Swim Gloves enhances your workout by providing increased resistance while maintaining mobility of the hand.
· Designed to increase resistance and build strength.
· Constructed from flexible neoprene.
· Please note that each order will come with 2 gloves.
· For more information on water aerobic gloves, read Intro to Water Aerobic Gloves
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Scubapro D Flex 2mm Gloves, product review by Kevin Cook, SCUBA.co.za
ScubaPro D-Flex Gloves
Product Link:
Delivering the perfect balance of warmth and protection, this super soft glove offers great flexibility for maximum finger dexterity, plus its contoured shape provides a comfortable fit. A textured non-slip palm lets you maintain a good grip.
A division of Virtual Ocean.
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Ocean Quest 3mm Premium Super-Stretch Titanium Gloves Video Review
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This demonstration video discusses and shows the features of the Ocean Quest 3mm Premium Super-Stretch Titanium Gloves. The gloves are a premium super-stretch titanium material for superior warmth and comfort. The glove does not utilize or require zippers or velcro to provide a secure fit & has a Durable grip palm.
To purchase scuba gear, scuba diving equipment & snorkeling gear visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Choosing Waterproof Gloves To Keep Hands Dry On The Job
There are a lot of factors that go into selecting the correct gloves for your workplace or jobsite. Today we will discuss what to look for in waterproof gloves Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link to the product page for Sealskinz Ultra Grip Gloves at Angling Active:
Angling Active reviews the 2015 Sealskinz Ultra Grip Pro Gloves. In our opinion the Sealskinz Ultra Grip Pro Gloves for the 2015 season are a fully waterproof, windproof, durable and well considered product. Coming in Black or Olive colours. Available in store or online at Angling Active – Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For some time now I've been looking for inexpensive, lightweight, waterproof gloves for hiking. The $10 SLB's didn't cut it. Will the $14 Vebes do the trick - or will I need to throw caution to the wind and go for the $40 Sealskinz?
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Waterproof Gear blog:
VEBE Lightweight Winter Gloves:
SEALSKINZ Ultra Grip Lightweight Waterproof Gloves:
SLB Cycling Gloves:
SHOWA 282 Gloves:
(See )
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Intro/Outro Music: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The XS Scuba Dry Five Gloves are a warm and flexible pair of gloves with a double cuff design for minimal water ingress to keep your hands warmer for longer. 'TruFit' cut is tailored to be more comfortable and fit your hands better than other gloves.
Warm & Flexible
5mm Pyrostretch neoprene adds thermal protection without adding thicker material so you maintain your dexterity. Double cuffs overlap your suit cuffs to slow water ingress keeping your hands warmer and each seam has been reinforced and glued to protect the stitching.
To browse our huge range of top brand Scuba gear and equipment for all ages, with fast shipping and 28 day returns, visit
For more helpful product videos plus expert swimming advice, head to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get yours at :
These comfortable neoprene SportiWebbed Fitness Gloves are webbed for increased resistance training during your aqua fitness routine. These gloves are a great way to strengthen the muscles in your arms for all of the strokes, from freestyle to breast stroke. Great for aerobics and swimming laps all around!
· Excellent Strength Training
· Webbed design helps build upper body strength.
· Exposed fingers allow feel for the water while training.
· Adjustable wrist closure for a secure, comfortable fit.
· 90% Neoprene / 10% Nylon Jersey.
· Imported.
· Sizing
· Small is suggested for the average teen.
· Medium is for an average woman.
· Large is for an average man.
· Please note that these sizes are approximations only.
· Each order includes 2 gloves.
· For more information on water aerobic gloves, read Intro to Water Aerobic Gloves
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To buy & for more info:
This demonstration video discusses and shows the features of XS Scuba´s Dry 5 Gloves. The Dry 5 Gloves are made of 5MM Pyrostretch Neoprene for extreme warmth and comfort. Pyrostretch is a Super-Strecth like material that stretches 200% more than standard neoprene. These gloves do not utilize or require zippers or Velcro to provide a secure fit.
To purchase scuba gear, scuba diving equipment & snorkeling gear visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sealskinz is a British sports brand and market leader in high quality waterproof products. They use premium materials who protect yourself from all weather conditions and that’s why all Sealskinz cycling gloves and socks are 100% waterproof.
The knitted socks and gloves are one of the products who are handcrafted in the United Kingdom. To guaranty quality on waterproofness all socks are manually tested in the factory before packaging and sending them to retailers.
With these top shelf products, you can enjoy every outdoors activity without worrying about the weather.
Available on Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Zone 3 Neoprene Swimming Gloves - www.simplyswim.com
The Zone 3 Neoprene Swimming Gloves will keep hands and wrists warmer in cold water and are designed with a long wrist covering for a good fit under a wetsuit. There is a velcro strap at the top to give a firm grip, whilst the palm has a silicone print for grip when getting in/out of the water.
Long enough to fit underneath a wetsuit
Keeps hands insulated from the cold
Velcro strap to secure these for minimal water entry
Silicone print on the palm for grip
To browse our huge range of top brand swimwear and equipment for all ages, with fast shipping and 28 day returns, visit
For more helpful product videos plus expert swimming advice, head to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
To buy & for more info:
This demonstration video discusses and shows Pinnacle´s Neo Titanium Gloves. These gloves come in either a 3mm thickness or 5mm thickness. The neoprene is lined with titanium for superior warmth while the palm, fingers, and fingertips are reinforced with Visa for durability and protection. The wrist has a wide wrap around Velcro wrist closure for easy on and off. These gloves are great for snorkeling or scuba diving.
To purchase scuba gear, scuba diving equipment & snorkeling gear visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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To buy & for more info:
This demonstration video discusses and shows the features of the XS Scuba 2mm Bug Grabber Gloves. The Bug Grabber gloves are great for lobster diving. There is a reinforced Kevlar palm, thumb and finger tips. Also featured is an adjustable Velcro wrist closure for a true fit.
To purchase scuba gear, scuba diving equipment & snorkeling gear visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cressi High Stretch 5mm Gloves - www.simplyscuba.com
The Cressi High Stretch 5mm Gloves are a pair of warm flexible gloves with a metallite lining for easier donning and doffing and a non-slip pattern over the outside of the glove for grip when wet. Pre-bent shape of the gloves and flexible neoprene make the High-Stretch gloves very comfortable and practical for anybody in and around the water.
To browse our huge range of top brand Scuba gear and equipment for all ages, with fast shipping and 28 day returns, visit
For more helpful product videos plus expert swimming advice, head to Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
AliExpress! Неопреновые зимние перчатки с подогревом для дайвинга, 3 мм
Смотри, что есть на AliExpress! Неопреновые зимние перчатки с подогревом для дайвинга, 3 мм, 5 мм за 774,25 ₽ - уже со скидкой -62%
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Bare Ultrawarmth 3mm Gloves | Unboxing
The Bare 3mm Ultrawarmth Dive Gloves are a thin but warm pair of neoprene gloves. OMNIRED lining inside reflects heat from your hands back at them to help keep your hands warm. The thin 3mm neoprene is flexible and lets you feel what you’re doing
Who’s the Ultrawarmth For?
3mm gloves are great for temperate waters to protect your hands from getting cold and scrapes in the water. Warmer than other 3mm gloves the Ultrawarmth have a unique inner liner that keeps the warmth in without added thickness.
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Mares 2mm Touch Gloves, product review by Kevin Cook, SCUBA.co.za
Mares Flexa Touch 2mm Gloves
Product Link:
Incredibly cool, the close fit keeps you warm while not limiting the dexterity.
A division of Virtual Ocean.
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This video is about Winter Glove Review
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Deep See 3mm Thermocline Velcro Gloves Video review
To buy & for more info:
This demonstration video discusses and shows the features of the Deep See 3mm Thermocline Velcro Gloves. These gloves have maximum freedom and dexterity. They are made from a softer, denser neoprene that is form fitting for warmth and comfort. they have a rubberized coated palm for protection and added grip. Their wide wrap around Velcro wrist closure helps with easy on and off.
To purchase scuba gear, scuba diving equipment & snorkeling gear visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Heated Cycling Glove Sealskinz Under Water Test!
A waterproof and heated cycling glove. With the Sealskinz Cold Weather Heated cycling glove you can handle the most wintry tours without any problems.
Fully windproof and waterproof
High breathability
A heating element is built into the shell fabric for extra warmth during the coldest bike rides
Three heat options: low, medium and high
Battery life: 5-6 hours
Equipped with Primaloft Gold insulation, which also offers a very high breathability
Body heat is reflected by technology with a heat reflective lining
The soft and durable goat leather palm is equipped with foam padding and offers extra grip and comfort
More visible thanks to reflective details
Because the lining and the membrane are bound, you do not pull the lining along when you take off the gloves
Thumb is equipped with a sweat sweeper
Extra warmth thanks to the extended cuff, which also guarantees a better fit
Easy to charge via USB Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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