Maybelline New York — це більш ніж просто доступна суперсучасна косметика, яка перебуває "на вістрі моди" і краси мегаполісу. Бренд відображає справжню енергію, образ і стиль Нью-Йорка.
Сьогодні Maybelline New York — бренд №1 у всьому світі та представлений у понад 90 країн світу. Maybelline New York — це все, чим є бренд сьогодні: його розмір, його колір, його успіх, плюс риси, властиві Нью-Йорку: привабливість, неповторність і чарівність. Ось уже майже сторіччя Maybelline New York допомагає жінкам почуватися прекраснішими!
Найчистіші природні пігменти губної помади додають губам спокусливого насиченого кольору. Медовий нектар згладжує шкіру губ і дарує відчуття ніжності. Вітамін Е пом'якшує та зволожує губи впродовж усього дня.
Нанесіть трохи основи на губи, щоб створити рівну однорідну поверхню. Тоді колір на губах буде ідеально відповідати відтінку у флаконі.
...Очередной приступ помадной зависимости, и вот оно - новое ревью не такой уж новой, но все так же актуальной и достойной внимания коллекции нюдовых помад из линейки Maybelline Color Sensational.
Приятного просмотра, мои любимые создания!
Песня, которую я пою в конце видео Eisbrecher - Willkommen Im Nichts :
Целый концерт Eisbrecher, с которого нарезан предыдущий клип:
Помады в видео:
Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick | The Buffs Сollection - 725 Tantalizing Taupe
Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick | The Buffs Сollection - 740 Coffee Craze
Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick | The Buffs Сollection - 755 Toasted Brown
Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick | The Buffs Сollection - 757 Nacked Brown
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Jill's . #1
Jill's . #2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Я так же обитаю здесь:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Видео не спонсировано. Вся информация здесь - это мой личный опыт, которым я с удовольствием делюсь с вами, красотки :)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kevin MacLeod - Celtic Impulse
Silent Partner - Blue Skies
Riot- Safety Net
( из YouTube audio library ) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Всем привет! Сегодня Мария расскажет и покажет новые помады от Maybelline Color Sensational Made For All Lipstick. А также девчонки Катя и Мария обе посвотчили для вас эти помады, чтоб показать что эти оттенки идут действительно всем.
1. Подпишитесь на наш канал
2. Поставьте лайк этому видео
3. В комментариях расскажите: какой оттенок вам понравился больше всего и почему?
Конкурс продлится до .
Победителя мы определим с помощью сервисов случайных цифр.
Результаты конкурса объявим в видео, которое выйдет .
Конкурс действителен только для жителей Украины.
#помада #maybelline #parfumsua
УХОД ЗА КОЖЕЙ ЛИЦА💜The Ordinary💜I'm Sorry For My Skin💜Dr. Jart+
Самый ванильный обзор: ароматные средства для тела от I Love
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Карандаш для губ Vivienne Sabo 03 и помада Maybelline 725 💕 #повседневныймакияж #весенниймакияж
MAYBELLINE NEW YORK color sensational ()
По порядку:
1. Оттенок 57 - прекрасный с розоватым подтоном
2. Оттенок 10 - светлый нюд, для тех, кто не любит сильно контрастные губы, но хочет выйти за контур. Сверху я сейчас наношу блеск и 💔
3. Оттенок 8 - то, ради чего я пошла в ЗЯ😁 Любимый холодный❤️
Карандаши очень стойкие, и мягко наносятся. Идеальнее не придумаешь✨️ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Всім привіт! Мене звати Настя і я дуже люблю косметику, життя, готувати і спорт, тут ми будемо сім’єю і проводемо прекрасно час😘
Instagram ➡️
Gmail➡️ @
Косметика з відео:
1. Colour Intense Satin Lip Pencil 08
Catrice Demi Matt 100
2. Aden Cosmetics Lip Liner Pencil 36
Maybelline New York Hydra Extreme 175
3. Lamel Professional Long Lasting Gel Liner 407
Jeffree Star Cosmetics Velour Liquid Lipstick Christmas Cookie
4. Олівець контурний для губ El Corazon 254
Maybelline New York Color Sensational 725
5. NYX Professional Makeup Slim Lip Pencil
6. Miss Tais 765
L'Oreal Paris Matte Lip Crayon 102
7. NYX Professional Makeup Slim Lip Pencil
Bourjois Rouge Velvet Ink Liquid Lipstick 03
8. NYX Professional Makeup Slim Lip Pencil
Seventeen Matlishious Super Stay Lip Color 06
9. Pupa True lips 004
Catrice Volumizing Lip Booster 040
Дякую кожному з вас за підтримку і перегляд 🫶
#бюджетнаякосметика #обзоркосметики #декоративнаякосметика #макияж #весенниймакияж #бьюти #бьютиблогер #лучшаякосметика #любимаякосметика
#фавориты Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Поставь лайк и подпишись на канал ;)
Больше украинской рекламы здесь - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Помада для губ от Maybelline NY | Color Sensational
Пробовала помаду из новой коллекции Color Sensational? Самое время попробовать! 🙌🏻 Насыщенные пигменты в составе дают яркий цвет, а масло ши — увлажнение и комфорт на весь день. Выбирай подходящий оттенок для любого случая и настроения 👌🏻 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Всем бьютиголикам привет!
Maybelline выпустили новую коллекцию помад в стике COLOR SENSATIONAL, и я купила их все, чтобы вместе с вами протестировать их сегодня😀💄 Будет весело!
Ссылка на помады:
Подпишись на канал чтобы увидеть 3 новых видео каждую неделю:)
💕Давайте Подружимся:
Блузка Forever 21
-Возраст: 25 лет, Близнецы
-Местоположение: Тампа, USA
-Камера: Canon M50
P.S Это видео не спонсированно
Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Очень красивые жидкие помады от «MAYBELLINE NEW YORK»
Тайм коди:
00:00 інтро
00:26 чому Maybelline
00:46 про бренди на расєї
10:30 огляд Maybelline
DISCLAIMER ❗️Завжди самі перевіряйте чи косметичні бренди, продукти яких я показую у відео, продаються в расєї. Якщо продаються - не купуйте їх, щоб не підтримувати війну та продажні бренди.
Всім привіт, я зробила декілька каналів, щоб не мішати різні сфери докупи. Ви можете обрати той канал, який найбільше вас цікавить. Для того, щоб мене було легко знайти в соц. мережах, всі мої сторінки починаються з брендового імені "Dat4anka".
/ Олена 😊
🔸 Dat4anka - Інформативний канал про життя в Данії
🔹 - Розважально-інформативний канал для жінок про косметику.
🔸 - про персональні фінанси, продуктивність та різні життєві теми
Посилання на інші відео:
💎 "Mystery box від Шарлоти Тілбурі"
💎 "Розпаковка beauty chest від LOKFANTASTIC"
💎"Перше враження від української косметики"
💎"Косметичні рекомендації на літо"
💎"Чи потрібен вам GOODIEBOX"
💎"Гєт реді віз мі"
#косметика #огляд_косметики #український_блогер #бьюті #українськийyoutube #українською #бьютіблогер #косметичні_новинки #декоративна_косметика #доглядзашкірою #доглядзаобличчям #доглядова_косметика Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New! Розовые помады Maybelline Color Sensation Лера Каменская
Привет, меня зовут Лера Каменская, я бьюти блогер. В этом видео хочу познакомить вас с новинками от Maybelline помадами Color Sensational.
Оттенки, которые я показываю в видео:
107 fairly bare
157 more to adore
207 pink fling
117 tip top tulle
137 sunset blush
407 lust affair
видео не спонсировано
Можете меня найти тут:
♥подписывайтесь на мой канал бесплатно
♥conect me lerakamenskaya@
Полезные видео:
Как одеваться стильно, но не дорого
Свотчи матовых помад эйвон
Релакс влог в СПА
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Я хочу стать блогером на ютьюбе
Модные покупки одежды
Матовые помады от МАС Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Всем привет! Меня зовут AlexaYa и сегодня я буду тестировать на себе 2 помады от maybelline New York
•номер 132
•номер 725
Хотите подробностей, смотрите😘 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Свотч - видео! Помады Maybelline New York: Hydra Extreme, Color Sensational. (Видео по запросу)🌸
🌹Всем привет!
Немного обо мне: люблю косметику😊 люблю её покупать, люблю пробовать новинки, люблю делиться впечатлениями😊 Если Вам это тоже интересно, то добро пожаловать на мой канал!🌸
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Сотрудничество: 3128022@
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Свотч-видео всех оттенков помад Maybelline Color Sensational Made for all. Подпишитесь на канал и Instagram Список в "ЕЩЁ" ⬇️
❗️ Скидка 5% на заказ iHERB c кодом LRZ962 по ссылке
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💰 Скидка 10% на Bourjois, Lumene, Rimmel, Makeup Revolution, Vivienne Sabo с промо-кодом LzTm10 по ссылке (скидка суммируется со скидками на сайте).
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🌸 Средства из в видео:
1. Помады Maybelline Color Sensational Made for all для Украины и для России
💋 Мой макияж сегодня:
1. Тональный крем NYX Can’t Stop Won’t Stop в оттенке 1,5 для Украины и для России
2. Консилер NYX Can’t Stop Won’t Stop в оттенке 1,5 для Украины
3. Пудра рассыпчатая NYX Can’t Stop Won’t Stop в оттенке 01 для Украины
4. База под тени NYX HD Eye Shadow Base для Украины и для России для Украины и для России
5. Тени NYX Ultimate Edit Petit в оттенке 01 Warm Neutrals для Украины
6. Карандаш для глаз NYX Faux Blacks в оттенке 04 Black Olive для Украины и для России
7. Карандаш для бровей NYX Eyebrow Powder Pencil 01 Blonde для Украины и для России
8. Кремовый контуринг Maybelline Master Contour в оттенке 01 Light для Украины и для России
9. Тушь Inika Long Lash Vegan Mascara
10. Хайлайтер NYX Strobe of Genius для Украины и для России
* Это видео не спонсировано
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- Как накрутить волосы конической плойкой
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Свотч-видео ВСЕХ ПОМАД MAYBELLINE MADE FOR ALL 💋 НОВАЯ ПОМАДА МЕЙБЕЛЛИН ДЛЯ ВСЕХ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick
Purchasing link:
Shade Name: Nude Nuance
Shade No: 657
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline
Shade Name: Touch of Spice
Shade No: 660
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Помада MAYBELLINE NEW YORK#матовая#оттенок 930#впечатление
Hey guys! This quick shorts is a lip swatch of the shades I had purchased from Maybelline! These are the Maybelline Ultimatte Slim Lipsticks! Some of you may have seen this on Tiktok and IG Reels! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you haven't already. Thank you! 💕
Products -
* Maybelline Color Sensational Ultimatte Slim Lipstick
* Colors-
- More Buff
- More Mauve
- More Rust
- More Magenta
- More Scarlet
Let's Connect!
Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter - @amandarozze
For business inquires only ↙️
Email - amandarozze1@
Codes -
CRAVE LASHES - Use amandarozze at check out to get 20% off of your purchase!
ANA LUISA - Use Rozze10 at check out for 10% off of your purchase!
DUVOLLE - Use AROZZE for 70% off of your purchase!
Disclaimer -
I am not a professional/certified make-up artist. I am confident in my abilities and feel I have a strong grasp on technique and style, but I know that I don't know it all, so I am always open to feedback! 💄💋💅🏼
FTC: This video is not sponsored. Some links are affiliate links and I may earn a commission if clicked on.
Epidemic Sounds
Song: Mexico (Instrumental Version)
Artist: Gamma Skies
#maybellineultimatteslimlipstick #maybellineultimatte #shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline ULTIMATTES by Color Sensational Make up - Luxury Air Plush Matte Lipstick, Nude Lipstick
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick
Purchasing link:
Shade Name: Divine Wine
Shade No: 695
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Lip Gradation - Pink 1 Lipstick #shorts #maybelline
В этом видео я сделаю для вас обзор МАТОВЫХ ПОМАД MAYBELLINE Color Sensational.
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Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick #shorts #youtubeshorts #beauty
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick
Purchasing link:
Shade Name: Burgundy Blush
Shade No: 696
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline New York made for all by color sensational lipstick
Now, one red is sensational on everyone. New Made For All Red. Our first red lipstick tested on 50 skin tones. Tested on 50 diverse skin tones, Made For All Lipstick features shades in satin and matte finishes that look sensational on all!
Made For All Lipstick features specially selected and obsessively tested pigments that make these universal lipstick shades look sensational on all complexions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
♥♥♥Спасибо всем тем, кто подписывается, комментирует и просто смотрит!♥♥♥
В этом видео вашему вниманию предлагается обзор на продукты:
✔Помада Maybelline Color Whisper «Шепот цвета», оттенок 130 Pink Possibilities.
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Madison Red 674💄 from @maybelline | #shorts #lipstickshorts #maybelline #nykaa
Madison Red 674💄 from @maybelline | #shorts #lipstickshorts #maybelline #nykaa
This is beautiful rust brown 💄
You can buy this Lipstick from @Nykaa @MaybellineNYME @myntra @flipkart @AmazonInOfficial
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MAYBELLINE NEW YORK Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick on Flipkart :
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MAYBELLINE Color Sensational Creamy MATTE Lipstick 💄 Dried Rose 🌹 | #shorts #lipstickswatches
A short video on Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick ~ Dried Rose
#lipstickswatch #maybellinelipstick #trendingshorts
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Disclaimer: The opinion presented in my videos is completely personal. Any information / review that I share should not be a substitute for professional medical or heath care advice. I would always request you to please do a patch test before trying any new product on your skin just in case to check if your skin is allergic to any product. Please Note, that every skin type is different. So, everybody will have their own suitability for the products. If your skin shows any reaction towards the products (purchased or home remedy), please discontinue the use right away.
Copyright: All the content of this channel is made by the channel owner Priya unless otherwise stated. Please do not use any photo or content without taking permission.
Love♥ Priya Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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#lipstick #nailpolish #lipliner
Maybelline New York lipstick(Number 987) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick
Purchasing link:
Shade Name: Touch of Spice
Shade No: 660
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline
Shade Name: Touch of Spice
Shade No: 660
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick #shorts #youtubeshorts #beauty
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick
Purchasing link:
Shade Name: Touch of Spice
Shade No: 660
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
КАКОЕ ВИДЕО СНЯТЬ СЛЕДУЮЩЕЕ❓Пиши в комментарии📲#доверяйпрофи#рандомрешает#обзоркосметики Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline new York color sensational creamy matte lipstick, 507 Almond pink #lipstick
shop now guy's 🖇👇
Maybelline New York Matte Lipstick, Intense Colour, Moisturised Lips, Color Sensational Creamy Matte, 507 Almond Pink,
@Aarohik666 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick #shorts #youtubeshorts #beauty
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick
Purchasing link:
Shade Name: Midtown Pink
Shade No: 673
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline
Shade Name: Touch of Spice
Shade No: 660
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline New York colour sensational creamy matte lipstick #shorts#maybellinelipstick
Hey y’all! Today I’m showing you my Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick Collection, and doing swatches! I hope you enjoy.
Subscribe to my channel here:
*681 Vibrant Violet – Matte
*120 Berry Blackmail – Shine
*835 Sapphire Siren – Bold
*840 Midnight Blue – Bold
*705 Concrete Jungle – Powder Matte
*978 Smoked Silver – Metallic
*982 Gunmetal – Metallic
*706 Smokey Jade – Powder Matte
*696 Burgundy Blush - Matte
*420 Deepest Cherry – Satin
*565 Almond Rose – Matte
*065 Spicy Mauve – Shine
*575 Brown Blush – Matte
*760 Gone Greige – Bold
*780 Coffee Addiction – Bold
*570 Toasted Truffle – Matte
*925 Maple Kiss – Nude
*940 Touchable Taupe - Nude
Subscribe to my channel here:
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Contact me for Business Inquires Only: SistarPhilly@
If you hear music in this video-
**I do not own the rights to it :)** Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LIP SWATCHES! My Maybelline Lipstick Color Sensational Collection
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick
Purchasing link:
Shade Name: Touch of Spice
Shade No: 660
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline
Shade Name: Touch of Spice
Shade No: 660
Absolutely love this colour. Looked in every shop for this particular product and have never found it.
I know online makeup shopping can be pretty difficult and crazy as the shade cards are very very different from real colours. I know that might put you in situations where you are actually EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
Hope this helps series helps!
if you shop online! So, here’s my bit to help!
Do *SAVE* for future
maybelline creamy matte lipstick,maybelline the creamy mattes,maybelline superstay lipstick,maybelline lipstick swatches,maybelline new york,the creamy mattes lip swatches,maybelline philippines,creamymattes,maybelline,makeup for indian skin,lipsticks,makeup tutorial,beauty inside out,lip swatch,makeup look,medium skintone,makeup lover,beauty blogger,beauty,swatches,joygeeks,pinay youtuber,malvikasitlani,review,aparna ganesh,love,makeup,tagalog,youtube,pinay
DISCLAIMER: . All views and opinions expressed in my videos are my own, unbiased, honest and not influenced by any means whether sponsored or not. I am not a doctor, physician, beautician, nutritionist or expert. So, please consult your doctor or an expert.
Stay tuned...
Is Maybelline creamy matte lipstick long lasting?
Which shade of Maybelline lipstick is best?
Which Maybelline lipstick is best for dark skin?
What is the difference between cream and matte lipstick?
Which matte lipstick is best?
Which lipstick is better liquid or matte?
#shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeeds #beauty #affordablemakeup #lipstick #natural #makeup #mac #matte #makeupshopping #onlineshopping #budgetbeauty #lipstick #lipstickdupes #lipstickshades #lipswatch #maccosmetics #maclipstick #macmehr #mattelipstick #mattelips #nudelips #viralreels #bornoninstagram #save #followme #reallife #makeuptips #beautybloggers #tiktokmakeup #maybelline Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline New York Color Sensational Creamy Matte Lipstick #shorts #youtubeshorts #beauty
Priced at Rs 349. Maybelline has extended the shade range to 24 Colors now !
Formula is transferproof & long statying. Doesn't feel too drying.
Buy here - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline Color Sensational Liquid Matte Lipstick Swatches *New Shades* On No Makeup Face #shorts
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