#Trying out this lifted concealer hack using Maybelline New York Instant Eraser Concealer maybelli#short
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ТЕСТ-ДРАЙВ :Консилер MAYBELLINE Instant Anti-Age The Eraser Eye / Лучший в масс-маркете? II AlbiBlog
Девчонки, всем привееет!))) Сегодня у нас ТЕСТ-ДРАЙВ, я буду тестировать новый для себя консилер от MAYBELLINE , а именно, тот самый консилер Anti-Age с пуховкой! Я его ждала и искала так долго, что решила обязательно снять на него затест. Надеюсь вам понравилось это видео и я была немного полезной))
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#тестдрайвкосметики #самаялучшыйконсилермассмаркета
#MAYBELLINEInstantAnti-AgeTheEraserEye #MAYBELLINE #TheEraserEye #тестдрайконсилера #красимся-болтаем #консилерподглаза Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Попробуй мультифункциональный консилер Instant Eraser – с ним твоя кожа будет выглядеть безупречной, мгновенно более упругой и подтянутой.
Используй консилер, чтобы:
⚡️ Замаскировать темные круги и сделать тон кожи более ровным
⚡️ Выделить нужные зоны лица: скорректировать овал или подчеркнуть скулы
⚡️ Скрыть несовершенства на коже
Используй мультифункциональный продукт — бери от консилера максимум! 🤞🏻😌
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Консилер от Maybelline The Eraser Eye | Первые впечатления
Целый день-тест консилера от Maybelline The Eraser Eye?!Поехали!
Music by Joakim Karud Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Buying link: Maybelline New York Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer Makeup, Caramel, 0.2 fl. oz. =cm_sw_r_apan_i_AEM7XH8APTWG76GA9999?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline New York, Instant Anti Age Eraser Kap... | kullananlar yorumladı | gizzymakeup
#Makyaj kategorisinde yer alan #Kapatıcı/Aydınlatıcı/Kontür alt kategorisindeki #Maybelline New York #Instant Anti Age Eraser Kapatıcı kullananlardan üyesi gizzymakeup değerlendirip, sizin için samimi ve tarafsız olarak yorumlayarak puanladı.
’da #Kapatıcı/Aydınlatıcı/Kontür alt kategorisindeki diğer ürünleri keşfetmek ve #Maybelline New York markasının başka ürünlerini de kullananların tarafsız yorumlarını incelemek için sizi ‘a bekliyoruz.
Kozmetik ve Kişisel Bakım Ürünlerini Kullananların Gerçek, Samimi ve Tarafsız Yorumları Türkiye’nin Tarafsız Kozmetik Rehberi ’u Oluşturuyor:
Bildiğiniz üzere Tarafsız bir Kozmetik Rehberidir.
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#shorts Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Multi Use Concealer
#shorts Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Multi Use Concealer, Ivory, 0.2 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)
Maybelline's Age Rewind Concealer instantly erases dark circles and fine lines. This fragrance-free liquid under eye concealer is also formulated with goji berry extracts and Haloxyl, which is an active ingRedient designed to combat the look of dark circles for a more radiant eye contour area. Packaging may vary, what you receive may not be what is reflected on site.*Packaging May Vary.
Safety Information
The Dark Circles Eraser is protected by an anti-microbial system. Do not wet applicator. Wipe off excess eye concealer with dry tissue.
Step 1. Twist collar of the applicator until the concealer is visible on the sponge (may take some turns on first use). Step 2. Apply concealer to the under-eye area and blend. Step 3. For extreme dark circles, apply the Neutralizer under concealer. Step 4. To add luminosity, apply the Brightener to the inner corner of eyes, cheek, brow bones and bridge of the nose. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This Drugstore Concealer is PERFECT for Glam Looks!
Erase any trace of a long weekend with instant age rewind concealer. This super-concentrated formula makes the eye area appear radiant and refreshed! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circle Treatment Concealer Review Shade Ivory
I have been using @Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Concealer which is a one click that conceals, corrects and contours and I have been using #mydoitallconcealer for a while now since its a cult favourite and I absolutely love it!
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Purchase Link ⬇️
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Продукты из видео : чуть позже добавлю
- Консилер для кожи вокруг глаз Maybelline New York Eraser Eye Instant Anti-Age
- Консилер для лица Maybelline New York Fit Me! 05 Ivory, 6.8 мл
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Do PINK Concealers work? The Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circle Treatment Concealer is America's #1 Concealer!! It conceals dark circles, corrects blemishes, and contours.
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The Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circle Treatment Concealer
Shades: 160 & 120
💰Price: $ USD
Key Ingredients:
Contains Goji berry & Haloxyl
- Up to 12HR moisturizing wear & crease-resistant coverage
- Quickly covers up blemishes or dark spots to transform your look instantly
- Radiant refreshed looking eye area
- Oil-free
- Fragrance-free
- Non-comedogenic & suitable for sensitive skin.
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#maybelline #annesoul #undereyedarkcircles #shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HOW TO Консилер Becca и MAYBELLINE The Eraser Eye | Лучшие консилеры
Ребята, в связи с ростом Youtube и Instagram блогеров, рассылок, рекламы где надо и где нет, знаю как сложно доверять кому-то и прислушиваться к чужому мнению! Поэтому я вдвойне ценю каждого кто доверяет, прислушивается и покупает что-то по моим советам! Этот ролик посвящен вам и Вашим вопросам! Недавно в инстаграм (@) я устроила опрос на тему того покупали ли вы когда-нибудь что-то по моим советам, что вам не подошло, разочаровало или вы просто не поняли..?
В топ вошла кокосовая манна (но у неё сразу появилась 1000 армия защитников и мы быстро разобрались кто как и где ее использует) и оба консилера, о которых мы сегодня поговорим. Вам стоит распробовать эти средства и вы влюбитесь в них, я уверена! Опыт у меня большой и это пока маст из всех.. ещё наверное Bare Minerals, но об этом в другой раз ;)
Продукты из видео:
Maybelline THE ERASER EYE -
Приятного просмотра!
A.L. ♥
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Full Face Makeup Tutorial Using Only Concealer ft. Cassidy Maysonet - Maybelline
Want a full face of makeup without foundation? Watch @Cassidy Maysonet create this fresh-faced flawless look using only Instant Age Rewind Concealer! Yes, ONLY concealer! Cassidy uses four different shades of Instant Age Rewind Concealer as a foundation, concealer, highlighter, and bronzer for this full beat. Have you tried doing a full face makeup look with just using concealer as foundation? Share your tips in the comments! #makeupandstayin
Visit Maybelline New York for the full concealer makeup tutorial:
Learn more about our INSTANT AGE REWIND® Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer here:
Shop The Look:
Nudes of New York Palette:
Instant Age Rewind Concealer in 'medium', 'sand', 'neutralizer' and 'tan':
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MAYBELLINE INSTANT AGE REWIND CONCEALER REVIEW 2023 #concealer #maybelline #beauty
Попробуй мультифункциональный консилер Instant Eraser – с ним твоя кожа будет выглядеть безупречной, мгновенно более упругой и подтянутой.
Используй консилер, чтобы:
⚡️ Замаскировать темные круги и сделать тон кожи более ровным
⚡️ Выделить нужные зоны лица: скорректировать овал или подчеркнуть скулы
⚡️ Скрыть несовершенства на коже
Используй мультифункциональный продукт — бери от консилера максимум! 🤞🏻😌
#maybellinerussia Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
@AmandineYk a trouvé la teinte parfaite, à toi de trouver la tienne 🔥 Retrouve le guide de la teinte parfaite de L'Effaceur Instant Anti-Âge par ici : ! Trouve ta famille de carnation, détermine ton sous ton, choisis ton utilisation, et trouve immédiatement la teinte parfaite pour toi !
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Maybelline New York, leader mondial du maquillage, nous souhaitons offrir aux femmes du monde entier la possibilité d'exprimer leur personnalité à travers des cosmétiques innovants, tendances, accessibles et faciles à utiliser. Alliant formules de pointes, expertise des tendances de la mode et l'esprit glamour et énergique new yorkais, nous nous adaptons à ton lifestyle pour que notre maquillage réponde à tes attentes !
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Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer #shorts
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer: America's Number 1 Concealer; Erase the look of dark circles, correct the appearance of redness and brighten the look of dull skin with Instant Age Rewind Eraser multi-use concealer
Anti-Aging Concealer: Turn back time with this anti-aging under eye treatment concealer infused with Haloxyl; Say bye bye to the look of fine lines, blemishes, redness, and dark circles, and hello to a radiant, well rested, refreshed looking eye area
Best Face Forward: Maybelline has sheer, medium, and full coverage foundation in liquid, stick, and cushion foundation formulas, and a range of concealers, plus face primers, contour, highlighter, and pressed powder to help you create a perfect canvas
Maybelline Has What You Need: To create any look foundation, BB creams, concealers, and highlighters for the perfect canvas, eye shadows, brow pencils, and eyeliners for any eye look and lip products, from showstopping matte lipstick to a natural lip balm
Remove Maybelline Makeup With Micellar Water: Use Garnier Micellar Water as a gentle makeup remover at night, and as a facial cleanser in the morning to prep skin for Maybelline makeup Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Perfect your everyday look with our INSTANT ERASER concealer as it moisturizes, conceals, contours and corrects in just a click ✨ 🥰
Drop a ❤️ in the comments if you love this multi-use base tool!
اتقني اللوك اليومي بتاعك معINSTANT ERASER اللي بيرطب البشرة، بيخفي عيوبها وبيوحد لونها بدوسة واحدة من الكونسيلر! 🥰
لو بتحبي تستخمي الكونسيلر حطي ❤️ في الكومنتس!
Tax: 301-245-037 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#reklama One dab technique with @Maybelline Polska Instant Anti-Age Eraser concealer
lien :
• De la baie de Goji, anti-oxydant naturel connu pour ralentir le vieillissement cutané
• De l'Haloxyl, pour agir efficacement contre la coloration disgracieuse des cernes et la formation des poches sous les yeux
Recouvert de milliers de micro-fibres douces, il atteint chaque ridule autour de l'œil pour une correction ultra-ciblée et garantit une couvrance idéale et sans démarcation.
Instantanément, votre regard retrouve une seconde jeunesse : il est sublimé et éclatant de naturel. Au fil du temps, les cernes, les ridules et les pattes d'oies s'estompent. Les poches sous les yeux sont visiblement diminuées.
lien :
#jumiamaroc#makeup#antiage Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer, Cool Ivory, 0.2 Fl Oz (1 Count) (Packaging May Vary)
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MAYBELLINE INSTANT AGE REWIND CONCEALER REVIEW 2023 #maybelline #concealer #beauty
I tested the maybelline age rewind concealer again after so long! I’m in the shade sand. What do you guys think?!
#makeup #beauty #maybelline #youtubeshorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#maybelline #agerewindconcealer #darkcircletreatment
In this video, I am reviewing the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circle Treatment Concealer in shade Ivory which is available here:
*Watch in 1080p*
Too Faced Born This Way Ethereal Setting Powder -
About this Trying a New Makeup Product Every Day Series:
I upload a new video EVERY DAY at 10:00 am EST! This has been such an amazing way for me to grow my passion for YouTube, learn about makeup, and get myself out of my comfort zone when it comes to the makeup products I use! I love doing this series, so I plan on continuing it for a while!
Thank you so much for watching, and let me know what else you want to see me try!
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I LOVE how this lasts throughout the day, even after sweating! It does NOT get cake-y or dry at all! My under eyes stay looking so smooth and hydrated all day long! There also is no creasing once I set it once with a powder! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybelline NewYork Concealer Dark Circles,Blemish Eraser,Ultra Blendable, Instant Anti Age EraserEye
Say goodbye to dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines with the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser!
This multi-use concealer formula is the perfect solution for achieving a flawless, youthful complexion.
The super-concentrated formula is infused with goji berry and haloxyl to help reduce the appearance of dark circles and fine lines, while the innovative micro-corrector applicator targets hard-to-reach areas for full coverage.
Whether you're looking for a subtle touch-up or full coverage, the Instant Age Rewind Eraser has you covered.
It's available in a range of shades to match your skin tone, so you can find the perfect match every time.
So why settle for tired, aging skin when you can have a youthful, radiant complexion with the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser?
Order now and get ready to erase the signs of aging!
Shade 110
amazon affiliate link:
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Maybelline New York Instant anti - age eraser korektor
Ob Augenfältchen, Schwellungen oder dunkle Augenringe – der Instant Löscher Concealer lässt Unebenheiten rund um die Augenpartie sanft verschwinden. Das Ergebnis: Deine Augen sehen strahlend wach aus.
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Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer Flawless Base | Quick Concealer Review + All Swatches
Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel!
In today’s video, I will be talking about the multi-purpose and game-changing, Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer. The Maybelline Concealer is a cult-favourite product and here’s why.
The Maybelline Age Rewind Concealer comes in nine unique shades that can be used in multiple ways and are suitable for all Indian skin tones. I use this product as a concealer, contour, and highlighter. The Maybelline Concealer is easy to use, travel-friendly and budget-friendly.
You can grab your favourite and best suited Maybelline Age Rewind Concealer shade at a price of only. This color corrector comes with a cushion tip that makes the application non-messy and gives me a seamless, natural-looking finish effortlessly. Infused with Goji Berry and Haloxyl, the Instant Age Rewind Concealer provides medium coverage and makes the skin appear radiant and refreshed in no time, which makes it one of the best concealers for my daily makeup routine. So, what are you waiting for? All you need to do is #MNYCLICK to get ready.
I hope you guys enjoyed the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind review and swatches and if you did, don’t forget to like this video, and share it with your family and friends. Also, let me know your concealer review in the comments below and subscribe to my channel for more such fun videos.
Thank you so much for watching, see you guys in my next video. Take care, lots of love, bye!
Buy the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer for Indian skin by clicking here
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