R2 Scout – найсучасніший ніж із фіксованим лезом для активного використання на відкритому повітрі. Це універсальний ніж найвищої якості, на який можна справді покластися у складній ситуації.
Він міцний, але при цьому не важкий і не громіздкий, ви отримуєте хороше і надійне утримання завдяки класичній анатомічній рукоятці з продуманою конструкцією. Піхви ножа мають двосторонню систему блокування, частково замок із пружинним ключем, який зазвичай утримує ніж у піхвах, та частково замок із дужкою, який ви складаєте до 100%, щоб надійно зафіксувати ніж на місці.
Сталь, яку використовував виробник, є шведською порошковою сталь світового класу (Elmax), яка ретельно загартовується, охолоджується до мінус 190°C і потім протягом двох годин загартовується до твердості HRC 61/62. Виходить міцна і водночас тверда сталь, яка довгий час залишається гострою, не стаючи крихкою.
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R2 Scout Elmax
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my first use of the fallkniven R2 scout knife, fire two ways and a figure four deadfall trap trigger. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HANDLE: Thermorun - Zytel sheath
EXTREME TESTING Fällkniven R2 Scout Elmax
@ufprogear @Clawgearcom Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven R2 SCOUT ELMAX NEW! view by www bushcraftcanada com
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R2 Scout je náš nejmodernější nůž s pevnou čepelí pro aktivní venkovní použití. Je to univerzální nůž nejvyšší kvality, nůž, kterému můžete opravdu věřit, pokud by měla nastat náročná situace. Je silný, aniž by byl těžký a objemný, a díky naší klasické anatomicky dobře navržené rukojeti získáte dobrý a bezpečný úchop. Pouzdro nože má obousměrný uzamykací systém, částečně pružinový zámek s klíčem, který obecně drží nůž v pochvě, a částečně třmenový zámek, který sklopíte dolů, abyste 100% bezpečně zajistili nůž na místě.
Ocel, kterou používáme, je švédská prášková ocel (Elmax) světové třídy, která je pečlivě tvrzena, ochlazena na minus 190 ° C a poté temperována po dobu dvou hodin na tvrdost HRC 61/62. Poskytuje houževnatou a zároveň tvrdou ocel, která zůstává dlouho ostrá, aniž by byla křehká.
Nůž je určen pro ty, kteří mají o něco menší ruce, tedy ženy, mladé lidi, dívky nebo pro ty, kteří prostě dávají přednost noži o něco menší velikosti - aniž by byla obětována kvalita. Pokud jde o kvalitu, konkuruje většině nožů na světovém trhu (včetně mnoha našich vlastních modelů), ale vzhledem k tomu, že více než polovinu světové populace tvoří ženy/dívky, není více než správné, že tato kategorie zákazníků také získává nejlepší techniku na světě. Stále to není „dívčí nůž“, ale prostě nůž pro ty, kteří nemají ruce velké jako víko.
Recenze již brzy na
The R2 Scout is our most advanced fixed blade knife for active outdoor use. It's a top quality all-purpose knife, a knife you can really trust should a tough situation arise. It's strong without being heavy or bulky, and you get a good, secure grip thanks to our classic anatomically well-designed handle. The knife sheath has a two-way locking system, part spring-loaded key lock that generally keeps the knife in the sheath, and part stirrup lock that you fold down to secure the knife 100% securely in place.
The steel we use is world class Swedish powder coated steel (Elmax) which is carefully hardened, cooled to minus 190°C and then tempered for two hours to a hardness of HRC 61/62. It provides a tough yet hard steel that stays sharp for a long time without becoming brittle.
The knife is designed for those with slightly smaller hands, i.e. women, young people, girls or those who simply prefer a slightly smaller size knife - without sacrificing quality. In terms of quality, it competes with most knives on the world market (including many of our own models), but with more than half of the world's population being women/girls, it is no more than fair that this category of customer also gets the best technology in the world. It's still not a "girl's knife", it's simply a knife for those who don't have hands as big as a lid.
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The Fallkniven R2 Scout - Final Thoughts 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping in. My name is Johnny and I am an Artist/Musician who likes sharp tools. I like taking them "Into The Woods" and sharing my thoughts. All of the music here is by me. Please check out my playlists and don't forget to "LIKE, "SHARE" and "SUBSCRIBE". Have a Super Fantastic Day!
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#fallkniven #knife #bushcraft #survival #knifetest #bushcraftshop #bushcraftportal
Tenhle prcek je v pořadí čtvrtá kudla od Fällkniven, se kterou jsem měl čest pracovat.
Je to už pár let, co se mi u pasu houpalo pár kudel od Fällknivenu, třeba F1 S1 a také A1.
Trošku mě mrzí, že jsem si nenechal alespoň tu F1ku, která je ideálním bushcraft nožíkem.
No nevadí, alespoň jsem se mohl těšit na tohohle prcka.
Když jsem před pár měsíci nahodil první fotky na Instagram, lidé se mě ptali: “Proč tak malá kudla, má tak tlustou čepel?“ Nevím proč, ale rozhodně to není na škodu.
Pojďme se na toho skautíka podívat.
Další články a recenze najdete na
This little guy is the fourth Fällkniven I have had the pleasure to work with.
It's been a few years since I've had a couple of Fällkniven kudels swinging by my waist, like the F1 S1 and also the A1.
I'm a bit sorry I didn't keep at least the F1, which is an ideal bushcraft knife.
Well, never mind, at least I had this little guy to look forward to.
When I uploaded the first photos to Instagram a few months ago, people asked me, "Why such a small knife, does it have such a thick blade?" I don't know why, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
Let's take a look at this boy scout.
More articles and reviews on
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Thanks for stopping in. My name is Johnny and I am an Artist/Musician who likes sharp tools. I like taking them "Into The Woods" and sharing my thoughts. All of the music here is by me. Please check out my playlists and don't forget to "LIKE, "SHARE" and "SUBSCRIBE". Have a Super Fantastic Day!
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klein geil praktisch
das neue Fällkniven R2 Scout
Mein erstes Fällkniven, ist wie ich finde eine komplett neues Level von Messern. es geht unfassbar gut ins Holz ist auf Grund seiner große super zu händeln und dank des Klingenmaterials (Elmax, 62 hrc) und des Anschliffes (Konvex) hält die verdammt scharfe Schneide eine ganze Weile.
1A Schliff plus Stahl, sehr praktische Scheide und einen guten Griff.
Manko: ....... der Preis ( 190 Euro)
Aber Fazit für mich, bin ein kleiner Fällkniven Fan geworden .... ups Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is our Fallkniven Overview video. This video is part of our ongoing series, showcasing all the knifemakers and brands who participated in the making of our book, Knife Bible, History & Modern Knowledge.
Thank you @fallkniven for all the support!
Stay Sharp, Stay Tuned...
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Into The Woods - Fallkniven R2 Scout 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping in. My name is Johnny and I am an Artist/Musician who likes sharp tools. I like taking them "Into The Woods" and sharing my thoughts. All of the music here is by me. Please check out my playlists and don't forget to "LIKE, "SHARE" and "SUBSCRIBE". Have a Super Fantastic Day!
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Fallkniven Comparison R2 Scout and WM1 cos by www bushcraftcanada com
Fallkniven Comparison R2 Scout and WM1 cos by www bushcraftcanada com. See them here...
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Un “piccolo” gioiello dalle grandi prestazioni , il Fallkniven scout 2 costruito in acciaio Elmax e progettato per la vita nei boschi, per processare legno e cibo, se abbinato ad un seghetto od ad una piccola accetta sarà il vostro compagno ideale anche per il buschcraft. Vediamolo insieme.
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The Best Factory-Made Companion Knife? F1 Pro by Fallkniven
Good gravy its bricky on things
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#gid=1607644856 - Full steel testing list for my cut test videos, free to all.
- support me on patreon if you like, helps me do the expensive stuff! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven made the BEST / SHARPEST knife of 2022... AGAIN | F1x Elmax!
Fallkniven... yeah we've been called like the brand but we always stay true and honest in our opinions. So when they came out with the F1x in elmax... one of our favourite steels we just had to try it... Even though we already had a few f1x's they again managed to blow our minds.
Check out the fallkniven F1x Elmax
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#Fallkniven #sharpest #f1xElmax Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven PHK $391 , Professional Hunter's Knife / Fallkniven R2 scout /
The Professional Hunter's Knife (PHK) is one of the best hunting knives in the world, where function, safety and hygiene are top priorities. The special blade design (upsweep-droppoint) offers a pretty long skinning edge yet without bother of a wide or clumsy blade.
Total length: 9.4" (239 mm)
Blade length: 5" (126 mm)
Blade thickness: 0.2" (5 mm)
Tang: Full, protruding
Weight (knife): 6.7 oz (190 g)
Steel: 3G
Blade hardness: 62 HRC
Handle: Thermorun
Sheath: Zytel
Made in Japan
ColdSteel 20SPH $25 : Pendleton Lite Hunter
Over the years our Pendleton Hunters have become enormously popular, and while we think they are reasonably priced, many have asked us for a more affordable Pendleton that will accommodate just about anyone's budget.
So we got together with Lloyd and designed a knife we call the Pendleton Lite Hunter. In appearance it strongly resembles the rest of the family with a drop point blade, modest guard, hollowed bolster area and a flared butt to aid retention. The only major changes were the adoption of more affordable German 4116 Stainless steel and the use of polypropylene instead of Kraton for the handle.
Item Number: 20SPH
Name: Pendleton Lite Hunter
Blade Length: "
Overall Length: "
Steel: German 4116 Stainless
Weight: 2.7 oz.
Blade Thickness: 2.5 mm
Handle: " Long High Impact Polypropylene
Sheath: Secure-Ex
Made in Taiwan
#FallknivenPHK #coldsteel20sph #cs20sph #kinifereview #coldsteel #fallkniven #survivalknife #coldsteelknife #dutch bushcraft #knives #knife #unboxing #knifeversus #knifetest,#knife reviews 2021,knife review channel,knife review asmr,pro hunter knife,#prohunter,#phkknife,#knifesharpening,#knifesharpeningtool, #sharpening a knife, #knifehunter, #hunterknife, #testknife #Fallkniven R2 scout Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TC talks about Elmax steel, its origin, and the materials that it’s made from. SMKW's blade steel series aims to give you a more detailed explanation of blade steels, their origins, and what they're good for. But do you like Elmax? We want to know! If there's a steel that you'd like to know more about, please let us know in the comments below! For in-stock knives with Elmax steel click the link below. For T.C.'s wardrobe click the link at the bottom!
Elmax Knives
T.C.'s Wardrobe
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A bit more refined design of undying classic, this model boasts better handle shape for frequent use and looks darn good too!
KNFS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A quick video of me demoing a Fällkniven Gentleman's linerlock with ironwood handle.
See more of this blade:
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Explanation of Fallkniven's new Steel announcement VGWOLF. Goodbye VG10W! by www.bushcraftcanada.com
Explanation of Fallkniven's new Steel announcement VGWOLF. Goodbye VG10W! by .
See them here...
Fallkniven VGWOLF details...
Laminated 420J2-VG7-420J2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is one of the strongest and sharpest stainless steel knives in production.
Music by Tripmode Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Music by Max Dahlby
West Coast Bushcrafters
We putted our collection of Fällkiven to a test. Amazing quality, very limited maintenance and perfect to take out when going on adventure. See for yourself how they perform during different bushcraft tasks.
Check our Instagram out:
Used in this episode:
#Fällkniven S1Pro
#Fällkniven F1X
#Fällkniven F1
#Fällkniven A1
#Fällkniven A2
#Fällkniven U4
#Fällkniven #Bushcraft #Sweden #Stromstad #Westcoast #outdoors t #Fjallraven #forest #survival #prepper #camping #Sverige #Beaverknife l #outdoor #COS #VG10 #Batoning #Firesteel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven's NEW F1 VGWOLF view by www.bushcraftcanada.com
Top 5 channel is back! Today we talk about the top 5 knives you can buy right now! No customs, these are all knives you can buy straight away.
The sharpest? The best for survival? Best for Bushcrafting? Best for EDC? The Most beautiful? We cover it all!
Knives we discussed! (affiliate)
Bark river bushcrafter 3v:
Casstrom Lars Falt k720:
Fallkniven F1 3G limited:
Spyderco Manix 2 Maxamet:
Fallkniven Jarl 3G:
Fallkniven NL5 VG-10:
Fallkniven Embla CoS:
Fallkniven A1 pro CoS:
Fallkniven Taiga Forester CoS:
Benchmade Bugout Carbon fiber S90V:
LionSteel Best man 2 M390:
Boker AK-1 Daily RWL-34:
Terävä Jääkäripuukko 110 80CrV2:
Check out Armadillo Merino
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#Top5 #ProductionKnives #Best Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Good gravy its bricky on things
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#gid=1607644856 - Full steel testing list for my cut test videos, free to all.
- support me on patreon if you like, helps me do the expensive stuff! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Most used knives in our $50,000+ Collection...FALLKNIVEN still wins. EDC favorite
We have a giant collection of knives... but even us fixed blade lovers are limited to folders most of the time. May it be convenience or not to scare colleagues. So what are the knives the DBK boys carry daily you may ask. and... do they need to be indestructible?
The answer lies within todays video!
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Wuben E62
New Merch and compound in the shop!
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Fällkniven F1X Elmax : Small outdoor knife for bushcraft and survival
#Fällkniven #survivalknife #bushcraftknife #knives #outdoor
The Fällkniven F1X Elmax steel blade knife is a small, extremely robust outdoor knife. Ideal for hiking, bushcraft and even survival. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My first time using a fallkniven f1xb which I picked up second hand last week, I process wood with it to light a fire, create fuel , kindling and tinder. I use a match and a match size sliver of fatwood as an ignition source. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
*СКИДКА по коду + бесплатный Victorinox*
►Fallkniven PXLx :
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🎧 PayPal: 521454yeti@
Всем привет. Сегодня поговорим о edc (everyday carry) ноже от шведского ножевого бренда Fallkniven, а конкретно про складной нож PXL. Всем приятного просмотра.
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Fallkniven NEW Elmax PXL Elforyn view by www bushcraftcanada com
Great size and clean lines define this great smaller EDC fixed blade. Laminated CoS steel will provide exceptional cutting performance whilst looking great
KNFS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven F1 Sharpened on Tormek T-4 #knifesharpeners #handtool #knifesharpener #sharpness
Thanks for stopping in. My name is Johnny and I am an Artist/Musician who likes sharp tools. I like taking them "Into The Woods" and sharing my thoughts. All of the music here is by me. Please check out my playlists and don't forget to "LIKE, "SHARE" and "SUBSCRIBE". Have a Super Fantastic Day!
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ніж Fallkniven R2 Scout Elmax (R2z). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17