Стельовий світильник з керамічним патроном для внутрішнього освітлення приміщень обладнаних підвісними стелями. Застосування: основне та додаткове освітлення офісів, торгових залів, коридорів, вітрин магазинів, кафе і т.п.
Вы ищете лучший биткоин-кошелек? Посмотрите на Electrum! В этом видео я покажу вам, как пользоваться Electrum и почему это лучший биткоин-кошелек для начинающих. Я также дам вам руководство по его настройке на вашем компьютере.
Если вы новичок в биткоине, то это видео для вас! Я покажу вам, как пользоваться Electrum и чем он отличается от других биткоин-кошельков. У меня также есть руководство по его настройке на Windows или Mac. Так что если вы ищете лучший Биткойн-кошелек для начинающих, то обязательно посмотрите Electrum!
00:00 Вступление
00:06 Скачиваем и устанавливаем
1:41 Настраиваем кошелек
2:14 Пополнение кошелька с биржи
2:47 Отправляем BTC с кошелька
#electrum #electrumwallet #bitcoin #bitcoincrypto #bitcoinwallet Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ОБЗОР НА КОШЕЛЕК ELECTRUM | Минус холодных кошельков для криптовалюты? | Какой кошелек выбрать?
Electrum is a Bitcoin wallet that is designed to be simple and easy to use. It is a lightweight wallet that does not require downloading the entire blockchain but instead connects to a server for fast and secure transactions.
To set up and use your Electrum wallet, first, you need to download the wallet from the official website. Then open the wallet and create a new wallet.
You will be asked to enter a strong password and you will need to remember it. After the wallet has been created, you will be asked to create a seed phrase. This phrase is used to restore access to your wallet if you forget your password.
Once your wallet is setup, you can now send and receive Bitcoin by entering the recipient's address in the "send" tab. You can also store Bitcoin in the wallet by clicking the "receive" tab. Before sending or receiving Bitcoin, make sure you back up
If this tutorial helped you out please consider leaving a like & commenting down below if this works! Thank you so much! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Донат биткоин 34bAApjXkqoPa9Yk5Ea4nMq4DofJidAb81
Краны %d0%9b%d1%83%d1%87%d1%88%d0%b8%d0%b5%20%d0%ba%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%bd%d1%8b%
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Electrum #download Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Инструкция по открытию и использованию криптовалютного кошелька Electrum. Как хранить и пользоваться Bitcoin с кошельком Electrum.
Подробнее здесь: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cancelar transacción sin confirmar en #Electrum #shorts #bitcoin
How To Restore Electrum Wallet From Seed (Easy). This video explains how you can restore your lost bitcoin wallet using electrum and your wallet's seed. Did this video help? Comment below and let me know :)
✅ Buy Crypto on Binance Instantly 👉
None of my videos are financial advice, they are all made for entertainment purposes only. Some links mentioned are affiliate links that support the channel at no extra cost to you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Electrum — это легкий программный криптокошелек, поддерживающий большинство основных современных платформ: Windows, MacOS, Linux и Android. Кошелек существует на рынке с 2011 года и на него приходится примерно 10% всех биткоин-транзакций. Это один из самых проверенных временем и надежных горячих кошельков для хранения биткоина -
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Setting up a multisig wallet with Specter and Electrum
Electrum in airgapped mode can be used as one of the devices in Specter-Desktop. In this video I show how to set up a 2-of-3 multisig wallet between Specter-Desktop, Electrum on mobile and Electrum on desktop Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Satochip - How to use a Bitcoin hardware wallet with Electrum
In this video, we will explain you how to use the Electrum client to create, use and backup a Bitcoin wallet using a Satochip Bitcoin hardware wallet.
The private keys will be stored on the secure chip of your Satochip card.
This video is based on :
More information :
Want to get a Bitcoin Satochip hardware wallet :
The Satochip card reader is available here :
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The journey that a bank customer takes to transfer money using Electrum's Money Transfer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сигналы с платных каналов и VIP чатов -
Соберите свой первый биткоин бесплатно -
Приветственный бонус 170$ на торговлю -
Торговля фьючерсами с 10% скидкой - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Случайно наткнулся на #фишинг сайта #Electrum - и решил сделать небольшой обзор этой атаки на пользователей криптовалютных кошельков. Учимся, делаем выводы и распространяем информацию, чтобы никто не попался.
Профилактика фишинга сайтов и сервисов:
1) Запомните адрес официального сайта кошелька
2) Всегда пробегайте глазами по адресной строке
3) Сохраните часто-используемые ссылки в браузере
4) В поисковых выдачах Google или Yandex обращайте внимание на органическую выдачу нежели на контекстную рекламу, так как в нее попасть намного легче
5) Если вы нашли фишинговый сайт, то распространите эту информацию всем окружающим
🏅 Если это видео оказалось вам полезным, то можете поддержать канал донатом BTC 35zShNnsh6TDto2BDVfGyFYoPjkL473yky
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Обновил кошелек ELECTRUM и потерял $16 млн / Домен s*x.crypto продали за $90 тыс. / ГАГАРИН ШОУ #11
11 выпуск Гагарин Шоу и старт нового сезона обзоров новостей и скандалов криптоиндустрии и мира финансов. Не пропустите розыгрыш фирменного мерча от Гагарин Шоу! В этот раз Владимир Носов и Глеб Ушаков обсудят неудачу пользователя 1400BitcoinStolen, который обновил кошелек Electrum и потерял $16 млн или 1400 BTC. Также поговорили о сделке по домену за $90 тыс и многих других заметных происшествиях в мире крипты, финансов и технологий. По традиции в конце шоу звучит композиция от талантливого исполнителя. К вашему вниманию песня “Только ты и я” от Ани Чернухи.
0:00 Приветствие
00:54 1100 биткоин ферм
05:34 Обновляйся осторожно
08:47 Истории из жизни
12:46 Сельские новости
15:21 Напитки на вечеринке в Москве были проданы за биткоины
18:14 Розыгрыш
19:13 Робот ошибся
22:49 s* за 250 ETH
26:25 Только ты и я
Все выпуски по ссылке:
Бэкстейдж проекта:
О канале Гагарин Шоу:
Здесь вы увидите обзор последних новостей из мира криптовалют и финансов в развлекательной манере. Ведущие Владимир Носов и Глеб Ушаков проводят ликбез и простым языком рассказывают о терминах из сферы криптомира, обсуждают громкие скандалы
#гагарин_шоу #криптоновости #новости_криптовалют #криптовалюта #биткоин Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Огляд білого алюмінієвого врізного точкового світильника з колекції Focus від бренду Vasmar (Україна)
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Купити Точковий світильник VASMAR 53301 (1600018CL-01W) у сучасному стилі
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Seleccionar UTXOS para gastar o congelar en Electrum Wallet. #Shorts #bitcoin #electrum
How To Setup And Use Electrum Wallet | Tutorial (2023)
In this video I show you How To Setup And Use Electrum Wallet. This is super easy and learn to do it in just a few minutes by following this helpful tutorial.
If this tutorial helped you out please consider leaving a like & commenting down below if this works! Thank you so much!
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Переходим к практическим занятиям. В этой криптошпаргалке Роман Душкин рассказывает, как установить и запустить криптовалютный кошелёк Electrum.
Курс «Основы криптоэкономики»:
Агентство искусственного интеллекта:
ТГ-канал Романа Душкина:
#Криптовалюта #Биткойн #BTC #Крипта #Криптоэкономика #Блокчейн #Кошелёк #Electrum #Практика #ETH #РоманДушкин Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Огляд білого алюмінієвого врізного точкового світильника з колекції Boras від бренду Polux (Польща)
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The Crypto Dad shows you how to set up the Electrum Bitcoin wallet.
We go through downloading (with verification) and installing the Electrum bitcoin wallet. Important software used is:
Electrum bitcoin wallet:
Software verification is done with:
Specifically Gpg4Win.
Donate Bitcoin:
What is the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet?
The Electrum Bitcoin wallet is software that runs on your computer. It is an application that allows you to send, receive and store bitcoins. It also has advanced features that allow you to check your current balance, see a list of transactions, and even maintain several “wallets”. It does this by allowing you to access a bitcoin address on the Bitcoin blockchain. Access to a Bitcoin address is provided by a cryptographic key-pair. The key-pair is a public/private asymmetric cryptographic key. The public key is the receiving address. This is the address you can share with others, so they can send you bitcoins. The private key is the part that allows you to send bitcoins. The Electrum Bitcoin software creates a new key-pair whenever you create a new wallet. It stores the private key on your computer. The private key is protected by on-disk encryption. Electrum will automatically decrypt the private key when you wish to send bitcoins. Access to the private key is also enhanced by a password or your own choosing that you can set when the wallet is created. Best practice is to choose a strong password for your Electrum Bitcoin Wallet.
The Electrum Bitcoin Wallet is one of the most popular Bitcoin wallets for desktops. It has several advanced features that make it robust and flexible. It supports Two Factor Authentication, Multi-sig Wallets, and Cold Storage.
Another unique feature of the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet is that it does not require you to download the entire Bitcoin Blockchain on to your computer (which can be time-consuming and requires a lot of space). It does this by maintaining several Blockchain servers which allow you to quickly access the current state of the Bitcoin Blockchain and the up-to-date status of the wallets you control. This includes your current balances and the transaction history for each of your wallets.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a new technology that functions as a digital currency. It is a peer-based, decentralized way to hold, store, send, and receive value. It does this by maintaining a cryptographic “ledger” called the Blockchain. All of the bitcoins in existence are created and stored on the Blockchain.
Bitcoin with a capital “B” refers to the technology itself. Bitcoin spelled with a little “b” refers to the tokens that hold the value and can be exchanged with others.
Multiple copies of the Blockchain exist on thousands if not millions of computers worldwide. Each copy of the Blockchain “verifies” itself by connecting to the Internet and making sure it has the most up-to-date list of transactions. The Blockchain maintains its integrity by using strong, modern, encryption techniques. This makes it impossible for anyone to alter the ledger, create fake transaction or “double-spend” their bitcoins.
Bitcoins do not require banks or third-party financial services to act as central clearing houses for electronic transfers. In essence, Bitcoin technology “cuts out the middleman”. Bitcoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer monetary system that exists outside of the traditional, centralized, fiat-currency based financial system. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Transfer Crypto From Binance To Electrum (Step By Step)
How To Transfer Crypto From Binance To Electrum (Step By Step). This video explains how to transfer crypto from Binance over to Electrum which is an offline Bitcoin wallet. Did this video help? Comment below and let me know :)
✅ Buy on Binance Instantly 👉
None of my videos are financial advice, they are all made for entertainment purposes only. Some links mentioned are affiliate links that support the channel at no extra cost to you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Login Electrum Wallet: How to Sign in Electrum Bitcoin Wallet Application?
Electrum is one of the most popular Bitcoin wallets. It is fast, secure and easy to use. Your private keys are encrypted and never leave your computer. Your funds can be recovered from a secret phrase.
To learn how you can easily access the app, watch the video till the end and follow the steps as shown in the video.
0:00 Intro
0:18 Electrum Wallet Login Tutorial
2:07 Outro
All the video tutorial shown or described on this Channel is for educational and informational purpose for users facing problem with their daily banking or crypto topics. In case of any copyrighted material found on the video, do stay in contact with us through Youtube.
Using this Video on other Channels without prior permission is strictly prohibited (Embedding on Websites Allowed) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
boa sorte pessoal
e obrigado pelas doações na minha carteira ln
emptyasia82@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create your own cold storage wallet for Bitcoin. Cold storage is an offline storage solution that keeps your Bitcoin private keys away from potential online threats, such as hackers or malware. By creating your own cold storage wallet, you can ensure that your Bitcoin is stored securely and is only accessible to you.
We'll walk you through the process of creating a cold storage wallet on a USB flash drive. You'll learn how to generate a new wallet, back up your wallet, and store it safely offline. We'll also cover best practices for securing your Bitcoin, including how to verify your wallet's integrity and how to protect your wallet from physical damage.
Whether you're a seasoned Bitcoin investor or a newbie looking to securely store your digital assets, this tutorial is perfect for you. By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of cold storage and how to create your own cold storage wallet for Bitcoin. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Electrum Wallet Founder Thomas Voegtlin Goes For Lightning
Thomas Voegtlin spoke with IBM's Frans Kempen about the Electrum wallet and its upcoming integration with Lightning Network. The conversation took place right before Bitcoin Wednesday at the Volkshotel in Amsterdam on 3 October, 2018.
You can check out Thomas' profile here:
And look here at the complete conference program:
Sign up for our next event at:
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In today's video I walk through how to create and coordinate a multisig bitcoin wallet with physically separated participants using Electrum Wallet!
Here are the other videos I referenced:
-Electrum Wallet Intro Video:
-Trezor Setup:
-Ledger Setup:
-Unchained Capital:
👊 Like, subscribe, and comment below with what you'd like to see in future videos!
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🌽 True hodlers DCA! Get $10 in free bitcoin with the following link:
🐦 Want to connect? Hit me up on Twitter @ian__major:
➡️ If you missed my latest videos, be sure to give the following a watch:
-Samourai Wallet Tutorial
-Best F-Droid Mobile Apps For Privacy
-5 Best Bitcoin Cashback Cards for 2022
0:00 Video Intro
2:10 Intro To Multisignature Wallets
7:59 Electrum Wallet Multisig Tutorial
#bitcoin #electrumwallet #multisigwallet
Materials Referenced:
None of this is financial advice. Do your own research. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Electrum Wallet is one of the longest standing Bitcoin wallets, and well known for supporting hardware wallets, multi signature – and now lightning! We talk about a range of things:
HWW support
Multi sig
Electrum Server model
Backup seeds Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Backing up Your bitcoins using the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
The Crypto Dad shows you how to back up the Electrum Bitcoin wallet. I go through making sure your password is stored in a safe place. Then I talk about printing out the seed and keeping it safe. Then I discuss how to export your private keys. Finally, I show you how to make a copy of your wallet and re-open it.
Electrum bitcoin wallet:
iPhone Screen share was done using X-Mirage
Passwords were stored in the One Password App
Donate Bitcoin:
What is the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet?
The Electrum Bitcoin wallet is software that runs on your computer. It is an application that allows you to send, receive and store bitcoins. It also has advanced features that allow you to check your current balance, see a list of transactions, and even maintain several “wallets”. It does this by allowing you to access a bitcoin address on the Bitcoin blockchain. Access to a Bitcoin address is provided by a cryptographic key-pair. The key-pair is a public/private asymmetric cryptographic key. The public key is the receiving address. This is the address you can share with others, so they can send you bitcoins. The private key is the part that allows you to send bitcoins. The Electrum Bitcoin software creates a new key-pair whenever you create a new wallet. It stores the private key on your computer. The private key is protected by on-disk encryption. Electrum will automatically decrypt the private key when you wish to send bitcoins. Access to the private key is also enhanced by a password or your own choosing that you can set when the wallet is created. Best practice is to choose a strong password for your Electrum Bitcoin Wallet.
The Electrum Bitcoin Wallet is one of the most popular Bitcoin wallets for desktops. It has several advanced features that make it robust and flexible. It supports Two Factor Authentication, Multi-sig Wallets, and Cold Storage.
Another unique feature of the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet is that it does not require you to download the entire Bitcoin Blockchain on to your computer (which can be time-consuming and requires a lot of space). It does this by maintaining several Blockchain servers which allow you to quickly access the current state of the Bitcoin Blockchain and the up-to-date status of the wallets you control. This includes your current balances and the transaction history for each of your wallets.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a new technology that functions as a digital currency. It is a peer-based, decentralized way to hold, store, send, and receive value. It does this by maintaining a cryptographic “ledger” called the Blockchain. All of the bitcoins in existence are created and stored on the Blockchain.
Bitcoin with a capital “B” refers to the technology itself. Bitcoin spelled with a little “b” refers to the tokens that hold the value and can be exchanged with others.
Multiple copies of the Blockchain exist on thousands if not millions of computers worldwide. Each copy of the Blockchain “verifies” itself by connecting to the Internet and making sure it has the most up-to-date list of transactions. The Blockchain maintains its integrity by using strong, modern, encryption techniques. This makes it impossible for anyone to alter the ledger, create fake transaction or “double-spend” their bitcoins.
Bitcoins do not require banks or third-party financial services to act as central clearing houses for electronic transfers. In essence, Bitcoin technology “cuts out the middleman”. Bitcoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer monetary system that exists outside of the traditional, centralized, fiat-currency based financial system. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Upgrade the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet to Version 3
The Crypto Dad shows you how to upgrade the Electrum Bitcoin wallet from version to version . I walk you through download and verification and then I show you how to open up you previous wallets in the new version.
Electrum bitcoin wallet:
Donate Bitcoin:
What is the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet?
The Electrum Bitcoin wallet is software that runs on your computer. It is an application that allows you to send, receive and store bitcoins. It also has advanced features that allow you to check your current balance, see a list of transactions, and even maintain several “wallets”. It does this by allowing you to access a bitcoin address on the Bitcoin blockchain. Access to a Bitcoin address is provided by a cryptographic key-pair. The key-pair is a public/private asymmetric cryptographic key. The public key is the receiving address. This is the address you can share with others, so they can send you bitcoins. The private key is the part that allows you to send bitcoins. The Electrum Bitcoin software creates a new key-pair whenever you create a new wallet. It stores the private key on your computer. The private key is protected by on-disk encryption. Electrum will automatically decrypt the private key when you wish to send bitcoins. Access to the private key is also enhanced by a password or your own choosing that you can set when the wallet is created. Best practice is to choose a strong password for your Electrum Bitcoin Wallet.
The Electrum Bitcoin Wallet is one of the most popular Bitcoin wallets for desktops. It has several advanced features that make it robust and flexible. It supports Two Factor Authentication, Multi-sig Wallets, and Cold Storage.
Another unique feature of the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet is that it does not require you to download the entire Bitcoin Blockchain on to your computer (which can be time-consuming and requires a lot of space). It does this by maintaining several Blockchain servers which allow you to quickly access the current state of the Bitcoin Blockchain and the up-to-date status of the wallets you control. This includes your current balances and the transaction history for each of your wallets.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a new technology that functions as a digital currency. It is a peer-based, decentralized way to hold, store, send, and receive value. It does this by maintaining a cryptographic “ledger” called the Blockchain. All of the bitcoins in existence are created and stored on the Blockchain.
Bitcoin with a capital “B” refers to the technology itself. Bitcoin spelled with a little “b” refers to the tokens that hold the value and can be exchanged with others.
Multiple copies of the Blockchain exist on thousands if not millions of computers worldwide. Each copy of the Blockchain “verifies” itself by connecting to the Internet and making sure it has the most up-to-date list of transactions. The Blockchain maintains its integrity by using strong, modern, encryption techniques. This makes it impossible for anyone to alter the ledger, create fake transaction or “double-spend” their bitcoins.
Bitcoins do not require banks or third-party financial services to act as central clearing houses for electronic transfers. In essence, Bitcoin technology “cuts out the middleman”. Bitcoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer monetary system that exists outside of the traditional, centralized, fiat-currency based financial system. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#electrum #кошелек #криптовалюта
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Огляд білого алюмінієвого врізного точкового світильника з колекції Atom від бренду Vasmar (Україна)
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Купити Точковий світильник VASMAR 54354 (2300024-2-02W) у сучасному стилі
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☎️ 0800 30 75 57 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Easy Dash Electrum Wallet/Client tutorial for beginners. 2018.
The ONLY links you should use: or
DASH 101: DON'T TRUST YOUR COINS WITH CENTRALISED THIRD PARTIES such as have failed people for various reasons too many times! Have YOUR OWN wallet. USE A TREZOR device or a LEDGER for large amounts of DASH. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we go through the installation of an Electrum Server (electrs). We install electrs as a bridge between our Electrum Wallet software and our own Bitcoin node. If you found value in our content, consider supporting us at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ubuntu: How do I install Bitcoin Private electrum wallet on ubuntu 16.04 LTS?
Ubuntu: How do I install Bitcoin Private electrum wallet on ubuntu LTS?
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With thanks & praise to God, and with thanks to the many people who have made this project possible! | Content (except music & images) licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 | Music: | Images: & others | With thanks to user Thomas Ward (), user mature (), user (), and the Stack Exchange Network (). Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Disclaimer: All information is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. You are responsible for your own actions. Please contact me if anything is amiss at Roel VandePaar A.T . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In preparation for the BitcoinPrivate fork, you'll want to move your ZClassic into one of the recommended wallets prior to the snapshot. This video shows how to install the ZClassic Electrum Wallet on a Mac.
Note: At the time of the recording of this video, the Snapshot Time was not yet announced. The snapshot for both BTC and ZCL will take place at February 28 5PM UTC.
For further support, please visit . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Setup & Use Electrum Wallet (Install, Send & Receive Bitcoin)
How To Setup & Use Electrum Wallet (Install, Send & Receive Bitcoin). This video explains how to set up and use Electrum wallet to send and receive Bitcoin. Electrum is an offline wallet which means it's more secure to store your bitcoin. Did this video help? Comment below and let me know :)
✅ Buy Crypto on Binance Instantly 👉
None of my videos are financial advice, they are all made for entertainment purposes only. Some links mentioned are affiliate links that support the channel at no extra cost to you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Exporting wallet history to spreadsheat with Electrum/Electron Cash
In this episode, we explore how to install and use Electrum over Tor on macOS.
Bitcoin is not private by design… here’s why and how Monero is different 👉
Shakepay 👉
Reference material 👉
Electrum Seed Version System 👉 #motivation
Support my research 👉 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wallet Multifirma. Concepto. Configuración en Electrum + transacciones
Configuración de una wallet multisig en 3 dispositivos (2 de escritorio y móvil).
Electrum. Instalación y operaciones básicas
Electrum Lightning Network. Configuración + transacciones
Funcionamiento de Bitcoin
00:00 Intro
00:16 Concepto de multifirma
02:35 Configuración
19:09 Transacción Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vivi explains how to download the latest electrum-ftc wallet from , how to become part of the community and of course how to setup your Feathercoin wallet. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Crypto Dad show you how to move Bitcoin from a Coinbase account to the Electrum Bitcoin wallet
Related videos on my YouTube Channel
How to set up a Coinbase account:
How to enable 2-factor authentication on a Coinbase account:
How to set up the Electrum Bitcoin wallet:
Quick set up:
Set up with a bit more explanation:
If you would like to get started buying Bitcoin, the easiest way is opening a Coinbase account.
You can set up a set up a Coinbase account at:
You can also download the Coinbase App:
For IOS:
For Android:
I highly recommend the Google Authenticator app for extra security on your Coinbase account:
For IOS:
For Android:
You can download the Electrum Bitcoin wallet here:
New social Media links!
Donate Bitcoin:
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a new technology that functions as a digital currency. It is a peer-based, decentralized way to hold, store, send, and receive value. It does this by maintaining a cryptographic “ledger” called the Blockchain. All of the bitcoins in existence are created and stored on the Blockchain.
Bitcoin with a capital “B” refers to the technology itself. Bitcoin spelled with a little “b” refers to the tokens that hold the value and can be exchanged with others.
Multiple copies of the Blockchain exist on thousands if not millions of computers worldwide. Each copy of the Blockchain “verifies” itself by connecting to the Internet and making sure it has the most up-to-date list of transactions. The Blockchain maintains its integrity by using strong, modern, encryption techniques. This makes it impossible for anyone to alter the ledger, create fake transaction or “double-spend” their bitcoins.
Bitcoins do not require banks or third-party financial services to act as central clearing houses for electronic transfers. In essence, Bitcoin technology “cuts out the middleman”. Bitcoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer monetary system that exists outside of the traditional, centralized, fiat-currency based financial system. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Buy Bitcoin on Coinbase and Move it to the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
This screencast demonstrates how to setup and use the Electrum wallet for trading and storing TESTNET bitcoins and litecoins
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Funcionamiento de Bitcoin esencial
Instalación de Electrum y operaciones básicas:
Verificación Electrum software (firmas de desarrolladores):
Electrum multifirma
Electrum Lightning Network
Electrum Almacenamiento en frío
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Encriptar y desencriptar mensajes utilizando direcciones de bitcoin y Electrum wallet
In this tutorial, we will show you how to download and install Electrum Wallet on a 32-bit Android phone. Whether you're new to Bitcoin or a seasoned user, this guide will walk you through the process of setting up your wallet and getting started with this popular Bitcoin wallet software, even on an older device.
#Electrum, #Android, #Bitcoin, #Wallet Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Download Electrum Bitcoin Wallet on 32 Bit Android Mobile 2023?
In today's video I dig into the Electrum Wallet, including basic wallet setup as well as its bitcoin multisig capabilities! I also discuss why multisig wallets aren't necessarily a no-brainer for the average user.
As discussed in the video, please do have a look through Electrum's documentation, particularly when setting up any multisig configuration outside of what's demonstrated here.
Download Electrum: #download
Electrum Documentation:
Additional Helpful Documentation:
My prior video on Ledger:
My prior video on Coldcard:
My prior video on Wasabi where I also go through a full deep-dive on verifying PGP signatures for software downloads:
👍 Be sure to like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video and comment down below to let me know of any topics you'd like to see covered in the future!
➡️ If you missed my latest videos, be sure to give the following a watch:
-Avoid Overpaying Fees
-The Full Story on Bitcoin Privacy
-How Does Bitcoin Actually Work?
🌽 Stack bitcoin like a pro with an automated savings plan and auto-withdrawal to your wallet of choice! Plus get $10 in free Bitcoin!
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0:00 Video Intro
2:03 What Is Multisignature?
8:01 Electrum Wallet Basic Setup
21:24 Electrum Multisig Wallet Setup
I'm not an investment adviser. Investing carries inherent risks. Do your own research and consult a "professional" before investing ;)
~Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito~
#bitcoin #electrumwallet #electrummultisig Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Explico como firmar transacciones de manera segura y propagarlas en versión "solo vista" de Electrum.
00:00 Introducción/Concepto
02:16 Proceso
Verificación Electrum software (firmas de desarrolladores):
Instalación de Electrum y operaciones básicas:
Funcionamiento de Bitcoin esencial
Electrum multifirma
Electrum Lightning Network
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Almacenamiento de Bitcoin en frío (computadora off-line + Electrum)
Powered by Restream
LEDN offers Bitcoin backed loans – Sign up and get $50 free
Get Wasabi wallet and enjoy your privacy
Coincards lets you use Bitcoin and Lightning to easily buy gift cards and top off your mobile!
Buy Bitcoin in Canada on Coinberry and get $20 after your first $50 purchase
Get the Ledger Backup Pack – Includes Ledger Nano X & S
NordVPN helps with your internet privacy – Get 70% off
Buy Bitcoin in Canada using Shakepay and get $10 for free after your first $100 purchase:
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BTCPay gets a $150K grant from Kraken
Venezuelan Gov accepting Bitcoin for new passport payments
card issuer Wirecard files for insolvency
Electrum wallet 4.0 beta adds PSBT, Lightning, Watchtowers and Submarine Swaps
Lily wallet for Coldcard multisig
Choosing a hardware wallet – tradeoffs to consider
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Learn how to buy bitcoin directly into Electrum wallet!
Visit our website at or get the app at 📱 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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