Інноваційна викрутка з храповим механізмом (тріскачка) ідеально підходить для жорстких гвинтів і гайок, дозволяючи прикладати більший крутний момент, не регулюючи утримання тулу. Вона оснащена багатовекторною храповою системою, магнітним утримувачем біт та сумісна з брендовими патентованими плоскими бітами і будь-якими стандартними бітами діаметром ¼ дюйма. Тріскачка працює з будь-яким Leatherman з великим бітотримачем і легко поміщається в кишені.
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Сегодня я вам расскажу всю правду, что из себя представляет Удлинитель для бит LEATHERMAN RATCHET DRIVER 931030
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#Leatherman #Ratchet Driver #МУЛЬТИТУЛ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Удлинитель для бит - трещотка LEATHERMAN Ratchet Driver
Недавно компания лезерман выпустила удлинитель - трещетку для бит.
Он хорошо расширяет возможности и удобство применения мультитула
Удлинитель для бит-трещотка Leatherman Ratchet Driver Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LEATHERMAN RATCHET DRIVER - Трещотка от лезерман, Стеклобой и Кое-что ещё
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Моя почта - mooltikiller@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Ratchet Driver is the upgrade your multi-tool needs. #leathermantools
The Ratchet Driver is available on our website:
From our factory in Portland, Oregon, we’re committed to bringing you the best multipurpose products to help you solve expected and unexpected problems in everyday life. Armed with creativity, know-how, and a Leatherman, you're ready for whatever real life throws your way.
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Le Leatherman Ratchet Driver est un complément pratique à votre outil multifonction. Il est compatible avec tous les outils multifonctions de Leatherman pourvu d'un grand porte-embout et avec les embouts plats et tous les embouts standard de 6,35 mm. Le positionnement tridirectionnel permet des positions vers l'avant, vers l'arrière et verrouillées.
- Porte-embout magnétique
- Système d'encliquetage tridirectionnel
- Compatibilité avec les embouts de tournevis
- Longueur: 8,28 cm
Compatible avec les outils multifonctions Leatherman suivants:
Charge®+ TTi
Skeletool® CX
Skeletool® RX
Heritage Charge®+
Heritage Wave®+
Black & Silver Signal™
Black & Silver Skeletool®
Black & Silver Surge®
Black & Silver Wave® +
Topo Signal®
Topo Skeletool®
Charge®+ G10
2H Wave®+
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Catraca para Leatherman? Conheça o Leatherman Ratchet Driver (931030) - #UnboxingCrosster
Saiba tudo sobre o Soquete c/ catraca Leatherman Ratchet Driver em aço (LT931030) no vídeo de #Unboxing de hoje!
👉 Compre já:
• Conheça a linha completa da Leatherman aqui:
#Leatherman #Crosster #SemprePreparado
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Leatherman RATCHET DRIVER with the Leatherman FREE series!
I have the Zapwizard Micro Screwdriver Handle for the Leatherman Ratchet Driver. It makes the Ratchet a self contained fully functional Screwdriver with storage for the Leatherman flat bits. very handy tool and great for EDC #leatherman #multitool #edc #tool #screwdriver Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What type of bits with your Leatherman Ratchet Driver ?
Przejściówka z grzechotką Leatherman Ratchet Driver
Przejściówka do bitów z grzechotką firmy Leatherman umożliwia wydłużenie zasięgu wkrętaka. Dzięki temu użycie go w trudno dostępnych, ciasnych miejscach jest łatwiejsze. Komfort użytkowania zapewnia magnetyczne gniazdo na bity, dzięki któremu zamocowany wkrętak nie wypadnie z przejściówki.
Przejściówka umożliwia zamontowanie zarówno bitów firmy Leatherman jak i standardowych końcówek wkrętaka z mocowaniem sześciokątnym.
Pasuje do następujących multitooli Leatherman:
- Charge+
- Charge+ TTi
- Heritage Charge+
- Heritage Wave+
- Signal
- Skeletool
- Skeletool CX
- Skeletool RX
- Super Tool 300M
- Surge
- Wave+
- Curl
#leatherman #militariapl #ratchet #driver
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Leatherman RATCHET DRIVER with Victorinox, Wenger & Wera!
The Leatherman Ratchet Driver came out in March of 2021 and allows you to turn any Leatherman Large Bit Driver into a ratcheting 1/4 inch bit driver. They are a very excellent EDC item and can really improved your functionality.
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Shout out to the Leatherman Collectors Club, the EDC Cooperative, EDC Royalty and Leatherman Tool Users Group all on Facebook!
Please remember to Like, Subscribe, Comment and Hit the Bell Icon to get any and all my content!
and as always have a great day and carry on! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a brilliant replacement for an awl!
In your Leatherman Tool Pouch, place some drill bits (1/4" handle), your Wave+, your Ratchet Driver and go on an adventure!
My thoughts are moved when I see the excellent Felix Immler drilling holes with the awl of his Victorinox! :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video demonstrates the Leatherman Ratchet Driver in action with first impressions. Is the Leatherman Ratchet Driver worth buying? and will the Leatherman Ratchet Driver fit into my Leatherman pouch? This Ratchet Driver has been long anticipated and transforms the screwdriver function across all Leatherman Multitools with a bit exchanger. This is a UK review.
My name is Jonathan, I have a passion for all things 'gadget, travel and EDC' which has filled both my personal and work life for many years. This includes sourcing, reviewing and product development and the creation of two UK national retail chains. Find out more here:
This channel is here to help you find great travel and carry gear on the back of solid and detailed reviews along with years of experience. I also hope to give you ideas and inspiration when it comes to everyday carry gear, travel gear and gadgets, which make life a little bit easier and perhaps more fun.
I welcome any feedback on my videos or the channel in general. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Amazon Links:
Leatherman Surge Link
Leatherman Ratchet Driver
Contents of this video to help you navigate:
00:00 Intro
15:00 Unboxing
02:05 Close up
06:30 Ratchet Driver in action
10:15 Conclusion
Product Sourcing:
When it comes to sourcing a product for review, I will usually either purchase an item personally or reach out to a supplier requesting a sample for review. Most suppliers, after seeing the channel, are supportive if they are confident in their product, appreciating the value of greater exposure.
I am sometimes asked to review a product by a supplier which I will only agree to if the product fits the channel and I believe will be of interest to you, my audience. Also the product needs to be worthy of a review. It is not in my interest to review inferior or poor quality products and therefore as you might expect many requests are politely declined.
Any sponsored videos (paid for reviews) are clearly stated as such so there can be no misunderstanding. Even with sponsored reviews I will only agree to a sponsorship on products and services which I believe will be of genuine interest to viewers.
I will always make reference in the video to products which have been provided for review by a supplier and I always make it clear to the supplier that they cannot influence or be involved in the review in any way if they choose to supply a product.
Sometimes a supplier will provide a link to the product or the supplier which I am happy to include in the description. Sometimes I will be provided with an affiliate link so I can earn a commission on sales and this helps to support channel costs but never at the expense of an honest review.
If a product I have reviewed is available from Amazon I will often include an Amazon link in the description. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you.
I really appreciate the feedback in the comments - I find it a source of knowledge and inspiration - so thank you to all of you who take the time to contribute. I have recently found that if I continue to respond to all the comments as the number of videos builds, it takes time away from being able to produce new content which would be very counter productive! - so my aim is to read everything I can and reply when I can, after each video goes live, until the next video goes live a week later. I'll see how that works out 😊
Thank you for supporting the channel so I can continue to provide you with regular reviews, thoughts and ideas and (hopefully) inspiration! Please consider subscribing to keep up to date with new video releases, and if you want to be notified when a new video is released, don’t forget to hit the notification bell. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Available at:
I have designed a handle, holster, grip assist, and bit carrier to enhance your everyday carry of the Leatherman Ratchet Driver. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leatherman RATCHET DRIVER [NEW 2021/ 8°/ 45 teeth/ max ?? N m]
I do not validate the value of the maximum torque that this ratchet can withstand, value given by TrumpToolCrip. Whatever the case, this ratchet will withstand any intense manual effort with the Surge for example, until proof to the contrary and therefore in the context of use in accordance with its intended purpose. I must therefore salute and congratulate Leatherman on this long-awaited breakthrough.
Je ne valide pas la valeur du couple maximal que peut supporter ce cliquet, valeur donnée par TrumpToolCrip. Quoiqu'il en soit, ce cliquet supportera tout effort manuel intense avec le Surge par exemple, jusqu'à preuve du contraire et donc dans le cadre d'une utilisation conforme à sa destination. Aussi dois-je saluer et féliciter Leatherman pour cette avancée tant attendue. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HoldMyGear Leatherman Bit Kit / Rathchet Driver Sheath
There are a lot of cases for Leatherman products in the aftermarket, but this is one of the best ones I have seen that allows the user to carry the ratcheting extension.
Leatherman Bit Kit and Ratchet Driver Sheath -
HoldMyGear Amazon Store -
Wiha Technician Bit Kit 77781 -
Wiha Technician Bit Kit 77780 - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leatherman Ratchet Driver - Overview And Initial Impressions
The debut of the new driver from Leatherman is something I have been eagerly anticipating, and it is finally here. Today we are going to do an out of the box impression of this new tool. Later this week I intend to really test this product out to see exactly what it can handle.
Leatherman Ratchet Driver - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leatherman Has Some Competition! If you like knives and gear then you're in the right place. Today we take a look at a new mini ratchet driver that fits the Leatherman driver slot. It's been a while since Leatherman had any competition for this tool and I think this aftermarket version is a little better because you can get more torque. Let me know what you think about this new ratchet driver?
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✅ Leatherman RATCHET Driver | Carraca para multiherramienta
Te presentamos la nueva herramienta de la casa Leatherman, la Ratchet Driver. Con este adaptador podrás prolongar el brazo de tu multiherramienta y además, trabajar con todas las puntas standar exagonales, así como adaptar también vasos para tornillería métrica exagonal.
Link al producto:
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Обзор Leatherman Signal Crimson / ТРЕЩОТКА RATCHET DRIVER LEATHERMAN. Лезерман сигнал. EDC
Leatherman Signal совмещает в себе 19 различных инструментов, с ним вы будете чувствовать себя уверено в любой ситуации и в любом месте – на природе, в гараже или на даче.
1. Пассатижи
2. Тонкие пассатижи
3. Съёмные кусачки из стали 154СМ
4. Съёмные кусачки для толстой проволоки из стали 154СМ
5. Инструмент для зачистки проводов
6. Нож с серрейтором из стали 420НС
7. Пила
8. Молоток
9. Шило с отверстием
10. Открывалка для банок
11. Открывалка для бутылок
12. Держатель для шестигранных бит ¼ дюйма
13. Держатель для больших бит
14. Накидной гаечный ключ ¼ дюйма
15. Карабин / открывалка для бутылок
16. Накидной гаечный ключ 3/16 дюйма
17. Свисток
18. Огниво
#leatherman #edc #knife #инструмент #инструменты #нож #multitool #мультитул #отвертка #открывашка #signal #сигнал #карабин #огниво #точилкадляножей #точилка Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
711L 60 Tooth Ratchet Driver For Leatherman Multi Tools
This edc ratchet from 711L is designed to work with Leatherman multi tools, but also works with some SOG multi tools as well. It is a 60 tooth design that is small in profile and weight. Through some limited testing, it seems to hold up quite nicely.
711L Ratchet -
711L Ratchet with 9 Piece Bit Kit -
711L Ratchet with Variable Torque Socket Adapter -
711L Amazon Store -
Leatherman Amazon Store - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks for stopping in. My name is Johnny and I am an Artist/Musician who likes sharp tools. I like taking them "Into The Woods" and sharing my thoughts. All of the music here is by me. Please check out my playlists and don't forget to "LIKE, "SHARE" and "SUBSCRIBE". Have a Super Fantastic Day!
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I must be missing something. There are over a thousand great reviews of this tool on Amazon, but I think this Leatherman Ratcheting Driver has some issues. To make it worthy of the Leatherman name and be as handy as it should be, I can't wait for Gen 2 because this Gen 1 needs some help in my opinion. What do you think?
On Amazon
Bit driver:
Holster: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is Leatherman's Ratchet Driver Victorinox's Awl Killer?
For your Bushcraft EDC, you will simply take a wood drill bit (or several!) of the diameter you intend to use and the Leatherman Ratchet Driver: you will then easily, quickly and without great effort drill all the holes you will need to your assemblies.
Even better but heavier and bulkier is the use of the WERA 416 RA ratchet handle (see my corresponding video on my channel).
Pour votre Bushcraft EDC, vous prendrez simplement un forêt à bois (ou plusieurs!) d'un diamètre que vous comptez utiliser et le Ratchet Driver de Leatherman : vous percerez alors facilement, rapidement et sans grand effort tous les trous dont vous aurez besoin pour vos assemblages.
Encore mieux mais plus lourd et encombrant, l'utilisation de la poignée à cliquet 416 RA (voir ma vidéo correspondante sur ma chaîne). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leatherman RATCHET DRIVER : preparation of the N m test bench!
I plan to start the test at 15 N m and then increase successively by one unit until the ratchet breaks.
The test will be carried out with the WERA torque wrench (5 to 25 N m) Click-Torque A5 (± 4%/ 5000 clicks)
Je prévoie de commencer le test à 15 N m puis d'augmenter successivement d'une unité jusqu'à rupture du cliquet.
Le test sera réalisé avec la clé dynamométrique WERA (5 à 25 N m) Click-Torque A5 (± 4 %/ 5000 déclenchements) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leatherman Ratchet Driver Destructive Testing - How much can it take?
We take the new Leatherman Ratchet Driver and push it to its limits, and then beyond. I was surprised how much torque it could handle and the manner in which it broke!!
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🛒Leatherman Ratchet Driver
🛒Leatherman Standard Driver
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🎵Music Info:
Artist: Danijel Zambo
Song: Springtime
Find It here:
00:00 - Intro & Welcome to GearsNTool !!
00:38 - Setup
02:21 - Testing
06:31 - Breaking Point
07:20 - Aftermath
08:50 - Takeaway
#GearsNTools #Multitool #Leatherman #Ratchet #Driver Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Been waiting for this new product from Leatherman, pretty much ordered it when it first came out and finally received it today! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The SOG Powerpint and The Leatherman Ratchet Driver 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping in. My name is Johnny and I am an Artist/Musician who likes sharp tools. I like taking them "Into The Woods" and sharing my thoughts. All of the music here is by me. Please check out my playlists and don't forget to "LIKE, "SHARE" and "SUBSCRIBE". Have a Super Fantastic Day!
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Leatherman Genuine Ratchet Driver, Made by Leatherman themselves, this is one of a kind Tool and very important addition to Leatherman tool family. The one which was been waited for long. I hope this video will give in depth overview of the Ratcher Driver and Leatherman fans will enjoy this review.
Link for Product:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Leatherman ratchet driver is an incredible upgrade to any Leatherman tool with the bit exchanger. After 5 months of use, it is 100% functional. The speed and comfort afforded by the ratchet is well worth the $30 price tag and 2yr warranty.
Keep in mind that this ratchet does have a mechanical limits that will mostly be reached by over torqueing the tool in the final snugging up of very large screws. In this, I did develop one snag in the ratchet mechanism when I stress tested it in an earlier video and eventually cracked the plastic selector. Noting that neither of which affect operation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tough Stuff Gear Pocket Pouch Overview and Loadout
In this video I check out the Tough Stuff Gear (TSG) Pocket Pouch in 500D Cordura.
Get it here:
500D Cordura
YKK Zipper
Everyday Adventure Co:
Leatherman Bit Kit:
Leatherman Ratchet:
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In today's video we'll be taking a Quick look at the CountyComm Titanium Precision Screwdriver Kit. A simple and effective take on the screw driver with a premium construction and variety of bits.
Check it out:
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00:00 Intro
00:34 Quick look
01:49 Outro
#Everydaycarry #Leatherman #Screwdriver #Kit #Driver #Screwdrivers #Ratchet #Bit #Bits #EDC #Multitool #Phillips #Flathead #Stainless #Effective #Simple #Everyday #Carry #tools #gear #Tinker #Review #Overview #Repairs #Toolbox Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leatherman Ratchet Driver Testing - What I have learned so far.
I have spent the last several days testing out the new Ratchet Driver from Leatherman. I have used this driver in various Leatherman multi tools and on various types of fasteners to get a better idea of how it performed overall, and with each multi tool. In this video I'll go over what I have discovered and my overall impression of this new offering from Leatherman.
Leatherman Ratchet Driver -
Wilton 6" ATV Vise - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leatherman TORQUE RATCHET DRIVER : A Silly Controversy?
Certainly, I am not muscular, I am a retired philosopher and former poet.
However, I made this video to have an order of magnitude of the torque that is applied to a screwdriver. With one hand, I cannot reach 10 N m (88.5 ), in T mode and with two hands, I painfully reach 15 N m (132 ). Therefore, in view of the good test of GearsNTools (~ 34 N m & breakage of the fitting, not of the ratchet):
The RATCHET DRIVER keeps all its promises for an accessory intended for use on the bit driver of a Leatherman multi-tool.
Finally, the new video from GearsNTools shows that the bit driver breaks at 25 N m.
Certes, je ne suis pas musclé, je suis un philosophe retraité et ancien poète.
Toutefois, j'ai fait cette vidéo pour avoir un ordre de grandeur du couple de torsion qu'on applique sur un tournevis. A une main , je n'arrive pas à atteindre 10 N m (88.5 ), en mode T et à deux mains, j'atteins péniblement 15 N m (132 ). Par conséquent, au vu du bon test de GearsNTools (~ 34 N m & casse de l'emmanchement, pas du cliquet) :
le RATCHET DRIVER tient toutes ses promesses pour un accessoires destiné à être utilisé sur le bit driver d'un multi-tool Leatherman.
Enfin, la nouvelle vidéo de GearsNTools démontre que le bit driver casse à 25 N m.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
La carraca Leatherman es una herramienta que se utiliza para apretar o aflojar con poco esfuerzo gran cantidad de tornillos y otras tuercas. Es compatible con las siguientes multiherramientas: Charge TTi, Charge+, Heritage Charge+, MUT, MUT EOD, Skeletool, Skeletool CX, Skeletool RX, Signal, Surge, Supertool 300M, Wave+. Funciona con puntas standard de ¼” y puntas planas de Leatherman. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leatherman Ratchet Driver - New Release 2021 First Impressions!
Reviewing the New Leatherman Ratchet Driver that was just released, I was actually thinking about making one of these myself so I'm glad Leatherman went ahead and made one. overall it looks like a solid design, I'm sure due to its small and compact size there are some limitations we'll be exploring that in a future video so make sure to subscribe!
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👀- Leatherman Wave +:
👀- Leatherman Charge +:
👀- Leatherman Surge:
🎵Music Info:
Artist: Danijel Zambo
Song: Alegro
Find It here:
00:00 - Intro & Welcome to GearsNTool !!
01:28 - Size & Weight
03:13 - Ratchet
05:00 - Bit Driver
08:05 - Testing
09:45 - Takeaway
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For 4mm precision bits in addition to 1/4" bits and Leatherman truncated bits.
It is true that it is seldom necessary to have a ratchet screwdriver to act on very small screws. Let's say then the ratchet driver in the locked position will do like an extender.
The WIHA [1/4" - 4mm] bit adapter is really a must have : %C3%A8me-adaptateur-magn%C3%A9tique/dp/B00XIPRG4M
Note : WIHA 758 or 7103 ... (???) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Texas Tool Crib's Ratchet Video:
Maxlvledc Amazon Store (this really helps me keep buying things to review):
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The Leatherman Ratchet Driver...Before You Buy One Watch This.
A look at the all new Leatherman Ratchet Driver. If you like what you've seen please don't forget to Like and Subscribe. Take care and stay safe Adios.
Ratchet Destruction Video Link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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