Приціл Sig Sauer Tango MSR 1-8x 24mm оснащений високоефективною 8-кратною оптичною системою з сіткою MSR BDC-8 у другій фокальній площині, яка має 11 режимів яскравості червоного підсвічування. Діаметр об'єктива становить 24 мм. Для зручності та кращої швидкості зміни кратності на кільці збільшення встановлено спеціальний важіль. Поле зору прицілу при найменшому збільшенні становить 41.5 м на дистанції 100 м, а при найбільшому збільшенні – 6.5 м на дистанції 100 м. Вага прицілу становить 527 м. Для прицілу необхідна одна батарея типу CR2032. Приціл характеризується надійною водонепроникністю, удароміцністю та захистом від запотівання, завдяки газонаповненню. Комплект містить плоскі відкидні кришки для об'єктиву та окуляра та алюмінієвий моноблок ALPHA-MSR.
Детальні характеристики:
Sig Sauer
Tango MSR 1-8x24mm, 30mm, SFP, Сітка MSR BDC8 з пі
Сьогодні ми поговоримо про приціли LPVO від компанії Sig Sauer, про лінійку Tango-MSR. До вашої уваги приціли кратністю 1-6х, 1-8х та 1-10х. Їх переваги та особливості. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Tango MSR is a great optic that does not break the bank, check it out! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Inspecting a budget friendly LPVO from Sig Sauer. This LPVO comes in at around $, I bought it, so you didn't have to. Only MSR 1-8 in coyote brown on the Tube. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SIG Sauer Electro-Optics is proud to introduce the TANGO MSR Family of optics. Based on the TANGO6T that has been chosen by the US Military as the future of Low Powered Variable Optics for today's warfighters, these optics feature industry leading light transmission and optical clarity for any situation. The TANGO MSR features a High Performance 6x optical system with low dispersion glass, an integrated, removable throw leaver for quick magnification changes Illuminated MSR BDC-6 reticle with 11x brightness levels, and Lay flat flip-back lens covers. The TANGO MSR delivers dependable waterproof, shockproof, and fog-proof performance Includes ALPHA-MSR 1 piece aluminum cantilever mount. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Firearms expert Dan Kidder reviews the features of the Sig Sauer Low Power Variable Optic TANGO-MSR 1-6x24. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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We take the new budget Sig Sauer Tango MSR 1-6x scope to the range, go over its features, & what I think of it overall 🤙🏽🔴
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Finally… a review of the SIG Tango MSR 1-10x scope. This took me a little bit of time to get done but I wanted to be as thorough as possible for ya’ll. Hope you enjoy!
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*A correction was made in the video regarding the scope’s weight. The scope weighs in around 21oz and not as originally stated . My apologies for the confusion. I’m not sure where I got that original number.*
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Was $
I Paid $425 - $40 Instant gift card offer
High Performance 8x optical system with low dispersion glass
Integrated thread in throw leaver for quick magnification changes
Illuminated MSR BDC-8 reticle with 11x brightness levels
Lay flat flip-back lens covers included
Dependable waterproof, shockproof, and fog-proof performance
Includes ALPHA-MSR 1 piece aluminum cantilever mount Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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This is my first training session with the SIG TANGO MSR 1-8x that I installed on my 14.5" BCM. So far I am enjoying this budget optic and have little to complain about. I will continue to shoot this and always provide updated information especially if I find anything that is an absolute no-go.
00:00 Intro
01:36 Training
07:35 Optic Review Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The budget friendly Sig Sauer Tango MSR 1-6x24 LPVO test & review. High on value and good on features, included speed lever, useful reticle, level line to make sure it is straight in the mount, good knurling on magnification ring, and it even includes the mount.
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With the Tango coming in at $500, this is a great optic for the money. So if you're looking to get into the LPVO game, and not break the bank, this may be a great option for you. Make sure to hit that subscribe button, and checkout the links below!
Sig Tango
Bog Tripod
All information provided is merely for entertainment and informational purposes. Should you decide to act upon any information provided, you do so at your own risk. Midwest Gun Works does not accept any liability for any mistakes, errors, or faults that may occur. Refer to the manufacturer for specifications of the products used. It is recommended that all modifications or repairs be done by a qualified Gunsmith. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sig Tango MSR 1-6x reticle view (dull overcast day)
A quick view through my Sig Tango MSR 1-6x24. “Target” is one of my XXL Flannels set up at 175-180 yards away. From an initial impression, I can see why a lot of people are giving this thing good marks for being a budget LPVO. It won’t be replacing my Trijicon Accupoint, but I definitely like it for what it offers, and love the horseshoe dot reticle.
For a much better quality video reviewing this particular optic, check out C_DOES, as he has an awesome upload of it which coincidentally, influenced me to purchase this since it’s such a bargain.
Also, check out deltathirtyfour for great vids as well. Awesome quality and very well done, with great information.
Sig Tango MSR & Trijicon TR25 @ Sunset:
TR24 vs TR25 Accupoint by Deltathirtyfour:
Sig Tango MSR 1-6x by C_DOES
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I have seen video after video of hate for LPVOs especially budget friendly optics. Even with all that I continue to buy them and try them because they still work best for what I need. I spend money where I believe it does the most for me and this is how you should approach the same subject yourself. Get out and shoot because ammo is where you should dump most of your firearms budget, nobody gets better putting the next Gucci gun together or buying the latest and greatest item. Time behind the weapon is king.
00:00 Intro
00:45 New Optics
03:41 1-6x Install
06:29 1-8x Install
07:06 1-10x Install
08:14 Sighting In Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Thank you to my Patreon Supporters for making this possible! One of the cheapest bundles out there proves to be more then just a low price tag. The mount is seemingly very good, as is this peach of a LPVO. If your a first time LPVO user and dont want to invest in a ton of money. Or if your looking for one for a plinker or loaner gun. This might very well be what your looking for.
00:00 - HL Laundry Room
2:03 - Reticle Overview
3:03 - Turret Twistin'
3:33 - Tracking Test
5:01 - Window
7:53 - 50y Smallbore
9:37 - Eyebox
11:25 - 100-300y & Closing thoughts
14:37 - Mas Pew's!
#lpvo #fpr #firstpersonshooter #review #Firstpersonreview
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Вортекс Атакующий Орел (Strike Eagle) 1-6x24 GEN 2
Сиг Танго МСР 1-6х24
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În acest vlog, vă prezint o combinație interesantă între tehnologia avansată a lunetei Sig Sauer TANGO-MSR LPVO 1-8x24mm și importanța respectării măsurilor de siguranță atunci când manipulați arme. Sunt Daniel Turtoi și sunt nerăbdător să împărtășesc cu voi această experiență.
În prima parte a videoclipului, vă voi prezenta în detaliu luneta Sig Sauer TANGO-MSR LPVO 1-8x24mm. Vă voi arăta caracteristicile sale deosebite, precum puterea de mărire variabilă de la 1x la 8x, diametrul obiectivului de 24mm și altele. Vom explora performanța optică excelentă, precizia ajustărilor și modulul iluminat pentru a vă ajuta să vă îmbunătățiți experiența de tragere.
Totuși, nu pot sublinia suficient importanța respectării măsurilor de siguranță când vine vorba de arme de foc. Astfel, în partea a doua a videoclipului, voi pune un accent special pe măsurile de siguranță pe care trebuie să le cunoașteți și să le respectați în orice moment. Vom discuta despre tratarea armei cu respect, cum să verificați dacă este încărcată sau descărcată, cum să manevrați corect arma și cum să utilizați corect sistemul de siguranță.
Aceste informații sunt esențiale pentru toți cei care interacționează cu arme de foc, indiferent de experiența anterioară. În videoclip, voi insista pe faptul că siguranța este întotdeauna prioritară și că trebuie să fim responsabili în orice situație.
Vă invit să vă alăturați mie în acest vlog captivant, în care vom explora împreună Luneta Sig Sauer TANGO-MSR LPVO 1-8x24mm și vom învăța cum să manevrăm o armă de foc cu responsabilitate și în deplină siguranță. Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de like și să vă abonați la canalul meu pentru mai multe conținuturi interesante! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Sig Tango MSR is a piece of work. This is an awesome little inexpensive optic. It does its job very well by holding zero, tracking and being affordable. There is little left to be desired!
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Hey guys! Today we will be reviewing the SIG SAUER TANGO-MSR LPVO 1-10X28!
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John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
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Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
Proverbs 15:1 “A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.”
John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
Romans 13:4 “For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.”
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This is the unboxing of the Sig Sauer Tango MSR 1-10x LPVO! Watch for the unboxing and initial impressions of the scope.
Stay tuned for Part 2, where we zero the scope in on a Palmetto State Armory PA-10 Gen 3 AR10 Rifle!
We have an upcoming hunt in Texas in the next months where the rifle and scope will be used to shoot Hogs and a Texas Dall Ram.
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Song: Forever by Red
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This took us by surprise in the best way. Im excited to see what these can do when we take them to the ranch! If you want to check one out the link is below!
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Sig MSR Tango 1-6x24 LPVO - The New Best Budget LPVO???
Sig MSR Tango 1-6 UPC: 798681642502
Let us know what you think of the Sig MSR in the comments down below!
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Sig Sauer’s Tango MSR Riflescope is a perfect addition to an AR-type platform, but works equally well on virtually any other modern sporting rifle. It utilizes a high performance 6x optical systems with low dispersion glass for a crystal clear sight picture and excellent light transmission. The Tango MSR also comes equipped with an illuminated MSR-BDC6 SFP reticle, which is composed of a precise, 1-MOA free floating center-dot in the middle of an illuminated MOA semicircle. Directly below the center-dot and semicircle is a “Christmas Tree” of holdover points and hash marks, allowing you to effectively compensate for bullet drop and wind drift at extended ranges. Other features of the Tango MSR include an integrated throw lever to seamlessly transition between magnifications, and an Alpha-MSR cantilevered scope mount is included as well.
Features of the Tango MSR Riflescope:
- High performance 6x optical systems with low dispersion glass
- Illuminated MSR-BDC6 SFP reticle with 11 illumination levels
- Integrated throw lever
- Alpha-MSR cantilevered scope mount
- Scope Weight: lbs (without mount)
lbs (with mount)
- Scope Length: inches
- Magnification Range:1x - 6x
- Scope Objective Diameter:24mm
- Scope Tube Size / Mount:30mm
- Turret Adjustment (Click Value):0.5 MOA
- Elevation Turret Details: Capped
0.5 MOA per click
- Windage Turret Details: Capped
0.5 MOA per click
- Reticle Position: Second focal plane
- Reticle Details:MSR-BDC6 reticle
- Eye Relief:3.3 inches
- Illuminated Reticle: Yes - 11 levels
- Package Includes
Allen wrench
Lens cloth
Alpha-MSR cantilevered scope mount
- Scope Finish: Black
- Scope Turret Rotation: Counter Clockwise (CCW)
- Product Type Riflescopes
- UPC798681642502 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Another short vid demo’ing the view through my Tango MAR with Red Horseshoe Dot reticle on a very bright, sunny day with the illumination off, at position 8 of 11, and 11 of 11 at 1x and then 6x. Target reference is my XXL flannel hanging on a 19”W x 23” L cardboard silhouette at a marked distance of 188 yards. Thanks for watching!
Recorded around 2:40 PM on Tuesday, March 29, 2022.
Sig MSR & Tr25 Red Triangle Post, Bright, sunny day:
Sig Tango MSR & Trijicon TR25 @ Sunset:
TR24 vs TR25 Accupoint by Deltathirtyfour:
Sig Tango MSR 1-6x by C_DOES
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Sig MSR and Juliet 3x magnification!!!!
Get it HERE-
#safetysteves2a #pewpew #fyp #firearmtraining #firearmsinstructor #msr #sigsauer #zoom #reddot @sigsauerinc Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy it... or don't:
The Sig MSR 1-6x might be the contender for best budget LPVO at this time.
Don't buy the 1-10x MSR please.
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Intro Song: "Issa Trap" by Mikey Geiger Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Optics were tripod mounted; no firearms were ever used.
Vantage point is a room with double pane glass, and some targets were filmed with a diagonal view through the panes. Image quality and chromatic aberration are artifacts of this. Actual scope images are NOT representative. This video is focused on the reticle.
Cell phone camera has a tendency to introduce shimmer into the videos; reticle stadia etc may seem to move.
DSLR has major issues with fixed parallax optics; focus may change during video and targets may never reach crisp focus.
Auto-focus is terrible. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out how the Sig Sauer Tango6T 1-6x24mm 30mm Riflescope tackle mid-range targets at the nearly 150 acres, state-of-the-art Sig Saur Academy facility.
Designed for the US army and special forces and featuring an IPX8 Waterproof rating, five reticles, and a locking illumination dial with NV settings, the Sig Sauer Tango6T is a world-class scope for the commercial market.
With Extra-low dispersion and High transmission glass, the Sig Sauer Tango6T 1-6x24mm Rifle Scope is perfect for any level of firearms user.
Ideal for hunting or competition, the Sig Sauer TANGO6T 1-6X24 MM Scope offers extreme clarity in low-light conditions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Subscribe for more, drop a like or dislike, click the bell! New scope for the M14A4! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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First look at this potential ultra low Budget setup from SIG. The mount seems to check out well. It looks great and feel just as good. The LPVO definitely shows its price in some regard. The looseness of the eye piece, the feel and quality of the turrets, the brightness of the illumination. but for (roughly) $140+ what can we really expect from it? Time will tell.
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SIG SAUER Tango MSR 1-10x FFP Scope Unboxing - LPVO
SIG Tango MSR 1-10x FFP Scope Unboxing. This is a great mid range priced LPVO scope. For the money, this scope is hands down one of the best scopes on the market!
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Camera: Canon SL3
Microphone - Rode Mic Go
Tripod: JOBY GorillaPod 3K
Video Editing Software: Adobe Premier Pro
#sigsauer #guns #ar15
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