Компанія RushFPV розширила свою знамениту лінійку відеопередавачів Tank VTX, випустивши потужний Rush Tank Solo!
Відеопередавач повністю укладений в алюмінієвий корпус, який виконує відразу дві функції: захищає VTX від пошкоджень і вологи, а також використовується як тепловідвідний радіатор. Корпус ефективно знижує теплові навантаження та дозволяє безпроблемно використовувати максимальну потужність. При цьому розмір Rush Tank Solo не перевищує розмірів TBS Unify PRO32 HV!
Технічні характеристики:
Вхідна напруга: 7-36 В постійного струму
Вихідна напруга: 5В/1А (600 мА)
Канали: 48 каналів
Потужність: PIT/25/400/800/MAX мВт
Аудіо: підтримка аудіовходу
Мікрофон: вбудований високоякісний мікрофон AGC
Розміри: 37 x 24 x 6,7 мм
Вага: 12 г (без кабелю)
1x Rush FPV Solo Tank 25-1000 мВт 5,8 ГГц VTX з розумним аудіо - MMCX
Актуальная цена на Rush Tank Solo: и тут:
Свежий видеопередатчик от RushFPV - Tank Solo для тех, кому нужно максимум дальности в компактном корпусе. Огромный потенциал скрывается в миниатюрном размере: микрофон, смарт аудио, куча каналов и большая мощь плюс все остальные приятные фишки от Рашфпв.
При поддержке магазина Air-Hobby:
Таблица VTX:
Видеопередатчик Unify Evo:
Видеопередатчик Unify Pro32 HV:
Блок питания ToolkitRC:
и тут:
Новый канал в Telegram -
Аппаратура Tango2 PRO:
Аппаратура Radiomaster TX16S:
Аппаратура Horus X10:
Очки Skyzone 03O:
Приёмники NanoRX SE:
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Это Видео:
#RushFPV#AnikFPV #TankSolo #Banggood
Music by Epidemic Soundv Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Full setup for beginners:
Rush FPV Solo Tank 25-1000mW VTX w/ Smart Audio - MMCX
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PCBWAY Has The Best 24 Hour Express PCB manufacturing:
Tank Solo:
## FPV Price Comparison & FPV Help
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FC #1:
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---Recording 2020---
Audio Interface:
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---PC Specs 2020---
AMD 3950x:
GTX 2060:
Auros Elite MB:
RGB Ram:
Water Cooler:
-- TOP 30x30 4in1 ESC --
Aikon AK32
Tekko32 Metal
T-Motor F55A
T-Motor F45A
Dalrc Rocket
-- Best 20x20 4in1 ESC In Order From Best --
HGLRC Forward
Aikon AK32 Mini
Airbot Ori32
I highly recommend these products if unsure
kakuteV2 AIO
Hakcrc (Best Budget ESC)
25km Range on these awesome VTX's
The HEX driver I recommended which i bought 2 sets of (Must have if your into building)
Batteries I use
Camera I use
Standoffs I find to be the best
Xt60 Premade I use
Heat shrink I mentioned
Soldering station
Some of the links are affiliated links.
Contact: @ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Налаштовуємо аналоговий відеопередавач FPV дрона в Betaflight: RUSH - TANK SOLO + SpeedyBee F405 V3
Налаштування відеопередавача з нуля до готової картинки.
*Накрутити антену, пропелери зняти.*
*Будемо підключати акумулятор, бо потужним передавачам треба живлення від батареї.*
Файли, які я показую в цьому відео:
Що треба:
* Розуміння що за передавач, Tramp чи Smartaudio
* Розуміння куди він підключений, до якого порта
* Таблиця каналів з офіційного сайта.
Для супер-потужних передавачів може знадобитись розблокування режиму високої потужності. При високій потужності, зробіть собі обдув стола щоб не спалити / не перегріти передавач.
*Накрутити антену, пропелери зняти.*
Тайм коди:
00:48 - що треба мати для початку, окрім дрона. Огляд файлів з таблицями для відеопередавача, які нам треба закачати перед початком.
03:36 - розглядаємо схему, дивимось де відеопередавач має бути підключено якщо монтувалось за схемою. Схема звідси:
05:16 - налаштовуємо порт відеопередавача в Бетафлай
06:13 - налаштування відеопередавача в меню "Відеопередавач" Бетафлай
06:34 - завантаження таблиці з JSON файла
08:25 - перевірки і доналаштування
10:18 - тестовий запуск: знімаємо пропелери, прикручуємо антену, підключаємо батарею
Глосарій термінів, список перекладених статей - ось тут:
(все що зеленим - доступне для читання, жовте і сине - ще в роботі) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Відеопередавачі для FPV дрона RushFPV, iFlight, AKK, Jhemcu. Перевіряємо потужність VTX.
У цьому відео виміряємо потужність декількох відеопередавачів за допомогою ImmersionRC RF Power Meter V2, а також подивимось, що в в комплекті з цими VTX та які нюанси можуть виникнути при їх встановленні. Будемо розглядати наступні моделі: AKK Race Ranger, AKK ULTRA LONG RANGE, Rush Max Solo, iFlight BLITZ Whoop, Jhemcu
Пропозиції, співпраця і доступ у чат :
Перелік деталей для дронів:
AKK Race Ranger:
AKK Ultra Long Range:
AKK FX2-Dominator
Ноунейм :
Ноунейм 3W:
iFlight BLITZ Whoop :
Кабель Mini JST SH :
Рама Mark4 V2:
00:00 Привіт)
00:57 Вступ
02:25 AKK Race Ranger
11:37 AKK Ultra Long Range 3W
17:02 AKK FX2-Dominator
18:05 Jhemcu Ruibet
22:11 Jhemcu і ноунейми
28:00 Rush Max Solo
31:41 iFlight BLITZ Whoop
34:41 Висновки
#FPV #drone Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
RUSHFPV Most Powerful VTX - SOLO Tank Review, Output Power & Flight Tests
► Rush SOLO VTX:
- Also Available On AliExpress:
🎵 Music:
- Solo Tank User Manual:
📖 VTX Table:
► VRX / VTX Equipment Used In The Tests:
* VTX Antenna:
* Video Receiver:
* VRX Antennas: &
╔════╡My Gear╞═════════════════════╡
║ ► Goggles - FatShark HDO2 -
║ ► RX Module -
║ ► Radio Controller - Radiomaster TX16S:
║ ► Battery Charger - Hobbymate D6 Duo Pro:
║ ►Lipo Batteries:
║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ →
╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ I Really Appreciate Your Support!
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Thanks in advance!
00:00 Overview
01:44 Setup
04:42 Output Power Tests
05:42 Flight Footage
RUSH TANK SOLO 48CH PITMode 1600mW Adjustable VTX 2-6S Built-in Microphone CNC Cooling Shell for FPV Long Range DIY
1. super power
2. Unique heat dissipation structure
3. Compact structure design
4. Two-color CNC shell
5. The button indicator lights are combined into one
6. Built-in microphone
SOLO basic parameters:
DIMENSIONS:H 37mm*W 24mm* D
(TBS authorized commercial)
*MAX Power level can provide 1W(30dbm) or more power depending on the environment's ability to dissipate heat.
Packing list:
Solo Image Transmission
power cable
MMCX to SMA adapter cable
RUSH sticker
Music Used:
We Got Something by LiQWYD
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
Track: Silence — Metro Vice [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Free Download / Stream:
#RUSHFPV #SOLOTANK #VTX Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microphone: Built-in high-quality AGC mic
Power: PIT/25/400/800/MAX mW
Output Voltage: 5V/1A (600mA)
Dimensions: 37x24x6.7 mm
Weight: 12g (without cable)
Audio: Support audio input
Input Voltage: 7-36V DC
Channels: 48CH
External Control: SMARTAUDIO V2.1
Note: The antenna must be connected while the VTX is on. Be sure to have proper airflow when using higher power outputs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I'm a huge fan of RushFPV VTX's - they've always had a very clean image and great range. This one is a bit of a monster, going up to a whopping of power. Let's take a look.
This VTX was kindly supplied by RushFPV for review who sell through their partners such as Banggood (although, of course, many other places to buy exist) so here's an (affiliate) link if you'd like to check in more detail
You can find the 3D print I used on Thingiverse here :2202672
If you liked this video and want to show your support please feel free to join my Patreon supporters here or if you decide to shop at Banggood, here's a general affiliate link which helps me out if you use it
If you want to look at other ways of supporting my channel, then check out all the ways you could help out here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DIMENSIONS:H 37mm*W 24mm* D
(TBS authorized commercial)
*MAX Power level can provide 1W(30dbm) or more power depending on the environment's ability to dissipate heat. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
☀Ищем подвох в новом танке. Обзор, настройка, замеры. [Rush Tank II Ultimate]
Актуальная цена на Rush Tank II Ultimate:
и тут:
Новая версия видеопередатчика Tank - V2 Ultimate от RushFPV. Подключим, настроим, прогоним на оборудовании и обсудим пару моментов.
При поддержке магазина Air-Hobby:
Полётный контроллер Blade F722:
и тут:
Регуляторы Super: и тут:
Видеопередатчик Tank II Ultimate:
и тут:
Регуляторы Sport:
и тут:
Плата фильтрации питания:
Runcam Racer 5:
и тут:
Моторы FlashHobby:
Аппаратура Tango2 PRO:
Аппаратура Radiomaster TX16S:
Аппаратура Horus X10:
Очки Skyzone 03O:
Приёмники NanoRX SE:
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Канал в телеграме:
Буду благодарен любой поддержке!
QIWI, самый удобный способ:
Это Видео:
#Rush #AnikFPV #TankIIUltimate #Banggood
Music by Epidemic Sound Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
More analog FPV footage from Matlock. Really starting to get to grips with my quad, don't wanna change anything in case it makes me worse.
Quad specs below with links, but honestly I think keeping with the same spec consistently and not changing too much is the key. Props seem to make the biggest difference to me, I prefer low pitch props after having tested a few. I think they spin up faster due to lower drag, and give you better low throttle resolution.
Foxeer Toothless 2 Micro:
Foxeer Lollipop Antenna:
Rush Tank Solo VTX:
GepRC Mark4 Frame:
Emax ECO II Motor:
Gemfan SL5130: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the comparison video between the Rushfpv tank ultimate plus 800mw and the Rushfpv Tank Solo 1600mw...
this the is using atomrc dolphin the same aircraft platform and the same altitude also same under 500meters...
for aircraft setup you can refer to this video
thank you Drone For Speed for providing the Rushfpv Tank Solo to me for the range test purpose
check out what item you can buy from this website here
thank you loratofficial for providing the 12t helical antenna for long range purpose
buy here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
RushFPV Solo Tank 1600mW Vtx - review, range testing and comparisons
RushFPV Solo Tank: or
Aggressor F-Swept FPV plane:
Here is my initial test and comparison on the new RushFPV Solo Tank video transmitter module, and let me tell you... it is looking pretty sweet so far, especially if all the claims of "no frequency drift, and channel bleeding" and "channel power calibration" are accurate! At least my test seems to confirm it is not outputting at less than , which is reassuring, but overall the Vtx seems to be made really well, it really is a tank and would surely take a good deal of beating without breaking a sweat, and I do appreciate the clean looks, lack of visible SMD components, and the huge cooling surface area resulting from it! Definitely something I can recommend, and more tests and more direct head-to-head comparisons will follow, so stay tuned!
Read more reviews in my blog:
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Banggod: ?utm_campaign=ArxangelRC&utm_content=tanghao&p=6L1818635832201406F2
AKK Tech:
Volantex Online store:
Vtx antenna:
AKK X2 Ultimate:
MFD Mini Crossbow Antenna Tracker:
MFD TeleFlyTiny OSD module:
Boscam FR632 Vrx:
Video receiver antenna:
Skyzone HD02 monitor:
Special edition Taranis:
DragonLink 915Mhz Long Range radio system:
LiIon cells:
DJI Osmo Action camera:
Panasonic Lumix G7:
DJI Phantom 4 Pro:
Zhiyun Crane Gimbal: /
FeiYu Tech Wearable Gimbal:
SJ7 Star action camera:
RunCam 2: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
When it comes to vtx Rush is a guarantee.
In the DVR you can see some noise in the video feed due to a slightly bent bell, destroyed props and bad antennas on my goggles but despite all it still guarantee a great signal.
You can buy the Tank Mini here:
Or here:
Audiio Pro, amazing Music and SFX for creators: Get 70% OFF now!
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~If you enjoy my contents and you want to support the channel you can buy through my affiliate links (without extra costs) and I will receive a small commission for each purchase, thank you🎁~👇
Frame: Apex clone
FC & ESC sold separately:
FC: Jhemcu Noxe V3 20x20
ESC: Jhemcu EM40 40A 20x20
FPV Cam (analog): Foxeer t-rex
VTX: Rush mini 800mw
Motors: HGLRC Aeolus 2306.5 (Heavy but solid)
(HappyModel ELRS EP1 : on my other build)
Props: Gemfan Hurricane 51433
► (cheapest link)
My favourite cheap Lipos😍🔥
8% OFF Coupon: manvsbando8
My Radio (Jumper T-Pro):
Best cheap drone to start FPV:
► (Only $)
► (it can freestyle!)
► (1s beast!)
Best Analog VTX:
► (My current one)
(Small size)
Best Analog FPV Cam:
► (My current one)
(Nano size 14x14)
Best Stack:
► (20x20)
Best BlHeli ESC:
Best value-for-money Lipo Chargers:
(With integrated power supply):
(Your first lipo charger to start FPV):
(4 ports, max 4s):
Best Analog FPV goggles:
(Best cheap goggles to start FPV):
My (cheap) 3D Printer:
Best value-for-money Soldering Iron:
My favourite Multimeter:
Only for New Customer:
Toys Hobbies and Robot:BGRCNew11 ~ 11%OFF
All Customer:
RC Drones:BGRCDrones6 ~ 6%OFF
RC Parts:BGRCParts8 ~ 8%OFF
Eachine:BGRCEachine ~ 10%OFF
#fpv #drone #fpvfreestyle #fpvdrone #cinema Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I'm a big fan of the RushFPV VTX's and they are what I'd recommend to people should anyone ask which brand to buy. Today we're testing an update to the already powerful Solo VTX, the Max Solo. Offering up to a whopping of power! We'll be matching this up with the new Cherry 2 antenna.
You can find these products on the new RushFPV website here:
Max Solo:
Cherry 2 Antenna:
Rush have kindly given us a discount code so you can save 8% off of orders in their store. Use the coupon code RUSHWAYNE (valid for 3 months from now)
These are also sold via their partners, such as Banggood (affiliate links):
Max Solo:
If you are in the UK, you can get hold of these from YourFPV
Max Solo:
Cherry 2 Antennas:
If you need to fit a Cherry 2 Antenna in your Tyro129 (or 109 I think) then you can download the adapter I designed here :5952292
If you liked this video and want to show your support please feel free to join my Patreon supporters here or if you decide to shop at Banggood, here's a general affiliate link which helps me out if you use it
If you want to look at other ways of supporting my channel, then check out all the ways you could help out here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Just got this bada$$ VTX,had to show everyone what you get when you order it
like and subscribe Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✅ FPV Видеопередатчик Rush Tiny Tank Mini 48CH 25/100/200/350mW, 1.4g!
✔ Купить Rush Tiny Tank Mini:
►Крутая отвертка Wowstick 1F+:
►Zbest Sale Скидки и Купоны в Telegram): ▼Нажмите Еще▼
►Обсудить в FPV чате:
✔ Новинки Тут:
● Добавляйтесь в друзья:
✔ 70CM Landing Pad Ali (Взлетка с подсветкой):
◢ Рабочие Купоны Banggood:◣ Больше тут:
AFFBG10 - 10%
ToysHo - 11% (Новый аккаунт)
Parts8 - 8%
►Обзор Jumper T16 PRO:
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Партнерская программа Youtube:
#Квадрокоптер #Zbestreview #RushTinyTank Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nude Change VTX to Rush tank solo 1 6W for FPV Geprc cinelog 35 performance ver with gopro soder ing
So which will I use AND how do we install that Video Transmitter :)
Rush Ultimate PLUS:
The (original) Rush Tank VTX:
Rush Tank Mini:
Rush Tank Racing edition:
# VTX Frequency table setup
# =====================================================
vtxtable bands 5
vtxtable channels 8
vtxtable band 1 BOSCAM_A A FACTORY 5865 5845 5825 5805 5785 5765 5745 5725
vtxtable band 2 BOSCAM_B B FACTORY 5733 5752 5771 5790 5809 5828 5847 5866
vtxtable band 3 BOSCAM_E E FACTORY 5705 5685 5665 5645 5885 5905 5925 5945
vtxtable band 4 FATSHARK F FACTORY 5740 5760 5780 5800 5820 5840 5860 5880
vtxtable band 5 RACEBAND R FACTORY 5658 5695 5732 5769 5806 5843 5880 5917
# Rush Tank power levels
# =====================================================
vtxtable powerlevels 4
vtxtable powervalues 0 1 2 3
vtxtable powerlabels 25 200 500 800
# VTX Runtime Settings
# =====================================================
# set VTX to low power when disarmed
set vtx_low_power_disarm = ON
# set 3rd power-level
set vtx_power = 2
set vtx_band = 5
set vtx_channel = 1
# Directly overrule the frequency
set vtx_freq = 5658
# Save & Reboot
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Equipent I use:
FlySky PL18 Paladin:
FrSky Taranis X-Lite Pro:
SkyZone Sky03 Oled FPV Goggle:
Indoors camera: Canon 5D mkIII
Lens: Tamron 28-75 2.8
Outdoors camera's:
+ GoPro Hero 8 Black
+ SJcam SJ8 Pro:
+ Runcam 5 cube
+ Runcam 2:
+ Mustool MT826 Multimeter:
+ TS100 portable soldering iron:
+ ToolCraft ST-100D soldering station
+ Steinel Gluematic 3002 hotglue gun
+ several Dremel's
My Instagram page:
DutchRC Adventures™.. All rights reserved. Publication, reproduction or distribution of this film by any means whatsoever - including without limitation electronic transmission via internet or e-mail, or re-uploading existing videos & re-uploading such material on any website anywhere in the world — is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of DutchRC Adventures. We are not directly affiliated with any of the vendors or manufacturers in this video. DutchRC Adventures is not liable for any damage or loss through the use of products or techniques shown - Use at your own risk! This film and the DutchRC Adventures film series broadcast on YouTube is intended for entertainment purposes only.
#DutchRCadventures #RClife #RCfun Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
RUSH TANK MINI 5.8GHz 48CH RaceBand 0/25/200/500/800mW Switchable 20*20 Stackable FPV Transmitter VT
How to fly a drone! How to control a FPV drone! Как летать на дроне в 2023 году!
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RUSHFPV RUSH TANK SOLO 5.8G VTX Video Transmitter CNC Shell 48CH 1.6W High Power Built-in Microphone
"RUSHFPV RUSH TANK SOLO VTX Video Transmitter CNC Shell 48CH High Power Built-in Microphone For RC FPV Racing Drone
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Topics We Cover RUSHFPV RUSH TANK SOLO VTX Video Transmitter CNC Shell 48CH High Power Built-in Microphone For RC FPV Racing Drone
Heads up: The info in this video is just for fun and learning! We’re not responsible for any issues arising from installing RUSHFPV RUSH TANK SOLO VTX Video Transmitter CNC Shell 48CH High Power Built-in Microphone For RC FPV Racing Drone or using products like the ANBERNIC RG406H RG 406H Handheld Game Console 4inch IPS Multi-touch Screen Retro Video Gam. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid potential hazards. RUSHFPV RUSH TANK SOLO VTX Video Transmitter CNC Shell 48CH High Power Built-in Microphone For RC FPV Racing Drone
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Play it safe, and if you need help with installation, don’t hesitate to ask a professional! RUSHFPV RUSH TANK SOLO VTX Video Transmitter CNC Shell 48CH High Power Built-in Microphone For RC FPV Racing Drone" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Why Buy Budget VTX's Anymore? // RUSH TINY TANK VTX
Rush Tiny Tank:
RUSH FPV Antenna:
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I highly recommend these products if unsure
kakuteV2 AIO
Hakcrc (Best Budget ESC)
25km Range on these awesome VTX's
The HEX driver I recommended which i bought 2 sets of (Must have if your into building)
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Song Used
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Track was provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Paul Flint - Savage [NCS Release]
Paul Flint
• Mastering by
Song: Distrion & Alex Skrindo - Lightning [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
ID: dj2938hd298hflahsknckdfhsidufh9398 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Rush Tank Tiny VTX. Полный обзор видеопередатчика. Настройка в BF. Измерение мощности.
Rush Tiny Tank Mini 48CH 5V PIT/25/100/200/MAX 350mW TBS Smart Audio FPV Transmitter for RC Racer Drone
Мои настройки
Rush Tank Tiny VTX
ImmersionRC RF Power Meter v2
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#Rushfpv #Rush #Tank #Tiny #VTX Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Music:Zaza - Be Together [NCS Release]
Please know that this is not a professional test!
In my opinion they are equally good.
both quad used tbs triumph
same goggle/receiver/receiver antenna used. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I've previously looked at the RushFPV Tank TVX's, but now comes a whole 20mm stack featuring a tank VTX, an F7 board and a Blheli_32 ESC board. Let's install it on something and see how it flies.
This quad was kindly supplied by RushFPV for review who sell through their partners such as Banggood, so please use this (affiliate) link to take a look at the full product details
Banggood have also given us a coupon to use. Try: BGGEPPart for 12% off
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If you want to look at other ways of supporting my channel, then check out all the ways you could help out here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I'm testing a RUSH Tank MAX Solo VTX and I like it mainly because it has this tiny fan that somehow keeps it from getting hot. Out of basically all the higher powered VTX's I like this one the best. It comes with a dedicated audio input I ran an electret board to and it will also automatically start at low power without using a FC. That keeps me from accidentally blasting too much power just going around my living room. I prefer this over something with Smart Audio or even a built in mic because the gain is just too low on those and meant for things with props. As usual it sounds too loud in the DVR recording but sounds great to me from headphones. The VTX uses an MMCX connector so I had to put an adapter on it to use the Double AXII 2 antenna. The receiver I'm using is not ideal and largely part of why I'm getting so much noise, but the noise is also what I've been trying to figure out ever since I started messing with this. Something was just never quite right and I still don't know what it is. Even my Crossfire control on 3 different receivers has a really hard time in a lot of little 'pockets' around my area. I tried some band pass filters and found one which did work a little bit but I could only find the one, and the receiver uses two antennas.
I replaced a bad relay and added a buttload of filtering on the RC car portion which uses its own battery, and then a little bit on the VTX portion which uses its own battery. The cam is also supplied from the 5v VTX output which is recommended if you can use it. I don't really need the range of Crossfire but I decided to use it on this car because it gives me less interference than my control did on the channels I was trying to use. The remaining noise in let's say the places I don't think it should exist can sometimes be from the Crossfire TX changing its dynamic power output briefly before settling back down again. IDK what all that other stuff is. If I drive around inside a fairly large commercial building I don't seem to get as much noise... could still just be all the wifi. I'm always in my living room with these tests so close range it's always having to penetrate sub floor and probably walls, but with decent LOS this setup will go pretty far.
There comes a sharp point in the pipe where the video gets too bad and I would guess this is less due to the VTX+VRX being incapable of the penetration, and more due to the Crossfire TX changing its dynamic output to 500mW or higher. When Crossfire starts outputting that much power it can basically step all over nearby systems. I see it in the and the . Nothing is really going to filter that out so you'd have to basically keep them separated by some tens of feet probably. In this regard, I would say the Crossfire diversity receiver is going to be the better choice all around for long range or high penetration traveling. It should not need to use so much high power as often. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Rush Tank Solo Analog Drone Freestyle Raw Video Output of Breathtaking USA Scenery in Super Speed
► Rush SOLO VTX:
- Also Available On AliExpress:
► Geprc Crocodile Baby: ||
🔋 Battery: ||
🎵 Music:
► VRX / VTX Equipment Used In The Tests:
* VTX Antenna:
* Video Receiver:
* VRX Antennas: &
* Rush Tank Solo VTX was set to max output power ()
╔════╡My Gear╞═════════════════════╡
║ ► Goggles - FatShark HDO2 -
║ ► RX Module -
║ ► Radio Controller - Radiomaster TX16S:
║ ► Battery Charger - Hobbymate D6 Duo Pro:
║ ►Lipo Batteries:
║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ →
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Thanks in advance!
RUSH TANK SOLO 48CH PITMode 1600mW Adjustable VTX 2-6S Built-in Microphone CNC Cooling Shell for FPV Long Range DIY
1. super power
2. Unique heat dissipation structure
3. Compact structure design
4. Two-color CNC shell
5. The button indicator lights are combined into one
6. Built-in microphone
SOLO basic parameters:
DIMENSIONS:H 37mm*W 24mm* D
(TBS authorized commercial)
*MAX Power level can provide 1W(30dbm) or more power depending on the environment's ability to dissipate heat.
Packing list:
Solo Image Transmission
power cable
MMCX to SMA adapter cable
RUSH sticker
Music Used:
Song: AERØHEAD - Somewhere Down The Line
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Video Link:
#RUSHFPV #SOLOTANK #MicroLongRange Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Build a 5" FPV Drone Part 5: All about VTX from solder to setup (Rush tank Solo/Runcam Phoenix SE)
This is a series of videos that will walk you through step by step as of how to build a 5inch Freestyle drone. Part 5 will be demoing how to connect a VTX and a FPV camera to your quad. We will also walkthrough how to set up your VTX table in Betaflight
Parts we use in this video
If you are willing, you can buy me a coffee to support this channel! Thank you in advance!
VTX Table For the Rush Tank Solo
vtxtable bands 5
vtxtable channels 8
vtxtable band 1 BOSCAM_A A FACTORY 5865 5845 5825 5805 5785 5765 5745 5725
vtxtable band 2 BOSCAM_B B FACTORY 5733 5752 5771 5790 5809 5828 5847 5866
vtxtable band 3 BOSCAM_E E FACTORY 5705 5685 5665 5645 5885 5905 5925 5945
vtxtable band 4 FATSHARK F FACTORY 5740 5760 5780 5800 5820 5840 5860 5880
vtxtable band 5 RACEBAND R FACTORY 5658 5695 5732 5769 5806 5843 5880 5917
vtxtable powerlevels 4
vtxtable powervalues 14 26 29 32
vtxtable powerlabels 25 400 800 1W6
Part 1: How to connect to powertrain system FC/ESC/Motors.
Part 2: Learn how to set up your ELRS Receiver
Part 3: How to Flash BetaFlight Firmware
Part 4: Cause of drone Runaway and the fixes
Part 5: How to hook up your VTX system/ Camera + VTX
0:00 Intro
0:30 Parts Required & Introduction
1:20 How to connect VTX system & How it works
2:00 Connecting the Camera To FC
3:08 Explain the Voltage acceptance range for VTX
5:54 Connecting the VTX To FC
8:51 Connecting the Antenna
9:24 Enable Ports and setup VTX Table
11:11 Battery and Goggle Bind test
12:03 Final Assemble
13:16 Test Flight & Outro
17:49 Oops Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
RUSHFPV RUSH TANK SOLO 5.8G VTX Video Transmitter CNC Shell 48CH 1.6W High Power Built-in Micro
RUSHFPV RUSH TANK SOLO VTX Video Transmitter CNC Shell 48CH High Power Built-in Micro
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Rush Tank Ultimate Mini VTX - Best Mini Video Transmitter
► Rush Tank Mini:
- MakerFire:
- RDQ:
► Rush Cherry Antenna:
🐜 Antennas Used:
► Goggles: &
► RX Module:
Radio Equipment:
► TX: ||
►TBS Nano RX: ||
* User Manual:
💵 Google Spreadsheet with updating coupons:
╔════╡My Gear╞═════════════════════╡
║ ►Goggles - FatShark HDO -
║ ►RX Module - Furious True-D:
║ ►Radio - Taranis X9D:
║ ►Battery Charger - Hobbymate D6 Duo Pro:
║ ►Lipo Batteries:
║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ →
╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ I Really Appreciate Your Support!
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* Heli-Nation:
* RDQ: ?aff=26
* Rotor Riot: ?aff=10
It doesn't add any extra cost to you and will help me to grow my channel and bring you high quality updated content.
Thanks in advance!
USH TANK Mini FPV Transmitter 48CH PIT/25/200/500/800mW VTX Video Transmitter 20x20mm External-Audio MMCX Connector with RUSH Cherry Antenna RHCP for FPV Racing Drone
Input voltage: 7-36V DC
Output voltage: 5V 1A
12V working current: 40ma@PIT, 95mA@25mW, 185mA@200mW, 250mA@500mW, 380mA@800mW
Channels: 48 Raceband/LowRace
Audio: External audio
Transmitting Power: Pit/25/200/500/800mW
Installation hole: 20x20mm
Dimension: 28 * 28 * (H*W*D)
Weight: (without case), (with case)
Silent Operation: The intelligent transmit circuit of TANK will not generate any interference signal during the switching and setting of VTX. With pit mode, you can set the VTX anytime and anywhere
Package include:
1 * Rush Tank Ultimate Mini Transmitter
1 * Rush Cherry FPV Antenna RHCP MMCX Connector
1 * Dust-proof Case
Music Used:
Song: Skylike - Imaginary (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
Music: XeX - Take me Higher (Original Mix)
#RushFPV #TankMini #VTX Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Розпаковка посилки з aliexpress. Антена для FPV Rush Cherry FPV 160мм. Сам у дрона. Ціна 5$. #дрон #дронfpv Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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