Лінійка компактних підзорних труб Vortex Razor HD створює новий стандарт високоякісних оптичних технологій. Підзорні труби серіі Razor HD є однією з найкращих підзорних труб на ринку. Завдяки використанню апохроматичного об'єктиву з низькодисперсними HD-склом, фірмових просвітлюючих, відбивних та захисних покриттів, труба має воістину видатні оптичні характеристики, що дозволяють її використовувати як професійний оптичний прилад на спортивних тренуваннях та змаганнях, у тому числі і для спостереження балістичної траєкторії польоту кулі. Відмінну чіткість зображення від краю до краю, високу роздільну здатність і натуральну кольору оцінять у тому числі бердвочери і професійні фотографи, що займаються діджіскоппінгом. Варто зазначити, що довічна гарантія від виробника є найкращим підтвердженням якості оптичних приладів Vortex.
Польовий чохол має м'яку внутрішню амортизуючу підкладку. Чохол має окремі блискавки, що дозволяють відкрити ту чи іншу необхідну на даний момент частину чохла.
Лінзи зі скла Premium HD з високою щільністю (High Density) і екстра-низькою дисперсією забезпечують виняткову кольоропередачу і високу роздільну здатність зображення. Коефіцієнт заломлення низькодисперсного скла мало залежить від частоти світла (від спектра). Усі світлові хвилі переломлюються на однакову величину кута. Застосування цих стекол у конструкції об'єктивів дозволяє практично позбутися такої неприємної аберації, як хроматизм. Вартість такого скла дуже висока, через що тільки виробники високотехнологічної оптики застосовують його у своїх продуктах преміум-класу.
Апохроматичний об'єктив складається з трьох лінз із точно підібраних сортів оптичного скла з різною щільністю та коефіцієнтами заломлення та значною мірою виправляє сферичні, а головне хроматичні аберації, що впливають на якість зображення. Vortex в апохроматичному об'єктиві цієї труби використовує HD скла з наднизькою дисперсією, що істотно впливає на ступінь виправлення аберацій апохроматичним об'єктивом, і виводить цю підзорну в один ряд із кращими оптичними приладами преміум-класу.
Запатентоване преміальне багатошарове покриття антивідблиску лінз Vortex XR Plus наноситься на всі оптичні поверхні, які контактують з повітрям або інертним газом і дозволяє досягти максимального рівня світлопропускання, чіткості та яскравості зображення. Технологія нанесення покриттів Plasma Tech забезпечує неперевершену довговічність і продуктивність покриття.
ArmorTek Надміцне покриття забезпечує захист лінз від подряпин, масел і бруду. Технологія нанесення покриттів Plasma Tech забезпечує неперевершену довговічність і продуктивність покриття.
Dielectric Prism Coatings Діелектричне багатошарове покриття призм забезпечує максимальне значення коефіцієнта відображення світла в порівнянні з металевими покриттями. Це значно покращує світлопропускання, завдяки чому забезпечується чітке та яскраве зображення з максимально точним кольором. Технологія нанесення покриттів Plasma Tech забезпечує неперевершену довговічність і продуктивність покриття.
Waterproof - означає, що оптика герметизована ущільнюючим О-кільцем і захищена від проникнення вологи за міжнародним класом IPX7. Занурення в рідину протягом 30 хвилин на глибину 1 метр не завдасть приладу ні найменшої шкоди і не вплине на його функціональність. Такій оптиці ніякі погодні умови не є страшними.
Fogproof -означає, що зсередини корпус заповнений інертним газом, що виключає конденсацію вологи на внутрішніх поверхнях при перепаді температури. Як наслідок, оптика не запотіває зсередини, а також не виникає корозія матеріалів під впливом вологи. Повітря видаляється з приладу та замінюється інертним газом (в даному випадку аргоном), який не містить у своєму складі водяної пари і не конденсується.
Конструктивні особливості:
Кут спостереження: 45º.
Оптична конструкція: призма Porro.
Лінзи: з багатошаровим просвітлюючим покриттям (Fully Multi-coated).
Призми: BAK4.
Подвійне регулювання фокусу забезпечує швидке та точне наведення на об"єкт спостереження.
Зум: кільцем на окулярі.
Наглазник: поворотно-висувний з декількома фіксованими положеннями типу Twist-Up.
Корпус: полікарбонат із протиковзким захисним гумовим покриттям.
Можливість встановлення на стандартний фотоштатив.
Vortex Razor HD Angled Spotting Scope:
The Vortex Razor HD Angled Spotting Scope is a great scope option for hunters or backpackers looking to haul gear out in the field. This scope is very light at 25 ounces for a high-powered spotting scope. Learn more about this scope by watching the video and clicking the link above! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Optics Razor HD 11-33x50 (Angled) Spotting Scope
Vortex Optics Razor HD 11-33x50 (Angled) Spotting Scope
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HD Lens Elements. Premium extra-low dispersion glass delivers the ultimate in resolution and color fidelity, resulting in high-definition images.
Fully Multi-Coated. Ultimate anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces provide maximum light transmission for peak clarity and the pinnacle of low-light performance.
Plasma Tech. Cutting edge coating application process provides unparalleled coating durability and performance.
Porro Prism. Valued for a rich depth of field, wide field of view, and three-dimensional image.
Angled Body Design. Valued for allowing an overall lower mounting height which maximizes stability in wind, offers greater comfort when glassing for extended periods, and permits the use of a smaller, lighter tripod.
Waterproof. O-ring seals prevent moisture, dust and debris from penetrating for reliable performance in all environments.
Fogproof. Argon gas purging prevents internal fogging over a wide range of temperatures.
Dual Focus. Allows for fast and fine adjustments.
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Compete at the highest level with an ultra-compact 50mm Razor HD spotter you can pack anywhere. The sophisticated triplet apochromatic lens system delivers high-definition views across the entire field of view—no color fringing, degradation of resolution or dilution of color fidelity at longer viewing distances. If you're keeping score, here's a scope with a total that adds up to 110 percent fast!
Available Configurations:
11-33 x 50mm Angled body
11-33 x 50mm Straight body
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The Razor HD far exceeds performance expectations and earns high praise in the field. You can plan on high performance and lightweight durability with the Razor HD 50mm Spotting Scope.
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Vortex Optics Razor HD Spotting Scopes 11-33x50 Angled Review
Vortex Optics Razor HD Spotting Scopes 11-33x50 Angled Review
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Spotting Scope Razor HD 11-33X50, Compete at the top level with an ultra-compact Razor HD spotter that you can take with you wherever you go. The advanced triplet apochromatic lens system provides high-definition images throughout the full field of vision, with no colour fringing, resolution loss, or colour fidelity dilution at extended viewing distances. If you're keeping track, here's a scope with a sum that quickly builds up to 110 percent.
What makes this product a smarter choice?
1. Attachment the Razor HD: For stable viewing, attach the Razor HD to a tripod or vehicle window mount. Simply attach the tripod mount foot to the tripod head's quick-release plate or mounting plate.
Number 2: Adjust the Eyecup: If you wear glasses or sunglasses, the adjustable eyecup on the 50 mm Razor HD spotting scope folds back so you can see the whole field of vision. To get the greatest vision without glasses, fully expand the eyecup.
Number 3: Change the Magnification: A versatile zoom magnification enables you to see a broad field of vision at a low power and zoom in on details at a high power. Turn the magnification adjustment ring to change the magnification.
Number 4: Refocus: After you've adjusted the magnification, you'll want to refocus for the sharpest picture. The Razor HD comes with two focus dials. This enables you to notice important details while remaining fatigue-free.
Number 5 is Vortex Optics' top-of-the-line spotting scope, the Razor HD. For your convenience, the 11-33x50 Angled Razor is ultra-lightweight and packable.
Sixth, a triplet apochromatic lens coupled with a high density, extra-low dispersion glass provides unrivalled resolution and colour accuracy. The lenses were treated with XR Plus anti-reflective coatings to provide optimum brightness for crucial low-light glassing.
Number seven: the focus wheel is divided into macro and micro settings. The macro adjustment enables the user to quickly focus, while the micro adjustment allows you to fine-tune the picture.
Number 8: The zoom eyepiece enables for simple magnification changes. The eyecup adjusts up and down for easy viewing with or without glasses.
The Razor HD, which is O-ring sealed and argon purged, is waterproof and fogproof. Armortek coatings protect the lenses from grease, scratches, and grime. Rubber armour improves the user's durability and grip.
and more, much more...
Commonly Asked Questions:
Question number one: Can you spot the 1000 yard group?
Answer: On paper, that would be difficult to detect. We can hardly see them in ideal circumstances with a Swarovski. Mirage, even in the smallest degree, will be detrimental to viewing groups. Those black shoot-and-see targets might come in handy. A group at 1000 will be extremely simple to notice if you fire steel.
Question #2: I'm going to buy this scope for my son's birthday. Which tripod is ideal for this scope?
Answer: Vortex offers a Pro-2 tripod that is a fantastic value for the price and could easily be utilised with this spotting scope. We suggest this tripod since it comes with the Vortex unconditional guarantee for which they are famous.
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Vortex Optics Razor HD Spotting Scopes 11-33x50 Angled
Vortex Optics Razor HD Spotting Scopes 11-33x50 Angled Review
Vortex Optics Razor HD Spotting Scopes 11-33x50
Vortex Optics Razor HD 11-33x50
Vortex Optics HD 11-33x50
Vortex Optics HD 11-33x50 Review
Spotting Scopes 11-33x50
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Vortex Razor vs Viper Spotting Scopes: Which is best for you?
Vortex Viper 20-60x85 Spotting Scope:
Vortex Razor 27-60x85 Spotting Scope:
We got the Vortex Razor 27-60x85 and the Vortex Viper 20-60x85 spotting scopes so that we could provide for you an unbiased, hands-on review. Whether you're a hunter, bird watcher, or long distance shooter, these are both great options. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Field testing the Vortex Razor HD spotting scope, pictures, filming with iphone 5 with the Phone Skope universal adapter. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Setting a new standard in high-end optical technologies, precision craftsmanship, and ultra-sleek functionality, the newly engineered Vortex Razor® HD Spotting Scope is one of the finest spotting scopes on the market.
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Review of NEW Vortex Razor HD LHT - All-in-one hunting scope!
Hunter Todd Helms reviews the brand new all-in-one hunting rifle cope from Vortex Optics. The Razor HD LHT is a lightweight all-in-one scope. This features an HD optical and APO systems for a crystal clear sight picture in a light conditions. The elevation turret has a zero stop so you don't have to worry about accidentally bumping the dial no matter what terrain you're hunting.
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If you're in the market for an affordable and powerful spotting scope, then the Vortex Razor HD 27-60X85 is the way to go. Don't forget to check out the train_like_you_fight Instagram for updates. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Range Day With A Vortex Razor HD Gen III 1-10×24 FFP
Check out my Nightforce 1-8 LPVO video as well
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Range Day with A Vortex Razor HD Gen III 1-10×24 FFP. This is an absolute beast of an optic. Clarity is fantastic and the no questions asked warranty Vortex provides is second to none. I could not ask for more clear glass or better tracking than this provides. Remember if you're a Veteran or first responder the discount Vortex offers is significant.
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Athlon Ares Spotting Scope VS. Vortex Razor Spotting Scope Review
Watch as we review the new Athlon Ares 15-45x65 spotter which is Athlon's mid-grade model and put it up against the Vortex's high end model the Razor! The results will blow your mind! Hit that subscribe button to watch more product reviews and to watch our hunting adventures! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Vortex Razor® HD LH riflescope boasts top-tier glass and precision machining in an ultra-sleek, lightweight package.
Available Configurations:
3-15x42 HSR-4 (MOA)
3-15x42 G4 (MOA)
2-10x40 HSR-4 (MOA)
2-10x40 G4 (MOA)
G4 (MOA)
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Vortex Razor HD Gen II 3-18x50mm
Optics Planet code 704tac for 5% Off
Reticle: EBR-7C 1/4 MOAAdjustment Type: MOAAdjustment Click Value: MOAW/E Travel at 100 Yds: 34 MOA
UPC:843829101479 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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A few tips on how to improve your Digiscoping with the Vortex Razor HD Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Vortex Razor GB Rangefinder and Geoballistics app work!
Vortex Razor HD Light Hunter Tactical.
John Farbrother - 2018 BFTA & WFTC Springer champion- introduces the Rudolph Optics range of rifle scopes.
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New for 2018, the Vortex Viper HD spotting scope will bring you top quality imaging and ergonomics at lower price point. Check out why we think these optics are a great pick for hunters, shooters, and nature enthusiasts!
For more information, go to or give us a call at 800-720-9625. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sportsman's Warehouse gear reviewer Dan Kidder gives a rundown of the performance of Vortex Optics' entry level spotting scope, the redesigned Diamondback HD 20-60x85 angled body.
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Vortex PST Gen 2 1-6:
Vortex Razor 1-6 Gen II E:
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Warne 30mm XSKEL:
Scalarworks 30mm LEAP:
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Vortex Razor® HD Gen III 1-10x24 FFP EBR-9 MOA Reticle Explained
The EBR-9 (Enhanced Battle Reticle) is a hashmarked ranging reticle using MOA based subtension lines for ranging, holdover, and windage corrections.
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In this video Jeff and Bob go over the two main spotting scopes we take with us on all of our hunts, The guys talk pros and cons of both spotters and even show you what max power looks like through both scopes at 1100 yards. 48 power and 60 power is quite the difference take a look for yourself!
To compare Specs visit LINKS BELOW
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Vortex Razor HD Gen III vs Vortex Razor HD Gen II
Built around the perfect balance of magnification and field of view, the Razor® Gen III 6- 36x56 FFP delivers the resolution and contrast you need for long-range, tactical shooting. To get the absolute most out of the first focal plane reticle, the EBR-7D presents a clean sight picture while still providing ample wind holds and ranging information. Round it out with a rugged build and you have the long-range, tactical solution you’ve been waiting for.
The new frontrunners in the race for the ultimate precision, long-range optics, the Gen II Razors, designed and engineered for dialing precision long-range shots in extreme environments, have serious precision shooters saying "finally". The Gen II Razors feature a 6x zoom range, a 34mm single-piece aircraft-grade aluminum tube and our sophisticated L-Tec turret system plus a host of additional high-performance features for state-of-the-art optics with deadly accuracy.
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Packed with useful subtension data for long-range competition shooting or hunting, the EBR-7C is a hashmarked ranging reticle available in first focal plane. A windage tree in the lower two quadrants is perfect for fast follow-up corrections for both wind and elevation. Unique to the 7C, the numbers on the lower stadia have moved to the outside of the windage dots for less obstruction around the vertical stadia itself.
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Vortex Razor HD Binocular - OpticsPlanet.com Product in Focus
The Vortex Razor HD series is among the best binoculars you can get. They're designed to be incredibly comfortable and have a great amount of light transmission. They also fit comfortably in the hand, with great twist eye cups to match your desired eye relief, making using them for hours easy to do.
Check them out at NOW and talk about all your favorite binoculars at the forum: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Way to Mount an LPVO | Vortex Razor HD Gen2 E 1-6x | 3-Gun TacOps
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Vortex Razor HD 5-20x50 Riflescope | 1200 yard shot
Ron Spomer shooting with the Vortex Razor HD 5-20x50 riflescope at 1,200 yards. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Razor HD Gen II
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Vortex Razor UHD Binoculars - 4 Things You Must Know Before You Buy
Considering the new Vortex Razor UHD Binoculars? I discuss four really important things that you need to know before buying or upgrading to the new Vortex Razor UHD Binoculars from the older Vortex Razor HD.
✅Update No2: My Full Review of the Vortex Razor UHD 10x42 Binoculars in now live on the BBR website: & I am currently working on the video review.
✅Update No1: Many thanks to Dan Lockshaw for supplying the following information which he got from the sell sheets he just received from Vortex Optics:
The prisms used in the new Vortex Razor UHD Binoculars are the Abbe Koenig design:
Using Abbe Koenig prisms is interesting as it also explains why the UHD models are longer and heavier than the HD Razors. This will also be the main difference that I was searching for between the HD and UHD models:
So whilst Abbe Koenig prisms are not as compact as the more commonly used Schmidt-Pechan design used in the HD, the big advantage of this design is that all surfaces on the Abbe-Koenig prisms reflect 100% of the light that hits them and thus they do not require highly reflective coatings, like the dielectric ones used on the HD models.
Abbe-Koenig prisms also have a longer focal length which I believe results in lower color & spherical aberrations than an equivalent level Schmidt-Pechan prism.
➡️More info on Abbe Koenig prisms here: #abbe-koenig
Links in this Video:
➡️Full Article on the BBR Website:
Vortex Razor UHD Binoculars Review
➡️Where to Buy Vortex Razor UHD Binoculars
➡️Where to Buy Vortex Razor HD Binoculars
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I make no secret of the fact that the Vortex Razor series and in particular the HD is one of my favorite binocular ranges of all time.
Indeed these 8x42 Vortex Razor HDs won the BBR binocular of the year award way back in 2012 and I have now had these ones as my own personal pair for almost a decade and still feel that it is one of the best binoculars that I have ever used.
As well as this, I also use this Vortex Razor as a high-end benchmark in many of my tests and it is one of the pairs that all others must aspire towards and it still remains one of my go-to instruments that I use almost on a daily basis.
So I have to admit that it brought a slight lump in my throat when I discovered that Vortex Optics was introducing the new Razor UHD series that would replace these trusty Razor HD’s as their flagship range.
But I guess just by the fact of how long this binocular has remained at the top and the flagship model at Vortex, which has now grown to become one of the most respected binocular manufacturers in the world is a testament to just how good it is.
Therefore, having said all this, it stands to reason that the successor is going to have to be pretty special and has a lot to live up to.
My next thought was should I upgrade and get the new Vortex Razor UHD Binoculars or should I stick with these for just a bit longer?
So with that in mind, I have now done a whole bunch of research, contacted Vortex Optics and studied all their specifications and features very closely and in this video I am going to highlight what I believe are the most important things that you need to know before deciding if the new Vortex Razor UHD binoculars are the ones for you, how much better are they than the Razor HD, is the extra money worth it and if they are, which model is best suited to your needs.
📒100% Honest, Real Reviews, Advice & Opinions📒
I would like to make it completely clear that like all the reviews and advice that I give on the BBR video channel and website, this is my honest and completely genuine opinion and I am in no way compensated to describe a binocular in a particular way or with a bias. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Razor® HD Gen III 1-10x24 FFP MRAD Reticle Explained
The EBR-9 (Enhanced Battle Reticle) is a hashmarked ranging reticle using MRAD based subtension lines for ranging, holdover, and windage corrections.
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Angled spotting scope and straight spotting scope, which one should you get? Our optics guru, Cody Nelson, breaks down the two types of spotting scopes and which will best fits your needs.
For questions please comment below or you can reach Cody directly:
Email: Optics@
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There have been many times when I have wanted to range an animal in the fading light of a hunt only to be frustrated to see it in my binos and rifle scope but not in my rangefinder. This is where the Vortex Razor HD 4000 shines!
The top 3 things that stand out on this rangefinder is:
1) The glass is so clear that it could replace a binocular if needed and allows low light ranging to be possible.
2) The lifetime VIP warranty allows you to replace or fix it if anything ever happens.
3) The ability to range at long distances helps in closing the distance when time is of the essence coupled with the mounting feature.
For more information go to for a more detailed review.
In collaboration with Revol Entertainment
Edited by Tony Ellersick Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Vortex Optics has recently announced their Gen III Razor, a 1-10x FFP setup that looks to shake up the world of low power variable optics. To that end, we're taking a final look at what has made the Razor Gen II one of the go-to premium optics for the better half of the last decade.
Scope: Vortex Gen II-E 1-6 Razor
Mount: American Defense AD-Recon-H 30 STD
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Vortex Razor HD Gen III - New Product Showcase - August 2020
The new Razor 1-10x from Vortex Optics was all the talk back at SHOT Show 2020, and now, we finally have them in stock! Our own Josh Froelich has been putting this scope through its paces and has good stuff to say. Learn more in this month's New Product Showcase.
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First Rounds - Razor GenIII 6-36x56 (Vortex Optics)
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After years of waiting, Vortex Optics has finally released next generation of their LPVO Razor line. After being released at SHOT, much speculation took place about whether Vortex could maintain the many great features of it's Gen II Razor with such a wide range of magnification. So, how does the Gen III stack up? Does it "break the optic game" as many have suggested? We find out in this week's episode of 9 Hole Reviews.
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Distance Conversions:
150y - 137m
200y - 182m
250y - 229m
300y - 274m
350y - 320m
400y - 366m
450y - 411m
500y - 457m
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Music by Tyops (THANKS!!!)
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We unbox the Vortex Razor HD Gen 2 20-60x85 spotting scope and quickly review the features. Stay tuned for our follow up video where we field test it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Razor HD III 6-36X56 scope test in 100-meters. www.nebraska.fi
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Where does the Fury® 5000 stack up in our lineup relative to the Viper® HD and Razor® HD? Well, it’s complicated, and it’s not a straight apples to apples comparison.
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Built in Japan to specifications developed by Vortex engineers, the Razor HD exceeds performance expectations normally found in this price range.
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Максимальне корисне збільшення - 100x, Діаметр об'єктива - 50 мм, Фокусна відстань - 600 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
Максимальне корисне збільшення - 140x, Діаметр об'єктива - 70 мм, Фокусна відстань - 400 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
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