Обзор прицела Vector Optics Continental 5-30x56 Tactical SFP
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VECTOR OPTICS CONTINENTAL 34MM 5-30X56 FFP китайский топ за вменяемые деньги!
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В этом выпуске, Евгений Голубев из нашей команды Rika NV, решил проверить, насколько велики возможности оптического прицела Vector Optics Continental 5-30x54!
Пристреляли на дистанциях до 700 метров, и наглядно продемонстрировали вам, как правильно настроить систему для бесперебойной работы.
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Vector Optics 34mm Continental 5-30x56 FFP
1,000 meters hit on Tikka T3 from Baltic Long Range
@2021 Precision rifle Lithuanian championship-3d place setup
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Unboxing of 34mm Continental:
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Рассказываю о новом прицеле Прицел Vector Optcs Continental 5-30x56 SFP Tactical для своей винтовки ATA ALR
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This video is used to show the appearance and basic functions of the 34mm Continental x6 5-30x56 VCT FFP Riflescope (SCFF-30 & SCFF-41).
The schedule is as follows:
0:00 - 0:05 the appearance
0:06 - 0:15 reticles
0:16 - 0:40 coating, magnification, illumination & side focus
0:41 - 0:59 lock system, click value, the elevation & windage range
1:00 - 1:02 eye relief & coating
1:03 - 1:37 zoom, tracking, & illuminated test
1:38 - 1:44 waterproof & shockproof
Hope the video will help you to learn more about the 34mm Continental x6 5-30x56 VCT FFP Riflescope (SCFF-30 & SCFF-41).
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Тест прицелов от Vector Optics. Сonstantine 1-10x24 и Continental x6 5-30x56 FFP. ДТКП ММ-2 pro "Г"
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#vectoroptics #vectoropticscontinental #longrangeshooting #longrangerimfire
Die Vector Optics Continental Serie ist die höherpreisige Serie aus dem Hause Vector Optics. Hier kann ich Euch das Modell SCFF-41, baugleich mit dem SCFF-30. Sie unterscheiden sich lediglich im Absehen.
Das SCFF-41 ist ein 5-30x56 mit mit einem VEC-MBR Absehen in der ersten Bildebene.
Hier im ersten Video das unboxing
Fördermitgliedschaft im VDB: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics Continental обнуление барабанов и установка ZeroStop
Вам нужен прицел или тепловизор для охоты ? Это к нам - поможем! Наш телефон 88007756313. Наш сайт
В данном обзоре, наш эксперт Юрий Максимов разобрал пристрелку и основные характеристики оптического прицела от компании Vector Optics - Continental Tactical 5-30×56 SFP.
Это универсальный прицел, который может решать широкий спектр спортивных и охотничьих задач. Благодаря 6-кратному перепаду увеличения прицел можно использовать как для наблюдения за местностью и поиска цели, так и для точной стрельбы на большие дистанции.
Расположение прицельной сетки во второй фокальной плоскости имеет свои преимущества: сетка остаётся тонкой на любой кратности и позволяет прицеливаться по малоразмерным целям.
Прицел Vector Optics Continental Tactical 5-30×56 SFP имеет хорошую яркую «картинку» без искажений. Это важно для охоты на любых дистанциях.
Приобрести прицел вы можете на нашем сайте по ссылке:
Охотничий клуб Rika NV (для участников скидки на наши приборы):
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Vector Continental 5-30X56 Scope Review . Tac Vector Optics scope are some of the Best buys in scopes today . The Continental 5-30x56 FFP scope just keeps proving that point . FFP budget long range scope . Guys here is a link to Vector Optics and specs . Along with links to my other Vector scope reviews .
Vector Optics Top Line Product That Can Compete Worldwide Famous Brand Optics
Germany Optics System with Crystal Clear Image
Light transmission reaches to 90%
30mm Monotube
Hold Lapua Recoil
Return-to-Zero Turret
15 to Infinite Focus
Etched Glass Half Mil-dot Reticle
1/4 MOA Adjust
HD Glass Reinforcement
Tech Specification
Model SCOL-22 Continental
Magnification 5-30x
Objective Lens Dia. 56mm
Ocular Lens Dia. 42mm (1.7 inch)
Ocular Lens Length 54mm (2.1 inch)
Exit Pupil
Optics Coating Fully-multi coat diamond clear
Field of View Feet @ 100 yards
Field of View @ 100 meters
Eye Relief 97mm (3.5 inches)
Length 400mm (15.7 inch)
Weight 630g (22.2 ounce)
Tube Dia. 30mm Monotube
Click Value 1/4 MOA
Elevation Range 60MOA
Windage Range 60MOA
Parallax Setting 100 yards
Side Focus 15 Yds to infinite
Reticle Etched glass half-mil
Illumination Six gear
Battery 1x CR2032
Distance between objective lens part and middle turret: 70mm (2.8 inch)
Length of middle turret part: 35mm (1.4 inch)
Distance between middle turret part to power ring: 56mm (2.2 inch)
Shock tested to 750g, water proof at 300 meters and 45 degree
Fully nitrogen purged to eliminate any fogging of the lenses internally
Adjusting plate is NOT fixed, after zero the scope pull up the turret and re-set it to zero
High quality 6061 T6 aircraft grade aluminum
Focus mark: 15, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 500 and infinite
Diopter compensation from fast-focus eyepiece (+2 to -3)
Including items: 30mm picatinny high ring (default) or weaver or dovetail mount, lens caps and cleaning cloth etc
Guys here are some links that will help my channel if you choose
ARKEN OPTICS link . Use my code CYCLOPS at checkout to be automatically entered in a monthly give away . It is also an affiliate link which helps support my channel .
BLACKHOUND OPTICS link , shop and use my CYCLOPS code at checkout will guarantee free shipping and save you 5% . I have recently become an affiliate for Blackhound so using my code also helps support my channel .
Here is a link to my paypal account so you can help support my channel directly if you choose . You guys cannot know how much your help goes towards keeping honest reviews coming .
Every video you see here is sponsor free . I accept no money or other compensation upfront for any review or video . Many times the item reviewed is donated to my channel , that’s how I can have so many giveaways to my viewership. Enjoy my channel , and share with your friends Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video is used to show the appearance and accessories of Vector Optics 34mm Continental x6 5-30x56 MBR FFP Riflescope Ranging (SCFF-41) unboxing, which includes a coupon chip, a 34mm Piccatiny mount, a VE logo velcro, a user manual, a cleaning cloth, a plastic wrench, a life-warranted card, a leaflet, and a replacement turret.
0:00 - 0:43 the exhibit of accessories
0:44 - 1:28 a quick show of the scope
Hope the video will help you to learn more about the 34mm Continental x6 5-30x56 MBR FFP Riflescope Ranging (SCFF-41).
Use the YouTube Special 10% OFF Code: VEYOUTUBE2022 at this link
Optics link on Official Store//
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Vector Optics // Taking 34MM Continental 5-30x56FFP (SCFF-30) To Join PRS CUP 2023
This shooting competition was held in Poland by our ambassador, competitors who used 34MM Continental 5-30x56FFP (SCFF-30) won the medals. Take a look at the performance of our scope.
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ATAMAN ME16 PRO + Vector Optics Continental 5-30x56 34mm
Небольшой обзор отечественной винтовки ATAMAN ME16 PRO в калибре 22lr с прицелом Vector Optics Continental 5-30x56 34mm.
PS: Винтовка досталась нынешнему хозяину в качестве спортивного трофея! Так что у каждого есть шанс стать отличным стрелком, было бы желание. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Качественная и недорогая оптика - Vector Optics ✔ Результаты конкурса фотографий.
👉 Промокод на продукцию Vector Optics в феврале 2023 - ВЕКТОР-АЛЬЯНС
📝 Результаты конкурса фотографий:
- Поощрительный приз - RENBASK RENBASK
- Валентин Филатов
- Николай Бородин
- Сергей Солнцев
👉 Для получения приза пишите на e-mail: d4594541@
✔ Компания Vector Optics (Вектор Оптикс) – всемирно известный производитель качественной оптики из Китайской Народной Республики (КНР). Производство развернуто в провинции WuNing Road, Shanghai, China. Шведские истоки бренда помогли быстро завоевать рынок, буквально ворвавшись в его авангард. С момента своего основания в 2005 году компания выпустила более 10-ти серий качественных и недорогих прицелов для решения самых разнообразных задач. На сегодняшний день общая доля рынка стрелковой оптики бюджетного сегмента составляет примерно 10%. Направленность именно на самую распространенную часть целевой аудитории помогла быстро обрести популярность.
✔ Один из главных упоров, кроме доступной стоимости, был сделан на качество и функционал. Покупатели с разным уровнем достатка могут выбрать оптимальное решение под абсолютно любую задачу. Любители и начинающие стрелки могут пробовать свои силы с недорогими прицелами. Спортсменам высокоточникам и профессиональным стрелкам будет предложен целый ряд дальнобойных моделей с полным набором тактических характеристик.
✔ Среди отличительных особенностей Vector Optics можно выделить:
- Огромный ассортимент продукции для любого оружия;
- Средний ценовой сегмент / высокое качество и надежность;
- Оптические прицелы, коллиматоры и лазерные дальномеры;
- Полностью просветленная оптика, общий коэффициент более 90%;
- Противоударная система ASR - Anti Sсhok Release;
- Ударная стойкость на крупных калибрах, включительно 50 BMG;
- Большое количество патентованных внедрений;
- Готовность к работе в экстремальных условиях;
- Газонаполненные, водонепроницаемые корпуса;
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Vector Optics Top Premium Line That Can Compete Most Worldwide Famous Brand Optics
34mm Monotube Made of 6061 T6, First Focal Plane Scope with German Schott ED HD Glass
German Optics System by Using LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC, 90% Light Transmission
Very Little Distortion, Extra-Low Dispersion, Excellent for Dawn, Dusk Even at Night Shooting
True 6x Zoom Factor, Constant 4" Eye Relief without Inside Dark Ring Around Image
6 Levels Red Illumination, Side Focus Parallax Min Starts from 10 Yards to Infinite
Adjustment System Made of 7075 T6 That Never Snag on Anything and Never Get Turned
1/10MIL Adjustment Zero-Stop & Turret Lock, 100 Clicks per Round, 26MIL Elevation Range
Etched Glass VCT-34FFP Tactical MIL Reticle, Center Dot Illuminated with Digital Lines & Dots
Take Lapua Magnum 338 Recoil and All Fields of Application for Hunting, Sporting & Competition Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Топовый прицел Vector Continental 4-24x56 FFP в первой фокалке / Ружье для снайпинга / Lobaev arms
Скидка 10% по промо SDG на оптику Vector Optics и Pard в магазине Навигатор
Обзор прицела за р с пожизненной гарантией Vector Continental 4-24x56 FFP на 34 трубе.
"Continental - премиальная линейка прицелов Vector Optics. Прицелы Continental особенно выделяются из модельного ряда компании и предназначены для самых требовательных клиентов. Благодаря немецкой оптической системе и использованию Shott ED стекол, покрытий LaREE и VePRO FMC прицелы обладают кристально чистой картинкой, а процент искажений сведен к минимуму. Все прицелы имеют в своей основе монолитную трубу 30 или 34 мм из особо прочного сплава 6061 T6, благодаря чему степень светопропускания превышает 90%.
Механизмы ввода поправок сделаны из особо прочного сплава 7075 T6, благодаря чему повышается точность ввода поправок и исключаются любые поломки от механического воздействия.
Есть указатель числа оборотов барабана вертикальных поправок. Такое сочетание передовых технологий в одном изделии позволяет производителю смело давать пожизненную гарантию на свои изделия. Качество прицелов серии Continetal отмечено на международных выставках в Лас-Вегасе(США) и Нюрнберге(Германия)". И что не маловажно пожизненная гарантия.!
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Vector Optics 4-24x56 ffp 34мм небольшой отчёт по результатам эксплуатации.
Продолжаем обкатывать прицел Vector Optics 4-24x56 ffp 34мм. От момента установки и начала эксплуатации прицел нормально пережил 175 выстрелов патронами 308win. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Прицел Vector Optics Continental X6 4-24X56 34MM FFP VEC-MBR -
- Лучшая линейка премиум-класса Vector Optics, способная конкурировать с оптикой большинства всемирно известных брендов;
- 34-мм трубка из 6061 T6, прицельная сетка в FFP с немецким стеклом Schott HD;
- Немецкая оптическая система с использованием линз LaREE и VePRO FMC , светопропускание 90 %;
- Очень мало искажений, сверхнизкая дисперсия, отлично подходит для охоты на рассвете и в сумерках, даже ночью;
- Истинный 6-кратный коэффициент увеличения, постоянное удаление выходного зрачка на 4 дюйма (100 мм) без темного кольца вокруг изображения;
- 6 уровней красной подсветки, минимальный параллакс бокового фокуса начинается от 10 ярдов (9 м) до бесконечности;
- Система регулировки из сплава 7075 T6, которая никогда ни за что не зацепится и никогда не провернется;
- Регулировка 1/10MIL, 100 кликов за оборот, диапазон 34/16MIL;
- Прицельная сетка vecmbrmil, центральная крестовина с подсветкой и цифровыми линиями и точками;
- Выдерживает калибры до Lapua Magnum 338 и подходит для всех областей охоты, спорта и соревнований. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Этот прицел умеет попадать 4 - 24 х 56 СONTINENTAL от VECTOR OPTICS
Скидка 10% по промо SDG на оптику Vector Optics и Pard в магазине Навигатор
Распаковка моего нового прицела Continental 5-30x56 в первой фокалке 💪 от компании Vector Optics.
Это топовая серия обладает всеми атрибутами хороших прицелов:
- влагозащитна IPX6
- труба 34 мм
- ударопрочный
- пожизненная продляемая гарантия
- немецкая оптическая система с использованием объектива LaREE и VePRO FMC, пропускание света 90%
- система барабанов Zero Stop
- линзы VEPRO FMC
Насколько вы помните крайний мой результат на прицеле это серии но кратностью 4-24 был 1200 метров. Думаю это отличная замена для новых задач.
Техническую информацию вы найдете на сайте Навигатор
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#VectorOptics #RifleScope #OpticsTrade
Check out Vector Optics Continental 5-30x56 FFP here:
0:00 Intro
0:16 About the Company
0:30 About the Series
0:49 General Properties
2:13 Reticle
3:13 Illumination
3:29 Parallax Adjustment
4:12 Turrets
5:09 Zero Stop
6:16 Turrets
6:49 Optical Performance
7:46 What's included in the Box?
8:51 Sweet and Sour
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Vector Optics Continental 5-30x56 FFP
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Прицел Vector Optics Outback 3-12x40
Прицел Vector Optics Sentinel 4-16x50 genii
Прицел Vector Optics Continental 1-6x24
Прицел Vector Optics Continental 1-6x24 tactical
Прицел Vector Optics Continental 1-6x28 34мм tactical FFP
Прицел Vector Optics Continental 2-12x50 hunting
Прицел Vector Optics Continental 4-24x50 tactical
Прицел коллиматорный Vector Optics Frenzy-S 1x16x22 AUT RD 3MOA
Прицел коллиматорный Vector Optics Omega 8 Reticle
Прицел коллиматорный Vector Optics Ratchet 1x23x34 Gen 2 Four Reticle RGD
Кронштейн Vector Optics 34мм X-ACCU 20MOA Picatinny высокий
Дальномер Vector Optics Forester 6x21 Genii
Дальномер Vector Optics Forester 6x21 Range Finder
Дальномер Vector Optics Paragon 6x25 Genii Range Finder
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Vector Optics Code 704tactical for 10% Off
Callaway Ballistics Code 704tactical for free shipping over 200 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics Continental 34mm 5-30x56 First Focal Plane Scope
Vector Optics Continental 34mm 5-30x56 First Focal Plane Scope
Vector Top Premium Line, Enjoy Top Brand Quality with Affordable Price.
Continental Scope covers capped MOA adjustment hunting, MIL turret adjustment tactical, and 34mm first focal plane with zero-stop.
34mm FFP scopes have a great adjustment range, 1-6x28 52MIL, 3-18x50 44MIL, 4-24x56 34MIL, 5-30x56 26MIL. It is designed for All Application Tactics, Hunting & Sporting.
For more info please contact sales@
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The Vector Optics Continental 5 - 30 x 56 T SFP IR Rifle Scope
In this video we test the new Vector Optics Continental 5 - 30 x 56 Tactical second focal plane rifle-scope. A very good scope for the price and one to look out for in the future.
Vector 2007 .com
10% off of all Vector Optic rifle scopes.
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Vector Continental 4-24x56 FFP Review
Vector Continental 4-24x56 FFP Review
looking to pick one up?
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In this video we review Vector continental 4-24x56 FFP Review, with the VCT-34FFP
A quality optic made and designed for Precision rifle series competition style shooting , an long range target shooting.
We tested the new Vector continental 4 24x56 on the Tikka T3X Varmint in .223 and .308 the Vector continental 4-24x56 is Vector's most premium optics. and will likely be the most popular for a few reasons (shown in the video) the optic that MSRP’s at 850 USD (although can be commonly found at 750 USD).
This optic isn’t a budget scope, this Optic packs all of the desirable features that most optics in the 1200 price range provide.
the most important notable features being: German Schott ED HD Glass German Optics System by Using LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC, 56mm mm objective, long eye relief,34 mm tube that holds 34 mils worth of adjustment, (20 Mils with the zero stop) Glass etched reticle (VCT-34FFP similar to EBR7C moa/mil) really audible and positive turrets, and a hard stop zero stop we show a how to install the zero stop in this video.
this optic is comparable in every way to the Vortex Strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP from the zero stop to the amount of internal adjustment, be sure to watch our comparison video that's coming up soon.
Ensure to Shop around for the best price
Vector Optics Website:
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP Review
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-Vector Marksman
info From Vector:
Serial number: SCFF-29
Magnification: 4-24x
Objective Lens Dia.: 56mm
Ocular Lens Dia.: 42mm / 1.7 inch
Ocular Lens Length: 54mm / 2.1 inch
Exit Pupil:
Optics Coating: Fully-multi coat diamond clear
Field of View: feet @100 yards
Field of View: °
Eye Relief: 100mm / 4.0 inch
Length: 362mm / 14.3 inch
Weight: 780g / 27.5 ounce
Tube Dia.: 34mm Monotube
Click Value: 1/10 MIL
Elevation Range: 34MIL
Windage Range: 20MIL
Parallax Setting: 100 yards
Side Focus: 10 Yds to infinite
Reticle: Etched glass VCT-34FFP
Illumination: 6 gear red
Battery type: CR2032
Length of middle turret part: 48mm (1.9 inch)
Shock tested to 1000g, water proof at 1 meter for 30 min
Fully nitrogen purged to eliminate any fogging of the lenses internally
100 clicks per round, turret lock and zero stop feature
High quality 6061 T6 aircraft grade aluminum
Focus mark: 10,15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 and infinite
Diopter compensation from fast-focus eyepiece (+2 to -3)
Including items: 34mm picatinny high rings (default) or weaver or dovetail rings, sunshade, instruction, lens caps and cleaning cloth
Vector Optics Top Premium Line That Can Compete Most Worldwide Famous Brand Optics
34mm Monotube Made of 6061 T6, First Focal Plane Scope with German Schott ED HD Glass
German Optics System by Using LaREE Lens & VePRO FMC, 90% Light Transmission
Very Little Distortion, Extra-Low Dispersion, Excellent for Dawn, Dusk Even at Night Shooting
True 6x Zoom Factor, Constant 4" Eye Relief without Inside Dark Ring Around Image
6 Levels Red Illumination, Side Focus Parallax Min Starts from 10 Yards to Infinite
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Vector Optics Continental 34mm 5-30x56 First Focal Plane Scope 400 Yards Field Shooting
Vector Optics Continental 34mm 5-30x56 First Focal Plane Scope 400 Yards Field Shooting
Special thanks to Kanit Sataman from Thailand.
34mm Monotube FFP, 90% Light Transmission, Etched Mil Reticle, 1/10MIL, 100 Clicks / Round, Side Focus, Turret Lock with Zero Stop Feature, Illuminated Reticle. All great features combo.
Vector Optics Continental scopes adopt lenses made from LaREE (Lanthanide Rare Earth Element) optical glasses by cold forming
high refraction index
extra-low Abbe number
It brings you an extremely crystal clear image without hesitation.
Every shot you can trust and count on.
We have 1-6x28, 3-18x50, 4-24x56 and 5-30x56.
For orders please visit or contact us sales@
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Приехал мой новый Vector Optics Continental FFP 4-24x56 на 34мм трубе. В видео распаковка и не большой обзор. Прицел куплен на распродаже с очень хорошим дисконтом) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Прицел Вектор Континенталь 4-24x56. Первое впечатление после выверки.
34mm Continental FFP scopes 2021 Version Updating New Turret Functions! New Design, More Convenient Zero Stop!
To see the updates:
#riflescope #vector optics #first focal plane #scope #scope brand #AR15 #Airgun #good scope #34mm scope Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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• Vector Continental 1-6x28 FFP 34MM -...
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Оптический прицел Mewlite 5-30x56, FFP, 34 mm, IR / Новые прицелы на нашем рынке
Hi Leute, war heute Mittag mal ne Runde 200m Popper. Dabei hatte ich wieder das Vector Optics Continental 5-30x56 Tactical. Nach kurzem einschießen gings gleich los ein paar Serien zu schießen. Das Glas macht einen tollen Eindruck auf mich. Alles ist schön straff, qualitativ hochwertig mit super finish. Die Schärfe, Klarheit und Helligkeit ist schon beeindruckend für den Preis. Ich habe durch alle Zoomstufen hindurch geschossen, von 5-fach bis 30-fach. Das Vector ist dabei stets hell und knackig scharf. Es verfügt über ein Mil-Absehen mit 1/10 Mil Verstellung. Turret lock und zero reset. Paralaxeausgleich von 10 - unendlich. Mit im Lieferumfang ist auch eine Sonnenblende. Alles in allem macht es einen sehr guten ersten Eindruck. Freue mich es ausgiebig zu testen, mehr dazu in Kürze...
#VectorOpticsContinental 5-30x56 Tactical
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This video is used to show the appearance and accessories of Vector Optics 34mm Continental 5-30x56 VCT FFP Riflescope (SCFF-30) Zero-Stop&Turret Lock unboxing, which includes a coupon chip, a VE logo sticker, a leaflet, a sunshade, a 30mm Piccatiny mount, a VE logo velcro, a user manual, a cleaning cloth, a plastic wrench, a life-warranted card, and a replacement turret.
0:00 - 0:42 the exhibit of accessories
0:43 - 1:55 a quick show of the scope
Hope the video will help you to learn more about the 34mm Continental 5-30x56 VCT FFP Riflescope (SCFF-30).
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Optics link on Official Store//
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Оптический прицел Vector Optics с тактической сеткой в первой фокальной плоскости
This video records the stable and outstanding performance of 34mm Continental 4-24x56 FFP for farmyard pest control on Daystate Delta Wolf .22 cal, recorded by @AirGunnerSA
34mm Continental 5-30x56 @ 2021 Precision rifle Lithuanian championship-3d place setup
34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP High Quality Riflescope with Zero Stop // Unboxing
34mm Continental 3-18x50 FFP // How to Mount a Riflescope
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This video is used to show the appearance and accessories of Vector Optics 34mm Continental x6 4-24x56 MBR FFP Riflescope Ranging (SCFF-40) unboxing, which includes a coupon chip, a 34mm Piccatiny mount, a VE logo velcro, a user manual, a cleaning cloth, a plastic wrench, a life-warranted card, a leaflet, and a replacement turret.
0:00 - 0:43 the exhibit of accessories
0:44 - 1:28 a quick show of the scope
Hope the video will help you to learn more about the 34mm Continental x6 4-24x56 MBR FFP Riflescope Ranging (SCFF-40).
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Optics link on Official Store//
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Our brand ambassador @CatchCook walked and stalked the prey in the broad field in Eland with Continental 34MM Riflescope 5-30X56 FFP/RANGING (SCFF-30), which showed the excellent performance of the scope that it can hold complex terrain and provide a clear image for the hunter.
The schedule is as follows:
0:00 - 3:44 buying a Continental 34MM Riflescope 5-30X56 FFP/RANGING (SCFF-30)
3:45 - 8:05 on the way to hunting
8:06 - 14:36 find the prey and shooting
14:40 - 22:10 take the bull back and cook
Hope the video will help you to learn more about Continental 5-30X56 SFP Hunting Riflescope (SCFF-30).
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Optics link on Official Store//
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Vector optics continental ffp 34mm. presentation zero stop...
Review of the new Vector Optics Continental 1-10x28 FFP SCFF-47/48
The Vector Optics Continental 1-10x28 FFP has been with me for a few weeks now. The x10 Continental FFP series are the flagships of Vector Optics. I met many interested people at IWA show who were absolutely surprised at how good these scopes actually are. Continental x10 have a 34mm T6061 monotube, repeatable, excellent turrets, with very good acoustic and haptic feedback, Zerostop and lock function, and 0.1 MRAD adjustment. Two reticles will be available to choose from, these are a horseshoe FFP reticle and another that has had a ring added. (See photos) The additional ring makes it easier to take aim at low magnifications. I personally like both reticles. There are people who do not like FFP scopes because at low magnifications, the reticle is very small. For these people, the SCFF-48 with the ring reticle has been developed. I use the SCFF-47 here in the test, at 1x magnification the reticle is like a Red Dot.
More about this in detail.
For now, here are a few specs on the Continental
-Tube Dia: 34mm
-Exit pupil: 9~
-Eye relief: 93mm
-Field of view(ft/100 yds / m/100 m): 123-12.3/41-4.1
-Dioptric compensation:-3 to +2
-Click Value:
-Max Elevation Adjustment: 40 MRAD
-Max Windage Adjustment: 40 MRAD
-Parallax correction: 100m fix
-Length approx: 278mm
-Weight: 662g
-Brightness levels: 11 Level
I shot the SCFF-47 mainly on 50m and 100m paper target, but also on 200m steel plate and 300m paper target. The imaging performance is excellent as with all x10 Continental and does not need to hide even from well-known manufacturers. Sharpness and brightness are very good. It is also crystal clear. Vector Optics states the light transmission with 93%. The optical system consists of ED Schott glass, with multiple coatings. Natural colors and a sharp-edged, high-contrast image are the result. The reticle, etched in glass, is illuminated in 11 levels. It is bright but not ultra-bright, in my opinion it is unrestricted for all applications.
On the SCFF-47, the reticle is similar to a red dot at single magnification, but as magnification increases, the "dot" quickly becomes a fine highly visible reticle with hold marks. The SCFF-48, on the other hand, has an additional ring surrounding the reticle and is intended for people who would find the dot too small at simple magnification. This reticle allows for very fast target acquisition. The ring is no longer visible above 8x magnification. Otherwise, both models are identical. The eye relief and eyebox are also generous even at maximum magnification. The scope is ideal for dynamic and static shooting at short to medium distances. Whether precision shots on targets, or fast shot sequences on 200m steel plates, the Conti will serve you well. Personally, I have used it, as already mentioned, mainly at 50m and 100m. In doing so, 5 shots are made quickly in 10 seconds per round in each of my competition disciplines. To get back to the target quickly and not have a bad eyebox is a must.
Vector Optics is also on a very high level in terms of quality. Besides the already mentioned high quality crystal clear glass, the scope has a nitrogen filled 34mm T6061 monotube, black hard anodized. It is also waterproof to IPX6. Withstands recoil up to .338 Lapua Magnum. Since I use a x6 Continental SCFF-41 on my .338 LM Elite Precision myself, I can tell you that it holds up to that without any problems. Other than that, everything makes a quality impression. Tight, not too hard common zoom ring and a couple of turrets that leave an excellent impression. They have a lock function and a Zerostop. Also, the elevation adjustment turret has an indicator that sticks out a bit further with each full turn of the turret. Once the scope is zeroed, you can change the elevation settings without taking notes (e.g. on the 300m range) and then blindly find your 100m zero again, or you can just use the hold marks in the reticle. The turrets have very distinctive acoustic clicks and also give you a clear haptic feedback. The adjustment is 0.1 MRAD or 1/10 MIL per click, at 100 meters that is 1 cm. It's also repeatably accurate and passes the box test as well. The adjustment travel for height and side is 40 MRAD each.
Vector Optics gives its T-VIP Lifetime Warrenty on all of its Continental scopes. Price-wise, the SCFF-47/48 will be in the 1000$ range. Price/performance, coupled with the lifetime warranty make it a very interesting scope for ambitious shooters and hunters in my eyes.
The sale is expected to start in July.
In conclusion, Vector Optics has succeeded in creating a great riflescope with the new Continental 1-10x28. Brightness, sharpness and quality will surprise you. So have consistently achieved good results with the Conti and will compete with it on the national championships 2023,which means that I trust the scope absolutely.
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Vector Optics | What's The Result Of Competing With Continental 5-30x56 SFP (SCOL-X22)?
In this video, the competitor used our Continental 5-30x56 SFP (SCOL-X22) to take part in a hunting competition, and he won his prize.
If you wonder how Continental 5-30x56 SFP (SCOL-X22) performs, never miss this video.
Resource of original video:
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#riflescope #huntingscope
#continentalriflescope #scopeforhunting
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This video is used to show the appearance and basic functions of the 34mm Continental x6 4-24x56 MBR FFP Riflescope (SCFF-29 & SCFF-40).
The schedule is as follows:
0:00 - 0:05 the appearance
0:06 - 0:15 reticles
0:16 - 0:40 coating, magnification, illumination & side focus
0:41 - 0:59 lock system, click value, the elevation & windage range
1:00 - 1:02 eye relief & coating
1:03 - 1:37 zoom, tracking, & illuminated test
1:38 - 1:45 waterproof & shockproof
Hope the video will help you to learn more about the 34mm Continental x6 4-24x56 MBR FFP Riflescope (SCFF-29 & SCFF-40).
Use the YouTube Special 10% OFF Code: VEYOUTUBE2022 at this link
Optics link on Official Store//
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luneta continental 5×30-56 tubo 34 mm, como funciona o zero stop. 2°video. Espero ter ajudado 🙂
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