Надлегка й міцна горілка. Портативна та проста у використанні. З регулювальним клапаном для контролю полум'я. Вбудоване кільце ущільнювача кришки, для зберігання спирту.
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Material: Stainless Steel, Cooper,Aluminum Alloy
Color: Green and Gold
Max Combustion Time: 60 Minutes (100ml Alcohol)
Size: approx. 9.7*(D*H)
100% Brand new and high quality
Ultra-light and compact
It is easy to light, and has a simple durable and safe design
Lid may be used to store left over fuel for short times
Made of high quality stainless steel, no deformation,durable in use.
Creative burning holes for the store, make the spirit adequately burning
Has seal cover and fire extinguish lid
Can used to fry eggs, enjoying the hot pot, cooking rice, tea etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Изготовление простой спиртовой горелки из консервной банки, особенности ее использования и способ повышения ее эффективности.
Making a simple alcohol burner from a can, features of its use and a way to increase its efficiency. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Спиртовка походно-туристическая. Тесты и аналитика, сравнение с газовой горелкой и печкой на сухом горючем. В целом ожидания оправдались. Сама печка на спирте заполненная весит 140гр, алюминиевый держатель 47гр, чехол 22гр, т.о. снаряженный комплект печки весит 209гр + если надо бутылёк со спиртом. Диаметр держателя 96мм, высота 60мм. Спиртовка имеет высоту 41мм.
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Спиртовки, пожалуй, самый спорный источник пламени в походах, имеющий своих поклонников и противников. Для каких походов подойдут спиртовые горелки, мы и будем разбираться в этом видео.
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Горелка Tatonka 4126 спиртовая - - это маленькая, компактная горелка из стали для ваших путешествий, особенно если Вам надоели холодные консервы. Она просто заполняется спиртом или очищенным бензином, воспламеняется, в результате чего ваша пища может быть нагрета и приготовлена буквально сразу же. Полная заправка горелки (120 мл) рассчитана приблизительно на 40 минут горения, горелка весит всего 95 грамм и её размеры 7,5 х 5,5 см. Горелка имеет завинчивающуюся крышку.
Регулятор пламени Tatonka 4128 для горелки 4126 -
Регулятор высоты пламени для спиртовой горелки. Изготовлен из прочной и безопасной нержавеющей стали 18/8. Сверху расположена поворотная крышка, которая перекрывает часть пространства над горелкой и позволяет плавно уменьшать пламя вплоть до полного потушения. Регулятор очень лёгкий, занимает мало места. Для хранения может быть интегрирован в горелку.
Подставка Tatonka 4132 для спиртовой горелки -
Безопасная подставка для спиртовой горелки. Изготовлена из прочной и безопасной нержавеющей стали 18/8. Состоит из четырёх частей: основания и трёх ножек-подставок, легко собирается и разбирается при необходимости. Идеальна для неровной поверхности. На верхних частях подставки нанесены засечки для предотвращения соскальзывания нагреваемой посуды.
Наш магазин предлагает широкий ассортимент товаров для туризма, спорта и отдыха на природе, ведущих мировых и украинских производителей, а так же товары собственного производства.
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Brought a Nature Hike alcohol stove and of course, must text before brining to the field.
Feel free to visit my Camp & Hike SG FB Page also. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Спиртовая горелка с регулировкой пламени. Alcohol burner with adjustable flame.
Маленький тест спиртовой горелки с топливом для био-камина, закипание воды 0,5 литра при температуры в +4 заняло 9 минут 35 секунд. Вес данной горелки 150 грамм с таганком. Лучший способ поддержать канал это лайк и подписка! До новых встреч!
Горелка -
Топливо - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тестирование спиртовой горелки ALOCS.
1 литр воды довели до кипения за 18 минут. горелка работала на денатурате. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Цена и Описание:
Отличная, компактная спиртовая горелка tatonka alcohol burner set с кружкой в комплекте на 400 мл и ветрозащитой. Идеальный набор в походных условиях для приготовления пищи.
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Вітаю друзі!
Сезон використання газового пальника від Naturehike залишив тільки приємні враження, тому Нахабний Кіт рекомендує та залишає посилання на пальник:
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In this video I show how I build a alcohol burner from a 1oz aluminum screw cap tin. I also show a burn test of the burner.
Burner weight: / 14g
Boil time for 16oz 52dg water: 10:15
Burn time on apx 1oz alcohol: 17:00
Burner materials: Aluminum screw on tin, 1oz size (2"/52mm x 0.8"/20mm)
Carbon felt
Stainless steel wire mesh
If you are interested in different size burners here is a list of sizes available:
Size: '' dia. x 0.7'' height (Φ40mm H18mm)
1 oz/30ml---------------------------------2.0'' dia. x 0.8'' height (Φ52mm H20mm)
1.7 oz/50ml---------------------------------2.2'' dia. x '' height (Φ57mm H27mm)
2 oz/60 ml--------------------------------2.7'' dia. x 1'' height (Φ68mm H25mm)
75mm*'' dia. x '' height (Φ75mm H35mm)
83mm*'' dia. x 1.1'' height (Φ83mm H28mm)
5oz/" dia. x " height(Φ83mm H38mm)
Altoids Tin Stove using this burner:
Mini Altoids Tin Alcohol Burner:
Mess Tin Review Video:
Stoves and Burners Play List:
eBay tins:
eBay carbon felt:
eBay wire mesh: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OUTAD Alcohol Stove -
Main channel CrazyRussianHacker -
DISCLAIMER: In this video description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This help support my channel and allows me to continue to make videos. Thank you for the support! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#retkikeitin, #trangia, #spriipoltin
Esittelyssä Naturehike Retkikeitin. Pakkaus sisältää keittimen ja spriipolttimen.
ALENNUSKOODI: tuotetube@
Retkiruoka, trangia, spriipoltin, alkoholipoltin, keitin, erä, ruuan valmistus retkellä Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Классическая модель спиртовки открытого типа. Вероятно, это одна из самых первых моделей самодельных спиртовок из алюминиевой банки.
Высота спиртовки: 50 мм
Масса: 10,5 грамм
Разогрев и старт спиртовки: 30 секунд
Время полного горения 20 мл этилового спирта 92% : 8:25 минут
Время закипания 0,5 л воды: 6:20 минут
The classic model of an open-type alcohol burner. This is probably one of the first models of homemade alcohol burners which made of an aluminum can.
Height: 50 mm
Weight: 10.5 grams
Warming up and starting the spirit stove - about 30 seconds
Full burning time 20 ml for ethyl alcohol 92%: 8:25 minutes
Boiling time 0.5 l of water: 6:20 minutes Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ГОРЕЛКА СПИРТОВАЯ ESBIT ALCOHOL BURNER тест в лесу зимой (суп гороховый)
Обзор спиртовой грелки от Esbit. Alcohol burner AB300BR Esbit.
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A great budget ultra-light stove? The Naturehike Mini Burner, first look!
A cheap AND ultra-light stove are hard to come by and BRS has been the one to go for... but it has it downsides and maybe the Naturehike Mini Burner is a good will it perform?
In today’s review of the Naturehike Mini Burner I will go through the specs, the features and test it out in both indoor and outdoor conditions. If the performance is good... then I will for sure give it a try on my next hike.
Last but not least, I bought the stove with my own money so the review is as always... unbiased!
For more information on the Naturehike, the stove and their other products. Follow the links below.
Naturehike -
Mini Stove - Does not exist on Naturehikes webiste, why I don't know so you have to google a little. I found my on the link below on BIKESHOP but probably you can find it elsewhere like on ebay, amazon, alibaba or aliexpress.
But you can buy also here!
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How to make an alcohol burner for survival from aluminum cans DIY?
I show you how to make an alcohol burner from empty aluminum cans with a knife Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I just ordered this alcohol stove because it's different from usual alcohol stove. And I think it's worth the money.
paypal: jonathanchoi0111@
venmo: jonathanchoi0111
#FromNYC Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If you are not getting a bloom on your burner this is how to fix it.
It only takes a short amount of time to do. Works like a charm afterwards ;)
Trangia burners are very good if they work correctly. The SVEA Spirit Burner is great when working correctly.
Donate to the channel: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Спиртовая горелка. Опыт №1. Сравнение.(Alcohol stove Comparison).mp4
Сравнение 5 горелок. Диаметр отверстий одинаков, различия лишь в их количестве — 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 штуки.
Как сделать — тут — , все подробности — Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Классическая спиртовка закрытого типа. Требует внешнего разогрева для старта. Используется в комплекте с треногой или крестовиной в качестве держателя посуды. Внимание! Эта модель имеет повышенную пожароопасность! Обязательно использовать подставку из негорючих материалов!
Изготовлена из двух алюминиевых банок емкостью 0,33 л.
Высота 35 мм
Масса 8,93 грамм
Время горения 15 мл этилового спирта 92% - 7:20 минут
Время закипания 450 мл холодной воды - 5:30 минут
Classical alcohol stove of the closed type. Requires external heating to start.
Used in conjunction with a tripod or cross as a holder for dishes. Attention! This model has an increased fire danger! Be sure to use a stand made of non-flammable materials!
Made of two aluminum cans with a capacity of liters.
Height: 35 mm
Weight: grams
Burning time 15 ml for ethyl alcohol 92%: 7:25 minutes
Boiling time 450 ml cold water: 5:30 minutes Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Самая простая, но достаточно эффективная модель спиртовки. Не требует специальной подставки под посуду. Моментальный старт, ровное и мощное пламя.
Исходный материал - алюминиевая банка емкостью 250 мл.
Масса: 7 грамм.
Время горения 15 мл этилового спирта 92% - 6:20 минут.
Время закипания 450 мл воды - 5:20 минут.
The simplest, but quite effective model of a alcohol burner. Does not require a special stand for dishes. Instant start, smooth and powerful flame.
The starting material is an aluminum can with a capacity of 250 ml.
Weight: 7 grams.
Burning time of 15 ml of ethyl alcohol 92%: 6:20 minutes.
Boiling time for 450 ml of water is 5:20 minutes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Turn on the subtitles for more informations.
This is a small simple alcohol stove made made with glass wool, candy can and metal mesh. It's not the most efficient stove, but it's arguably the safest, as the glass wool absorbs alcohol and reduces the risk of spillage. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is my new Hybrid Stove Kit for Backpacking..
1-Mini ultra light weight Alcohol Burner from
2-Paper thin Ultra light weight Titanium Stove from Aliexpress
i use TOAKS Light Titanium 700ml Pot for Boiling water/ it is from amazon for $39
around system i made aluminum cover which from Dollar tree aluminum container (they are stronger and very light weigh plus only $ comes 2 container, i used 1 and cut helps boiling water less than 8min.. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Походная туристическая нержавеющая спиртовая горелка Tatonka Alcohol Burner
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Expert Advice: How to Clean and Maintain a Trangia Alcohol Stove
Trangia alcohol stoves are easy to maintain when when you follow this step-by-step, easy to follow maintenance routine.
Available online at:
Required Materials/Tools:
- Steel Wool/SOS Pad
- Sewing Needle
- Water
How To Maintain Your Trangia Alcohol Stove
- Remove the rubber gasket from the lid
- Scour the burner cup, lid, and simmer ring to remove any residue. - Ensure that all of the jet holes along the top ring of the burner are clear and open. If required, use a piece of steel wire or a sewing needle to remove foreign material from the holes
- Rinse thoroughly with water
- Wipe dry, and then allow the burner cup to dry for 24 hours to ensure the interior cotton wick dries completely
- Replace the rubber gasket back into the lid
- Test the burner with a small amount of fuel to ensure proper function
The Canadian Outdoor Equipment is an authorized distributor of the Trangia, so when you purchase from us your product is guaranteed authentic.
Purchase Trangia online with Free Shipping:
Find The Best Outdoor Gear Online:
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The Truth About Alcohol Stoves - When, Where, Why and Why Not
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This episode is all about Alcohol Stoves and Luke will be going over the Pros, the Cons, When, Where and Why to use , when not to.
When It comes to stoves it can be a hot it....
Easily it can involve personal bias; some will defend their stoves because the price they paid, both high and low and some will defend their stoves because they made it by hand out of a cat food can that their pet ate out of.
I'm this episode I'm going to focus on alcohol Stoves, the good and the bad without an bias; only straight up fact.
When it comes to the different types of stoves and fuel types, I've used them all and that simple fact is that there isn't a perfect stove just like their isn't a perfect camera,.....but there is the right tool for the job so to speak.
To start, lets focus on what an alcohol stove is;
Trangia Spirit Burner
What you are see here are very common types of stoves; there are many other companies who make stoves and also, it is very common and also easy to make your own. You can do this out of a coke can, pet food container, etc.
Such stoves are known for being SIMPLE and lightweight and fuel is often inexpensive and easy to locate.
With that being said, lets focus on the pros of such stoves;
Lightweight with some stoves coming in at less than 2oz
Inexpensive to purchase or to make
Extremely easy to use
No maintenance required
Durable….you’re not going to break an alcohol stove unless you are doing something majorly wrong
Fuel is easy to locate and in fact, it can run on multiple types of fuel including denatured alcohol, methanol, and so on.
Fuel isn’t as hazardous as white gas or as flammable – that doesn’t mean that it is safer though as such stoves can easily start a forest fire and in fact, have done so and is one reason why there are many places where such stoves are banned.
Perform very well in cold conditions – can be hard to ignite with a lighter but matches make easy work of getting them going.
Denatured alcohol is fairly clean burning – minor residue on your pots/cups
Now lets talk about Cons :
Alcohol stoves are Slow – 6-7 minutes to boil two cups of water in the BEST of conditions.
Inefficient which means that they will go through a lot of fuel which means that you will need to vary more fuel with you.
Fuel doesn’t release a lot of heat and this means that it will take time and potentially multiple stove refills to accomplish your cooking task.
Limited burn time; most alcohol stoves will hold around 1 oz or fuel and you have to allow that fuel to completely burn out before refilling. Because the flame is clear, you have to be very careful or you can experience burnback.
If the stove tips over, the ignited fuel will easily spread.
With most alcohol stoves, there is one flame setting; not a great choice for those who want to simmer. Some stoves have a regulator though
The flame is invisible.
Very sensitive to wind; you will need a very good windscreen even with the slightest of breezes.
Gauging the proper amount of fuel needed for your chore can be difficult.
If you put too much fuel in your stove for your task, you have to pour it back into your fuel bottle can be tricky.
With alcohol, there is an elevated risk of spillage.
As mentioned before, these stoves are banned in some areas and that’s because there is no shutoff valve. Also, with some stoves, if you overfill the fuel can overflow from the stove itself and cause fires.
Rucas :
Trangia :
Vargo : .8oz
Pocket Rocket Deluxe : 3oz
Full 8oz fuel bottle : 8oz
Rocket Rocket and Canister :
Vargo and Fuel Bottle : 8.6
Web Site :
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Pot stand/trivet for Trangia Alcohol Burner AND a SHOUT out
We have been made aware of a new(ish) potstand/trivet for the Trangia Alcohol burner and similar types of stove.
They are available here.... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I demonstrate using a Trangia alcohol burner and the1oz round tin alcohol burner in my upgraded HOBO stove.
HOBO Stove Stanley Cook Pot Kit Build:
HOBO Stove Upgrades:
Basic and Upgraded HOBO Stove Burn Test:
Burn test using a Trnagia and 1oz round tin burner:
1oz Round Tin Alcohol Burner Build:
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Today arrived my "Alcohol Stove" from China. Under 20 $ include shipping cost. It´s working fine.
It was 1 liter water in the cooking pot. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Worth $20? NatureHike Backpacking Canister Stove - Real Review
NatureHike makes Canister Stoves?
Yes they do and in this Agenda Free Review Luke is going over his Pros and Cons and what he likes and doesn't about this very budget friendly stove.
For the Money, he's......
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NatureHike Backpacking Stove Review
What it is : What I have here to review today is a budget friendly stove that I have been testing out for the last month or so, it’s from NatureHike and is their backpacking canister stove.
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Price : $20 at the time of filming
Weight of Stove with Carry Box : 10oz
9oz for the stove alone
Materials : Stainless steel, brass and Aluminum Alloy
Dimensions :
” tall
6.5” from farthest pot support
17” long hose
Performance :
Output : 10,236 BTU’s - in what I would call perfect outdoor conditions I have been able to boil 16oz of water in 2 minutes 36 seconds.
Plus, most stoves are highly inefficient when running wide open and gain in efficiency when running at lower levels.
You would think that it would be simple to come up with a standardize test but it’s really not that easy and again, it goes back to the variables and there are so many in play that no test is accurate. If you see someone making an efficiency claim on YT, it’s nonsense.
Pros :
Good price
Good overall quality for the money
Sturdy for the money
Good performance - stove is quick enough and the stove can simmer easily.
Easy to setup and breakdown stove - legs deploy easily
Cools quickly
Stable platform for pots, cup and pans.
Can support up to 8” pans and still have a good cooking experience.
Electronic Ignitor works well - you may have to click it a few times here and there to get it to go but it does eventually catch. This is average performance with these Ignitors.
Skid pads on the pot supports actually work
Cons :
I mentioned the overall sturdiness of this stove previously, again for the money it’s good but compared to higher end, more expensive stoves you can tell that this costs $20. There is a difference between a stove like this and one from MSR, SOTO and other companies.
This stove doesn’t feature a regulator that is designed for cold weather and for the money I wouldn’t expect it to. For cold weather use, keep the fuel warm and that will help.
While the performance of this stove is good, I don’t believe that it is 3000W or 10,200 BTU’s like the company states ; I say that based on overall boil times compared to other stoves that i have tested - I have similar BTU rated stoves that boil 1 liter of water in less than 4 minutes whereas this one is over 5 minutes.
The company claims good windproof performance and that isn’t accurate at all. With some versions of this stove, the burner head will have a windscreen that surrounds it; this stove doesn’t have one and the flame is influenced easily by the wind.
A windscreen will be needed in windy situations.
Speaking of this, the description by naturehike speaks of a built in wind deflector which isn’t present.
My thoughts on this stove are as follows; this is a relabel and NatureHike had a manufacturer make this for them with their logo on there. There are a thousand companies with the same stove with some having slight variations here and there.
Going back to the listing, with this being a relabel stove, the description is likely taken from a variant of this stove but in this case, the NH version doesnt have the windscreen.
Summary :
Ultimately with the stove, the overall performance is good for the money. The overall quality of the stove is good for the money. The overall weight of the stove is good for the money.
There’s absolutely nothing unique about the stove and in fact there are literally hundreds if not thousands of copies in variance of this. In the end though, because the stove is mass produced on an incredible Level, this allows for the product to be a low priced option which it is.
None of the cons that I have for this product or dealbreaker‘s especially when you consider the low price. So far with my used, I’ve had no issues and I don’t expect there to be any either. NatureHike has a fairly good reputation when it comes to the quality of their products; while their designs are always the best for the overall quality and performance is good for the dollar.
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Stainless Steel Open Coil Burner EDDY-Z
The flame is burned in the state of eddy current.
It has a large capacity and can hold 120 ml of alcohol.
Weight: 75 grams
Height: 44 mm
Diameter: 85 mm
Maximum capacity: 120ml
Bloom time (Ethanol): 18 seconds
Bloom time (Methanol): 15 seconds Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
топливом для горелки служит одеколон "новая заря" с содержанием спирта 79,8%. но если честно, лучше сделать горелку из аллюминевых банок! вода будет нагреваться быстрей почти в два раза!/ топливо для горелок от 1л 89266968125 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Владею ей давно. Нынешняя цена на нее в магазинах РФ чуть меня не убила на месте. :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Про спиртовые горелки/Regarding alcohol stove. Спиртовые горелки - популярный вид топлива, распространённый среди легкоходов. В этом видео попробуем разобрать все плюсы и минусы подобной полевой кухни и определить, для какого вида туризма она подходит.
Горелку брал тут -
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound.
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It has copper tubes to assist preheating. This enables it to quickly blossom.
The flame is burned in the state of eddy current.
Bloom time (Ethanol): 15 seconds
Bloom time (Methanol): 12 seconds
It has a large capacity and can hold 90 ml of alcohol. It also comes with a sealed lid for easy carrying (it is best to burn 60ml of alcohol).
The burner is an integrated multi-function stand.
When the bracket is closed, it can cope with changing weather and is suitable for small-sized pots.
When the bracket is unfolded, it can provide strong support for large pots and pans.
Full brass build Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Спиртовая горелка из алюминиевых банок/Alcohol burner from aluminum cans
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