Складаний ніж Spyderco Delica 4 (C11FPGY) VG-10 - японська корозійностійких сталей, розроблена фірмою Takefu Special Steel Co., Ltd. (Японія) для ріжучого інструменту кухарів і садівників. Відома під назвою V-Gold № 10.
Ніж Spyderco Delica 4 Flat Ground відрізняється своєю ергономічною формою та якістю виконання, а значить має високу надійність та максимальну стійкість до впливу навколишнього середовища. Високоякісний клинок ножа Спайдерко Деліка 4 Флет Граунд виконаний з нержавіючої сталі, марки VG-10, що забезпечує йому відмінні ріжучі властивості.
Компактні розміри та мала вага цього ножа дозволяють використовувати його повсякденно, будь то для вирішення побутових завдань, пов'язаних з різом, або в польових умовах. Рукоятка даного ножа виконана із міцного та легкого матеріалу FRN & армована сталевими лайнерами, що забезпечує додаткову міцність та жорсткість конструкції. Також варто відзначити наявність на рукояті двонаправленої насічки, завдяки якій ніж зручно утримувати навіть мокрою рукою. Надійне замикання клинка у розкритому та закритому положеннях забезпечує стара добра система Back Lock.
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Delica 4 Flat Ground ACX 390 Green
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Spyderco C11FPGR Delica Flat Ground, VG10, Satin PlainEdge, Green FRN Handle. If you already own a Delica or Endura, you have one of the bestselling knives Spyderco makes. These models are a bit different from the normal C10 Endura4 and C11 Delica 4 Lightweights. They are in a range of handle colors with full-flat ground blades. Their FRN (fiberglass reinforced nylon) handles come in vibrant tones including pink, blue, green, brown, gray and purple. Molded onto the handle's surface is Bi-Directional Texturing for slip-free tactile traction. Inside the handle are dual skeletonized stainless steel liners which strengthen the knife without additional weight and double as an anchor for external and internal components to attach through generating more sturdiness and rigidity. The blades are full flat-ground VG-10 with a thinner highly refined cutting edge and a larger 13mm opening hole. Added to the blade's spine is slip resistant jimping. Phosphor bronze washers smooth out the open/close action and the clip is upgraded to a four-way tip-up, tip-down, left- or right-handed clip. Flat-ground Endura and Delica Lightweights are produced in limited numbers as part of the 2010 production line up.
Length Overall: 7 1/8" (181 mm)
Length Closed: 4 1/4" (108 mm)
Hole Diameter: 1/2" (13 mm)
Blade Length: 2 7/8" (73 mm)
Cutting Edge: 2 9/16" (65 mm)
Blade Thickness: 3/32" (2.5 mm)
Blade Steel: VG-10
Weight: 2.5 oz. (71 g)
Handle Material: FRN
Made in Seki-City, Japan
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Delica® 4 Lightweight Purple Flat Ground
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Delica® 4 Lightweight Foliage Green #Spyderco #SpydercoKnives
Blade Thickness:
Made in: Japan
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Blade Thickness:
Made in: Japan
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Нож Spyderco Endura 4 Flat Ground FRN Green C10FPGR
Нож Spyderco Endura 4 Flat Ground FRN Green C10FPGR
Складной нож Спайдерко имеет отверстие для удобства открытия одной рукой, как правой так и левой. Рукоятка изготовлена из армированного стекловолокна. Текстурная поверхность ручки предотвращает скольжение в руке и обеспечивает надёжный хват. Клинок из нержавеющей стали. На рукояти имеется клипса для ношения ножа на ремне или в кармане.
Вид Карманные
Тип Складной
Тип режущего клинка Обычная кромка
Марка стали VG-10
Наличие ножен Отсутствуют
Материал рукояти FRN (Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon)
Длина клинка мм 96
Ширина клинка мм -
Толщина клинка мм 3
Общая длина мм 222 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Складной нож Spyderco Delica 4 сталь VG-10, рукоять Blue FRN
Промокод при оформлении заказа на сайте: YOUTFOREST
Магазин Forest-Home - №1 Специализированный розничный магазин по продаже арбалетов, луков, ножей, а также товаров для туризма в Санкт-Петербурге.
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Нож Spyderco Delica 4 C11FPGY
Складной нож Спайдерко имеет отверстие для удобства открывания одной рукой, как правой, так и левой. Форма и материал рукоятки обеспечивают надёжный хват. На рукоятке клипса для ношения ножа на ремне или в кармане.
VG-10 - японская коррозийностойкая сталь, разработанная фирмой Takefu Special Steel Co., Ltd. (Япония) для режущего инструмента поваров и садоводов. Известная под названием V-Gold №10. Состав: C %; Cr ; Co %; Mn %; Mo %. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Endura® 4 Lightweight Orange Flat Ground
#Spyderco #SpydercoKnives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Item num: 102220
Blade length: in.
Cutting edge length: in.
Total length: in.
Blade height (at heel): in.
Blade thickness (near bolster): in.
Blade thickness (at midpoint): in.
Blade thickness (near tip): in.
Item weight: oz.
Shipment weight: 3.6 oz.
Blade: VG-10 stainless steel with a satin finish
Handle: Textured green FRN
Style: Backlock folder
Description: If you already own a Delica or Endura, you have one of the bestselling knives Spyderco makes. The Delica 4 (SP11FPGR) is lightweight, reliable, and offered in a range of handle colors with full-flat ground blades.
Molded onto the FRN handle's surface is bi-directional texturing for slip-free tactile traction. Inside the handle features dual skeletonized stainless steel liners which strengthen the knife without additional weight. The backlock offers a strong, ambidextrous lockup.
The blade is flat-ground VG-10 with a thinner highly refined cutting edge and a larger 13mm opening hole. Added to the blade's spine is slip resistant jimping. This full size knife only weighs 2-1/2 ounces. Phosphor bronze washers keep the open and close action smooth. The clip is upgraded to a four-way tip-up, tip-down, left- or right-handed clip.
Made in Japan Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Складной нож Spyderco Delica 4 сталь VG-10, рукоять Grey FRN
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Магазин Forest-Home - №1 Специализированный розничный магазин по продаже арбалетов, луков, ножей, а также товаров для туризма в Санкт-Петербурге.
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Spyderco Endura 4 Flat Ground : обзор ножа в оранжевом цвете рукояти. Классный прямоспущеный фолдер от спайдерко с VG-10 на клинке.
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Обзор — Складной нож Spyderco Endura 4 Flat Ground Green.
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#нож #обзор #bestblades #фото #магазин
Общая длина ножа - 222 мм
Длина лезвия - 96 мм
Длина рукояти - 127 мм
Толщина лезвия - 3 мм
Наибольшая ширина лезвия - 31 мм
Вес ножа - 94 г
Материал лезвия - VG-10
Обработка лезвия - сатин
Твердость стали - 60-62 HRC
Материал рукояти - нержавеющая сталь
Тип замка - back lock
Компания-производитель - Spyderco® (USA)
Страна-изготовитель - Япония. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Складной нож Spyderco Delica C11FPBK сталь VG-10, рукоять FRN
Промокод при оформлении заказа на сайте: YOUTFOREST
Магазин Forest-Home - №1 Специализированный розничный магазин по продаже арбалетов, луков, ножей, а также товаров для туризма в Санкт-Петербурге.
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Spyderco C11FPBN Delica Flat Ground, VG10, Satin PlainEdge, Brown FRN Handle. If you already own a Delica or Endura, you have one of the bestselling knives Spyderco makes. These models are a bit different from the normal C10 Endura4 and C11 Delica 4 Lightweights. They are in a range of handle colors with full-flat ground blades. Their FRN (fiberglass reinforced nylon) handles come in vibrant tones including pink, blue, green, brown, gray and purple. Molded onto the handle's surface is Bi-Directional Texturing for slip-free tactile traction. Inside the handle are dual skeletonized stainless steel liners which strengthen the knife without additional weight and double as an anchor for external and internal components to attach through generating more sturdiness and rigidity. The blades are full flat-ground VG-10 with a thinner highly refined cutting edge and a larger 13mm opening hole. Added to the blade's spine is slip resistant jimping. Phosphor bronze washers smooth out the open/close action and the clip is upgraded to a four-way tip-up, tip-down, left- or right-handed clip. Flat-ground Endura and Delica Lightweights are produced in limited numbers as part of the 2010 production line up.
Length Overall: 7 1/8" (181 mm)
Length Closed: 4 1/4" (108 mm)
Hole Diameter: 1/2" (13 mm)
Blade Length: 2 7/8" (73 mm)
Cutting Edge: 2 9/16" (65 mm)
Blade Thickness: 3/32" (2.5 mm)
Blade Steel: VG-10
Weight: 2.5 oz. (71 g)
Handle Material: FRN
Made in Seki-City, Japan
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Final Speech by Derrick Poston for Fund Speech Communications Class. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spyderco Delica 4 black (replica)
Длина ножа: 180 мм
Длина клинка (РК): 75 мм (65мм), сведен в 0,4 мм
Длина ручки: 105 мм
Ширина клинка: 27мм. Толщина клинка: 2,4 мм
На клинке : VG-10 (по утверждению поставщика)
Твердость: 58-60HRC. Материал ручки: black FRN
Замок : Back lock. Клипса. Упаковка: фирменная коробка, бумажки.
Вес : 69 гр.
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Складной нож Spyderco Delica 4 сталь VG-10, рукоять Zome Green FRN
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Магазин Forest-Home - №1 Специализированный розничный магазин по продаже арбалетов, луков, ножей, а также товаров для туризма в Санкт-Петербурге. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spyderco Endura4 Lightweight FRN Flat Ground PlainEdge Knife
Product Description
If you already own a Delica or Endura, you have one of the best selling knives Spyderco makes. The knife you have just acquired is a bit different from the normal C10 Endura4 and C11 Delica4 Lightweights. They are now available in a range of new handle colors with full-flat ground blades. Their FRN (fiberglass reinforced nylon) handles come in new vibrant tones including blue, green, brown, gray and purple. Molded onto the handle's surface is Bi-Directional Texturing® for slip-free tactile traction. Inside the handle are dual skeletonized stainless steel liners which strengthen the knife without additional weight and double as an anchor for external and internal components to attach through generating more sturdiness and rigidity. The blades are full flat-ground VG-10 with a thinner highly refined cutting edge and a larger 13mm opening hole. Added to the blade's spine is slip resistant jimping. Phosphor bronze washers smooth out the open/close action and the clip is upgraded to a four-way tip-up, tip-down, left-or right-handed clip.
If you have actually decided that you need a new knife and you wish one that offers both convenience and utility, then Spyderco could be the ideal brand name for you. If you are not familiar with this brand, then there is much that you will certainly wish to find out before you go shopping and make an investment. The Spyderco knife is made to provide the type of convenience that folks need in order to execute numerous different tasks with the device that they decide on.
If you are interested in acquiring among these cutters then continue reading to discover the very best procedure of removal in order to decide on the right Spyderco blade for your necessities. Consider this an action by action guide to help you make your decision so that you can obtain the device that will be most helpful.
To begin with, choose if you want a folding or set blade alternative. There are benefits per, however you will certainly have to choose this by yourself personal preference. Additionally, several of the folding cutter alternatives consist of blade locks to make sure that they can be made use of likewise of the fixed alternative with the convenience to be folded and stored. After you make this decision, you could go on to select the appropriate type of blade.
Spyderco supplies a variety of cutter kinds consisting of smooth surrounded, serrated and partial serrated. Serrated side blades are most ideal if you will be reducing with more challenging materials like wood. Alternatively, smooth edged blades are most effectively for reducing even more intricate things like cables.
Lastly, take into consideration the bonus that you may wish. Some Spyderco knives consist of opening holes to make it much easier for you to open up the folded up blade. Others include belt clips or sheaths for storage space. These additions are developed to utilize the tool more practical for you. Regard as the additionals that will certainly matter the most to you, and afterwards pick a Spyderco blade that includes these extras.
If you are most attracted to function and energy, then these blades can be the very best ones for you. The Spyderco Firm designed blades that are made to be the most practical in virtually any kind of conditions from the everyday to military objectives. As opposed to concentrating on style and looks, the business focused on ease of use. If you are looking for a Spyderco blade, then regarding as the steps above will certainly make it simpler for you to decide on the right one.
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Spyderco Endura 4 Super Blue 😍 EDC folder. I LOVE LAMINATE 😍
awesome spyderco folder made in seki city Japan 🇯🇵, God bless our veterans and our service members 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spyderco Endura Flat Ground Green C10FPGR Knife Review | OsoGrandeKnives
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Spyderco C10FPBN Endura Flat Ground, VG10, Satin PlainEdge, Green FRN Handle. If you already own a Delica or Endura, you have one of the bestselling knives Spyderco makes. These models are a bit different from the normal C10 Endura4 and C11 Delica 4 Lightweights. They are in a range of handle colors with full-flat ground blades. Their FRN (fiberglass reinforced nylon) handles come in vibrant tones including blue, green, brown, gray and purple. Molded onto the handle's surface is Bi-Directional Texturing for slip-free tactile traction. Inside the handle are dual skeletonized stainless steel liners which strengthen the knife without additional weight and double as an anchor for external and internal components to attach through generating more sturdiness and rigidity. The blades are full flat-ground VG-10 with a thinner highly refined cutting edge and a larger 13mm opening hole. Added to the blade's spine is slip resistant jimping. Phosphor bronze washers smooth out the open/close action and the clip is upgraded to a four-way tip-up, tip-down, left- or right-handed clip. Flat-ground Endura and Delica Lightweights are produced in limited numbers as part of the 2010 production line up.
Length Overall: " (222 mm)
Length Closed: 5.0" (127 mm)
Hole Diameter: 1/2" (13 mm)
Blade Length: " (96 mm)
Cutting Edge: " (88 mm)
Blade Thickness: 1/8" (3 mm)
Blade Steel: VG-10
Weight: 3.6 oz. (103 g)
Handle Material: FRN
Made in Seki-City, Japan
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Обзор — Нож Spyderco Delica 4 Flat Ground Orange FRN 11FPOR.
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#нож #обзор #bestblades #фото #магазин
DELICA - один из популярнейших EDC помощников от компании SPYDERCO. Легкий, незаметный в кармане, чрезвычайно удобный для повседневного ношения нож. Клинок выполнен из высококачественной нержавеющей стали VG-10, и отделан приятным сатином. Рукоять изготовлена из термопластика FRN и обладает великолепными сцепными свойствами. Нож оснащен надежным замком бэк-лок и удобной клипсой для ношения.
Акция Ножик Victorinox в подарок!
Клинок (марка стали): VG-10
Материал рукояти: FRN
Длина клинка, мм: 73 мм
Бренд Spyderco
Назначение: складной нож
Тип замка: Back-Lock
Общая длина, мм: 181 мм
Толщина обуха, мм: 2.5 мм
Обработка клинка satin
Режущая кромка: прямая (plain)
Вес: 64 г
Твердость по шкале Роквелла: 60 — 61
Страна бренда: США
Страна производства: Япония. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spyderco Delica4 Lightweight FRN Flat Ground PlainEdge Knife Review
About Spyderco
Thinking beyond established knife industry practices has allowed Spyderco to introduce new innovations, including one-hand opening, serrations on a folder, and a clip to attach a knife to a pocket. Spyderco remains dedicated to researching and developing improved, better-performing materials with function and reliability, and its unique cutlery line is a result of designing ergonomic, functional tools. The company puts its new products through rigorous testing prior to release, examining edge retention with a CATRA machine, looking for rust development with Q-FOG, checking the force needed to open and close a knife, and analyzing numerous other technical details.
If you have got truly decided that you would like a new knife and you would like one that offers each convenience and utility, then Spyderco could be the best brand name for you. If you're not acquainted with this complete, then there is abundant that you'll actually want to find out before you go shopping and build an investment. The Spyderco knife is made to produce the kind of convenience that people want so as to execute various different tasks with the device that they choose.
If you're interested in acquiring among these cutters then continue reading to find the very best procedure of removal in order to choose on the proper Spyderco blade for your requirements. Think about this an action by action guide to assist you create your call thus that you can acquire the device that will be most useful.
To begin with, choose if you wish a folding or set blade various. There are benefits per, but you will actually have to settle on this by yourself personal preference. Additionally, many of the folding cutter alternatives contains blade locks to create certain that they can be created use of likewise of the mounted various with the convenience to be folded and stored. After you create this decision, you could last to pick the appropriate kind of blade.
Spyderco provides a variety of cutter sorts consisting of swish surrounded, serrated and partial serrated. Serrated side blades are most ideal if you may be reducing with additional challenging materials like wood. Alternatively, sleek edged blades are most effectively for reducing even additional intricate things like cables.
Lastly, take into consideration the bonus that you'll wish. Some Spyderco knives accommodates gap holes to make it abundant easier for you to open up the folded up blade. Others embrace belt clips or sheaths for space for storing. These additions are developed to utilize the tool more sensible for you. Regard because the additionals that will actually matter the foremost to you, and afterwards decide a Spyderco blade that includes these extras.
If you're most interested in function and energy, then these blades can be the terribly best ones for you. The Spyderco Firm designed blades that are created to be the most practical in just about any reasonably conditions from the everyday to military objectives. As against concentrating on style and appearance, the business targeted on ease of use. If you're wanting for a Spyderco blade, then regarding because the steps higher than will definitely make it less complicated for you in deciding on the proper one. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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