Пляшка для води HEREVIN Hanger-Surf Rider 0.75 л. виготовлена з якісного та безпечного пластику, має ергономічну форму, що добре лежить у руці та зручно поміщається у сумку, рюкзак або тримач для пляшок. Вона легка та портативна, що робить її ідеальним супутником для активного способу життя, подорожей, фізичних вправ або просто для повсякденного використання.
Пляшка має надійну кришку, яка герметично закривається, запобігаючи витоку та проливанню рідини.
Не можна мити в посудомийній машині.
Товари HEREVIN (SOLMAZER) - це універсальна сучасна продукція для дому, дачі, кафе чи ресторану, яка виглядає не лише виглядає естетично, а ще й практична у використанні та догляді. Скляні ємності без пластикових елементів можна мити в посудомийній машині.
Продукція HEREVIN повністю відповідає стандартам якості ISO-9001. Контролю якості продукції компанія HEREVIN (SOLMAZER) приділяє особливу увагу, і у виробництві використовуються лише безпечні для здоров'я людини та навколишнього середовища матеріали.
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Surf Rider · The Lively Ones
The Great Surf Hits !!
℗ 2015 TP4 Music
Released on: 2001-09-20
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Provided to YouTube by DistroKid
Surf Rider · The Tequila Worms
Running Late
℗ 3606262 Records DK
Released on: 2014-08-23
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Как правило приходится выбирать учитывая цену и как на этом будет кататься Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Provided to YouTube by Believe SAS
Surf Rider · The Lively Ones · The Lively Ones · The Lively Ones
Surfer´s Paradise, Vol.2
℗ Hawaian sounds
Released on: 2013-01-01
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Provided to YouTube by Rebeat Digital GmbH
Hillbillie Surf · The Lively Ones
Leisure Time
℗ 2014 LST Collector Series
Released on: 2014-09-19
Composer: J. Paris
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Сегодня знакомимся с новой коллекцией вейкбордов Slingshot 2022. Рассмотрим подробнее модели: Volt, Bearden, Highline, Super Grom, Salmon, Copycat, Native, Nomad и другие.
Ставьте лайки и пишите комментарии Тарычу 😉 Приятного просмотра.
Все новинки по ссылке: ~IGFae Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Provided to YouTube by The state51 Conspiracy
Hillbilly Surf · The Lively Ones
Surf Drums
℗ 2017 TP4 Music
Released on: 2006-01-20
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🛒 Вейксёрф Liquid Force Quest 👉🏽
Вейксёрф Liquid Force Quest – это максимально технологичная доска, которая не оставит равнодушным ни одного райдера. Облегченный сердечник, эксклюзивная оплетка Carbon/Innegra, увеличивающая прочность конструкции, небольшие рокеры в зоне носа и хвоста для большей маневренности. Разумеется, все это - лишь малая часть технологий, которыми может похвастать Quest, так что будьте уверены - перед вами один из самых инновационных и продвинутых вейксерфов от одного из лидеров индустрии.
🎥 Смотрите также 👉🏽 "Как научиться кататься на вейксерфе? I Урок от инструктора клуба Istrawake" 👉🏽
📖 Читайте статью в нашем блоге 👉🏽 "Как выбрать вейксерф: гид для новичков" 👉🏽
Интернет-магазин Epicboardshop 👉🏽
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Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Surf Beat · The Lively Ones
Surf Beat - The Best Of
℗ 2011 Vintage Masters Inc.
Released on: 2011-10-01
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Provided to YouTube by Streaming Only
Paradise Cove (Surf Riders) · The Lively Ones · R. Hunt · R. Hunt
Five Original Surf Albums, Vol. 1
℗ Salt & Pepper
Released on: 2014-01-01
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A perfect combination of style and convenience, the Billabong® Wave Washed Rucksack backpack takes good care of essentials.
Crafted from cotton hemp canvas.
Interior zippered compartment.
Front pouch flap pocket.
Left side water bottle pocket.
Right side flap pocket.
Bottom webbing loop.
Reinforced padded back panel.
Adjustable webbing shoulder straps.
Sternum straps at the chest for added support.
Main large compartment with adjustable cinch closure.
Bottom Width: 6 in
Middle Width: 13 in
Top Width: 9 in
Depth: 21 in
Height: 23 in
Strap Length: 33 in
Handle Length: 6 in
Weight: 1 lb 7 oz
This product may have a manufacturer's warranty. Please visit the manufacturer's website or contact us at warranty@ for full manufacturer warranty details. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Посмотреть подробнее и заказать можно здесь:
Вейкборд Slingshot Shredtown:
Крепление Slingshot Shredtown:
Slingshot Shredtown - доска команды Shredtown Crew и популярная модель среди чемпионов X-Games. Новая технология компании Slingshot Flex Tip Technology обеспечит контролируемое и стабильное выполнение прессов на фигурах, прочный скользяк Ballistic Park Base - долговечность и возможность кататься по поверхности любого типа, а система установки креплений Carbon Bedrock Inserts - естественное чувство доски. Амплитудные вылеты, плавное скольжение и мягкие приземления, модели Shredtown явно есть, чем побаловать парковых райдеров!
Slingshot Shredtown - достаточно жесткая модель креплений топового уровня. Подойдет для опытных райдеров, предпочитающих агрессивное катание. Новое в сезоне 2017: съемный внутренник с жесткой подошвой, в котором будет удобно ходить везде: по территории парка, парковке. А когда вы будете готовы стартовать, 3 эластичных стрепа Gummy Straps помогут очень быстро и плотно зафиксировать ногу. Новая система установки крепления K9 Mounting позволяет максимально точно выставить удобную вам стойку, а также свести на нет люфт в зоне пятки.
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Вейкборд и крепление Slingshot Shredtown 2017: обзор
La nuova CONNECTION KIT di SAFE permette di collegare due stand up paddle creando una piattaforma ancora più ampia e confortevole
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Provided to YouTube by The state51 Conspiracy
Surf Beat · The Lively Ones
The Great Surf Hits!!
℗ 2019 TP4 Music
Released on: 2019-01-06
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Protect your face and shade your eyes with the stylish Wet Products Lifeguard Hat made from straw and featuring an adjustable cord lock.
· Straw construction
· Comfort elastic sweatband
· Forehead patch with adjustable cord lock
· One size fits all
· Materials: Straw
· Adjustable: Chin strap
· Country of Origin: Imported
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AIR SURF la tavola da surf gonfiabile.
E' ideale per viaggiare e per divertirsi in acqua in un modo alternativo.
Visita il sito: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this episode, I will take you on a wake surf trip to Lake Hopatcong in New Jersey.
Wake surfing for me is a great workout to improve surfing such as cleaning up my flow to pump down the line as well as get muscle memory in to do top turns. It’s so fun and I usually get stoked for at least a week after each session.
If you guys wake surfed before, share your experience, leave your comments, let me know what you think, did it help you to surf better or feel better?
Enjoy this episode!
If you like my reviews, please subscribe. This will help this channel to grow.
Feel free to add me on Instagram: @skippersurfreview
My Height: 5’9” or 175.3 cm
My Weight: 155 lbs. or 70.3 kg
Filmed on Sony A7s iii + Sony FE 28mm by @zanda_kaskieva Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Zach demonstrates how to get in and out of a chest entry wetsuit.
Find wetsuits at:
Steps to put on your suit.
1. Identify the front of the suit by locating the kneepads. Last thing you want to do is stroll down the beach with your suit on backwards. This is a more common occurrence with a back entry suit.
2. Step into your suit like a putting on a pair of pants.
3. Pull up to your waist
4. Start at the ankle work the slack up the leg so that your knee pads are now over your knees. There should be know wrinkles in the leg.
5. Pull the suit a little bit higher up your torso and slip one arm down into the arm and then reach for the sky.
6. Work any slack at the wrist up the arm to your shoulder.
7. Repeat step 6 with the other arm.
8. You should have know wrinkles in your sleeves.
9. Grab the neck opening, pull and tilt your head into it then zip up and you're ready to go.
Steps to take off your suit.
1. Grab the neck opening and pull away from your body and tuck your chin through.
2. Work one shoulder out first.
3. Work the other shoulder out.
4. Once both shoulders are out just work and shimmy the suit down your body. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Окуляри Venture Gear Drop Zone можна купити в Київському велосипедному магазині VeloViva. Магазин розташовано на Харківському Шосе. Замовити також можна в різних соціальних сторінках: youtube () /// instagram () /// facebook ()✔️✔️🇺🇦🇺🇦 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Окуляри Venture Gear Drop Zone, (067)123-21-12. Відео огляд магазина VeloViva
Slingshot's Hoverglide Foil Wake Package provides a smooth, floaty ride regardless of water conditions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2018 Water Sports Gear Guide - Slingshot Hoverglide Foil Wake Package
Find it on :
Stay stylish in the Quiksilver® Surf Checker Slipper.
Textile upper, lining, insole, and outsole.
Weight: 10 oz
Product measurements were taken using size 9, width D - Medium. Please note that measurements may vary by size.
Weight of footwear is based on a single item, not a pair. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get yours at :
The Quiksilver backwash surf pack is the answer to the surfer's almighty question, what should I carry my wax in? With a tarp lined wax pocket, you'll be able to safely carry what you need in addition to your other accessories like your laptop and straps.
• Large main compartment.
• Nylon utility gear carry strap.
• Removable roll top wet/dry bag.
• Tarp lined wax pocket.
• Durable Q-tec (Non-PVC backed fabrics).
• Fleece lined valuables pocket.
• Adjustable sternum strap.
• Ergonomic padded shoulder straps.
• Multiple attachment points.
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What rear hydrofoil wing do you want to use with the Slingshot Sports Hover Glide Infinity 84cm? The Hover Glide Infinity 99cm? Hover Glide Infinity 76cm, OR the Hover Glide 68cm Gamma? Do you mount the wing with hydrofoil wing tips up? or foil wings down? All of your rear wing stabilizer questions will be answered here!
A big thank you to Jeff McKee, wake foil product manager at Slingshot Sports for taking the time to talk to the Half-Life nation.
Please visit our website if you'd like to order a Slingshot wake foil product.
Please follow us on Instagram @halflifet.5 and subscribe to our channel below. Thank you and we'll see you on the water!
#hydrofoilsurfing #wakesurfing #wakefoil #loyaltothefoil
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on all water sports. If you like this video, you may enjoy the following videos as well:
How to Wake Foil playlist:
How to pump a Hydrofoil:
How to Wake Surf:
Jet Ski Wake Foil:
Wake Foil (2020):
Wake Foil and Wake Surf Product Reviews:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Helmets are more important than ever in the world of water sports.
WIP Forward have the lightest ones we know of.
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Каяки Drop Stitch максимально приближены к жестко-корпусным в прочности и ходовых качествах, при этом существенно компактнее в транспортировке и хранении.
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Каяк Zebec Slider 👉🏽
Высокопрочный, легкий и мобильный надувной каяк Zebec Slider разработан немецкими инженерами. Модель выполнена по технологии "drop stich". Стабильность конструкции обеспечивают тысячи полимерных нитей и специальные ребра жесткости. Корпус из высокопрочного двухслойного ПВХ устойчив к внешним воздействиям, ультрафиолету и соленой воде. Каяк многократно зарекомендовал себя как в условиях морского шторма, так и в экстремальных горных реках с многочисленными порогами.
🎥 Смотрите также 👉🏽 "Сапборд Starboard Touring Zen: обзор" 👉🏽
📖 Читайте статью в нашем блоге 👉🏽 "Как выбрать сапборд: гид для новичков" 👉🏽
Интернет-магазин Epicboardshop 👉🏽
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If you’re #loyaltothefoil then this is your setup! This is the ultimate foil package for surfing ALL TYPES of waves and stepping up your pump your focus is wake surf foiling, pumping and exploring the area behind the boat without a rope.
For More Info:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BOTE has once again redefined the stand-up paddle board. Combining our best selling 12' HD with the advanced features of our 14' Ahab, the 12' Rackham is the most versatile paddle board we have ever offered. Featuring displacement hull technology, the Rackham paddles effortlessly. The recessed standing platform and thick bow keep the paddler and gear high and speaking of gear, the Rackham sports a capacity of near 400 pounds. Stow your paddle in the Paddle Sheath®, your fishing rods and tackle in the Tackle Rac®, and stake out via two thru holes–One of which is Power Pole® Micro compatible. Just as Captain Jack Rackham defined the pirate with his "Joly Roger" flag, the BOTE Rackham will define the waterman's SUP for years to come. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we take the MFC Hydros 1250 to the TEST behind the Axis T23. While the hydrofoil price point for the MFC Hydros 1250 is materially higher than the Slingshot Hover Glide equivalent, the carbon material and shape give you a different riding experience.
Please don't hesitate with any questions. Please like our video and subscribe to our channel. If you like this video, you may enjoy the following videos as well:
How to Wake Foil playlist:
How to Wake Surf:
Jet Ski Wake Foil:
Wake Foil (2020):
Wake Foil and Wake Surf Product Reviews:
#hydrofoilsurfing #wakesurfing #wakefoil #loyaltothefoil Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
It can be extremely overwhelming to know what to choose when you are buying your first wetsuit. I spend a few minutes just breaking down what the wetsuit is and what you should be looking for. Once you are out of the beginner phase and looking for a better quality wetsuit, there are other important features to consider such as the liner, stitching, and seals.
My favorite wetsuit (Rip Curl Flashbomb Heatseeker):
How To Put On A Wetsuit:
Thanks for watching. Good luck and stay stoked, yewwwww!
Men’s Beginner Fullsuits
Men’s Rip Curl Dawn Patrol Chest Zip 3/2 Full Wetsuit:
Men’s Rip Curl Dawn Patrol Back Zip 3/2 Full Wetsuit:
Men’s Quiksilver Syncro Series Back Zip 3/2 Full Wetsuit:
Men’s Billabong Furnace Absolute Comp Series Back Zip 3/2 Full Wetsuit:
Men’s Springsuits
Men’s Rip Curl Aggro Long Sleeve 2mm Chest Zip Springsuit:
Men’s Rip Curl Aggrolite Short Sleeve Back Zip Springsuit:
Men’s Billabong Foil Short Sleeve 2mm Back Zip Springsuit: =as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B003S05RK2&linkCode=as2&tag=jasonklunk-20&linkId=a64d9676c4e7adf0bdea46f92327baa3
Women’s Fullsuits
Women’s Rip Curl Dawn Patrol Back Zip 3/2 Full Wetsuit: =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=jasonklunk-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B01FJ3IZ2M&linkId=910898c98f1ccf3a18ccf2311c46fc72
Women’s Billabong Furnace Synergy Back Zip 3/2 Full Wetsuit: =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=jasonklunk-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B07FT7NCQ3&linkId=1afe8160be596ac42186b8eef4488393
Women’s Roxy Syncro Back Zip 3/2 Full Wetsuit: =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=jasonklunk-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B01M7RG0XR&linkId=d1436e1f23a485105f76ffad4fd124ba
Women’s Springsuits
Women’s Rip Curl G Bomb Sleeveless Bikini Springsuit: =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=jasonklunk-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B01LY6KZE7&linkId=1481a7090d57311ae81984c21eccd14b
Women’s Roxy Syncro Series Back Zip 2/2 Springsuit: =as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=jasonklunk-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B071HTQH9B&linkId=70ab7ffe83f385d512ec7e913f25dd73
Epidemic Sound:
Tesla Referral:
Main Camera (Sony A7III):
Main Lens (Sony 16-35mm Vario-Tessar T FE F4 ZA OSS):
Manfrotto Tripod w/ Fluid Video Head:
Rode VideoMic NTG Shotgun Mic:
DJI RSC-2 Gimbal:
Mavic Air Drone:
GoPro Hero 7 Black:
Music by SPENCE - Make Me Feel Good -
Music by Qveen Herby - SADE IN THE 90s -
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Want to learn how to wake foil? As you progress you may want to do a hydrofoil wave transfer from left to right, prepare yourself for surf foiling, or simply get the most out of your wake foil purchase. Heel side wake foil riding is a critical component AND you'll find that practice foilboarding heel side improves your cutbacks on your toe side wake foiling as well! This video will walk you through step-by-step how to wake foil on your heel side and make the most of your boat's wake.
Featured in this video is a Slingshot wake foil board on a 46cm mast with the Infinity Hover glide 84cm with a 48cm tail foil behind a Mastercraft X23. Regardless of foil size or if you're on Armstrong Foils, GoFoils, Naish foils, the technique is the same.
Please follow us on Instagram @halflifet.5 and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Thank you so much for watching. We look forward to your comments and questions.
#hydrofoilsurfing #wakesurfing #wakefoil #loyaltothefoil
If you enjoyed this video you may also enjoy:
How to Wake Foil playlist:
How to Wake Surf:
Jet Ski Wake Foil:
Wake Foil (2020):
Wake Foil and Wake Surf Product Reviews:
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What Wetsuit Should I Buy? | Learn How To Surf In 30 Minutes - Episode 3
Quiksilver 4/3 Highline Zipfree heren is een topper onder de wetsuits. Zonder rits en super flexibel. More info: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Name - The Onda Zipflex 4/3mm Fullsuit
FREE NEXT DAY UK Mainland delivery
Thickness - 4/3mm
Seams - Glued and Blindstitched (internal Liquid Seal)
Zip - YKK Slant Chest Zip
Neoprene - Premium Super Stretch with Thermal Chest Panel
Warranty - 1 year workmanship and materials
Onda wetsuits can be found here : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор сапборда Bradex Geosurf 10’8 прогулочный SF 0803.
A quick look at the Fidlock 800ml Bottle
Get yours here -
PDF Size Template -
0:00 Intro
0:11 Overview
1:09 Comparison with other bottles
1:39 Dimensions
1:55 Template
2:13 Colours
2:18 Mud Caps
2:25 Versions
2:51 On a bike
3:15 Summary
3:24 Outro
#fidlock #fidlock800 #fidlockbottle
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See why Clint loves fishing in Texas and what he loves about the sport from a kayak. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ian reviews the Vissla High Seas wetsuit range:
High-performance, lightweight and unparalleled flexibility.
A step up from the 7 Seas wetsuit, the High Seas is the most high-performance wetsuit engineered to be lightweight and flexible without sacrificing warmth. Chest zip and no zip entry minimize bulk while maximizing the suits elasticity and water-tight capabilities.
Shop all Vissla Wetsuits:
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Store away your wetsuit after a long day at the surf in the Huck Wettie Bucket Bag!
Collapsible wetsuit bucket.
Clip-on shoulder strap.
Hook-and-loop closure.
Exterior mesh pocket.
Flat bottom.
Brand markings throughout.
100% polyestser.
Spot clean.
Bottom Width: 15 1⁄2 in
Depth: 15 1⁄2 in
Height: 13 3⁄4 in
Strap Length: 57 in
Strap Drop: 22 1⁄2 in
Weight: 3 lbs 4 oz
This product may have a manufacturer's warranty. Please visit the manufacturer's website or contact us at warranty@ for full manufacturer warranty details.
If you're not fully satisfied with your purchase, you are welcome to return any unworn and unwashed items with tags intact and original packaging included.
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The Waikiki Beach Shoe is a lightweight beach shoe, perfect for taking on holiday or on your next snorkelling trip. The Sub Gear shoes are made with a durable neoprene material which is incredibly comfortable to wear, gives mild protection and is also very long lasting. The sole on the Waikiki shoe is non-slip with a grippy surface so if you are walking around a poolside or any slippery surface it reduces the chance of slipping over. On the top of the Sub Gear shoe is a mesh fabric which allows great ventilation to inside the shoe and also allows it to dry out much faster. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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