Голографічний приціл Vortex Razor UH-1 Gen II, на відміну від коліматорного, показує прицільну марку завжди точно в тому місці, куди націлена зброя, навіть якщо око не перебуває строго на осі прицілу. Таким чином, голографічні приціли забезпечують ще простішу, швидшу і точнішу стрільбу, ніж коліматорні.
Особливості моделі:
- Діаметр прицільної точки - 1МОА.
- Повне багатошарове противідблискове покриття XR™ Plus на кожній поверхні лінзи забезпечує яскравіше зображення й оптимальне світлопропускання.
- 15 регулювань рівня яскравості.
- Кнопка NV переводить підсвічування в режим роботи з системою нічного бачення. Цей режим має 8 рівнів яскравості.
- Відсутність паралакса: всі коліматорні та голографічні приціли мають невеликий паралакс. Відповідно до існуючої практики, цей невеликий паралакс вважається "відсутністю паралакса" і незначною мірою впливає на характеристики UH-1.
- Ударостійка конструкція витримує віддачу під час стрільби та удари під час падіння. Матове анодоване покриття стійке до корозії та зносу.
- Ступінь водозахисту IPX8. Запобігання проникненню вологи, пилу та сміття всередину прицілу забезпечує його надійну роботу в будь-яких умовах.
- Надміцне, стійке до подряпин покриття ArmorTek ® захищає зовнішні лінзи від подряпин, мастила і бруду.
- Зручне та інтуїтивно зрозуміле управління.
- Технологія FHQ забезпечує скритність стрільби при слабкому освітленні і запобігає відблискам, характерним для інших голографічних прицілів.
- Інтегроване швидкознімне кріплення на планку Weaver/Picatinny.
- Автоматичне вимкнення після 14 годин бездіяльності.
First person view through the Vortex AMG UH-1 (Gen II) ‘Huey’ holographic sight and the Micro 3X magnifier.
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Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen 2 and 3X Micro Magnifier Review - The Bigger Better EOTech?
This is the EOTech sequel you were waiting for.. Another duty grade option from those guys at Vortex!
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Introducing the AMG® UH-1® Gen II Holographic Sight
The AMG® UH-1® Gen II is the solution you’ve been asking for, with an incredibly fast holographic display to conquer every close-quarters situation, now with four night-vision compatible settings and a dedicated night-vision button.
See it here:
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Hold up the new AMG® UH-1® Gen II next to the Gen I and you’ll notice the Gen II is sleeker, with a bigger rear window. (Not to mention it looks amazing.) But go beneath the surface, and you’ll see the difference between the Gen I and the Gen II is as clear as day and night.
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Sparks wasnt just nice enough to buy my Gen I UH-1. But he was So nice that he sent it back to me with this Gem. The Gen II UH-1. This thing is how the UH-1 always should of been. Its a home run IMO and a worthy upgrade for me over the Gen I.
00:00 - Reticle Overview
01:19 - Front Emitter
01:43 - Brightness Test
02:34 - 30-400y (With Magnifier)
04:02 - Laundry Room
06:33 - 50y
07:25 - Magnified
08:06 - Parallax test
08:46 - Dumpster Ambiance
10:00 - Final Thoughts
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My thoughts on the Vortex UH-1 Gen 2.
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Forging a new paradigm in holographic weapon sight technology, the incredible features of the Razor® AMG™ UH-1™ are matched only by its tough, tenacious performance. Click here for more details:
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Vortex Optics AMG UH-1 Gen II Holographic Sight details
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Mount Type Picatinny Magnification 1x Dot Color Bright Red Dot Size 1 MOA Eye Relief Unlimited Adjustment Graduation 1/2 MOA Travel Per Rotation 16.5 MOA Max Elevation Adjustment 100 MOA Max Windage Adjustment 100 MOA Parallax Setting Parallax Free Length 3.6 inches Weight 11.8 oz
Увеличение: 1 x
Удаление выходного зрачка: неограничено
Прицельная марка: точка, 1 MOA, 15 уровней яркости
Элемент питания: батарея CR123A (в комплекте), также возможно использование аккумулятора LFP123A
Шаг поправок: 1/2 MOA за клик, 16.5 MOA за оборот
Диапазон ввода поправок: 100 MOA
Отстройка параллакса: параллакс отсутствует
Длина: 89 мм
Вес: 335 г
Голографический прицел Vortex Razor AMG UH-1 (RZR-AMG-3) - одна из последних разработок компании Vortex, представленная в 2017 году. Прицел использует передовые технологии компании, такие как революционная голограмма Fusion с технологией квантового управления освещением (FHQ ™). Устройство сочетает в себе великолепную надежность и энергоэффективность, давая превосходное изображение, нулевое искажение и четкую сетку.
Полное многослойное антибликовое покрытие линз для наилучшего светопропускания.
15 уровней подсветки прицельной сетки.
Автовыключение через 14 часов.
Прочный цельный корпус из алюминия.
Покрытие линз ArmorTek. Ультра прочное, устойчивое к появлению царапин покрытие защищает внешние части линз и отталкивает пыль, грязь и жир.
Ударопрочность. Жесткая конструкция рассчитана, чтобы выдержать любую отдачу от выстрелов и удары.
Удобное управление на тыльной части корпуса.
Прицел наполнен изнутри аргоном, что не позволяет линзам запотевать ни при каких погодных условиях и температурах.
Технология FHQ. Практически устраняет рассеянные излучения света для сокрытия стрелка при слабом освещении и предотвращает блики окуляра, встречающиеся в других голографических прицелах.
Встроенное быстросъемное крепление на планку Weaver/Picatinny.
Порт Micro-USB для использования с аккумулятором LFP123A.
Допускается использование батареи RCR123A, но не рекомендуется. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We do some shooting with the new Vortex UH-1 Gen 2 holographic optic, compare it to the Gen 2 UH-1 an EOTech EXPS3-0, and discuss what I think of it overall 🇺🇸
Link to pick up a UH-1:
For the EOTech EXPS3-0:
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Uh1 and UH2 are different in appearance,
The main difference is that uh1 supports USB charging, and UH2 no longer has USB, but has MOTAC(MOTAC (Motion Activated Illumination powers up when it senses motion and powers down when it does not.)
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We got the chance to see both the Vortex Holographic sight and 3x micro magnifier up close. The perfect combo!
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Choosing a red dot or holographic sight can be tough. The truth about this is one may work for you better than another. A holographic sight like the vortex huey gen 2 or AMG UH-1 Gen 2, is that you eye may see it more crisp than a traditional red dot. Vortex has many red dot options but this one is made in the USA . It may not be as cheap as others but the Vortex UH-2 Huey Gen 2 is a great USA made optic that has been pretty well proven and will give you years of service.
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We keep Tactical Considerations going in part with viewer support in the way of paid links/affiliate links. Some of the above links maybe affiliate links, which may generate me a sales commission. For example, Camera Gear I Use listed above is in association with the Amazon affiliate program and I’m an amazon associate.. " Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to mount the Vortex Optics AMG UH-1 Gen II Holographic Sight
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The AMG® UH-1® Gen II is here, giving shooters all the tools they need to own the battlefield in a package that looks as great as it runs. Take a look at this video to see what makes the next generation of the UH-1® close-quarters battle machine you’ve been waiting for.
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Kilka informacji i nasza recenzja celownika holograficznego
Karabin: Daniel Defence / NEA15
Dostawca broni:
Wyposażenie: Stronghold Group
Ciuchy: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video started off as a review of the Vortex UH1 Gen2.... but devolved into a discussion about Vortex vs Eotech and Holographic vs red dot in general. Spoiler Alert ..... There are a lot of variables, so I can't really say one is better than the other. The eotech and vortex differences are just matters of preference.... and holographic vs red dot has tradeoffs too. Which one you get depends on what tradeoffs you are willing to make. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 5 BEST Holographic Sight You can Buy Right Now [2023]
Top 5 BEST Holographic Sight You can Buy Right Now [2023]
► Links to the best holographic sight 2023 we listed in this video:
► 5. EOTECH Model 512 -
► 4. Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen II -
► 3. EOTech XPS2 -
► 2. Holosun 510C -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table of Contents:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0:00 - Intro
1:10 - EOTECH Model 512
2:45 - Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen II
3:38 - EOTech XPS2
4:59 - Holosun 510C
7:52 - Buying Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We have just revealed top 5 holographic sight 2023. At 5th place, we have EOTECH Model 512, best holographic sight for shotgun. At 4th place we have Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen II, best holographic sight for ar15. At 3rd place, we have EOTech XPS2 with excellent accuracy long range holographic sight, At 2nd place, we have Holosun 510C, the best holographic sight with long battery life. At 1st palce, we have EOTECH EXPS3 best holographic sight of 2023 that money can buy.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Hope you enjoyed my Best Holographic Sight - Top 5 Holographic Sight 2023 Video.
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Check out Laurel Optics here for all your Night Vision/NVG’s and Thermal Optics.
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Some thoughts about the Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen 2 "Huey" holographic sight.
Honestly, I am not a huge fan.
The one benefit over EOTech might be reliability (just based on my experience with EOTech vs with Vortex in the past), but the light transmission is worse and the brightness regulation on the reticle is not good.
I was planning on using this on a night vision setup, but the light transmission in IR is really bad, so I think I'll stick with Aimpoint or Trijicon red dot sights. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Intro Song: "Issa Trap" by Mikey Geiger Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EOTech EXPS3 still better than Vortex AMG UH-1 (Huey) Gen 2 (Including Night Vision)
Comparing two American made holographic sights - the EOTech EXPS3 vs. the Vortex AMG UH-1 (Huey) Gen 2. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Full review of the Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen II Holographic below...
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Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen II Holographic Sight ► Link in first comment
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Vortex Optics AMG UH-1 Gen II Holographic Sight battery install
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Vortex Optics AMG UH-1 Gen II Holographic Sight unbox
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Gear Report Theme music by Brian Crowell
/ br1ancrowell
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Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen 2 UPC: 843829113168
Let us know what you think of the Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen 2 in the comments down below!
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FocusTripps Channel:
Vortex Description:
When you rely on a tactical optic to keep you in the game, you’ve got to be ready to shine, day or night. The AMG UH-1 Gen II is the close-quarters solution you’ve been asking for, offering an incredibly fast holographic display to conquer every close-quarters situation, now with four night-vision compatible settings and a dedicated night-vision button. A large viewing window makes this door-kicker even faster, and a sleek, snag-free build looks and maneuvers great. The lightning-quick EBR-CQB reticle is designed to dominate in close, and our FHQ technology virtually eliminates stray light emissions for stealth shooting. Duty never sleeps, and the AMG UH-1 Gen II is ready to light your way.
Mount Type Weaver/Picatinny
Magnification 1x
Dot Color Bright Red
Dot Size 1 MOA
Eye Relief Unlimited
Adjustment Graduation 1/2 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 100 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 100 MOA
Parallax Setting Parallax Free
Length 3.9 inches
Weight 11.6 oz Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I take a closer look at Vortex's latest holographic optic, the AMG UH-1. The gen II brings some improvements to the table over the original Huey, but is it enough to knock the EoTech EXPS3 off its perch? Let's find out together on this magical funtime adventure.
I've got a good bit of time on this optic now, I've used it on various firearms, at different ranges and in varied conditions.
Big thanks to Dan for sending the optic to me and being patient whilst I put it through it's paces, much appreciated.
***Some of my footage for this video was slightly corrupt and has caused some lighting issues in a few of the clips***
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The firearms in this video are legal to own and operate in the UK and comply with all UK firearm legislation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Holographic Sight 2024 [don’t buy one before watching this]
Best Holographic Sight 2024 [don’t buy one before watching this]
► Links to the best holographic sight 2024 we listed in this video:
► 5. Burris Fastfire III -
► 4. EOTech XPS2 -
► 2. Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen II -
► 1. EOTech HWS EXPS3 -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Stuck picturing colossal optic tubes and endless battery changes? Time to step into the future! Today's best holographic sight boasts a sleeker design, power-packed performance, and unparalleled reliability. Gone are the days of weekly battery swaps, as modern best holographic sights have mastered energy efficiency.
While the charm of traditional iron sights remains timeless, turning a blind eye to the evolution of the best holographic sights in recent decades would be a missed shot. These sights not only enhance your aiming game but ensure those targets aren't missed. Dive into the realm of the best holographic sight technology and elevate your shooting prowess.
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Hope you enjoyed my Best Holographic Sight 2024 Video.
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Стоит ли брать копию ЕоТесh с АлиЭкспресс для ОХОТЫ?
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[Review] VTEX RAZOR AMG UH-1 GEN.2 Leuchtpunktvisier/Reddot mit Micro3X Magnifier aus China - DE
Moin! Heute habe ich das UH-1 GEN.1 + GEN.2 aus China für euch im Video. (Klon von Vortex Razor AMG UH-1)
#reaperas #airsoft #reddot
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First person view through the Vortex AMG UH-1 (Gen II) holographic sight and the Vortex Micro 6X magnifier.
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又到了我最喜歡的真假大對決,每次做這系列都可以感受到復刻技術的進步,今天的主角是Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen2,V家的東西真的是被抄爛了,那就讓我們看看復刻能不能追上真品吧,最後感謝借我這兩顆瞄具的Morris跟Meng,喜歡我的影片可以按讚支持,謝謝 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The UH-1(Huey) ( ) holographic sight from Vortex has received some improvements. The biggest change to note on the Vortex Huey is the night vision capability. In addition Vortex has decreased the weight and increased the field of view.
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Vortex UH-1 Huey, the EOTech killer? (Lower priced holo sight)
Vortex UH-1 Holographic Weapon Sight
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Just a little feedback on these two great holographic sights.
And also I have a small correction to make the Eotech that is featured in this vid is actually the EXPS3 not the EXPS2, I accidentally grabbed the wrong one....
Vortex UH1 -
Eotech EXPS2 -
TK swag -
Specs on the Vortex UH1
Mount Type - Picatinny
Magnification - 1x
Dot Color - Bright Red
Dot Size - 1 MOA
Eye Relief - Unlimited
Adjustment Graduation - 1/2 MOA
Travel Per Rotation - 16.5 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment - 100 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment - 100 MOA
Parallax Setting - Parallax Free
Length - 3.6 inches
Weight - 11.8 oz
Specs on the Eotech EXPS3
Night vision compatible
3.8” x 2.3” x 2.9”
11.2 oz
Water Resistant:
Submersible to 33 ft.
1” Weaver or MIL-STD-1913 rail
20 daylight settings
10 additional settings for Gen I through III+ night vision devices
Power Source:
One 123 lithium battery
Battery Life:
600 continuous hours at nominal setting 12 at room temp. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex UH1 gen2, why I picked it over Eotech and why I think it’s better!#review #comparison
This is a personal opinion as to why I picked the UH1 gen 2 over the Eotech and why I think you get more than what you pay for.
Disclaimer. This was purchased with my own money and not provided by anyone or company.
#opinion #mount #vortex #eotech #preparedness #better #review Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is Vortex Optics Razor AMG UH-1 Good for AIRSOFT? (HONEST REVIEW)
Is Vortex Optics Razor AMG UH-1 Good for AIRSOFT? Well I am going to show it in use, show it in action, and how it fits with diffrent protection setups like dye mask and mesh + goggles.
@VortexOpticsUSA love your stuff
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All my videos are made for entertainment, and I try to create a story with the footage i am have the day.
Song BY Alec Koff
Song: Intense trailer music
By law everyone have to use facemask/mesh so in regards to headshots no one cares, since everyone is protected, so no need to write something toxic in the comments.
These are not real guns, they are AIRSOFT TOYS...
plez dont ban me im a good boii 💯
Best regards kaslab! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
After a month behind the improved Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen 2 I was finally ready to give my initial thoughts on it. See how it stacks up in an increasingly crowded red dot optic market.
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In this video we plink around with the BCA AR10 rocking the Vortex Optics Razor AMG UH-1 Holographic Sight and the brand new Micro 3X Magnifier. I really enjoy this set and would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting a sweet close-mid range set up. Link to buy Savior Guitar gun case:
Vortex UH-1 Holo:
Micro 3X Magnifier:
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Vortex UH-1 "Huey" GEN2: The Day and Night Holographic Sight
New for 2020, the Vortex UH-1 Gen2 holographic sight boasts many new features. Vortex has built upon the original UH-1, also known as the Huey, and made several improvements. Join Pat RMG as we take a detailed look at the new offering from Vortex Optics.
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#VortexOptics #Huey #Gen2
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