EKWB EK-Nucleus AIO CR240 — система водяного охолодження процесора, яка призначена для потужних систем з високим рівнем тепловіддачі.
AIO CR240 постачається з попередньо встановленою гумовою трубкою, яка має тонкі нейлонові сітчасті рукави та алюмінієві кришки, що забезпечує надзвичайну довговічність. Покращене кріплення дозволяє легко встановити та налаштувати гумовий шланг, що робить Nucleus AIO придатним навіть для найтісніших місць.
Мідна холодна пластина, яка торкається процесора IHS, виготовлена з міді для покращення характеристик теплопередачі. Вона має щільний ряд мікроребр, які збільшують площу теплообміну між мідною основою та теплоносієм, забезпечуючи неперевершене охолодження.
Вентилятори мають широкі лопаті, які здатні захопити велику кількість повітря. За одну хвилину виріб виконує від 550 до 2300 обертів. Підключається пристрій за допомогою конектора 4 Pin.
AIO EK-Nucleus постачається з універсально сумісним водяним блоком процесора, який підходить для всіх останніх процесорних роз’ємів Intel і AMD. Процес встановлення дуже простий завдяки доданому посібнику та монтажному механізму. Цей радіатор займає достатньо місця, що робить його сумісним майже з усіма сучасними корпусами.
Систему водяного охолодження EKWB EK-Nucleus AIO CR240 Dark – абсолютний гарант ефективності та надійності, який перетворить роботу вашого комп'ютера на справжнє мистецтво. Цей продукт здатний не просто забезпечити оптимальні температурні умови для вашої системи, але й зробити це із видатним стилем та технологічною вишуканістю.
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EKWB EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Lux D-RGB:
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EKWB EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Dark:
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What's in the box? Our magnificent AIO of course! With the premium Nucleus AIOs from EKWB, you can easily enhance your PC performance without having to worry about complex installations or maintenance!
Browse our EK AIO Nucleus selection:
Learn how to install our AIOs:
Check our step-by-step guides to building your first custom loop: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Красивий кулер від іменитого виробника з 360-мм радіатором, який здатний охолодити процесори з дуже гарячим норовом.
Актуальні пропозиції на продукцію EKWB у E-Katalog:
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EK-Nucleus AIO CR240 Dark - Pump Noise After Ten Months of Light Use
As per the title. The pump has become very noisy, idle temps on my Ryzen 7700x have risen significantly, and the CPU is throttling heavily under load due to temps not being correctly regulated. Strangely, the radiator is barely getting warm, suggesting the pump is struggling to shift the coolant. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Повний огляд EKWB EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Lux D-RGB -
Красивий кулер від іменитого виробника з 360-мм радіатором, який здатний охолодити процесори з дуже гарячим норовом. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Zero RGB, Max Performance - The New EK AIO Nucleus Dark
EK Water Blocks, the market leader in premium liquid cooling products for computer systems, introduces a brand-new All-In-One (AIO) zero-maintenance water cooling solution - The EK AIO Nucleus Dark 👉
Forget about RGB bling, this AIO takes performance seriously and features a superb cooling engine that has been optimized for maximum performance and silent operation. The AIO supports the latest CPUs from Intel and AMD while its rotatable pump cover ensures it will seamlessly integrate into a vast majority of PC cases on the market. Get ready to have your PC cooled down like never before!
Learn more about our premium AIOs 👉 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I tested out EKWB's Nucleus CR240 Lux, and I was thoroughly impressed by the entire package. From the form to the function, let's see why the latest AIO from the liquid cooling specialist deserves some serious consideration.
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Note: On the final graph is mislabeled as a "noise normalized test". With the fans set to 100%, the noise is noted accordingly and presented along with the CPU temps.
EKWB's new AIOs -
Nucleus CR240 Lux White:
Nucleus CR240 Dark:
Nucleus CR360 Lux White:
Nucleus CR360:
Test Components:
Case -
Board -
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Installing the EK AIO Nucleus on Intel and AMD motherboards | EK HOW TO
Are you ready to upgrade your PC with the finest AIO liquid cooling solution? Join Matic as he shows us how to mount the EK AIO Nucleus correctly, and what you should and shouldn’t do when setting up an all-in-one design. With the premium AIOs from EKWB, you can easily boost your PC performance without having to worry about complicated installations or maintenance!
Browse our EK AIO Nucleus selection:
Check our step-by-step guides to building your first custom loop:
If you liked this video, don't forget to comment, like and subscribe! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Intel Stock Cooler Vs. Ek-nucleus Aio Cr240 in Need For Speed Heat
Another interesting clip with a comparative test of two coolers. Intel Stock Cooler vs EK-Nucleus AIO CR240 Lux D-RGB, this time in Need for Speed Heat. For more similar videos, write in a message.
Ambient Room Temp - 24C
🖥 PC Specification:
► CPU: Intel Core i5-12500
► CPU Cooler: EK-Nucleus AIO CR240 Lux D-RGB
► MB: Gigabyte Z690 Gaming X
► RAM: Crucial 2x8GB DDR5 4800MHz
► SSD: Samsung 980 PCIe 3.0 NVMe M.2
► HDD: 320 GB + 1 TB + 1 TB
► VGA: Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 Ti GAMING OC D6X 8G (Stock)
► Case: Lian Li O11 AIR MINI
► PSU: Corsair RM850x (2021)
► Sound Card: Creative Sound BlasterX AE-5 Plus
► Fans: 3 x Lian Li
NVIDIA Driver version ➞
🎥 Recorded using Nvidia ShadowPlay
🎥 +0-7 fps more without recording
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📝 For additional questions, write in the comments.
► EK-Nucleus AIO CR240 Lux D-RGB
▶️ Unboxing:
▶️ Temp Tests:
Enjoy watching!
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ДЕ ІСТИНА? EKWB проти конкурентів #EKWB #Asus #СРО
Порівнюючи 360-міліметрові системи рідинного охолодження, EK Nucleus AIO CR360 виділяється своєю відмінною якістю, потужною помпою власного виробництва та вражаючим охолодженням за доступною ціною, створюючи ідеальний баланс як для робочих станцій, так і для геймерів. Його здатність відводити 360 ват тепла у довготривалому навантаженні та підтримувати процесор на частотах 5,5-5,6 гігагерц дозволяє досягати вражаючих результатів. Просте встановлення і підключення, відсутність фірмового софту та можливість інтеграції з різними материнськими платами роблять його універсальним вибором для широкого кола користувачів. На фоні цього, Lian Li Galahad II LCD 360 SL-INF вирізняється своїм стильним дизайном з ефектом бісквітного дзеркала, а також сучасним дисплеєм та контролером, хоча вимагає додаткових зусиль для підключення і складнішого налаштування. З іншого боку, NZXT Kraken Elite RGB 360 мм AIO пропонує стильний поворотний дисплей, але важко сінхронізується з іншими аплікаціями у корпусі, тоді як Asus Strix LC III 360 ARGB забезпечує класні результати по охолодженню, але за значно вищу ціну порівняно з EK Nucleus AIO CR360.
#EKWB #Asus #СРО
00:00 - Інтро
00:23 - Претенденти для порівняння
00:45 - EK Nucleus AIO CR360
02:26 - Lian Li Galahad II LCD 360
04:26 - NZXT Kraken Elite RGB 360
05:28 - ASUS ROG Strix LC III 360
06:24 - Висновок
Актуальні ціни:
NZXT Kraken Elite RGB 360
Lian Li Galahad II LCD 360 SL-INF
EK Nucleus AIO CR360
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Discover the simplicity of installing the EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Lux D-RGB on an Intel i9-14900K! This step-by-step video guide shows you how to enhance your PC cooling with ease. No talking, just clear visuals to help you through the process.
Browse our EK AIO Nucleus selection:
Learn how to install our AIOs in even more detail:
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Stay cool!
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EK-Nucleus AIO is the perfect fit for any build. 💻🧊
Upgrade your PC cooling with the EK-Nucleus AIO! Available in various sizes and your choice of black or white finishes, this all-in-one solution is designed to keep your system cool and efficient. Whether you’re looking for performance or style, EK-Nucleus AIO is the perfect fit for any build. 💻🧊
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ПРИСЛАЛИ НЕМНОГО НЕ ТО... Unboxing EKWB RGB 240 и Hard tube kit
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Upgrade your PC cooling in just six simple steps with the EK-Nucleus AIO! 🧊
🔧 From removing the stock cooler to setting up the radiator and fans, this guide makes it easy to keep your system running cool and efficient. Follow along and enjoy enhanced performance. 💻
#EKWB #AIOCooling #PCUpgrade #FastInstallation #TechMadeEasy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing the best performing 240mm AIO from EKWB: EK Nucleus CR240 Lux White
What's in the box? Our magnificent AIO of course! With the premium Nucleus AIOs from EKWB, you can easily enhance your PC performance without having to worry about complex installations or maintenance!
Browse our EK AIO Nucleus selection:
Learn how to install our AIOs:
Check our step-by-step guides to building your first custom loop: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Heck of an Cooler! But just how good are they? The EKWB Nucleus AiO.
0:00 – EK is back from the TRASH
1:03 – Price Breakdown/Comparison
2:47 – Why the Price Difference?
4:14 – Unboxing VS DeepCool
6:14 – Assembly (It’s pretty good now)
9:23 – Performance Comparison
12:01 – Overall Thoughts
12:30 – Outro
EK Nucleus AIO CR240 Lux D-RGB - - $150 - Amazon
EK Nucleus AIO CR240 Vision D-RGB - - $210 - EK
EK Nucleus AIO CR360 Lux D-RGB - - $190 - Amazon
EK Nucleus AIO CR360 Lux D-RGB - - $240 - EK
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#EKWB #Robeytech
About Robeytech:
Justin Robey (Robeytech) is gamer and tech focused streamer that hosts weekly shows dedicated to building PC's and the latest tech news! Justin, a tech-streamer and TechTuber builds custom PCs, and produces how-to-build tutorials, tech information, and tech news videos on YouTube. Robeytech, is dedicated to gamers and fans who want to hang out and talk about games and tech, plus have fun as they journey across the infinite gaming content and learn about building awesome PCs
EKWB Nucleus AiO's are Here! But how good are they?
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Perfectly Mounting Your EK Nucleus AIO! Expert Tips for Hassle-Free CPU Liquid Cooling Setup!
Follow along with Matic as he shares the secrets to correctly mounting an EK Nucleus AIO! 💡 Learn the DOs and DON'Ts of setting up an all-in-one CPU liquid cooler, hassle-free! 🚀 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор (Распаковка) системы жидкостного охлаждения компании EK AIO 240 D-RGB
Здравствуйте дорогие друзья сегодня у меня для Вас, обзор (распаковка) системы жидкостного охлаждения компании EK AIO 240 D-RGB Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EKWB EK-Nucleus AIO Direct Die with Intel i9-14900KS
If you are a regular viewer of the channel, you will have seen a series of videos from last year where we helped EKWB develop their direct die CPU block for custom loop cooling. Since then, EK has launched the world's first AIO designed for cooling delidded Intel LGA1700 CPUs. So in this video, we are taking a look at the EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Lux Direct Die cooler and finding out if it can tame the Intel Core i9-14900KS. Read more here:
We never offer affiliate links or take percentages of product sales. If we say the product is good or bad we mean it. Our Editor in chief wrote about why you should value this and how the industry is rife with fake reviews from 'influencers' - read here
00:00 Start
00:46 Hardware and Pricing
01:40 EK Nucleus AIO CR360 Direct Die
04:25 The fans
04:43 Direct Die / Pump
05:37 Accessories / mounting hardware
07:04 Intel i9 14900KS
07:20 Test hardware - info about MSI & Gigabyte boards
08:16 BIOS and benchmarks
09:48 Delidding the 14900KS
13:59 CPU is de-lidded - install time
16:36 Cable connections
16:57 Performance testing
18:08 James' thoughts
• An exclusive direct die cooling engine with a nickel plated cold plate designed specifically for Intel socket LGA1700 delidded CPUs which is the first ever AIO of its kind.
• A unique rotatable pump block top cover made from brushed aluminium featuring a skull emblem and RGB lighting ring with an alternative plain brushed aluminium cover with RGB lighting ring included in the box.
• The Included EK-Loop daisy chainable 120mm fans are equipped with digital ARGB lighting, high static pressure and PWM speed control.
• And a 360mm radiator with brushed aluminium side trim panels, reinforced sleeved rubber tubing and fittings hidden by a black aesthetic cover.
• CPU Socket Compatibility: Intel LGA1700
• Radiator Material: Aluminium
• Radiator Dimensions: 400 x 124 x 27mm
• Radiator Tube Length: 400 mm
• Pump Unit Dimensions: 82 x 63 x
• Pump Speed: 3100 RPM ± 10%
• Pump PWM Range: 20 - 100%
• Cold Plate: Nickel-plated copper
• Pump Connector: 4-pin PWM
• Pump Noise:
• Pump LED: 5V Digital (Addressable)
• VRM Fan: N/A
• Fan Dimensions: 120 x 120 x 25mm
• Fan LED: N/A
• Fan Speed (PWM): 550 - 2300 ± 10%
• Fan Max Airflow: 72 CFM (Max)
• Fan Max Air Pressure:
• Fan Noise: 36 dB (Max)
• Fan Bearing: Fluid Dynamic Bearing
• Fan Connector: 4-Pin PWM
• Warranty:
• Material – Aluminium
• Dimensions - 400 x 124 x 27mm
• Length – 400mm
• Rotary 90-degree fittings on CPU block
• Diameter – N/A
CPU Block
• Cold Plate – Nickel Plated Copper
• Pump Speed – 3100 RPM with 20 – 100% PWM range
• VRM Fan – N/A
• Speed – 500 – 2300 RPM PWM
• Airflow – 77.0 CFM
• Pressure – 2.7 mm H20
• Noise – 36dBA (Max)
• Bearing – Fluid Dynamic Bearing
• Connection – 4-pin PWM + 3-pin ARGB
Intel Test System Specification
• CPU: Intel Core i9-14900KS
• Motherboard: MSI Z790 MEG ACE MAX
• Memory: 64GB (2 x 32GB Modules) Trident Z5 RGB DDR5-6400
• Graphics card: Gigabyte RX 7900XT Gaming OC
• Storage: 500GB Crucial P3 NVMe M.2 SSD
• Power Supply: Seasonic Prime TX-1000
• Chassis: Open Test Bench
• Thermal Compound: Arctic MX-6 / Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut
• Operating System: Windows 11 Version 22H2
• Great thermal Performance on high end LGA1700 CPUs.
• Easy cooler installation.
• Excellent build quality.
• User is required to delid the CPU.
• No delid tool included.
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EK-Nucleus AIO Dark Series CR240 Dark And CR360 Dark Launched - Explained All Spec, Features & More
The EK-Nucleus AIO Dark is an all-black all-in-one liquid cooling solution for modern AMD and Intel CPUs. It comes without any RGB on the fans or the pump-block unit. Unlike the standard model, it doesn't have a shroud over the end tanks that hides the fittings on the radiator, or the aluminium shroud across the radiator. These cost-saving measures allowed EK to offer a fully performance-oriented yet budget-friendly AIO solution. These AIOs come in 240 and 360-mm sizes, sporting EK's 120 mm FPT fans. Full Pressure Technology (FPT) is a full-frame design that makes contact with the radiator, sealing it completely off without losing static air pressure. These fans feature an optimized and balanced performance-to-noise ratio on the wide operational range of the fan. Rubber corners are implemented on both sides of the fan to reduce vibration transfer to the rest of the PC. EK's Nucleus AIOs, including Nucleus Dark, offer a plethora of new features, some of which are a rotatable pump top, new fitting positions, and daisy chaining the fans. Nucleus AIOs are also ready for the next-gen Intel socket and AMD Socket AM5. The circular design was chosen for a reason - the top allows you to re-orient the badge logo regardless of the cooler positioning. The orientation can be changed in 90-degree increments, so you can remove the top and turn it to position the logo correctly, depending on the position the AIO was installed on the CPU. So no matter the angle used to install the AIO cooler, it will always offer clean and aligned aesthetics. New EK-Nucleus AIO Dark comes with pre-installed and reinforced rubber tubing, featuring fine nylon mesh sleeves and aluminium covers on each tube that ensure extreme durability. Improved fitting positions allow for easy installation and adjustment of the rubber tubing, making this Nucleus AIO suitable even for the tightest of spaces. A neat toolbox with all necessary mounting screws, thermal paste, tools and stand-offs is included with this AIO. There is a special tool that allows users to screw down and tighten the stand-offs easily without hurting their fingers. This is another benefit to the user experience while mounting this AIO.
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Meet the EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Direct Die - World’s First Direct Die AIO
Introducing the EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Direct Die Cooler – the first-ever Direct Die AIO CPU cooler on the market! 🌟
Join us as we explore this cutting-edge All-in-One liquid-cooling system, specifically engineered for Direct Die cooling and designed to unleash the full power of your CPU. It's a game-changer for enthusiasts craving top-notch liquid-cooling performance without the maintenance headaches.
Our innovative AIO brings the benefits of direct die cooling to a broader audience, eliminating the need for expensive custom-loop setups. Now, achieving optimal thermal performance is more accessible and budget-friendly than ever, thanks to our latest breakthrough in liquid-cooling technology.
A massive shout-out to Der8auer, the legendary overclocker and pioneer in extreme CPU cooling, for his invaluable contributions to developing this groundbreaking AIO. Together, we've crafted a solution that pushes the boundaries of performance while ensuring reliability and ease of use.
Don't forget to smash that like button, share this video with your fellow tech enthusiasts, and hit subscribe to stay tuned for more exciting content from our channel! 🚀
Get your EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Direct Die D-RGB – 1700 👉
Get your EK-Quantum Velocity² IHS Removal Tool - 1700 👉
The SAFEST Way to Delid Your Intel 13900K CPU video tutorial👉
Do you dig our first-of-its-kind Direct Die AIO? Let us know in the comments! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First Look WHITE!!! EK Nucleus CR240 LUX RGB AIO Review
We have managed to get our hands on an early White EK Nucleus. They have listened and these are coming to retail!
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What's in the box? Our magnificent AIO of course! With the premium Nucleus AIOs from EKWB, you can easily enhance your PC performance without having to worry about complex installations or maintenance!
Browse our EK AIO Nucleus selection:
Learn how to install our AIOs:
Check our step-by-step guides to building your first custom loop: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EK EXPO Computex 2021 | New EK NUCLEUS AIO COOLERS | Highlights
EK has added a new player to the closed loop liquid cooling game – the EK-Nucleus AIO line. Two series are already available, the Vision with a customizable display lets you add your personal touch to CPU Cooling, and the Lux to light up your PC with amazing RGB aesthetics. Now is the time to go AIO! Check out our EK-Nucleus line here:
Tell us what you think! Take the EK event survey:
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EK is the global leader in developing and manufacturing custom liquid cooling loop products, expanding its portfolio to AIO coolers, plug-and-play gaming PCs, and professional workstations.
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Take a look inside the box of EK’s brand new all-black minimalistic cooler, the EK-AIO Basic 240. This all-in-one liquid cooling solution for modern AMD® and Intel® CPUs boasts a black brushed aluminum-like pump cover and two black fans. It’s performance-focused and offers all the benefits of a water-cooling solution in a compact, easy to install, and maintenance-free design. It is simple, efficient, and comes without any RGB lighting.
If you enjoyed this unboxing let us know in the comments below so we know to make more videos like that! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Пересборка Водяной Cистемы Охлаждения Компьютера от EKWB
Подлинная История Персонального Компьютера
Прошло 10 месяцев с того момента как я собрал водяную систему охлаждения для процессора от EKWB. Теперь я промою систему и заменю охлаждающую жидкость но новую...
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I will show you an unboxing of the EK-Nucleus AIO CR240 Lux D-RGB, suitable for a wide variety of sockets, including the Intel LGA 1700 field socket and the latest AMD AM5. This is the version with 2 fans 120x120x25 mm and RGB backlight.
🖥 PC Specification:
► CPU: Intel Core i5-12500 (Stock Cooler)
► MB: Gigabyte Z690 Gaming X
► RAM: Crucial 2x8GB DDR5 4800MHz
► VGA: Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 Ti GAMING OC D6X 8G (Stock)
► SSD: Samsung 980 PCIe 3.0 NVMe M.2
► HDD: 320 GB + 1 TB + 1 TB
► Sound Card: Creative Sound BlasterX AE-5 Plus
► PSU: Corsair RM850x (2021)
► Fans: 3 x Lian Li
► Case: Lian Li O11 AIR MINI
NVIDIA Driver version ➞
🎥 Recorded using Nvidia ShadowPlay
🎥 +0-7 fps more without recording
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Enjoy watching.
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Today James checks out the latest AIO cooler from EKWB. There's a few different models available, but how does the 360mm version stack up against the competition? Read more in the written review here:
00:00 Intro
00:41 The basics - what is it?
02:02 Unboxing and packaging
03:55 The hardware itself
04:53 Radiator + pump unit
06:29 RGB lighting
07:03 The fans
07:55 Test setup + installation
10:57 More RGB effects
12:29 Thermal performance
14:14 Closing thoughts
Technical Specifications:
• Radiator Dimensions: 400 x 124 x 27 mm
• Radiator Material: Aluminum
• Pump Unit Dimensions: 82.3 x 69.2 x 61.6 mm
• Pump Unit Material: ABS housing, ABS top ring
• Pump Speed Range: 3100 RPM ± 10%
• Pump PWM Range: 20 - 100%
• Pump RGB Type: 5V Digital (Addressable)
• Pinout: 5V, D, Empty, Ground Pump RGB Cable Length: 500 mm
• Fan Speed Range: 550 - 2300 ± 10%
• Fan Noise Level: 36 dB (at maximum speed)
• Fan Air Flow: 72 CFM = 122,33 m³/h (at maximum speed)
• Fan RGB Type: 5V Digital (Addressable) Pinout: 5V, D, Empty, Ground
• Tubing Material: Ultra-Low Evaporation Rubber with Nylon Braided Sleeve
• Tubing Length: 400 mm
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В этом видео мы покажем сборку игрового ПК с системой жидкостного охлаждения (часто называют Система Водяного Охлаждения или СВО).
Данная сборка выполнена с использованием жестких акриловых трубок и гибких шлангов.
Необходимость в гибких шлангах возникла в связи с тем, что радиатор располагается на "откидной крышке".
Компоненты СВО (EKWB):
Помпа - EK-XTOP DDC 3.2 PWM Elite - Plexi
Радиатор - EK-CoolStream Classic SE 240
Водоблок для CPU - EK-Velocity RGB - Nickel + Plexi
Резервуар - EK-Quantum Volume FLT 120 D-RGB - Plexi
Охлаждающая жидкость - EK-CryoFuel Acid Green
Фитинги, филтр, кран
Низкопрофильные Noctua NF-A12
Блок питания - Be-Quiet SFX-L 600W
Материнская плата - ASUS Rog STRIX Z390-I
CPU - Intel Core i7 9700k 8 Cores
RAM - DDR4 32Gb 4000 MHz
SSD - 1 Tb Samsung 970 Evo plus
Видеокарта - Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 1080 Ti KFA2 11Gb Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Монтаж купольной части наружной защитной оболочки на первом энергоблоке АЭС «Руппур»
Источник: Росатом
Научный портал "Атомная энергия 2.0"
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When creating liquid cooling EKWB EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Lux D-RGB, the manufacturer from Slovenia successfully combined high performance and spectacular design. Despite the generally familiar design, the cooler received several features. The most striking of these is the lighting of the fans and the waterblock, which can be synchronized with motherboards from any of the four main manufacturers. There are also decorative aluminum inserts, a plastic casing in the area where the tubes connect to the radiator, and the upper magnetic panel of the water block can be rotated for the correct location of the emblem. In addition, the fans are connected in series with short wires, which adds aesthetics to the assembly.
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Flash back to the golden age with the EK-AIO Elite Aurum. This all-in-one liquid cooling solution features a dazzling gold nickel finish on the diamond-cut rotary fittings and pump cover. But it is more than just a pretty face with 6 EK-Vadar high-performance fans and an upgraded pump. Not to mention, its dynamic addressable RGB lighting and clean cable management with the EK-Hub.
Interested in bringing home the gold? Get yours here.
Check out more that EK has to offer!
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EK-Nucleus AiO CR240 Lux D-RGB And CR360 Lux D-RGB All-in-one CPU Cooler - Explained All Details
EK, the leading computer cooling solutions provider, is expanding its AIO portfolio with a white version of the award-winning EK-Nucleus AIO Lux D-RGB all-in-one CPU cooler. The white EK-Nucleus AIO is available in two versions - 240 mm and 360 mm. It delivers high levels of configurability, performance, and attention to detail to a closed-loop AIO while achieving wide compatibility for both legacy and upcoming sockets. Several unique approaches allowed EK to refine the AIO's aesthetics and the simplicity of installation. After the EK-Nucleus AIO Lux as the core of the lineup, EK launched the Dark version aimed at those looking for a more optimized price-to-performance ratio. But, with EK constantly pushing the boundaries, they also built a white version of the Nucleus AIO Lux, as white is the second most popular color in PC building. The Nucleus Series AIO products are ready for the next-gen Intel socket and offer an abundance of new features, including a rotatable pump top and improved fitting positioning. The White Lux series AIOs are made specifically for customers searching for a white AIO to light up their PC with the help of RGB lighting. The EK-Nucleus AIO Lux features D-RGB LED in both the fans and the pump unit. The fan-like D-RGB lighting effect around the pump top is a great addition for all who search for that perfect RGB AIO aesthetics. The Lux AIOs also feature a white radiator cover to make the entire side with the fans flash and dazzle. The EK-Nucleus AIO Lux D-RGB - White products are available for order in two sizes: 240 mm and 360 mm. The circular design is not just another purely aesthetical feature, as the top allows the user to re-orient the D-RGB badge logo regardless of the direction in which the cooler is installed. The logo orientation can be rotated in 90-degree increments. So, the user can remove the top and position the logo the way they see fit, allowing them to always achieve clean and aligned aesthetics regardless of the angle at which the AIO cooler is installed. The EK-Nucleus AIO comes pre-installed with reinforced and sleeved rubber tubing, now featuring finer threads, each fitted with an aluminium cover to ensure ultra-durability. Improved fitting positioning allows for easy installation and adjustment of the rubber tubing, making the new EK-Nucleus AIO suitable even for the tightest of spaces. A radiator cover has been added to enhance the overall aesthetics of this CPU cooler and more clearly showcase its clean lines and sleek design. EK also updated the rubber tubing, which now features fine nylon mesh sleeves.
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EK Sets New Standard With Next-Level AIOs | Which One Is Right For You?
Are you ready for the best AIO experience? The EK AIO Nucleus is here to take your PC customization and performance to the next level. An all-in-one (AIO) cooling system offers all the benefits of water cooling without the hassle of complex installation and maintenance. Plus, if you want to up your style game, it also comes with optional addressable RGB lightning. Reviews have already called it the best AIO for 2023, so if you want to raise your PC setup to its highest potential, you know what to do! 😉
Get your EK AIO Nucleus 👉
Which EK Nucleus AIO would fit best into your PC? Let us know in the comments! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EKWB AIO 240 D-RGB Liquid Cooling on 10600K @ 5.1GHz:
Got an EKWB AIO kit for my 10600K for testing recently.
Did an unboxing vid to share.
10600k @ (all core).
So far has been stable.
Pretty cool AIO kit.
Worth getting. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Огляд процесорної РСО ID-COOLING SPACE LCD SL240 WHITE: Краса і практичність
Двосекційна РСО в «зимовому» окрасі з підтримкою усіх актуальних платформ, досить комфортними шумовими показниками та 2,1” LCD дисплеєм.
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Переглянути пропозиції на продукцію ID-COOLING у E-Katalog:
Повний текстовий огляд РСО ID-COOLING SPACE LCD SL240 WHITE:
Також пропонуємо подивитися огляди:
- Процесорна РСО EKWB EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Lux D-RGB
- Ігрова гарнітура XTRIKE ME GH-712
- БЖ Seasonic SSP-600JT та Seasonic SSP-600JS на 600W
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6:32 Тестування
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EKWB EK-AIO 240/360 Review - an AIO with custom loop DNA!
Most people will know EKWB for its extensive custom watercooling hardware. The company recently developed an AIO, too - and today James looks at both the 240mm and 360mm versions. Has EKWB got what it takes to make a splash in the closed-loop cooler market? read more here:
00:00 start
00:13 introduction
01:16 so what are the main features?
02:37 there’s no 280mm version
03:04 unboxing the EKWB AIO
04:19 there’s no proprietary hardware needed!
05:29 looking at the cooler itself
07:10 installation hardware
08:22 the installation process
11:45 thermal performance
12:59 acoustic performance
13:22 wrapping up!
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Heute dreht sich alles um die EKWB EK-AIO Basic 240.
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Система рідинного охолодження для ПК - Огляд DeepCool Castle 240 RGB V2.
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See how to fill the system for the first time.
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Dissipador para CPU @EKWBofficial AOI 240 D-RGB [Unboxing ASMR] [1/5]
O EK AIO 240 D-RGB é a versão para duas ventoinhas do novo dissipador líquido tudo em um para processador da EKWB. Além dum visual muito cuidado e profissional, estão reunidas as condições para uma refrigeração fantástica do teu novo sistema (com muiiitooo estilo). Hoje podes ficar a conhecê-lo num relaxado unboxing este produto!
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Amostra cedida por: EKWB
Editado com:
AOC U3277PWQU + Philips Brilliance 241B
Razer Deathadder Elite + Razer Mouse Bungee
Blitzwolf BW-KB1
Processador AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
Placa-mãe Gigabyte X570 Aorus Elite
Placa gráfica Gigabyte RX Gaming 570 8GB
Memória Corsair DDR4 32GB RGB (2x 16GB)
Fonte NZXT E850
Samsung NVMe 970 EVO Plus
Toshiba X300 5TB
Thermaltake S500 TG
Como seguir:
Skype: modaafoca Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EK-XLC Predator 240 is next-generation, premium grade pre-filled and pre-assembled all-in-one (AIO) CPU liquid cooling unit.
CPU Water Block Installation Guides:
- Socket LGA-115x:
- Socket LGA-2011(-3):
- Socket LGA-2011(-3) - hole-less motherboards: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
YSTech Full Review:
EKWB 240 Install Tutorial (DannysTechChannel):
Intro: 0:00
Unboxing: 0:05
Preparing my PC: 4:08
Checking for clearance: 5:37
Fan install on the radiator: 6:24
Installing CPU Mounting Bracker: 6:56
Installing radiator into PC: 8:05
Installing AIO Waterblock: 8:36
Final Thoughts and Tips
Temperatures: 10:53
RGB Demonstration: 13:08
Outro: 14:40
So sit back Relax and Have a GREAT day!
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Огляд системи водяного охолодження be quiet! Light Loop 240 - Тихо і яскраво!
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- актуальні ціни на be quiet! Light Loop 240 mm
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Please watch: "The Ultimate GOKU Gaming PC – Time Lapse Build"
Hey guys i hope you liked the video
Big Shoutout to Ek-Waterblocks for sending this beautiful AIO !!!
Here is the link =
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