Версія офіційного м'яча Євроліги із інноваційним дизайном. Двоколірна композитна оболонка використовується для кращого захвату. Додатково було створено конструкцію широких каналів для кращого відведення води. М'яч призначений для гри у приміщенні та на вулиці.
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Krótka charakterystyka piłki do koszykówki Spalding TF-500, w porównaniu do jej starszego modelu z 2012 roku. Piłka do kosza dostępna w sklepie Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Most polluted city in Europe, and in my opinion even the beating city of the Far East. Taki syf jest na Kampusie w Rybniku, w jednym z najczyściejszych terenów miasta... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Spalding Excel TF-500 indoor/outdoor basketball is a newly designed and constructed version of the previous TF-500 basketball. Featuring a softer material and carcass with moisture management, the Excel TF-500 provides the same level or durability as its predecessor. Experience superior grip with the ball's sponge-backing and tacky feel due to the premium composite cover designed to feel like real leather. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The hunger for glory brings True Believers together. Good luck to the Final Four in Berlin on their quest to becoming Euroleague Basketball Champions.
Friday, May 13, 2016:
CSKA Moscow vs. Lokomotiv Kuban 18:00 CET
Fenerbahce vs Laboral Kutxa 21:00 CET
Third Place Game
Sunday, May 15th, 2016:
Loser SF1 vs Loser SF2 17:00 CET
Championship Game
Sunday, May 15th, 2016:
Winner SF1 vs. Winner SF2 20:00 CET Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Баскетбольный Мяч Spalding - Баскетбол - мобильная сьемка
Моя видео работа на мобильный телефон iPhone .
Видео для КОНКУРСА в соц.сетях с розыгрышем мяча Spalding)
П.С.: Это Видео - не про умения, навыки мальчика!) Оценивать только моё творчество, а именно создание ролика. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spalding Dunk of the Night: Dunston powers it home!
Bryant Dunston takes off and powers the slam home
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational activities, led by the One Team program, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. On the academic side, the EB Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.
About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program , supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of "community integration" that actively addresses targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly more than 23,000 participants through its various team projects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spalding TF Basketballs: Made For the Game ft. Damian Lillard
Spalding TF performance basketballs are built with exclusive materials so you can plan your best anytime, anywhere.
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Shop in the Spalding App: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🏀 Как выбрать баскетбольный мяч? Какой мяч нужен для игры на улице, а какой нужен для игры в спортивном зале? Что выбрать начинающему баскетболисту? На рынке столько компаний: Spalding, Nike, Wilson, Mikasa, Molten, Adidas, Reebok, какую выбрать?
В этом видео мы постарались разобраться в этих вопросах.
Хороший мяч и все для баскетбола можно купить в интернет-мгазине Slam City, ссылка на сайт
Челлендж "Забить сверху через 60 дней"
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Настольная игра Баскетбол ReTechno/ Футбаскет 36330930
Ссылка на товар
Новый подход к настольным играм!
Забивай мяч в корзину, получай очки, обыграй соперника! Это настольная игра на двоих сочетает в себе элементы баскетбола и футбола. Уникальность игры состоит в том, чтобы захватить мяч с пола и не уронить его перед броском. А также разнообразие вариантов игры. **Варианты игры:** 1. Победителем игры станет тот, кто первый наберет 5 очков. Забитый оранжевый мяч стоит 1 очко, золотой - 2 очка. 2. Воспользуйтесь таймером (идёт в комплекте). И соревнуйтесь кто больше наберёт очков за определённое время. 3. Альтернативный вариант игры - оставьте на поле всего один мяч и соревнуйтесь с соперником в меткости! Во время игры происходит развитие мелкой моторики. Улучшается координация, сноровка и быстрота реакции. Способствует приобретению тактического мышления. Для управления фигурками и заброса мячей в корзину, двигайте рычаги и поворачивайте ручки управления. В игре могут принимать участие 1 или 2 игрока. Рекомендуемый возраст от 6-ти лет. Перед игрой требуется небольшая сборка. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spalding Dunk of the Night: Hunter throws it down!
Nick Weiler-Babb connects with Othello Hunter for an alley-oop dunk!
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational activities, led by the One Team program, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. On the academic side, the EB Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.
About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program , supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of "community integration" that actively addresses targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly more than 23,000 participants through its various team projects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kam Taylor goes all the way for a slam!
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational activities, led by the One Team program, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. On the academic side, the EB Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.
About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program , supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of "community integration" that actively addresses targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly more than 23,000 participants through its various team projects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spalding Dunk of the Night: Kam Taylor detonates the dunk!
Cory Higgins misses the three-pointer but Rolands Smits hammers home the putback dunk.
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational activities, led by the One Team program, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. On the academic side, the EB Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.
About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program , supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of "community integration" that actively addresses targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly more than 23,000 participants through its various team projects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Just a quick unboxing/first impression of the Spalding TF 1000 legacy Euroleague Official Game Ball.
If you want to purchase any good basketballs please use my Amazon store page. I only have good basketballs that I owned, tested, and would re-purchase. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spalding TF-1000 Legacy Turkish Airlines Euroleague Game Ball
В этом ролике, совместно с профессиональным игроком в баскетбол Виктором Павленко рассказываем вам о 14 баскетбольных мячах для зала и улицы. Разбираем их сильные и слабые стороны, даём советы по покупке.
!!! Внимание! Конкурс!!! Любой желающий может выиграть фирменный баскетбольный мяч Spalding TF-33 Redbull Half Court от Виктора. Для этого требуется лишь поставить этому ролику лайк, написать в комментариях "хочу мяч" и быть подписанным на наши каналы: (канал Виктора) и krossovkinet. На канале должны быть видны подписки!
Итоги подведём через пару недель.
Виктор Павленко благодарит за помощь при съёмках баскетбольный центр Playground:
🤝 По вопросам сотрудничества: webmaster@
Не забудьте глянуть эти ролики:
👀 Как выбрать баскетбольный мяч 1 часть:
👀 Как избавиться от вони в обуви:
Содержание видео:
00:00 Как выбрать мяч для баскетбола
01:07 Jogel Streets Legend
02:22 Jogel Streets MVP
03:17 Jogel JB-900
04:23 Molten BG 3200
05:23 Molten BG 4000/ 4500
06:20 Spalding TF-33 Redbull Half Court
07:28 Mikasa Big Shoot
08:14 Wilson Evo NXT
09:40 Spalding All Star
11:08 Виктор Павленко о Spalding TF-33 Redbull Half Court
11:54 Wilson Fiba 3x3
12:35 Molten Fiba 3x3
13:27 Puma Basketball Top
13:51 Nike Elite Championship
14:14 Wilson WNBA
14:52 Wilson Evo NXT
15:40 Конкурс (выиграть мяч на халяву)
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👇 Обзоры баскетбольных кроссовок:
🎼 Музыка из ролика: Anno Domini Beats
Всем привет, меня зовут Дмитрий Титов. Я являюсь баскетболистом-любителем с 30 летним стажем. А также владельцем сайта - первого в рунете ресурса, занимающегося полноценными обзорами баскетбольных кроссовок на регулярной основе.
Сайт существует с 2004 года, но кроссовками я занимаюсь с конца 90х. За это время я протестировал немалое количество игровых моделей (несколько сотен пар) от абсолютно различных брендов, и считаю, что получил достаточно богатый опыт на данную тему. И именно этим опытом я с удовольствием и делюсь, с вами, в своих роликах.
Все свои обзоры я делаю только после полноценного тестирования кроссовок, которое длится от 6 до 10 полноценных двух часовых тренировок. Оцениваю кроссовки по таким критериям, как амортизация, тракция, носкость, устойчивость, фиксация стопы, вес, чувство корта и пр.
Моя антропометрия, если угодно. Рост: 178 см, вес 75 кг, размер стопы: US 9 (27 см).
Также снимаю видосы на другие баскетбольные и около баскетбольные темы (барыги с авито, рейтинги, аналитика, топы, тренировки, кроссовки игроков NBA, баскетбол с видом от первого лица, уход за спортивной обувью, делаю переводы популярных роликов с других каналов и т.п.).
Если вам такое интересно, здорово!
#krossovkinet #мяч #баскетбол Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Guduric launches it and Vesely flies very high to sink it right before halftime!
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational activities, led by the One Team program, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. On the academic side, the EB Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.
About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program , supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of "community integration" that actively addresses targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly more than 23,000 participants through its various team projects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Othello Hunter takes the dish from Vladimir Lucic and throws down an alley-oop slam with authority
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational activities, led by the One Team program, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. On the academic side, the EB Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.
About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program , supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of "community integration" that actively addresses targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly more than 23,000 participants through its various team projects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Visión 360 grados de este reconocido modelo de pelota de baloncesto de Spalding TF-500, un clásico en balones para indoor-outdoor con el diseño de la Liga Endesa (ACB) para la temporada 2020-2021.
Foto realizada en #BasketspiritMadrid
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There's only 1 Ball for the Euroleague Final Four 2015 - Spalding
* Как правильно выбрать мяч, чтобы он оказался хороший, недорогой и прослужил долго?
* До какого уровня следует накачивать баскетбольный мяч, чтобы не перекачать его?
* Какие мячи подходят для улицы, а какие только для зала?
Вместе со @SmooveUkraine рассказываем о 14 различных баскетбольных мячах для зала, улицы, фристайла, а также рассматриваем смешанные варианты. Выделяем качественные и надёжные мячи для улицы от разных фирм. Даём советы по выбору, а также озвучиваем стандарты накачивания мячей для баскетбола. И кое что ещё.
👀 Вторая часть ролика о баскетбольных мячах:
👀 Обзор мяча Wilson NCAA Pure Shot:
👀 Топ 10 самых уродливых кроссовок:
🤝 По вопросам сотрудничества: webmaster@
Содержание видео:
00:00 Как выбрать мяч?
00:43 Типы мячей, история и эволюция
01:34 Как правильно накачивать мяч
02:46 Выбор мяча, важные правила эксплуатации
05:18 Уличные баскетбольные мячи
05:36 Wilson Fiba 3X3 Official
06:45 Tarmak BT 500
07:19 Tarmak R 700
08:26 Sphere Light KMO
09:00 Sphere White Marble
09:55 Nike Dominate
10:34 Jogel JB 300
11:22 Смув о коллекции и о том, как выбирать мячи
11:53 Nike Versa Tack
12:13 k1x Play Hard
12:59 Wilson Fiba 3X3 Official
13:20 Spalding X spraygroung
14:00 k1x Ultimate
15:18 Зальные мячи
для баскетбола
15:26 Spalding TF 1000
16:24 Molten BGL7X
17:00 Wilson Evolution
За терпение и помощь при съёмке, огромное спасибо @Егор Пупынин
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Всем привет, меня зовут Дмитрий Титов. Я являюсь баскетболистом-любителем с 30 летним стажем. А также владельцем сайта - первого в рунете ресурса, занимающегося полноценными обзорами баскетбольных кроссовок.
Сайт существует с 2004 года, но кроссовками я занимаюсь с конца 90х. За это время я протестировал немалое количество игровых моделей (несколько сотен пар) от абсолютно различных брендов, и считаю, что получил достаточно богатый опыт на данную тему. И именно этим опытом я с удовольствием и делюсь, с вами, в своих роликах.
Также снимаю видосы на другие баскетбольные и около баскетбольные темы (рейтинги, аналитика, топы, тренировки, кроссовки игроков NBA, баскетбол с видом от первого лица, уход за спортивной обувью, переводы популярных роликов с других каналов и т.п.).
Если вам это такое интересно, здорово!
#баскетбол #krossovkinet #smoove Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pelota Spalding TF-500 Liga Endesa. Módelo temporada 2020-2021
Буду сравнивать самый дешевый мяч с довольно дорогим Вилсоном. Были бы возможности, купил бы самый дорогой мяч, вот это было бы более эпичное сравнение.
С момента съемки до публикации, прошло пару месяцев. Дешевым мячиком играл уже не один день. Пока не подкачивал, держит отлично, в отличии от демикса.
Я правда искал к чему придраться, но особенно ничего такого не нашел. Можно играть и никаких проблем. То до чего докапался, все в видео, но это такие мелочи, если вспомнить какая у него цена.
Прикол в том, что я увидел мячик по цене 1кг муки и решил снять некий стёб, что мол посмотри какая шляпа этот китайский мусор, но то что получилось в итоге, меня просто вынесло. Да уже после того как я его принес домой и надул, уже было ясно, что выглядит он вполне прилично. До этого я видел мячи в фикспрайсе, рублей по 200 и это было что-то ужасное на вид, но тут -- нет.
И да, я не профессионал, просто хотел снять видео и описал свои ощущения. Если тебе есть, что сказать, то оставь комментарий. Обсудим. Интересно мнение настоящих баскетболистов.
Ну и конечно, этот видос, может стать хорошим поводом снять что-то своё по данной теме.
Оставь ссылку, будет интересно посмотреть твой вариант сравнения.
Спасибо за просмотр.
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David Lighty to Kostas Antetokounmpo for a huge dunk in traffic - wow!
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational activities, led by the One Team program, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. On the academic side, the EB Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.
About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program , supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of "community integration" that actively addresses targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly more than 23,000 participants through its various team projects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The new and improved PU composite material has a much softer feel and smoother grip. There is aded tack covering so whether you are indoors or outdoors, this new material will help give you better control of the ball and soft feel and the soft feel is great for passing. The improved durability of the PU synthetic can also be attributed to being more biodegradable than previous PVC materials and better for the environment.
About this item
In Box contents : 1 Basketball | Color : Brick | Size : 7|
League Certification: NBA | Suitable For: All Conditions | Ideal For Training/Match
Material: Rubber | Core/Bladder Material: Synthetic Rubber | Construction Type: Moulded | Waterproof: Yes
Exclusive tinting and Colour infused Technology
Full Ball Pebbling, Best Feel and Grip Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spalding Dunk of the Night: Antetokounmpo's huge dunk in traffic !
Полный обзор самых популярных баскетбольных мячей SPALDING,WILSON,MOLTEN,MIKASA,NIKE,ADIDAS,TARMAK Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing and Review||Spalding NBA Rebound Rubber Basketball(Color:Brick,Size:7)#amazon
Jordan Mickey silences Baskonia's crowd with a big dunk in traffic!
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational activities, led by the One Team program, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. On the academic side, the EB Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.
About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program , supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of "community integration" that actively addresses targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly more than 23,000 participants through its various team projects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jehive Floyd makes up for missing three by Nedovic with a monster put-back dunk!
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages and organizes the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational programs. Its ground-breaking corporate social responsibility program One Team features all EB clubs that have already made a difference in the lives of over 22,000 participants. Its Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New TF-1000 Basketballs by Spalding - TF-1000 Legacy & TF-1000 Precision
Great turnaournd low-post move by Mickey, who throws it down!
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Euroleague Basketball (EB) is a global leader in the sports and entertainment business, devoted to running the top European competitions of professional basketball clubs under a unique and innovative organizational model. Owned and administered by some of the most successful and historic clubs in the world, EB manages the continent’s two premier men’s basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and the 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the sport’s premier under-18 showcase, the EB Adidas Next Generation Tournament.
The EB competitions bring the elite of European basketball to all five continents and to the entire sports community through the OTT platform EuroLeague TV. EB also organizes a series of community and educational activities, led by the One Team program, in alignment with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. On the academic side, the EB Sports Business MBA trains future professionals in sports management.
About One Team
One Team, Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program , supported by Turkish Airlines as the One Team Founding Patron and with the collaboration of Special Olympics as Proud Partner, uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. With an innovative model of interconnectedness across an entire continent, Euroleague Basketball and its clubs have developed a complete CSR program that brings together activities from each team in an integrated, impactful way, working under the theme of "community integration" that actively addresses targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. Each participating club develops a specific One Team project tailored to its own community needs to benefit groups in danger of exclusion due to problems such as substance abuse and gender, physical or intellectual disability. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team program has reached already directly and indirectly more than 23,000 participants through its various team projects. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spalding Dunk of the Night: What a dunk for Jehive Floyd! | Turkish Airlines EuroLeague
Spalding balls are at the heart of the EuroLeague Final Four again
Euroleague Basketball's long-time partner Spalding, world's largest basketball equipment supplier, returns to the 2018 Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Final Four as the official game ball and backstop pro... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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About Euroleague Basketball
A global leader in sports management, Euroleague Basketball develops and organizes elite competitions, sporting events, corporate social responsibility programs and educational initiatives. Founded in 2000 under a breakthrough private organizational model for European professional team sports, Euroleague Basketball manages the continent's two premier men's basketball competitions, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and 7DAYS EuroCup, as well the sport's premier under-18 showcase, the EUROLEAGUE BASKETBALL ADIDAS NEXT GENERATION TOURNAMENT. Both the men's and junior European champions are crowned each spring at world basketball’s signature weekend event, the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Final Four. For aspirants to careers in sports management, the Euroleague Basketball Institute offers the expertise of industry leaders through seminars, clinics, summits and a certified master's degree program. Most recently, Euroleague Basketball launched the ground-breaking corporate social responsibility program One Team which unites all of its clubs and uses basketball to achieve real social impact in our communities. Since its founding in 2012, the One Team programme has reached already directly and indirectly 14000 participants through its various team projects.
Find more details about Euroleague Basketball at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spalding balls are at the heart of the EuroLeague Final Four again
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Visit us in - Global views on Basketball with a European perception - Everything you need to know about Euroleague, Eurocup and the top European domestic leagues Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Balón oficial de la Euroliga, modelo Spalding TF-1000 Legacy. Uso exclusivo indoor. Talla 7.
Nuevo diseño temporada 2017-2018
Balón de microfibra de piel Composite ZK exclusiva con gestión de humedad avanzada para un mejor agarre.
Diseño mejorado de surcos profundos.
Uso interior.
Talla 7.
Puedes encontrar cientos de balones de baloncesto en
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Powered by Tu tienda de baloncesto Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Visit us in - Global views on Basketball with a European perception - Everything you need to know about Euroleague, Eurocup and the top European domestic leagues Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Balón oficial Euroliga 2017-2017. Spalding TF-1000 Legacy
Sasha Kaun welcomes you to the Euroleague Community on V-Kontakte:
Join us, share this video and you might win an Official Spalding game ball signed by all the players of CSKA Moscow. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
No net is safe. It could be because of the deep channels that offer great grip or the light color that makes it stand out. Either way, this basketball is a shooter's dream. Backed with recycled material, the ball has a soft feel out of the box. It's made for the top high school and college athletes in the country, with an Eco-Grip™ composite cover that's built for the hardwood and born for the net. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Join the Euroleague Basketball Community on V-Kontakte
Visit us in - Global views on Basketball with a European perception - Everything you need to know about Euroleague, Eurocup and the top European domestic leagues Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Turkish Airlines EuroLeague, Regular Season Round 25: 5 Things to Know
Visit us in - Global views on Basketball with a European perception - Everything you need to know about Euroleague, Eurocup and the top European domestic leagues Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Как правильно накачать баскетбольный мяч?
Не забывайте ПОДПИСЫВАТЬСЯ на канал BcDream, ставить ЛАЙКИ и КОММЕНТИРОВАТЬ видео.
Как ухаживать за ниппелем мяча
Как найти дырку в мяче
Топ 5 Баскетбольных Мячей
Что делать если на мяче появилась шишка?
Как заклеить баскетбольный мяч?
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Как накачать баскетбольный мяч?
Как накачать мяч? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Is the Spalding TF-1000 series making a strong comeback? it might be after reviewing this Legacy basketball.
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