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Використано найновіші і якісні матеріали і передові технології. Силіконізоване тент, блискавки YKK, фурнітура Nexus. Інноваційним рішенням для збільшення компактності та мінімізації ваги стало використання дрібної сітки замість нейлонового полотна у внутрішньому наметі.
В этом ролике мы разберём несколько "подводных камней", которые есть в палатках пирамидах.
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Desert Fox - дешевая палатка с Aliexpress для простых походов
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Всем привет, дорогие зрители! Вы на канале Archeoclub и сегодня у нас будет обзор и сборка палатки с Aliexpress Deser Fox. Мы поговорим про особенности этой палатки, качество материалов и для каких походов подойдет данная модель. Приятного просмотра!
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Палатка Desert Fox из Китая. Разумный вариант за НЕ ДОРОГО
Приобрел себе палатку с Алиэкспресс и остался очень доволен: хорошее качество, приемлемая цена. Посмотрите все плюсы и минусы.
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Ссылки на палатки:
Naturehike Mongar 2 -
Blackdeer Archeos -
Air 1 Si Tramp -
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Палатка из Китая, может ли быть идеальной за $40? Конечно же нет! Но этот вариант палатки
очень пытается быть достойным на фоне своих конкурентов в этом ценовом сегменте.
На обзоре двухместная палатка Desert Fox. Со ледующими характеристиками:
- Двухслойная
- алюминиевые дуги
- Материалы палатки пилиестр 210T
- Влагозащита тента 2000мм
- Влагозащита дна палатки 3000мм
- Размер палатки 190х140х105см + 40см тамбур
- Упаковочный размер 45смх16см
- Вес 2.2кг
- Цена 40$
- Внутренняя палатка
- Наружный тент
- Алюминиевые дуги (диаметр 8мм) - 2шт
- Колышки - 11шт
- Оттяжки 1.6м - 4шт Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сегодня поговорим о классных вещах из Китая и о бюджетном снаряжении для походов с aliexpress.
Фонари которыми пользовался:
Nitecore NU25 -
NEXTORCH 760 Lumen -
Палатки которыми пользуюсь:
Naturehike Cloud Up -
Naturehike Mongar -
Tent tramp Rock 3 -
Tramp tent cloud Si -
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Наш лайв КАНАЛ - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Топ 3 хорошие недорогие палатки из Спортмастера, которые точно стоит купить
Всем привет, сегодня я расскажу про топ 3 хорошие недорогие палатки из Спортмастера, которые точно стоит купить. Все палатки из этого обзора были испытаны лично мной и моими знакомыми в условиях походов и поездок на рок-фестивали, мы рассмотрим достаточно легкие и компактные 2х и 3хместные модели для пеших походов и велопробегов.
#ПалаткаСпортмастер #ХорошаяПалатка #ОбзорПалатокOutventure
При создании ролика были использованы фрагменты из этого видео:
Палатка Outventure Dome 2 за 1790р
Мой ролик Как выбрать лучшую палатку для туризма
Мой ролик Как получить максимальную скидку и сэкономить в Спортмастере в 2021 году
Моя статья Как заработать 8900 бонусов в Спортмастере
Мой канал на Яндекс-Дзен Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом видео я расскажу о своём виденье на покупку не дорогих палаток для летних походов и путешествий на велосипеде..
1 Вариант Палатка Trek JUNGLE CAMP Dome 2
2 Вариант Палатка 2-местная Outventure Monodome 2
3 Вариант Палатка Totem Tepee 2 (V2)
4 Вариант
Палатка 2-местная Totem Trek 2 (V2)
5 Вариант Tramp палатка Cloud 3Si
. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Організація біваку в горах. Ставимо намет за 10 хвилин. Огляд намету Trimm Duo
Локація зйомок - Чорногірський хребет, підхід з боку с/б Заросляк. Зліва хребти Малих і Великих Кізлів
Підтримати канал: 4149 6054 6652 7470 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DIANA ANKUDINOVA (Диана Анкудинова) Wicked Game (Age 15 yo)
I have re-uploaded this video in higher quality both in video and sound, you will find it here:
I urge you to listen to that one instead.
Diana sang "Wicked Game" as her second performance on the Super season of the vocal contest for disadvantaged children who have spent some significant part of their childhood without parental care named "You are Super" (Ты супер!).
Date: May 12, 2019
On this competition 3 green buttons mean you qualify to the next round, Diana never got less than all 4 buttons in all of her performances during the contest.
I will try to upload all her videos that are blocked right now.
Sorry about the quality, I do not know much about editing software so ill try to do my best.
This video is not monetized you don't have to subscribe, I am just trying to bring back her performances from the "you are super" competition, the quality will not be great but I hope it will be ok until they unblock NTV.
This is Diana's personal channel on You tube please subscribe to her.
Diana Ankudinova
#DianaAnkudinova #Диана Анкудинова #Wickedgame #Youaresuper Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe!
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Лучшие палатки с Алиэкспресс | Топ-10 туристических палаток на Aliexpress
В этом видео мы покажем Вам подборку палаток с Aliexpress, которые имеют огромное количество заказов и положительных отзывов.
1) Naturehike CloudUp -
2) Lixada -
3) 3F UL Gear LanShan 2 Pro -
4) Desert & Fox S061-CZ -
5) Hui Lingyang -
6) Flytop S-T33 -
7) Hewolf 1789 -
8) BSWolf ZL031 -
9) Blackdeer BD11911105 -
10) Desert Walker -
Текстовая версия статьи -
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ПРИЗ - любой товар, который Вы сами себе выберете стоимостью до 500 рублей (с учетом доставки).
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Close encounter with an alien | Annihilation | CLIP
20 People You Won't Believe Existed Till You See Them
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Long gone are the days of emerald cities and yellow brick roads. In this dark re-imagining of the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy Gale is now an elderly woman, broken by years of paranormal entanglement with a mystical realm, which has now echoed down to her only living relative, Emily, who is being called to settle unfinished business in this terrifying world of Oz. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Гамак легкохода LAZY MOON. Недорогой, надёжный, Российский! Полный обзор и тест
В этом выпуске мы наконец поговорим про туризм, для всех любителей природы, для рыбаков, охотников, туристов и просто любителей подышать свежим воздухом!
Тема видео - ТУРИСТИЧЕСКИЙ ГАМАК, выбор гамака, стоит ли брать гамак российского производителя, из каких материалов он должен быть и многое другое.
Гамаки куплены у производителя LAZY MOON
Прямая ссылка на фабричное производство:
Lazy Moon Instagram:
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Не смотря на туристическое прошлое, хорошим и качественным гамаком я обзавелся совсем недавно. Рассматривал разные варианты и благодаря рекомендациям хороших друзей, остановил свой выбор все таки на российском производителе. Производство находится в городе Электросталь, Московской области. Профессиональное швейное оборудование, хорошие современные материалы и знание производителя о том, что именно нужно делать. Выбор пал на LAZY MOON.
Не так давно, мы бегло касались тематики выбора гамака туриста - легкохода, сегодня рассмотрим вопрос более детально. Такие гамаки, конечно подойдут не только туристам, охотникам и рыболовам, гамак - это отличный вариант отдыха в том числе и на пикнике в хорошей компании, и на семейном отдыхе и даже просто на даче.
Гамак выполнен из парашютного шелка (нейлона), прошит двойным швом, упакован в сумку из качественного материала с пластиковой молнией и специально прошитой вставкой, для того, чтобы не повредить гамак во время расстегивания/застегивания молнии.
Сегодня мы с самого утра отправляемся на природу, начнем с рыбалки, скипятим воды на туристической горелке, заварим вкусного чая. позавтракаем у воды, погуляем по лесу и после всего этого - завалимся отдыхать в гамаки "ЛЕЙЗИ МУН" - приглашаем всех присоединиться к нашему отдыху и пусть нам всем сопутствует хорошее настроение и теплая летняя погода!
Смотрите правильные обзоры и тесты ножей и туристического снаряжения на канале FORESTER!
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This is a Huntsman spider, very common in Australia and like to invade homes!
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Copyright Use Disclaimer - This video is for entertainment purposes only . Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 , allowance is made for " fair use " for purposes such as criticism , comment , news reporting ,, scholarship , and research . Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing . Non - profit , educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use . In case you feel this is disputed content , feel free to contact me at :- explainerdeep@
#movieexplainedinhindi Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
seeing wife face for first time #shorts
Please be advised that this page’s videos are intended for entertainment purposes only. The videos on this page include scripted dramas, satires, parodies, magic tricks, pre-recorded videos, and other forms of entertainment. Names, characters and incidents are often the product of the director’s imagination, so any resemblance to actual persons or actual events is purely coincidental. #Shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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I AM LEGEND 2: LAST MAN ON EARTH - Teaser Trailer (2025) Will Smith | Teaser PRO's Concept Version
▿ #IamLegend2 #IamLegend #LastManonEarth ▿
We worked on this trailer for a very long time, it was a big and difficult project. By the way, what do you think of the music in this trailer? We wrote and sang it ourselves! We hope you enjoyed our work, we will continue to do our best for you!
◖Music in video (Teaser PRO Music)◗
◖Made/Edited By TeaserPRO Team ◗
This trailer is a concept-mashup that shows my idea of what the Teaser-Trailer for "I am Legend 2: Last Man on Earth" might look like.
◅ On our channel we create а trailer mashups ▻
also known as recut trailers, involve collecting multiple pieces of film footage from one or multiple movies and editing them to create a new trailer. Trailer mashups are often created for a movie that does not exist now or to change the genre of an existing film. These are derivative works as defined by the United States Copyright Act 17 . § 101, and as such, may find protection from copyright claims under the doctrine of fair use.
The trailer mashups are not only a user generated form of digital creativity but a way to create anticipation for future releases, working in tandem with current movie trailers. Movie trailers are designed to give minimal plot detail and to create hype and anticipation. Fan made trailer mashups allow the audience to perform their own cinematic spin on current movie footage. This allows the trailer to focus on a specific actor or portion of the film. It could even change the plot or genre of the film entirely.
I Am Legend 2 is a American post-apocalyptic action thriller film loosely based on the 1954 novel of the same name by Richard Matheson. Directed by Francis Lawrence, the film stars Will Smith as US Army virologist Robert Neville.
"Warners was really, really, REALLY into coming up with something, and I just didn’t know how to do it… I saw very quickly after the movie came out, and I went ‘People came to see The Last Man on Earth. We’ve done The Last Man on Earth. He died at the end of the movie; we can’t do it again.'"
Francis continued, explaining why a prequel wouldn't have made sense either: "It just felt forced to do a prequel, and that was basically, we would have been doing Contagion. And to do something that’s a follow-up either doesn’t have him in it, or you have to do something really dumb, which is, you know, ‘Scientists have taken his DNA and reanimated him somehow!’ And that would have been really dumb, and so I just kind of bowed out."
It's been more than a decade since I Am Legend premiered in theaters and it looks like that was the last time Smith will ever be seen in the role. It's entirely possible the story gets the reboot treatment once more but it likely won't be with Smith or Lawrence involved.
I Am Legend is a 2007 American post-apocalyptic action thriller film loosely based on the 1954 novel of the same name by Richard Matheson. Directed by Francis Lawrence from a screenplay by Akiva Goldsman and Mark Protosevich,I am Legend, I am legend 2, I am legend 2 trailer, the film stars Will Smith as US Army virologist Robert Neville. It is set in New York City after a virus, which was originally created to cure cancer, has wiped out most of mankind, leaving Neville as the last human in New York, other than nocturnal mutants. Neville is immune to the virus, and he works to develop a cure while defending himself against the hostile mutants.I am legend 2 official trailer, I am legend 2 teaser trailer, I am legend 2 trailer 2, It is the third feature-film adaptation of Matheson's novel following 1964's The Last Man on Earth and 1971's The Omega Man. Warner Bros. began developing I Am Legend in 1994, and various actors and directors were attached to the project, though production was delayed due to budgetary concerns related to the script. Production began in 2006 in New York City,I am legend 2 teaser, I am legend 2 movie, I am legend 2 film, I am legend ending, filming mainly on location in the city, including a $5 million scene at the Brooklyn Bridge. I Am Legend was released on December 14, 2007, in the United States and Canada, and opened to the largest-ever box office (not adjusted for inflation) for a non-Christmas film released in the U.S. in December, I am legend alternate ending, i am legend will smith trailer, I am legend 2 movie trailer, and was the seventh-highest grossing film of 2007, earning $256 million domestically and $329 million internationally, for a total of $585 million. The film received mixed reviews from critics, with Smith's performance being singled out for praise top zombie movies, zombie movies 2022, I am legend soundtrack criticism focused on its divergences from Will Smith, Warner Bros, the novel, particularly the ending. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dragon's Dogma 2 - Do THIS Early - Sphinx Location & Best Easy ALL Riddle Solution & Reward Guide!
Dragons Dogma 2 Sphinx is INCREDIBLE & you NEED to get it right! Enjoy!
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No Soul is Safe 💀 Check out the trailer for #TheOfferingMovie — In theaters & on Digital January 13th, 2023!
In the wake of a young Jewish girl’s disappearance, the son of a Hasidic funeral director returns home with his pregnant wife in hopes of reconciling with his father. Little do they know that directly beneath them in the family morgue, an ancient evil with sinister plans for the unborn child lurks inside a mysterious corpse.
Directed by Oliver Park
Starring Nick Blood, Emily Wiseman, Paul Kaye, and Allan Corduner
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✔️Top 5: Best Tent for Desert Camping in 2021 (Tested & Reviewed) | Tent Buying Guide
👨🏻🔧Best Tent for Desert Camping #ad
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✅ 1. Kodiak Canvas 1-Person Canvas Swag Tent:
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✅ 4. Coleman Octagon 98 Full Rainfly Signature Tent:
✅ 5. Quechua Waterproof Pop Up Camping Tent:
Hey guys in this video we are going to be checking out the best product
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If you want more information and updated pricing on the product mentioned be sure to check the links in the description.
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Delve into our 'Scary Comp' series, a collection of the scariest videos that will send shivers down your spine. Welcome to Nightmare Junkie, the epicenter of the most terrifying scary videos online. Each of our compilations are carefully crafted with a journey through heart-stopping scary videos, designed to test your limits. Embrace the fear with us as we showcase back-to-back scary videos that redefine terror. For the bravest souls seeking the ultimate scare, our 'Scary Comp' is your go-to source. Subscribe for a never-ending stream of scary videos and join our community of horror! Stay SPOOKY!! Today, we're going to explore a spine-chilling topic that has fascinated and terrified people for decades - poltergeists that haunt children.
Poltergeists are said to be supernatural beings that cause mischief and disruption in the physical world. They are often associated with violent or frightening occurrences, and their presence is usually accompanied by unexplained noises, objects moving on their own, and other unsettling phenomena. When poltergeists target children, the fear and confusion can be even more intense, as the young and vulnerable are left to grapple with forces beyond their understanding. So, if you're brave enough, join us as we uncover the spooky world of poltergeists that haunt children. But be warned - this video is not for the faint of heart.
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Bloom Anew | Hanabi Revamp Concept Video | Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Hanabi dreamt about that river again. That dark, frigid river.
While fighting against her own demons, she suddenly came to know how to master the power of Higanbana, and how to become a real Scarlet Leader.
Watch the new concept video about Hanabi revamp to witness the transformation of Hanabi, and discover the design concepts behind her new skill effects!
#MobileLegendsBangBang Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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How to Change Date and Time in Automatic Watch Full Tutorial (STEP BY STEP)2018
DescriptHow To Change Date and Time in Automatic Watches full Tutorial Guide 2018 ( STEP BY STEP)
Changing date and time in automatic Watch is sometime quite tricky. If any automatic watch is not worn for quite awhile period of time, it will stop working but as soon as you wear it will start working but you need to set the time and date. if you don't know the logical sequence, how to change or set date and time it will be really annoying because your time and date will change in wrong time and gives you false time .
How to change /set up, date and time in automatic watch 2018
First of all find out the following:
watch Crown - there will be two types of crown:
1. Screw type Crown- at first you have to unscrew or bring the crown at position 1( twist antic lock wise you will hear ,fell the click or see the crown coming out when its undone).
Remember there will be 3 positions of Crown:
Position1- slightly away from watch
Position 2- middle position
Position 3- Farthest position
2. Pull out type Crown - at first gently pull out ensuring that not too much or bring the crown at position 1.
Then follow the below steps:
1. unscrew and bring the crown at position 1( if crown is screw type )
Pull out crown gently at position 1 ( if crown is normal pull out type)
2. Then pull out crown to position 3
3. Turn the crown making sure that hours and minutes hand move clock wise direction (not anti clock wise). Bring the hours hand at 4 / 5 o clock position. Bring the minutes hand at 12 o clock position which means exactly 4 o clock or 5 o clock. Reason why you are doing this is that it will not damage and also it will synchronise accurately
4. Push the crown gently in position 2. Turn the crown so that you can bring the date one day ahead ( for example today is 28 Dec , but you need to bring /set the date on 27 Dec).
5. Pull the crown all the way out or position 3. Then turn the crown so that hours and minutes hand move clock wise direction until date change ( it should be exact today's date )
6. Turn the crown and move the hours and minutes hand clockwise until exact local time
7. Once time and date is set , push the crown all the way in and tighten up your crown making sure that water can't get through.
8. All done . Now your watch will show exact time and date. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I continue my efforts in animation. This one was initially planned as a small in-between project, but turned out into many scenes showing this handsome man (and yes, it's a pity to trash out the character I spent time modelling/texturing/rigging after just 1 video). Slowly I feel more and more confident with the craft, still ignoring any courses (really, I/you should not). Character sculpted in ZBrush, Textured in SPainter, everything else is in Blender.
ILL is well and alive! We slowed down with all this crap that is still happening in the world, but we are working on it. It is just we are fully concentrated on the gameplay now and don't really want to share every bits of development. I hope I can tell/show more soon!
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Royal guards might not be the scariest guards in the world, but what makes them formidable is their devotion to their work. Many people try to make fun of these guards, but if anyone crosses a line, a royal guard won’t hesitate before taking action. So today, we’ll be investigating why you should never get on a Royal Guards' bad side.
➤Why You Shouldn't Mess With Royal Guards...
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Queens guard, queen guard, royal guard, royal guards, beefeater, mess with a beefeater, messing with royal guards, mess with queen's guard, don't mess with queens guards, what happens when you mess with the queens guards, messing with queen's guards, make way for the queen's guards, royal guard attack, royal guard fight, royal guard trolling, queen guard fight, royal guard moments, don't mess with the guard, duty soldier, Yeomen Warders, royal guard best moments, queen guard best moments, best royal guards, beefeater fights, royal guard shouting, royal guard laughing, royal guard breaking character, funny, royal guard talking, royal guard getting angry, queens guard moments! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Asta Gear Greenmountain. Лёгкая одноместная палатка с Алиэкспресс. Обзор.
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Mummy Rebirth (2019) | Full Horror Movie | John Brown | Carter | David E. Cazares
Daniela and Noe, two famed treasure hunters, are hired by a maniacal billionaire to find an ancient Egyptian city of mystical powers. Troubles arise when they uncover a sealed tomb and accidentally awake a mummy, whose sole purpose is to reset humanity to the Dark-Ages. It's a race against time as Daniela tries to stop the Mummy from wreaking havoc on the modern world.
Cast:John Brown, Carter, David E. Cazares
Director:Khu, Tristan Prince
#movie #horror #actionmovie #action #treasurehunting #mummy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Stephen King Reveals His Top Five Stephen King Stories
Which of Stephen King's stories are his personal favorites? The legendary author, whose latest book "Billy Summers" is out now, drops by the Ed Sullivan Theater and reveals his picks to Stephen Colbert. #Colbert #StephenKing #BillySummers
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The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is the premier late night talk show on CBS, airing at 11:35pm EST, streaming online via Paramount+, and delivered to the International Space Station on a USB drive taped to a weather balloon. Every night, viewers can expect: Comedy, humor, funny moments, witty interviews, celebrities, famous people, movie stars, bits, humorous celebrities doing bits, funny celebs, big group photos of every star from Hollywood, even the reclusive ones, plus also jokes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Harry looked pass Meghan but see someone else #shorts #harryandmeghan
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Woke Chick Gets TRIGGERED By Blaire White’s Halloween Costume
This is a parody about wokies being triggered by Halloween costumes! Watch the full video on @HeatherLynnOh's channel!
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the best spicy fantasy romance book i’ve ever read. #booktok #bookrecommendations #enemiestolovers #enemiestoloversbooks #favouritebook #shorts
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Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 2.9 кг, Колір - коричневий....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.3 м, Вага - 5 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - чотиримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.4 м, Вага - 5.5 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 6000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.7 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 4000 мм в ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.2 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - для піших і гірських походів, форма - півсфера, Місткість - тримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 8000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.2 м, Вага - 3.9 кг, Колір -..
Призначення - універсальні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - чотиримісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.3 м, Вага - 3.18 кг, Колір - зелений....
Призначення - ультралегкі, швидкозбірні, пляжні, форма - півсфера, Місткість - двомісні, Водостійкість тенту - 2000 мм в. ст., Висота - 1.1 м, Колір - синій....
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