Продукція компанії Dell часто характеризується з надійністю та стабільністю у роботі. Бренд асоціюється з бізнесовою технікою, яка має діловий, стриманий дизайн і забезпечує сучасних користувачів всім необхідним для роботи, навчання, відпочинку, доступом до мережі. Ноутбук є одним із найбільш популярних робочих інструментів для більшості сучасних користувачів, тому дана модель отримала найбільш збалансований вигляд і відповідну начинку.
Dell Inspiron 3583 -універсальний ноутбук, який виконаний за всіма стандартами бренду, оснащений сучасною начинкою і має все необхідне для комфортного використання. Може слугувати робочим помічником в офісі і бути центром розваг вдома.
Оснащений Full HD екраном із панеллю 15'' дюймів, тому подарує приємні відчуття від перегляду фільму. Із таким екраном буде комфортно працювати, переглядати веб-сторінки та виконувати повсякденні задачі.
Процесор Intel Core i5-8265U із ємною оперативною пам'яттю та аналогічним накопичувачем забезпечить ефективне вирішення широкого спектру задач. Завдяки накопичувачу ноутбук спроможний зберігати велику кількість даних (презентації, документи, колекції фільмів і ігор, фотографії, музику, тощо). Начинка достатньо енергофефективна, тому забезпечує пристрою хороший час автономної роботи.
Ноутбук підтримує найсучасніший стандарт Wi-Fi 802.11aс, а також має повнорозмірну зручну клавіатуру із розділеними клавішами. Вона є зручною для набору тексту, листування та безпомилкового вводу даних, а тому значно підвищить комфорт використання пристрою.
У загальному дизайні яскравих декоративних елементів немає, що робить Dell Inspiron 3583 привабливим вибором для широкого кола користувачів, які цінують міць та універсальність. Він сподобається своїм діловим виглядом, стриманістю та офіційністю.
Dell SSD Upgrade - Upgrading Dell Inspiron from HDD to SSD – Complete Guide & Tutorial
In this video, we’ll walk you through the entire process of upgrading your Dell Inspiron laptop from a traditional HDD (Hard Disk Drive) to a Solid-State Drive (SSD). This simple upgrade will significantly boost your laptop's performance, making it faster, more reliable, and extending its lifespan. If you’re tired of slow boot times, laggy performance, or noisy operation, upgrading to an SSD is the best way to breathe new life into your device.
Why Upgrade from HDD to SSD?
Before we begin, let’s quickly explore why upgrading from an HDD to an SSD is worth it.
Speed: SSDs offer faster read/write speeds, which means quicker boot times, faster file transfers, and improved overall performance compared to traditional HDDs.
Reliability: SSDs are more durable than HDDs because they have no moving parts, reducing the risk of mechanical failure.
Power Efficiency: SSDs consume less power, which improves battery life, especially on laptops.
Noise Reduction: SSDs operate silently, unlike HDDs, which can produce noise due to spinning platters.
Tools You Will Need
Before starting the upgrade, ensure you have the following tools:
SSD (Solid-State Drive): Ensure the SSD is compatible with your laptop model. Most Dell Inspiron laptops support SATA SSDs.
Screwdriver Set: A small Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the screws holding the back panel and hard drive.
External USB-to-SATA Adapter (optional for cloning): For transferring data from your old HDD to the new SSD.
Preparing for the Upgrade
Back Up Your Data: Always back up your important files before proceeding, in case something goes wrong.
Check Compatibility: Verify that the SSD is compatible with your laptop model. Most modern laptops use SATA drives.
Fully Charge Your Laptop: Make sure your laptop is fully charged to avoid any issues during the upgrade process.
Step-by-Step Guide to Upgrading Your Dell Inspiron HDD to SSD
Step 1: Power Down and Open the Laptop
Turn Off the Laptop: Shut down the laptop completely and unplug all external devices.
Remove the Battery: If your model has a removable battery, take it out.
Open the Back Panel: Use your screwdriver to remove the screws holding the back panel in place. Some models may have additional screws securing the hard drive.
Step 2: Remove the Old HDD
Locate the HDD: After removing the panel, locate the HDD, usually secured with screws or a bracket.
Disconnect the HDD: Carefully disconnect the SATA cable from the old HDD. If the HDD is secured with screws, remove them before pulling it out.
Step 3: Install the New SSD
Insert the SSD: Insert the new SSD into the same slot where the HDD was located. Align it with the SATA connector.
Secure the SSD: If necessary, screw the SSD into place.
Step 4: Reassemble the Laptop
Replace the back panel and secure it with the screws you removed earlier.
Step 5: Boot the Laptop
Power On the Laptop: Insert the battery (if removed), power on your laptop, and check if it boots up properly.
For Cloning: If you cloned your HDD onto the SSD, your laptop should boot from the new SSD. If you didn’t clone the drive, you’ll need to reinstall the operating system.
Post-Upgrade: Optimizing Your SSD
Once your SSD is installed and your laptop is up and running, there are a few optimizations to consider:
Trim the SSD: TRIM helps maintain SSD performance over time. Windows automatically enables TRIM, but you can check using Command Prompt by typing fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify. If the result is DisableDeleteNotify = 0, TRIM is enabled.
Check SSD Health: Tools like CrystalDiskInfo or Samsung Magician can be used to check the health of your SSD and ensure it’s running optimally.
Restore Data or Reinstall Programs: If you didn’t clone the HDD, reinstall your OS and restore your data from backups.
Congratulations! You've successfully upgraded your Dell Inspiron from an HDD to an SSD. Your laptop should now boot faster, run smoother, and last longer thanks to the increased reliability of the SSD. Whether you opted for a fresh OS installation or cloned your old HDD, your device should feel like new again.
If you found this video helpful, please like, comment, and subscribe for more tutorials. If you have any questions or run into issues during your upgrade, feel free to leave a comment, and I’ll be happy to assist you.
Thank you for watching, and happy upgrading!
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В данном видео мы проведем распаковку ноутбука от компании Dell Inspiron 3583 (3583N54S1IHD_LPS)
Диагональ дисплея - 15.6", разрешение - FullHD (1920 х 1080), глянцевая, Процессор - Intel Pentium 5405U (2.3 ГГц), объем оперативной памяти - 4 ГБ, Типы внутренних накопителей - SSD, объем SSD - 128 ГБ, No ODD, Видеокарта - Intel UHD Graphics 610, LAN (RJ-45), Linux, 3 cell, кг, Silver
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Laptop DELL Inspiron 3583 kupisz tutaj:
Dobry laptop zawsze dopasuje się do potrzeby chwili. Zapewni wyrazisty dźwięk, realistyczne obrazy i szybkie przetwarzanie danych. Tak właśnie jest z laptopem DELL Inspiron 3583.
Ten model posiada procesor I5, który należy do procesorów 8 generacji i zapewnia wydajną pracę. Superszybki dysk półprzewodnikowy ma pojemność 256 GB. Cenisz sobie mobilność i łączenie różnych urządzeń? Możesz skorzystać z Dell Mobile Connect. Jest to specjalna aplikacja, która służy do obsługi smartfona za pomocą Twojego nowego notebooka DELL Inspiron 3583. Technologia Dell Cinema zapewnia lepszą jakość obrazu i dźwięku. Oglądanie filmów, zdjęć i prezentacji na takim poziomie jest prawdziwą przyjemnością. Karta graficzna Intel HD Graphics wiernie odwzoruje wszystkie barwy i kontrasty, a przejścia między kadrami będą niezwykle płynne. Laptop DELL Inspiron 3583 zawiera klawiaturę numeryczną. Jest poręczny i kompaktowy. Możesz zabrać go ze sobą w podróż, do biura, do domu lub na uczelnię.
Laptop DELL Inspiron 3583 to funkcjonalny sprzęt do pracy i rozrywki. Można wykorzystywać go w codziennej realizacji różnych zadań.
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Laptop DELL Inspiron 3583 kupisz tutaj:
Potrzebujesz laptopa, który będzie płynnie wykonywać Twoje polecenia? Model NOTEBOOK DELL INSPIRON wykorzystuje najnowsze technologie i sprawdza się w różnych okolicznościach.
Posiada wydajny procesor I3 8-mej generacji, który wspierany jest przez dysk SSD o pojemności 256 Gigabajtów. Dzięki temu może sprawnie wykonywać kilka poleceń jednocześnie. Jeśli lubisz mobilne rozwiązania, możesz skorzystać z aplikacji Dell Mobile Connect. To szansa na obsługę notebooka DELL Inspiron 3583 poprzez smartfona. Technologia Dell Cinema doskonale sprawdza się przy odtwarzaniu filmów i fotografii. Obrazy zaskakują realistyczną jakością. Karta graficzna Intel HD Graphics odwzorowuje nawet najmniejsze detale i przedstawia szeroką gamę barw i kontrastów. Dzięki matowej matrycy nie musisz przejmować się refleksami, które utrudniałyby widzenie. Wygodna klawiatura numeryczna dobrze układa się pod palcami.
Laptop NOTEBOOK DELL INSPIRON 3853 to uniwersalny sprzęt, który przydaje się w codziennej pracy i rozrywce.
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Manutenção Profissional do Notebook Dell Inspiron 3583
Na SPOTelecom, cada detalhe importa na manutenção do Dell Inspiron 3583. Nosso compromisso com a qualidade garante que seu notebook esteja sempre em ótimas condições. Assista ao vídeo para descobrir como cuidamos dos nossos equipamentos! 🛠️💻
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Оживляем СВЕЖИЙ ноут DELL inspiron 3583 / На волоске от смерти комбинированного процессора 8th.
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Видос с диагностикой:
Сейчас речь пойдет про современный аппарат от компании DELL. Клиент случайно пролил на него стакан воды. Часть жидкости успел вытереть с клавиатуры, а часть всё таки предательски проникла внутрь и натворила чудес... Ноутбук перестал выдавать картинку на экран, после чего естественно сдавался в другой сервис на диагностику, где приговорили комбинированный процессор на ядре Whiskey Lake-U к замене , то есть 8е поколение..
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In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to clean and replace the fan in your Dell Inspiron 3593 laptop. If your laptop is overheating, making strange noises, or the fan is running loudly, this tutorial will help you resolve these issues by cleaning or replacing the fan. Proper maintenance of your Dell Inspiron 3593 fan is essential to keep your laptop running smoothly and efficiently.
This process is very similar for several other Dell Inspiron models, such as Dell Inspiron 3583, Dell Inspiron 3576, Dell Inspiron 3567, and the Dell Inspiron 14 5000 Series (14-5482, 14-5490). If you're working with the Dell Inspiron 3000 Series (e.g., 15-3552, 15-3558) or Dell Inspiron 17 3000 Series models, or even the Dell Vostro 15 3000 Series (Vostro 3580, Vostro 3590), these steps will work for you as well.
In this video, we’ll take you through the process of fan cleaning and replacement in detail:
Power Off the Laptop: Always turn off your Dell Inspiron 3593 or other models and unplug it from the power source.
Remove the Back Panel: Unscrew and carefully remove the back panel to expose the fan and other internal components.
Clean the Fan: Use a soft brush or compressed air to clean dust and debris from the fan and other internal components.
Inspect the Fan: Check for signs of damage or wear. If the fan is damaged, proceed to remove it.
Remove the Old Fan: Unscrew and disconnect the old fan from the motherboard and lift it out.
Install the New Fan: Place the new fan in position, reconnect it to the motherboard, and secure it with screws.
Reassemble the Laptop: Put the back panel back on and secure it with screws.
Test the Fan: Power on the laptop and ensure the new fan is functioning correctly.
By following this fan cleaning and replacement tutorial, you can help your Dell Inspiron 3593 (or any compatible Dell model) stay cool, prevent overheating, and avoid damage to your laptop’s internal components. Fan maintenance is crucial for long-term performance and to ensure your laptop continues to work efficiently, especially if you're using resource-heavy applications or gaming.
Disclaimer: The steps and procedures shown in the videos are for educational purpose only. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Νέα σχολική χρονιά, νέο laptop! Πρόλαβε τώρα το laptop Dell Inspiron 3583 με επεξεργαστή Intel Core i7 και αυτόνομη κάρτα γραφικών 2GB, μόνο €699. Και όλα τα laptop Dell με έως και 36 δόσεις με το πλάνο δόσεων Κωτσόβολος και οι τόκοι χάρισμα!
Κωτσόβολος. Σε καλομαθαίνει.
Αφορά τον κωδικό 199704 έως 30/09 ή μέχρι εξαντλήσεως. Δόσεις & τόκοι χάρισμα για τα Laptop Dell σε καταναλωτικό δάνειο τραπέζης ΕΠΕ: 0,1608, επιτόκιο 15% βάσει κλίμακας έως 30/09.
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Reviving a 15-Year-Old Dell Inspiron Laptop with Ubuntu
Join me in this short video as I share my experience of running Ubuntu on my trusty 15-year-old Dell Inspiron laptop. Witness how this aging hardware comes to life with the power of Ubuntu, showcasing the versatility and resilience of Linux operating systems.
In this personal reflection, I discuss the motivation behind installing Ubuntu on my old laptop and the positive impact it has had on my computing activities.
Throughout the video, I share anecdotes and observations about the challenges and successes I encountered while using Ubuntu on my aged laptop. From navigating the Ubuntu ecosystem to finding alternative software solutions, you'll gain insights into the practicality of running Ubuntu on older hardware.
Join me on this nostalgic journey as I showcase the capabilities of Ubuntu on my 15-year-old Dell Inspiron, proving that age is just a number when it comes to the power of open-source operating systems. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this comprehensive guide, we will show you how to easily replace the battery in your Dell Inspiron 3593 laptop. If you're dealing with battery issues like a Dell Inspiron 3593 battery that no longer holds a charge or simply need to upgrade, this tutorial provides you with all the steps you need to complete a successful laptop battery replacement. We will cover every step, from removing the old battery to installing the new one.
This process is similar for several Dell Inspiron models, including the Dell Inspiron 3583, Dell Inspiron 3576, Dell Inspiron 3567, and Dell Inspiron 14 5000 Series (14-5482, 14-5490). You can follow these same steps for other Dell Inspiron 3000 Series (e.g., 15-3552, 15-3558) or Dell Inspiron 17 3000 Series models as well as the Dell Vostro 15 3000 Series (Vostro 3580, Vostro 3590).
The tutorial includes essential tools, safety precautions, and easy-to-follow instructions to guide you through the entire process:
Power Off the Laptop: Always begin by turning off your Dell Inspiron 3593 or any compatible model.
Remove the Back Panel: Unscrew the back panel screws to expose the battery compartment.
Disconnect the Battery: Gently disconnect the battery from the motherboard.
Remove the Old Battery: Take out the old battery by unscrewing any screws that secure it in place.
Install the New Battery: Position the new battery, secure it with screws, and reconnect it to the motherboard.
Reassemble the Laptop: Attach the back panel and secure it with screws.
Power On and Test: Turn on the laptop and confirm that the new battery is recognized and charging.
This step-by-step battery replacement guide will help you replace your Dell battery with ease, and is perfect for anyone looking for a DIY laptop repair or troubleshooting common laptop battery issues. It’s especially helpful if you need to extend your laptop’s battery life or if you’ve been facing issues with your Dell Inspiron battery. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a fresh, working battery and a fully functional laptop ready for use
Disclaimer: The steps and procedures shown in the videos are for educational purpose only. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Αποσυναρμολόγηση του laptop που παρουσιάσαμε πρόφατα (Dell Inspiron 3583) και αναβάθμιση του από 8 σε 16 GB RAM (dual channel) και εγκατάσταση δεύτερου δίσκου SSD Samsung Evo 850 500GB.
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Они смотрят за тобой👀 #dell #inspiron #новинки #ноутбук
Bem pessoal recomendo muito a instalação do SSD m2, seu equipamento vai ficar até 10x mais rápido , não tem comparação ! Espero que tenham gostado do meu vídeo . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dell Inspiron 15-3000 3583 New Laptop 2019-2020 | Dell Cheapest Laptop | UNBOXING
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I am shoaib Ansari Welcome to our YouTube channel
Balaji softech.
About this video-
Dosto aaj ki is video me hum aap ko
Dell INSPIRON 15-3000 3583 Laptop ko unboxing karenge or uske Feature and Full configuration apko batenge hum jo aap batenge vo kisi or YouTube channel nhi bataya jata hai..
Ummeed hai aapko humari video bhut pasand Ayegi.
Thank you so much.....
Full specification this Laptop Dell INSPIRON 15-3000 3583
Processor - Celrone Dual Core
Ram - 4gb Ddr4 2666mhz
Hdd - 1tb 5400rpm hard disk
Display - 15.6 HD anti glare
Graphics - Intel HD 620
Office -. Home And Student
Oparating system - Windows 10 home
1 year national warranty........
#Dell #Vostro #3590 #Inspiron3583
#LatestLaptop #DellLatestLaptop
#DellCheapestLaptop Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video will show how to replace display for Dell Inspiron 3583.
part number can be found from back of the old display to get a compatible screen.
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Dell Inspiron 3520 15.6'' Laptop Review: A Perfect Blend of Performance and Affordability | #laptop
🔥 Power & Performance at an Affordable Price! 💻
Looking for a high-performance laptop that’s perfect for work, study, and entertainment? The Dell Inspiron 3520 15.6'' Laptop is a top contender!
🔹 Intel Core i5-1135G7 | 16GB RAM | 1TB SSD – Seamless multitasking & ample storage
🔹 15.6” FHD Touchscreen | IPS Technology – Vibrant visuals & better viewing angles
🔹 Windows 11 Pro – Enhanced security & professional features
🔹 Express Charge – Up to 80% charge in 60 minutes
🔹 Lightweight (3.8 lbs) – Perfect for on-the-go professionals & students
✨ Ideal for business users, students, & casual users alike!
🎯 Get yours now on Amazon! 👉 [Affiliate Link]
📌 Share it with your friend who needs a laptop upgrade! 🖥️👇
#dellinspiron #laptopforstudents #workfromanywhere #windows11 #techdeals #bestlaptopsunder60000 #delllaptops #laptoplifestyle #amazonfinds #techsavvyhome Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I was upgrading WiFi card in laptop (along with adding another stick of 8GB RAM for Dual Channel), and I decided to do a video about it :)
Cards that I'm comparing here are Qualcomm's QCA9377 and Intel's AC 9260.
The difference between them is 1x1 vs. 2x2 (Transmiter x Receiver) configuration, and 80MHz vs. 160MHz Channel width support.
Both are "WiFi 5" devices, HOWEVER, actual speeds you will get from them are vastly different*, also Qualcomm one is annoying to work with (spoiler : @2:00).
Stock tests (QCA 9377 + 8GB RAM Single Chanel) :
1) @0:00 2,4GHz
2) @3:44 5GHz
3) @9:15 3DMark Vantage P-Score
4) @10:03 CPU-z (configuration)
5) @10:57 CPU-z (benchmark)
Upgraded tests (Intel 9260 + 16GB RAM Dual Channel) :
1) @11:45 2,4GHz (I should have tested this few times...)
2) @14:40 5GHz
3) @21:28 3DMark Vantage P-Score
4) @22:45 CPU-z (configuration)
5) @23:54 CPU-z (benchmark)
BONUS : "Best case" at the end, ie. same room as router with around 2 meters or 6 feet distance (@24:38).
Old card could do ~300Mbits bandwidth [out of 433Mbit/s], at the same spot with 4ms ping ;)
2,4GHz results :
(Old) vs.
5GHz results :
(Old) vs.
Bonus/full speed result (after upgrade) :
Before and after 3DMark Vantage comparison :
Userbench scores :
Stock :
Upgraded :
CPU-z scores :
Stock :
Upgraded :
I'm using my 1Gbps symmetric GPON internet connection for benchmark.
Router used : Netgear R7800 with Voxel's firmware (settings can be seen in video itself). Beamforming, MU-MIMO and 160MHz channel support were all enabled during tests. ISP's modem/router : Nokia G-240W-C (both WiFi networks were DISABLED on it).
Music used in video :
1) Culture Code - Fairytale (feat. Amanda Collis) [NCS Release]
2) Tobu - Hope [NCS Release] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Veja como trocar a tela do notebook dell inspiron da linha 3000, mais precisamente o inspiron 3583.
Link onde comprei a tela nova: Link para comprar tela:
Vídeo de como desconectar a bateria, faça isso antes de trocar a tela: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dell Inspiron 3593 - SSD and RAM Upgrade & Replacement | How to Upgrade Storage and Memory
In this detailed tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of upgrading and replacing both the SSD and RAM in your Dell Inspiron 3593 laptop. If your laptop is running slow, has limited storage, or you want to boost its performance, upgrading the SSD and RAM is an excellent solution. We’ll show you how to safely remove and replace the old storage and memory with newer, faster components, giving your laptop a significant performance boost.
This process is also applicable to several other Dell Inspiron models, including Dell Inspiron 3583, Dell Inspiron 3576, Dell Inspiron 3567, and Dell Inspiron 14 5000 Series (14-5482, 14-5490). Models like Dell Inspiron 3000 Series (e.g., 15-3552, 15-3558) and Dell Inspiron 17 3000 Series, as well as Dell Vostro 15 3000 Series (Vostro 3580, Vostro 3590), also follow a similar upgrade process.
In this video, we'll cover the following steps for both SSD and RAM upgrade and replacement:
SSD Upgrade & Replacement:
Power Off the Laptop: Turn off your Dell Inspiron 3593 and unplug it from any power source.
Remove the Back Panel: Unscrew and remove the back panel to access the internal components.
Locate the SSD: Identify your current SSD and disconnect it from the motherboard.
Remove the Old SSD: Unscrew and carefully lift out the old SSD.
Install the New SSD: Place the new SSD in the same slot, secure it with screws, and reconnect it to the motherboard.
Reassemble the Laptop: Once the SSD is installed, reattach the back panel and secure it with screws.
RAM Upgrade & Replacement:
Locate the RAM Slots: Find the RAM slots next to the SSD. If necessary, remove the existing RAM by gently releasing the clips on both sides.
Install the New RAM: Insert the new RAM sticks into the slots at a 45-degree angle, then press down until they click into place.
Reassemble the Laptop: Once the new RAM is installed, close the laptop back panel and secure it with screws.
Final Testing:
Power On the Laptop: Turn on your Dell Inspiron 3593 and verify that both the SSD and RAM upgrades are recognized by the system.
Check Performance: You should notice faster boot times, improved multitasking capabilities, and an overall performance boost.
By following this SSD and RAM upgrade tutorial, you’ll be able to enhance your laptop’s performance for faster load times, improved multitasking, and increased storage capacity. Whether you are working with demanding software or simply need more space, upgrading your Dell Inspiron 3593 (or similar models) will significantly improve your experience.
Disclaimer: The steps and procedures shown in the videos are for educational purpose only. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to replace the Memory in your Dell Inspiron 3583
How to replace the Memory in your Dell Inspiron 3583. In this video, we will demonstrate how to remove and replace the Memory in your Dell Inspiron 3583. For more information visit:
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A Macro Micro está sediada em Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais
Somos especializados em manutenção de Computadores e Notebooks.
Abaixo alguns modelos de Ssd para este modelo de notebook:
- Ssd Wd Green Sn350 - 250 Gb
- Ssd Wd Green Sn350 - 480 Gb
- Ssd Wd Green Sn350 - 1 Tb
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New Dell inspiron 3520 I5 12gen #dell_inspiron 2022
In this video I do a thermal paste job on a 2024 Dell Inspiron 15 15.6" touch screen laptop that I purchased for my mom. It seemed to be running hot. So I ran Cinebench R20 on it and it thermally throttled at 100 degrees Celsius. So I decided to do a thermal paste job on it, afterwards I ran the same Cinebench test and the temps dropped to 88 degrees Celsius which is a huge improvement. I think it was such a drastic improvement because the paste was completely dried out.
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Ноутбук Dell Inspiron 3583 (3583Fi54H1HD-WBK). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17