Автономний 8-портовий інтелектуальний комутатор NETGEAR Smart GS108T Gigabit Ethernet з 1 портом PD надає потужні функції Layer 2 / Layer 2+ / Layer 3 Lite, поліпшену функційність PoE, а також підвищену продуктивність і зручність використання.
Форм-фактор Моделі комутаторів серії S350 з 8 портами мають невеликі «настільні» форм-фактори, які не займають багато місця. Він має слот для замка Кенсінгтона для фізичного захисту комутатора на відкритому просторі. Ця модель також безвентиляторна й ідеально підходить для чутливого до шуму середовища.
Порт PD, живлення від PoE або змінного струму GS108T підтримує стандарт 802.3af для живлення через Ethernet (PoE). Він може отримувати живлення від джерела PoE або від зовнішнього адаптера змінного струму. Це дає SMB гнучкість під час встановлення комутатора в місцях, де немає розетки.
Динамічне призначення VLAN IP-телефони й ПК можуть автентифікуватися на одному й тому самому порту, але відповідно до різних політик призначення VLAN. Користувачі можуть вільно переміщатися й користуватися одним і тим самим рівнем доступу до мережі незалежно від їхнього фізичного розташування в мережі.
Статична маршрутизація Простий спосіб забезпечити сегментацію мережі з внутрішньою маршрутизацією через комутатор — зарезервувати маршрутизатор тільки для зовнішньої маршрутизації трафіку, що зробить усю мережу ефективнішою.
Детальні характеристики:
Кількість портів
Gigabit Ethernet
Середовище передачі даних
100BASE-TX / 1000Base-T: неекранована вита пара категорій 5
Распаковка коммутатора NetGear GS108PE-300EUS и рассмотрение основных функций
Куплен в интернет-магазине ОНЛАЙН ТРЕЙД.РУ
Заказ №8289632
Коммутатор известного проверенного бренда NetGear линейки ProSAFE для офиса и производства.
Проверяем комплектацию коммутатора, рассматриваем основные его функции: VLAN, Gigabit, PoE, тестор кабеля Ethernet Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Primer video del trabajo Switch Netgear GS108T.
TecnoKursaal es el canal de Youtube del Grupo de 2º Ciclo Grado Medio de Sistemas Microinformáticas y Redes del IES Kursaal de Algeciras.
- Rafael Ruiz Ruiz
- Francisco Daniel García Martín Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here I show how to quickly setup mirroring on a GS108e along with some Pro's and Cons Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amplia tu red local con el Switch NETGEAR GS305 y GS308 en menos de 5 minutos
➡️ Switch 5 puertos:
➡️ Versión Plus:
➡️ Switch 8 puertos:
➡️ Versión Plus:
🔥 OJO 🔥
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Сетевой коммутатор: что это, как подключить, для чего нужен в квартире такой свитч
👉 *Коммутаторы в каталоге DNS: *
В этом видео поговорим о сетевом коммутаторе. Расскажем что это за устройство и как работает. Выясним, нужны ли коммутаторы в квартирах, а если нужны — то какие? Есть ли смысл брать топовые модели или же это больше нужно профессионалам? Чем отличается неуправляемый коммутатор от управляемого, должно ли там быть PoE, не проще ли поставить второй роутер — разберемся в этом видео.
00:00 Сетевой коммутатор, он же свитч — что это такое
00:23 Зачем нужен сетевой коммутатор
01:29 Какие коммутаторы бывают
02:56 Как установить и подключить коммутатор
03:38 Выводы
В главных ролях: Totolink S808, Mercusys MS105G, TP-Link LS1008, D-Link DES-1008P Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I will show you two ways of connecting to Netgear Smart Switch Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing the GS108T and GS110TP Smart Managed Pro Switches by NETGEAR
Learn more about the Smart Managed Pro Switch Series by NETGEAR Business:
The new generation of Smart Managed Pro Switches have arrived, delivering upgraded performance and NETGEAR Insight Cloud management capability to the best-selling 8-port switches.
The GS108T and GS110TP are optimized for network efficiency, operational cost savings, and ease of management. The GS110TP adds power-over-ethernet capability with eight PoE ports and two dedicated SFP ports. Get worry-free network management with NETGEAR Insight, the easiest way to set up new NETGEAR 8-port Smart Managed Pro Switches. Remotely manage and troubleshoot your network from any device, anywhere, anytime.
Be sure to subscribe for more videos! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
👉 =nosim?tag=16w9h-20
Switch Ethernet NETGEAR GS108E 8 Ports sur Amazon (lien d'affiliation)
Veuillez vous abonner à notre chaîne et nous soutenir ! Votre soutien nous aide à poursuivre ce projet.
Le switch Ethernet NETGEAR GS108E est doté de huit ports Gigabit, offrant une connectivité rapide et efficace pour les petites et moyennes entreprises.
Son installation est simplifiée grâce à la fonctionnalité Plug-and-Play, ne nécessitant ni logiciel ni configuration complexe.
La conception en métal robuste permet au switch d'être monté sur un bureau ou fixé au mur, offrant flexibilité et durabilité.
Avec une garantie matérielle à vie et un service de remplacement rapide, NETGEAR assure une tranquillité d'esprit inégalée.
Ce modèle respecte la norme écoénergétique , contribuant à réduire la consommation d'énergie tout en maintenant des performances élevées.
Son fonctionnement silencieux est particulièrement adapté aux environnements où le bruit doit être minimisé. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Коммутатор и маршрутизатор: в чем разница? #коммутатор #маршрутизатор
Коммутаторы и маршрутизаторы являются ключевыми элементами современных сетей, но многие люди путают их функции и возможности. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Netgear Switch Configuration step by step | Netgear GS308T 8 Port Gigabit Managed | VLAN | TRUNK
How Create VLAN in a NetGear Switch (GS 108PE). Netgear Smart Managed Switch
(Amazon Affiliate Link)
In this video I explain how to create VLANs in a NetGear PoE switch. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Do YouTube shorts need a capital S? #thathobbytechtips #shorts
Do they even need a hashtag? Lets find out. I am making 3 shorts to test this out. One with a hashtag capital S. One with a hashtag lowercase s. One with no hashtag. What will happen?
In this #short about the Netgear 300 switch series GS305 I used a lowercase #s to see what happens.
I used the Netgear powered switch to split my ethernet connection between my laptop and my TV.
On wifi I was getting 68 mbps download and with the Netgear switch I am getting 96 mbps download on both devices.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
Get yours today at Amazon!
netgear gs305
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Короткое и простое видео о том как работает коммутатор и какие они бывают. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review - NETGEAR 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switch (GS308E)
👉 - NETGEAR 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switch (GS308E) - Desktop or Wall Mount, Home Network Hub, Office Ethernet Splitter, Silent Operation
**NETGEAR 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switch (GS308E) - Desktop or Wall Mount**
Elevate your home or office network with the NETGEAR 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switch (GS308E). This versatile network hub provides a high-speed, reliable connection for multiple devices, making it ideal for both professional and personal use.
**Key Features:**
- **8 Gigabit Ethernet Ports**: With 8 gigabit ports, the GS308E enables seamless connectivity for all your wired devices, including computers, printers, and smart home gadgets. Enjoy lightning-fast data transfer rates of up to 1 Gbps per port.
- **Versatile Mounting Options**: Designed for convenience, this switch can be easily set up on a desktop or wall-mounted to fit your space and organizational needs.
- **Smart Managed Features**: Enhance your network with features like VLAN support, traffic prioritization, and port monitoring, allowing for greater control and optimization.
- **Silent Operation**: No need to worry about distracting noise—this switch operates silently, making it perfect for quiet home offices, libraries, or any workspace where peace is paramount.
- **Plug-and-Play Convenience**: Instantly connect your devices without the hassle of complicated setups. This user-friendly switch is ideal for those who want a quick and reliable network solution.
Upgrade your network infrastructure with the NETGEAR 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switch (GS308E). Whether you're streaming media, gaming, or managing office tasks, this powerful hub meets all your connectivity needs. Experience the difference today with NETGEAR's trusted technology!
**Keywords**: NETGEAR switch, 8-port Ethernet switch, Gigabit Ethernet, network hub, office networking, home network, silent switch, unmanaged Ethernet switch, GS308E.
(As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Маршрутизатор. Коммутатор. Хаб. Что это и в чем разница?
🔥Наш большой курс по сетевым технологиям | Пройди бесплатный вводный урок!
Что такое маршрутизатор / роутер? Как работает коммутатор? Зачем нужен хаб или концентратор?
В очередном видео отвечаем на эти вопросы и "на пальцах" рассказываем о технологиях и девайсах.
Keep calm and Merion ❤️
Креатив и анимация:
#Роутер #Коммутатор #Хаб #Концентратор #СетевыеОсновы Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Netgear GS108T Switch part 1
0:00 - Intro
0:16 - Plug the switch in. Connect computer to port one. Configure the IP address of computer.
2:33 - Logging into the Switch for the first time.
3:48 - System - Management - System Information. (System Name, Location, Contact)
4:40 - System CPU status, Total Memory, Available Memory, CPU threshold settings.
5:22 - IP Configuration (DNS or Static) - Static Setup - Management VLAN
6:20 - Change Network IP so we can access the switch by the new IP address
8:18 - IPv6 configuration - For my networks I just disable this protocol
8:40 - IPv6 Network Neighbor settings
8:50 - Time Configuration, SNTP Configuration, and Daylight Savings
10:42 - Auto DoS configuration and Denial of Service Configuration
11:18 - DNS Configuration and DNS Host Configuration
12:40 - Green Ethernet Configuration (This can make you lose access to Switch) BE CAREFUL with THESE SETTINGS
13:54 - Day light saving time revisited
14:54 - Device View - Graphical Representation of the Switch and Ports
15:14 - SNMP V1/V2 - Community Configuration - SNMPv3
15:57 - LLDP settings - Link Layer Discovery Protocol (OverView) - LLDP Port Settings
18:50 - DHCP Snooping Configuration, interface configuration, Binding, Persistent, and Statistics
20:47 - Switching (Ports, Port Configuration, Frame Size, Flow Control, Speed, Duplex)
22:00 - Switching (Link Aggregation, LAG Configuration, LAG Membership, Advanced Settings)
25:25 - VLAN settings, VLAN Configuration, and Advanced settings
33:17 - Auto-VoIP
33:41 - STP Settings Overview and Advanced settings
As you can see this is a pretty flexible and powerful Switch. For 40 to 60 dollars this is a perfect Managed Switch for Small businesses. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review and setup on Netgear GS108Tv3 Switch @TipsToFix
In this video I will show you how to setup port mirroring on a NetGear GS105E. This device can then be place in-line between the network and a computer, so that the packets going to and from the computer can be captured using a tool like Wireshark.
Link to GS105E on Amazon: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tech Tips: How to Log In to the NETGEAR M4300 Switch Using the Web GUI
Learn more about the NETGEAR M4300 Managed Switches:
Learn how to log in to an M4300 switch through the web GUI, out of the box. In this video, we'll cover the main possibilities for accessing the Web GUI of a brand new M4300 Switch through the Out of Band port and the In-Band ports, and with or without a DHCP server.
The NETGEAR M4300 is the world’s only 1G, 10G and 40G stackable platform designed for server and audiovisual installations, converged access layer and dependable core in SMB environments. Use the functional NETGEAR web interface (GUI) or the industry-standard command line interface (CLI) to manage the NETGEAR M4300 Managed Switches.
For instructions on how to log in the NETGEAR M4300 using the command line interface (CLI), click here:
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NETGEAR EX6120 WIFI extender set up as AP(access point)
Every time I have added a smart home component to my house they have come with another bridge that requires connecting to my network. Philips Hue Bridge, Sonos Bridge, Hive Home the list goes on and they all want to be plugged into my router which is rapidly running out of ports. The solution is a network switch like the Netgear GS108E I am reviewing, at £ it's not an expensive component but not only does it give you 8 Gigabit network ports it has some useful management functionality.
The switch is very well made with a metal case and external power supply. The great thing about the switch is you can plug a cable from your router into the switch and then you have 7 network ports to play with, there is no configuration needed just plug it in and away you go. There is no fan so it's silent, it has auto sensing ports and has a web based management interface if you want to configure any of the options.
Via the web interface you can setup multiple VLANs, so you can create separate virtual networks giving you additional security options, for example you could have your smart home devices on a separate virtual network so other devices like phones and laptops can't access them. It gives you a level of protection that you can't have when you directly connect all your devices into a home router. Other options include QoS (Quality of service) for traffic prioritisation and auto prevention of denial-of-service. From the web interface you can view the speed of devices that are connected and how much traffic is flowing through the ports.
The switch is available for £ on Amazon and here is my hands on video: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Коммутаторы в DNS:
Советуем, как правильно выбрать коммутатор и не запутаться в характеристиках. Поможем определиться с видом, уровнем и местом размещения. Расскажем, на что влияет скорость передачи данных, внутренняя пропускная способность, какие существуют порты, для чего нужна технология PoE, а также какие существуют дополнительные функции.
00:00 Введение
00:12 Вид
00:30 Уровень коммутатора
00:50 Базовая скорость передачи данных
01:07 Размещение
01:33 Конструкция
02:17 Поддержка PoE
02:56 Аппаратная часть
03:09 Функции
03:49 Заключение Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Netgear MS108UP Ultra60 Multi-Gigabit PoE++ Unmanaged Switch Review is up.
(Amazon Affiliate Link)
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. - Tip and trick on new tech hardware, also review on local tech events.
Please check out My other Youtube channels.
Please check out my other Youtube channels
NETGEAR 8 Port PoE Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switch (GS308EP) - with 8 x PoE+ @ 62W, Desktop or Wall Mount
NETGEAR 8 Port PoE Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switch (GS308EPP) - with 8 x PoE+ @ 123W, Desktop or Wall Mount
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Networking Fast Track: Modular 10G Ethernet Switch | NETGEAR Webinars for Business
Learn more about NETGEAR for Business:
Always wanted to know more about a modular 10G Ethernet switch and what it means to IT customers? Join us and we’ll dive deep in to this intricate topic.
Be sure to subscribe for more videos! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Netgear GS108PE Network Switch our favorite switch for small offices and power user offices. It has 4 ports of PoE which powers phones, cameras, access points, and other devices. With 4 ports it can power an office with 4 phones or less.
This is a smart switch that we find incredibly useful. When there are network problems, smart switches make it very easy for us to diagnose problems remotely. We can connect to the network and then ping the IP address of the switch and access the web interface on the switch.
It has a number of advanced features beyond the IP address and web interface. VLAN support means it allows the network to be segmented and data traffic can be separated from phone or video traffic. The loop detection feature allows us to quickly diagnose whether there is a loop between switches in the network which will bring your network speeds to a crawl. The switch also supports QoS for packet prioritization. This means that on a busy network your voice and video traffic can take priority over data and maintain quality.
Find out more about the Netgear GS108PE PoE Network switch on our online store at:
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From routers, switches and access points to a remote cloud-based control platform, the Total Network Solution by NETGEAR is the perfect ecosystem of devices and software to deploy, manage and monitor wired and wireless IT infrastructures.
In this short video, our Global Training Manager, Gus Marcondes will show us a brief overview of NETGEAR’s Total Network Solution.
For more, visit and follow the full certification course about our Total Network Solution and its advantages for Value Added Resellers.
#wifi #businessnetwork #networksolution #accesspoint #wirless #switches Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В чем отличие: хаб (концентратор), свич (комутатор), роутер (маршрутизатор)
Чат канала в телеграмм -
Краткий лекбез по тому, чем отличаются друг от дуга хаб, свич и комутатор.
Мой комп:
процессор Xeon E5 2689 -
память Plexhd -
мать PlexHD x79 turbo-
Блок питания AEROCOOL VX PLUS 600W
кулер AEROCOOL Verkho 4 Lite
Видео GeForce GTX 1060 6Gb
_____________________________________________ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more about Smart Managed Pro Switches by NETGEAR Business:
Configuring multiple NETGEAR switches without registering the device is never a hidden path. This video will demonstrate how to register a single NETGEAR switch in full Web GUI mode and export/import its configuration as a template to other non-registered switches.
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Introducing The NETGEAR MS108EUP PoE++ Multi-Gigabit Plus Switch. | NETGEAR Business
Introducing a new NETGEAR Ethernet switch perfect for powering and connecting WiFi 6 Access Points.
The new MS108EUP Plus switch is the ideal companion for today’s WiFi needs to achieve higher end-to-end performance and speed. With a 230W PoE budget available across 4 Ultra60 PoE++ ports and 4 PoE+ ports, you can connect multiple Access Points and other devices to your network with a single wire for connectivity AND power.
Each of the 4 Ultra60 PoE++ ports can provide up to 60 watts of power. Perfect for devices such as Wireless Access Points, LED lighting, PTZ cameras, and high-power IP speakers. Plus, with auto-adapting multispeed functionality, each of the 8 Multi-Gig ports automatically detects which speed - 1G or - is needed by the connected device and provides the optimal connection speed. NETGEAR Plus switches also enable the creation of VLANs for secure network separation in your business between admin, employees, visitors and more.
Upgrade your PoE network and get faster WiFi connectivity with the MS108EUP from NETGEAR.
For more information on the NETGEAR MS108EUP PoE++ Multi-Gigabit Plus Switch, visit:
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How to Disable a Port on the NETGEAR M4300 Managed Switch
Learn more about the NETGEAR M4300 Managed Switches:
In our next Tech Tips video, we'll show you how you to disable a port on the NETGEAR M4300 Managed Switches. Whether you're using the command line interface (CLI) or web GUI, disabling a port on the NETGEAR M4300 is as simple as just a few steps.
If you're using the command line interface, the commands are included below:
(M4300-24X24F) enable
(M4300-24X24F) #conf
(M4300-24X24F) (Config)#interface 1/0/1
(M4300-24X24F) (Interface 1/0/1)#shutdown
(M4300-24X24F) (Interface 1/0/1)#no shutdown
(M4300-24X24F) (Interface 1/0/1)#exit
(M4300-24X24F) (Config)#exit
(M4300-24X24F) #save
To save the configuration in the web GUI, hit the "Save" icon in the upper right hand corner, and your settings will be applied.
Be sure to subscribe for more videos! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I bought this used gbit switch for 100 euro. It is so cheap because its make a lot of noise! So i changed the cooling for home use.
The build was low cost because i allready had all the parts.
Music by: Graphiqs Groove
Sea Green
website graphiqsgroove:
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Learn more about Switches by NETGEAR Business:
What is a network switch? What does it do for your business, and why do you need one? Learn what a network switch does and how it can help your business become more productive.
A network switch is used in a wired network to connect devices using Ethernet cables. Switches are the foundation of a business network, facilitating communications from data to voice to video to wireless access. Although its main job is to share the same Internet connection to your connected devices, switches can regulate traffic and send the right data to the right devices. This means your business network becomes more efficient and more secure, scaling as your business grows.
NETGEAR Business offers a portfolio of network switches so you can pick one that's right for your business. Depending on your switch, you get the following NETGEAR advantages:
• Switches allow you to connect dozens of devices.
• Switches keep traffic between two devices from getting in the way of your other devices on the same network.
• Switches allow you to control who has access to various parts of the network.
• Switches allow you to monitor usage.
• Switches allow communication (within your network) that's even faster than the Internet.
• High-end switches can be tailored to your network needs with pluggable modules.
To find which NETGEAR Switch is right for you, please visit:
Be sure to subscribe for more videos! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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In this video we're going to take a look at Netgear's GS108Ev3 network switch
Netgear GS108Ev3 8-Port Gigiabit switch
It's an 8 port switch which is part of their Plus Management range
What this means is that if you want to separate your computers, and you should for Smart Home devices in particular, you'll be able to configure VLANs on this switch
Now if you buy an unmanaged switch on the other hand, you'll need to buy additional switches for each network segment
So while managed switches do cost a little bit extra upfront, they can save you money over the longer term
Energy efficient ports is another useful feature for this 1Gb switch, but what is it like to configure and is it worth considering?
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Initial Connectivity:
Other than using Netgear's discovery software, there are two options to access the switch and manage it
One is to cable the switch into your existing network and it should obtain an IP address from your DHCP server; You'll then need to find what IP has been assigned
Without DHCP, the switch will use an IP address of . So you could connect a computer to this switch and assign it's interface a static IP address of for instance
Either way you need to point your web browser to the switch's IP address and you'll see a login prompt
NOTE: The session is not encrypted because it uses HTTP, which is a security let down
There is no username to login with either. Instead the default password is password
When you first login, you'll prompted to change this password, which is a good thing as you should change it
So enter and confirm a new long and complex password then click Change Password
From then on you can manage the switch using the new password
Overall Opinion:
Because the switch is managed and supports VLANs this is certainly a network switch to consider
The security could have done with more attention though
But configuring this switch is relatively straightforward and it does offer a lot of flexibility
So it would be something suitable for a small office or home user as an entry level switch
NOTE: I am part of the Amazon affiliate program and may earn commission through Amazon website links if used. However, there is no additional cost to the buyer
00:00 Intro
00:39 Initial Setup
04:10 Managment
07:03 Maintenance
09:41 Monitoring
11:05 Multicast
12:16 VLAN Overview
12:55 Port-Based VLANs
15:52 Basic
17:46 Advanced
25:21 QoS
26:44 Rate Limit
28:35 Broadcast Filtering
30:02 Summary
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Netgear GS108Ev3 Review and Setup Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Meet the NETGEAR 8-Port Multi-Gig Switches | GS110MX & GS110EMX
Learn more about NETGEAR Switches for Business:
Introducing the NETGEAR 8-Port Ethernet Unmanaged Switch (GS110MX) and the NETGEAR 8-Port Ethernet Smart Managed Plus Switch (GS110EMX). Learn more about the benefits of Multi-Gig 5-speed technology in our short product tour.
The networking world is not black or white anymore, and devices are not just 1 Gigabit or 10 Gigabit. We now have multiple speed flavors with 2.5 Gigabit or 5 Gigabit and we need to feed or 5G devices with the speed they need.
You can find 10 GbE but it requires you to renew your current cabling infrastructure, as most existing cabling uses Cat5e which doesn’t support 10GbE. Multi-Gigabit Ethernet is now able to deliver 5GbE and 2.5 GbE speeds without upgrading the existing cabling.
As part of the Smart Managed Plus Switch product family, the new 8-port Gigabit Switch with 2 10G/Multi-Gig Uplink ports (GS110EMX) offers small businesses simpler configuration and deployment using the web browser GUI, and/or plug-and-play deployment with no configuration required.
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Netgear GS110EMX 10GbE and 1GbE Low Cost Managed Switch
A short review of the low-cost Netgear GS110EMX managed switch with 2 10GbE ports and 8 1GbE ports. This is a low-cost multi-gigabit switch that provides a good entry point into 10GbE and has full support for VLANs. In this short review, we will cover the hardware and walk through setting up the devices as well as a VLAN.
For additional information please visit the links below. These links are affiliate links and as an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.
Netgear GS110EMX:
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Ethernet Switch Upgrade - Netgear GS208 to Netgear GS108E
After nine months my Netgear GS208 8 port ethernet switch died. I was unable to get connected to the internet in my main office for a day or so because of it.
I opted for the Netgear GS108E instead. This 8 port ethernet switch offers many additional features and has metal housing instead of the plastic housing the GS208 used.
Netgear GS208 (Version 2)
Amazon USA:
Amazon UK:
Netgear GS108E (Version 3)
Amazon USA:
Amazon UK:
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Thanks guys.
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How to setup Vlans on a Netgear Switch
In this case im using the GS724T web panel. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more about Switches by NETGEAR Business:
In this video, we'll be talking about what a network switch is, how to use it, and the differences between unmanaged and managed switches. Learn what a network switch does and how it can help your home or business become more productive.
A network switch is used in a wired network to connect devices using Ethernet cables. In a home, that could mean being able to connect additional devices and benefiting from fast hardwired speeds. In a business, that could mean facilitating communications from data to voice to video to wireless access. Find out how a network switch can be beneficial to your needs and how you can easily set one up today for your home or business.
To find which NETGEAR Switch is right for you, please visit:
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Learn more about NETGEAR Switches for Business:
See the difference between 1 Gigabit switches vs. Multi-Gig switches with our speed test, where we test 5G and 10G bandwidth usage.
Is your network prepared for the future? Devices are not just 1 Gigabit, but now we need speeds up to 2.5 Gigabit, 5 Gigabit, and 10 Gigabit. Scale your network and reap the benefits of a 10G/Multi-Gigabit network with NETGEAR switches for business.
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So, in this video I'm gonna talk about how to install your ethernet switch. So, let's say I have my laptop here, and I really want to connect it to my network. So, I'll take a little ethernet cable, and plug it to the laptop; and on the other side, of course, it has to go to my router. Let's, oh no, I'm out of ports on my router. All my ports are already full, because I've connected them to all my other computers. So, what are we gonna do?
This is where the ethernet switch comes in handy. As you can see, the ethernet switch just as a bunch of ports on it. So, to connect to the network what I have to do is first, take one of the ports that are already connected to the network, and move them over to the switch. Now, the reason I'm doing that is because I need a free port on my router, so I can connect my switch to it So I'm gonna take another ethernet cable, plug that one in; and then, the other side goes to my router.
Now, it doesn't really matter where you connect the cables to, as long as the order is correct. The specific port is of no importance. So, as long as I connected the switch to the router, everything that's connected to the switch, is also connected to the router. Basically, the switch just extends the ports that are on the router.
So, now I have to just connect my laptop over to the switch, and I'm done. Everybody's online. The laptop is connected to the switch, the switch is connected to the router, and everything that's connected to both the router and the switch, is on the network. Now, this is a really good trick if you have, for example, another room in your house that has a bunch of computers in it that you wanna connect to your network, not wirelessly, but with an actual cable. This means that you only have to really run one cable over to that room, and then just hook it up to a switch that has more ports. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
некерований, настільний, Портів - 5, Fast Ethernet, Комутація - 1 Гбит/с, МАС - 2000 адрес, Робота - від 0˚ до 40˚ C, Зберігання - від -10˚ до 70˚ C, Ш - 99 мм,..
некерований, настільний, Портів - 5, Fast Ethernet, Комутація - н.д., МАС - 4000 адрес, Робота - від 0˚ до 40˚ C, Зберігання - від -40˚ до 70˚ C, Ш - 104 мм, Г ..
некерований, настільний, Портів - 5, Fast Ethernet, Комутація - 1 Гбит/с, Робота - від 0˚ до 40˚ C, Зберігання - від -40º до 60º C, Ш - 84 мм, Г - 46 мм, В - 23..
некерований, настільний, Портів - 8, Fast Ethernet, Комутація - 1.6 Гбіт/с, МАС - 1000 адрес, Робота - від 0˚ до 40˚ C, Зберігання - від -25º до 55º C, Ш - 140 ..
некерований, настільний, Портів - 16, Fast Ethernet, Комутація - 3.2 Гбіт/с, МАС - 1000 адрес, Робота - від 0˚ до 40˚ C, Зберігання - від -40˚ до 70˚ C, Ш - 200..
некерований, настільний, Портів - 5, Fast Ethernet, Комутація - 1.6 Гбіт/с, МАС - 2000 адрес, Робота - від 0˚ до 40˚ C, Ш - 140 мм, Г - 90.1 мм, В - 31.7 мм....
некерований, настільний, Портів - 8, Fast Ethernet, Комутація - н.д., МАС - 2000 адрес, Робота - від 0˚ до 40˚ C, Зберігання - від -10˚ до 70˚ C, Ш - 130 мм, Г ..
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