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Бренд HPRC виготовляється італійською компанією PlaberS.r.l, заснованою в 2006 році двома партнерами: AmabiliaS.r.l (компанія, відома завдяки виробництву різних професійних кейсів з 1982р.) і plastmeccanicaS.r.l (компанією, що працює в області литтєвого формування, утвореної в 1988р. з ряду інших компаній).
Особливості: - На 25% легше і на 25% більш міцні за інші - Температурний режим: Мінімум: -40ºC | Максимум: + 80 º c - Вага: 6.05 кг | з кубиками піни: 6.97 кг Розміри: Внутрішній розмір 482х358х218 (мм) ; Зовнішній розмір 546х423х250 (мм) ; Кришка 46х172 (мм) - Перекидні затискачі легко відкриваються і кути посилені забезпечують підвищену стійкість. - Протиковзке гумове покриття на основній дуже надійній ручці. Клапан автоматичного регулювання тиску гарантує, що усередині кейса немає підвищеного або зниженого тиску. - Завдяки двом міцним і гладко обертовим поліуретановим колесам, кейс добре і без тертя котиться. - Колеса відрізняються високою якістю, а штир з нержавіючої сталі служить віссю. - Кришка фіксується у відкритому стані, коли ви шукайте потрібне обладнання. - Відповідає міжнародним стандартам ATA 300, а так само військові стандарти захищеності (STANAG 4280, DS 81-41, IP67).
Якість приладів залежить і від того, наскільки дбайливо власники зберігають їх у неробочий час.
HPRC cases can be used for all sorts of applications and different areas: photography, industrial, military, nautical, police and many others. HPRC provide total protection to the equipment inside them against dust, water, impacts and corrosion for chemical agents.
The HPRC (High-Performance Resin Cases) Hard Case is a lightweight, waterproof, unbreakable case. It is also crush, acid and corrosion proof and meets ATA 300 specifications for transit cases. The case also meets IP67, STANAG 4280, DS 81-41 standards for vibration, temperature exposure and impact. The interior is empty allowing you to use optional foam or pack it in any configuration that meets your needs.
The hard-resin shell is virtually unbreakable, and the interior rubber O-rings keep the case air and watertight. HPRC wheeled cases have a smooth low-profile backing that houses a high-strength aluminum telescoping handle. This efficient design translates into a clean finish on the back side of the case, while the use of aluminum delivers a stiff feel for complete control between the handle and case. The hardware is all stainless steel and bolstered by reinforced corners and hinges. The case also comes with smooth-gliding wheels, soft-grip handle for carrying and an air pressure release valve. The case is sealed with double hinged latches for a firm closure that will accept an optional TSA (Transportation Security Administration) approved lock.
The case can be used to carry anything but is targeted for transporting delicate, expensive and valuable audio, photo or video equipment and accessories. HPRC cases are used by the military, nautical, police and many other factions to protect their gear from dust, dirt, water, impact and corrosion. HPRC backs the case with its lifetime replacement warranty.
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This is a lightweight, waterproof and unbreakable case which can be used to carry a range of equipment and accessories.
A HPRC Second Skin and Dividers Kit for the case is also provided. Once installed, this divider kit helps maximise available carrying space and further protects equipment or valuables for transport.
Our core offerings are streamlined DRONE supply and all the logistics involved in sustaining such an operation in multiple locations.
We have one of the biggest civilian drone repair and build centres in the world with all DJI™ accreditation allowing warranties to be maintained.
Another core offering is our Drone Training Team endorsed by the CAA UK under NQE and RAE statuses. We also offer a range of CPD courses to reinforce the safe operation of Drones in Civilian Airspace.
Drone Defence is a NEW division at ™ which has resulted in multiple installations on numerous large scale sites in the UK including CBNI sites such as Gatwick and other Airports.
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DDS Sterkekoffers demonstreert hier wat er allemaal mogelijk is met de sterke koffers van het merk HPRC, deze sterke waterdichte koffers zijn onverwoestbaar en hebben dan ook ene levenslange garantie. De koffers zijn leverbaar met verschillende vullingen zoals leeg, foam, plukfoam, bag, tas, softdeck. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HPRC cases Tutorial HPRC6300, HPRC6400, HPRC6500 video tripod kit
DDS Sterkekoffers demonstreert hier wat er allemaal mogelijk is met de sterke koffers van het merk HPRC, deze sterke waterdichte koffers zijn onverwoestbaar en hebben dan ook ene levenslange garantie. De koffers zijn leverbaar met verschillende vullingen zoals leeg, foam, plukfoam, bag, tas, softdeck. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HPRC cases Tutorial HPRC 2550W how to replace the trolley
Ed Verosky gives you his personal take on HPRC vs. Pelican cases for everyday use. Ed talks about what he likes about these cases and how they've worked for him on the punishing streets of the city.
Hi, I'm Ed Verosky. This channel is about my on-going adventures in photography, art, and life. Check out some videos, have fun, and definitely connect with me in the comments.
*Affiliate Partnerships. Many of the links I provide to 3rd-party products or services are affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you anything extra to use these links, but if you do, the seller will pay me a small referral fee. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HPRC 2700WPHA2 DJI Phantom 2 Hard Case video review (NL)
- HPRC (High Performance Resin Cases) maakt uiterst stevige kwaliteitskoffers voor allerhande doeleinden.
En zo ook voor de DJI Phantom 2, Phantom 2 Vision en Phantom 2 Vision+ quadcopters: de HPRC 2700WPHA2.
Op meerdere manieren te dragen, te gebruiken als trolley, met perfecte pasvorm en bestand tegen stof, water en harde klappen.
Vervaardigd door het Italiaanse Plaber, en nu in handen van voor een kijkje van dichtbij. We zijn benieuwd!
Met speciale dank aan Plaber srl -
is een Nederlandstalig digitaal RC-magazine, gemaakt voor fanatieke RC-hobbyisten, door fanatieke RC-hobbyisten!
#hprc #dji #djiphantom2 #phantom2 #phantom #djiphantom #drone Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Perfect for our DJI Mavic Pro Fly More Combo, the HPRC 2400 offers the perfect solution for those looking to store and transport their DJI Mavic Pro safely. Impact-resistant and watertight with a comfortable, soft-grip handle and the standard air pressure–release valve. The custom cut foam tray is capable of fitting the drone itself, with separate slots for an extra set of propellers. Alongside this you'll also find room for the Controller, Charger, Lens filters, four (4) batteries, Charging bank adapter and charging hub, with ample room for all the cables as well.
Find it here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор ударопрочных кейсов Байкал. Конструкция, размеры, сравнение с кейсом Pelican 1485 Air.
Подробные технические характеристики, наличие и стоимость кейсов смотрите на сайте Вива-Телеком:
1. Байкал ВЗ-12 -
2. Байкал ВЗ-16 -
3. Pelican 1485 Air - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The HPRC Light is a case that's perfect for the grab and go kit. This case is for small equipment, so for me it was perfect for a basic audio kit. I personally love this case to put inside my checked on luggage when traveling too. It's also really nice to just have one dedicate case for nothing but one thing, in my situation, my basic audio kit.
If you're looking for a great organizing case that will keep things safe, then look no further then HPRC Light.
Gear Mentioned
HPRC Light
Gear Used
Sony A7Sii
Rode NTG2
Zoom H5
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The HPRC Divider Kit System for Hard Resin Cases (Black with Red Interior) is made of foam covering all six interior walls with 3 self-customizable polyester plastic dividers using touch fasteners. There is a convenient large zipped pocket in the lid.
- Foam covering all six interior walls
- Three self-customizable polyester plastic dividers using touch fasteners
- Convenient large zipped pocket in the lid
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The HPRC (High-Performance Resin Cases) Interior Case (Black) is a replacement for the case supplied with an HPRC waterproof hard case. It can also be used with an HPRC empty case or as a replacement for the case with foam or dividers set.
Interior Case Basics
- Fits inside waterproof hard case
- Case has a divider kit inside
- Comfortable carrying handle
- Made in Italy
- 1000 denier Cordura nylon exterior
- Fully padded interior
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HPRC 2500
Review by mitmag - Mereu tindem sa luam cele mai performante/scumpe echipamente pentru fotografia sau videografia de nunta, dar aproape niciodata nu punem atat de mare pret si pe protectia echipamentelor cu care lucram, pentru ca de multe ori consideram ca noua nu ni se poate intampla ceva. Statisticile spun insa altceva. ;)
HPRC 2550W o geanta rigida destinata protectiei echipamentelor, pe care o recomand atat fotografilor cat si videografilor de nunta si nu numai.
Nu ezitati sa puneti intrebari legate de subiect, in caz ca aveti nelamuriri si promit ca voi raspunde cat se poate de repede. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HPRC 2300 Destruction Test / DJI Spark, Will it survive? / Heliguy
In this video, we look into the HPRC 2300 Case and how well it performs in 3 main environments, ground, mud and water.
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The HPRC range -
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DDS Sterkekoffers demonstreert hier wat er allemaal mogelijk is met de sterke koffers van het merk HPRC, deze sterke waterdichte koffers zijn onverwoestbaar en hebben dan ook ene levenslange garantie. De koffers zijn leverbaar met verschillende vullingen zoals leeg, foam, plukfoam, bag, tas, softdeck. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HPRC 2550W Hardshell Case Review - The perfect case for the traveling filmmaker
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The perfect light weight hard case.
HPRC makes my favorite hard cases. So if HPRC is listening, please know I'm a fan boy. I have several of their cases and they have gone all over the world with me. To the hot dusty villages of Kenya, to the streets of NY. I love their cases and they haven't let me down yet.
I have two 2550W cases from HPRC. One is for all of my audio equipment, and the other for miscellaneous stuff. I've found myself using these case for much more the storage too. They can be apple boxes if you need, and or stoles for interviews on the go.
All in all, these cases are worth every penny, and I'll never go back to the heavier other brands.
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Gear Mentioned
HPRC 2550W
Gear Used
Sony A7Sii
FreeFly Movi M5
Rode NTG2
Zoom H5
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ISE 2015: Plaber Demos HPRC Light Case with Four Wheels
Steve from compares and gives a overview of the top waterproof case brands including Pelican, SKB, DORO, HPRC, Seahorse, and Nanuk cases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
InfoComm 2017: MyCaseBuilder Presents HPRC 2550W Case
HPRC introduced their Second Skin Dividers at PhotoPlus Expo in New York. These padded dividers with a rigid molded skin are thinner and lighter than traditional hard case dividers. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lightweight, waterproof, unbreakable case that can be used to carry every kind of equipment and accessories.
It's available with a cubed foam or with an interior soft deck, or can be purchased empty.
• ergonomic handle made of PP SEBS material and a steel pin to provide a high level of ergonomics
• automatic valve which automatically adjusts the air pressure inside
• internal O-ring made of neoprene PA66 makes the suitcase is totally waterproof
• Closing hooks extremely robust. The system for opening / closing in two phases in addition to ensuring a particular fluidity of movement, prevents the hooks to open in case of fall
• reinforced corners that make it extremely shock-resistant
Our core offerings are streamlined DRONE supply and all the logistics involved in sustaining such an operation in multiple locations.
We have one of the biggest civilian drone repair and build centres in the world with all DJI™ accreditation allowing warranties to be maintained.
Another core offering is our Drone Training Team endorsed by the CAA UK under NQE and RAE statuses. We also offer a range of CPD courses to reinforce the safe operation of Drones in Civilian Airspace.
Drone Defence is a NEW division at ™ which has resulted in multiple installations on numerous large scale sites in the UK including CBNI sites such as Gatwick and other Airports.
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¡Nunca había visto una mochila rígida para equipo! Unboxing Mochila HPRC 3500
No pensé que este tipo de mochilas existieran para la protección de equipo y esta es realmente increíble para uso rudo en exterior y además es contra agua, me encanto!
Para la música de todos mis videos utilizo EpidemicSound:
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HPRC3500 Hard Backpack for DJI Mavic 2 PRO / ZOOM Review
HPRC 3500 Hard Backpack for DJI Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom & Smart Controller
We review the HPRC 3500 Hard Backpack for the DJI Mavic 2 Pro / Zoom with Smart Controller.
This laser cut hard shell backpack is a must have for all your on the go aerial drone videography needs with your Mavic 2 Pro or Mavic 2 Zoom drone .
HPRC 3500 Hard Backpack for DJI Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom & Smart Controller:
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2019 DJI Osmo Pocket -
PGYTECH OSMO Pocket Phone Holder -
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Sony Alpha A7S II 4K Wi-Fi Digital Camera Body Kit w/ Lens -
TILTA A7S Rig A7S2 A7R A7R2 Camera Cage Rig -
Black Pelican 1650 No Foam - Empty Case Comes w/ Wheels -
TrekPak Divider System to fit the Pelican 1650 case w/ 1 TSA Lock
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DDS Sterkekoffers demonstreert hier wat er allemaal mogelijk is met de sterke koffers van het merk HPRC, deze sterke waterdichte koffers zijn onverwoestbaar en hebben dan ook ene levenslange garantie. De koffers zijn leverbaar met verschillende vullingen zoals leeg, foam, plukfoam, bag, tas, softdeck. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
La solution de rangement idéale pour vos trépieds disponible chez Vidéo Plus Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The HPRC2400 is organized to transport and protect your DJI Mavic 2 Air and accessories.
This protective drone case features a pre-cut custom foam designed specifically for the Mavic Air 2 and many accessories, including:
- DJI Mavic Air 2 Aircraft
- Intelligent Flight Battery
- Battery Churging Hub
- Propellers
- Battery to Power Bank Adaptor
- Nd Filter Set
- Remote Controller
- Battery Charger
- Cable.
The Vector Panel significantly increases the protection of the accessories placed inside and ensures savings of time and space in the organisation of the equipment itself.
Our core offerings are streamlined DRONE supply and all the logistics involved in sustaining such an operation in multiple locations.
We have one of the biggest civilian drone repair and build centres in the world with all DJI™ accreditation allowing warranties to be maintained.
Another core offering is our Drone Training Team endorsed by the CAA UK under NQE and RAE statuses. We also offer a range of CPD courses to reinforce the safe operation of Drones in Civilian Airspace.
Drone Defence is a NEW division at ™ which has resulted in multiple installations on numerous large scale sites in the UK including CBNI sites such as Gatwick and other Airports.
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Take your iMac on an airplane! HPRC 4800W iMac case review!
Don't settle for a weak laptop just because you travel a lot! Check out our review of the HPRC 4800W
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Brisbane based boutique video production and content creation agency X Media talk about their craft, and why they choose HPRC products for transporting their valuable gear.
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DDS Sterkekoffers demonstreert hier wat er allemaal mogelijk is met de sterke koffers van het merk HPRC, deze sterke waterdichte koffers zijn onverwoestbaar en hebben dan ook ene levenslange garantie. De koffers zijn leverbaar met verschillende vullingen zoals leeg, foam, plukfoam, bag, tas, softdeck. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HPRC Cases now available at - Subscribe AF Marcotec ´s YouTube Channel and like us at - The HPRC (High-Performance Resin Cases) Cases are lightweight, waterproof, unbreakable cases. They meet ATA 300 specifications for transit cases. The hard-resin shells are virtually unbreakable and the interior rubber O-rings keep the case air and watertight. It comes with a comfortable, soft-grip handle for carrying and an air pressure release valve. The case can be used to carry audio, photo or video equipment and accessories!
AF Marcotec GmbH
Wiesenstraße 8
64347 Griesheim
Telefon: +49 (6155) 88777-66
Telefax: +49 (6155) 88777-55
E-Mail: shop(at) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DDS Sterkekoffers demonstreert hier wat er allemaal mogelijk is met de sterke koffers van het merk HPRC, deze sterke waterdichte koffers zijn onverwoestbaar en hebben dan ook ene levenslange garantie. De koffers zijn leverbaar met verschillende vullingen zoals leeg, foam, plukfoam, bag, tas, softdeck. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Many times we are asked what we do with plastic tool cases that tools came in when we no longer need them. Many times we try to make something useful out of them so we do not fill our trash with these items. in this case, we had some storage containers that were not used and we made them into gun cases with the addition of Kaizen foam. This is simple to do and these could hold almost anything! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MEGABOUND CASE MAKER ACTIVE DUAL MACHINE Compact & Ideal solution for Book covers, Box files, Photo Albums, Clip Pads, Game boards, Photo Album, Window Pasting & folding, Note books, Dairies in different sizes, Window pasting & folding also possible.
For enquiry:
Email: sales@
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FUSION VERSION of ACTIVE DUAL & ACTIVE PLUS Model, with automatic Board-Feeding and separate turning in unit table. Highly sleek and compact automated format of Case Maker with faster results. Two operators are needed.
Audio Credit: Mahaprosthan - Satinath
Sound recording
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Розпаковка Herlitz Case Flap Space Car Космоліт (50033089)
Розпаковка Herlitz Case Flap Space Car Космоліт (50033089)
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Композиция "Feels Good 2 B" принадлежит исполнителю Audionautix. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution ().
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Ciao a tutti.
Grazie a Mattia Toffano di Plaber, vi presentiamo le nuove linee HPRC e ONA Bags.
Prodotti non solo belli esteticamente, ma anche, pensati bene e realizzati con materiali di altissima qualità, fatti appositamente per durare nel tempo.
Grazie Mattia per la tua disponibilità e per la vostra ospitalità.
Buona visione a tutti.
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