Micro One 150 Kit — це стартовий набір від Smok, що складається з бокс-мода Smok R150 і бака Smok Minos. Складові є оновленими версіями пристроїв і разом є одним із найбільш красивих і зручних стартових наборів. Micro One 150 Kit підійде як новачкові, так і досвідченому, але ледачому вейперу.
Бокс-мод R150 має вбудовану батарею ємністю 1900 мА*ч з максимальною вихідною потужністю до 150 Вт.
Бакомайзер Minos — це субомный бак зі змінними випарниками, в який можна встановити велику обслуговується базу M2 (йде в комплекті).
Ціна на даний стартовий набір цілком заслужено, так як ви отримуєте красиві і високоякісні девайси для електронного ширяння.
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Track: EzaOne - Supernova
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SMOK Micro One 150W Kit ( R150 & MINOS ). Еще один комплект, еще одна попытка.
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Smok Micro One 150 Kit - это новый стартовый набор от лучшего производителя электронных сигарет Smoktech. Он состоит из боксмода Smok R150 и бака Smok Minos. Несомненно, это один из самых красивых и удобных наборов, который подойдет и новичку и опытному вейперу.
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✔ Обзор Набора Smok Micro One 150 Kit (Smok R150 &Amp; Minos Tank) - Vape Micro One 150
Компактный и стильный Vape Набор 🔥Kanger SUBOX Mini🔥 + Ремкомплект и подарочная упаковка!
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Smok Micro One 150 Kit, made of R150 mod and Minos tank, realizes comprehensively upgrading on the base of Micro One. You will love it at the first sight. Its compact size is pocket friendly and portable; three selective shell colors with paint finish show your style. The max output power can up to 150W of R150; Minos is one special sub-ohm tank which could change to RTA easily just with the super large deck M2. The cost effective and affordable, upgrading experience of Micro One 150 Kit lets you enjoy vaping anytime and anywhere.
Smok R150 Box Mod Specifications:
Size: 77 x 50 x
Net Weight: 184g
Power Range: 6 - 150w
Voltage Range: ~ 8v
Battery Capacity: 1900mAh
Smok Minos Sub Tank Parameters:
Size: 48 x 25 x 25mm
Net Weight: 52g
Material: stainless steel
Tank Capacity: 4ml
Thread: 510
In addition to its portable and compact size, R150 TC has a fundamentally improvement in finish.
R150 TC is designed with style and function to provide you a more comfortable and ergonomic.
1) Spring-loaded Center Pin
2) Easy-to-read OLED Screen Display
3)Micro-USB Port for Charging & Upgrading
4) Clicky & Smooth Buttons
Adjustable Initial Resistance
R150 TC can support temperature control with Stainless Steel wire as well as Nickel 200 & Titanium, and allow you to adjust their TCR (Temperature Coefficient of Resistance) in different ranges.
R150 TC provides multiple types of protections to safe guard against potential risk.
Bottom Airflow System: There are two adjustable air slots evenly spaced on the bottom, airflow can be adjusted freely.
Deck & Core: M2 Deck & Minos Q2 Core
The 510 RDA drip tip for totally new experience.
Top refill system, filling in one go. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✔ Обзор От Подписчика. Smoktech Micro One 150 Kit (Smoktech.Com) - Vape Smok Micro One 150 Kit
Компактный и стильный Vape Набор 🔥Kanger SUBOX Mini🔥 + Ремкомплект и подарочная упаковка!
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In this video, its the SMOK Micro One 150 with the Minos 25. Inside, the Minos, its the 0.3Ω factory coil head. It vapes very very good and it is really worth it for you to check it out. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Спасибо сайту за предоставленные образцы.
Track: Blue - Gemini
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"Vaping Lab" is pleased to make your product review. For cooperation, please contact by email: @ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smok Micro One Starter Kit Quick View & 0.3Ω Micro CLP2 Unboxing
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+ Click here for Smok Micro One Starter Kit Quick View - *Coming soon*
More goodness from Smok. The Micro One Starter Kit is a stylish and high performance all in one kit. The Micro One has a whole host of fantastic features which are sure to make it a leading e-cig device for all vapers. The R80 TC Box mod has a max output of 80W and harbors full temperature control capabilities. And when coupled with the top filling Micro TFV4, rest assured you're going to be the envy of your fellow vapers.
The R80 Micro One kit is available in Black, White, Red, and Silver
Here's some specs taken from VaportekUSA:
Micro TFV4, a special edition of the revolutionary TFV4 tank. With 0.3Ω Micro CLP2 Core and Ω Micro STC2 Core, it will bring you unexpected taste and huge cloud. Stylish R80 TC can support TEMP control with Stainless Steel/Nickel 200/Titanium, and supply max 80 watts output.
Size: 85 x 55 x 22 mm
Battery Capacity: 4000mAh
Wattage: Max 80W output
Micro TFV4 Tank
Size: 22 x 51mm
Capacity: /
Micro CLP2 coil: (30W - 60W)
Micro CLP2 Features
Patented Fused Clapton Dual Core
Lower Wattage & More Vapour
Micro STC 2 Features
Patented Stainless Steel Dual Core
Temperature Sensing Capability & No Burnt Taste
It comes with
•1 x R80 TC Box Mod (80W)
•1 x Micro TFV4 tank (22mm)
•1 x Micro fused clapton core (pre-installed)
•1 x stainless steel dual core
•1 x replacement XL glass tube
•1 x Tank extension adapter
•1 x black Smok vape band
•1 x USB charging/Upgrading cable
•1 x User Manual
•Spare Parts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Micro One starter kit (Micro TFV4 with R80 TC) -The first real starter kit from SMOK
See it, love it! Micro one, made of Micro TFV4 and R80 TC, is a good start with sincerity. You will find it's different at first sight. Four colors: Red, Black, Sliver and White cab be chosen. Micro TFV4, a special edition of the revolutionary TFV4 tank, and R80 TC, a 80w temperature control mod teamed up to let you enjoy vaping all the time. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The SMOK Micro One 80W TC Starter Kit is a great way to experience all the benefits of advanced Temperature Control. The SMOK Micro One 80W TC Starter Kit includes the Micro TFV4 Tank, a special customized edition of the popular full sized TFV4 Tank. The Micro TFV4 Tank comes stock with a capacity, but can easily be upgraded to capacity with the replacement XL Glass Tube and Tank Extension Adaptor included with the kit. The SMOK Micro One 80W TC provides up to 80 watts of power from the internal 4000mah battery and includes improved Temperature Control features like Adjustable Initial Resistance and Adjustable Temperature Coefficient Resistance (TCR). The SMOK Micro One 80W TC Starter Kit supports Stainless Steel, Nickle, and Titanium vape coils and includes two sub-ohm cores (0.3 ohms Micro CLP2 Core and ohms Micro STC2 Core). The SMOK Micro One 80W TC features a Spring Loaded Center Pin, Micro USB Port (charging and firmware updates), two line OLED Display, smooth clickable buttons, and a shiny new paint finish with a soft feel. Onboard chipset features for the SMOK Micro One Vape Mod include Intelligent Atomizer Recognition, Puff Monitoring, Short Circuit / Over Heating Protection, 12 Second Cutoff and Low Battery Warning. The SMOK Micro One 80W TC Starter Kit comes in four colors (Night Black, Passion Red, Silver, and White) for your selection ://
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In this video we will be looking at the new Micro One Starter Kit by SMOK. For all you fans of the Pro M80 Plus and the TFV4 Mini, you will absolutely love this. The Micro TFV4 and R80 mod compliment each other perfectly and is a great setup for beginner and also the more advanced vaper. A definite must-have!
You can purchase this product at
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The SMOKtech Micro One 80W TC Micro Starter Kit is the execution of SMOKtech's most cutting edge designs into a small and compact starter kit, featuring the R80 80W TC Box Mod that integrates a 4000 mAh built in battery and the new Micro TFV4. The R80 TC is a form factor friendly device that features 80W of maximum output alongside full temperature control that supports Ni200 Nickel, Stainless Steel, and Titanium heating elements. The R80 also integrates a massive 4000 mAh into the chassis, giving it fantastic range in the mid wattage device category.
R80 TC Features:
80W Maximum Output
4000 mAh Internal Battery
Micro USB Charging
Stable DC Circuit
Small Compact Size
85mm by 55mm by 22mm
Full Temperature Control
Ni200 Nickel
Stainless Steel
Spring Loaded Center Bin
Two Line OLED Screen
Output Wattage/Temperature
Output Voltage
Atomizer Resistance
Battery Life Indicator
Three Button Operation
Intelligent Atomizer Recognition
Puff Monitoring System
Short Circuit/Over-Heating/Low Battery/12 Second Cut-Off Protection
Micro TFV4 Tank Features:
22mm Diameter
Base Capacity
Tank Extension Adapter
Dual Quad Adjustable Airflow
Top Refill System
Hinge and Fill
Micro TFV4 Coil Structures
Micro CLP2 (Pre-Installed)
30 to 60W
Patented Fused Clapton Dual Core
0.3 ohms
Micro STC2
30 to 60W
Patented Stainless Steel Dual Core
Temperature Sensing Capability
ohms Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We'll be getting up close and personal with the Smok Micro One Kit! As always, thanks for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe for more vaping news and reviews.
You can find the Smok Micro One Kit here:
If you are a vendor and would like to contact me to review your products please do so at windycityvapereviews@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Figured I'd share my experience with this vaporizer, I'm new to vaping. I have a very raw opinion of vaping because i havent been vaping like many others. I've been a heavy smoker so maybe this will help someone decide they wanna quit too. I really like it. Hope you will too Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smok Micro One Starter Kit Aladdins Den Ecig and Vape Australia
Genuine SMOK Product
The SMOK Micro One Starter Kit is a high performance and stylish all in one kit, combining the R80 Temperature Control battery Mod and the new TFV4 Micro atomizer tank.
Purchase on
The R80 Temperature Control Box Modt has a powerful 4000 mAh built in battery delivering 80 watts maximum output with full temperature control. The OLED Screen displays Output Wattage, Output Temperature, Output Voltage, Atomizer Resistance, and Battery Life.
The new Micro TFV4, the most compact version of the popular TFV4 tank, maintains the top fill and dual quad airflow systems, while introducing the new Micro Core structure. The Micro TVF4 comes standard with a tank capacity, but also includes extender, providing users the option to increase tank capacity.
Get you SMOK Micro STC2 & CLP2 replacement coils here.
See reviews and instructions on how to setup and use this product? Click here to watch video.
Kit Contents
1 x R80 TC Mod
1 x Micro TFV4 Tank
1 x Micro Fused Clapton Core
1 x Stainless Steel Core
1 x Replacement XL Glass Tube
1 x Tank Extension Adapter
1 x Black SMOK Vape Band
1 x Micro USB Charger/Upgrading Cable
Spare Parts
Instruction Manual
SMOK R80 TC Mod Parameter
Capacity: 4000mAh
Ouput: 80W
Atomizer Heads: Ni200, Titanium, and Stainless Steel Compatibility
Intuitive OLED Display
Overheat Protection
Puff Monitoring System
Overheat Protection
Short-Circuit Protection
Low Battery Warning
Spring-Loaded 510 Center Pin
Micro USB Port - Firmware Upgrades
SMOK Micro TFV4 Tank Parameter
Dimension: 22mm Diameter
Capacity: Juice Well with replacement glass included
Convenient Top-Fill Design with Hinge Lock
Quad Adjustable Airflow Control at Base and Drip Tip
Interchangeable Coil Heads
Micro CLP2 Coil Head (For Variable Wattage mode 30 - 60 watts)
Micro STC2 Coil Head (For Temperature Control mode)
RBA Head Capability
510 Thread Connection Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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100% Original Smok Micro One R80 Starter Kit With 80W 4400mah TC Box Mod Micro TFV4 Tank Electronic Cigarette Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Great New Starter Kit from Smok!!! Just a quick review of the unit... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Welcome to Smog Vlog. A vaping review and information vlog. Please leave annotations on for all of our videos, we don't spam with them, only when it's important.
This is our review of the Smok Micro One Unboxing & Review. The tank options on this one are actually and .
00:00 Intro
00:39 Unboxing
09:47 TFV4 Micro Coil Options
11:04 RBA Section
11:46 Airflow
12:42 The Tank
13:20 Filing
14:09 Sturdiness
14:45 Just the tip
16:08 Flavour
16:55 Vapour Production
17:43 Torcher Test
19:35 Spits & Swallows
20:01 The 510
20:18 The R80 Tech Specs
20:38 Menu Operation
21:19 Button Quality
21:35 The 510
21:46 Firmware
22:08 Temp Control
22:44 Battery Life
23:24 The Whole Kit
23:54 Size & Weight
24:19 Style
25:19 Warranty
25:29 Cons
27:48 Pros
30:35 Cost
31:03 Signing Out
31:42 Out-takes (Best Bits)
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This video is a record of our opinions and experiences with the product.
The item being reviewed was purchased independently and was not supplied by the manufacturer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
original smoktech h-priv 220w tc kit with micro tfv4 tank best deals Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK Novo 4 Mini - кардинально відрізняється від своїх попередників чи має «пару тузів у рукаві». Цікаво, чи витримав би він падіння з 4 поверху?
Дивіться це відео до кінця і ви все дізнаєтеся♥
★ Таймкоди:
00:00 - Дисклеймер;
00:22 - Привітання;
01:35 - Комплектація;
03:40 - Як працює кільце для регулювання затяжки?
04:43 - Про тестування поду;
05:32 - Як виглядає девайс, який тестувався 2 тижні?
06:03 - Про под (потужність);
06:27 - Від чого залежить потужність цього малюка?
06:45 - Індикація;
07:15 - Все про картридж;
08:28 - Які картриджі підходять?
08:40 - Про випаровувач;
07:42 - Як заправляється под?
08:46 - Про взаємозамінні картриджі;
09:20 - Все про випаровувач;
09:42 - Що на ньому можна парити та як заправити картридж?
10:15 - Нагадування;
10:26 - Підсумки;
11:09 - Плюси;
11:51 - Чи є недоліки?
13:56 - Результати краш-тесту;
14:16 - Прощання; Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Take a look at the Smok S-Priv Kit. Let' see how it works.
It has a skull with a big hat on the mod, whose eyes have built-in LED and can shine 12 different colors. Its output power can up to 230W, giving you desired massive , S-Priv's up, down buttons are hidden on the hat's brim, and the fire key is designed ergonomically, all of which can give you comfortable hand-feel. Besides, it uses shining TFV8 Big Baby Light Edition tank, which has the large capacity, hyper engines, and dazzling light. Take S-Priv to a party and rule the party.
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Smok Micro One 80W Temp Control Starter Kit with Micro TFV4 Atomizer
Smok Micro TFV4 / / 5ml Clearomizer - RED WITH BLACK 172099701 Flash Sale Price $ From
/ / Stainless Steel / E Cigarette Tank Atomizer
Micro TFV4 is designed to offer three types of heating cores for different vaping needs: sub-ohm core ( Micro CLP2), standard resistance core ( Micro MTL) and rebuildable single Clapton core (Micro RCA). Along with two larger replacement glass tubes and two extension adapters, the original tank can be extended to and 5ml so that you can enjoy Micro TFV4 anywhere and anytime. Top refill design makes filling as easy as it gets. Constructed from superior-quality stainless steel and glass, Micro TFV4 will bring you unexpectedly excellent taste.
Main Features:
Smok Micro TFV4 clearomizer
Material: Stainless steel and glass
Capacity: / / 5ml
Pre-installed micro fuses Clapton dual coil
Comes with a micro MTL coil and a micro RCA coil
Top filling system
4 large adjustable air slot on the base
22mm base diameter
Product Details
Type: Clearomizer,Tank Atomizer
Brand: SMOK
Model: Micro TFV4
Available color: Black,Silver
Material: Glass,Stainless Steel
Tank Capacity: ,,
Resistance : /
Avaliable Heater Core: Normal Coil
Thread: 510
Overall Diameter: 22mm
Dimension and Weight
Product weight: kg
Package weight: kg
Product size (L x W x H): x x cm / x x inches
Package size (L x W x H): x x cm / x x inches
Package Contents
Package Contents: 1 x Smok Micro TFV4 Clearomizer ( with a Pre-installed Coil ), 1 x Replacement Coil, 1 x Replacement RBA Coil, 1 x 510 RDA Drip Tip, 1 x Replacement Glass Tank, 1 x 5ml Replacement Glass Tank, 2 x Tank Extension Adapter ( / 5ml ), 2 x SMOK Vape Band, 1 x Bag of Spare Parts, 1 x English User Manual Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Стартовий набір Smok Micro One 150 Kit Silver (SMOK150SL). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17