Стедікам ( Steadicam) — система стабілізації камери під час зйомки. Системи стабілізації-Steadicam останні роки одержали широке поширення не тільки в серйозному кіновиробництві, але і в аматорському відео. Як правило, використовуються стабілізатори без жилета, так як в любительському відео використовуються камери вагою до 3-х кг, що дозволяє використовувати полегшену і спрощену конструкцію. Система стабілізації камери типу стедікам забезпечує плавний рух камери в різних площинах.
Стедікам використовується в кіно - та відеозйомках, часто при зйомці серіалів, так як це максимально простий спосіб отримати картинку в русі без трясіння, при цьому з мінімальними витратами. На відміну від операторських рейок і використання операторського крана, стедікам більш мобільний.
✅Держатель DJI R Twist Grip Dual | RS 2/RSC 2 -
Держатель DJI R Twist Grip Dual | RS 2/RSC 2 – многофункциональное устройство для различных вариантов удержания стабилизатора серии DJI RS 2/RSC 2, при помощи которого реализуется возможность съемки из нижнего положения или удобный хват двумя руками. Данное устройство состоит из двух поперечин и двух рукояток: для двуручного хвата используется весь комплект; для хвата одной рукой при съемке из нижнего положения – одна поперечина и одна рукоятка.
Конструкция крепления рукояток поддерживает лёгкую регулировку на поперечинах, обеспечивающей наиболее оптимальную ширину хвата для сбалансированного удержания в руках. Для более удобного управления функциями стабилизатора/камеры и перемещения подвеса вместо штатной ручки может устанавливаться привязная ручка-пульт (приобретается отдельно). Благодаря специальной системе крепления к портам RSA/NATO на стедикаме, установка держателя DJI R Twist Grip Dual | RS 2/RSC 2 не требует специальных инструментов и не занимает много времени.
✅Ручка управления DJI Ronin Tethered Control | RS 2 -
Ручка DJI Ronin Tethered Control | RS 2 – привязная дополнительная ручка, используемая для удобного управления настройками камеры и перемещением подвеса стедикама DJI RS 2 при различных вариантах удержания. В частности, при установке двойной рукояти DJI R Twist Grip (приобретается отдельно), с помощью данного устройства легко реализуется портативный режим съемки из нижнего положения или двуручный хват.
При наличии других дополнительных компонентов также возможно использование при установке стабилизатора на штатив, операторский кран/тележку/слайдер/трос. В данный комплект входит адаптер расширения и 30 сантиметровый кабель управления, используемые во всех типовых сценариях ручной съемки.
Благодаря оснащению интерфейсными разъёмами RSA/NATO и быстросъёмным соединением "холодный башмак", ручка DJI Ronin Tethered Control | RS 2 может без ограничений использоваться для монтажа всех совместимых аксессуаров от компании DJI и других производителей. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DJI Ronin | How to Set up the DJI Ronin Twist Grip Dual Handle
The DJI R Twist Grip Dual Handle is equipped with NATO ports to enable holding of DJI RS 2/DJI RSC 2 in various configurations, such as with both hands and briefcase mode. This video will explain the set up process and functions of the DJI Ronin Twist Grip Dual Handle!
0:00 - Introduction
0:24 - How to Set up the DJI Ronin Twist Grip Dual Handle
1:03 - How to Shoot at Low Angles
1:15 - How to work with the Ronin Tethered Control Handle
Lean more
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#smallrig #dji #djironin #djironinrs2 #djirsc2 #djirs3 #2023
you can also check here:
also this handle with controller:
also the single handle:
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Check the newest accessory for the DJI RS2 & the RSC2. The DHI Twist Grip! I break down how to set it up and if it is worth your money!
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A detailed look at the Pros and cons of the DJI R Twist Grip Dual Handle for RS2.
CANON 16-35mm/2.8:
Heads up! This is a completely independent and honest review. My posts may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links you won't pay a penny more, but I'll get a small commission, which helps to keep this station going. Thanks!
This video was not paid for by outside persons or manufacturers.
No gear was supplied to me for this video. I purchased this gear to test for myself.
If you're interested in contacting Bryan for work please email me at
0:00 Introduction
0:15 Single Hand Gimbal Limitations
1:47 DJI Twist Grip Dual Handle Overview
3:07 Pros
5:19 Cons
7:40 Mods to Maximize the Handle
9:07 Conclusions
Bryan Redding is an award-winning Cuban American Cinematographer and Director based in Athens, Georgia. He loves being on set and sharing his knowledge. In addition to his love of cinematography, Bryan has complete high range hearing loss which, according to his audiologist, leaves him functionally deaf in certain environments, hence making him the Deaf Director. This has not stopped Bryan from continuing his passion on set and behind the camera, and he uses his experience with his physical condition to propel his unique vision.
The content of this video and my opinions were not reviewed or paid for by any outside persons.
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DJI RS2 Gimbal - How to Attach Handle for Briefcase Mode & Underslung Mode | DJI Gimbal Tutorial
Briefcase mode on the DJI Gimbal. We recently purchased a DJI RS 2 Pro Combo Gimbal to help us improve our filmmaking techniques. We quickly discovered that the manuals and instructions for setting up the DJI RS2 Gimbal were rather limited. For a first time owner of a Gimbal it took some time to understand how to setup a DJI Gimbal and as this is a costly Gimble one was naturally over careful so as not to break something. One of the main reasons we purchased this DJI Gimbal was so that we could use it in Briefcase Mode or as it is also called Underslung Mode. Both versions of the DJI RS 2 Gimbal Stabilizer (Pro Combo and Standard) include the DJI R Briefcase Handle which is what makes Briefcase Mode / Underslung Mode possible with the DJI Gimbal. In this DJI Gimbal Tutorial video we show you how to attach the DJI R Briefcase Handle and the DJI Ronin-S Extended Grip/Tripod to put your Gimbal in Briefcase Mode / Underslung Mode.
The DJI RS2 Gimbal can easily be purchased from camera shops, Amazon, electronic shops or from DJI´s own online store. More information about the DJI RS2 Gimbal and the version we purchased can be viewed from our Camera Gear Store on Amazon found here:
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All footage in this video is filmed with the Sony A7SIII.
Audio is captured with the RØDE Wireless GO II microphones.
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Track: Disfigure - Blank [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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[049] How to Setup the DJI R (Ronin) Twist Grip Dual Handle with Tethered Control
How to setup the 2-handle grip (with tethered control handle) on the DJI RS2
Gear used and/or featured in this video:
Canon R5
Canon 80D
Godox SL-60W
Rode Videomicro
DJI Ronin Expansion Base Kit
DJI R Twist Grip Dual Handle for RS 2 & RSC2
*You can also get the additional handle here without purchasing the whole Base kit:
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*As an associate of Amazon and Epidemic Sound I earn from qualifying purchases.
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Smallrig Dual Handler with Ronin RS3 Pro RS2 with Power Supply
Smallrig Dual Handler with Ronin RS3 Pro RS2 with Power Supply
best solution for video
remote control
power supply from V mount Battery
#smallrig #vmount #ronin #rs3pro #rs2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Easy Ring Grip built with Expansion Base Kit and only few super cheap components.
1. carbon tubes 30mm x 26mm you will find your local store (example- )
2. aluminuum tubes 30mm x 26mm you will find your local store.
3. Kipp corner connectors and for ring feet - item no. ( ) remember to select your country on the website
4. KIPP mounting plate clamp for base plate and battery - item no. () remember to select your country on the website
5. KIPP handle - item no. () remember to select your country on the website
6. KIPP swivel tube clamps for support vest connection item no. ( ) remember to select your country on the website
7. KIPP Ring for support vest connection item no. ( ) remember to select your country on the website
8. SHOWTEC clamps 30mm product code 70360 ( example - )
9. Support camera vest :
AlterMOv -
ReadyRig -
#DJI #RS2 #masterfullycrafted Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEEWER Gimbal Sling Handgrip For DJI RS 2 RSC 2 RS 3 RS 3 Pro RS 3 Mini
What do you want? Let me get it for you!
#NEEWER #Gimbal #DJI #djiglobal #djiphotography #cool #vozdoscriadores #share #foryou Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DJI Twist Grip Dual Handle vs SmallRig Dual Handgrip for DJI RS2/RSC2 - Which Should You Buy?
Link to SMALLRIG Dual Handle:
Breaking down the main differences between the DJI Twist Grip Dual Handle and SmallRig Dual Handgrip for the DJI RS2 and DJI RSC2.
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DJI RS2 Twist Grip Dual Handle unboxing and setup. I go over some info and its potential in case you are looking to buy! I did refer to it as "switch grip" a few times and meant to say "Twist Grip."
---------------------------------Products in this Video---------------------------------
DJI RS2 Pro Combo:
Twist Grip:
---------------------------------Socials & Websites---------------------------------
TikTok: @engineeringfilmmaker?lang=en
---------------------------------Music & Client Management---------------------------------
The BEST music for COMMERCIAL (& YouTube): ?fpr=theengineeringfilmmaker
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---------------------------------Editing Gear---------------------------------
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My PC:
My Laptop (Silver, Advanced, 32GB upgrade):
Storage (NAS):
Canon R5:
Canon R:
Canon RP:
GoPro 7 Black:
DJI RS2 Pro Combo:
Twist Grip:
Control Handle:
Base Expansion Kit:
THE BEST LENS EVER! - RF 28-70 f/2:
EF 70-200 f/2.8 III:
The BEST Budget Lens - RF 35 f/1.8:
EF 16-35 f/2.8 II:
---------------------------------Lighting/Audio/Recording ---------------------------------
120D II:
Light Dome:
Godox SL60W:
Rode NTG4+:
Zoom H5:
Ninja V Recorder/Monitor:
---------------------------------Tripods/Light stands---------------------------------
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SmallRig Handgrip for DJI RS 2 / RSC 2 / RS 3 / RS 3 Pro / RS 3 mini (3028B)
SmallRig Sling Handgrip for DJI RS 2 / RSC 2 / RS 3 / RS 3 Pro / RS 3 mini 3028B reduces arm fatigue during low-angle shooting and offers plentiful accessory mounting options. Equipped with a NATO clamp for connection and features an anti-removal stud to ensure safe and quick operation. Multiple 1/4”-20 and ARRI 3/8”-16 threads are built-in on the handgrip, allowing for mounting Monitor Mount 1/4”-20 thread with locating holes which is compatible with DJI RS 2 original smartphone mount. The handgrip comes with a cold shoe mount on the top that allows for attaching the connection part, which features a cold shoe mount for attaching wireless go or sound receiver. The angle of the handgrip can be adjusted up to 180° via a ratchet knob and can be used as a side handgrip to meet the needs of different shooting scenarios. It can work with Smallrig Shoulder Strap KPAC2466 to reduce the arms burden. The silicon grip is an anti-slip design and gives you more comfort when holding it. Its sleek design and compact structure match perfectly with the stabilizer.
Key Features
1. Sling handle with NATO clamp for DJI RS 2 / RSC 2 / RS 3 / RS 3 Pro / RS 3 mini.
2. Designed to reduce arm fatigue, especially for low-angle shooting.
3. Built-in 1/4”-20 threads, ARRI 3/8”-16 locating holes, and cold shoe accessory mounts.
4. Tighten by ratchet knob, angle adjustable up to 180° with rosette.
5. Compatible with DJI RS 2 & RSC 2 original smartphone mount.
Work With
DJI RS 2 / RSC 2 / RS 3 / RS 3 Pro / RS 3 mini Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Setup the DJI RS2 Twist Grip WITH Control handle
How to set up the DJI RS2 twist grip with the control handle. Pretty straight forward process but there may be some information that could be helpful before buying.
---------------------------------Products in this Video---------------------------------
DJI RS2 Pro Combo:
Twist Grip:
Control Handle:
---------------------------------Socials & Websites---------------------------------
TikTok: @engineeringfilmmaker?lang=en
---------------------------------Music & Client Management---------------------------------
The BEST music for COMMERCIAL (& YouTube): ?fpr=theengineeringfilmmaker
The BEST Music for WEDDINGS:
The BEST Client Management Software for creatives (GET 50% OFF):
---------------------------------Editing Gear---------------------------------
My Favorite Editing Software bundle:
My PC:
My Laptop (Silver, Advanced, 32GB upgrade):
Storage (NAS):
Canon R5:
Canon R:
Canon RP:
GoPro 7 Black:
DJI RS2 Pro Combo:
Twist Grip:
Control Handle:
Base Expansion Kit:
THE BEST LENS EVER! - RF 28-70 f/2:
EF 70-200 f/2.8 III:
The BEST Budget Lens - RF 35 f/1.8:
EF 16-35 f/2.8 II:
---------------------------------Lighting/Audio/Recording ---------------------------------
120D II:
Light Dome:
Godox SL60W:
Rode NTG4+:
Zoom H5:
Ninja V Recorder/Monitor:
---------------------------------Tripods/Light stands---------------------------------
Some of these links are affiliate links. I can make a small percent on each purchase made through the link if you want to support the channel!
#DJI #RS2 #ControlHandle
Thumbnail photo: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get the Handle here:
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Benro Tripod:
Sigma 18-35:
Sigma 50-100:
Metabones Speed Booster Ultra :
Rokinon Fisheye:
Tiffen Filter Pouch:
Tiffen Variable ND:
Tiffen Circular Polarizer:
Tiffen Pro-Mist 1/2 Filter:
Rode Video Mic Pro:
Sony RX100 Mark III:
Lexar 128GB Memory Cards:
GoPro Hero 8:
GoPro 3-Way Grip:
Polar Pro GoPro ND Filters:
Aputure 120DII:
Aputure 300DII:
Aputure Light Dome II:
Aputure Lantern:
Aputure F7:
Nanlite Pavotubes:
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Tilta Advanced Ring Grip and Rear Handle for DJI RS 2 | PATRIOT Rental
📣New Professional Handheld Operating Accessories for DJI RS2 Gimbal:
► TILTA Advanced Ring Grip for RS 2
Add stability and control to DJI RS 2 handheld gimbal stabilizer to achieve smooth, steady, creative shots.
For more detailed information and online order:
► TILTA Rear Operating Control Handle for RS 2
Control Handle to DJI RS 2 that incorporates power output, gimbal movement and camera control.
For more detailed information and online order:
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#patriotrental #tilta #dji Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
An Almost Perfect Gimbal | DJI Ronin RS2 Dual Handle Grip form TILTA
Dji Ronin RS2: [Amazon]
Tilta Dual Handle Grip:
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Here are some helpful tips on how to mount and use the handle grips on DJI Inspire 2.
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Smallrig Ring + DJI RS 3 Pro + Sony FX3 + Action 2 + Iphone 13
Gear List:
✅Sony FX3
✅DJI RS 3 Pro
✅DJI Action 2
✅Wireless Control Handheld Ring for DJI RS Series (ID: 3953)
✅Multifunctional Modular Matte Box (Φ95mm) Basic Kit (ID: 3556)
✅Camera Cage for Sony FX3 Cinema Camera (ID: 3277)
✅Camera Cage for DJI Action 2 (ID: 3661)
✅Mobile Video Cage for iPhone 13 Pro Max (ID: 3561)
✅Universal Cage for iPhone Series (ID: 3563)
✅NATO Top Handle (ID: HTN2439B)
#smallrig #iphone #action2 #fx3 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Our favorite accessories for the DJI RS2/ RS3
Blog post:
- SmallRig Dual Handgrip
- SmallRig Sling Handgrip
- SmallRig Monitor Mount
- SmallRig Camera Cage for Canon EOS R5
- SmallRig Camera NATO Handle
- SmallRig HDMI and USB-C Cable Clamp
- SmallRig Universal 9-in-1 Folding Multi-Tool Kit
Intro Music:
Darkloulou beats
Need a prod? darklouloubeats@
Additional music:
Shield (Instr.) by WEARETHEGOOD
Looking for great music for your videos?
Subscribe to Artlist and get 2 months free with the link below:
What’s usually in my bag:
My favorite plugins:
TOPAZ Sharpen
TOPAZ Adjust
TOPAZ Denoise
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SmallRig Handle:
The Hyphenate does a detailed review of what he thinks is the best handle/grip for the DJI RS 2/RSC 2, the SmallRig Sling Handgrip.
Halloween Kills The Berrics:
SmallRig Handle:
Sony a7S III:
Sony 24mm f1.4 Lens:
Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens:
Sony 28mm f2 Lens:
Sony a6600 Camera:
Sigma 16mm f1.4 Sony E:
Hollyland Lark 150:
Fluorescent Lighting Kit:
Moza Aircross 2 Gimbal:
SmallRig Handle:
Sony a7S III:
Sony 24mm f1.4 Lens:
Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens:
Sony 28mm f2 Lens:
Sony a6600 Camera:
Sigma 16mm f1.4 Sony E:
Hollyland Lark 150:
Fluorescent Lighting Kit:
Moza Aircross 2 Gimbal:
Magix Vegas Pro video editing software:
DOUBT ME merchandise:
PSN: TheHyphenate
The Hyphenate's music available on Spotify, Apple Music, and all other major digital music stores/streaming apps
Apple Music:
#DJIRS2 #DJIgimbal #DJIRS2accessories Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tilta Remote Handle Setup For DJI RS 2 Gimbal Dual Handle & Ring Grip
Here is a quick breakdown as to what the SmallRig hand sling grip has to offer. There is no better way to “comfortably get stabilized shots while filming with your gimbal. And as an added bonus; this handle has multiple mounting threads to add accessories to your gimbal and with a cold shoe mount to top it all off!
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dji gimbaldji rs 2photography tipstechnologyphotography for beginnersGimbal Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn how to assemble and operate the Tilta Advanced Ring Grip for RS 2.
The Advanced Ring Grip for RS 2 allows you more flexibility when powering your gimbal, mounting accessories, controlling wireless follow focus motors and operating the gimbal body.
The system allows you to power the RS 2 with either a Gold Mount Battery, V-Mount Battery, or the RS 2’s Battery Handle. The Advanced RIng Grip allows you to mount the RS 2’s Battery Handle to the top of the ring which doubles as a power source and top handle. This can be used in combatination with a Gold or V-Mount Battery Plate, which gives you more flexibilty and longer battery life on set.
The Right Side Control Handle allows you to control the movement of the Gimbal Head and offers camera control through the RS 2’s camera control ports. A single finger wheel allows you to control a DJI Focus Motor or our Tilta Nucleus M and Nano.
The Left Side Focus Handle offers the same wireless follow foucs capabilities, but with two finger wheels, allowing for simultaneous control of Focus, Iris, Zoom, and the Gimbal Head, all with only a single operator.
The system allows for further stability when operating the RS 2 and the included kickstands allow you to set the gimbal down after long takes.
The Advanced Ring Grip does not include a battery plate and the compatible battery plates are currently not available for purchase separately. The Ring Grip does include an adapter for the RS2’s Battery Handle that allows it to function as a Top Handle for the Ring and provide power to the gimbal. These battery plates should be available by the end of the year.
Please Note: Each handle requires a single 18650 battery to power which are not included.
0:00 - Intro
0:16 - Assembly of the Advanced Ring Grip
3:23 - Pairing the Handles with the Receiver
3:58 - Functions on the Remote Control Handle
5:47 - Power Options Overview
6:20 - Installing the Power Supply Module
7:37 - Installing the V-Mount Battery Plate
8:40 - Installing the Gold Mount Battery Plate
8:59 - Closing
Learn More/Shop now at
#Tilta #AdvancedRingGrip #DJIRS2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is how to (shoot vertical on a gimbal) Dji ronin rs2/2s3
DJI ronin vertical mount-
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𝐃𝐉𝐈 𝐏𝐑𝐎 𝐱 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐑𝐢𝐠- Introducing SmallRig Wireless Control Operating System for DJI RS 2 / RS 3 Pro
📸Learn More:
After 4 years of cooperation and the shared progress from 2018 to now, we are thrilled to announce that the wireless control operating system launches together with the new DJI RS 3 Pro, also compatible with DJI RS 2, setting free the unlimited potential.
𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 & 𝐁𝐢-𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
-The wireless controller can be used with a handgrip or independently and provides one-handed operation of the DJI RS 2 / DJI RS 3 Pro, while enabling quick switch the installation direction thank to bi-directional magnetic quick-attach design.
𝐖𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥
-Allow Super Stable Signal Transmission adopted by the Zigbee wireless transmission technology and independent encryption algorithms.
𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢-𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐉𝐈 𝐑𝐒 𝟐 / 𝐃𝐉𝐈 𝐑𝐒 𝟑 𝐏𝐫𝐨
-Includes Joystick Control, Mode Switch, Centering / Locking, etc.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲, 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲
-Under a barrier-free environment and the speeds are under 120km/h(70mph), the signal delay will be less than 50ms with a maximum ranger of 100m (328ft).
𝙒𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡 𝙊𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙢 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘿𝙅𝙄 𝙍𝙎 3 𝙋𝙧𝙤 𝙄𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚:
✅Wireless Controller (ID: 3920)
✅Wireless Control Handgrip(ID: 3949)
✅Sling Handgrip(Basic Version) (ID: 3950)
✅Wireless Control Handheld Ring(ID: 3953)
✅Wireless Control Dual Handgrip(ID: 3954)
✅Wireless Control Sling Handgrip (ID: 3919)
#DJI #SmallRig #RS3Pro
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If you want to see this expansion kit in use and setup for car shoots see this video:
---------------------------------Products in this Video---------------------------------
DJI RS2 Pro Combo:
Twist Grip:
Control Handle:
Base Expansion Kit:
---------------------------------Table of Contents---------------------------------
0:00 - Intro
1:37 - What's in the box
2:20 - How to use/setup the kit
10:00 - Bonus info for the Grip
---------------------------------Socials & Websites---------------------------------
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---------------------------------Editing Gear---------------------------------
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My PC:
My Laptop (Silver, Advanced, 32GB upgrade):
Storage (NAS):
Canon R5:
Canon R:
Canon RP:
GoPro 7 Black:
DJI RS2 Pro Combo:
Twist Grip:
Control Handle:
THE BEST LENS EVER! - RF 28-70 f/2:
EF 70-200 f/2.8 III:
The BEST Budget Lens - RF 35 f/1.8:
EF 16-35 f/2.8 II:
---------------------------------Lighting/Audio/Recording ---------------------------------
120D II:
Light Dome:
Godox SL60W:
Rode NTG4+:
Zoom H5:
Ninja V Recorder/Monitor:
---------------------------------Tripods/Light stands---------------------------------
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#DJI #RS2 #baseexpansionkit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DJI Ronin-S Dual Handle Rig | Best SmallRig Accesories
► DJI Ronin-S:
► FREE: 10 step to $10k/month:
*Want to join the FREE Business for Creatives Community?*
► Gimbal Setup:
DJI Dual Handle:
DJI Ronin-S:
► Camera Setup:
Sony a7III:
Tamron 28-75mm:
► Audio:
RODE FIlmmaker Kit:
Mounting Bracket:
Zoom H6 Recorder:
2028 NATO Clamp:
► Monitor:
Atomos Ninja V:
Atomos Cage:
2072 Articulating Arm (NATO Clamp):
It's finally here! The DJI Switch Grip Dual Handle for the Ronin-S!
In this video, I go over the specs of the new Ronin-S dual handle system by DJI.
I also show you guys my new gimbal rig I built for an upcoming video production!
If you are curious about the ronin-s switch grip, smallrig dual handle, ronin-s rig, dji ronin-s setup, small rig nato accessories, gimbal accessories, then you'll have to watch this!
I currently use a Sony a7III with a Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 paired with this ronin-s gimbal! It's AMAZING.
I can't wait to show you guys more behind the scenes of me using this rig.
Let me know if you have any questions below!
• Desk Essentials:
• LED Tube Lights:
• Standing Desk:
• Main Camera:
• Vlog Lens:
• Lavelier Mic:
• External Audio:
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SmallRig Wireless Control Handgrip for DJI RS 2 & RS 3 Pro [ Review & Tutorial ]
NEEWER Gimbal Sling Handgrip For DJI RS 2 / RSC 2 / RS 3 /RS 3 Pro / RS 3 Mini. This sling handgrip gives you the flexibility to shoot from a variety of angles and also multiple mounting points for adding accessories. (SKU: 66601442)
#neewer #neewerofficial #slinghandgrip #djigimbal #djironin #djironingimbal #djirs2 #djirsc2 #djirs3 #djirs3pro #djirs3mini #gimbal #gimbalstabilizer #gimbalshoot #videography #videographer #filmmaker #filmmaking #cinematography #cinematographer Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SmallRig Handgrip for DJI Ronin S BSS2314 () is designed to hold your RoninS gimbal to enter a handy underslung position and provide multiple mounting points for accessories.
The Ronin SC version please check:
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Gimbal Extension Lifting Handle Grip Holder Mount for DJI RONIN S SC MOZA Aircross2 AIR2 Crane 2
If you use the DJI gimbal, you need this to make things easier! (SKU: 66601442)
#neewer #Djli #gimbal #stabilizer #videography #camera #sony#Nikon #canon #fyp #cool Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
combination of Ronin Rs2 and Steadicam !!!!
1. Used Glidecam Davin Graham from ebay for 150$ (NEW ONE )
2. used vest and arm spring "stabifly light" ( NEW ONE )
3. dji expansion base kit base plate ()
4. dji ronin TB50 battery ()
5. additional springs ()
6. Kipp screw for additional spring () remember to select your country on the website.
7. SHOWTEC clamps 30mm for dji Control Handle product code 70360 ( example - )
#DJI # #RS2 #masterfullycrafted Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✅Стедикам DJI Osmo Mobile 6 -
Стедикам DJI Osmo Mobile 6 представляет собой стабилизатор для смартфона. Благодаря этому аксессуару вы сможете создавать эффектные и качественные видео, реализовывать свои творческие идеи, вести блог или записывать видео своих путешествий на новом уровне. Это интеллектуальная модель, которая запускается автоматически при раскрытии – вы сможете быстро начать вести съемку без какого-либо промедления
Синхронизация стабилизатора со смартфоном производится через специальное приложение. Используя его, вы сможете не только быстро начинать съемку, но также производить загрузку новых материалов, редактировать их. У стедикам складная компактна конструкция. Крепление смартфона производится с помощью магнитного зажима. Вы сможете начать работу со стедикамом, не снимая со смартфона чехол.
В устройстве поддерживается 3-осевая стабилизация, благодаря которой даже при съемке на ходу видео будут получаться плавными. Устройство обладает эргономичной конструкцией. Рукоятка со специальным покрытием не выскользнет из рук и приятно ложится в руку. Стабилизатор имеет небольшой вес, поэтому даже после его долгого использования рука не будет уставать. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amazon Link:
The SmallRig Briefcase Handle for DJI Gimbals is the perfect accessory for content creators and filmmakers who want to take their DJI gimbal setups to the next level. This handle provides an ergonomic grip that allows for easy handling and transport of your gimbal setup, ensuring that your gear is always within reach.
The handle is made of high-quality aluminum alloy, which makes it strong, durable, and able to withstand the wear and tear of regular use. It's also lightweight, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go. The handle attaches to your gimbal via a 1/4"-20 screw, which is compatible with most DJI gimbals, including the Ronin-S, Ronin-SC, and the Crane series.
The handle features a comfortable grip that's covered with a soft, non-slip material, ensuring that your hand won't slip even when you're carrying heavy gear. It also has a built-in cold shoe mount, which is perfect for mounting accessories like a microphone, LED light, or a monitor.
One of the standout features of the SmallRig Briefcase Handle is its foldable design. This design allows you to easily fold the handle down when you're not using it, making it compact and easy to store in your gear bag. When you're ready to use it, simply unfold it and attach it to your gimbal.
Another great feature of the handle is its versatility. In addition to using it as a handle for your gimbal, you can also use it as a stand for your gimbal when you're not using it. This is particularly useful when you need to set up your gimbal on a table or other flat surface.
Overall, the SmallRig Briefcase Handle for DJI Gimbals is an excellent accessory for anyone who uses a DJI gimbal regularly. Its high-quality construction, comfortable grip, and foldable design make it a must-have for content creators who need to carry their gear with them on the go. Whether you're shooting in a studio or out in the field, this handle will make your life easier and your footage smoother.
#shorts #RS3 #DJIRS3 #RS3mini #DJI #SmallRig #gimbal #cameraaccessories #filmmakinggear #contentcreator #freelancer #videographer Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Стабилизатор съемки Стедикам DJI OSMO Mobile 3: Обзор от супермаркета электроники Top Disc
Стедикам DJI OSMO Mobile 3:
Сайт магазина:
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Top Disc - это супермаркет техники и электроники. Магазин расположен в центре города Пенза по адресу Ставского 4 Доставка по России! Высокое качество товара! Только конкурентная цена на новинки и хиты брендов! Огромный ассортимент, собственный склад! Товар в наличии! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Стедикам Dji RSC 2.
Быстрое переключение на вертикальную съемку.
Выдерживает вес до 3кг.
До 14 часов работы.
Система передачи изображения RavenEye, благодаря которой можно осуществлять передачу видео с разрешением 1080p, на расстоянии 200 м с задержкой сигнала всего 60 мс. Этот модуль идет в комплектации Combo и его можно использовать отдельно от стабилизатора, как видеосендер.
Крепление для телефона, что бы использовать как монитор, особенно удобно при проводках снизу, когда не видишь экран фотика.
Легко справляется с сетапом:
Sony A7c с клеткой Smallrig, объективом sigma Art 24-70mm f2.8 и Nd фильтром Freewell 2-5 stop.
Так же есть другие модели Стедикамов dji.
Если есть вопросы, пишите или звоните 89096558800 поможем подобрать) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The DJI gimbal Smallrig dual handles handgrip are the best accessory for your DJI RS2 gimbal. From stabilization to pressure relief, these handles do it all!
Photography Mini Course:
#SmallRigDualHandgrip #smallrig #dualhandlegimbal
Check out the handle grips!
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✅Стедикам DJI RS 3 Mini —
Стабилизатор DJI RS 3 Mini – это упрощенная версия 3-осевого стедикама DJI RS 3 Pro, плюсом которой является минимальный вес и суперкомпактные размеры, позволяющие использовать его для мобильной съемки на ходу. Упрощенная – не значит хуже и данная модель отлично справляется с любыми сетапами весом до 2 кг, обеспечивая идеальную стабилизацию изображение по новейшему алгоритму 3rd-Gen RS.
Для большего удобства ручной съемки стедикам оснащен сенсорным дисплеем и колесом прокрутки, функцию которого можно кастомизировать для управления подвесом, а также курком и дополнительными кнопками для быстрого управления режимами. Поддержка Bluetooth и проводного соединения позволят также управлять параметрами камеры прямо со стедикама и настроить фокус/ISO/диафрагму/выдержку не составит большого труда даже находясь в неудобном положении.
Благодаря режимам съемки Circling/Tracking/3DRoll360/MultiPointTrack у пользователя будет масса технических решений для реализации своих замыслов и ему останется только сосредоточиться на поиске творческих идей. Кроме того, в данный комплект стабилизатора DJI RS 3 Mini входит ручка, которая в сложенном состоянии поможет реализовать эффектные проводки или съемки с неожиданных ракурсов, а в разложенном будет служить отличным штативом для таймлапсов. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
10 tips & tricks for the Tilta Advanced Ring Grip for DJI RS 2
Let's talk some about some import stuff. Like, how it is with the easyrig, how to wirelessly record with Komodo, broken handles, the best settings for RS2, best mode for RS 2, how to power everything by D-tap, best cheap BP-955 batteries for Komodo, Tilta basic ring grip Advanced ring grip and what cables you need to run this setup.
Footage graded using my LUT pack & grain samples:
00:00 - intro
00:43 - broken handles
02:43 - start/stop nucleus N with komodo
04:27 - setup build & power
05:32 -D-tap splitter
06:57 - best v-mount options
08:35 - Jupio proline BP-955 for komodo
09:24 - auto shutdown handles
09:49 - Easy rig
11:02 - perfect balance with easyrig
12:58 - best shooting mode on DJI RS 2
13:40 - Best stiffness settings on RS2
14:11 - Basic ring vs. advanced ring
15:18 - outro
Information about the ring grip:
The Advanced Ring Grip for RS 2 allows you more flexibility when powering your gimbal, mounting accessories, controlling wireless follow focus motors and operating the gimbal body.
The system allows you to power the RS 2 with either a Gold Mount Battery, V-Mount Battery, or the RS 2’s Battery Handle. The Advanced ring Grip allows you to mount the RS 2’s Battery Handle to the top of the ring which doubles as a power source and top handle. This can be used in combination with a Gold or V-Mount Battery Plate, which gives you more flexibility and longer battery life on set.
The Right Side Control Handle allows you to control the movement of the Gimbal Head and offers camera control through the RS 2’s camera control ports. A single finger wheel allows you to control a DJI Focus Motor or our Tilta Nucleus M and Nano.
The Left Side Focus Handle offers the same wireless follow focus capabilities, but with two finger wheels, allowing for simultaneous control of Focus, Iris, Zoom, and the Gimbal Head, all with only a single operator.
The system allows for further stability when operating the RS 2 and the included kickstands allow you to set the gimbal down after long takes.
The Advanced Ring Grip does not include a battery plate and the compatible battery plates are currently not available for purchase separately. The Ring Grip does include an adapter for the RS2’s Battery Handle that allows it to function as a Top Handle for the Ring and provide power to the gimbal.
For sponsorship, product reviews, and collaboration, you can email me here: @ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DJI RS2 + Canon C70 Rig Builds | The Best Rig for Wedding + Commercial Cinematography
We’ve been getting a ton of questions about our DJI RS2 rig since we first posted it on instagram. In this video, we break down our go-to RS2 rig for commercial and wedding cinematography, as well as as our backup, dual-handed rig. Useful Links Below 👇
🛒 Canon C70:
🛒 DJI RS 2:
🛒 Tilta Extended Baseplate:
🛒 SmallRig Extended Baseplate:
🛒 Tilta Dual Handle Bracket:
🛒 SmallRig NATO Monitor Mount 1:
🛒 SmallRig NATO Monitor Mount 2:
🛒 SmallHD Monitor:
🛒 Gold Mount Batteries:
🛒 V-Mount Batteries:
🛒 Thin HDMI Cable:
🛒 Sprig Cable Hooks:
🛒 Bongo Ties:
🛒 Sony FS7 Grip:
🛒 SmallRig Rosette Adapter:
🛒 Alternate Rosette Adapter (if SmallRig is sold out):
🛒 Zacuto LANC Extension Cable:
🛒 Wooden Camera LANC Extension Cable:
🛒 Tilta Remote Control Handle:
🛒 SmallRig NATO Clamp:
🛒 SmallRig NATO Rail:
🛒 Battery Plate for Dual Handle Bracket:
Complete Wedding Gear List:
Our DJI RS 2 Rig:
Audio for Weddings:
Our Complete Lighting Kit:
Editing Workstation:
We license all our music through the MusicBed - whether that be for weddings, commercial or youtube videos. Sign up and elevate your work here:
Some of the links in our videos, blog posts and descriptions are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission from purchases made from these links. Using these links comes at no extra cost to you but greatly helps us continuing to make content on this channel.
0:00 - Intro
1:03 - Rig One
1:18 - Tilta Extended Baseplate
2:07 - Building the RS2
2:36 - Tilta Dual Handle Bracket
2:52 - Attaching the Monitor
4:06 - Attaching the FS7 Grip
4:42 - Final Thoughts on Rig One
5:09 - Rig Two
5:20 - Tilta Dual Handle Bracket
5:37 - Tilta Remote Control Handle
6:00 - Attaching the FS7 Grip
6:15 - Attaching the Monitor
6:58 - Final Thoughts on Rig Two
7:30 - Our RS2 Settings Guide Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DJI RS 2 | How to Install and Use the DJI Ronin Expansion Base Kit
In this video, you will learn how to install and use the DJI Ronin Expansion Base Kit!
0:00 - Introduction
0:28 - How to Install and Use the DJI Ronin Expansion Base Kit
Lean more
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Купить DJI Osmo Mobile 6
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Кріплення для стедікам DJI R-Grip. Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17