Стартовий набір Smok X-PRIV Kit Prism Gun Metal (SMXPRVG) - ергономічний і концептуально стильний стартовий набір від компанії Smoktech, випущений під слоганом «It's all screen». Гасло рекламної кампанії обумовлений наявністю сенсорного дисплея на корпусі пристрою. Розробники інтегрували в вейпінг-девайс вказаної серії ряд практичних інновацій, спрямованих на підвищення експлуатаційних характеристик боксмода і набору в цілому.
Корпус виконаний з нержавіючої сталі. Лицьова панель виготовлена з прозорого пластика, під яким розташувався кольоровий сенсорний дисплей з діагоналлю 2 дюйми. Відтінок головної теми можна змінювати вручну, всього передбачено 6 колірних рішень. Кнопки регулювання параметрів роботи девайса зайняли правий нижній кут, а Fire - всю бічну частину. Завдяки такому ергономічний дизайн управляти боксмодом легко і комфортно навіть початківцю.
Працює бачок TFV12 Prince на змінних випарників. Інженери з Smoktech пропонують відразу кілька варіантів відповідних девайсів з різними опорами: 0.4 Ом (встановлено), 0.12 Ом (входить в комплект поставки), 0.15 або 0.25 Ом (купуються окремо). Дріп-тип тут дельріновий з малюнком луски кобри. Система заправки реалізована оригінально і ергономічно: для поповнення запасів вейп-рідини необхідно натиснути кнопку, розташовану в області топ-кепа.
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Компания Smoktech порадовала любителей пара стильным девайсом — X Priv. Фишка мода в его дисплее, с диагональю 2 дюйма, что позволяет чётко отображать всю необходимую информацию. Есть как китовый вариант — мод плюс атомайзер TFV12 Prince, так и отдельно модик.
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ريفيو على جهاز X priv kit من شركه Smok بالعربي . X priv kit from Smok review and giveaway !!!
ريفيو على جهاز X priv kit من شركه Smok بالعربي . X priv kit from Smok review and giveaway !!!
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Присоединяйтесь к нам в . Smok X-Priv Baby
Регулировка обдува: Да
Дистанционная продажа: Да
Тип устройства: Готовый набор
Тип затяжки: Смешанная
Максимальная мощность: 80 Вт
Максимальный диаметр посадки под атомайзер: 25 мм
Температурный диапазон в режиме TC: 100 — 315 °C
Страна: Китай
Тип коннектора: 510
Объем бака атомайзера: 2.6 мл
Тип испарителя: Спираль
Тип включения: Ручное - при нажатии кнопки "Fire"
Регулировка мощности: Да
Защита: Да
Съемный атомайзер: Да
Тип обдува: Нижний
Диаметр посадки атомайзера: 24,5 мм
Рекомендуемое соотношение PG/VG в жидкости: 30/70
Формат мундштука: Сменный 810
Наличие дисплея: Да
Материал: Нержавеющая сталь
Обслуживаемый: Частично
Ток заряда: 1 А
Производитель: Smok
Разъем зарядного устройства: Micro USB
Режимы работы: VW / TC / TCR
Поддерживаемые металлы в режиме TC: Ni, Ti, SS316
Диапазон сопротивлений в режиме TC: - 2.0 Ом
Аккумулятор: Встроенный
Вес: 411 г Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The SMOK X Priv Kit Unboxing and Quick Product Overview
Available at:
Our choice 18650 Batteries:
LG HG2 Battery:
Sony VTC6:
For true elegance and all the functionality you could ask for, pick up the SMOK X-Priv 225W Kit with TFV12 Prince Tank. The 88mm x x chassis of the X-Priv Mod has a lightweight of 172g and is powered by dual high-amp 18650 batteries (not included). Its frame continues with SMOK’s new wild Cobra style design by adopting a series of prisms on the back side that provides excellent texture for a firm and comfortable grip. The entire front side of the mod consists of smooth, print-resistant glass that has a soft luster and an all around high-class glossy appearance. Like many other SMOK mods, the X-Priv has a three-button interface consisting of a stealthy ergonomic firing button that runs along the entire side of the mod. Located in the bottom front corner of the device are two regulatory buttons that blend in with whichever of the seven different customizable color options you choose from. On the front is a 2.0 inch HD OLED display screen with a user-friendly menu that clearly shows all the vaping data you could ever need. Go to Variable Wattage mode rev up to whatever wattage you want between 1 to 225W. Temperature Control mode allows you to vape with temperatures from 200-600F (100-315C) with Titanium, Nickel, and Stainless Steel heating elements. The convenient Memory mode lets you save your favorite settings so you don’t have to go through the trouble of changing them every time you want to use your device. Aside from your current wattage and temperature, the screen also displays dual battery life indicators, a draw timer, a puff counter, as well as your current voltage and resistance. The X-Priv withstands voltages between , is compatible with ohm coil heads, and has a standby current of less than 500uA. With this kit, SMOK has included a new superior Micro-USB cable constructed of a more durable material that offers quick charging and can be used for firmware upgrades. Safety features for the X-Priv 225W Mod include intelligent atomizer recognition, a puff monitoring system, a 12 second cut off, short circuit protection, over-heating protection, and over discharge protection.
Attached by a threaded 510 connection is the astonishing SMOK TFV12 Prince Sub-Ohm Tank. The Prince Tank has a 63mm height and a 25mm base diameter, composed of a classy superior Stainless Steel finish and durable Pyrex Glass tube. The glass tube that comes on the tank features a bulb-like convex appearance with a 28mm diameter capable of holding a massive 8mL of e-juice. On top of the tank is SMOK’s Wild Cobra Resin drip tip that gives increased airflow and has special tactility for a comfortable feel on your lips. Keeping with their tried and true patented top-filling method, the top cap is released by a push button locking mechanism. The top cap then swivels counter clockwise, exposing the fill port gasket to conveniently replenish your e-liquid levels. This locking system makes the tank extra leak-proof for traveling and on-the-go purposes. The Prince Tank has its own line of powerful, high performance V12 Cores and two of which are included with this kit. Pre-installed is the 0.4 ohm V12 Prince-Q4 quadruple coil rated between 40 to 100W and is recommended for best use at 60 to 80W. Also included in the box is the ohm V12 Prince-T10 decuple coil rated for use between 60 and 120W and is recommended for best use at 80 to 110W. At the base of the tank are dual bottom adjustable airflow holes, so you can make a tighter or wider draw depending on the vaping effect you desire. Once again, SMOK astounds the market by releasing the SMOK X-Priv 225W Kit with TFV12 Prince Tank. To keep up with the latest in style and technology, scoop up yours today.
SMOK T-Priv 225W Kit:
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El mod más elegante | Smok x-priv | The Smokers Store
Hola a todos! Hoy venimos a hablarles de uno de los mods más potetentes y elegantes de la marca Smok. Es una excelente opción para todo aquel que quiera pasar a un nivel más avanzado en el vapeo.
Contenido del kit:
-Taqnque TFV12
-Resistencia Q4 (0.4 Ohms) preinstalada
-Resistencia T10
-Cable USB - Micro USB
-Tarjeta de Garantía y Autenticidad, advertencias y manual de usuario
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In this Video I'm unboxing and showing you the SMOK X-Priv
A sweet little Kit for people who don't like to build and wick but still want some decent flavor and clouds. :)
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Стартовый набор SMOK S-PRIV kit. Halloween edition
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SMOK X-PRIV 225W TC Box Mod Features:
Dual High-Amp 18650 Battery - Not Included
Maximum Wattage Output: 225W
Min Atomizer Resistance:
Temperature Range: 200-600F
Supports Ni200 Nickel, Titanium, and Stainless Steel Heating Elements
Precision Memory Modes
Premium Zinc Alloy Construction
Hinged Battery Door Access
Intelligent Atomizer Recognition
Battery Series Connection
Short Circuit Protection
Over-Heat Protection
Over Discharge Protection
12 Seconds Cut-Off
MicroUSB Port - Firmware Upgrades
510 Connection
Available in Silver, Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Gold, Purple, Rainbow
SMOK TFV12 Prince Sub-Ohm Tank Features:
25mm Base Diameter
5mL Standard Juice Capacity
8mL Maximum Juice Capacity - Convex Glass Extension
Superior Stainless Steel Construction
High-Grade Glass Reinforcement
High-Temperature Resistant - Explosion Proof
Convenient Top-Fill Rotary Design - Lock Button Mechanism
Massive Dual Adjustable Airflow Control at Base
810 Cobra Resin Ultra-Wide Drip Tip
Performance-Grade V12 Prince Coil Structure
V12 Prince-T10 Decuple Coils - rated for 60-120W
V12 Prince-Q4 Quadruple Coils - rated for 40-100W
510 Connection Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
oday we're taking a look at the Smok X Priv Kit with the TFV12 Prince tank.
The X Priv... a highly requested video! This is the "latest and greatest" from Smok and they did not disapoint with this one. This isi thier latest dual 18650 battery mod which has all of the same features like temp control, tcr, etc, but its packed into a new body style and they have an updated user interface along with a 2" high quality glossy screen. The kit comes with the TFV12 Prince tank.
This might be my favorite Smok product to date...!
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Hi Freunde in dem Video stelle ich euch die Smok X-Priv vor
ich habe diesmal mit einer neuen Kamera gedreht also auch bessere Qualität
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smok x priv review//225 watts//display setting and heavy smoke
#smok x priv
#vape gang
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Review of the Smok X-Priv Kit.
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How to Adjust OHMs in Smok Procolor/Mag/X Priv/Devilkin
Couldn’t find it anywhere so when i found a solution i thought why not make a vid on it😂 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we show you the new Smok X-Priv Kit which features the Prince Tank. We will give you a full overview of the kit and everything included, how to use and recommended settings. We will also go over the included Prince Tank.
Purchase the Smok X-Priv Kit here at a great price:
Purchase the Smok Prince sub ohm tank here:
Purchase the TFV12 Prince coils for the X-Priv kit and Prince Tank here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smok X Priv Kit! Why it might be Smok’s Best Mod!!
Smok’s X-Priv starter kit is one of the best values out in today’s vape market. Not only does it come with one of the best new mod’s in the X-Priv itself, it also comes with the TFV12 Prince Sub ohm tank.
The Tfv12 itself is one of the best tanks out there, so to combine that with the X Priv makes it’s a phenomenal deal. (#gref?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=SMOK Prince_TFV12_Smok_X-Priv_Product_Spotlight)
In this Mt Baker Vapor product spotlight we give our regular vape review of the X-Priv as well as show you how to set it up. This vape review for the Smok X-Priv will be especially helpful for those who might be new to vaping or just want some extra info on what wattage to run the 225w mod.
Featured Juice ***Spew**
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Revue Kit XPriv 225W TFV12 Prince de Smoktech
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Smok X-Priv Kit 225W Vape unboxing/unpacking quick review-4K
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Today we're taking a look at the Smok X Priv baby kit. This mod is an internal battery mod, so you don't need any external 18650 batteries to use this. The tank that comes with this kit is the smok tfv12 big baby prince. You can use this mod withtout the tank, but if you use the tank and purchase this as a kit be warned about the leaking issues I experienced with both of them that were sent to me by Smok. I think it might just be the new coils, because I've liked the TFV12 Prince Baby before, but this is unacceptable.
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Vidéo différente du reste de la chaîne, il est vrai, il est vrai ! Aujourd’hui, on parle cigarette électronique ! Je vous propose de découvrir ma nouvelle e-cig, le kit de Smok X-Priv, un véritable monstre de guerre pour faire des gros nuages avec un excellent rapport qualité/prix ! En fin bref, du fun en perspective !
Bon visionnage!
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les en commentaires ou sur mes réseaux sociaux, une FAQ sur les e-cig est en prévision !
Fiche technique du kit :
Le test qui m’as donner envie d’acheter ce kit :
Tournage / Montage : c’est moi
Consultant montage : Max Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
X-Priv est le nouveau kit de Smoktech dédié à la grosse production de vapeur. Il est composé de l’élégante box X-Priv qui délivre une puissance variable de 6 à 225W et du clearomiseur TFV12 Prince, d’une contenance de 8 ml.
Voir le produit :
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These are more of a show-n-tell than it is a review. I haven't really used these devices much due to lack of time recently, but I do tell you my experiences with them.
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X-Priv, a perfect combination of power and beauty. It is covered with glassy material at front, which can offer you a deluxe appearance and a high-definition screen. It employs newly designed UI, more simple and intuitive than other products. And its output power can up to 225W, which can meet different demands of vapor chasers. The fire key of X-Priv is creatively designed on the left side, much easier to operate than before. Moreover, it uses TFV12 Prince tank, with powerful V12 Prince cores you can fully enjoy the massive vapor. Powerful function, fancy appearance, X-Priv is here to conquer you! Innovation keeps changing the vaping experience!
TFV12 Prince tank features:
Wild cobra drip tip: TFV12 Prince tank use cobra drip tip, which has wide outlook and special tactility. Besides, it will bring you increased airflow.
Convex glass tube: Different from traditional tanks, TFV12 Prince adopts convex glass tube--Bulb Pyrex Glass Tube #2, which can effectively enlarge the e-juice capacity .
TFV12 Prince has 8ml capacity, which is largest capacity ever! There is no need to add the e-juice frequently, you can enjoy vaping with easy and verse.
High quality material: TFV12 Prince tankis made of stainless steel material, which is glossy, durable and no harm to human body. E-juice tube uses food-grade glass, which can ensure non-toxic and high temperature resistance.
Patented locking mechanism: The new design top cap has a patented locking mechanism, simply press this button then you can open the cap. Besides, this design can effectively avoid accidently opening of top cap and leaking of e-juice.
Hyper engines: It adopts new powerful cores, TFV12 Prince Q4, X6, T10, all cores have 12 holes on their bodies, which can make the e-juice quickly saturate the inside cotton and at the same time dissipate heat. Massive vapor, smooth airflow, rich flavors are just born with this tank.
Top refill system: Top rotary refill makes filling a easy thing. Leak proof slot can significantly solve leaking problem.
510 threading connection
28mm overall diameter
X-Priv mod features:
Variable wattage: 1W-225W
Temperature control: 200'F-600'F / 100'C-315'C
Voltage range:
Resistance range: (VW Mode)/(TC Mode)
X-PRIV GLASSY APPEARANCE: X-Priv employs glassy material, like black jewel, it has soft lustre, smooth surface and excellent texture.
2.0 INCH HIGH-DEFINITION SCREEN: X-Priv has 2.0 inch colorful screen, compared with other products it has higher definition and can offer you a clearer user interface.
225W OUTPUT: The max output power of X-Priv is 225W, and there are three modes for you to choose from. Temp Mode can enhance consistency and taste of every puff. Watt Mode is perfect for cloud chasing. Memory Mode can DIY your personal preferences.
ERGONOMIC DESIGN: The whole mod is designed ergonomically, its soft outlines give you more comfortable hand-feel.
Its up and down buttons are put on the lower right corner, lateral big fire key is creatively put on the left side off the mod, both of which are more convenient for you to press.
NEWLY DESIGNED UI: X-Priv has a newly designed UI, the whole interface looks more intuitive than before. You can see detailed vaping information, such as VW/TC MODE, vaping effect, voltage, battery life, etc. And there are 6 colors available for screen setting.
EASY-TO-READ MENU: The main menu and sub-menu are easy to read and operate, you can easily manage the vaping data.
Intelligent atomizer recognition
Puff monitoring system
12 seconds cut-off
Short circuit protection
Over-heating protection
Low discharge warning
DUAL BATTERY LIFE INDICATOR: X-Priv is powered by two 18650 batteries in series. The dual battery life indicator on the OLED screen can show you the accurate conditions of these batteries.
SUPPORTS UPGRADING AND CHARGING: X-Priv supports firmware upgreding, you can use the included USB port to upgrade it. There s no need to change batteries frequently, the mod can be recharged via the Micro-USB port.
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SMOK X PRIV Kit 225W TFV12 Prinz 8mL Tank E Zigarette ağırlık
mod :
spare big bubble glass:
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Welcome to my first video I’m unboxing a smok x-priv rainbow colour if you like please hit that subscribe button to support me thanks 👌 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smok x-priv box mod unboxing and overview india with short review and hands on Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Its nobleness and stylishness highlight the new traits and extraordinary taste. It has 2.0 inch large screen with high-definition to offer you more clear vaping data. The built-in 2300mAh large capacity and 80W output will inspire your endless vaping desire. Combined with TFV12 Big Baby Prince tank and powerful cores, you can enjoy deep and rich cloud taste. Take this delicate X-Priv Baby with you to discover more shinning points. Innovation keeps changing the vaping experience!
Perfectly compatible with TFV12 Big Baby Prince tank which features powerful core heads, easy top filling with patented locking system and precise adjustable airflow, the SMOK X-Priv Baby 80W Kit is definitely an excellent vaping device for you! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here a quick awkward unboxing of the pink x-priv. Smok really hit the ball out of the park with this 225watt mod. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smok's Best Dual 18650 Mod to yet! Smok X-Priv Kit Review- with iblaze northwest
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Something I thought I would never put up but here it is, The Smok Xpriv Kit, very surprised with this kit. Something that I have not put down since I got it and it’s safe to say it’s a winner. Pick one up and you won’t be disappointed.
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Welcome back to another video today we are taking a look at the Smok X Priv Mod. Hope You Enjoy
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The SMOK X-Priv 225W TC Starter Kit is the highly advanced vapor system including the astonishing X-Priv 225W TC Box Mod and the TFV12 Prince Sub Ohm Tank. The X-Priv features a highly advanced two inch intuitive HD screen with detailed vaping details. The body is made of smooth zinc alloy construction, while presenting a low-profile and visually striking chassis. The innovative and ergonomic design is comfortable both left and handed users. Built with SMOKtech’s latest smart chip set, the X-Priv by SMOK has the capability of powering up to 225W, a triple output mode setting and a comprehensive temperature control suite. Packing a punch, the X-Priv Box Mod contains all the features and capabilities to out-perform any other mod on the market. The three button control interface provides a rich and simple menu for the user. The back panel access door is easily accessible for switching out the dual 18650 batteries (sold separately).
Thank you to KJ Andy-O
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Smok X Priv Elektronik Sigara İncelemesi, XPriv Türkçe Detaylı Anlatım
Smok XPriv Elektronik Sigara İncelemesi, XPriv Türkçe Detaylı Anlatım.
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The SMOK X-Priv is a perfect combination of power and beauty. It is covered with glassy material at front, which provides a deluxe appearance and a high-definition screen. It employs a newly designed user interface which is simple and intuitive. The output power is up to 225 W which meets the different demands of vapour fire key of the X-Priv is creatively designed on the left side and is easy to operate.
Time stamps:
00:17 Box contents
00:37 Installing 18650's
00:47 Powering on/off
00:53 Tank and coil set up
01:31 Filling
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