Ліхтар Olight PL-Mini 2 Valkyrie Tan (PL-Mini 2Tan)
Ліхтар Olight PL-Mini 2 Valkyrie - принципово нова модель, призначена для використання з зброєю. Основна відмінність новинки - можливість регулювання розташування кріплення, завдяки чому PL-Mini 2 можна встановити практично на будь-яку зброю, що має планку Picatinny/Weaver, в тому числі і на вітчизняний пістолет Форт-17. Крім цього, яскравість ліхтаря була збільшена до 600 люмен в порівнянні з попередньою моделлю. Є режим "seftey", який знижує потужність світлового потоку після 60 секунд роботи ліхтаря на максимальному режимі. Інші аспекти - компактний форм-фактор, двостороннє управління, а також можливість підзарядки осталася від PL-Mini. Модель поставляється з вбудованим акумулятором Li-Po на 260 mAh. Також, на ліхтарі є індикатор заряду батареї. Нова модель витримує віддачу не тільки короткоствольної, але і гладкоствольної зброї 12 калібру. Купуючи ліхтар Olight PL-Mini 2 Valkyrie, користувач доповнить свою зброю вкрай корисним і зручним аксесуаром.
Небольшой обзор нового компактного быстросъемного подствольного фонаря от компании Olight - PL-Mini Walkyrie.
Световой поток - 400 Люмен
Масса - 60 г
Время работы - 71 минута
Крепление на стандартную планку Пикатинни.
Быстрая установка и съем,
Не выступает за габариты пистолета.
Удобное включение одним пальцем.
Два режима работы - непрерывной свечение и при удержании кнопки.
Зарядное устройство с магнитным держателем и рассчитаное на разъем USB - в комплекте.
Цена - меньше 100$.
Мой вердикт - вещь отличная. себе на Glock-17 буду брать. :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь OLIGHT PL-MINI Valkyrie на пистолет Grand Power T-12FM1
Первый опыт съемки видео, поэтому извиняюсь за выход из границ кадра.
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Full review of Olight's new PL Mini II Valkyrie weapon light with a beam comparison and discussion on the features of the light.
Light link:
Olight PL-Mini II holsters:
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Music by Machinima & Epidemic Sound
Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. I am not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.
Fair Use: In the rare instance I include someone else’s footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор тактических фонарей Olight. Фонари для пистолетов, ружей и карабинов.
SAVE 30% OFF only on 28th, from 12am to 11:59pm EST
In this video we take a quick look at the new PL-Mini Valkyrie 2 from Olight. They have improved upon the original design using customer feedback and made likely the most versatile and affordable weapons light on the market. Stay tuned, much more on the way.
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FTC- This video contains a paid product placement in a syndicated professional video production; all opinions are our own and are neither approved nor disapproved by the advertiser.
DISCLAIMER: Our videos are strictly for documentary, educational, and entertainment purposes only. All shooting is performed on state-approved firing ranges under the supervision of trained professionals. Imitation or the use of any acts depicted in these videos is solely AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any of our videos. We do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. We are not a gun store and DO NOT sell or deal in firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. We DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories or otherwise to change their basic legal function. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.
Fair Use: In the rare instance we include someone else’s footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with the intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech.
Copyright 2019, 88 Industries, LLC Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT Valkyrie PL-Mini Тактический LED Фонарь * LED FlashLight OLIGHT Valkyrie PL-Mini Review
Обзор OLIGHT Valkyrie PL-Mini Тактический LED Фонарь
LED FlashLight OLIGHT Valkyrie PL-Mini Review
Купить OLIGHT Valkyrie PL-Mini
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Review da lanterna tática para pistola Olight PL Mini 2 - Valkyrie de 600 lumens e 2300 candelas Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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NEW Olight PL-MINI 2 VALKYRIE WML! Thanks so much for supporting our channel and using our affiliate links. God Bless!!
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La torcia tattica per tutto: recensione Olight PL-MINI 2 Valkyrie..con SUPER PROMO!!!
Ciao Ragazzi, in questo video abbiamo avuto l'occasione di recensire un prodotto innovativo e veramente ben fatto.
Con n un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, questo articolo si conferma all'altezza per tutte le applicazioni, dalle guerre simulate con azioni di CQB di softair, alle giornate di esercitazione in contesto difensivo, ai corsi di tiro tattico e/o ludico sportivo, per finire alla normale operatività quotidiana per gli agenti e operatori del settore.
In questa occasione Olight ha deciso di dedicare a tutti i seguaci del nostro canale, un codice promozionale con il quale si potrà acquistare con uno sconto netto del 30% diversi articoli.
ATTENZIONE: non significa che dovrete comprare tot cose per ricevere in omaggio altro materiale per un importo pari al 30%.....significa proprio che, una volta selezionato l'articolo e messo nel carrello, riceverete uno sconto diretto del 30% sull'importo finale!
Andiamo con sito su cui troverete gli articoli in promo è il seguente:
Questo sconto è riservato (ovviamente) per i periodi in cui non sono attive altre promozioni (non è cumulabile).
Non ci sono limiti di tempo, potrete acquistare quando volete (in questo periodo sopra i 49 euro avete anche le spese di spedizione gratis).
Gli articoli che godono di questa super promo sono, oltre alla torcia vista in recensione, ben altri 3!!
vi riporto i link qui di seguito, così che non possiate sbagliare articolo:
Una volta aggiunto l'articolo al carrello (anche senza effettuare la registrazione al sito), accedete al carrello stesso e, nel campo codice sconto, inserite ''FRANCESCO300'' vedrete che il prezzo verrà decurtato direttamente del 30%
Attendiamo di sapere cosa ne pensate di questa iniziativa e, se qualcuno di voi avesse voglia, ci renda partecipe del suo acquisto e del suo giudizio in merito!!!
Noi ci vediamo alla prossima!!
Qualora vi venga voglia di buttarvi a capofitto con noi in questo percorso e di aiutarci a fare crescere questo canale/progetto, vi riporto qui il link per abbonarvi!!!
Sì lo so, parliamo di cifre astronomiche, spropositate, ma sotto ad 1,99 euro Youtube si rifiutava di mandare avanti il tutto !!!🤣
A breve ci saranno tanteeeeee .....
vedete almeno di iscrivervi tutti al canale (che è gratis) perchè altrimenti vi dò una testata, promesso!!!😉
Ciaoooooooo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks to OLIGHT for supplying the PL MINI VALKYRIE for review and test! This OLIGHT product is already enjoying huge popularity in the real sidearm world, and is now focusing on Airsofters!
Beam Distance (ft) 246
Beam Distance (m) 75
Max. Performance (lumens) 400
Charge type: Magnetic USB charge base
Customised Li-Ion Battery
Light Intensity (candela) 1400
Light Form: Standard hotspot diameter with impressive distance. The perfect all-around beam profile.
Lens / Reflector Type Smooth reflector (central area and flood area)
Mode Operation: Side Switch
Ambidextrous switch
LEVEL 1 (lumens) 400
Run-time LEVEL 1
400lumens (down to 60lm)
1h10m (1m)
Strobe: No
Waterproof IPX6
Weight (g / oz) Approx. 62 /
Length (mm / in) 61.2 /
Head Diameter (mm / in) 31.2 /
Body Diameter (mm / in) 26.9 /
Led Cree XP-L HI
Packaging Carton box
Use Police, military, tactical use
Package Contents
Flashlight x 1
Magnetic charger USB cable x 1
260mAh built-in lithium polymer battery
1913 Rail Mount (for 1913 Rail) x 1
T6/T8 Socket Head Wrench x 1
Instruction Manual
MY OTHER CHANNEL (Mike's Tech and Toys)
For details regarding safe practices and laws surrounding Airsoft,
please visit my website
My Airsoft channel is an ENTERTAINMENT channel where the equipment featured, are predominantly used for my film company. Naturally, I also enjoy collecting, reviewing and playing airsoft, so have merged these entities together to create my channel. I love airsoft and love making these videos. I laugh at myself at times and do not take myself too seriously, so you shouldn't either! 😇 However... Safety and laws surrounding airsoft will always be my top priority!
I do not have the room/space to do long-range accuracy tests. Until I can secure a larger space, what you see in my videos is all I can offer for now. Sometimes I do have access to an outdoor secure field but it is nowhere near where I am based. Please remember my YouTube channel is my hobby and not a business. My channel has never and will never claim to be an expert or professional airsoft product review and testing channel. As stated at the end of all of my videos.
Thanks for stopping by... 😇 Appreciated!
All of the reviews featured on Airsoft Mike’s YouTube channel are brand new, out of the box reviews. So more often than not, all items featured will be in good, if not perfect working order.
A follow-up review of all Airsoft equipment will be done at a later date. (This is taking longer than expected but updates will follow early 2021).
This is so a full and frank opinion can be given. Any faults or issues discovered since the unboxing, will be highlighted in follow up videos. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Magazin oficial Olight in Romania -
Lanterna poate fi cumparata de aici:
Odata cu aparitia acestei lanterne de pistol, Olight PL MINI 2 putem sa afirmam ca inginerii de la Olight au reusit imposibilul. Lanterna este mai mica ca modelul precedent, mult mai puternica 600lumeni si un sistem revolutionar de prindere rapida modular.
Cu simplitatea caracteristica Olight, putem sa modificam pozitia lanternei fata de sistemul de prindere. Astfel nu mai suntem conditionati doar de anumite modele, lanterna se poate monta aproape pe orice tp de pistol. In plus putem sa fixam lanterna lipita de garda tragaciului, indiferent de model.
Este foarte usor de folosit, extrem de simplu (pornit / oprit) si functie momentary on (sta aprinsa atat timp cat este apasat unul din butoanele laterale).
Olight a dezvoltat o lanterna de pistol extrem de mica (face posibila montarea si pe arme de mici dimensiuni), implementand si incarcarea magnetica. Este prima lanterna de pistol prevazuta cu incarcare magnetica.
Este prevazuta cu doua butoane cu actionare independenta atat pentru dreptaci cat si pentru stangaci. Butoanele se actionaeaza doar de apasand de sus in jos. In acest fel se evita apasarea acidentala.
Lanterna de pistol este prevazuta si cu functie de aprindere temporara (ramane aprinsa cat timp avem apasat butonul).
Prinderea pe pistol se realizeaza rapid si extrem de precis si rapid. In pachet sunt incluse doua piese de fixare, acestea putand fi folosite pentru a fixa perfect lanterna de arma.
#olightromania #lanterna #olight #lanternapistol #plmini Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My review on the O-Light PL Mini 2 Valkyrie and no I am not shilling for O-light ha! This little light is actually pretty decent, the controls are good, the ratcheting system is solid, QD lockup is solid, and the lumens are decent. I am not a big fan of the low candela numbers and I'm hesitant with the re-chargeable battery set up.
Links to O-light products
USCCA Self Defense Liability Insurance -
Ocean State Armory - Code TIBERIOUS
Shall Not Comply -
Prime Armor - Code TIBERIOUS -
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From O-light
The PL-MINI 2 Valkyrie is the world's first compact rechargeable Olight PL series light with an adjustable rail, which the user can adjust to any length making it compatible with most devices. It delivers a maximum output of 600 lumens and a beam distance of 100 meters. With a quick attach and release mounting system, installation and removal are accomplished within one second.
The switches are conveniently manipulated by pressing down quickly for constant on/off or hold for momentary-on.
The PL-MINI 2 is powered by a built-in lithium polymer battery, which can be charged through our signature magnetic charging port located at the bottom of the light.
With high compatibility, quick attach/release mounting system, and huge performance; the PL-Mini 2 is perfect for concealed carry.
✔ Adjustable rail(authorized patent): Slide the rail adapter back and forth freely to fix the light in the desired position for your specific devices.
✔ Huge performance: 600 lumens with 100 meters of throw. Performance is comparable to mid-sized PL series lights.
✔ Convenient charging by connecting the light directly with the included magnetic USB cable. There is no need to remove a battery or plug into a port that will wear out over time.
✔ Quick install and removal within one second.
✔ Compatible with both sized rails (insert included in the package).
✔ Ultra-compact and lightweight. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get 10% off using Sootch00 with this link:
#Olight #OlightValkyrie #Weaponlight
400 Lumens
Compact Size
QD Lever
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Thanks for watching~ Sootch00
Instagram: Sootch_00
Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔦 Conheça a Lanterna para pistola Olight Valkyrie PL-MINI 2 600 Lúmens Tan - #UnboxingCrosster
Saiba tudo sobre a Lanterna para pistola Olight Valkyrie PL-MINI 2 600 Lúmens Tan (OLVALKMN2TN) no vídeo de #Unboxing de hoje!
👉 Compre já:
• Conheça a linha completa da Olight aqui:
#Olight #Crosster #SemprePreparado
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Deep Dive: Olight PL MINI 2 & PL-PRO Valkyrie Torture Test & Review
A detailed look at the performance and durability of Olight's PL MINI 2 and PL-PRO Valkyrie weapon lights.
M951: 141 Lux
PL MINI 2: 106 Lux
PL-PRO Valkyrie low: 157 Lux
PL-PRO Valkyrie high:780 Lux
PL-PRO Valkyrie baseline temp: 80.9°F
PL-PRO Valkyrie 5 min on (high mode): 101.4°F
PL MINI 2 baseline temp: 80.5°F
PL MINI 2 5 min on: 96.4°F
Battery Life:
PL-PRO Valkyrie: 40min 34sec on high.
PL MINI 2: 1hr 3min 37sec a red LED came on and the light dimmed.
I didn’t notice the LED until I reviewed the footage. Continued to illuminate for at least another half hour, though it was barely useable to find your way in the dark.
Charge Time:
PL MINI 2 took 55min 1sec to charge
PL-PRO Valkyrie took 1hr 24min 22sec to charge.
The ARFCOM Teespring shop has officially launched!
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No firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories are offered for sale in the video, description, or comments. There are no links in the description or in the video to sites where firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories are available for sale.
This video does not contain, portray, or condone violence, nudity, sexual acts, profane language, hate speech, scams, fraud, deceptive marketing, or any other content in violation of YouTube policy.
#arfcom #olight #weaponlight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight PL-MINI 2 Valkyrie rechargeable weapon light with an adjustable rail. 600 lumens and a beam distance of 100 meters.
Built-in lithium polymer battery, which can be charged through magnetic charging port located at the bottom of the light. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Olight PL Mini 2 Rechargeable Light Review. 600 Lumens, Rechargeable and adjustable mounting system.
Get 10% off using Sootch00 with this link:
Holsters for PL-2 and PL-Mini Lights:
Big thanks to Fiocchi USA for their Sponsorship!
Rubber Dummies 10% off "Sootch00" Code. Click Affiliate Link: ?aff=6
Be a Team Sootch Minuteman:
Hit the Like Button & Subscribe for more Fun Gun Reviews.
Thanks for watching~ Sootch00
Instagram: Sootch_00
Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review/Análise Olight Pl Mini Valkyrie 2. A lanterna ideal para G2C e TH9C. Prós e contras.
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Estamos sempre a disposição para sanar qualquer dúvida. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Got some mods the for FN 509 Midsize.
600-60 lumens / 1 +60 minutes
Manufacturer: Olight
Model: PL-MINI 2 Valkyrie
Max. Output: 600 lumens
Max. Throw: 100m / 109 yards
Width: in/32 mm
Height: in/32.5 mm
Weight: oz/ 73g
Waterproof: IPX6
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ArizonaGun Guy
85 W Combs Ste 239
San Tan Valley, AZ 85140
Music By:
Palm Trees - MBB
Relax - Peyruis
Moody Swing - Oshova
Imaginary - Skylike
Found You - Nekzlo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hay una linterna Olight para cada uso. Aquí les muestro una para pistolas.
La venta especial que se menciona en el video terminó el 29 Agosto 2020
Para todas estas ofertas, sólo le haces click a este enlace:
Holsters (fundas) para pistola con linterna Olight:
Outlaw Holsters:
Fierce Defenders (llamar para detalles):
Vedder Holsters (especificar por marca y modelo de la pistola):
R&R Holsters – Disponibles en Amazon y en Ebay
Skydas Gear:
AlphaCalibre Services LLC
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The new PL-Mini2 from Olight has an adjustable sliding rail making it compatible with a wide variety of full size and sub compact pistols.
Check out the full review on GunsAmerica coming soon. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gear - Olight PL Mini II Valkyrie OD Green [French]
LISEZ !!! READ!!! English subtitles will be available soon.
Cette vidéo est une présentation de lampe.
This video is about a flashlight.
Cette vidéo à été démonétisée sans raison par les modérateurs YouTube.
This video has been demonetized without any reasons by YouTube moderators.
Pour soutenir l'Antre/To support my work :
Mytip :
Utip :
En attendant de vraies nouveautés, voici une alternative aux Mini PLII beiges et noires, profitez des promotions Olight le 23 juin !
Enjoy June 23rd sales at Olight!
Liens/links :
♥Olight :
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♥L'Antre sur Twitter : @LantreduDingo
Intro/outro : Maric
Musique :
♫ Termina Ding - Dingchavez (that's me !)
♫ Octadrone VI - ELFL
L'airsoft est un sport, l'airsoft est un jeu, ne faites pas n'importe quoi avec vos répliques.
Airsoft is a game, airsoft is about having fun, don't do stupid things with your BB guns. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lanterna Dedicada da Olight PL-Mini 2 Walkyrie e Baldr RL Mini 600 Lumens
Na PL- Mini 2
600 Lumens - 100 Metros de alcance
Na Baldr RL Mini
600 Lumens - 130 Metros de alcance + Laser Vermelho Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LISEZ !!! READ!!! English subtitles will be available soon.
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This video is about a flashlight. YouTube moderators thought that it didn't worth monetization, meaning 90% less revenues and no push to video it please.
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Olight a enfin accepté de m'envoyer la lampe que je voulais vous présenter depuis un bon moment, la Mini PL-2 Valkyrie. Cette lampe microscopique s'adapte sur tout un tas de répliques et fourni un éclairage suffisant à notre loisir. Merci à Olight et profiter de 22% de remise sur cette lampe pour les Amazon deals le mercredi 07 août 2019 (lien plus bas).
At last, Olight accepted to send me the flashlight I really wanted to show to you: the Mini LP-2 Valkyrie. This item fits A LOT of our bb-guns and provides enough light for most of our needs. Thanks Olight and during the Amazon deals Wednesday 7th August, enjoy a 22% discount (link below).
Liens/links :
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Intro/outro : Maric
Musique :
♫ Termina Ding - Dingchavez (that's me !)
♫ Alienated - ELFL
L'airsoft est un sport, l'airsoft est un jeu, ne faites pas n'importe quoi avec vos répliques.
Airsoft is a game, airsoft is about having fun, don't do stupid things with your BB guns. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Linterna 🔦 Olight PL-MINI Valkyrie 2, pequeña versátil y potente ❗ | Airsoft Review en Español
Promoción Olight PL-MINI Valkyrie 2 con un 30% de decuento y la i1R2 EOS como regalo gratis desde e 25 a las hasta el dia 30 de Noviembre a las
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2019 New Olight's first slide-shifting rechargeable compact pistol light--PLmini 2 Valkyrie.
New Year Enjoy 30% OFF &
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Reviewing the PL Mini 2 Valkyrie weapon light from Olight
PL Mini 2 Valkyrie:
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Song: Jim Yosef - Firefly
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The Olight PL-Mini Valkyrie 2 is a rechargeable 600 lumen weapon light.
More information and link for flash sale:
1. PL-mini 2 is with 30% OFF on January 28th for a whole day, black color and desert tan for your choice;
2. It is equipped with a slide adapter, making the PL-MINI 2 compatible with most pistols including subcompacts;
3. 600 lumens with 100 meters of throw, can be recharged directly by a magnetic USB charger;
4. Purchasing link :
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In this video bring you an Olight Pl mini 2 review and flash sale.
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Olight Flash sale! - Olight PL mini 2 Valkyrie
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Olight PL-MINI 2 Valkyrie
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We actually first reviewed the Olight Pl 2 Valkyrie back when we first started the channel. It was one of our absolutely favorite weapon lights.
The Olight pl-2 Valkyrie is a 600 lumen pistol weapon light that packs an absolutely huge punch in a tiny package. This little edc light is also easily chargeable with the included magnetic charger and internal rechargeable battery.
When we started the channel we all had the same problem where none of the weapon lights were able to fit any of our smaller frame weapons. We had issues finding any sort of light that would fit the Springfield Hellcat and also struggled trying to find a light that would match the profile of the Sig Sauer P320 X-compact.
The Olight Pl mini 2 has an ingenious adjustment on the top of the light but the full implications of something so small are not immediately apparent. So you can just unlock the locking lever of the Pl 2 mini pistol light and then you can move the adjustment back and forth. And this does two amazing things for you.
1. Now you can put this on any pistol. You have one light that literally fits on it the world of pistol lights, the price is amazing.
2. You can use the same light retention holsters across different sizes of the same firearm.
I found this to be incredibly useful. Now I can use the Olight pl 2 mini valkyrie on my battle belt or war belt setup with the larger Sig Sauer p320 x-carry grip and Holosun 507c OR I can swap it all up and use a Sig Sauer X-compact grip and a more sleek slide.
The best part? Both configurations can just use the same weapon light and exact same holsters between the two weapon systems.
As a bonus, the light can also fit in Safariland holsters that use a Surefire x300 weapon light profile.
As my final bit on this light, I have to say that this light has lasted the test of time. From the very start of our channel to today, I use the exact same Olight Pl-mini 2 Valkyrie and I've had zero issues with it. The same light has survived learning to draw a pistol, learning to use a red dot, learning to reload, replacing a red dot, and tons of gear testing.
The light has never failed me and it'll continue to be part of my edc setup.
(DISCLAIMER: This post may contain paid advertisements or affiliate links. An affiliate link means that if you follow one of the gear links, Thin Line Defense Co receives a small portion of that purchase but incurs no extra cost to you. This helps us make the channel grow and get more great gear to review just for you! Thanks for the amazing support.)
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Product Link -
The PL-MINI Valkyrie is a culmination of years of innovation at Olight in the LED industry to bring you the brightest and most compact weapon flashlight ever created.
At only two ounces, the flashlight will never cause the user to adjust their bore height or grip on the firearm producing a more consistent integration into their shooting system.
The 400-lumen output is the perfect match of intense brightness and maintaining focus on your target. The length allows for the light to not reach passed the barrel of a standard compact pistol for maximum concealability. We also integrated our signature magnetic rechargeable system into the light.
Use the included MCC magnetic charging cable to charge the light either quickly at home or in the field. The PL-MINI is the perfect choice for practical concealed gun carry on any compact pistol due to its unmatched brightness and portability. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review of the Olight PL-Mini 2 Valkyrie Pistol Light. I won't be replacing my SurefireX300 or Modlite PL350 anytime soon. Though I do love this light for what it is. If your'e in the market for a pistol light, but can't afford a $300 plus light, then this may be what you are looking for. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Website link -
We have our first exclusive limited edition zone product reserved for Gold, Platinum, and Diamond level website members. Say hello to the PL-Mini 2 built from solid titanium! This was a huge and challenging project but we are proud to offer it to our top fans! If you are Gold, Platinum, or Diamond level, don't miss out on this incredible limited edition piece. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get it here...
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OLIGHT PL-Mini 2 Valkyrie 600 Lumens Cree XP-L HD CW Magnetic USB Rechargeable Compact Weaponlight with Adjustable Rail, Patch (Black)
Adjustable rail(authorized patent): Slide the rail adapter back and forth freely to fix the light in the desired position for your specific firearm, making the PL-MINI 2 compatible with most pistols including subcompacts
Huge performance: 600 lumens with 100 meters of throw. Performance comparable to mid-sized weaponlights
Convenient charging by connecting the light directly with the included magnetic USB cable. There is no need to remove a battery or plug into a port that will wear out over time
Compatible with both Glock (insert already installed) and Picatinny sized rails (insert included in the package)
Quick install and removal within one second, Ultra-compact and lightweight
The PL-MINI 2 Valkyrie is the world's first compact rechargeable weaponlight with an adjustable rail, which the user can adjust to any length making it compatible with most pistols including subcompacts. It delivers a maximum output of 600 lumens and a beam distance of 100 meters. With a quick attach and release mounting system, the install and removal can be finished within one second. The switches are conveniently manipulated simply by pressing down quickly for constant on/off or hold for momentary-on. The PL-MINI 2 is powered by a built-in lithium polymer battery, which can be charged through our signature magnetic charging port located at the bottom of the light. With high compatibility, quick attach/release mounting system, and huge performance, the PL-Mini 2 is the optimal weaponlight choice for concealed carry.
600-60 lumens / 1 +60 minutes
Manufacturer: Olight
Model: PL-MINI 2 Valkyrie
Max. Output: 600 lumens
Max. Throw: 100m / 109 yards
Width: in/32 mm
Height: in/32.5 mm
Weight: oz/ 73g
Waterproof: IPX6
pl-mini 2
Adjustable Rail
Slide the rail adapter back and forth freely to fix the light in the desired position for your specific firearm, making the PL-MINI 2 compatible with most pistols including subcompacts, like the Taurus G2C or Springfield XDS MOD.2, If it has a rail, it will fit.
Compatible Rails
Compatible with both Glock (insert already installed) and Picatinny sized rails (insert included in the package).
Convenient charging
Charging by connecting the light directly with the included magnetic USB cable. There is no need to remove a battery or plug into a port that will wear out over time.
Easy operation
On/Off: Single click either switch for constant on. Single click again to turnt the light off.
Momentary ON: Press and hold down either switch for momentary on. The light will stay on until the switch is released.
Ultra-compact and lightweight
Package content
PL-MINI Valkyrie 2 x 1
1913 Rail Mount x1
T6/T8 Socket Head Wrench x 1
MCC (magnetic charging cable) weapon light edition x 1
User manual x 1
Olight Patch x 1 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I'll review the Olight PL-MINI Valkyrie. It's currently the brightest and most compact weapon flashlight ever created. Enjoy!!
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Here’s a quick unboxing & first thoughts on the OLIGHT PL- MINI 2 VALKYRIE FDE Color Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
1. Flash sale date: 1:00 pm November 11th -9:00 pm November 11th EST, lasting 8 hours;
Register and log in your account during Nov 11th Flash Sale(11/11 1:00 PM - 11/11 9:00 PM), a free i3E BK will be automatically in your cart.
2. Main promoting product is as below:
PL MINI 2 OD Green, 40% off (MAP: $; Sales price:$)
Bundle A: PL MINI 2 OD Green + i3T OD Green, 50% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$);
Bundle B: PL MINI 2 OD Green + i3T Desert Tan, 50% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$);
Bundle C: PL MINI 2 OD Green + i3T OD Green + i3T Desert Tan, 50% off (MAP: $; Sale s price:$);
3. Free Tiers:
Over $109 get a FREE i1R2 (MAP: $)
Coupon Code: MUDD10
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3V Gear link
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I do some shooting with the Olight PL Mini 400 lumen light on a Glock 23 and several other guns during the day and night, do a beam comparison with the Inforce APLc and Streamlight TLR 1 HL, and go over the features of the light and what I think of it overall.
PL-Mini link:
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Music by Machinima & Epidemic Sound
Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. I am not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.
Fair Use: In the rare instance I include someone else’s footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight PL-Mini 2 Valkyrie
Olight i1R 2 EOS
Olight Warrior X Pro
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Unboxing and review of olight Valkyrie PL-mini 2 on Glock 43x with Recover Tactical rail. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь OLIGHT BALDR S и совместимость с кобурами под BALDR MINI
In this video, Chandler goes over his first impressions on an offering from Olight, the PL Mini-2 Valkyrie. This tiny light is meant for compact/subcompact handguns and has some great modular features for an EDC or a nightstand firearm.
Range Day is not sponsored by any of these companies.
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The limited edition Gray PL-Mini 2 goes on sale tomorrow night at midnight EDT. (May 29)!!! Get up to 40% off before these sell out!
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Olight Valkyrie PL-2:
"olight10" for 10% off the $ Price Affiliate Link
Olight Valkyrie PL-Mini:
"olight10" for 10% off the $ Price. Affiliate Link
Black Point Tactical Holsters:
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Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Disclaimer: I'm not an Expert.
PL-MINI 2 Valkyrie Tactical Light
Huge Performance: 600 lumens with a 100-meter throw. Charged directly with the included magnetic USB cable
● Adjustable Rail: Slide the rail adapter back and forth freely to fix the light in the desired position. Quick attach and release within one second
● Easy To Operate: Activate the light with the ambidextrous switch by your fingertips. Easily switch modes with a quick flip
● Wide Compatibility: Compatible with both Glock (insert already installed) and Picatinny sized rails (insert included in the package)
Feel Free to Email me @ bdc1817@ if you want me to review your products.
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#Olight #TacticalLight #Weaponlight Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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