Fitbit Versa водонепроникні, з сенсорним екраном і просунутим вимірником активності. З ними можна стрибати, бігати і навіть плавати на глибину 50 метрів і з ними нічого не буде. Кожен день в світі з'являються все нові й нові розумні пристрої, покликані полегшити нашу життєдіяльність. Годинники Fitbit Versa не стали винятком. По суті, це оновлення попередніх годинників в трьох колірних варіантах: чорний, сріблястий і рожевий. Є можливість працювати з бездротовими навушниками будь-яких виробників. Неважко здогадатися, що перш за все Fitbit Versa орієнтований на тих, хто займається фітнесом або спортом. Гаджет поєднує кращі напрацювання розумних годин, і стоїть на рівні Apple Watch або Samsung Gear.
Вологонепроникний корпус
Цей годинник абсолютно вологозахищені, тому з ними на руці можна купатися, плавати і навіть занурюватися на глибину до 50 метрів. Весь цей час гаджет може вимірювати фізичні показники та позначки по тренуваннях. Екран захищає скло Corning Gorilla Glass 3. Сам він досить яскравий. Активувати його можна просто піднявши руку. Зліва на корпусі є кнопка, за допомогою якої можна включити і вимкнути екран. Справа знаходяться дві клавіші. Верхня показує дані за поточний день, а друга активує персонального тренера. У комплекті під різні зап'ястя є два варіанти ремінців: короткий і довгий. Зміна ремінця займає лічені секунди. Фіксація відбувається за рахунок засувки. Все максимально зручно. Носити годинник на руці за рахунок м'якого матеріалу ремінця дуже приємно.
Функції годинника
Два з половиною гігабайти вільного місця можна використовувати для завантаження улюбленої музики з подальшим прослуховуванням через навушники. Завантажити музику на годинник вийде тільки через спеціальний додаток на смартфоні через Wi-Fi. У меню годинника є спеціальна опція коуч, тобто персональний тренер, який дає кілька безкоштовних тренувань. Далі курс можна лише придбати. Це дуже зручно дивитися на екрані, як і яким чином потрібно виконувати ту чи іншу вправу. Розділ wallet присвячений можливостям в платіжних системах. Годинник вміє відстежувати сон в автоматичному режимі, показувати денну активність і задавати додаткові параметри про їжу або вагу. Також ви зможете додавати інших людей в друзі, бачити скільки вони пройшли.
Підходять усім
В цілому, годинник буде корисний тим, хто шукає стильний трекер на руку з можливістю вимірювання пульсу, кроків і різних тренувань, а також хоче отримати гаджет з GPS без телефону. На відміну від інших пристроїв цей годинник більш універсальний
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Эти часы должны были стать настоящим конкурентом Apple Watch. Так и случилось. Fitbit Versa в США продаются лучше чем умные часы Samsung, Garmin и Fossil вместе взятые. Тем не менее до масштабов Apple Watch этим умным часам еще далеко. Наш обзор Fitbit Versa покажет насколько эти часы хороши для спорта и как обычный повседневный аксессуар. И могут ли они стать Apple Watch для Android.
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Fitbit Versa Smartwatch, Peach/Rose Gold Aluminium
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Fitbit Versa Smartwatch, Peach/Rose Gold Aluminium
Smartwatches are the modern days watch that would keep yourself fit, help you live smart, and communicate with your smart devices. The idea of the smartwatch has changed a lot in the last decade, along with the revolutionary upgradation in the mobile operating system. The name of Fitbit has won the hearts of active people who love to keep track of their activities and live smartly. You have got it just right! Today we will be talking about the Fitbit Versa Smartwatch, and let you know everything about this fantastic piece of technology.
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Fitbit Versa 2 Watch Review | WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!!
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For more info on the Fitbit Versa 2 or to buy it
For some of my favourite straps, check out these 😀👇
WATCH - Fitbit Versa Lite video
WATCH - Fitbit Versa Original video
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Fitbit Versa Smart Watch 💥 (Special Edition) | User Review | Is it Worth it?
🍀 I've been using this Fitbit Versa smart watch for over a month now - time for a review! Find out what I like and don't like to help with your purchase decision!
Fitbit Versa:
Fitbit Versa Special Edition:
Are you using a Fitbit Versa or other Fitbit smart watch?
What is your experience with it? Leave your comments below!
Track your all day activity, 24/7 heart rate, & sleep stages, all with a 4 plus day battery life ) , Charge time (0 to 100%): Two hours . Slim, comfortable design with a lightweight, anodized aluminum watch body Use 15 plus exercise modes like Run or Swim (Fitbit Versa is water resistant to 50 meters We do not recommend wearing Charge 3 in a hot tub or sauna.) to record workouts and connect to smartphone GPS for more precise real time pace & distance
EMAIL: ervinvideo9@ (best way to reach us)
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Meet Fitbit Versa - an all-day health & fitness smartwatch that helps you live your best life. This lightweight, water resistant watch empowers you to reach your goals with actionable insights, personalized guidance, on-screen workouts and more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Hey guys!I todays video I unbox the FitBit Versa 2 (SmartWatch) and setup. The Fitbit Versa 2 SmartWatch can track your heart rate for 24/7, can get the notifications you get on your phone, has a built in Amazon Alexa and has a battery life for 4+ days!
FitBit Versa 2 Details:
{24/7 Heart Rate Tracking}
{Water Resistant & 4+ Day Battery Life}
{Automatically Tracks Activity & Exercise}
{15+ Exercise Modes & Connected GPS}
{Sleep Tracking And Sleep Score}
{SmartPhone Notifications & Apps}
{Amazon Alexa Built-In}
{Always On Display Mode}
{Store & Play 300+ Songs}
{Make Secure Purchases With FitBit Pay}
The FitBit Watch is super pretty and pink, I love how it tracks your heart rate and has an exercise timer for when you exercise, it also shows how much calories you have lost.
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Here's Technophile Authority's HONEST in-depth review of Fitbit’s Versa Smart Watch one of the best Fitness companions you can get on the market for the price!
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If you're looking for an activity tracker that gives great data, is durable, has great battery life and will keep you health accountable, then let us introduce the Fitbit Versa! One of the best activity trackers in the current market that can help you find that body you're looking for and help you get there every step of the way.
Check out our website article here:
Fitbit Versa Features:
* Track your all-day activity, 24/7 heart rate, & sleep stages -- all with a 4+ day battery life (varies with use and other factors)
* Take your favorite music phone-free by storing 300+ songs or downloading stations from Pandora or playlists from Deezer
* Use 15+ exercise modes like Run or Swim (Fitbit Versa is water-resistant to 50 meters) to record workouts and connect to smartphone GPS for more precise real-time pace & distance
* Easily fit in workouts with personalized on-screen coaching that play on your wrist and coach you through each move
* Access your favorite apps for sports, weather & more and get call, calendar, text, and app alerts. Send quick replies to messages (Android only)
* Special Edition smartwatch versions include a built-in NFC chip to make secure payments without your wallet and an additional black classic accessory band. One Size (S & L bands included)
* The minimum and maximum circumference range between 140 - 206 millimeters
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0:24 - Intro
0:38 - Short Unboxing
1:09 - Design & Build
3:00 - Battery & Charging
3:37 - Fitbit OS
4:16 - Versa Set Up
4:48 - Fitbit Application
6:30 - A Quick Tip
6:51 - Switching Out Watch Bands
7:32 - Pros & Cons
10:01 - Final Verdict
Technophile Authority is a company dedicated to bringing you updates and information on the latest technologies, electronic advancements, and trends.
By bringing you honest reviews and relevant content, we hope to give you a competitive edge in this technology-driven world today.
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Your Speaker: Daniel Pak is a Software and Web Developer with a love for new Technology. Creator and public figure for the Technophile Authority Company and Brand.
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Technophile Authority purchases all products seen in our videos, all product content and opinions are our own. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Huawei Watch Fit: Как Apple Watch 6, только дешевле. Обзор и опыт использования. Плюсы и минусы
Вы на канале ProTech и сегодня вас ждет полный обзор и опыт использования смарт-часов Huawei Watch Fit. Я расскажу про достоинства и недостатки данных умных часов от Huawei, какие функции может предложить компанию пользователю, подходят ли они для фитнеса и спорта, а также стоит ли обращать на них внимание или приобрести Apple Watch 6, которые дороже. Приятного просмотра!
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Ambient Corporate - Audiochameleon Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fitbit Versa Review | WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! Versa Fitness Tracker & Smartwatch
In this video, find out about the NEW Fitbit Versa, a fitness tracker with a few amenities of a smartwatch. I'll go through what you can expect from the Versa, it's features, what I like and dislike about it.
Hope you enjoy this video and if I happened to miss something or if you have questions, please comment them below.
Thank you so much for watching!
#fitbitversa #fitbitversareview #newfitbitversa #bestfitnessactivitytracker
Tin ^.^
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Use amazon Alexa built in to get quick news and information, check the weather, set timers and alarms, control your smart home devices and more all through the sound of your voice (third party app may be required; amazon Alexa not available in all countries)
Based on your heart rate, time asleep and restlessness, sleep score helps you better understand your sleep quality each night; also track your time in light, deep and REM sleep stages and get personal insights
Control your Spotify app, download Pandora stations and add Deezer playlists, plus store and play 300+ songs on your wrist (subscription required; Pandora is us only)
With a larger display and an always on option, your information’s always a quick glance away (always on display requires more frequent charging)
Track heart rate 24/ 7, steps, distance, calories burned, hourly activity, active minutes and floors climbed. Syncing range - up to 6.1 meters
Works around the clock with 6 plus day battery life (varies with use and other factors)
Get a call, text, calendar and smartphone app notifications when your phone is nearby; plus send quick replies and a voice replies on android with Bluetooth headphones & 200+ leading iOS and Android devices.
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Fitbit Versa unboxing a la carrera -el smartwatch uniVERSAl-
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Thank you so much for watching my Apple Watch Series 5 VS Fitbit Versa 2 video. I really hope this review/ comparison style video helped give you guys some insight into both these smart watches and ultimately helps you decide on either the Apple Watch or Fitbit Versa.
• Apple Watch
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• Fitbit Versa 2 watch
• Fitbit Original Straps
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• Fitbit Air scale
• Fitbit Charger Dock Stand
• Silver phone stand
Where I get all my EPIC music (Epidemic Sound) -
To keep my camera on constantly (Power Adapter Supply) -
For silky smooth shots (Neewer Slider) -
For those crispy clean vocals (Purple Panda Lav Mic) - AMAZON
My Amazon shop -
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This is a full in-depth comparison between the latest fitbit versa 3 and the fitbit versa 2 for you to decide which one to buy this holiday season. I have talked about each & every single feature of both these smartwatches starting with design, price, specs, features, battery life, fitness & sleep tracking & my final verdict. If you are in the market for a fitbit smartwatch you must watch this video. I hope you like this video, please like & share this video as much as you can & comment bellow if you have any questions.
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🔹 Fitbit Versa 3 & Sense Charger & Charging Dock: &
🔹Fitbit Versa 2 Special Edition:
🔹Fitbit Versa 2:
🔹Fitbit Versa Lite Edition:
🔹Fitbit Versa 2 screen Protector [Bubble Free]:
🔹Seltureone (3 Pack) Screen Protector Case Compatible for Fitbit Versa 2, Full Body Cover Scratch Resistant Shock Absorbing Ultra Slim Protective:
🔹Fitbit Versa Women's Jewelry Bracelet Band:
🔹Fitbit Versa Men's Fashion Band:
🔹Fitbit Versa Classic Bands:
🔹Fitbit Versa Magnetic Loop Bands:
🔹Fitbit Versa 2 Tone Breathable Sports Bands:
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0:00 Intro
0:59 Design
2:35 Charging & Wrist band change
4:15 Price
5:56 Specs
8:47 Battery life & Fitness
10:41 Final verdict
#FitbitVersa3 #Versa3VsVersa2 #FitbitVersa3Review Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link prenotazione Amazon FitBit Versa:
Una giornata all'insegna della pioggia. La presentazione del nuovo FitBit versa unita ad un viaggio ai limiti dell'autonomia con la Smart Elettrica.
FACEBOOK OFFERTE Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Meet Versa 3—the smartwatch with everything you need to just go. Leave your phone at home and track your pace & distance with built-in GPS. Stay motivated with Active Zone Minutes, 20+ exercise modes and music experiences. Plus, use Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa Built-in, take Bluetooth calls, get text and calendar alerts, access apps and more—all from your wrist.*
* Available when phone is nearby Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔥El Versa 2 de Fitbit es una de las opciones más interesantes para aquellos que buscan monitorizar su actividfad física con preción. Además ofrece cada vez más funciones pero... ?qué futuro tiene tras haber sido comprado por Google?
▶▶▶ Si te interesa un Fitbit Versa, y quieres apoyarnos, aquí tienes el link:
▶▶▶ SUSCRÍBETE y conoce todas las novedades en tecnología
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Fitbit Versa 3:
I have been using the Fitbit Versa 3 for a little over one month now and I wanted to do a review of the features I love and some of the frustrations I have with the Versa 3.
The Versa 3 adds a few new features this year like a built-in GPS, Google Assistant, SpO2 sensor, always-on display, and more. However, the lack of a physical button and a sluggish UI leaves a bit to be desired.
Still, I really like the Fitbit Versa 3 after using it for the past month. I think it is a great combination of an activity tracker and a basic smartwatch.
0:00 Intro
0:33 Design
2:26 Changing Bands
2:36 Speaker/Mic
2:59 Phone Calls/Texts
3:35 GPS
4:12 Voice Assistant
4:36 Always-on Display
5:12 Notifications
5:44 SpO2 Sensor
6:35 Heart Rate Tracking
6:59 Sleep Tracking
7:25 Activity Tracking
7:56 Fitbit App
8:56 Water Resistance
9:11 Battery Life
9:54 Pros
10:45 Cons
11:24 Recommendation
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Fitbit Versa 2 VS Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2: il miglior smartwatch per Android?
Sono tra gli smartwatch più completi ad oggi sul mercato: sto parlando di Fitbit Versa 2 e Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2. Ottima scelta per chi ha Android e è il migliore?
Se volete comprarli ricordate di andare sulla mia vetrina virtuale:
Guarda: "Mi Watch VS Apple Watch 5: gemelli diversi"
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Fitbit Versa 3 Watch Review | WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!
Hope you enjoyed learning more about the Fitbit Versa 3 watch and all it's new features. Check out links below for more info and leave a comment with your fav feature of the Versa 3.
Fibit Versa 2 -
Fitbit Versa 3 -
Fitbit Sense -
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To: Hayleigh Chamberlain / Hayls World
Company: Postnet Northmead, Postnet Suit 231, Private bag X1
Address: Shop 31, Northmead Mall, 1st St, Northmead, Benoni, 1501
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Silver Phone Stand -
Colorful hexagonal light -
Favourite Cases - Spigen -
Where I get all my EPIC music (Epidemic Sound) -
To keep my camera on constantly (Power Adapter Supply) -
For silky smooth shots (Neewer Slider) -
For those crispy clean vocals (Purple Panda Lav Mic) - AMAZON
My Amazon shop -
No, this video was not sponsored, but may contain products I was sent by brands or PR companies.
#Versa3 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fitbit Versa Review: The Apple Watch Has A New Nemesis
The Fitbit Versa is a product you really need to use to understand. Seeing it on the screen or in a pamphlet, it’s natural to draw comparisons to the Apple Watch, or even to the old Pebble Time. Not being a fan of square watches or big bezels, I didn’t find a lot to like in the Versa when I followed its unveiling from afar. But when I took deliver on my review device and slapped it on, its featherweight build made me forget all about the casing design ... and its excellent endurance allowed me to leave it on my wrist long enough to explore aspects of my health impossible to track with my usual WearOS watches. It's been less than eight months since the disappointment of the Fitbit Ionic release, but the Fitbit Versa is already doing a great job of reversing that damage – and I'm going to miss it when I have to move on. Join me for the MrMobile Fitbit Versa review!
This video is brought to you by Thrifter, a new way to save money by shopping based on value (and not hype). Visit Thrifter for great deals on everything from gadgets to home goods, at .
MrMobile's Fitbit Versa review was produced following two weeks with a Fitbit Versa review device provided by Fitbit. The device as reviewed is the standard model, shown with both Horween leather and metal link watchbands. It was paired with a Galaxy Note 8 for the duration of the test period and received no software updates.
Fitbit Versa Review [iMore]:
Fitbit Versa Special Edition [Amazon]:
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“Chill Waves” by Roommate, available at Premium Beat:
“Boosted” by Cymatix, available at Premium Beat:
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Meet Versa 3 — the smartwatch with everything you need to just go. Leave your phone at home and track your pace & distance with built-in GPS. Stay motivated with Active Zone Minutes, 20+ exercise modes and music experiences. Plus, use Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa Built-in, take Bluetooth calls, get text and calendar alerts, access apps and more — all from your wrist.* Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✨Hey Glitters! Here is another video in my FITBIT SERIES on UNBOXING & 2 MONTH REVIEW OF THE FITBIT VERSA 2 PETAL! enjoy! 👸🏼💜🌸✨
👛 I hope you like it! 😋🌸
💜 Leave me a COMMENT BELOW if you'd like to see more videos like this! 🎀☁️
Zoey x Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing Fitbit Versa 2 special edition, going through setup, and general thoughts. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
📌Best Fitbit Versa 2 Bands & More:
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In this video we walk you through how to use the Fitbit Versa 2. Some specific areas we cover are how to navigate the screens and menus and more. Plus how to pair and setup Alexa on the Fitbit Versa 2.
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Fitbit Versa 2 In-Depth Review - So This Is Why Google Bought Fitbit!
Links to buy Google's Fitbit Versa:
I may earn commissions for purchases made through the links in this video's description at no extra cost to you:
Fitbit Versa 2
Fitbit Charge 3
My top fitness trackers / smartwatches I highly recommend 🛒
🇺🇸 US Links:
Vivoactive 4
Forerunner 245
TicWatch Pro 3
🇨🇦 CA link
Vivoactive 4
Forerunner 245
TicWatch Pro 3
🇬🇧 UK link
Vivoactive 4
Forerunner 245
TicWatch Pro 3
0:04 ASMR Unboxing
0:29 Comfort, design and feel
2:05 Alexa, the best feature on this watch!
3:51 Voice replies, contextual text responses, yay!
7:32 Gorgeous retina always on display
8:38 UI navigation, gestures, quick settings
11:20 Fitbit Pay, no more wallets in yo' pocket.
11:48 Smart notifications
13:09 Music and lack of music remote controls :(
15:22 Clock faces/ watch faces, not as good as WearOS
16:55 General fitness tracking, NO rep counter still!
19:20 Sleep tracking, relative spo2 blood oxygen results, smart alarm
22:39 Battery life & Conclusion
My video on Fitbit SpO2 performance:
Considering something smaller? Check out my review of the Fitbit Charge 3
My favorite fitness trackers of 2020 thus far:
Garmin Vivosmart 4
Garmin Vivoactive 4
#fitbit #versa2 #fitbitversa2 - As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I may earn commissions for purchases made through the links in this video's description at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fitbit Versa 3 Smartwatch & Activity Tracker with Additional Band on QVC
Mach mehr mit der Versa 3 – der Smartwatch mit allen Features für dein Training und deinen Alltag. Lass das Smartphone zu Hause und tracke Tempo & Strecke mit integriertem GPS. Bleib motiviert mit Aktivzonenminuten, mehr als 20 Trainingsmodi und Musikfunktion. Nutze Apps, Google Assistant oder Amazon Alexa, nimm Anrufe über Bluetooth an und check deine Nachrichten und Termine – alles bequem am Handgelenk.*
*Smartphone muss sich in der Nähe befinden. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the newest smartwatch that Fitbit has right now. It looks similar to the Apple watch when you first see it but it there more to it. Find out here to see if it's one of the best smart watches on the market.
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Fitbit Versa 2 vs Versa 3: How Do They Compare? Today we are going to review two popular smart watches: Fitbit Versa 2 vs Versa 3.
Check out Fitbit Versa 2:
Check out Versa 3:
So the main difference between the two is the display
Fitbit Versa 2 features a AMOLED display with a 300 x 300-pixel resolution. Versa 3 on the other hand has a AMOLED display with a 336 x 336 pixels resolution. The bigger display and more pixels make it easier and clearer to read notifications. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
►Fitbit Versa 3
✓US Prices -
✓UK Prices -
✓CA Prices -
The Fitbit Versa 3 is a great mid-range fitness tracker with added features like onboard GPS, Alexa and Google Assistant support, plus a handful of health tracking features and metrics including SpO2 to help you meet your fitness goals- but with many of these features also being rolled out to the lower-priced Versa 2, is it worth paying more?
In this video, we’re going to be taking a closer look at the Fitbit Versa 3. We’ll be going over key features, who this product is for, how it compares to the competition, and most importantly, is it right for you?
We’ll break down all the aspects of the Fitbit Versa 3, what you can expect to get in return for your money, and help you to decide if the Fitbit Versa 3 is the right option for you.
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This video contains amazon affiliate links, as an amazon affiliate I earn from qualified purchases Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FITBIT VERSA 3 VS FITBIT VERSA 2 : Quelle montre connectée choisir ?⌚⚡⌚ Faut-il passer à la 3 ?
🕐 La Versa 3 sur boulanger :
🕐 La Versa 3 sur Amazon :
🕐 La Versa 2 sur boulanger :
🕐 La Versa 2 sur Amazon :
J'ai reçu les nouvelle montre connectée intelligente pour la santé de Fitbit : La Fitbit Sense et la Fitbit Versa 3.
J'avais testé la Fitbit Versa 2, grande sœur de la Versa 3 et je tenez à vous les comparer.
La Fitbit Versa 3 des smartwatch avec un design minimaliste qui vont nous permettre un suivi de santé expert via des outils pour la santé cardiaque et plus encore. Dans cette vidéo je vous explique quelles sont les différences entre la Versa 3 et la Versa 2
Introduction: 00:00
Prix: 01:43
Design: 02:14
Fiche technique: 06:05
Fonctionnalités : 08:07
Laquelle choisir: 09:27
Mes vidéos Fitbit:
Test Fitbit Sense :
Test Fitbit Versa 3:
Test Fitbit Inspire 2: à venir
Test Fitbit Charge 4 :
Test Fitbit Versa 2:
Test Fitbit Charge 3 :
Prise en main Fitbit Sense:
Prise en main Fitbit Versa 3 :
Prise en main FItbit Inspire 2:
Fitbit Sense VS Fitbit Versa 3 :
Fitbit Sense VS Apple Watch SE:
Fitbit Sense VS Withings Scanwatch:
Fitbit Versa 3 VS Fitbit Versa 2:
Fitbit Versa 2 VS Fitbit Versa Lite VS Versa 1: à venir
Fitbit Charge 4 VS Fitbit Charge 3:
Fitbit Inspire 2 VS Fitbit Inspire HR: à venir
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Evelina jämför två klockor som marknadsförts mot en kvinnlig användare, men som faktiskt fungerar precis lika bra på alla handleder.
Test av Garmin Lily:
Test av Versa 3:
Gigantiskt jämförande test av smartklockor: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fitbit Sense Watch Review | WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!
Thanks so much for watching guys, I really hope you learnt some awesome things about the Fitbit Sense and let me know in the comment what you thought 😁
Fitbit Sense -
• Divoom Pixel Art speakers
Divoom Bluetooth Speaker - Tivoo Max -
Divoom Bluetooth Speaker - Tivoo Light -
Divoom Bluetooth Speaker - Ditoo -
• Silver Phone Stand -
• Silver Phone Stand (ADJUSTABLE) -
• Colorful hexagonal light -
• Favourite Phone Case Brand - Spigen -
To: Hayleigh Chamberlain / Hayls World
Company: Postnet Northmead, Postnet Suit 231, Private bag X1
Address: Shop 31, Northmead Mall, 1st St, Northmead, Benoni, 1501
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Where I get all my EPIC music (Epidemic Sound) -
📷 GEAR 📷
To keep my camera on constantly (Power Adapter Supply) -
For silky smooth shots (Neewer Slider) -
For those crispy clean vocals (Purple Panda Lav Mic) - AMAZON
My Amazon shop -
No, this video was not sponsored, but may contain products I was sent by brands or PR companies.
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Fitbit Versa 3 Smartwatch im Test - Optimiere dir dein Alltag ganz einfach! - (review) - Testventure
Seid gegrüßt Abenteurer,
in unserem Test geht es um die Fitbit Versa 3 Smartwatch. Coole Features und eine abgerundete Optik. Was die Versa 3 taugt seht ihr im Video...
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Fitbit Versa 3 Armbänder:
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00:00 Intro Begrüßung
00:21 Testventure Logo
00:27 Infos zu Testventure
00:53 Verpackung
01:10 Lieferumfang
01:21 Was mir persönlich wichtig ist
01:34 Design
02:20 Silikonarmband
03:00 Versa 3 Ladekabel
03:17 Fitbit App verschiedene Features
04:42 Benachrichtigungen und Anrufe
05:12 Übersicht Funktionen
05:25 Allgemeine Informationen zur Versa 3
05:58 Fazit
06:55 Bewertung
07:02 Outro
Getestet haben wir die Smartwatch um die 2 Wochen. In der Zeit war sie unser täglicher Begleiter. Ob normaler Alltag oder entspannte Jogging Runden. Wir haben die Features der Fitbit Versa 3 getestet und hatten sehr viel Spaß mit der Smartwatch. Zu den gängigen Features bietet die Uhr einige Analyse Tools für das perfekte Schlafen, Kalorienzählen und als Fitnessarmband kann die Versa 3 auch genutzt werden. Somit stellt sich für uns die Versa 3 als eine gute Allrounder Smartwatch dar. Schaut am besten ins Video rein oder informiert euch auf unserer Homepage.
Wir freuen uns auf dein Feedback in den Kommentaren.
Viel Spaß!
Deine Testventure Crew
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Fitbit Sense vs Fitbit Versa 3 - Popular Smart Watch Comparison
- Please Subscribe
The price difference between Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Versa 3 is about $70. Let's compare this two smartwatches and find out which is better.
00:00:00 - Price and Design
00:01:34 - Sensors
00:02:31 - Activity
00:04:05 - Connectivity
00:05:01 - Battery
00:05:35 - Features
00:06:47 - Overall Rating Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Instructions to install tempered glass screen protector for Fitbit Versa screen protector
Buy KIMILAR screen protector at wholesale rate from
KIMILAR [3-Pack] Screen Protector Compatible with Versa/Versa Lite Edition Smartwatch, Waterproof Tempered Glass Screen Protector [9H Hardness] [Crystal Clear] [Scratch Resist] [No-Bubble]
This Kimilar 3-Packs Tempered Glass Screen Protector for Versa/ Versa Lite Edition gives your smartwatch maximum protection from drops, scratches, bangs and scrapes with industry-leading glass strength of 9H hardness. Material flexibility allows total coverage even on curved devices.
Innovative Kimilar adhesive coupled with our unique wet-install method ensures a super easy, bubble-free, and frustration free installation that will leave our screen protector perfectly contoured to your Versa/ Versa Lite Edition Smart Watch
Once this optically transparent tempered glass screen protector applies to your device, it will be the True Touch feel, and the line seamlessly merges smart watch protection and user interactivity into a single enjoyable experience. Optically transparent, virtually invisible and HD clear tempered glass screen protector. A great alternative to a typical static cling screen protector.
One or Two screen protector is NOT long enough to protect your Versa Smart Watch/ Versa Lite Edition smartwatch, but our 100% Risk-Free Quality Warranty CAN do it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Another "tech thoughts" video, this week I compare my Versa 3 to my old Charge 3 and let you know my thoughts on the design and functionality of them both. They don't sell the Charge 3 anymore so I have linked the Charge 4 below if you wanted to check it out.
Versa 3
Charge 4
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Getaway - Michael Oliver
Ultra Light - The Cliff Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Enjoy a quick unboxing of the new fitbit versa 3 by fitbit. If you guys are interested in another video where I share my experience with the smartwatch after a while, leave a comment below! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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