WITHINGS Steel HR - сучасний фітнес-трекер фізичної активності, стилізований під елегантні смарт-годинник. Класичний дизайн і естетика зовнішнього вигляду Nokia Steel HR роблять його доречним як для спортзалу, так і для офісу.
Одним з найбільш вагомих переваг трекера є опція моніторингу серцевої діяльності, яку Nokia Steel HR отримав одним з перших.
Нові кроки під брендом Nokia
Компанія Nokia є одним з найбільших в світі виробників телекомунікаційного обладнання та електроніки, який обслуговує клієнтів більш ніж в 130 країнах світу.
В останні роки крім найбільш пріоритетний напрям - виробництва мобільних телефонів, компанія освоює розробку інших перспективних секторів. Nokia зміцнює свої позиції на ринку і робить нові кроки - зокрема, створюючи продукти в сфері споживчої електроніки.
Купівля бренду Withings в 2016-му році дозволила Nokia зайняти міцну нішу серед виробників кращих і найбільш високоякісних електроприладів для фітнесу і здоров'я.
Зручний особистий тренер
Рух це життя. Але чи достатньо в нашому житті руху? Nokia Steel HR допоможе відповісти на це питання. Поки ви носите розумні годинник на вашому зап'ясті, вони перетворюються в зручного особистого тренера 24/7. Nokia Steel HR відстежують і ретельно стежать за тим, що ви робите протягом дня і фіксують цикли. Розширена сумісність Смарт-годинник сумісні з мобільними пристроями iPhone, iPad, або iPod touch, а також смартфонами і планшетами на iOS і Android. Розумні годинник стане відмінним аксесуаром і корисним помічником для тих, хто планує вести організований і здоровий спосіб життя.
Детальні характеристики:
Steel HR Watch 36mm White/Silver with Black Silico
Компания Withings, после метаний к Nokia и обратно, выпустила прекрасное обновление своей линейки умных гибридных часов. Рассмотрм со всех сторон Withings Steel HR Sport и сделаем выводы.
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Unboxing and guided tour of the new Steel HR Sport smartwatch from Withings - a fresh 2018 upgraded version of the original Steel HR, which was rebranded by Nokia last year.
The Withings Steel HR Sport offers a handful of fitness-related updates over the original watch, including connected GPS support and tracking for even more activities. This 40mm stainless steel wearable boasts plenty of style with its analogue face, plus full stats tracking and notifications support with a second digital readout - making the Steel HR Sport one of the best fitness smartwatches of 2018 so far.
As well as unboxing the tracker, we also setup the Sport model using the Health Mate app (available for iOS and Android) and explore the specs and features. Check out our full comparison between the Steel HR Sport and Withings' original Steel HR watch, to see what makes this refreshed version so great.
You can pick up the Sport from September 18 here in the UK, for an asking price of £190. Check back soon for an in-depth review! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Withings Steel HR Hybrid Smartwatch - withings steel hr hybrid smartwatch unboxing!
Customer Reviews:
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nokia withings steel hr hybrid smartwatch 40mm . we compare the new withings steel hr sport smartwatch launched september 2018 with the original steel hr (rebranded the nokia steel hr just last year).
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after 3 weeks of testing the withings steel hr sport smartwatch here's my final review. withings steel hr hybrid smartwatch.
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steel hr hybrid smartwatch is a fully-featured activity tracker with heart rate monitoring.
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i ended up choosing the withings steel hr sport hybrid smartwatch instead of the apple watch or fitbit since it looks like a normal chronograph but it also includes a heart rate monitor sleep tracker step counter and more.
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L'histoire de Withings est très compliqué. Après un rachat par Nokia en 2016, la marque est revenu à son propriétaire en 2018.
Pour ce retour à la maison, la marque sort la Steel HR Sport. Une smartwatch sport mais que j'ai eu envie de vous tester d'un point de vu geek.
Alors, pour 199€, vaut-elle le coup ?
Voici mon avis.
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Это Withings ScanWatch, умные часы в гибридном стиле с огромным временем автономной работы.
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This is the Withings ScanWatch a hybrid style smartwatch with tremendous battery life. Thanks to Withings for sponsoring this video. 38mm ScanWatch is $ | 42mm ScanWatch is $
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Withings Steel HR Sport | Sexiest smartwatch of 2018
After 3 weeks of testing the Withings Steel HR Sport smartwatch, here's my final review. If you're short on time, let me sum it up: the Sport model isn't a huge evolution on the original Steel HR, but this is still one of my favourite fitness trackers - not to mention the most stylish smartwatch I've slapped on my wrist in quite some time.
Check out my full unboxing to see the Health Mate app's various features and I've also compared the Steel HR Sport with the original watch (which was rebranded as the Nokia Steel HR last year). This updated 2018 model boasts connected GPS and impressive activity tracking, plus full water resistance for swim stroke measurement.
So is the Withings Steel HR Sport one of the best smartwatches of the year? It's certainly stylish and packs plenty of smarts on top. Let us know what you think in the comments and subscribe for more reviews of wearable tech, mobiles and more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Maybe This WASN'T The Best Choice - My First Smartwatch
Finding the best smartwatch and fitness tracker in 2019 isn't easy. Some like the Apple Watch are expensive while others have a lot of problems. I ended up choosing the Withings Steel HR Sport hybrid smartwatch instead of the Apple Watch or Fitbit since it looks like a normal chronograph but it also includes a heart rate monitor, sleep tracker, step counter and more. The experience didn't all go according to plan since there were some problems.
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Smartwatches are great wearables to help keep up with your personal wellness. Ant Pruitt got his hands on the Withings Steel HR Sport smartwatch. He shares his experience and findings with the device that competes with the Apple Watch on this episode of Hands-On Wellness.
Host: Ant Pruitt
Hands-On Wellness episode 15
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Withings Steel HR Sport Review : Best Smartwatch in 2019?
The Withings Steel HR Sport is one of the MANY devices in the Withings Smart Health Lineup. We focus on the Steel HR Sport in this review and tell you why it's one of our favorite health connected devices so far! Keep watching for our Withings Steel HR GIVEAWAY!! Read below for Giveaway Details!
This video was not sponsored, but Withings sent us their products for us to review and give our honest opinion on the devices.
#Withings #SteelHR
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Winner will be announced on Twitter and Instagram on September 1st, 2019. We will contact the winner for shipping details and they must respond within 48 Hours. If no response, a new winner will be selected.
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Withings Steel HR Sport vs Steel HR | Full Comparison
We compare the new Withings Steel HR Sport smartwatch, launched September 2018, with the original Steel HR (rebranded the Nokia Steel HR just last year). What's the difference between the new Sport fitness tracker and the first Steel watch, which you can still grab for £170 UK?
The Steel HR Sport costs £190, just a little more, yet offers some cool new features. You get connected GPS support, tracking of even more activities and VO2 fitness measurement. Both Withings watches boast sleek stainless steel design, a digital display and full notifications support. Plus the Steel HR Sport and the original Nokia Steel HR use the same Health app.
Which is the best fitness smartwatch, the new Withings Sport model or the standard Steel HR? Well, the 2018 tracker is only a little more expensive, yet boasts more features. So it's an easy one for us.
Let us know what you think in the comments below and check out my Steel HR Sport unboxing for all you need to know! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Withings Steel HR Sport Review | 25 Day Battery Life?!
In this Withings Steel HR Sport review, we take a look at an awesome solution to those wanting smartwatch functions with an up to 25 day battery life!
Check it out and learn more on Amazon here:
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Withings Steel HR Sport hybrid Smartwatch #withings #sport #smartwatch
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The sportiest Withings wearable yet
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00:24 - Чому не будь-які браслети та годинники можна називати смарт-годинниками?
00:40 - Фітнес-браслети — дешеві та прості
03:13 - Фітнес-годинники — ще не «смарт-годинники»
04:48 - Смарт-годинники — нарешті
07:42 - Гібриди -— коли потрібен звичайний годинник, але трохи «смарт»
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Як вибрати смарт-годинник | У чому різниця між спортивним та розумним браслетом
Withings Steel HR Sport:
Die Verlosung ist beendet. Gewonnen haben:
1. Der Nekr0mant
2. Holgi
Zu gewinnen gibt es zwei Withings Steel HR Sport. Die Verlosung läuft bis Freitag, 16. November 2018
Um daran teilzunehmen, müsst ihr einfach nur einen Kommentar unter diesem Video hinterlassen, in dem ihr schreibt, was euer Lieblingsfeature der Steel HR Sport ist.
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Die Gewinner werden vollkommen zufällig 2-3 Tage nachdem die Verlosung zu Ende ist gezogen.
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Luxury craftsmanship meets smart health tracking in a high-quality hybrid smartwatch crafted with 316L stainless steel. Paired with a silicone band, Steel HR moves with you—office, gym, pool—and everywhere in between. Featuring a rechargeable battery that lasts up to 25 days, Steel HR enables you to set goals, visualize progress, and get personalized insights through our free Health Mate app.
Steel HR: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
As far as hybrid smartwatches go, not a whole lot has traditionally been expected out of them. Smartphone notifications are a given, and unlike other hybrids we've seen, the Nokia Steel HR has these covered – at least...
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Withings Steel HR Sport
Withings Steel HR Sport - Multisport hybrid Smartwatch, connected GPS, heart rate, fitness level via VO2 max, activity and sleep tracking, notifications
Learn more about this item
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#shorts #amazon #watch #Smartwatches | Withings Steel HR Sport
Steel HR hybrid smartwatch is a fully-featured activity tracker with heart rate monitoring. Features a long-lasting battery life of up to 25 days, all housed in a classic watch style perfect for transitioning from the gym to the office to a night out. Plus stay connected with smartphone notifications that appear right on the watch screen. Get to know more with this short video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Steel HR
Hybrid Smartwatch
Better battery. Better style. Better health.
Heart rate monitoring
Battery lasts up to 25 days
Water resistance up to 50m
Smartphone notifications
Easy to customize bands
Much more than meets the eye
Steel HR is a high-quality hybrid smartwatch crafted with 316L stainless steel that moves with you—office, gym, pool, and everywhere in between. It features HR monitoring 24/7, multisport tracking, connected GPS and sleep tracking. Steel HR will go the distance with a long-life rechargeable battery that lasts up to 25 days and water resistance up to 50 meters.
24/7 Heart rate monitoring
Knowing your heart rate is good, but using it to improve your health is even better. Your HR can show you what you need to do to achieve your goals. With its 25 days of battery life, Steel HR takes readings around the clock to give a holistic view of your heart.
Activity tracking
Fact: People who regularly walk 10,000 steps a day are 2.1 times more likely to hit their target weight, strengthen their heart, and get a better night’s sleep.
Steel HR is a comprehensive activity tracker that automatically recognizes and records walk, run, swim, and sleep. Additionally, you can easily activate workout mode right on your wrist by choosing from over 30 sports—from soccer to Pilates to ping pong.
Sleep tracking
Fact: People who experience quality sleep are better able to manage their weight, be more active and have lower blood pressure than those who don’t.
And because better sleep is more than just how long you sleep, every day, wake to your Sleep Score in the Health Mate app, where you can also view your light & deep sleep stages, overnight heart rate, interruptions and more. Plus, wake with a gentle vibration at the optimal point in your sleep cycle. Even better? Steel HR also supports multiple alarms, to help keep you on time.
Multisport Tracking
Steel HR enhances workouts and training sessions, providing useful information at any time. Afterwards, you can follow your progress over time, and view your accomplishments on a map, thanks to the recap shown in the Health Mate app.
Instant feedback
With a simple long-press on the button, you can start to log a sport session. Steel HR will time and record continuous heart rate, calories burned, as well as distance, location and elevation with connected GPS. All of this info will be on your wrist in real time.
Learn, improve & brag
Health Mate shows a complete recap of your session, with location and time data, and a detailed breakdown of time spent in heart rate zones (light, moderate, intense & peak). You’ll also get a map of your path that you can add a photo to, or just share with all associated data.
Note: to use Connected GPS, your smartphone must be connected in Bluetooth with location settings enabled.
Steel HR is designed to work for you as a daily companion. With its impressive water resistance to 50m, a long-life rechargeable battery that lasts 25 days (plus another month in energy-saving mode), and fully customizable notifications, it’s as office friendly as it is sport ready.
Water-friendly & pool ready
The watch is water resistant up to 50m (5ATM), so you can shower, do dishes, and enjoy automatic swim tracking.
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Buy it on Amazon - (affiliate link) - Nokia Health's Steel HR watch is an activity tracking watch with analog dials. It measures heart rate, steps, and sleep quality. See more watches: and subscribe! - index below:
0:00 - Intro
00:46 - Hardware Overview
00:57 - Size comparison to Apple WAtch
01:06 - Size and color options
01:23 - Needs better watchface contrast
02:00 - Activity tracking dial
02:37 - Pricing
02:44 - Included band and additional band options
03:31 - Build quality and materials
03:51 - Battery life
04:28 - Charging
04:59 - Water resistance
05:21 - OLED Display functions
06:44 - Nokia Health Mate App
06:50 - Connection with Apple Health / Health Kit & Google Fit
09:37 - Workout data comparison with Apple Watch
10:32 - Sleep tracking
13:27 - Settings adjustments
14:48 - Conclusion and final thoughts
This is a nice fitness tracking watch especially for those looking for something a little classier than a screen strapped to a wrist. The app it connects with is intuitive and information rich.
Battery life is excellent and should last for at least two weeks on a charge making it also helpful as a sleep tracker.
Two gripes: the first is the hands do not have enough contrast vs. the watch face. The other issue involves the low quality band mine shipped with, I'd suggest getting another one that's more comfortable.
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Withings Steel HR Hybrid Smartwatch - Activity, Details and link description The Top Best Sports Watches of 2021 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Top Withings Best Steel HR Sport Review Activity, Details #shorts
I've spoken about what I think makes for a great watch, specifically a smart watch, and why Apple Watch didn't meet those expectations. Well, I was wrong. The Apple Watch is far from perfect, but here's what I've learned.
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00:00 Introduction
00:50 Fashion
01:23 Fitness
03:28 Productivity
05:25 Other Considerations
Apple Watch Series 4 ECG:
Withings Steel HR Watch:
#smartwatch #withings #applewatch
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We review the ScanWatch from Withings! We generally like the new(ish) ScanWatch and find its a big improvement over the SteelHR - however there are some small issues that may be deal breakers for some people. So we go over the pros and cons to find out if it's the right watch for you!
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Withings ScanWatch Review - Is it better than the Steel HR?!?!
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The Withings Steel HR is a progression of the Withings Activite and Activite Pop watches, which are analog style watches with fitness tracking sensors baked in under the hood. These newest watches are as stylish as ever, but also include better smart watch features, a mini digital screen, and heart rate tracking.
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Hybrid smartwatches are devices that look like a regular watch that you pick up in a jewelry store, but it also has smart tech features such as step tracking, sleep monitoring and even receiving notifications from your Smartphone. We've tested lots of the hybrid Smartwatches that you can buy, and below we've put together a list of best watches, ranked according to their features, price, design, durability and how well they work with your phone.
Let's dive down into the Top 5 Hybrid Smartwatches to buy in 2021
05-(00:33) Alpina AlpinerX Alive
03-(02:55) Fossil Hybrid HR
02-(04:09) Withings SCANWATCH
01-(05:26) Garmin Vivomove Style
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Best Hybrid Smartwatches 2021| Top 5 Hybrid Watches
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Это видеообзор смарт-часов Y68 с Aliexpress. Они также могут называться D20 Pro и D20. Обзор получился настолько подробным, что он легко может сойти за инструкцию по настройке и управлению часами. Я рассказал обо всех функциях Smart Watch Y68, как использовать приложения, как настроить время, как скачать и подключиться к приложению, протестировал уведомления и многое другое. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор смарт-часов Y68 (D20 Pro) c Алиэкспресс (+Инструкция)
Die hochwertige Hybrid Smartwatch Steel HR aus 316L Edelstahl verbindet edle Handwerkskunst mit intelligentem Gesundheitstracking. In Kombination mit einem Silikonarmband folgt Steel HR den Bewegungen Ihres Lebens — vom Büro bis ins Fitnessstudio oder Schwimmbad, alle weiteren Stationen inklusive. Steel HR verfügt über einen wiederaufladbaren Akku mit bis zu 25 Tagen Laufzeit und ermöglicht Ihnen das nahtlose Setzen von Zielen, die kontinuierliche Überprüfung Ihrer Fortschritte und die Nutzung personalisierter Informationen in unserer kostenfreien Health Mate App.
Steel HR : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A fine watch but super outdated from a company that seems less than interested in releasing their flagship product in the USA.
Basically, if you buy the Steel HR, you'll wish you waited for the ScanWatch.
But if you're stubborn and absolutely have to have it?! Buy it here: (Amazon) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Do you have a Steel HR? Here's how to set up your new hybrid smartwatch to start tracking your activity, heart rate and much more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Aloha everyone,
Today, we unbox and setup the Withings Steel HR Sport. Thinking of getting one? Use the link below.
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It’s Steel HR Sport time ⌚️ Watch how our hybrid smartwatch can help you reach your fitness goals or be the ultimate gift of health for someone else.
Learn more
Be empowered to improve your health with concentrated micro technology nested into a real watch featuring exceptional design and unsurpassed battery life. Enjoy heart rate tracking, activity & sport monitoring, plus sleep tracking with this clinically tested hybrid smartwatch. All of these advanced features are housed in a classic timepiece that goes the distance with water resistance up to 50m, a long-life battery of up to 25 days, and a durable 316L stainless steel case. Steel HR enables you to set goals, visualize progress, and get personalized insights via the highly-rated free Health Mate app (iOS & Android). Note: Steel HR Sport differs from Steel HR in that it adds Fitness Level score via VO2 max estimation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Back at CES 2019, Withings updated the Move and gave the tracker the ability to measure one lead electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG), and thus became an occasional heart rate monitoring hybrid watch. Here is the unboxing video of Move ECG. The full review you can check at . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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